Evelin's 2023 picture documentation

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This picture-blog is meant to document Evelin's efforts as 'ambassador' of the global HumanDHS community [read more].
See a brief legal note with regard to the permission to upload pictures with people other than Evelin.

31. desember 2023

Jeg takker Kong Harald for hans kloke nyttårstale 2023.
I thank King Harald for his wise New Year's speech 2023.

Scattered farms in the Norwegian landscape, relative absence of fortresses and city walls as in Central Europe, is a visible manifestation of the background for the unique Norwegian cultural heritage of the ideal of equality in dignity (likeverdsideal) and the spirit of solidarity (dugnadsånd).

Spredte gårder i det norske landskapet, relativt fravær av festninger og bymurer som i Mellom-Europa, er en synlig manifestasjon av bakgrunnen for den unike norske kulturarven om likeverdsidealet og dugnadsånden.
Allerede Henrik Wergeland (1808–1845) påpekte at Norges vanskeligstilte geopolitiske setting kan være en fordel nå. Han skrev i 1843: «Haard er den Himmel, som bedækker Norge, Klimatet er strength; vi ere Beboere af en hyperboræisk Afkrog paa Kloden, og Naturen har bestemt os til at savne saamange af de mildere Landes Fordele. Men Naturen, god midt i sin tilsyneladende Ubarmhjertighed, og retfærdig midt i sin Uretfærdighed, har aabenbar villet levne os Erstatning for hine Savn, og derfor beskikket, at Norges, i nogle Henseender saa ufordeelagtige, Beliggenhed skulde i andre Henseender være saare velgjørende» (side 23).

Mitt budskap: La oss verne om den norske kulturarven! Det er viktig, ikke bare for Norge! Jeg ser på det som en ressurs som er viktigere enn all oljerikdom.
My message: Let's protect the Norwegian cultural heritage! It is important, not just for Norway! I see it as a resource that is more important than all oil wealth.

• Kindly click on the photos above to see more.

25 Decèmbre 2023, Genève

Concert de Noël, Cathédrale Saint-Pierre de Genève (Video)

• Kindly click on the photos above to see more.

23rd – 24th December 2023, Home For Humanity, near Bellegarde-sur-Valserine

What an amazing gift to be invited into the Home For Humanity created by Rama Mani and Alexander Schieffer!
It is a unique home full of art in a profoundly beautiful environment in France, not far from Geneva.

Dearest Rama and Alexander, it was a great honour for me to be invited into your stunning home and life work! Thank you so much!

Thank you, dear Alexander, also for asking me to deliver a short message in front of your Home for Humanity.

Rama and Alexander, you write on homeforhumanity.earth: 'Our Earth home is on fire. Human civilisation needs transformation. Our future depends on our humanity ... and the call of our time is to come home!'

Dearest Rama and Alexander, I wish you all the strength you need for the next stages in your global dignity work!
'A pioneering couple have taken on an extraordinary mission to create an inclusive future through raising awareness of the power of each individual', by Muriel Scibilia, UN Today, 1 Dec 2023.

Last but not least, thank you so much for having introduced me to wonderful Dr. Youssef Mahmoud, and sending me off with a box of his Bsisa, the Mediterranean food that is based on flour of roasted barley and dates back to Roman times!

• Kindly click on the photos above to see more.

22nd December 2023

What a joy to meet with Ignacio Packer on Zoom!
Thank you, dear Ignacio! I so much admire your insightful way of thinking!

Ignacio Packer was appointed as Executive Director of the Initiatives of Change Switzerland Foundation, starting 1st May 2023. Until March 2023, he served as Executive Director of ICVA, the global consortium of humanitarian NGOs. ICVA is a global network of non-governmental organisations whose mission is to make humanitarian action more principled and effective by working collectively and independently to influence policy and practice.

• Kindly click on the photos above to see more.

December 21, 2023

Dearest Janet, thank you so much for bringing us all together in a Zoom meeting for appreciation and sharing to remember our dear friend, mentor, and inspiration, Betty Reardon!
Your dignifying leadership is extraordinary, dearest Janet!

Dr. Janet Gerson, Ed.D. Education Director, International Institute on Peace Education (IIPE),
has published
Reclaimative Post-Conflict Justice: Democratizing Justice in the World Tribunal on Iraq together with Dale T. Snauwaert in 2021. Preface by Betty A. Reardon.

• Kindly click on the photos above to see more.

16th December 2023, London

What a privilege to have time to listen to John Bunzl in person, after having been in email contact since 2008. John is the founder of the International Simultaneous Policy Organisation (ISPO), an organisation which aims at overcoming the collective action problem or social dilemma, 'a situation in which all individuals would be better off cooperating but fail to do so because of conflicting interests between individuals that discourage joint action'.

John initiated the Simpol concept in 1998 and since founded the International Simultaneous Policy Organisation (ISPO) to campaign for the adoption of Simpol around the world. He is author of the book titled 'The Simpol Solution', has given lectures and workshops on Simpol to many conferences, including to the World Trade Organisation, the World Social Forum and the Schumacher Society. Apart from being an activist, he is also a company director of a business specialising in raw materials and speciality papers. He was born in 1957 in London.

'The Simpol Solution' book description: Humanity is failing to tackle urgent global problems like climate change, tax avoidance, mass migration and wealth inequality. Meanwhile, voters are rebelling in the form of Brexit, Trump and the rise of the Far-Right. The SIMPOL SOLUTION reasons that there is just one barrier that prevents all governments from taking action: the fear that it would make their national economies uncompetitive. No nation can move first for fear of losing jobs and investment to others. The SIMPOL SOLUTION identifies this as ‘Destructive Global Competition’, a global vicious circle in which we’re all caught. It’s not that governments don’t want to act, but that they can’t. Blaming governments or corporations, even protesting against social injustices, simply continues a ‘them-and-us' polarised politics that goes nowhere. To find a way out, this book proposes an inner revolution in the way we think about and understand the world, a new more complex level of thinking that the authors call ‘world-centric’. They outline the necessary psychological steps needed to achieve this before introducing the SIMPOL SOLUTION – a simple but effective way for citizens to democratically impel governments to cooperatively solve multiple global problems, so opening the way to a just and sustainable future.

I very much thank John for making me aware of the work of John E. Stewart!
Kindly see, for instance, Stewart (2019). "The Trajectory of Evolution and Its Implications for Humanity." In The Journal of Big History, 3 (3), pp. 141–55. doi: 10.22339/jbh.v3i3.3380.

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger..

December 14, 2023, Le Pain Quotidien near Bryant Park, Manhattan, New York City

What a great gift to meet Dr. Youssef Mahmoud! Thank you, dear Alexander and Rama, for introducing us!
What an important text:
The 2024 Summit of the Future: an opportunity for U.N. regeneration in an era of radical disruptions

Dr. Youssef Mahmoud is Senior Adviser at the International Peace Institute supporting the sustainable development and peace operations programs and serving as a focal point on mediation and prevention policies and practices. He is a former UN Under-Secretary-General and has headed peace operations in Burundi, the Central African Republic and Chad.
Prior to these assignments, he held other senior United Nations positions, notably as UN Resident Coordinator in Guyana, Director in the UN Department of Political Affairs, and Head of the Office of the Undersecretary-Secretary-General for Political Affairs.
In 2015, he served as a member of the UN Secretary-General High-Level Panel on Peace Operations (HIPPO) and simultaneously a member of the High-Level Advisory Group for the Global Study on Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security.
In 2019, he led an independent strategic review of the UN peace operation in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO), pursuant to UN Security Council resolution 2463.
He periodically writes on the theory and practice of the evolving concept of sustaining peace and on political transitions in Africa, with a particular focus on Tunisia.
He is currently a Visiting Professor at the African Leadership Centre, King’s College London, and serves on the Boards of several non-profit organizations in the US and Tunisia.
Dr. Mahmoud has a Ph.D. in Linguistics from Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger..

December 14, 2023, Manhattan, New York City

Lovely Bryant Park!
Here is a little video of the ice skaters!

• Kindly click on the photo above to see more.

December 14, 2023, Metropolitan Museum, Manhattan, New York City

Thank you SO MUCH, dearest Angelica, for taking me to the Metropolitan Museum! What a feast to be with you!
Thank you so much for showing me the fascinating Afrofuturist Period Room!

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.
Thank you, dear Andrew Scheinman, for taking the lovely photo with Angelica and me!

December 11, 2023, Global

Professor Shibley Telhami invited to a Sadat Forum on "The War in Israel and Gaza: Constructive Campus Conversations." The conversation was moderated and included Dean Amaney Jamal of the School of Public and International Affairs and the Edwards S. Sanford Professor of Politics at Princeton University; Dean Keren Yarhi-Milo of the School of International and Public Affairs and the Adlai E. Stevenson Professor of International Relations at Columbia University; and Hina Shamsi, Director of the National Security Project at the American Civil Liberties Union. Dean Jamal and Dean Yarhi-Milo co-authored an article in the New York Times last month on a related subject which you can find here. In addition, I will be releasing new data from our latest round of the Middle East Scholar Barometer which probed the impact of the war in Israel and Gaza on the atmosphere on American campuses, through the eyes of scholars who specialize on the Middle East. You can RSVP here and find the full announcement of the event below.

• Kindly click on the photo above to see more.

December 11, 2023, Brooklyn's Little Pakistan

Shahid Khan came to United States in 2010 and has established a non-profit organization, National Youth Organization of Pakistan Inc., in 2014. [kindly read more]
Thank you so much, dearest Shahid, for receiving dear Fatma and me so lovingly in Brooklyn's Little Pakistan!
Thank you so much for presenting us with such a wonderful Ajrak each!
We have no words to thank your dear wife Mariam for caring for us so wonderfully!
And it was great to meet you, dearest Sumera!

• Kindly click on the photo above or here to see more pictures

December 10, 2023, Hunter College, Manhattan, New York City

"We Dream A World" was the title of a concert by the Peace of Heart Choir of New York City, in Hunter College, Manhattan, on December 10, 2023.
Thank you, dearest Ariel and Francis, for taking Evelin to this lovely concert!

The choir sang one very special song that combines two songs, namely, "Over the Rainbow" and "What a Wonderful World"! (first recorded by Hawaiian singer Israel Kamakawiwoʻole)
I recorded the rendering by the Peace of Heart Choir from my seat at the back of the audience.

I did that because we included both songs also in our 2022 and 2023 workshops:
— Ella Autti has been kind enough to contribute her rendering of "Over the Rainbow" to our workshops!
—It has become a tradition that David Yamada closes our workshops with "What a Wonderful World." Kindly see, among others, our 2019 workshop!

• Kindly click on the photo above to see more.

2023 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict
"The Urgency of Seeding Dignity: Honoring 20 Years of Global Collaboration for Transforming Suffering Through Courageous and Compassionate Action"
representing the
20th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict
and the 39th Annual HumanDHS Conference
hybrid, online and in person, hosted by the Morton Deutsch International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution (MD-ICCCR), Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City
December 8, 2023

Thank you so much, dear Anna Strout for taking many lovely pictures!
• Kindly click here to see Anna Strout's 185 photos of the in-person part of the workshop
• Kindly click here to see Evelin Lindner's 30 photos of the in-person part of the workshop
• Kindly click here to see the 35 screenshots of the online part of the workshop

Linda Hartling & Morton Deutsch & Evelin Lindner

Linda Hartling and Evelin Lindner are the conveners of the annual workshops at Columbia University, together with honorary convener Morton Deutsch. He convened the first workshop in 2003, and he has been its honorary convener until his passing in 2017. We wish to honor his memory by conducting this workshop also in the future.
• The photo with Morton Deutsch was taken in 2014. Please click on the pictures above to see it them larger.

11:00 – 11:15 am
Welcome and Greetings
— Linda Hartling, Director of the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS) network
— Evelin Lindner, Founding President of HumanDHS

Building a Mutual-Learning Community: The Appreciative Enquiry Approach by Linda Hartling (2023 Video | see also the 2022 Video)

This is Linda Hartling's workshop "cockpit"
Without Linda, this workshop would not be there!

• Kindly click here to see Anna Strout's 185 photos of the in-person part of the workshop
• Kindly click here to see Evelin Lindner's 30 photos of the in-person part of the workshop
• Kindly click here to see the 35 screenshots of the online part of the workshop

This amazing Dignity Anthem was kindly created by Michael Boyer in November 2022
Please see:
• the anthem as part of the Introduction to the 2022 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict at Columbia University in New York
• the anthem alone with big subtitles
• the anthem alone with with small subtitles
• the anthem alone without subtitles
• the text of the anthem

Michael Boyer is a creative artist who has been a supporter of the dignity work since its inception. He is a member of the Dignity Now group in the city of Hamelin in Germany. Michael has also developed the Digniworld initiative (in 2019), namely, Digniworld Wordpress, Digniworld Facebook, Digniworld Twitter, Digniworld Instagram, and World Dignity Movement (on YouTube). See more on:
- https://humiliationstudies.org/whoweare/whoweare.php#socialmedia
- tinyurl.com/dignism

The Joy of Meeting in Person for the First Time Since 2019!

Special gratitude goes to Anna Strout and Fatma Tufan from HumanDHS, and to Ann Charlott Macek from MC-ICCCR!

Kindly click here to see Anna Strout's 185 photos of the in-person part of the workshop

11:15 am – 12:00 pm
Carriers of Hope
Don Klein Memorial Lecture by Michael Britton, HumanDHS Board Member
(Video | Video pre-recorded on December 6, 2023 | Thank-you Video)

• Kindly click here to see Anna Strout's 185 photos of the in-person part of the workshop
• Kindly click here to see Evelin Lindner's 30 photos of the in-person part of the workshop
• Kindly click here to see the 35 screenshots of the online part of the workshop

Meet and Greet — Reflection and Connection Groups — Introduced by Janet Gerson, HumanDHS Board Director (Video)

12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
Effecting Change:
Maintaining, While Venturing Beyond, Our Safe Circles

A Workshop within a Workshop facilitated by David Yamada, Director of the WDUi
(Video 1 online | Video 2 room | Video 3 online | Video 4 postscript | Pdf)
Thank you, dear David! (Video)

• Kindly click here to see Anna Strout's 185 photos of the in-person part of the workshop
• Kindly click here to see Evelin Lindner's 30 photos of the in-person part of the workshop
• Kindly click here to see the 35 screenshots of the online part of the workshop

The outcome goal of the workshop was to encourage future planning and action.

2023 HumanDHS Lifetime Commitment Award
Francisco Gomes de Matos is the recipient of 2023 HumanDHS Lifetime Commitment Award at age 90!
Please enjoy our award ceremony honoring Francisco Gomes de Matos from the workshop (Video)
He kindly pre-recorded his acceptance speech on November 26, 2023 (Video )

1:45 – 3:15 pm
Seeding Dignity Through Collaborative Action
Janet Gerson and Elaine Meis

• Kindly see Janet Gerson explaining the netaphor of the lotus flower (Video)
• Kindly click here to see Anna Strout's 185 photos of the in-person part of the workshop
• Kindly click here to see Evelin Lindner's 30 photos of the in-person part of the workshop
• Kindly click here to see the 35 screenshots of the online part of the workshop

In-Person Small Group Dignilogues
"Humiliation Trauma"
with Sharon Steinborn and Peter Pollard

"Movement for Building Movements: Engagement and Collaboration, Including the Arts"
with Martha Eddy
Together we investigated increasing our capacity for collaboration with our minds and bodies by using experiential activities including the arts.

• Kindly click here to see Evelin Lindner's 30 photos of the in-person part of the workshop
• Kindly click here to see Anna Strout's 185 photos of the in-person part of the workshop

Online Small Group Dignilogues
"Reimagining Education"
with Phil Brown and Stephanie Knox Steiner
A participatory discussion of why we need a fundamental shift in educational purpose and structures. We explored some current examples of how to reimagine education practice from Pre-K to higher education and beyond.

• Kindly see Stephanie Knox Steiner and Phil Brown reporting on their Dignilogue (Video)

"Giving and Receiving Simple Acts of Kindness as Seeds of Dignity”
with Beth Boyton
What are some examples of simple acts of kindness? What's an experience that you can think of where you offered or received one? What ideas do you have for increasing or celebrating them?
• Kindly see Beth Boynton reporting on her Dignilogue (Video)
• Kindly click here to see the 35 screenshots of the online part of the workshop

3:15 – 3:45 pm
Coming Together During Difficult Times

Evelin Lindner, Founding President of HumanDHS and Global Ambassador of the World Dignity University initiative (WDUi)
Linda Hartling, Director of HumanDHS

The Urgency of Seeding Dignity: Coming Together During Difficult Times
Reflections shared by Evelin Lindner, recorded on Zoom on November 26, 2023, in New York City (Video | PowerPoint).
Thank you, dear Kathy Goodman, for your comment, "Never again" is not enough! "Resist the beginnings" is crucial! "Never again" is about remembering, "resist the beginnings" is about preventing "once again"!
See also the synopsis of Evelin's book From Humiliation to Dignity: For a Future of Global Solidarity finalized early 2022

3:45 – 4:00 pm
Carrying the Message Forward — Concluding Appreciations and Inspirations
— Evelin Lindner, Linda Hartling, David Yamada, and Michael Britton

• Kindly click here to see Anna Strout's 185 photos of the in-person part of the workshop
• Kindly click here to see Evelin Lindner's 30 photos of the in-person part of the workshop
• Kindly click here to see the 35 screenshots of the online part of the workshop

• Group Photo (Video)
• Thank You to Shahid Khan! (Video)
• Peter Barus: Not Digital, but Dignital Age! (Video)
• Thank You to Michael Britton! (Video)
• Thank You to David Yamada! (Video)
• Thank You to Sharon, Martha, Beth, Stephanie, Phil, and More! (Video)
• Gratitude to All Dignigardeners! (Video)
• Lucien Lombardo Shared His Experiences (Video)
• Karin Dremel Share Her Thoughts (Video)
• Isabel Barroso Shared Her Thoughts (Video)
• Great Gratitude to All Participants (Video)

Evelin Lindner, together with all other participants, always expresses deep gratitude and admiration for the extraordinary dignifying leadership of Linda Hartling, who makes this workshop series possible (2021 Video)
Linda nurtured also this workshop into being!
We have no words to thank you, dearest Linda!

Musical ending

Thank you so much, dear David Yamada, for singing A Wonderful World as a tradition at the end of every annual workshop (Text | 2023 Video | 2021 Video)

December 8, 2023, 4 pm
End of the 20th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict at Teachers College, Columbia University, Gottesman Libraries, room 306, and online

December 7, 2023, online dress researsal!
Thank you so much, dearest Linda, for your wonderful nurturing work! Workshops like this do not "fall from the sky"! YOU have nurtured this workshop series into life over the years in such dignifying ways, nobody else could do this. I would like to express my deep gratitude to you, dearest Linda!
• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

December 6, 2023, Run-up in room 306 with Stanley Yu
Thank you so much, dearest Kofi and Stanley, for your invaluable support! Due to your excellent support, we were able to have a great hybrid workshop!
• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

November 24, 2023, online get-together from Portland, Oregon, Rovaniemi in Finland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York City
• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.
November 17, 2023, online get-together from Portland, Oregon, Rovaniemi in Finland, Holmestrand in Norway, Washington, DC, and Brooklyn, New York City

We are preparing for our 20th Worksop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, titled "The Urgency of Seeding Dignity: Honoring 20 Years of Global Collaboration for Transforming Suffering Through Courageous and Compassionate Action," hybrid, online and in person in New York City, hosted by The Morton Deutsch International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution (MD-ICCCR) Columbia University, Teachers College (TC), New York City, in cooperation with the World Dignity University initiative, December 8, 2023. It is the 39th Annual Conference of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies.

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

December 4, 2023, Live on Zoom

The Regional Dimensions of the Israeli-Palestinian Crisis: Risks and Responses
The Israeli war in Gaza, following the terror attacks executed by Hamas on October 7, 2023, has raised serious concerns over regional spread of the conflict. In a region that is host to a disproportionate share of the world’s armed conflict, there are a multitude of hot spots and lines of confrontation, all with some connection to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. This webinar will take stock of the regional dimensions of the situation in Israel and Gaza and answer questions, such as: What are the main conflict lines, military activities, and escalation risks at the regional level? What have various states and multilateral actors – in the region and beyond – done to prevent regional escalation? What strategies are missing in this regard? Is time ripe for a regional platform in which states of the region come together, both to prevent escalation and to inform and support political solutions? This is the second installment in a series of webinars addressing various aspects of the Israel/Palestine war, co-sponsored by the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies and Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO).
Panelists include:
Kristian Berg Harpviken, Research Professor, PRIO
Banafsheh Keynoush, international geopolitical consultant, independent scholar of international relations and Middle East studies, and author
Asher Kaufman, John. M. Regan Jr. Director, Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies (we want to avoid continue "mutually assured suffering"...)
Ibrahim Fraihat, Associate Professor, Conflict Management and Humanitarian Action, Doha Institute for Graduate Studies
Concluding remarks by Laurence Nathan, Professor of the Practice of Mediation, Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies
(Since the Carnegie Commission's landmark report on the prevention of deadly conflict in 1997, it has been common in the United Nations to separate prevention into two components: operational prevention, aimed at preventing violence that is imminently apprehended, and structural prevention, aimed at reducing or mitigating the underlying risks of violent conflict. )

• Kindly click on the photo above to see more.

Image created by AI, March 17, 2024 at 6:30 PM

November 30, 2023, Metropolitan Opera, Lincoln Center, Manhattan, New York City
Kindly see also October 31, 2015

Tannhäuser, Season 2023 Premiere
We read on the Met's website: Richard Wagner (1813–1883) was the controversial creator of music-drama masterpieces that stand at the center of today’s operatic repertory. An artistic revolutionary who reimagined every supposition about theater, Wagner insisted that words and music were equals in his works. This approach led to the idea of the Gesamtkunstwerk, or 'total work of art,' combining music, poetry, architecture, painting, and other disciplines, a notion that has had an impact on creative fields far beyond opera."

There were two protests, one in front of the opera building prior to the opera's beginning, and the other during the opera.

1. protest prior to the opera by people saying "fund welfare not warfare":

2. protest during to the opera by climate protesters (at the beginning of the second act twice):
Kindly see a Video compiled from 6 parts (Part 1: Evelin's recording at the beginning of the opera, Part 2. recording published on OperaWire, 3. - 6: Evelin's recordings during the protests)
When Christian Gerhaher was singing as Wolfram at the beginning of Act II (it was Gerhaher's Met debut), a shout came from the highest box seats of the Metropolitan Opera, just across from the side where I was sitting, “Wolfram, wake up!"

Metropolitan Opera Performance of ‘Tannhäuser’ Interrupted by Climate Protesters
by Francisco Salazar, OperaWire, November 30, 2023
"The Metropolitan Opera’s opening night performance of “Tannhäuser” on Nov. 30 was interrupted by climate protesters. During the middle of Wolfram’s Act two aria, climate protesters shouted “No Opera on a dead planet” and held two banners on both sides of the theater with the same phrase. Chaos ensued and the curtain was brought down stopping the show. Following the incident General Manager Peter Gelb walked on stage to reassure audiences that the show would go on. However, as the show was set to begin, the protests restarted. The performance eventually went on with the lights on halfway on...."
Climate Protesters Twice Interrupt Wagner’s 'Tannhäuser’ at Metropolitan Opera
by The Associated Press, December 1, 2023
Review: Climate Protests Upstage a Debut at the Met Opera
A revival of Wagner’s “Tannhäuser” was notable for the arrival of Christian Gerhaher. But with an abrupt protest, the performance took a turn.
by Joshua Barone, The New York Times, December 1, 2023

Thank you, my dear new friend Cristina, for making me aware of this article:
An Oil Tycoon Heiress Has Donated $1 Million To Climate Activists Behind Van Gogh Tomato Soup Protest
and for sharing your photos:

• Kindly click on the photos above to see more.
• Read more on the opera Tannhäuser in the synopsis and the program.

Louise Sundararajan in Xian in November 2023
Her book on Chinese emotions in Chinese translation is in its 6th edition. She is holding the book at the book display arranged by the publisher at a conference.

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.
November 29, 2023, Queens, New York City

What an immense gift to finally meet Louise Sundararajan in person, just upon her return from Xian, after having been in touch with her through email for more than a decade! Thank you so much, dear Anthony Marsella, that you brought us together! Louise leads the Special Interest Group for Indigenous Psychology (IP), that has enriched my work immensely over the years. I am so proud of being a member in her IP network!

I was sharing with Louise that we are being pressured to issue declarations or statements in the name of our Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies organization, given the fact that dignity is being breached and humiliation being perpetrated and deeply felt hurting in unbearable ways these days. Since our inception in 2001/2003, we have resolved, however, that speaking on behalf of our members is not our role and not our mandate, not least because we are not a top-down monolithic organization. Linda and I can, however, speak for ourselves. We feel personally devastated by the fact that our generation has so far failed to manifest the goal for which the United Nations once were founded, namely, to prevent war. Linda and I have given our lives to help our generation achieve precisely this goal, and we therefore feel doubly devastated now, not just by the atrocities we witness, but by the failings of our generation to prevent them and the seeming futility of our own sacrifices.

We encourage all our friends of HumanDHS to respond to breeches of dignity and violence by working in ways that move their communities, their regions, and the entire world in a more dignifying direction, and to do so in a long-term fashion and not just when atrocities become unbearable. We can report that many of our members are indeed working hard. For example, members are finding ways to connect personally with individuals impacted by the crises in your region. They offer to listen to the stories of suffering with the aim that people who need support should not feel abandoned or unheard. This type of activity is rarely in the spotlight, but it is crucially supportive of those who suffer. We are proud of our members who work in these quiet ways, as well as in other ways.

We urge every global citizen to engage in mutually dignifying efforts that strengthen connections and constructive change throughout the world, so that cycles of humiliation of the past may be healed rather than bringing humanity to the abyss, as happens now, and, as importantly, that new cycles of humiliation may be prevented.

These are Louise Sundararajan's words, transcribed:
"Groups don't grow, groups don't heal. It's individuals that grow and individuals that heal. The group is like... it preserves. So, if you have trauma, groups hold on to the trauma. Groups preserve the trauma. But individuals can grow. Can grow out of it. And can see other ways of being human. Creativity comes from the individuals to heal from trauma. Groups will change when there's a large enough number of individuals. That will change the group. When you don't have enough individuals, the group will stay the same. So, your focus is to nourish the capacity of individuals to grow and to heal from trauma. And that is the hope for groups."

Louise's insights resonate with HumanDHS' emphasis on engaging with individuals in relationships rather than engaging organizations or institutions. From the point of the Relational-Cultural Theory developed by Jean Baker Miller, with Linda Hartling and others relational scholars, there is always a temptation to leave parts of our selves out of relationships, in order to stay in relationships. That is called the "central relational paradox." It means hiding parts of our selves, in order to stay in relationship. What we in HumanDHS strive to do is to create a relational space, where people can come together authentically with dignity in their diversity, so they can bring more of their authentic selves into their relationships, which fosters mutual understanding. This is what we mean by growing by supporting the growth of all involved, and by growth we mean change for the better.

This dovetails with Kathy Goodman's comment that it is fear that motivates this dynamic, "People feel protected in groups, so they adapt to them." Linda and my experience confirms this insight. We are the proverbial child that points at the naked emperor, and by being this child, by being authentic, we do not belong to the majority.

Her view dovetails with the position of Hersch Lauterpacht and Philippe Sands' warning that Raphael Lemkin's emphasis on the group was unhelpful:
"… Proving the crime of genocide is difficult, and in litigating cases I have seen for myself how the need to prove the intent to destroy a group in whole or in part, as the Genocide Convention requires, can have unhappy psychological consequences. It enhances the sense of solidarity among the members of the victim group while reinforcing negative feelings toward the perpetrator group. The term 'genocide', with its focus on the group, tends to heighten a sense of 'them' and 'us', burnishes feelings of group identity, and may unwittingly give rise to the very conditions that it seeks to address: by pitting one group against another, it makes reconciliation less likely. I fear that the crime of genocide has distorted the prosecution of war crimes and crimes against humanity, because the desire to be labelled a victim of genocide brings pressure on prosecutors to indict for that crime. For some, to be labelled a victim of genocide becomes 'an essential component of national identity' without contributing to the resolution of historical disputes or making mass killings less frequent. ..." quoted from "Epilogue: To the Woods," page 364, in "East West Street: On the Origins of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity," a 2016 book by Philippe Sands, a British and French writer and lawyer, Professor of Laws and Director of the Centre on International Courts and Tribunals at the University College London. It is a memoir and history of the origins of international criminal law in the aftermath of the Second World War.

November 28, 2023, Teachers College, Manhattan New York City

This was my first encounter with union activism in the United States of America. The Laborers' International Union of North America was founded on April 13, 1903. Through having grown up in Europe, I am used to the fact that unions enjoy much more acceptance there. I was not aware that "Scabby the Rat" is an American labor icon! I was also fascinated to see the use of coffins to target dangers of asbestos removal!

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

November 2023, New York City

This is an ironic and funny story: I brought chocolate with the image of the Pied Piper of Hamelin/Hameln to New York. I was unaware of the shrewdness of New York's mice and stored it in a place where they could reach it. Seeing what they had done, I informed Michael Boyer, a wonderful member in our DignityNowHameln group, who also embodies the Pied Piper in Hamelin. His response was: "Humiliated by New York's mice! What a tough lot!" In other words, to make a joke, one could say that New York's mice took it upon themselves to take revenge for the Pied Piper having killed all the rats in Hamelin in the year 1284, as the legend of the Pied Piper will have it! :-)
By the way, there are now an estimated 3 million rats in New York City ...

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

November 23, 2023, Harlem, New York City

Thank you so much, dearest Marlin and Robert, for inviting a person like me, so ignorant of and "alien" to American Thanksgiving culture!
What a nourishing dinner, and then you even invited me to cinema! Napoleon!

Marlin R. A. Mattson, MD, is Professor Emeritus of Clinical Psychiatry at Weill Cornell Medicine and prior to retirement was Associate Vice-chair for Compliance in the Department of Psychiatry for Weill Cornell Medical College. Trained in Psychiatry at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital's Payne Whitney Clinic, he has spent his entire career at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center. Through this period, he has been actively involved with quality assurance, peer review, continuous quality improvement, patient safety, standards of care, accreditation, risk management, and utilization review.

• Kindly click on the photos above to see more.
• See also A history of Thanksgiving from the Native American perspective.

November 21, 2023, Brooklyn, New York City

What a gift to reconnect with beloved Cornelia!
Thank you for a deeply healing afternoon together, dearest Cornelia!
I learned to much from you! You brought me so many deep insights!

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

November 21, 2023, Rocco's Pasticceria, The Village, Manhattan, New York City

What a gift to know Tony Allicino! We had our 10-year anniversary! We met for the first time almost exactly 10 ys ago, on November 14, 2013!
Tony is the former Director of the Center for Alternative Health and of the Program for Deaf Adults at LaGuardia Community College of The City University of New York, and he is a shaman, inspired, among others, by anthropologist Michael Harner. See Tony in "Study With The Best - Religion and Spirituality through the CUNY lens" November 16, 2017.

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

November 20, 2023, Teachers College (TC), Columbia University, Manhattan, New York City

It was a great pleasure to meet with Angelique Santiago! Welcome, dear Angelique, to our upcoming workshop!

November 19, 2023, Metropolitan Opera, Lincoln Center, Manhattan, New York City

Can opera renew itself and help create a new Zeitgeist that supports a more dignified and dignifying future on this planet? What about an opera about dignity and humiliation? I have cautiously suggested that idea to Met’s General Manager Peter Gelb in my emails to him since 2017 and I am glad that the Metropolitan Opera has been encouraged to "bring more new operas to the Met stage over the next five seasons than any time in recent history." Directly following the matinee performance of Florencia en el Amazonas on Sunday, November 19, everyone was invited to remain in their seat for a post-show discussion with members of the cast. Peter Gelb moderated.

When I look around in the world, I am devastated by what I see: ecocide and sociocide, facilitated by cogitocide. I have sacrificed my entire life to "never again," yet, my work has not been enough. The United Nations was established after World War II with the aim of preventing future wars, succeeding the League of Nations that had proven to be ineffective. How come that also my generation has failed to manifest the goal of preventing mass killing, atrocities, and war?

Philosopher Hannah Arendt once said, "pity, taken as the spring of virtue, has proved to possess a greater capacity for cruelty than cruelty itself" (see also my 2017 book on terror). In other words, whoever loves their ingroup, will defend it against its enemies. Arendt's insight will remain true and tear the world apart as long humanity has not come together into one global ingroup. Is it possible to make pity and love embrace all living beings on Earth?
Love is indeed the core theme of the opera Florencia en el Amazonas.

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.
• Read more on the opera Florencia en el Amazonas in the synopsis and the program.

16. November 2023, Hameln, Kiel, New York City

Danke, Ihr Lieben! Was für ein schönes DignityNowHameln Treffen! Alles Liebe von Evelin

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

November 3, 2023, New York City

We mourn the passing of our beloved Betty Reardon!

Evelin's message: It was a great privilege for me to sit together with my dear and beloved Betty on July 6, 2010, in Melbu, Vesterålen, Norway. I thanked Betty for her untiring support for our dignity work since we first met in 1995 in Manila, Philippines. We were all invited at the UNESCO expert meeting “Towards a Women’s Agenda for a Culture of Peace”, April 25–18, 1995, by Ingeborg Breines, the then Director of Women and a Culture of Peace, and Special Adviser to the Director-General Federico Mayor on Women, Gender and Development.
When we sat together in Norway in 2010, Betty shared with me that she tends to use her time increasingly only on those initiatives like our dignity work that aim at deep change. She said, I quote her verbatim: “What we do know, we do not know in a way that serves our needs. So, we need to know in different ways, and we need to build new knowledge through new ways of knowing. The new knowledge is in the area of designing new realities, which is likely to be done by speculative and creative thinking that would be communally shared and reflected for common formulation that would be tested in a continual process of social invention.”
I was deeply thankful for her call for new ways of knowing which can lead to deep change!
Kindly see Betty at our 2018 Dignity Workshop together with our dear Janet Gerson, when she was awarded her Human Dignity (Half!)Lifetime Award!

• Kindly click on the photos above to see more.

Alisa Thomas, Evelin Lindner, Maria Volpe

November 13, 2023, John Jay College, Manhattan, New York City

It was an immense joy to be together with admired and beloved Maria Volpe again in person, after all these corona years!
Congratulations, dearest Maria, with your eminently important work!
This Town Hall meeting was so significant! You started the town meetings in 1989 and you opened the space once a month for everyone to come and share unrehearsed. Yes, as you said "It is like opening space for an opportunity for peace.... we get to see how challenging it is."
RESPECT Ground Rules
WELCOME: Moderator
PART I: Opening Remarks- 2 minutes each
Allison Pease, Interim Provost & Vice President of Academic Affairs Karen Kaplowitz, President of the Faculty Senate Aiisha Qudusi, President of the Student Council
PART II: Audience Participation- 2 minutes each
1. Anyone can ask a question. Each audience participant will have 2 minutes to make a statement or ask question from the floor at which point the clock's buzzer will sound. When approaching the microphone, please identify yourself. For those on zoom, raise your hand by pressing the "Reactions" button and then "raise hand". Wait for the moderator to call on you and you will be unmuted. If you would like to ask a question in the chat, click on the Q&A tab and submit your question or comment.
2. Please direct questions to a specific person(s) if possible.
3. If no one is standing at other microphones, any speaker or respondent may speak for an additional 2 minutes.
4. If other participants are at any of the microphones, any speaker or respondent will have 1 minute to conclude.
5. Any audience participant may speak more than once unless there is someone else at a microphone who has not yet spoken.
PART III: Closing Statements- 2 minutes each Aiisha Qudusi, Prof. Karen Kaplowitz, Allison

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

November 13, 2023, Scandinavia House, Park Avenue, Manhattan, New York City

November 13, 2023, 1 Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza, Manhattan, New York City

Tusen takk, kjære Merete Fjeld Brattested, Ambassadør ved FN-delegasjonen (Permanent Representative of Norway to the United Nations) for et meget hyggelig møte!
Som sagt så tror jeg det kan være grunn til stolthet over det globale arbeidet med verdighet som kom ut av UDs FN-avdelings støtte til min doktoravhandling 1997–2001! Jeg er videre veldig takknemlig for støtten jeg fikk fra Asbjørn Eide, Thomas Hylland Eriksen, Nils Petter Gleditsch, Stein Tønnessen og flere andre på PRIO allerede fra 1994. Nå, i 2023, er vi rundt 1000 medlemmer i kjernen av vårt globale nettverk, og 8000 personer på adresselisten vår. Nominasjonen til Nobels fredspris i 2015, 2016 og 2017 beskyttet mange av våre nettverksmedlemmer over hele verden som setter seg selv i fare ved å stå opp for verdighet.Jeg ser på meg selv som en ildsjel, en ambassadør for den norske kulturarven av likeverdsidealet og dugnadsånden.

The first draft of my doctoral research project was titled 'The Feeling of Being Humiliated: A Central Theme in Armed Conflicts. A Study of the Role of Humiliation in Somalia, and Rwanda/Burundi, Between the Warring Parties, and in Relation to Third Intervening Parties'. I carried it out from 1997 to 2001. It was funded by the Multilateral Development Assistance Programme of the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Norwegian Research Council. I am still extremely grateful for their support. Their yearly conferences were an immeasurable help to me. I was extremely thankful to Leif E. Christoffersen, Kjell Halvorsen, Nils Petter Gleditsch, Stein Tønnessen, Ida Blom, Nina Gornitzka, Anette Haug, Kristin Sverdrup, Helge Ole Bergesen, Paul Collier, and many others who with their innovative vision and determination founded the Multilateral Development Assistance Programme (and successor programmes). They formed these programmes into platforms for new ideas, always drawing upon the very special and valuable Scandinavian tradition of searching for peace in dignity and organising human affairs on our planet in more just and fair ways than has been achieved so far.

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

November 13, 2023, Grand Central, Manhattan, New York City,
admiring the work of Jennifer Bauser.

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

November 11, 2023, Manhattan, New York City

What a gift it was for me to meet Marlin and Robert at the Metropolitan Opera on October 28, 2023!

A big thank-you to you, dear Marlin, for coming to my book talk on November 2! And yet another big thank-you to both of you for inviting me to dinner at wonderful Nice Matin at the Lucerne Hotel. This neighborhood had been my home for 15 years, from 2004 until 2019, each fall, and I passed in front of it hundreds of times, never entering it! Until on November 11, because of you!

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

Marlin R. A. Mattson, MD, is Professor Emeritus of Clinical Psychiatry at Weill Cornell Medicine and prior to retirement was Associate Vice-chair for Compliance in the Department of Psychiatry for Weill Cornell Medical College. Trained in Psychiatry at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital's Payne Whitney Clinic, he has spent his entire career at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center. Through this period, he has been actively involved with quality assurance, peer review, continuous quality improvement, patient safety, standards of care, accreditation, risk management, and utilization review.

pictures taken in the paus

November 11, 2023, Metropolitan Opera, Lincoln Center, Manhattan, New York City

A huge, classical-style mural shows the mythological Icarus falling from the sky, after trying to fly with wings made of feathers and wax, only to have them melt when he got too close to the sun. To me, this does not only fit the Opera Un Ballo in Masquera. To me, it also symbolizes the hubris of humankind, mistakenly believing to be the master of planet Earth.

Several aspects of this opera tie in with the life work of Bill Baird, with the book, I am reading ("East West Street," I am reading its Norwegian translation "Tilbake til Lemberg") and the work of the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies network in general. The core theme is that dignity for the individual should mean freedom from oppression through the collective, rather, the individual should have rights (and responsibilities!).
The real king of Sweden, on whom the story of this opera is based, was an enlightened homosexual monarch who was killed in 1792, just as the king of France, Louis XVI, lost his life in 1793. They lost their lives because they were either ahead of their time's Zeitgeist (the Swedish case), or too slow (the French case).

"Io l’amai, ma volli illeso Il tuo nome ed il suo cor!" exclaims the King of Sweden, King Gustav III, in this opera before dying. "I loved her, but I wanted your name and her heart unharmed!" His killer is the husband of the woman the king had loved (she loved him back), yet, since they did not have sex, they argue, their love did not violate the ownership rights of her husband to her sexual organs. In other words, the opera illustrates how in the context of this historical time's Zeitgeist, this kind of ownership was regarded to be more significant than any feelings.

• The life mission of Bill Baird has always been to introduce a new step forward in this Zeitgeist, namely, each individual's right to privacy. Just as Gustavo was ahead of his time, also Bill Baird was ahead of his time, and he was punished for it.
• Phillipe Sands, in his book, contrasts Raphael Lemkin and his focus on the group with Hersch Lauterpacht's belief that a focus on the group undermines the protection of the individual.
• In my work, I emphasize that new ideas need to be introduced very carefully, because if those who feel denigrated or humiliated by these ideas, will take revenge, and at the end progress will turn into regress.

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.
• Read more on the opera Un Ballo in Masquera in the synopsis and the program.

Sanders Tideman and Karen Doyle Grossman of the Garrison Institute

David Sloan Wilson

Sam Myers

East River

November 9, 2023, Manhattan, New York City

"A Daylong Public Forum Gathering Leaders and Practitioners in Contemplative-Based Social Change"
by the Garrison Institute by Diana and Jonathan Rose, celebrating the institute's 20 years anniversary!
Venue: Rockefeller University, overlooking the East River

What a feast! Congratulations, dear Diana and Jonathan!
What a gift to meet so many dedicated and farsighted individuals!

It was a great joy for me to reconnect with eminent researcher on evolutionary biology and deep thinker David Sloan Wilson, after having met him for the first time in Kontrapunkt in Oslo, Norway, in 2016!

It was great to meet Sam Myers and learn about his work with planetary health! I shared with him that my work has had planetary health at its heart long before the term emerged!

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

November 8, 2023, Manhattan, New York City

Sabine Schenk "is a New York based producer and line producer with a M.A. in cinema studies from NYU. She has utilised her international education and experience in film to offer production services for local and international film projects through her own company Schenk Productions, Inc., which she founded in 1998."

What a gift to learn to know you, dear Sabine! I so much admire you for your life-path and your work! Thank you so much for producing this extremely important documentary film on the life and work of Bill Baird, titled Yours in Freedom, Bill Baird!

• Kindly click on the photos above to see more.

8. november 2023, Manhattan, New York City

Tusen takk for vidunderlig lunsj ved den Sjømannskirken i New York!
Tusen takk for meget hyggelig prat, kjære Geir Øy!
Som jeg sa, så betrakter jeg meg som en ambassadør for den norske kulturarven av likeverdsidealet og dugnadsånd!

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

November 4, 2023, Harlem, New York City

Andrea Bartoli's support has been foundational for the development of HumanDHS!
What a joy to know each other for more than 20 years!

Dear Andrea, you participated in our first "Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict" that Morton Deutsch convened on July 7, 2003, at the MD-ICCCR! You participated together with Michelle Fine, Susan Opotow, Beth Fisher-Yoshida, Janet Gerson, and Peter T. Coleman!

Thank you also for sharing that the Greek translation of "peace making" is using ποιέω (poieó or "to make") and not τέχνη (tékhnē, a philosophical concept that refers to making or doing) to translate peace making in the Colossians 1:20 in the Bible. You said that peace making has more to do with creative art, with poetry, than with simple technology.
Yes, dear Andrea, you are so right, this is precisely the spirit of our dignity work!
Personally, I often say that I, if the world house were not on fire, would be an artist and make sculptures. However, at least I consider my global life design as a social sculpture...

On December 6 and 11, 2023, I was able to see our dear Alba Taveras, whom I know since 2002! She worked with Andrea at SIPA until he left in 2007.

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

November 3, 2023, Metropolitan Opera, Lincoln Center, Manhattann, New York City

X: The Life and Times of Malcolm X
The opera presents 12 vignettes from the life of Malcolm X, from youth to his death: abject poverty in Depression-era Lansing to adolescence in Boston to Mecca (the site of his pivotal hajj, the traditional Muslim pilgrimage), as well as a number of places in New York City, including a mosque, the streets of Harlem, and, finally, the site of his assassination in 1965, the Audubon Ballroom at Broadway and West 165th Street.
Read more in the synopsis and the program.

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.
• On November 4, I had an appointment close to the Malcolm X Boulevard in Harlem, see the photo on the right side!

November 3, 2023, David Geffen Hall, Manhattan, New York City

I have no words to express my joy over reconnecting with our deeply valued and admired Gay Rosenblum-Kumar!
We know each other since more than 20 years! Thanks for making us aware that the MCLD-Movement for Community-Led Development, CIVICUS, and the South Africa based Network for Empowered Aid Response are organizations that aim at deeper structural change, rather than at more superficial levels. Peace philosopher Howard Richards contrasts "regulatory rules" versus "constitutive rules" and calls for new constitutive rules! I deeply resonate with this call!

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

Kindly see the invitation (TC | Pdf) to this book talk in Gottesman Libraries on November 2, 2023!
My deep gratitude goes to Jennifer Govan, the director of Gottesman Libraries, for making this book talk possible!

Saying thank-you on December 11, 2023!

I was glad that a small group of dear friends attended, because the topic is so difficult for me to share ...

The name of John Dewey will always remain connected with Teachers College! If he and my father had met, they would have loved each other!

Thank you also, dear Jennifer, for realizing a wonderful "Under One Sun: The Passow Collection of Israeli Children's Peace Art, Part Two" exhibition on the third floor of Gottesman Libraries just outside of the room of the book talk! There I saw the same quotes I used in my talk! "Imagine ... nothing to die or kill for..." by John Lennon, and "I have a dream..." by Martin Luther King Jr.!

November 2, 2023, Manhattan, New York City,
Columbia University, Gottesman Libraries, 306 Russell Hall, 4:00pm - 5:30pm

Dear Jennifer Govan, thank you so much for hosting this "pre-launch" book talk!
On the Path of My Father, with Evelin Lindner
in person

• Kindly see the cell phone video recording
• Kindly see the Zoom video recording
• Kindly see the PowerPoint slides

"Letter to My Father" is a planned book project about the author’s journey that began in a family that was deeply traumatised by war and displacement and which led to a life project dedicated to nurturing more dignity and solidarity in the world. The author was born to a father who had experienced many existential losses — he had lost one arm, his dear father, his beloved brothers, and his beloved homeland Silesia, from where his family was forcibly displaced.
The book describes how the Norwegian heritage of likeverd and dugnad gave the author a deeper understanding of the values expressed in the ideals of human rights and the motto of the French Revolution, liberté, égalité, and fraternité. The book highlights the Norwegian cultural heritage as being important not only for Norway but for the whole world. It is a unique heritage that encompasses not only freedom and equal dignity but also solidarity, and this not just locally but also globally (see the Nansen Passport). The author attempts to make palpable how these values can give substance to the notion of dignity, both for the individual and for humanity as a whole." -- book description
Evelin Lindner is the founding president of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies, a transdisciplinary academic field and a global fellowship, and co-founder of the World Dignity University Initiative. She has taught in numerous settings around the globe and has published widely. Her books include "Making Enemies: Humiliation and International Conflict" (honored as one of the best academic publications in the U.S.A. in 2007); "Emotion and Conflict: How Human Rights Can Dignify Emotion and Help Us Wage Good Conflict"; "Gender, Humiliation, and Global Security" (Foreword by Desmond Tutu); "A Dignity Economy"; "Honor, Humiliation, and Terror"; and "From Humiliation to Dignity: For a Future of Global Solidarity." Evelin Lindner graduated in psychology in 1978, and in medicine in 1984, both from the University of Hamburg. She also studied law and sinology at the Goethe University Frankfurt and philosophy at the University of Hamburg and Oslo. In 1994, she earned her first doctorate, in Medicine (Dr. med.) from the University of Hamburg. In 1997 she became a research fellow at the University of Oslo Department of Psychology, where she obtained her second doctorate, in Psychology (Dr. psychol.) in 2001. She is affiliated with many academic institutions, among others with Columbia University in New York, and the Maison de Sciences de l'Homme in Paris. For her global peace work, she has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize three times, in 2015, 2016, and 2017.

Jennifer Govan is the Director of Gottesman Libraries. This is her biographical information on Gottesman Libraries website: Jennifer is a native to Washington, D.C. and was raised in Chicago. She grew up in a family that engaged with justice, art, and education. Her father was a corporate lawyer and constitutional delegate for the state of Illinois; her mother, an artist from Maine who worked with lithograph, acrylic, cloth, and mixed mediums; her stepfather, a British geology professor and university finance administrator; her English stepmother, an English teacher in Africa. Their example inspired in her deep respect for binding human customs or practices; learning, teaching, and research; and creativity in expression. The most interesting aspect of libraries, for her, is creating spaces that nurture the continual educational growth of our patrons -- spaces, both physical and virtual, that are research-oriented, collegial, collaborative, innovative, creative, tuned to our needs and times, yet informed by history, its life lessons, and future thinking. These spaces embrace the wide scope of collections, services, and that little bit extra -- the Gottesman Libraries' Education Program. As Library Director and Senior Librarian she provides direction and oversees the work of all all units, with a focus on administration, budget, relations, content management, communication, programming, and user engagement. Jennifer brings wide experience through decades of dedicated work at Teachers College in reference service, library collection management, K-12 collections, archives, access, and outreach. She holds a BA Combined Honors in English and French from The University of Exeter, England, and a Master of Librarianship from The College of Librarianship Wales, The University of Wales. She taught English in southern France; has family throughout the United States and United Kingdom; and was once described by a library colleague as a "world citizen" though she has lived with her own family in Manhattan for many years.

• Kindly click on the photos above or here to see more pictures
• Kindly see the cell phone video recording
• Kindly see the Zoom video recording
• Kindly see the PowerPoint slides
• Kindly send Evelin an email if you wish to read a summary of Evelin's father's traumatic experiences and how they influenced her, written by her parallel in four languages (Norsk | English | Deutsch | Français)
• Kindly see also a related talk in 2012 in São Paulo

Susan Podziba

Maria Volpe

November 2, 2023, Zoom (New York City and global)

Roundtable breakfast: Process Design: Reflections On Mediation Infrastructure, with Susan Podziba

It was a great privilege to participate in Maria Volpe's Monthly Roundtable Breakfast, hosted by the CUNY Dispute Resolution Center at John Jay College and The Association for Conflict Resolution of Greater New York since 9/11, with many dear friends attending.

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

November 1, 2023, Zoom (New York City and Geneva)

How wonderful to reconnect with Camilo Azcarate!
He attended my lecture on Responsibilities of Peace Education at Teachers College on November 30, 2006, and it was such a gift to reconnect with him now on Zoom!

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

October 31, 2023, Teachers College, Columbia University, Manhattan

What a privilege to meet with Amine Mechaal, Jazmin Guardado, and Lauren Huser at the Office of Global Engagement!
You are doing such important work! As I shared with you, I notice on all continents that the name of John Dewey will forever be connected with Teachers College and its global work!

Your mission: In 2008, Teachers College (TC) established the Office of International Affairs (OIA) to renew its commitment to global education. In 2022, Dr. Portia Williams renamed the office as the Office of Global Engagement (OGE). OGE's mission is to lead the College in building sustainable and mutually beneficial partnerships that promote quality scholarship and practice. OGE is responsible for developing, coordinating, and expanding the scope of TC's international initiatives. The office acts as a liaison between internal and international entities, sets guidelines for collaboration, and serves as a clearing house for international information and resources.

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

October 31 and December 11, 2023, Teachers College, Columbia University, Manhattan

What a gift to reconnect with wonderful Portia Williams, Vice Provost for Academic Planning & Global Affairs at Teachers College, Columbia University!
Congratulations, dear Portia, and thank you for your extraordinary care for Teachers College!
We met for the first time in 2010, and I have admired you since! Wherever you go, you bring love and enthusiasm!

Portia Williams is the Vice Provost for Academic Planning and Global Affairs, and Assistant Professor (Coterminous) in the Department of International and Transcultural Studies at Teachers College, Columbia University. She previously served as the Associate Provost for International Affairs, and the founding director of the College’s Office of International Affairs, now known as the Office of Global Engagement. In her current role, Dr. Williams supports the establishment and realization of college-wide academic goals focused on curriculum alignment, new program development, non-credit programming, accreditation and academic compliance. She also continues to serve as the College’s chief international officer, guiding policy and practice for institutional collaborations, and support for international students and scholars. With more than 25 years of experience in educational administration and international engagement, Dr. Williams has directed, advised, or collaborated on policy and program initiatives in North and Sub-Saharan Africa, Europe, East and Southern Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and the United States. Additionally, as an ESL professional, she has held faculty appointments at Georgetown University, American University, George Washington University, the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, and the University of Shkodra in Albania. Dr. Williams is a former Spencer Research Fellow, David L. Boren Fellow, and Peace Corps Volunteer. She holds an Ed.D. in International Educational Development and Policy Studies and an M.Ed. in International Family and Community Education from Teachers College, as well as an M.A. in Teaching English as a Second Language from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

New York City's Subway/Metro system
New York City is always spectacular. I admire old technology. Sometimes old things were of higher quality than new things...

• Thank you, dear Hank, for taking me to this lovely exhibition "New York Subways 1977: Alen MacWeeney" on November 8, 2023!
The New York Public Library took "the train back in time" in this exhibition. On display from September 23, 2023, through January 7, 2024, in the Print Gallery of the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building, this "captivating showcase" featured "42 remarkable diptychs by the renowned Irish American photographer Alen MacWeeney, all taken in the New York City subway system in 1977."
Kindly click on the photo at the left side to see the link to the website.

• Kindly see two little videos I recorded from the Q-train looking out from the Williamsburg Bridge on Manhattan:
Video November 4, 2023
Video November 20, 2023

• If you like, you may listen to a little audio recording of subway sounds from November 12, 2023.

October 29, 2023, Brooklyn

How wonderful to reconnect with Marion and Volker Berghahn!
Marion Berghahn founded Berghahn Books in 1994 as a New York and Oxford–based publisher of scholarly books and academic journals in the humanities and social sciences, with a special focus on social and cultural anthropology, European history, politics, and film and media studies.

Volker Berghahn is a historian of German and modern European history at Columbia University and holds the chair of Seth Low Professor of History at Columbia, and he is also a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society.
Volker Berghahn's research interests have included the fin de siècle period in Europe, the origins of World War I, and German-American relations. He received his M.A. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1961 and his PhD, under supervision of Francis L. Carsten, from the University of London in 1964. Prior to teaching in the United States, Berghahn worked in the United Kingdom and Germany. In 1988, he accepted a position at Brown University, and moved to Columbia ten years later.

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

October 28, 2023, David Geffen Hall, Manhattan, New York City

What a great gift to spend the afternoon with our dear beloved Zuzka! Thank you so much for sharing your work and your life story, dearest Zuzka!

Congratulations with your incredibly important documentary film Hudson, America (trailer)!
Hudson Hall: The unexpected political events of 2016 – 2022 derail the joyous college trajectory for Hudson City School District Gen-Z Bangladeshi immigrants, propelling them to confront anti-immigrant sentiments, their conservative parents’ ideas of “The American Dream”, and the true cost of forbidden love. For six years filmmakers Zuzka Kurtz and Geoffrey Hug follow the students as they bid farewell to their community and arrive in an unfamiliar world.

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

October 28, 2023, Metropolitan Opera, Lincoln Center, Manhattan, New York City

La Bohème
We read in the program: The libretto sets the action in Paris, circa 1830. This is not a random setting but rather reflects the issues and concerns of a particular time and place. After the upheavals of revolution and war, French artists had lost their traditional support base of aristocracy and Church, and they were desperate for new sources of income. The rising bourgeoisie took up the burden of patronizing artists and earned their contempt in return. The story, then, centers on self-conscious youths at odds with mainstream society, feeling themselves morally superior to the rules of the bourgeoisie (specifically regarding sexual mores) and expressing their independence with affectations of speech and dress.

• Kindly click on the photo at the top to see the website of the Met and on the photos below to see them larger (I came early, when the seats in the opera were still half emtpy...).

October 27

November 10

October 27, 2023, Directors Guild of America, New York Theater, Manhattan
November 10, 2023, world premiere at the Village East by Angelika, Manhattan

Documentary film directed by Rebecca Cammisa: Yours in Freedom, Bill Baird
"In an America where more and more women and trans people are losing legal bodily autonomy, the history of Bill Baird’s long fight for women’s right to abortion is as relevant as ever. Oscar-nominated filmmaker Rebecca Cammisa doesn’t just give us a portrait of Baird, but also creates a historical register of allyship and activism that those fighting to uphold freedom and choice can access, and perhaps emulate. – Bedatri D. Choudhury"

What a feast! What a feast to hug wonderful Joni and Bill Baird, to hug lovely son Brandon and his wife, and to get to know great daughter Michelle with her handsome son!
What a feast to meet the wonderful director of the film, Rebecca Cammisa, and Michael Frenschkowski from Terra Mater!
Rebecca said that her main motivation to make this film was to shed light on privacy, or, more precisely, on the encroachment on privacy that is on its way these days. Questions of birth control are only aspects of a larger theme.

• Kindly click on the photo at the top to see the link to the film on Terra Mater, and on the other photos to see them larger.

27th October, 2023, Amman, Jordan

On Gaza: Where is our Humanity Going?
Prince El Hassan bin Talal
Wilson Center, Washington, DC

'... the will of the international community to realize peace has become politically divided into the axis of resistance and the coalition against terror. Therefore, one is bound to ask: where is the coalition of the willing and caring who uphold the ethics of human solidarity.'?

• Kindly click on the photo above to see the article.

October 24, 2023, near Columbia University, Manhattan

What a gift to be in your miracle home, hear your news and share my experiences of the last year with you, dearest Martha!
I so much admire your work with Dynamic Embodiment®!

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

From October 24 to the middle of December 2023, Teachers College, Columbia University, Manhattan

What a gift to be back at MC-ICCCR and find my beloved Ann Charlott on October 25! And WELCOME to dear Cassandra!
And another welcome to Pedro and D'Artagnan (on October 26)!
And how wonderful to meet also you, dear Lan Phan, on October 31!
Dear Isadora, I was SO HAPPY to meet you on December 8! Thank you so much for coming by!

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

A big thank you to Yeremy Chavez, Security, October 24 and December 11, 2023

A big thank you to Kofi Asare, Media, all the way through from October 24, 2023

Who has the longest hair? A big thank you to Stanley Yu, Media, December 8, 2023

All love to Hua-Chu Yen, TC Web Content Specialist, December 8, 2023

A big thank you to Kevin Waldron and Glenford Thomas, Facilities, December 11, 2023

October 24 until December 11, 2023, Teachers College, Columbia University, Manhattan

How wonderful to be back at Teachers College after the corona years!
Dear Kofi, what would we do without you! You and your lovely team are the dignity angels of media at Teachers College! Stanley, thank you so so much for your invaluable support to our workshop on December 8!
Dear Hua-Chu, what a dear friend you have been thoughout all the years!
And, dear Yeremy, very few people have been able to console me so lovingly over the death of my father... Thank you so much for keeping our annual workshop safe each year!

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

October, November, and December 2023, Morningside Heights, Manhattan, New York City

October 24, 2023, Columbia University, Manhattan

How lovely to walk through the campus of Columbia University with you, dearest Magnus! Thank you so much for making time for me!

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

October 24, 2023, Manhattan

What a gift to be with my dear friends Stefanie and Mel!
I wish you all the success in this world with your dignifying work!
Thank you for receiving me in your kitchen first, and then for the walk through all of Central Park!

As architects, engineers, and activists, Stefanie, Mel, and their team "set out to better our world – to make it more beautiful, harmonious, eco-friendly, and fair. It didn’t take long to realize that, no matter the project, the pursuit of individual and corporate success often overshadowed nobler goals. In fact, many of the problems we sought to solve seemed directly linked to the endless race for personal wealth. Stefanie Overbeck, co-founder of GameChangers, embarked on a quest to learn why. Through years of exploration with urban planners, developers, and economists, she discovered that local communities can be designed to foster collaboration over competition, renewal instead of waste, and contribution instead of greed. In struggling to communicate the transformations she witnessed, Stefanie invented her very first learning game, PolyMoney. Since 2015, GameChangers has grown from a single game into an organization that empowers participants and practitioners of all ages to learn about the relationship between personal action and global well-being, see patterns of cause and effect, and invent new ways to ensure long-term prosperity for people and planet."

I remember with great fondness our time together in your kitchen in December 2019, dear Stefanie and Mel!

Poly Money Podcast
with Mel Wymore, Stefanie Overbeck and Riley Paul

Interview recorded with Evelin Lindner on December 1, 2019, in New York City, published on March 24, 2020.
Thank you so much, dear friends, for so lovingly including me in your world!

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

October 23, 2023, from Charging Bull to Ground Zero in Manhattan...

Our dear Lyndon Harris was the Reverend at the little St. Paul's Chapel that survived just in front of the Twin Towers...
After 9/11 he worked at Ground Zero, which affected his health, his sense of purpose, and prompted his transition to the work on forgiveness.

• Kindly click on the photos above or here to see more pictures.

October 22, 2023, Brooklyn

What a gift to be with my dear friend Xiaojue Hu in Elk Cafe in Brooklyn and then wander in Prospect Park!
THANK YOU, dearest Xiaojue, for your love!

Thank you also for sharing Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way with me!

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

October 21, 2023, Metropolitan Opera, Lincoln Center, Manhattan New York City

"Dead Man Walking" is based on the memoir of Sister Helen Prejean, who opposes the death penalty, about her care for a man on the death row for murder. It is a story that sends the message that "there is no murderer," as philosopher Arne Næss used to say, "there are only people who have murdered." "Hate the crime, not the criminal," is a related saying.

We read in the program: "Why is Sister Helen such an operatic character? Against the enormous background of the prison system, death row, and a man convicted of a monstrous crime, there is this one extraordinary woman and her faith: her belief in the individual dignity of every person on earth."

It always strikes me how dignity, honor, and humiliation are always at the core of drama that carries operas.
Kindly see the articles I wrote in the past:
The Dangerous “Glory” of Killing: La Donna del Lago and Die Fledermaus
Paper written in New York City in December 2015.
Puccini’s Tosca, and the Journey toward Respect for Equal Dignity for All
Paper written in New York City on November 26, 2015.
Alban Berg’s Lulu, and the Journey from Humiliation to Dignity, from the “Machine Principle” to the “Life Principle”
Paper written in New York City on November 22, 2015.
Tannhäuser, Terrorism, Revolution, and Economism
Paper written in New York City on 1st October 2015.

In my 2023 book titled "From Humiliation to Dignity: For a Future of Global Solidarity", I use two operas (Tannhäuser and Turandot) to illustrate the historical transition from honor to dignity.

• Kindly click on the photo above to see the website of the Met and read a review in New York Times.

October 21, 2023, New York City

How wonderful to reconnect with Karen Hirsch! Thank you so much for meeting me in the lobby of the David Geffen Hall, dearest Karen, and

• Kindly click on the photo above to learn more about Karen.

October 19, 2023, New York City

Book Launch: "Peacebuilding in Colombia: From the Lens of Community and Policy," by Joan C. Lopez, Beth Fisher-Yoshida
In this book, Joan C. Lopez and Beth Fisher-Yoshida offer an alternative narrative of youth and peacebuilding, to the popular one about youth, violence, and peacemaking. Using testimonies of current and past youth community leaders in Colombia, Lopez and Fisher-Yoshida tell a story of hope, creativity, and unrelenting resilience. They bring attention to the ways peaceful responses to violent conflicts are formed in communities and how these have the potential to inform processes of peacebuilding in areas with similar social and historical characteristics. Focused on action-oriented initiatives, the book concludes by proposing ways in which social change can continue to happen and how we might be able to foster it. Lopez and Fisher-Yoshida specifically explore ways in which we can continue to support efforts and create new initiatives for other youth. Some of these ideas include doing more capacity building, fostering more networking and knowledge transfers, identifying ways of increasing social entrepreneurship, and building more effective youth leaders. Peacebuilding in Colombia fills an important gap in the literature on the characteristics of peacebuilding. It is a must read for academics, students and practitioners interested in the study and practice of peacebuilding in violent and post violent contexts.

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger and click here to get more information.

18th October 2023, New York City

Thank you so much, dear Stefanie and Joane, for saving my life!

I arrived in New York in a situation where the housing situation for visitors has become very difficult. The use of platforms such as Airbnb for profiteering has had devastating consequences for the integrity of the social web, as many forms of basic solidarity and friendship that are not interested in monetary gain are made very difficult. Friends who wanted to let me stay in their flat while they were away, could no longer do so. What would I have done without my dear Joane!

I have no words to admire the courage and bravery of Joane. Her circumstances remind me of my childhood, where I grew up with my parents and my brother in two tiny rooms (as displaced people in the farm house owned by other people), where every piece of furniture had dual or triple use and every centimeter was used.

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

15th October 2023, Hamburg, Germany

More than 215 Ballet Workshops 'have been presented by John Neumeier at the Hamburg State Opera. The Ballet Workshops enjoy great popularity in Hamburg: In these matinee performances, John Neumeier expands on the historical background behind his ballets and offers unique insights into the creative process'.
In this workshop, he presented Nijinsky.

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger and click here to get more information.

12th October 2023, Hamburg, Germany

What a wonderful meeting with Frank Adloff!
Prof. Dr. Frank Adloff leitet die Kolleg-Forschungsgruppe „Zukünfte der Nachhaltigkeit“ und ist ihr stellvertretender Sprecher.

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.
See here one of the conferences of this research group:

12th October 2023, Hamburg, Germany

Thank you, dear Alexander Redlich, for giving me your time! It was lovely to walk along the Alster with you and listen to your vast experience collected over many decades, at the Institute of Psychology at the University of Hamburg, and as a mediator! Thank you!

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.
Among his publications, kindly see:
Redlich A., Rothers A., Zhygulina-Fahl Y. (2015). Building up a Mediation Network: Training of Multiparty Mediation in Eastern Europe. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (Ed): Materials of the 6th International Scientific Practical Conference “Contemporary Research in the Social Spere”. Odessa, Nov. 2015 (200-205).

6th October 2023, Hamburg, Germany

What a wonderful meeting with Tania Lincoln, professor of psychology at the Institute of Psychology of Hamburg University. The main aim of her research is 'to find out how and why psychotic symptoms arise and how they are maintained. This research involves identifying factors on an individual level and in the environment that may make a person vulnerable to developing psychosis'.

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

4th October 2023, Hamburg, Germany

What a wonderful meeting with Jörg Altekruse!
Press Release: Race4Good Initiative Connects Students Worldwide for Climate Action at COP28

Note especially Jörg's innovative CreatiVelo project, under the patronage of the Ministry of Environment, Climate, and Sustainable Development in Luxembourg, and youth4planet. The goal is to use the bike to collect local indigenous knowledge and make it accessible to everyone through a kind of AI-supported Wikipedia. Much knowledge that would be needed to secure the survival of life on Earth is in danger of being lost before it can get to where it is needed. This includes healing knowledge, languages, agriculture, dealing with water, soil, air and the forces of nature as well as locally adapted technology.

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

3rd October 2023, Büsum, Germany

What a wonderful afternoon and evening with Heike Tappe in Dithmarschen! Thank you so much for such a lovely time in the beautiful restaurant Landgang in Büsum!

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

28th September 2023, Hamburg, Germany

What a wonderful meeting with Michael Cöllen in Hamburg Ottensen! Many know him from the NDR television series for partner problems that was titled 'I and You', which he co-authored for seventeen years.
He had a teaching position at the Department of Psychology at the University in Hamburg, Germany, when I was a psychology student there from 1974 until 1978. He was the main evaluator of my thesis (Diplomarbeit) that I wrote to earn my diploma as a psychologist in 1978.

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

26th September 2023, Hamburg, Germany

What a wonderful meeting with Friedemann Schulz von Thun in his institute for communication in Rothenbaumchaussee 20 in Hamburg!
Thank you, dear Friedemann, for gifting your new book to me, titled "Ein erfülltes Leben"!
He was professor at the Department of Psychology at the University in Hamburg, Germany, when I was a psychology student there from 1974 until 1978. He was one of the signatories of the evaluation of my thesis (Diplomarbeit) that I wrote to earn my diploma as a psychologist in 1978.

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

18th September 2023, Weserbergland, Germany

How Life Would Flourish
“Before I was six years old, my grandparents and my mother had taught me that if all the green things that grow were taken from the earth, there could be no life. If all the four-legged creatures were taken from the earth, there could be no life. If all the winged creatures were taken from the earth, there could be no life. If all our relatives who crawl and swim and live within the earth were taken away, there could be no life. But if all the human beings were taken away, life on earth would flourish. That is how insignificant we are.”
— Russell Means, Oglala Lakota Nation (1939–2012), shared by Sherrida Woodley, Medium, March 28, 2021.
We thank Michael Boyer for reminding us!

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

14th September 2023, Weserbergland, Germany

Heike Tappe (geborene Struckmeier) ist eine f. Sie las daraus in der Alten Post in Esperde.

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

Klicke gern auf das Poster oben, um es größer zu sehen.
Dank an Michael Boyer für den schönen Entwurf!

"Raus aus der Sackgasse", Vorankündigung des Vortrags in der Deister- und Weserzeitung (Dewezet) am 7. September, Seite 11
Klicke gern auf das Bild oben, um es größer zu sehen oder lese den Text des Artikels

Muss der Begriff der Würde neu definiert werden, Frau Dr. Lindner? von Ernst August Wolf, Dewezet, 15. September, Seite 9
Danke, lieber Ernst August Wolf, für das schöne Bild!

11. September 2023, 19 Uhr bis 21 Uhr, im Forum des Schiller-Gymnasiums in Hameln
„Raus aus der Sackgasse! Wege vom Protest zum Handeln“
(English translation: "Leave the deadlock! Paths from protest to action" or, "Exit from the dead end! Paths from anti-protest to pro-action")
Vortrag mit Evelin Lindner
Es lud ein die DignityNowHameln Gruppe, zusammen mit dem BUND und Fridays for Future

Für mehr Informationen, klicke gern auf die Bilder oben, um sie größer zu sehen und finde mehr Einzelheiten in diesen Dateien:

Pressemitteilung vor dem Vortag, von Georg Geckler und Georg Grünewald

Einführung (English) von Michael Boyer

Wer ist DignityNowHameln? von Georg Geckler

Wer ist Evelin Lindner? von Georg Geckler

• Vortrag von Evelin Lindner: Video des ersten Teils und PowerPoint des ganzen Vortrags

Muss der Begriff der Würde neu definiert werden, Frau Dr. Lindner? von Ernst August Wolf, Dewezet, 15. September, Seite 9

• "Raus aus der Sackgasse?" Grünewalds Woche in der Südthüringer Zeitung und der Zeitung Freies Wort (insuedthueringen.de), September 2023


Brief an die Redaktionen der Hamelner Medien am 29. August 2023, im Vorfeld des Votrages:
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
Die aus Hameln stammende Gründerin des globalen Netzwerkes „Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies“, Dr. Dr. Evelin Lindner, wird am 11. September um 19 Uhr bis 21 Uhr im Forum des Schillergymnasiums einen Vortrag halten mit dem Titel: „Raus aus der Sackgasse! Wege vom Protest zum Handeln“.
Die Hamelner Gruppe „DignityNowHameln“ würde sich freuen, wenn Sie auf diesen Vortrag aufmerksam machen und dazu einladen würden. Auch der BUND Hameln-Pyrmont und die örtliche Gruppe von Fridays for Future rufen zum Besuch dieses Vortrags auf. Selbstverständlich sind Sie auch eingeladen, über die Veranstaltung zu berichten. Für die Ankündigung haben wir im Anhang eine kleine Presseerklärung sowie zum Hintergrund zwei erläuternde Texte beigefügt. Frau Lindner ist auch für ein Interview zu sprechen, das Sie mit mir oder direkt mit ihr vereinbaren können. Für Rückfragen stehe ich Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Georg-W. Geckler, für die DignityNowHameln Gruppe

In ihrem Votrag wies Evelin Lindner auf die Arbeit von Paul Raskin hin. Im folgenden kommt eine kurze Einführung (auf English, die deutsche Einführung ist hier)
Paul Raskin is a physicist and founding president of the Tellus Institute, which has conducted over 3,500 research and policy projects worldwide on environmental issues, resource planning, scenario analysis and sustainable development. Raskin was lead author of a number of high-profile international studies. He is a contemporary witness and contributor to all important global initiatives to date. However, his experience was that even the most important recommendations of his studies were rejected by those who should act politically. Paul Raskin therefore says: “We are rich in scientific knowledge and studies, but poor in effective action.” In 2003, he drew the conclusions from these experiences and founded the Great Transition Initiative (GTI) as an online forum of ideas and an international network for the critical exploration of concepts, strategies, and visions for a transition to a future of enriched lives, human solidarity, and a resilient biosphere. Raskin's question this month to his network members:
Why isn't the world moving in the right direction faster? There are so many good initiatives, what is stopping them? What prevents them from becoming a unified global movement? This is the opening essay: "Global Tapestry of Alternatives: Weaving Transformative Connections," by Ashish Kothari and Shrishtee Bajpai, https://greattransition.org/gti-forum/global-tapestry-kothari-bajpai
More than 50 answers have come in so far, I summarize: The systemic counterforces are too strong, appropriate political will is difficult to emerge and exist in this context, and there is hardly any money for it. We are trapped in systemic structures (goal number 8!) that we ourselves created, we as humanity, but from which we can no longer escape.

Kindy see Evelin's contribution to this GTI Forum "Experiments in Movement Unity" based on Ashish Kothari and Shrishtee Bajpai's essay Global Tapestry of Alternatives: Weaving Transformative Connections
(long version, September 2023 | shortened draft sent to the GTI Forum editor Jonathan Cohn on September 15, 2023 | version posted to the GTI Forum on September 17, 2023 | Pdf on the GTI site)

Zu dem Thema des Vortrages passt diese Sendung am 14. September auf 3sat:
scobel - Lange Schatten des Kolonialismus
Der europäische Kolonialismus brachte Gräueltaten an Millionen von Menschen. Bis heute profitiert Europa von der Plünderung von Ressourcen und der Ausbeutung von Menschen als Sklaven

Danke, Michael Boyer, für diesen Artikel:
'Defunding Dissent: Restrictions on Aid to NGOs'
by Jeremy M. Weinstein, Darin Christensen, Journal of Democracy, April 2013, volume 24, issue 2, pp. 77–91.

10th and 15th September 2023, Weserbergland, Germany
Thank you, dear Georg Grünewald, for your loving support and faithful friendship!

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

9th & 10th September 2023, Weserbergland, Germany
Die Hamelner Kantorei singt Paulus, op. 36 (MWV A 14), das erste der beiden vollendeten Oratorien von Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy. Es behandelt Leben und Wirken des Apostels Paulus.

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger and see also the flyer.

7th September 2023, , global
Linda and I had a wonderful meeting with our dear Fatma Tufan!

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger!

5th September 2023, Weserbergland, Germany
What a gift! Thank you so much, dear Uli Spalthoff, for visiting!
You are our dignity hero! Thank you for gifting your time, energy, brilliant expertise, and creativity and building up our not-for-profit publishing house Dignity Press! This is such a valuable gift to the world! And thank you equally for building up the website for our World Dignity University initiative!

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

17th August 2023
Zoom meeting with Professor Bjørn Stensaker, Vice-Rector for Education in the period 2021–2025 at the University of Oslo.

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

16th August 2023, Burgerhus, Hamelin, Germany
With Karla Ewerdt and Georg Grünewald in the 'Burgerhus' of Artes Wesera in Hameln, admiring the wonderful art exhibition of Norbert Grell and Norbert Feist!
Kindly see also pictures of 2019.

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

13th August 2023, Corvey, Germany
With Georg Grünewald in the Princely Abbey of Corvey (Welterbe Corvey) (left side)!
With Georg Grünewald in Gellersen, 4th September 2023 (right side).

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

28th July 2023 Bückeberg, and 31st July 2023 Hameln, Weserbergland, Germany
The annual 'Reich Harvest Festival' held on the Bückeberg in Emmerthal near Hameln from 1933 to 1937 was one of the largest mass events of National Socialism. The Hamelin historian Bernhard Gelderblom has been campaigning for an appropriate approach to the place for many years. He was able to ensure that the site was listed as a monument by the state of Lower Saxony in 2011. In 2018, the district of Hameln-Pyrmont founded a non-profit limited company together with the association for regional cultural and contemporary history Hameln e.V. to realise a documentation and learning location.

Thank you so much, dear Gisela and Bernd, for this wonderful evening in your home on 31st July!

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

Vom 15. Juli bis zum 3. August! Andrea an ihrem Geburtstag verbunden mit Linda in Oregon, und mit dem Dignity Dialogue Home Schild in der Hand, das Brian Ward in Neuseeland gemacht und von dort hergeschickt hat!

Auf dem Weserinsel Werder

15. Juli – 3. August 2023, Gellersen, Weserbergland, Germany
Vielen lieben Dank, liebe Andrea und Michael, dass Ihr mich/uns so liebevoll in Euerm Paradies-Zuhause aufgenommen habt! Wie wunderbar, dass Euer Heim ein Dignity Dialogue Haus ist!

Thank you so much, dearest Andrea and Michael, for receiving me/us in your paradise home so lovingly!

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

28th July 2023, Hamelin, Germany
I am the proud owner of a wonderful yellow Fiat Panda!
Thank you so much, dear Kurt, Tom, and Tony, for your wonderful support!

Vielen herzlichen Dank, lieber Kurt, Tom und Tony, für eure wunderbare Unterstützung!

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

16th July 2023, with Georg Grünewald in Hämelschenburg, Germany
Hämelschenburg Castle is a gem of North German architecture and has been completely preserved with the church, farm buildings, park and inventory. The manor belonging to the castle has been owned by the von Klencke family since 1437 and is managed according to the principle of sustainability. The church in Hämelschenburg is the first free-standing Protestant church building.

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

16th July 2023, Jordan and Germany
A wonderful Zoom meeting on nonviolent and dignifying communication, connecting Jordan and Germany. Thank you so much, dear Claudia and Amina, for being the nurturers of this wonderful meeting on nonviolent and dignifying communication! You connected the best of knowledge from Jordan and Germany! Thank you, dear Ghazi, Mariam, Jibreel, and Andrea, for your wonderful contributions! Warmest appreciation from Evelin, who was infinitely happy about this meeting, because it brought the people she loves together!

Please note World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms, or World Wide Organization of Organic Farms, a network of national organizations that facilitate homestays on organic farms.

• Kindly click on the screenshot above or here to see more pictures.

6th–9th July 2023, Rudolstadt, Thuringia, Germany
Rudolstadt hosts Germany's biggest folk, roots, and world music festival, TFF Rudolstadt (Tanz&FolkFest), taking place annually on the first full July weekend.
I was lucky to be invited by journalist Georg Grünewald, and, among others, running into former theologist and journalist Christoph Dieckmann, and Referent for Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Matthias Schlegel, both of whom Georg knew.
• Kindly click on the photo above to see more.

6th July 2023, Görlitz, Germany
Liebe Andrea, Danke für das wunderschöne Treffen in der Bäckerei Dreißig, Postplatz 19-21, 02826 Görlitz!
Andrea Hahn is the widow of André Hahn, the son of Manfred, a cousin of my mother.
• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

5th July 2023, Lubań (former Lauban) and Uniegoszcz (former Bertelsdorf), Silesia / Schlesien, Poland
It was wonderful to visit Edyta Jarząb (born Krawczyk), and her mother in Lubań!

• This is my father, ca. 15 years old, on his horse Rex on his family farm in Silesia before the Second World War. He was to inherit this farm. Both the farm and the homeland were, however, lost after the war. The farm was located in Bertelsdorf until 1945, a village now called Uniegoszcz. His farm was located at the edge of the village and is now included in the next larger city Lauban/Lubañ.
Kindly click on his picture above or here to see more old photos.

• This is Edyta Krawczyk on the left side in 2007 and on the other pictures in 2023 (now Edyta Jarząb), together with her mother Teresa Dubis Krawczyk. Edyta and her husband Adam are on Facebook, inviting agro-tourism. Edyta studied in Wrocław, which was called Breslau when my mother was born there in 1930.

Thank you, dear Edyta and Teresa for welcoming me so warmly and lovingly!
Vielen Dank, liebe Edyta Jarząb und liebe Teresa Dubis Krawczyk, dass ihr mich so herzlich und liebevoll in eurem Zuhause in Lauban/Lubañ willkommen geheißen habt! Zuerst im Jahr 1995 und nun erneut im Jahr 2023!

• Kindly see also a little video of our lovely time together.

July 2023, Kraków, Poland
European Social Psychology and Its Responsibilities: Dignity and Humiliation
Evelin Lindner's contribution to the Symposium titled ‘Recent Developments in the Study of Humiliation: Conceptualisation, Antecedents, and Consequences at the Interpersonal and Intergroup Level’
convened by Saulo Fernández, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
on 1st July 2023
at the
19th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Kraków, 30th June – 4th July 2023
'This year’s EASP General Meeting is going to be a remarkable platform for sharing knowledge and networking with researchers from around the world. The Programme Committee has received a diverse range of submissions that are sure to make the conference engaging and insightful. They have created a program including an exciting line-up of speakers, blitz and poster presentations, panel discussions, and accompanying events'.

• Kindly click on the photo at the top to see the website of the conference.

• Kindly see a pre-recording of this talk created on 22nd June 2024 in Oslo, and the PowerPoint slides.

I thank Beate Seibt from the University of Oslo for her comments! In my talk, I mentioned William Ury and his 1999 book 'Getting to Peace', where he called for a future global knowledge society with knowledge servind as a new win-win resource. Sadly, in 2023, we observe the opposite happening: Misleading 'knowledge' risks undermining the potential of substantiated knowledge to represent a true resource — substantiated knowledge is often hidden behind pay-walls, while misleading 'knowledge', such as divisive conspiracy narratives, is pushed to the fore, not least driven by algorithms that secure profits to online platforms.

Beate also mentioned the work of David Graeber and David Wengrow, who show 'How 17th-Century Indigenous Americans Knew a Lot More About Freedom Than Their French Colonisers'.
I always wanted to tell David (Graeber) that, just like him, I try to live my ideas about social justice and liberation in my practical life, even though the world travels into the opposite direction. When it was sadly too late to tell David, I shared it with David Wengrow. I explained that I am the founding president of a transdisciplinary academic field and a global community that aims to bring more dignity into the world, and that I lead this work together with Linda Hartling, a relational psychologist. Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS) came into being more than 20 years ago and is both an academic field and a global network of concerned scholars, researchers, educators, practitioners, creative artists, and others, who all collaborate in a spirit of mutual support to understand the complex dynamics of dignity and humiliation. We have also founded the World Dignity University initiative to place dignity at the core of academia (rather than profit). I have adapted my practical life most radically to this work by living as a global citizen not just in theory but in practice, and this almost without funding. The reason for the latter is that mistrust is increasing all around the world with respect to personal integrity. If I approach people in the Global South with the topic of dignity, their primary reaction is cynicism (I am suspected of being a Western imperialist using the theme of dignity as a cover-up), a cynicism that is often eerily like what the Mi’kmaq thought about the French 1611–1616, according to Pierre Biard. In 1982, I spent time with the Havasupai and Navajo in Durango, Colorado, and I remember hearing similar views from them.

These are two slides that I use (since more than 20 years, also before reading Biard and Sagar, or Graeber & Wengrow, or David Bell's critique of the latters' work) to explain how the ideals of the French Revolution and human rights ideals connect with Indigenous insights. I am part of the Indigenous Psychologists Task Force and Indigenous scholars such as Darcia Narvaez are esteemed members in our dignity community.

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

3rd July 2023, Kraków, Poland
Thank you very much, dear Saulo Fernández, for convening our 'Humiliation' symposium group in the Hamsa restaurant in Kraków!
It was so nice that you all appreciated my 'circle of love gifts'!
Here you can see more:
- Dear Saulo, kindly see more of the drawings I did in Egypt around 1987 (I worked in Cairo as a counsellor and psychotherapist from 1984 to 1991). And see more old photos and drawings from the Levante!
- Dear Chris and Inrene, kindly find me and my dear father here...
- Dear Rut, Dalia Meraiot is the artist who created the wonderful sculptures of which you have one photo!
- Dear Yashpal, first, thanks so much for bringing such wonderful sweets all the way from India!
Kindly see more of the photos I took in Hameln in 2016. Your son might be interested to watch the light and sound show I recorded in Jerusalem! And your dear wife will hopefully like the little silver ankh pendant ('The ankh or key of life is an ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol used in Egyptian art and writing to represent the word for "life" and, by extension, as a symbol of life itself')! Last, kindly see the contribution by Shashi Kumar to our 2017 Dignity Conference in Indore. Thanks also for reminding us of Gopal Guru's 2009 book titled 'Humiliation: Claims and context' (New Delhi: Oxford University Press, see a book review by Brian Campbell).

2nd July 2023, Kraków, Poland

• Thai Ice-Cream in Kraków! A little video captured in the evening of 2nd July 2023 in the Jewish quarter...

30th June 2023, Kraków, Poland

• See a little video of the wonderful singer who sang in front of the Saints Peter and Paul Church and the St. Andrew's Church in Kraków, Poland.

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger and watch a little video of the tiered arcades of Sigismund I the Old in the Italian Renaissance courtyard within Wawel Castle.

28th June 2023, 7.30 PM Indian Standard Time, India & Global
The panel discussion 'Stop Genocide' was being held to commemorate the birth anniversary of Prof. Dr. Glenn D. Paige. It was a great privilege to have Glenn Paige with us in our 2009 Dignity Conference in Honolulu!
Dr. Anoop Swarup and Dr. Katyayani Singh kindly invited Evelin together with Glenda Paige, Joám Evans Pim, Bill Bhaneja, Jocelyn Wright, Thomas Fee, Christophe Barbey, Roland Joseph, and Vidya Jain.

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

Se en liten video

27. og 28. juni 2023, Brøtsø, Norge
Hvilken ære og gave å være sammen med Lisbeth og Per Glad og så kjøre alle sammen til Gerdelin på Brøtsø!
Tusen takk, kjære Lisbeth, Per og Gerdelin, for deres kjærlighet og gjestfrihet!

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger and also see a little video.

27. og 28. juni 2023, Tønsberg, Norge
Hvilken gave å være sammen med Lisbeth og Per Glad i Tønsberg!
Jeg er dypt takknemlig, kjære Lisbeth, at du lagde et så flott bilde til boken 'Brev til min far' som jeg håper å skrive snart!

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

Se min lille video opptak

26. juni 2023, Skillebekk, Oslo
Sonja Lid startet Fredskontoret i Stavanger i 1962, sammen med sin mann Lars Andreas Larssen. Etter hvert vokste det fram fredskontor i en rekke norske byer (se også en sammenfatning som Sonja lagde i 2016).
Tusen takk, kjære Sonja, for en nydelig ettermiddag sammen! Ingen ville tro at du er 90 år gammel!
Tusen takk for den fine lille gaven du ga meg! Se min lille video opptak av overrekkelsen.

Vi møttes hos Trine Eklund i 2015 og 2016 og nå igjen i 2023!

• Kindly click on the photos above to see more.

26th June 2023, Åoent bakeri, Damplass, Oslo
Dearest Thomas Hylland Eriksen, we all wish you all the strength you need!

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

26th June 2023, Vinderen, Oslo, Norway
My beloved doctoral advisor Jan Smedslund is 94 years old! Congratulations!

When I visited him, he had his doctoral thesis on the table, 'Multiple-probability learning. An inquiry into the origins of
' (Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1955, 118 pp.).
He asked me to read the epigraph he had chosen for his thesis:
"Vor allem der grosse Umfang und die damit verbundene Weitverzweigtheit und Feinheit der Vermittlungsbasis scheint es zu sein, der das Intuitiv-Geniale der Wahrnehmung ermöglicht, die dadurch auf komplexen Gebieten wie dem der Menschenkenntnis das diskursive Denken vielfach bei weitem überflügelt. Die Wahrnehmung setzt eben noch vieles in Rechnung, das in die Vermittlung einzuverleiben das Denken zu schwerfällig ist. Dieses wird dann in vielen Fälle die Wahrnehmung nicht ... korrigieren, sondern (etwa durch gekünstelte Überbetonung einzelner Kriterien) bloss noch verderben." Egon Brunswik.

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

Historian ​Jørgen Jensehaugen has published the book 'En kort introduksjon til Israel - Palestina-konflikten. [A brief introduction to the Israel - Palestine conflict]'

26. juni 2023, PRIO, Oslo, Norway
Tusen takk, kjære Jørgen, for et meget givende møte på Instituttet for fredsforskning (The Peace Research Institute Oslo, PRIO)!

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

25th June 2023, Bristol Hotel, Oslo
Dear Olav Ofstad, I very much look forward to your new and important book project!
Yes, children need to be better prepared in the future so they can resist being complicit in violence.

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

21. til 27. juni, Lørenskog, Norge
Kjære Mette, hvilken fantastisk venninne du er! Tusen hjertelig takk for at du huste meg i ditt skjønne hjem!

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

23rd June 2023, Oslo, Noreway
What a privilege to be with Fanny Duckert and her husband Arild each year in Oslo and learn from them! Their support is invaluable to me and to our entire global dignity community! Thank you, dearest Fanny and Arild! In 2013, I even had the privilege of being in your home in the Blue Valley in South Africa!

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

23rd June 2023, Oslo, Norway
What a wonderful re-connection with philosopher Ingmar Meland, after listening to his brilliant conversation with Nils Gilje at filosofifestivalen in Kragerø in May!
I learned so much from Ingmar! For example, about the Cassirer–Heidegger debate! I would love attending his seminars in the future!

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

Thank you so much for your lovely gift from Budapest to Ingunn, dear Eszter and Mate!

21st June 2023, the Department of Psychology at the University of Oslo, Norway
From Humiliation and Depression to Dignity: What Can We Do?
Annual lecture at the Department of Psychology of the University of Oslo, Harald Schjelderups hus, Forskningsveien 3A, 0373 Oslo, Norway, room S328 (south wing, third floor, room 28), 21st June 2023, 13:15–15:00.
This year as hybrid lecture, in person and on Zoom.

Kindly see:
• a recording of the lecture (done on 22nd June)
PowerPoint slides
• the UiO announcement of the lecture
• the HumanDHS invitation to the lecture

I was so thankful that Svein Mossige, Agnes Andenæs, and Åshild Hauge joined, together with Eszter and Mate Toth from Hungary, and then my dear Lasse Moer also came, and wonderful Ellinor Halle!
The greatest honour was that our dear Ingunn Norderval came, despite having been very sick! Indigenous peoples honour their elders, and Ingunn was our beloved ELDER! We honour you for your book on the women who were nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in our Dignity Press!

Thank you also to you, dearest Fatma Tufan, for being so faithful in taking care of the Zoom room! You had to get up extremely early in the morning in Pennsyvania! And thank you for coming in from Finland, dearest Ella Autti, and you for coming from Germany, dear Georg Geckler, and you, dear Natascha Janho, from Germany/Palestine!
A big thank you to everyone who came!

Summary: In this colloquium, Evelin Lindner will present her concept of dignity and humiliation and relate it to some of the research projects conducted at the Department of Psychology. With respect to research on depression, for instance (see Ole Andre Solbakken et al.), it is relevant to note that a study from 2003 showed that the strongest predictor of major depression is a combination of loss and humiliation (Kendler et al., 2003). With respect to pathways from humiliation to dignity, the work of Beate Seibt and Thomas Schubert on the concept of Kama Muta (Sanskrit: 'moved by love') is relevant, an emotion described as 'being emotionally touched' (see kamamutalab.org). In the light of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (uit.no/kommisjonen) and their report submitted on 1st June 2023, the Department of Psychology aims at raising awareness, particularly in its programmes of professional study, for the special needs of minorities.

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

Bilde tatt fra Forskerforum

21st July 2023, Oslo, Norway
What a privilege to have one hour with eminent philosopher Arne Johan Vetlesen!

Thank you, dear Arne Johan! I felt very enriched after our meeting and so much look forward to more conversations in the future!

• Kindly click on the photo above to see the website from where I took the picture..

20th June 2023, Oslo, Norway
How wonderful, dearest Barbro, that we could have our traditgional annual meeting again, this time again in Litteraturhustet!
It is such a gift to have you as a dear friend!
• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

20th June 2023, Oslo, Norway
Congratulations, dearest Ingeborg!
You brilliantly defended your doctoral dissertation titled:
'Introducing a systems perspective on the development of a green organisational climate:
Interactions and dynamics within sustainable organisations

My little gift of a key chain from Jerusalem was given to you in honour of the intensity of your dedication!
You may want to have a look my experiences in Jerusalem, very intense as well...

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger, and click here to see the lovely pictures that you posted on Facebook!

17th June 2023, Oslo
Oslo is filled with Norwegian and Scotish soccer fans!
• Kindly click on the photo above to my little video!


17th June 2023, Oslo, Norway
What a joy it was to see you again, dearest Becca! We will never forget how you came with your dear grandfather Don Klein to our 2003 Dignity Conference in Paris!
Now you have a wonderful son, whose name is, unbelievably ... Oslo! And I met your dear brother! What a gift!
We visited the City Hall / Rådhuset and the Opera!

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

June 2023, Oslo, Norway
Dearest Hanne-Sofie and Torstein, I have no words to thank you for your loving welcome to me! Thank you so much for listening to my stories and sharing yours with me! Being allowed to become your 'little sister' was a huge gift! I am deeply thankful and very happy!
Thanks also for giving me very interesting books to look at: Sigmund Karterud on 'Gruppeanalyse', Morris Eagle on a 'Unified Psychoanalytic Theory', and René Girard on 'The scapegoat' (I remember the 1982 French original 'Le Bouc émissaire').
I even learned about fiskekroker (fishing hooks) and how beautiful they are!

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.


16th June 2023, Karl Johan, Oslo, Norway
What a gift to reconnect with you, dear Kit-fai! We will never forget how you came with your dear husband Arne Næss to our 2003 Dignity Conference in Paris! Thank you for giving me Arne's wonderful book!

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

16th June 2023, Domus Juridica
What a great library in the new Domus Juridica! I am reading Thomas Darnstädt's important book 'Nürnberg: Menschheitsverbrechen vor Gericht 1945'

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

16. juni 2023, Frysja
Det er en stor gave å ha Julie og Hannah som venner!
Jeg har ingen ord å takke dere for deres kjærlig omsorg, kjære dere begge to!
Hvilken paradis, Frysja badeplass! Her er det en liten video av veien til min lille badeplass!

Congratulations with your new and crucially important book on a culture of peace, dearest Ingeborg!

• Kindly click on the photos above to see more.

16th June 2023, Maridalsveien, Oslo, Norway
Observed by chance from the bus stop! A bed on the rooftop! What a great idea!

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

'Cardboard Camp: Stories of Sudanese Refugees in Lebanon' (2023). Photo: Drawn by artist Omar Khouri

15th June 2023, Oslo, Norway
Visual Storytelling: At the Interface Between Research and Art, Cindy Horst, Maja Janmyr, Jacob Høigilt
The Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) / Institutt for fredsforskning, Hausmanns gate 7, Oslo

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

14th June 2023, Litteraturhuset, Oslo, Norway
What a gift to reconnect with Sigmund Karterud, the 'father' of group analysis in Norway!

Dear Sigmund, thanks for recommending Maktens nervetråder. Politiske kulturer i Europa fra middelalderen til andre verdenskrig.
Av Hans Jacob Orning og Kai Østberg

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

14th June 2023, Domus Juridica, Oslo, Norway
Transitional Justice in Kosovo: Taking Stock of Its Trajectory in the Period 1999-2023
Norwegian Centre for Human Rights / Norsk senter for menneskerettigheter (SMR)

Bård Anders Andreassen, the Director of the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights, opened the event. Nita Luci, Ambassador of Kosovo in Norway, spoke on 'The Potential of Critical Art Practices and Cultural Heritage for Transitional Justice', followed by Gentian Zyberi, the project leader of the Erasmus + Global Mobility project, and professor Remzije Istrefi, who addressed the 'Status of Sexual Violence Victim of War in Kosovo'.
The workshop was organised as a concluding event to the Erasmus + Global Mobility project, whereby the NCHR has collaborated with the Faculty of Law of the University of Prishtina, to advance human rights teaching in the fields of human rights, transitional justice, democracy, and the rule of law.

It was a great privilege for me to reconnect with Bård Andreassen, whom I had met in 1996 for the first time, and to see Gentian Zyberi again!
It was a wonderful surprise to see Venera Kusari, whom I usually met at Columbia's Advanced Consortium on Cooperation, Conflict, and Complexity (AC4) in New York! I was not aware of her time in Myanmar in the meantime, and that she has moved to Norway! What a joy to reconnect with you, dear Venera!

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

13th June 2023, Oslo
Documenting the roll-out hat that I bought at the central bus station in Jerusalem!

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

13th June 2023, Karl Johan, Oslo
Dear Sahana Sriskandarajah, I wish you all the strength you need for a wonderful future!

• Kindly click on the photo above to see Sahana's profile on Linkedin.

Bjørn Lau, instituttleder, Vibeke Moe, utdanningsleder, og Gunnar Malmin, kontorsjef

12th and 15th June 2023, Department of Psychology, University of Oslo
Thank you so much, dear Bjørn, Vibeke, and Gunnar, for leading the Department of Psychology at the University of Oslo with such extraordinary skill and dedication! Thank you even more for keeping me within the PSI family!
As you know, you are at the core of my global dignity work. I could not do this work without you being my home and my anchor in this world! Being held by you is existential for me. I have no words to thank you for your support!

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

15th June, seminar og sommerfest, Psykologisk institutt, Universitetet i Oslo
Tusen takk for meget viktige innspill på seminaret! Tusen takk Bjørn Stensaker, UiOs Viserektor for utdanning, at du kom til seminaret og delte dine innsikter!
Dette er et så viktig spørsmål: Hva skal universitetet gjøre når ansatte får trussler?

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

15th June 2023, summer party at the Department of Psychology, University of Oslo, Norway
What a gift to meet you, dear Eszter and Mate Toth! Congratulations with your wedding, all the strength you need for the future!

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

12th and 14th June 2023, Department of Psychology, University of Oslo
Dear Jon and Ole Andre, I so much admire you and your work! It is such a privilege to know also you, dear Guro! And thank you for many years of faithful work, dear Agnes!
• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

12th and 14th June 2023, Psykologisk institutt, Universitetet i Oslo
Jeg har ingen ord å takke dere, kjære Egil og Per-Ole! Hva ville jeg gjøre uten dere!
Og takk også til deg, kjære Alan!

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

12th June 2023, Oslo
Addressing Human Rights in North Korea: A Path to Global Security and Peace
The Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) / Institutt for fredsforskning, Hausmanns gate 7, Oslo

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

10th–11th June 2023, Risør, Norway
The artists Vebjørn and Eimund Sand received the Fangenes Testamente prize, which I had the privilege of receiving in 2009.
The Sand brothers were being honoured for their project called 'Roseslottet' in Oslo!
Eimund Sand thanked with a wonderful song! (see my little video recording)
Congratulations, dear Vebjørn and Eimund!

Thank you so much, dear Helga and Uwe Arntzen, together with Line Wormli, Per Christian, Terkelsen, and the entire crew of Fredshuset in Risør, for your amazing work!
And what a privilege also to be with Henrik Syse again, a towering personality in Norway and beyond!
We first met in 1995, in Dagfinn Føllesdal's Ethics Programme!

Roseslottet representerer et enestående vitnesbyrd om kampen mot ondskap og troen på demokrati, rettsstat, menneskerettigheter og menneskeverd. Målet med Roseslottet er å fortelle om disse verdiene og deres viktighet gjennom malerier og installasjoner som forteller om Den andre verdenskrig. Navnet «Roseslottet» er på gripende vis inspirert av den tyske motstandsgruppen Die weisse Rose (Den hvite rose). Den andre verdenskrigs brutalitet og den ideologien som forårsaket den, representerer et angrep på menneskets verdighet som aldri må glemmes. Målet med å fortelle historien om Den andre verdenskrig er imidlertid ikke hevn eller sinne, men ønsket om å lære og om å bygge en bedre verden. Roseslottet bidrar til dette på en imponerende måte. Roseslottet forteller oss om verdier som vi må verne, og som vi aldri skal ta for gitt på en måte som appellerer til både gamle og unge. Brødrene Sand har gjennom sitt verk oppfylt kriteriene for prisen «Fangenes Testamente», ved at de gjenforteller for nye generasjoner en livsviktig fortelling om verdibeskyttelse og menneskelig verdighet. Den type formidling er krevende – og den er viktig. Derfor får Eimund og Vebjørn Sand prisen Fangenes Testamente for 2023.

• Kindly click on the photos above or here to see more pictures.

10th June 2023, Oslo to Risør and back!
What a privilege to be taken care of by Lars Weisæth on the way from Oslo to Risør! Thank you, dear Lars, for taking me with you in your car! Lars received the Fangenes Testamente prize in 2018, which I had the privilege of receiving in 2009.
Weisæth is an expert on military psychiatry, psychotherapy, and psychotraumatology, and is one of Norway's leading experts on crisis psychiatry.

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

Røde kors. Foto: Robert Mostad
9th June 2023, Oslo
Institutt for samfunnsforskning (ISF) / Institute for Social Research, Munthes gate 31, Oslo
ISF-frokost 9. juni: Fremtidens frivillige beredskap
Rapportlansering for Fremtidens frivillige beredskap
Hva venter oss i fremtiden? Det kan vi ikke vite sikkert, men vi er trygge på en ting: at Norge også i fremtiden vil være avhengig av frivillig beredskap. Røde Kors og Institutt for samfunnsforskning (ISF) har derfor over flere år analysert beredskapsbehov- og kapasitet frem mot 2050. På dette seminaret ble sluttrapporten som ISF og Røde Kors har skrevet sammen presentert, hovedfunn fra hele prosjektet og anbefalinger for tiden fremover. Program Direktør ved Institutt for samfunnsforskning Tanja Storsul ønsket velkommen. Innledning ved Jon Halvorsen, direktør for Hovedredningssentralen og utvalgsmedlem i Totalberedskapskommisjonen hvis NOU leverte samme uke som seminaret Vibeke Wøien Hansen (prosjektleder og forsker II, ISF) og Cathrine Tranberg Hårsaker (Røde Kors) presenterte sluttrapporten til prosjektet.
Rapporten ble finansiert av forskningsmidler fra Røde Kors. L
Sluttrapport: Fremtidens frivillige beredskap. Delrapport 1: Framskrivinger. En analyse av risikoen for uønskede hendelser i fremtiden Fremtidens frivillige beredskap. Delrapport 2. Beredskapsorganisering i møte med fremtiden

8th June 2023, Oslo, Norway

What a privilege to listen to mathematician Snorre H. Christiansen presenting his new book 'Matematisk fundament: Spill i grenseland' at the Taiji Center of my dear and admired friend Pamela Hiley!

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

These are the first buildings of the University of Oslo. See my little video made on 8th June 2023. in 2001, I defended my doctoral dissertation in Social Psychology in Domus Academica (the building on the right side).

In this hall in Domus Academica I defended my doctoral dissertation in 2001. Ragnhild Nilsen was so generous to invite my professors and my parents afterwards into Stortorvets Gjæstgiveri!
On 16th June 2023, I dropped in again!

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

26th May 2001
I was awarded the doctoral degree in psychology (Dr. psychol.) at the University of Oslo, Norway.
Thesis: The Psychology of Humiliation: Somalia, Rwanda / Burundi, and Hitler's Germany.
You see my parents and the doctoral committee (Professors Jan Smedslund, Berit Ås, Stephen von Tetzchner, and Karsten Hundeide for Lee Ross).

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

8th June 2023, Oslo, Norway
Aage Borchgrevink leads the Norwegian Non-Fiction Writers and Translators Association, and he invited to the 2023 sommer party.
It was a great joy for me to meet my dear Nora Sveaass and Fanny Duckert!

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

7th June 2023, Oslo, Norway
How wonderful to be with my dear Ragnhild! Next year, we will know each other for 30 years! She once saved my life!

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

7th June 2023, Oslo, Norway
...a lovely morning, walking around the Opera building in Oslo... making a little video...
See also the new 'bystrand' in front of the Munch Museum!

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger and see also the little video.

6th June 2023, Oslo
What a privilege to stay with Magnus Haavelsrud and his dog Rino during the first days of June 2023!

• Kindly click on the photo above with Linda Hartling on Skype to see it larger!

• Kindly see the video edited by Linda Hartling.

6th June 2023, global, with close to 100 registered participants worldwide
Colloquium "Reimagining and Re-Enchanting Education"
re-connecting the University for Peace in Costa Rica (where we had our 2006 Dignity Conference), and the World Dignity University,
a colloquium initiated by Phil Brown, who kindly invited Stephanie Knox Steiner, with Linda coordinating the event, and Janet Gerson conducting a dignity conversation with Chipamong Chowdhury, Fonkem Achankeng I, and Mara Alagic, with Linda and Evelin closing the event.

Description: If we hope to create a more dignified, just, peaceful, livable world where all beings can thrive, we need to educate for it. This demands a reimagining of how we see the purpose of education, the systems and structures and learning processes we create to foster education, who we see as teachers, and where knowledge comes from and how learning happens. In this interactive colloquium, we will hear from Stephanie Knox Steiner, Ph.D., assistant professor and coordinator of the Peace Education Master’s Program at the United Nations-affiliated University for Peace in Costa Rica. Her presentation will be followed by responses from members of the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies network, with room for audience reflection and comments to encourage continued dialogue. This colloquium will be introduced by HumanDHS Global Advisory Board Member Philip Brown, with Board Director Janet Gerson facilitating dialogue with distinguished contributors Chief Fonkem Achankeng I, Mara Alagic, Chipamong Chowdhury, Linda Hartling, and Evelin Lindner. We are delighted to have you with us for this interactive event exploring how education may be the most promising path toward a world of mutual dignity. [read more]

Thank you, dear Stephanie, for reminding us of Rainer Maria Rilke (1875 – 1926) and his words, "I live my life in widening circles that reach out across the world. I may not complete this last one but I will give myself to it". This is how I live, too!

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger and see also the video edited by Linda Hartling.

5th June 2023 Oslo, Norway
It was so lovely to reconnect with Marit Haug! We know each other since 1994, when I met your late husband through his work, and your support has always been extremely important for me!
Thank you so much for showing me Tjuvholmen badeplass rett ved Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modern Art!
• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger!

Ulmus glabra

• The Wheel Of Life in the Vigeland Park

3rd June 2023 Oslo, Norway
It was lovely to spend an afternoon and evening with my dear Nora!
I walked from her home through the Vigeland Park, passing in front of the Wheel of Life, admiring the elm trees that send their seeds flying in the air like golden rain.

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger!

See a little video

29. mai 2023 i Kragerø
Merete inviterer til båttur i Kragerøs skjærgård, sammen med Eva, Ingrid og Tom!
Tusen tusen takk, kjære Merete! Dette var vidunderlig!

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger and click here to see the video.

Filosofifestivalen åpnet med nydelig sang av kantoriet, ledet av Robert Carding, se video tatt av Evelin, 26. mai 2023

Thank you so much, dear Kirsten Tangen and Fred-Arne Solbekk, for your amazing work!
Tusen takk, kjære Kirsten Tangen og Fred-Arne Solbekk, for fantastisk arbeid!

Invitation published on 17th April 2023


Announcement published in Kragerø Blad Vestmar on 23rd May 2023

26. – 29. mai 2023, Kragerø, Norway
Filosofifestival i Kragerø, 'På kanten: krig og fred'

Filosofifestivalen åpnet med nydelig sang av kantoriet, ledet av Robert Carding, se video tatt av Evelin, 26. mai 2023

Det var en stor ære for meg å bli invitert til en samtale med tittel 'Å være menneskelig i en mørk tid" med professor i filosofi, UiO, Inga Bostad, og professor i sosialantropologi, Thomas Hylland Eriksen på søndag 28. mai 2023! Se Pdf.

Tusen takk, kjære Kirsten Tangen og Fred-Arne Solbekk, for fantastisk arbeid!
Thank you so much, dear Kirsten Tangen and Fred-Arne Solbekk, for your amazing work!

Hvilken stor glede å være sammen med Inga Bostad, Thomas Hylland Eriksen, Henrik Syse, Arne Johan Vetlesen, Anita Leirfall, Randi Gunhildstad, og så mange andre fantastiske mennesker!

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger!

25th May 2023, global
Linda and I had a wonderful meeting with our dear Fatma Tufan!

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger!

Mai 2023 i Kragerø
Tiger has adopted me, a 17 year-old male dignitary. He also participates in Skype meetings with dear Linda.

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

• Kindly click on the photo above to see the video.

17. mai 2023 i Kragerø, Norge
17. mai er Norges grunnlovsdag og feires som nasjonaldag.
Jeg takker Merete og Anna og alle venner i Kragerø for å inkludere meg i feiringen med så mye kjærlighet og omsorg!

• Klikk gjerne på bildet over for å se videoen.

• Kindly click on the photo above to see the video,

16th May 2023 from Oslo's bus terminal to Kragerø on the western side of the Oslofjord in Norway

These are impressions filmed from the bus window on the road from Oslo to Kragerø (ca. 200 km, 3 1/2 hours drive) on 16th May 2023. I know this road since 1977 and it is a great joy to be back. First, there is a lot of traffic out of Oslo, and then come constructions works that I had not yet seen. I thank my lovely neighbour for her kind company.

In all of Norway, I admire the way farm houses are placed in harmony with the landscape.
This is a farm in Ekne in Nord-Trøndelag. Photo by Reidar Almås. License: limited use
• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

This picture shows just one example of many Norwegian farm buildings and their dialogical concord with the surrounding terrain.
I am horrified by the contemporary practice of investors buying land, bulldozing it, and then erecting mass produced units on this land.
I thank my wonderful host Merete for giving me Bergljot Børresen's book Den ensomme apen: Instinkt på avveie (The lonely ape: Instinct going astray), and I feel that our instincts went astray not just with respect to other animals, also with respect to landscape and our sense of belonging to this planet. I could never call such a construction 'home'. I suspect that arguments such as 'profitability' and 'efficiency' are presented by 'lonely' people, who then make other people even lonelier (the architects of mass produces units would never want to live in them themselves...). I suspect that profitability and efficiency would not suffer much if more humane creativity were allowed to enter planning strategies. Yet, I must admit that I doubt that profitability and efficiency are dignifying arguments altogether. The result is that only what is profitable manifests, even if it is desctructive and undignifting, while what should manifest — whatever is dignifting — does not manifest when it is not profitable. Kindly see my 2012 book titled A dignity economy.

16th May 2023 in Oslo
What a privilege to meet with the editors of this fascinating book:

Stordalen, Terje, and Øystein Sakala LaBianca (Eds.) (2021).
Levantine entanglements: Cultural productions, long-term changes and globalizations in the eastern Mediterranean.
Sheffield: Equinox Publishing.

Congratulations, dear Terje and Øystein! I so much resonate with your approach!

Book summary: This volume represents the final output of a long-standing collaboration by an international and cross-disciplinary team sponsored by the Center for Advanced Study at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. It aims to tell the history of human cultural production in the Eastern Mediterranean rather than the history of specific states or religions. Simultaneously, the volume argues that the agency of local communities is a key to understand the history of long-term change and cultural production in the Levant. It narrates the story of the crystallization of a type of sub-imperial power, illustrated by the canonical discourses associated with Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

• Kindly click on the photos above to see more.

15th May 2023 Oslo, Norway
I admire the concept and design of the hotel in the Central Train Station of Oslo. Through its low-key approach to administration and its creative room design it builds down the master-slave hierarchy that "higher-end" hotels often embody.

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

15th May 2023 in Oslo, Norway
What a joy to reconnect with dear Aase Myrtveit!
Thank you so much, dear Aase, for being such a wonderful and deep thinker!
Another thank-you for inviting your dear friend Birgitte to join us!

Thank you for having included me several times into your wonderful radio programme in the past years!
• Ydmykelse - følelsens atombombe, NRK P2, verdibørsen, opptak 24. mars, sendt den 28. mars 2017
• ...hva gjør ydmykelsen så farlig? ...sammenhengen mellom terror og ydmykelse ...terror handler ikke bare om ydmykelse, mens også heltemot og ære: hvordan? ...hva med politikken og ideologienes rolle? ...følelser i politikken; DE føler seg ydmyket, mens VI er redde? (hva gjør denne redselen med oss?) ...hvor viktig er følelser i politikken ...fører globalisering til mer konflikt? ...om å vende seg vekk fra den globale landsbyen ...hvorfor ikke vende seg vekk?

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

Mai 2023, back in the land of the Northern Light!
Kindly see a trailer for the documentary Northern Lights Xperium.

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

14th May 2023 in Amman, Jordan
What a privilege and joy to have another amazingly inspiring meeting with His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan, who is a towering peace-maker, just as Nelson Mandela was one.
Thank you for suggesting a new Helsinki Process for the Levante, supported by the World Dignity University initiative!

Thank you again, dear Prince Hassan, that you honoured us by inviting us to have our 2022 Dignity Conference last year in September at the Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies (RIIFS) that you founded in 1994. It was a hybrid conference, with 125 participants registered from all around the world, in addition to the local participants. It was a privilege for me to stay on as a visiting scholar until December 2022 and to be back now in April and May 2023!

Prince Hassan is the former president of the Club of Rome and he became aware of our dignity work through the ‘Corona’ article that I wrote in 2020.
His message is that we have to heal our cogitosphere (the sphere of our thinking and reflection) and overcome cogitocide so that we can prevent further ecocide and sociocide.

I am deeply thankful to Helen Elias for her wonderful care!
Ma chère Laila, merci beaucoup aussi pour tes merveilleux soins!

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

• The streets of Amman:
Kindly click on the photo above to see a litte video.

14th May 2023
These are impressions of the streets of Amman, filmed from the car on the way from the Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies to the Majlis Hassan and back.
Several things always strike me in Amman. First, the slopes are breathtaking. I feel like on the Holmenkollen Skijump! The buildings alongside these slopes are as courageously sloping. Second, while most cities in the world display globalised uniformity ("McDonaldisation") and lack local expression, much of the architecture in Amman avoids this. There are fewer ugly concrete facades. Rather, facades are covered with natural stone. Third, due to water scarcity, there are fewer green trees and plants around, which adds to the overall beige colour of the city, which blends with the colour of the surrounding earth. Sometimes this lets one think of a settlements on Mars, yet, not in an unpleasant way. Fourth, in the middle of the city, Bedouins confirm with their presence and the presence of their animals that this is their land. (Kindly see further down what I have learned about the Bedouins who live around the ancient city of Avdat. I am also always reminded of feminist Silvia Federici, who speaks of ‘enclosure’ as the process whereby not just property and land became divided and contained for profit, also our bodies, our time, our modes of education, our health, our relationships, our attention, and our minds...)
Altogether, the proximity of the oldest cities of the world, such as Ain Ghazal, lets one wish for a time travel back to Ain Ghazal's inhabitants. What would the first inhabitants of Jericho say, if they knew how far away it is today from Ain Ghazal?

• Kindly click on the photo above to see the little video.

13th May 2023, global
Thank you so much, dearest Linda and all of our 'Dignity Now New York' group, for recording such loving birthday greetings on 12th May so they would reach me on 13th May!
Yes, this is a celebration for EveLinda, for EveMichael, and for our entire dignity family!!!

• Kindly click on the screenshot above to see the entire Zoom message!

11th May 2023
What a privilege to reconnect with wonderful Professor Wafa Al-Khadra and to meet her lovely family! And what a gift to meet dear Samar Dudin again!

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger!

• Kindly see the little video filmed when the European Anthem was played during the celebration of the Europe Day.

11th May 2023
Thank you, dear Maria Hadjitheodosiou for inviting me to the Europe Day 2023 reception at Dunes Club Amman!

H.E. Maria Hadjitheodosiou is the EU Ambassador to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. She presented her letters of credence to His Majesty King Abdullah ll on 8 September 2019.

• Kindly click on the photos above to see more and watch the little video filmed when the European Anthem was played during the celebration of the Europe Day.

• The streets of Amman:
Kindly click on the photo above to see a litte video!

11th May 2023
These are impressions of the streets of Amman, filmed from the car on the way from the center to the airport.

• Kindly click on the photo above to see the little video!

11th May 2023
Dearest Adiba, thank you so much for welcoming me so lovingly in your wonderful family! What a privilege and joy! THANK YOU!
Please give all my love also to your dear husband's mother Hana! I am so proud to be her 9th daughter!❤
• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger!

• Kindly click on the flyers above to see them larger!

Together with Mayyada Abu Jaber, Advisory Board members Reem Abu Hassan and Dina Al Bashir (Parliament of Jordan)

• Kindly click on the photos above or here to see all 134 pictures and then see a video.

10th May 2023 in Amman, Jordan
I would like to thank the Advisory Board Member of the Jordanian Women Economics (Jowomenomics) H.E. Reem Abu Hassan for most graciously hosting the event titled 'What Is a Dignity Economy?', based on my 2012 book titled
A dignity economy: Creating an economy which serves human dignity and preserves our planet
(Lake Oswego, OR: World Dignity University Press).
I would like to equally thank Dr. Mayyada Abu Jaber for initiating this event and inviting me to share my insights!
• Kindly click on the photos above or here to see all 134 pictures and click here to see a video (original FICRI video)!

This event was part of the Feminist Integrated Center for Research and Innovation (FICRI) CIRCLE Series of
Jordanian Women Economics (JoWomenomics)
(See the Japanese origin of Womenomics, and see also Women as Partners in Progress, WPP)

• Kindly click on the photos above or here to see all 134 pictures and then see a video.
• Kindly see also a PowerPoint presentation made by Evelin on 13th May 2023 for all those who might be interested to go deeper into the material.
• Kindly see also the video of a little performance titled 'Unifying Old and New Wisdom' which was part of this event.
Thank you, dear Mariam, for filming!
In German, there is a saying, 'Alte Zöpfe abschneiden!' or 'cut old braids!' It calls on rejecting everything 'old' and replacing it with everything 'new'. This is a little performance that brings the opposite message by saying, 'No! Not everything that is old is bad and not everything that is new is good! Let us 'open old braids' very carefully and look for all those traditions and practices that are bringing more dignity into the world! Let us leave behind everything that is undignifying, both in the past and in the present, and let us preserve whatever is dignifying!'
• Kindly see aso the same little performance conducted in Indore, India, 28th February 2023

I am very thankful for the lovely feedbacks I receive! Here is one example: 'Hi Evelin Being with you is very peaceful. It reminds me of John Lennons song Imagine. I love that you evoke a world without war and where no one is poor and women have equal rights not because they have to fight for them but because men share and care. It’s a revolutionary concept only because it makes so much sense and yet we can’t seem create it. I hope I am making a difference in getting us closer to that in the work that I do everyday...'

It was a great joy to be surrounded by my dear Mango and Sadoun family, in honour of late Dr. Ahmad Mango!

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger!

4th May 2023
Mary Nazzal-Batayneh is not only a hugely successful woman, she is also deeply dedicated to care and dignity!
This is what she writes about herself on Linkedin:
Mary is the Executive Chairperson of 17 Ventures, an impact investment and advisory firm specialized in aligning businesses with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In 2022, Mary was assigned the role of Team Leader for an IFC/World Bank market study designed to support Jordanian women entrepreneurs as part of the World Bank Group’s Mashreq Gender Facility. Mary is also the Founder of Landmark Hotels, Jordan’s leading SDG-aligned hospitality business. Following the pandemic, the hotel launched Landmark 2.0 Innovation Hub in partnership with Endeavour to encourage innovation in the hospitality sector. She was chosen as Jordan’s Top Businesswoman in 2019 and as one of Forbes' Most Powerful Arab Women for several years. She is a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum and Global Future Council Member on the Humanitarian Systems Council of World Economic Forum (WEF). Mary is a qualified Barrister (Bar of England & Wales). Mary has a BA in political science from Columbia University ('01), an LLB from the College of Law and an MA in law from SOAS, University of London. She completed her barrister qualification at the Inns of Court School of Law. In 2019, Mary completed Oxford University’s executive programme on transformational leadership, University of Zurich’s executive programme on impact investment and blended finance. In 2020, she completed an impact management and measurement course, accredited by Social Value International. Mary has also completed an Executive Education program on Alternative Investments at Harvard Business School and Global Leadership and Public Policy for the 21st Century at the Harvard Kennedy School; Wealth Planning at Columbia Business School and Value Investing also at Columbia Business School. Mary has 3 children. She owns a Wellness Hub in Jordan called MVMNT and is a qualified yoga teacher.

Thank you, dear Mary, for offering such a wonderful book to me! It is a deeply touching compendium of women painters in Jordan, among them Mary's mother Bernadette! Her great painting is titled 'The Good Life' (oil on canvas 115 x 85 cm, 2018)

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger!

2nd May 2023
I have no words to express my admiration for the work that Dorthy Mango has done!
Thank you for showing me the Al-Hussein Society Jordan Center For Training & Inclusion and introducing me to its wonderful director!
And then there is the amazing 'New to You: The Shop that Gives', a revenue generating project for the Al Hussein Society in Amman! I call on everyone to please go there and have a look!

The Al-Hussein Society is a non-governmental organization working in the field of physical challenges. It was established in 1971 when it began its services aiding government-run orphanages. Once involved in a volunteer program, it became aware of the need to address the lack of services for those with physical challenges. Thus over the years, it evolved into the leading organization in Jordan that provides rehabilitation and educational services to persons with physical challenges.

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger!

7th – 26th April 2023
I have no words to thank my beloved Mango and Sadoun family for welcoming me so lovingly in their home in Majdal in the north of Jordan!
We all share our deep admiration for late Dr. Ahmad Mango and miss him sorely.

I so much admire Amina's art and her knowledge of skin care!

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger and watch my little video of the view from Majdal — one can glimpse Amman on the horizon!

• Kindly see my little video from the car

10th April 2023 from the north of Jordan to Amman
Thank you, dear Abu Ali, for being such a wonderful driver!
• Kindly click on the photos above to see it larger and watch the little video I made from the car
(as you see from the maps, on 7th of April I went from the south to the north along the Jordan River Valley, and on 10th April, I went back south on the other side of the Jordan River Valley... Amman and Jerusalem are mere 100 kilometers apart, across the Jordan River...)

The Jordan Valley

Beit She'an

• Kindly see my little video that I made from clips from Google Map's Streetview
• Kindly see my little video that I made by filming from inside the bus (there is also an oral documentation of the day's events that is not public)

7th April 2023 from Jerusalem to Beit She'an
In the middle of Ramadan, Passover, and Easter, on 7th April, I was leaving Jerusalem. The space in front of the Palm Hostel/Hotel was cordoned off and it was almost impossible to leave it in the morning...
I travelled from Jerusalem northwards to Beit She'an on bus number 961 (or was it number 967?) that was going to Tiberias, first on Highway 1, then on Highway 90, which stretches from Metula near Lebanon, down south along the western side of the Sea of Galilee, through the Jordan River Valley, along the western bank of the Dead Sea (making it the world's lowest road), through the Arabah valley, until it reaches Eilat and the Red Sea. Wikipedia: 'The central section of the road traverses the Israeli-occupied West Bank; while it passes near the city of Jericho, it runs through Area C and does not enter areas controlled by the Palestinian Authority'.

Beit She'an is believed to be one of the oldest cities in the region. It has played an important role in history due to its geographical location at the junction of the Jordan River Valley and the Jezreel Valley.

There are three border crossings between Israel and Jordan: The Yitzhak Rabin/Wadi Araba Crossing in the south, the Jordan River Crossing in the north, and the Allenby/King Hussein Bridge Crossing in the middle. I was aiming for the northern crossing, which meant leaving the bus in Beit She'an and taking a taxi to travel 10 kilometers to the border.

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger and watch the little video I made by going to Google Map's Streetview and the other video I made by filming from inside the bus.

March and April 2023 in Jerusalem
From my window in the Palm Hostel/Hotel that overlooks the Old City, I always wondered which tower belongs to which building? Altogether, I was not sure about the topography of Jerusalem. So, I went on the Internet...
Which means that all these pictures above are not mine, they are captured from the internet...

• Kindly click on the photos above or here to see more pictures.

• Kindly see my little video as I walk through the Old City

6th April 2023 in Jerusalem
The Damascus Gate was illuminated for Ramadan!
Have you ever seen such colourful pickles?
All for Ramadam celebrations!
• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger and then you might like to watch my little video.

6th April 2023 in Jerusalem
The Old City of Jerusalem is heaven to me!

The 'Tree of Life', in the wonderful shop of Rezep Salfity! Thank you, dear Rezep, for sharing your life story with me!
• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger and then you might like to watch my little video as I walk through the Old City!

Thank you, dear Ziyad Al-Nabulsi, for explaining to me how you alternate with your cousin: one semester studying nursing, one semester shop! I understand so well that 'shop is like having a broken leg...'
• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger and then you might like to watch my little video as I walk through the Old City!

Thank you so much for sharing with me your lovely ancient photos in the Via Dolorosa!
The old photo on the right side shows the same place where you have your shop now!

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger and then you might like to watch my little video as I walk through the Old City!

• Kindly see more old photos here. I scanned in those photos that I bought, and then I found more photos here.

• Kindly see here also some old drawings. I scanned in those that I had bought last year in Amman!

• Kindly click on the pictures above or here to see more of the souvenirs I bought!

• Kindly see my little video as I walk through the Old City

6th April 2023 in Jerusalem
In the wonderful Austrian Hospice in the Old City of Jerusalem, I was delighted to meet my dear friends Rima Haering and Thadina Keinath!

In the corridor of the Austrian Hospice I admired the brilliant exhibition 'History Austro-Arab Relations' that was initiated by the Austrian Cultural Forum Cairo and curated by the Austrian historian Dr. Matthias Pfaffenbichler.

• Kindly click on the photos above or here to see more pictures and then you might like to watch my little video.

Mazin and Jessie in 2022

5th April 2023 in Betlehem
The Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability (PIBS) and the Palestine Museum of Natural History (PMNH)
were established in Betlehem 'to research, educate about, and conserve our natural world, culture and heritage. We use this knowledge to promote responsible human interactions with our environment'.

I was so thankful to Jessie Chang Qumsiyeh and Mazin Qumsiyeh for receiving me so lovingly, for explaining everything to me in such depth, and for showing me around so kindly, all this despite their huge workload! It was great to meet also such dedicated volunteers!

Dear Jessie and Mazin, I have no words to express my admiration! What you have created is extraordinary! Congratulations! I wish you all the stremgth you need to continue with your big plans for the future!
Imagine, ten years ago, our mutual Australian friend Hilarie Roseman wrote to me in an email about 'a professor in Bethlehem, who is creating a Palestinian Museum', and now I was here!

• Kindly click on the photos above to get more information.

4th April 2023 in Jerusalem
What a wonderful view from Talpiyot in Jerusalem towards the Mount of Olives!
• Kindly click on the photo above to see the video.

4th April 2023 in Jerusalem
It was a huge privilege to meet with Sheikh Azzam Al-Khatib, director of the Jerusalem Waqf.
We took a picture which is, however, not to be published here.

This was my report to Linda Hartling:
I am in Jerusalem in the middle of high tensions that engulf the Old City. Ramadan, Passover, and Easter fall into the same time period and everyone fears that a new war may start at any moment. Previous wars had begun on the Temple Mount/Haram Al-Sharif (Noble Sanctuary) compound. I am getting ready to meet the one man who is closest to the events and who can prevent violence and war, the director of the Waqf, Sheikh Azzam Al-Khatib. The Waqf is the Jordanian-appointed organisation responsible for controlling and managing the current Islamic buildings on the Haram Al-Sharif compound in the Old City of Jerusalem, which includes the Al-Aqsa mosque and the Dome of the Rock, an area known to Jews as the Temple Mount.
Sheikh Al-Khatib is an elderly dignified and wise man who receives no guests, no journalists, no researchers, especially not now, when there is such high tension, but he is generous enough to want to receive me. But then Israeli security forces kill a young medical student from a Bedouin family in the Negev desert not far from the director's office in the Old City. An Israeli policeman interpreted the young man's movements as wanting to grab the policeman's machine gun and the young man was killed in the next moment. Sheikh Al-Khatib was going to the Negev to assist the bereaved family and my meeting with him was postponed until the next day. When I got there the next day, Israeli security forces had cordoned off the area of his office and at first they did not want to let me go to his office.
All this happened while young Palestinians barricaded themselves on several occasions in the Al-Aqsa Mosque, waiting for young Jews who would come to perform biblical rituals, thus violating the sacred compound. In between, there were Israeli security forces ready to act with force. During the night, I repeatedly woke up by loud noises and when I looked out of my window overlooking the space just outside of the Damascus gate, I could watch young Palestinians running, followed by Israeli police, in several waves.
All my friends who wished for peace, on all sides of the political divide, were putting their hopes on Sheikh Azzam Al-Khatib: If nobody else, at least he would prevent war.
In other words, here were young men ready to fight and possibly start another war. I brought Sheikh Azzam Al-Khatib greetings on behalf of all of my peace-loving friends, wishing him the strength he needed. Then I thought of Hannah Arendt and her call for a Vita Activa — active life as contrasted with a vita contemplativa (contemplative life). I offered the director that he could call on me at any time in case he thought I could be of help. I offered the following, which I had done before: When young men are fighting and I open my long fair hair and suddenly position myself between them, it has happened that they were so surprised that they stopped fighting. Women have done this for centuries and there is even an Arabic proverb for this. Arabic دارعة, فارع faraa daraa, English 'A woman with untied hair suddenly enters'.
The director's translator looked at me with wide eyes and said, 'But you will be killed in one second, remember what happened yesterday!' I replied: 'I have no children, I am no longer at the beginning of my life, and if I can prevent war, I'm willing to risk being killed. I stand here for my father who was brave enough to resist hatred and war'. End of report.

The meeting took place in the midst of high tension and fear that the next war could be triggered any time in this 'hotspot of humiliations':
1. A young medical student of Bedouin background from the Negev Desert was killed not far from the Waqf office: 'Israeli police shot and killed a man who they alleged tried to snatch an officer's gun at an entrance to a Jerusalem holy site early Saturday, raising fears of further violence during a time of heightened tensions at the flashpoint compound'.

2. People tried to approach Jerusalem’s Temple Mount with lambs or goats they were intending to sacrifice at the site for the Passover holiday: 'The Returning to the Mount group makes a request each year to carry out the ritual ... The movement has handed out flyers in the Old City in recent days calling on activists to bring a lamb onto the Temple Mount for the pre-Passover sacrifice, and promising a financial reward for those arrested by police while attempting such a sacrifice. The movement offered NIS 2,500 ($700) for anyone arrested on the Temple Mount with a lamb and NIS 20,000 ($8,240) for a successful sacrifice.

The efforts, which drew the attention of Palestinian social media, are believed to have contributed to clashes at Al-Aqsa Mosque overnight, which saw police break into the mosque and detain hundreds after masked youths barricaded themselves inside with fireworks, clubs and rocks following evening prayers, while locking the doors and placing barricades at the entrances'.

• Kindly click on the photos above to see more background information. Kindly see also 2023 Al-Aqsa clashes.

3rd April 2023 in Jerusalem
It was almost a surreal experience to eat pizza late in the evening in the Segafredo restaurant that had opened a few days earlier in the space on the left side of this view on the New Gate of the Old City of Jerusalem. I almost never eat pizza! But this was such an interesting mixture of old and new! Monks/brothers from the Custodia Terrae Sanctae around the corner were drinking beer in the new restaurant...

• Kindly click on the photo above to see the street view.

• Kindly see my video

3rd April 2023 in Jerusalem
Tourism is usually not something I engage in, but there are exceptions. On the 3rd April 2023, I bought a ticket for the nightly light show at the Tower of David near the Jaffa Gate to the Old City of Jerusalem.

• Kindly click on the photos above to see my video.

2nd April 2023 in Jerusalem
Es war eine große Freude, Nikolaus Wildner am Abend des 2. April zusammen mit seinem Kameramann im Alayed Restaurant (neben dem Palm Hostel/Hotel) zu treffen!
Hier ist sein exzellenter Beitrag „Brennpunkt Tempelberg“ für das Österreichische Fernsehen ORF vom 9. April!
Nikolaus unterrichtet klassisches Syrisch am Polis Institute in Musrara!

• Kindly click on the photo above to see more.

• Kindly see my video

2nd April 2023 in Jerusalem
This was the Palm Sunday Procession from the Mount of Olives to the Old City of Jerusalem, on 2nd April 2023. Palm Sunday marks the start of the Holy Week, which ends on Easter. I filmed the end of the procession from my window in the Palm Hostel, which overlooks the space in front of the Damascus Gate leading into the Old City of Jerusalem. I did not participate in the beginning of the procession on the Mount of Olives. Therefore I used in this video small clips from the live streaming that is posted on the Independent site.

• Kindly click on the photo above to see my video.

1st April 2023 in Jerusalem
How wonderful, to walk through the Old City of Jerusalem! I pass by Ecce Homo, an active working convent in Jerusalem for The Sisters of Notre Dame de Sion and The Community of Chemin Neuf.

• Kindly click on the photo above to see more.

1st April 2023 in Jerusalem
As I entered the Old City of Jerusalem through Herod's Gate and walked through Bab El Sahera, I passed by the restaurant Nutella owned by Naim Al-Khatib, the cousin of the director of Waqf, Sheikh Azzam Al-Khatib.
What a joy to get to know his daugher Jeanan 'Nana' who teaches English in the Al-Aqsa Mosque!
I was so glad that she liked one of the scarfs I had brought from India!

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

1st April 2023 in Jerusalem
Coming from E-Zahra Street, I finally arrived at the extraordinary Rockefeller Archaeological Museum after 4 pm on a Saturday and it was closed.
Yet, the guards were so kind to wait for me, so that I could go through it quickly! Thank you so much! What a gift!

• Kindly click on the photos above to see the museum's website.

1st April 2023 in Jerusalem
Walking from the American Colony Hotel, I passed through E-Zahra Street, where I saw a wonderful organic herb shop!
See also their shop in Al-Attarin Street 70, in the Old City of Jerusalem. I asked about Silicea and since this was a difficult question, I was immediately connected with the owners of the shop on the phone!
Sea of Herbs:
'Palestine Small Store, Big Heart: A Palestinian family-business with the privilege of serving both residents of Jerusalem & visitors for generations. With the experience of our forefathers and the latest technology, we are proud to provide you with a wide collection of the latest skin and body care products for the entire family'.

• Kindly click on the photos above to see the website.

1st April 2023 in Jerusalem
I met Munther M. Fahmi in his bookshop at the famous American Colony Hotel in Jerusalem on 17th November 2003. He generously shared his lunch with me and we had a wonderful conversation. While we were sitting there, in came Odd Karsten Tveit, the Norwegian NRK journalist for the Middle East at the time, whom I had met earlier in Norway!
Now, 20 years later, I was back in the same bookshop, meeting Munther's successor, Mahmoud Muna. He kindly brought me up-to-date on the fairing of Munther and the bookshop since 2003. Thank you, dear Mamoud!
Afterwards, I explored the American Colony Hotel and spent some lovely time in its lobby.

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

31st March 2023 in Jerusalem
What a privilege to be invited by Uriel Adiv into his lovely home in the Musrara residential area in Jerusalem!
Linkedin: Uriel has over 30 years of experience in German/Hebrew/English translation and simultaneous interpretation. Accompanying high-rank politicians and delegations on official (and sometimes confidential) tours and missions, interpreting live and online international conferences.

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

30. März 2023 auf dem Ölberg in Jerusalem
"Demütigung und Erniedrigung — Kreislauf, Sackgasse oder Ausweg daraus?"
Teil der Vortragsreihe der Voluntäre in Israel, Evangelische Gemeinde deutscher Sprache zu Jerusalem, Vortrag eingeladen vom Team der Auguste Victoria, im Café Auguste Victoria im Eingangsbereich der Evangelischen Himmelfahrtkirche auf dem Ölberg

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

Thank you so much, dear Thadina and Sylvia, for inviting me!
So nice that you liked the colourful Indian scarfs that Amita Neerav and Rajesh Dixit sent with me from India!

• Kindly click on the photos above or here to see more pictures!

A big thank-you to Dr. Ariel Meraiot for showing me the amazing ancient rock paintings in the Har Mihya Park in the Negev Desert!
• Kindly see the video of the Har Mihya Park with its rock paintings on the morning of 28th March

A big thank-you to Keren and Ariel Meraiot for taking me to the amazing Zin Valley!
Ben Gurion's tomb overlooks this valley.
• Kindly see the video of our excursion to the Zin Valley in the evening of 28th March

A big thank-you to Keren and Ariel Meraiot for taking me to the amazing ancient city of Avdat!
• Kindly see the video of our excursion to Avdat on 29th March
See also a very informative official video explaining Avdat

• Kindly see Dalia Meraiot's fantastic gifts above and then watch her wonderful YouTube video from 22nd February 2021

28th – 29th March 2023 in the Negev Desert
What a privilege it was for me to be invited to the Negev Desert by Ariel and Keren Meraiot and their mother Dalia!

• Dr. Ariel Meraiot works for an NGO on behalf of Bedouin communities in the Negev, living in Midreshet Ben-Gurion above Nahal Zin in the heart of the Negev desert. He describes himself as 'an architect who had the privilege of exploring the foundations of the Bedouin architectural concept which is part of a landspace. The research was interdisciplinary including anthropological, archaeological and geographical components'.
Kindly see his publication based on parts of his doctoral dissertation:
Meraiot, Ariel, Avinoam Meir, and Steve Rosen (2021). 'Scale, landscape and indigenous Bedouin land use: Spatial order and agricultural sedentarisation in the Negev Highland'. In Nomadic Peoples, 25, 4–35, doi: 10.3197/np.2021.250102.
Abstract: By taking a small-scale perspective, Bedouin pastoral space in the Israeli Negev in the modern period has been misinterpreted as chaotic by various Israeli institutions. In critiquing this ontology we suggest that a knowledge gap with regard to an appropriate scale of understanding Bedouin settlement patterns and mechanisms of sedentarisation is at its root, and that a larger-scale analysis indicates that their space is in fact highly ordered. Field surveys and interviews with the local Bedouin showed that household cultivation plots in the Negev Highland during the period of the British Mandate were organised at a large scale through natural and man-made landscape features reflecting their structure, development and deployment in a highly ordered space. This analysis carries significant implications for understanding pastoral spaces at the local scale, particularly offering better comprehension of various sedentary forms and suggesting new approaches to sustainable planning and development for the Bedouin.

Keren Meraiot lives in Midreshet Ben-Gurion above Nahal Zin in the heart of the Negev desert. She has trained with Dr. Oded Arbel in Integrative Psychiatry in Be'er Sheva and wishes to establish her private clinic in her home.

• Dalia Meraiot is the mother of Keren and Ariel. She is a sculptor, photographer, and writer. Dalia, from early life has been active in providing spiritual training and her books are guiding in how to deal between life and death, YouTube, 22nd February 2021, 'Dalia Meraiot fuses spirit and matter in her sculptures and photographs. Her new book "Twice In a Lifetime" explores the what she calls the magical moment before death. Her goal is to help bring solace to people who's loved ones died alone in the hospital during the Corona pandemic.

Kindly see
• the video of the Har Mihya Park with its rock paintings on the morning of the 28th March 2023

• the video of the Zin Valley in the evening of the 28th March 2023

• the video of Avdat on 29th March (see also a very informative official video for Advat)

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

• Kindly see the video

27th March 2023 in Jerusalem
Mamilla is a posh shopping street that leads up to the Jaffa Gate to the Old City of Jerusalem, thus creating a stark contrast between contemporary global brands created for the few on one side, and ancient traditions for the many on the other side. Google maps explains: 'Upscale Mamilla centers on Alrov Mamilla Avenue, a pedestrianized stretch of designer clothing and jewelry boutiques in restored stone buildings. Posh restaurants, many with patios or rooftop seating, mix with cafes serving ice cream, pastries, and coffee. Sculptures dot the street, and at night, entertainers perform to passersby. The Time Elevator is a cinema with moving seats that tells the city’s history'.

Yossef Sikurel is a musician who sings in Mamilla. See his YouTube channel. He allowed me to film him and explained that there are very few people walking through Mamilla these days, all being afraid to be hurt or killed in terror attacks.

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

• Kindly see the video of our conversation
Please see the paintings relating to this conversation in Miri's 2022 catalogue

• Kindly see the video of our view from the Convent of the Sisters of Zion

27th March 2023 in Ein Kerem
Welcome to a conversation with artist Mariana (Miri) Strauss Tlalim, interviewed by Evelin Lindner, in the garden of the Convent of the Sisters of Zion in Ein Kerem, a historic mountain village southwest of Jerusalem, 27th March 2023. Mariana speaks about her last solo exhibition in the Tel Aviv Artists House, that addresses roots of evil, particularly when trauma is passed from adults to children from generation to generation. Please see the paintings relating to this conversation in Miri's 2022 catalogue. See her also on Facebook: her artist page and her personal page.

• See also the video of the view we had from the Convent of the Sisters of Zion

• Kindly click on the photos above to see the videos.

• Kindly see a little video of a wonderful juice maker in the Old City of Jerusalem, 26th March 2023

Jaffa Gate Hostel

Imperial Hotel, near Jaffa Gate, and Gloria Hotel in the Latin Patriarchate Street

Hashimi Hotel and Dom Polski

26th March 2023, Old City of Jerusalem
I was exploring Jaffa Gate Hostel: 'Set among shops and eateries in the Old City, this simple hostel is a 2-minute walk from the Tower of David citadel, a 10-minute walk from the Western Wall pilgrimage site and 8 km from Jerusalem Malha train station. Modest mixed and female-only dorms offer free Wi-Fi and shared bathrooms. Private rooms, some with stone walls and/or en suite facilities, are available'.
Already in Jamuary, I had walked into Imperial Hotel near the Jaffa Gate, just to see. Later, I explored the lovely Gloria Hotel in the Latin Patriarchate Street, and the nice Hashimi Hotel in the Muslim Quarter of the Old City.
On 17th January, I had already revisited Dom Polski, where I had stayed in 2004!
• Kindly click on the photos above to see their websites.

26th March 2023 in Jerusalem
It was a great gift to meet Marion Wehrle at the entrance to the Church of the Redeemer / Erlöserkirche just before the service began!
As she was working as a volunteer in the German Hospice Jerusalem, we rushed through the Old City after the service, passing in front of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre / Grabeskirche (see picture!) on the way to her hospice.
Sorry that I lost your phone number for a while, dear Marion!

German Hospice Jerusalem

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

25th March 2023 in Palm Hotel, Jerusalem
How wonderful it was to meet Teresa and Wiktor from Poland in the Palm Hotel! How interesting to hear about Silesia and forgotten Polish towns from them!
Dear Teresa, thank you for sharing this lovely photo where Wiktor walks down the Mount of Olives towards the Dome of the Rock!
• Please click on the photos above to see them larger.

24th March – 7th April 2023 in Palm Hostel/Hotel, Jerusalem

The father of Nasser Said, the owner of Palm Hostel/Hotel, a kind elderly man,
was always included in daily hotel life, never 'put away' in an old peoples' home!
مودة (mawada) was the most important word for Nasser!
It means love, friendship, cordiality, intimacy, fellowship, attachment, nearness...

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

• See my video, as I walk into Palm Hostel in front of the Damascus Gate of the Old City of Jerusalem

• See several video clips taken between 24th March and 2nd April 2023,
as I looked out of my window on the space in front of the Damascus Gate that leads into the Muslim quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem.

24th March 2023 in Jerusalem
Thank you, dear Mariana (Miri) Strauss Tlalim, for finding this amazing shoemaker, who masterfully repaired my belt bag that I bought at the train station in Oslo when I arrived there last June and that I had used almost every day since!
• See the video I made while he was working. He kindly permitted me to that.
He worked on a wonderful old Singer machine, the kind I used to make my clothes in the past as well, while Russian television dramas were unfolding in a corner. The picture of a Jewish rabbi was on the wall, is it Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri? I should have asked!
The entire situation reminds me very much of the Sindhi colony in Indore!
• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger and watch the video.

24th March 2023 in Jerusalem
How wonderful to reconnect with great artist Mariana (Miri) Strauss Tlalim in the Agripas 12 art gallery near Agripas Street!
How lovely that she liked the colourful Indian scarf that Amita Neerav and Rajesh Dixit sent with me from India!

Two days later I walked through the same neighbourhood and decided that I finally had to take photos of the cats in the inner court in front of the Agripas 12 art gallery. I did it for my dear Linda Hartling, who loves cats!

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

23rd March 2023 in Jerusalem
Aricha Sabich: the best sandwiches! Agripas Street 83.
Please click on the photo above to see it larger.

• See my video of the view over Jerusalem from the top of the tower of the Ascension Church on the Mount of Olives

23rd March 2023 in Jerusalem
Himmelfahrtkirche auf dem Ölberg / Ascension Church on the Mount of Olives
As I was climbing the tower of the church, I passed in front of posters that explained that the bells had been made in Apolda in Thuringia.

When I finally got to the top of the tower, I found two pigeons that were caught there. As I learned later, wire mesh had been stretched all the way around the top of the tower to keep pigeons out. But those two pigeons must have slipped through the holes that had been cut by tourists who were keen to film without wires...

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger and see the video.

22nd March 2023 in Jerusalem
View from Jaffa Gate over Jerusalem.
• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

22nd March 2023 in Jerusalem
How lucky I was to meet wonderful Thadina Keinath and Sylvia von Kekulé, when I was on my way to meet with Dr. Dieter Vieweger!
Thadina ist eine der Freiwilligen der Evangelischen Gemeinde deutscher Sprache zu Jerusalem, und Sylvia von Kekulé ist die ehemalige Pfarrerin der Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtniskirche in Berlin, die jetzt für ein paar Monate als Freiwillige das Cafe vor der Evangelischen Himmelfahrtkirche auf dem Ölberg managed.

After our meeting, I took bus number 275 that goes from the Augusta Victoria Hospital on the Mount of Olives down to the Old City of Jerusalem.

• Kindly see the video.

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

22nd March 2023 in Jerusalem
What a privilege to meet Dr. Dieter Vieweger, the Director of the German Protestant Institute for Archaeology, on the Auguste Victoria Compound on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem!
Thank you, dear Dr. Vieweger, for this wonderful gift!
Abenteuer Jerusalem: Die aufregende Geschichte einer Stadt dreier Weltreligionen
Lesealter ab 8 Jahre, 2011, by Dieter Vieweger (author), Ina Beyer (illustrator), Hans D. Beyer (photographer)
'Wie alt ist Jerusalem? Weshalb belagerte Nebukadnezar die Stadt? Wo geht es zur Grabeskirche? Ließ der deutsche Kaiser tatsächlich die Stadtmauer niederreißen? Seit wann leben Juden und Araber in Jerusalem? Der 12-jährige Aaron besucht seine Großeltern in Jerusalem, der Stadt, in der drei große Weltreligionen zu Hause sind. Was er dort erlebt, stellt er in seinen Weblog, den ihr hier nachlesen könnt: Er watet durch die alten Wassertunnel unter der Stadt, erklimmt die Zinnen der Stadtmauer oder glaubt sich auf einmal selbst mitten im Schlachtengetümmel, als Jerusalem in die Hände seiner Eroberer fällt. Nur eines kann noch schöner sein: selber durch die Gassen der Stadt zu schlendern ... '.

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

19th – 24th March 2023 in Jerusalem
What a gift it was to be welcomed in the wonderful home of Sara and Avner Haramati!
Thank you so much for giving me such an enriching time, dear Sara and Avner!
Thank you also for reconnecting me with Julia Chaitin on 22nd March. What a joy! I met her for the first time in the Sommerakademie Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, Loccum, Germany, 20th – 25th July 1997!

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

Is it fair to say that this region is a hotspot of humiliation? That at least six dynamics of humiliation unfold in the region?

1. Many Mizrahi Jews feel that the white Ashkenazi elite has been treating them in humiliating ways since decades
2. Many ultra-Orthodox Jews feel that their contributions to society is not valued (the views of ultra-orthodox Jews are complex: Ultra-orthodox Neturei Karta calls for a 'peaceful dismantling' of the State of Israel, while others might wish to re-build the Jewish Temple where mosques are standing now.)
4. Many settlers feel humiliated by their own government (see Gush Katif) (see the position of Bezalel Smotrich, described, for instance, here)

All three groups are now in the government in Jerusalem, yearning for more influence. Their nationalist orientations tend to be supported by Jewish immigrants from Russia and strengthened by conservative immigrants from America.
4. The rest of the country's population reacts with shock, disbelief, dispair, and feelings of utter humiliation. They say 'This is not my country anymore'. While Tel Aviv was the main seat of worldly power before, it has now moved to Jerusalem.)

5. Palestinians feel humiliated by Israeli occupation (the two-state solution is less and less feasible and the younger generation tends to think in terms of human rights)
6. Many Palestinians feel that also their own Palestinian National Authority lets them down (the Palestinian National Authority is no longer democratic)

Are there solutions? I resonate with those who say, 'those who speak of solutions have not understood the problems'.
My first question: Will not the reactive devaluation bias (as described by my doctoral advisor proposed by Lee Ross) stand in the way of even the best 'solution'? This is a cognitive bias that occurs when a proposal is devalued if it appears to originate from an antagonist. My experience indicates that repeated cycles of humiliation harden antagonism to the point that even the best solution will be rejected. This is why I focus on humiliaton and its reverberation in my research. For instance, what about the controversy around the 'New Abrahamic Religion', given that all three religions, Islam, Christianity and Judaism, relate to the same Prophet Abraham?

I asked everyone I met about their hopes for solutions. Here is what I heard, among others. I select two suggestions, starting with one that counts on exhaustion and hopes that healing will be the consequence of the solution:
1. If there is no military and no political solution, some say that perhaps an economic solution could be feasible when people become desperate enough, like in the beginning of the European Union? This was Shimon Peres' suggestion of 'A New Middle East' in 1993: 'The next stage, after bilateral and multilateral relationships have been established, will entail formation of regional industries through the cooperation of international bodies and independent international consortiums. At this point, the regional economic process will be upgraded and the new reality, in which business precedes politics, will be instituted. Ultimately, the Middle East will unite in a common market- after we achieve peace. And the very existence of this common market will foster vital interests in maintaining peace over the long term'. (Shimon Peres and Arye Naor. 'The New Middle East' (New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1993, p. 99. See also Bessma Momani 2007).
2. On the other side are suggestions that aim at healing humiliation first, hoping that a political solution will be possible as a consequence. They regard concepts such as A land for all as feasible, for instance. This approach makes the case for an Israeli and Palestinian confederation.

If asked, I respond by saying that I doubt that the economic pathway, even if successfully embarked upon in the short term, can succeed in the long term, at least not as long as the contemporary global economic institutions are in place (see my book 'A Dignity Economy'). I also fear that attempts to heal humiliation will be undermined by the same current global institutional constraints. My intuition indicates that peace in dignity can only be achieved through global institutions that make what I call 'dignism' possible:
'Dignism describes a world where every new-born finds space and is nurtured to unfold their highest and best, embedded in a social context of loving appreciation and connection. A world, where the carrying capacity of the planet guides the ways in which everybody’s basic needs are met. A world, where we are united in building trust and respecting human dignity and celebrating diversity, where we prevent unity from devolving into oppressive uniformity, and keep diversity from sliding into hostile division. Dignism means ending cycles of humiliation of the past and preventing new ones from emerging. Dignism means loving care for the common good of all of humanity as co-inhabitants of one single finite habitat. Dignism weaves together all dignifying aspects of all the world’s cultural realms into one decent global village'.

19th March 2023 in Jerusalem
Here I was on my way in bus number 218 from Ramallah to Jerusalem (video), after having crossed the Qalandia checkpoint, then following The Wall until reaching the bus terminal near the Damascus Gate to the Old City. On the 13th March, when I went to Ramallah, the bus from Jerusalem ended at the checkpoint and one had to pass on foot, taking a taxi to Ramallah on the other side. On the days that followed, there had been no direct bus connections from Ramallah to Jerusalem either, only taxis from Ramallah to the checkpoint. I was very lucky that on the morning of the 19th March bus number 218 was going from Ramallah directly to the Damascus Gate.

• Kindly click on the map above to see it larger and see the video.

13th – 19th March 2023 in Ramallah
What a privilege to reconnect with Sam Bahour, after meeting him for the first time on 15th November 2003 in Ramallah!
Thank you, dear Sam, for letting me join you on 15th March, when you gave a fantastic lecture to students from Harvard University and New York University! (this is his YouTube channel)
And thank you for taking me out in the evening of 17th March, together with your dear wife and dear Nisreen!
And what a gift you gave to me by reading my 'Dignity Economy' book and commenting on it so generously on Facebook on 7th April!

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

13th – 19th March 2023 in Ramallah
Thank you, dear Sam, for introducing me to Nisreen Musleh and her courageous and important work, on 15th March 2023!
How nice that Nisreen liked the colourful Indian scarf that Amita Neerav and Rajesh Dixit sent with me from India!
• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

13th – 19th March 2023 in Ramallah
What a joy to be back in Ramallah, twenty years after I was last there for the first time!
I always admire the traditional dresses that I encountered for the first time in the Old City of Jerusalem in 1975. Later, when I lived in Egypt (1984–1991), I owned several wonderful hand-made cross-stitched dresses, the kind that no longer exists. Last year, I found the most varied and rich contemporary collection in Amman, Jordan. I learned that computers do most of the cross-stitch work now, and that the material is imported from China or Korea.
'Bint Baladi El Turat El Falestini' (translated 'The rural girl in Palestinian heritage') is the name of this shop in Ramallah.

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them lager.

13th – 19th March 2023 in Ramallah
What a joy to be back in Ramallah, twenty years after I was last there for the first time!
How I admired the amazingly artful diversity of Turkish delight! I could not believe my eyes and went to the shop on several occasions between the 16th and 18th March 2023. For a whole week, I almost lived on these sweets (even though I usually do not eat sugar), just to taste the different kinds.

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them lager.

13th – 19th March 2023 in Ramallah
What a joy to be back in Ramallah, twenty years after I was last there for the first time!
I admired the car mechanics who keep even very old 'Fordat' going (Ford cars)! Here are some impressions that I recorded in the streets of Ramallah on 18th March 2023.

• Please click on the photo above to see the video.

• Kindly see the video

9th – 13th March 2023 in Jerusalem
What a privilege to be welcomed into the home of Beatrice and Danny Brom and learn about their crucially important work!

Thank you so much, dear Beatrice, for taking me on a walk on the Tayelet Haas Promenade (Daniel Yanofsky Street, Jerusalem) with its spectacular view on the Mount of Olives on 10th March 2023. Thank you for taking me then to the Re'uven community garden with its blue lupins, again with a wide view over the country, seemingly peaceful, if it were not for The Wall that always reminds of a painful reality...
Finally we passed by the Tolerance Monument.
On the horizon is Jordan, the two (unfinished) towers of Amman are visible when the weather is clear. The Jordan valley with the Dead Sea is in between.

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger and see a video of our excursion on 10th March.

9th March 2023 online in Norway
Humiliation and Dignity, Focusing on Rwanda
Closed lecture and seminar at the University of Oslo, Department of Psychology, followed by students' presentation of group work on Rwanda and discussion. It is a privilege to be part of PSY4506 – Human Rights, Democracy and Reconstruction after Conflict: A community based approach, by Sigrun Moss 10.15 – 14.00, and a joy to meet the students of the Global-MINDS programme in social and cultural psychology at the University of Oslo.

In June 2015, the 25th Annual Dignity Conference took place in Kigali, Rwanda.
It is a great privilege for me to be part of PSY4506, founded by Nora Sveaass and Inger Skjelsbæk, and now led by Sigrun Moss.
What an honour to meet wonderful students!

• Kindly click on the pictures above or here to more pictures.

8th March 2023 in the Are C outside of Jerusalem
What a privilege to accompany Yoav Peck to a Sulha meeting in the offices of the Combatants for Peace in the Area C! (Wikipedia: Area C is the fully Israeli-controlled and only contiguous territory in the West Bank, defined as the whole area outside the Palestinian enclaves.) What a privilege to meet community worker Iyad and so many wonderful people!
Yoav is the former director of the Sulha Peace Project, 'an organisation that specialises in facilitating positive, peaceful encounters between Israelis and Palestinians where the focus is on listening – truly listening – to each other'.
Yoav now works with the Bereaved Families Forum, 'a joint Israeli and Palestinian organisation made up of more than 650 bereaved families, all of whom have lost a close family member to the conflict. Instead of seeking revenge, they have chosen the path of reconciliation. The Bereaved Families Forum believes that reconciliation is an essential first step towards a lasting peace'. Yoav is co-director of community relations at the Bereaved Families Forum.

• See also Yoav's article 'Easing Trauma’s Polarizing Impact With The Power Of Vulnerability: Practical Tools For Reaching Out To The Hostile Other', in the International Journal of Communal and Transgenerational Trauma, Vol. 1 No. 1 - Summer 2022.

6th – 8th March 2023 in Jerusalem
What a privilege to be welcomed by our dear Yoav and his wonderful family in their home!
Even Linda met us on Skype on 7th March!
I took pictures of Yoav's statue in his garden, which made us both think of our fathers.

• Please click on the photos above or here to see more pictures.

4th March 2023 in Jerusalem
From peaceful nature in the Adullam Park in the morning, from places of religious devotion, we went back tp Jerusalem in the evening, joining the protests in front of the Residence of Isaac Herzog, the President if Israel.
The Times of Israel wrote:
4 protesters detained at anti-overhaul rally in Jerusalem: 'Police say four protesters have been detained during an anti-judicial overhaul protest in Jerusalem this evening for allegedly attacking police officers. Protesters had begun a march following a large rally near the president’s residence, but were blocked by police from advancing past Ben Saruq street. “During this procession and due to disorderly conduct and a case of violence against police officers, 4 suspects were arrested and they were taken to the police station for questioning,” a police spokesman says'.

• Please click on the photo above to see the article in The Times of Israel.

4th March 2023
Thank you, dear Yoav and Frumit, for taking me together with two dear friends to the Adullam-France National Park with its rare flowers, and then to the Monastère de Notre-Dame de l’Assomption – The Mother House, Beit Shemesh (Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem) and the Monastère de Notre-Dame de Maranatha – Beit Shemesh (Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem).

Monastère Notre-Dame De Maranatha Tel Gamaliel: 'In 2000, a monastery of fifteen monks of the monastic Family of Bethlehem, of the Assumption of the Virgin and of Saint Bruno was born, not far from the monastery of monastic sisters, thanks to the benevolence of the Salesian Fathers. The monastery of Notre-Dame de Maranatha is situated on the hill of Tel Gamaliel in Bet Gemal, facing the town of Bet Shemesh. There, in the land of Judah, 30 kilometers from Jerusalem and Bethlehem, the monks keep vigil in prayer and in humble daily work in awaiting Christ’s return, according to the final words of Revelation: “Marana tha! Come, Lord Jesus!”'

• Please click on the photos above to see them larger.

3th March 2023 in Tel Aviv
How lovely that my dear and beloved Netta and Gal, the daughters of Nira and Avi, liked the scarfs that Amita and Rajesh sent as their gift!

• Please click on the photo above to see it larger.

What a privilege to be shown around Alyn Hospital by its wonderful director, Maurit Beeri!

It was like a time travel for me, as I worked at Alyn hospital as psychology student in 1975!

6th March 2023 in Jerusalem
What a privilege to be shown around Alyn Hospital by its wonderful director, Maurit Beeri!
I learned about the 'F-words' in child neurodisability — function, family, fitness, fun, friends and future!

•  You may like to have a look at True Future tv, episode 3, All About the Child, that shows what Alyn is about (see also YouTube).
• Please click on the photos above or here to see more pictures.

25th February 2023 online
Dignity, Honor, and Humiliation in the Home and in the World
Marriage and Family Therapist & Interdisciplinary Seminar
Western Institute for Social Research
Berkeley, California
10am–12pm California time on Zoom

• Kindly click on the picture above or here to see the invitation.

See also two of Evelin's pre-recorded contributions:
Shame and Humiliation (Video pre-recorded on 18th February 2023)
From Domestic Chastisement to Domestic Violence (Video pre-recorded on 15th February 2023)

Thank you, dearest Amita and Rajesh, for your WONDERFUL meals, each on its own little tablet!

Wonderful breakfast!

All vegetables came directly from the field, brought by vegetable sellers passing through the street... here are chickpeas!

February 2023 in Indore, India
Thank you, dearest Amita and Rajesh, for your WONDERFUL meals, each on its own little tablet!

• Kindly click on the pictures above to see them larger.

28th February 2023 in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India
Unifying Old and New Wisdom
Video recorded by Amita Neerav
This was a tribute to my beloved and admired, brilliant sister Amita and brother Rajesh, celebrating their immensely dignifying work in the world, on the occasion of their wedding anniversary and of Amita's birthday.
28th February 2023, in their home.

In German, there is a saying, 'Alte Zöpfe abschneiden!' or 'cut old braids!' It calls on rejecting everything 'old' and replacing it with everything 'new'. I say, 'No! Not everything that is old is bad and not everything that is new is good! Let us 'open old braids' very carefully and look for all those traditions and practices that are in fact bringing more dignity into the world! Let us leave behind everything that is undignifying, both in the past and in the present, and let us preserve whatever is dignifying!'

• Kindly click on the pictures above to see the video.

February 2023, three lectures in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India

I am in deep gratitude to Dr. Rajesh Dixit, Vice Chancellor of Renaissance University, for inviting me to speak at his university and to make the connections to the Vice Chancellors of two other universities, who then also invited me!
Thank you to all the faculty and students for listening to me!

• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger and see more details below.

Warm thanks to you, dear Dr. Rajesh Dixit, Vice Chancellor of Renaissance University, for inviting me to speak at your university!
Thank you to all the faculty and students for listening to me!

What an immense joy it was for me to be back in the same room were we had our 2017 Dignity Conference!

I was amazed and happy to see how kindly my 'cycle of love gifts' was received (gifts from the Amazon in Brazil, Norway, and New York!)! And I received wonderful gifts in return! Salad from the agricultural department of the university! Thank you so much!

As 'ambassador' of our global dignity community, I live globally, and whenever I receive a gift in one part of the world, I take it to another part of the world and look for a worthy recipient for that gift. I call this the 'circle of love gifts'. When I have found a worthy recipient, I try to take a picture of him or her and send it to the giver of the gift. In that way, not only is my global life a bridge-building endeavour, also the gifts that I carry help build more bridges. It is also a 'footprint' of my path through the world.

• Kindly watch the video recorded by Dr. Amita Neerav

27th February 2023 in Indore, India
It was a great honour for Evelin Lindner to be invited to give a lecture titled 'Interpersonal Skills for Academicians' at the Renaissance University in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, on 27th February 2023
Warm thanks go to the Vice Chancellor of Renaissance University, Dr. Rajesh Dixit, for inviting Evelin!
What a joy to be back in the same place where we had our 2017 Dignity Conference!

• Kindly watch the video recorded by Dr. Amita Neerav
• Kindly click on the pictures above or here to see them larger and see more pictures.

Warm thanks go to you, dear Dr. Prithvi Yadav, Vice Chancellor of Symbiosis University, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India, for inviting me to speak at your university!
(Kindly see also the Vice Chancellor's message to the university!)
Thank you to the faculty and students of Symbiosis University, for listening to me!

Thank you, dear Dr. Prithvi Yadav, for so generously inviting and honouring me!
Thank you, dear Dr. Rajesh Dixit for holding this wonderful Symbiosis Globe!

• Kindly watch the video recorded by Dr. Amita Neerav

27th February 2023 in Indore, India
It was a great honour for Evelin Lindner to be invited to give a lecture titled 'Dignity at the Global Workplace' at the Symbiosis University in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, on 27th February 2023
Warm thanks go to the Vice Chancellor of Renaissance University, Dr. Rajesh Dixit, for introducing Evelin to the Vice Chancellor of Symbiosis University, Dr. Prithvi Yadav!

• Kindly watch the video recorded by Dr. Amita Neerav
• Kindly click on the pictures above or here to see them larger and see more pictures.

23rd February 2023 in Indore, India
What a joy to be with Dr. Amita Neerav and Dr. Rajesh Dixit back in the City Lights textile shop in Indore, greeting the owners whom I met for the first time in 2017!
Thank you so so much, dearest Amita and Rajesh, for taking me there! And for helping me get wonderful gifts for our 'circle of love gifts'!

• Kindly click on the pictures above or here to see more photos of 2023.
• Kindly click here to see the photos of 2017!

I was sad to see that the fashion in India is no longer as colourful as in the past. I was told that it has 'adapted' to the boring Western style... So, I insisted on digging up the last colourful scarfs they had in the shops...
• Kindly click on the pictures above to see them larger.

I was glad to see that at least some shoes are still colourful!

5th August 2017 in Indore, India
I was in heaven in these wonderful fabric shops in the Sindhi colony of Indore! Such fabric shops no longer exist in Western countries!

• Kindly click here to see the photos of 2017!

Jhulelal is the Ishta Devta of the Sindhi Hindus.
Thank you, dear Amita and Rajesh, for letting me listen to Dama Dam Mast Qalandar - Abida Parveen Live: 'A rare masterpiece that has been so beautifully rendered by the Elite Of Classical & Sufiyana Music, Abida Parveen for the memorable live music show of hum tv `Mehfil-e-Mauseeqi'.

Warm thanks to you, dear Dr. Ankur Arun Kulkari, Vice Chancellor of Sage University, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India, for inviting me to speak to the faculty of your university!


Honouring the goddess of knowledge, Saraswati

Thank you, dear Dr. Ankur Arun Kulkari for so generously inviting and honouring me!

Thank you to the faculty of Sage University for listening to me!
Video recorded by Amita Neerav

I was honoured to be able to share my ' Circle of Love Gifts'! (gifts from the Amazon in Brazil, Norway, and New York!)

Evelin's tip to young people in other parts of the world: Look how fashionable these young students look!
I was so glad to see them not wearing jeans! What about a world without the global jeans uniformity? (Remember how eco-unfriendly their production is...)

23rd February 2023 in Indore, India
It was a great honour for Evelin Lindner to be invited to give a lecture titled 'From Humiliation to Dignity: Interpersonal Skills for Academicians' as part of the Faculty Development Program of Sage University in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, on 23rd February 2023
Warm thanks to the Vice Chancellor of Renaissance University, Dr. Rajesh Dixit, for introducing Evelin to the Vice Chancellor of Sage University, Dr. Ankur Arun Kulkari!

• Video recorded by Amita Neerav
• Kindly click on the pictures above or here to see more pictures.

22nd February 2023 in Indore, India
Amita Neerav sent a musical greeting to the entire global dignity community from her home in Indore, Madhya Pradesh in India. Thank you, dear Dr. Rajesh Dixit and Dr. Amita Neerav, for declaring your home to be a Dignity Dialogue Home, and welcoming Evelin Lindner so lovingly throughout all of February 2023!
• Kindly click on the picture above to hear her song!

Amita also recommended listening to Antara Nandy!
Lata Mangeshkar is widely considered to have been one of the greatest and most influential singers in India, similarly important to the country as Umm Kulthum was for Egypt and the Arab World.

21st February 2023 online
A wonderful meeting with Alexander Schieffer, connecting the Home for Humanity in the south of France with the Dignity Dialogue Home of Dr. Amita Neerav and Dr. Rajesh Dixit in Indore, India!

• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger.

19th February 2023 in Indore, India
Celebrating the birthday of Swapnil Kothari, the Chancellor of the Renaissance University, the host of our 2017 Dignity Conference. Congratulations!

• Kindly click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

18th – 19th February 2023
Ma Sharanam Farms and Ma Sharanam Ashram on the banks of Narmada River in Madhya Pradesh
created by Sarabjeet Singh Bharaj and his family, including his younger brother Swami Gurusharanananda,
all honouring Anandamayi Ma

18th February: Thank you, dear Amita Neerav and Rajesh Dixit, for taking Evelin from Indore to the Maa Sharanam Farms and Maa Sharanam Ashram on the banks of Narmada River!

Passing by the Jam Gate, the gateway of Malwa

Also passing by amazing Palash trees (Butea monosperma) with their stunning flowers

Arriving in the middle of the Maha Shivaratri festival, 'a Hindu festival celebrated annually in honour of the deity Shiva, commemorating the wedding of Shiva and Parvati, also regarded to be the occasion that the deity performs his divine dance, called the Tandava...'
(The most important festival for seriously devoted Hindus, luckily not yet commercialised, as I was explained...)
See a short video recorded by Rajesh

Meeting with Sarabjeet Singh Bharaj and his family, who created Ma Sharanam as an extraordinary organic farm and spiritual retreat.
Here we were sitting here together with his revered parents and his younger brother Swami Gurusharanananda.

This is the Ma Temple, see a short video recorded by Evelin in the evening

This temple is dedicated to female religious figures such as Lalleshwari (picture on the right side),
'also known locally as Lal Ded (1320–1392), a Kashmiri mystic of the Kashmir Shaivism school of Hindu philosophy. She was the creator of the style of mystic poetry called vatsun or Vakhs, literally "speech" (from Sanskrit vaak). Known as Lal Vakhs, her verses are the earliest compositions in the Kashmiri language and are an important part in the history of modern Kashmiri literature'.

Wedding procession for Shiva: Enjoyment for children in the evening, see a lovely video recorded by Amita in the evening!
(Wedding processions in India are only meant for grooms, for the sake of 'winning someting' , in this case a woman, explained Amita.)

• Kindly click on the photos above or here to see more pictures.

18th February, in the afternoon
Thank you, dear Rajesh for taking Amita and Evelin to the Narmada river!

• Kindly click on the photos above or here to see more pictures.

19th February 2023, in the morning
Saying good-bye to the extraordinary family of Sarabjeet Singh Bharaj

• Kindly click on the photo above or here to see more pictures.

19th February 2023
Villages of Madhya Pradesh in the morning

Amita Neerav, Rajesh Dixit, and Evelin returned from Ma Sharanam to Indore
and Evelin took pictures from the back of the car, kindly click here to see the pictures.

18th February 2023 online
Linda Hartling is in Oregon, Sharon Steinborn in New Mexico, and Evelin and Rajesh in Ma Sharanam in Madhya Pradesh!
Meeting with our beloved Sharon Steinborn to prepare for our upcoming WISR seminar, with dear Rajesh paying a short visit!
Thank you for being such a loving and mindful dignifier, dearest Sharon!

• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger.

17th February 2023 in Indore, India
Amita Neerav, Rajesh Dixit, and Evelin visited an Indigenous trade fair in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Left side picture: A lot of pickles being sold (pickles of berries (gooseberry, cherry, etc.), mango, garlic, green chilli, red chilli, rose petals in sugar, jackfruit, lemon, and so forth).
Right side picture: Digestive pills of all kinds.

• Kindly click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

16th February 2023 in Indore, India
Mannvir Singh Khanuja was so very kind to make new business cards for me of recycled PET bottles and bring them to our house! Thank you, dear Mannvir, for your wonderful dedication to innovative eco-friendly solutions with your Green Heaven Creations.

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

15th – 16th February 2023 in Indore, India
As the 'ambassador' of global dignity community, I live globally, and whenever I receive a gift in one part of the world, I take it to another part of the world and look for a worthy recipient for that gift. I call this the 'circle of love gifts'. When I have found a worthy recipient, I try to take a picture of him or her and send it to the giver of the gift. In that way, not only is my global life a bridge-building endeavour, also the gifts that I carry help build more bridges. It is also a 'footprint' of my path through the world. (See, for instance, a video from 2020.)
The top pictures show how I share my 'Norway' gifts with our dear Amita Neerav, Rajesh Dixit!
The bottom picture shows the New York gift collection!

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

12th February 2023
Hindi Bhavan in Bhopal, India
Dr. Amita Neerav
being honoured for her work!

Dr. Amita Neerav was being honoured for her extraordinary contribution to Hindi literature with her novel 'Madhavi' that builds on the mythical story of Madhavi.

• See, among others, 'Writer Amita Neerav feted for her novel 'Madhavi'.
For the mythical story, see, for instance, story-sage-galava.

• Kindly click on the photos above or here to see more pictures,
and see the video that Rajesh Dixit recorded, and that was subsequently used in the news.

Evelin used the opportunity of being in Bhopal to meet with Abhishek Kumar Jain, Assistant Professor of Management at Jagran Lakecity University, sharing with him her 'circle of love gifts' and sending a gift also to Dr. Katyayani Singh,
Assistant Professor of political science and history at Jagran Lakecity University.

See Dr. Katyayani Singh and her father at our 2017 Dignity Conference in Indore, and see Abhishek as coordinator of the International Igniting Minds Lecture Series, to which Evelin contributed on 10th September 2020.

• Kindly click on the photos above or here to see more pictures.

The manager of the Hindi Bhavan admired Evelin's hair...

• Kindly click on the photos above or here to see more pictures.

9th World Parliament of Science, Religion/Spirituality and Philosophy - 2023
to Promote 'Culture of Peace' in the World based on the Ethos of G-20, Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam
Organised by Maharashtra Academy of Engineering Education & Research (MAEER)'s MIT World Peace University, Pune,
under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Vishwanath Karad
Venue: Shri Kashi-Vishwanath Dham Corridor, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India
Kashi Vishwanath Temple
Thursday 9th to Saturday 11th February 2023

Prof. Dr. Vishwanath Karad
- Founder President & Director General, World Peace Centre (Alandi) MAEER’s MIT, Pune, India
- UNESCO Chair Holder & Regional Co-ordinator for Asia-Pacific Region,
- UNESCO Chair for Human Rights, Democracy, Peace & Tolerance
- Member, World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations, New York
- Member, Founding Council, UBUNTU – World Forum of Networks, Barcelona, Spain
- Member, International Advisory Board, Inter-Religious and International Federation For World Peace, New York
- Member, Board of Directors, United States Educational Foundation in India (Usefi) for the year 2002
- Founder, Executive President, “Shree Kshetra Alandi - Dehu Parisar Vikas Samiti”, Pune
- Founder, Executive President, Saint Shree Dnyaneshwara And Saint Shree Tukaram Endowment Lecture Series Trust, Pune
- Founder, Executive President, World Peace Research Foundation, Pune, India

Prof. Dr. Vishwanath Karad was being honoured on 10th February (Video)

The HumanDHS network thanks Dr. Amita Neerav and Dr. Rajesh Dixit for making the connection with Dr. Karad on behalf of the entire global dignity community!

• Kindly click on the photos above or here to see more pictures.

Day One, 9th February 2023

Exceptional thinkers support the work of Prof. Dr. Karad

Karan Singh PMSP (born 9 March 1931) is an Indian politician and philosopher. He is the son of the last ruling Maharaja of the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir, Sir Hari Singh. He was the prince regent of Jammu and Kashmir until 1952. From 1952 to 1965 he was the Sadr-i-Riyasat (President) of the state of Jammu and Kashmir in the Republic of India. He is the chairperson trustee of the Dharmarth Trust of Jammu and Kashmir which maintains 175 temples in north India and works in other areas such as historical preservation. Singh was a member of India's Upper House of Parliament, the Rajya Sabha, representing the national capital territory of Delhi. He is a senior member of the Indian National Congress party who served successively as President (Sadr-i-Riyasat) and Governor of the former state of Jammu and Kashmir. He was a life trustee and president of India International Center. He was elected chancellor of Banaras Hindu University for three terms until 2018 when he was succeeded by Giridhar Malaviya. He has been a prospective presidential candidate over the years.

• Kindly click on the photos above or here to see more pictures.

Day Two, 10th February 2023
Streamed on YouTube

What an amazing culture of honouring and respecting people by wrapping shawls around their shoulders!
Kindly see an explanation here:
Why are shawls given as felicitation gifts to honor VIPS/ dignitaries?
but there is also criticism of this tradition:
Karnataka: Ban on giving garlands, shawls and memorabilia at government events

• Kindly click on the photos above or here to see more pictures.

Prof. Dr. Vishwanath Karad was being honoured on 10th February (Video)

Impressive arrangements in front of the stage

Musical contributions (Video, 10th February 2023)

• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.
• Please click also here to see more photos.

Day Two
9th World Parliament of Science, Religion/Spirituality and Philosophy - 2023
Venue: Shri Kashi-Vishwanath Dham Corridor, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India

Programme streamed on YouTube

When Evelin Lindner was invited to this conference, she chose to be part of Session – VI:
'Need to attain Holistic Sustainable Development Goals in pursuit of World Peace'
'The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) define the world we want. They apply to all nations and mean, quite simply, to ensure that no one is left behind. The SDGs can only be realized with strong global partnerships and cooperation. The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice. Leaders across the world have a monumental opportunity to reduce inequality, end poverty, protect the environment and promote justice and peace in implementing Sustainable Development Goals. Goal 16 focuses on peacebuilding, and in this session, we proposed to discuss how partnerships (SDG 17) can enhance the opportunities for world peace. We will be looking at various individuals and organizations, who have created grass root networks focused on Human rights, tolerance and peace.'

Chairman: Dr. Rajendra Shende, President, TERRE Policy Centre, Pune
Co-Chairman: Dr. Sanjay Upadhye
Co-ordinator: Prof. Milind Patre
Rapporteur: Prof. Niranjan Khaire
Anchor: Dr. Sachin Gadekar, MITWPU, Pune
Welcome address by Dr. Sanjay Upadhye, Advisor, MITWPU, Pune
1. Dr. S. N. Pathan, Former Vice Chancellor, Nagpur University, Nagpur & Vice Chairman ICCR, New Delhi
2. Dr. Evelin Lindner, Co-Founder of the World Dignity University Initiative (Video filmed by the conference team | Video filmed by Amita Neerav, 10th February 2023 | Paper prepared on 28th January 2023)
3. Dr. Rajesh Dixit, Vice Chancellor Renaissance University, Indore, Madhya Pradesh (Video filmed by the conference team | Video filmed by Amita Neerav, 10th February 2023)
4. Dr. Rajendra Shende, President, TERRE Policy Centre, Pune

In my talk, titled 'World Peace Through Equal Dignity in Mutual Solidarity',
I explained that peace needs dignity to become true peace and then demonstrated how she defines dignity. She urged to rethink the SDG's Goal 8, and ended with presenting her concept of 'dignism'

• Kindly see the video filmed by the conference team on 10th February 2023, the video filmed by Amita Neerav, and the paper I had prepared on 28th January 2023.

Holy Ganga river
Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India
9th February 2023
Thank you, dear Amita Neerav for taking me to the surroundings of the venue of the 9th World Parliament of Science, Religion/Spirituality and Philosophy - 2023

Kashi Vishwanath mandir (temple)
Website: 'Kashi Vishwanath Temple is one of the most famous temple in Varanasi, also known as the Golden temple dedicated to the Lord Shiva. It was constructed in the year 1780 by the Maratha monarch, Maharani Ahilyabai Holkar of the Indore'.

Shiv Ganga Ghat (river bank)

Manikarnika Ghat - Manikarnika Mahashamshan Ghat
One of the city's oldest ghats (river banks), this is a spot for traditional Hindu cremations

• Kindly click on the photos above or here to see more pictures.

10th February 2023 in Varanasi / Benares
Amita Neerav, Rajesh Dixit, and Evelin travelled between the Saphir Blue hotel and the venue of the 9th World Parliament of Science, Religion/Spirituality and Philosophy - 2023

• See the streets of Varanasi in the morning (video) and in the evening (video),
and kindly click on the photos above to see the two videos.

We read about us in the Amar Ujala newspaper

8th to 11th February 2023 in Varanasi / Benares
Amita Neerav, Rajesh Dixit, and Evelin stayed in the Saphir Blue hotel in Varanasi and went from there to the venue of the 9th World Parliament of Science, Religion/Spirituality and Philosophy - 2023
• Kindly click on the photos above or here to see more pictures.

With regard to Indian politics and humiliation, you might like to read:
'Bhagwat’s New Spin on Caste Will Not Stem the Rebellion Against Texts That Insult the Shudras: The RSS/BJP intellectuals tell us today that texts like Ramcharitmanas are mirrors of our civilisation. Then where do the Shudras, Dalits, Adivasis and women exist, except for occasional humiliation?, by Kancha Ilaiah Shepherd, The Wire (India), 9th February 2023.

8th February 2023
Amita Neerav, Rajesh Dixit, and Evelin arrived in Varnasi / Benares.
Amita and Rajesh are avid and talented photographers — thank you for taking so many lovely photos!
Under different circumstances, I would have loved to take the train of 17 hours from Indore to Varanasi...
(now we were flying Indore-Mumbai-Varanasi and back Varanasi-Delhi-Indore).

• Kindly click on the photos above or here to see more pictures.

8th February 2023 in Indore, India
How nice to be with our dear Amita Neerav and Rajesh Dixit in Indore Devi Ahilya Bai Holkar Airport.

• Kindly click on the photos above or here to see more pictures.

In the office of Dr. Rajesh Dixit, now Vice Chancellor of that university. You see the photos of our 2017 on the wall of his office!

In front of a drawing of Rabindranath Tagore

The students come to the university on so-called two-wheelers

8th February 2023 in Indore, India
How amazing to be back in the Renaissance University, where we had our 2017 Dignity Conference!

• Kindly click on the photos above or here to see more pictures.

5th February 2023 online
How nice to invite dear Linda per Skype into the amazing Dignity Dialogue Home of our dear Amita Neerav and Rajesh Dixit!

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

4th and 6th February 2023 in Indore, India
How lovely to be woken up every morning by Amita and Rajesh coming to my bed with a cup of tea for me, reading the newspaper...
• Kindly click on the photos above to see them larger.

This is a picture of my dear Mammi-ji when she was still alive in 2016...
In 2023, I sit in her place and sleep in the bed in which she passed away...

My dearest sister Amita in 2016 and 2020!

My dearest brother Rajesh waited for me at the airport of Indore

4th February 2023 in Indore, India
What a wonderful feeling to be back in our amazing Dignity Dialogue Home in Indore with our dear Amita Neerav and Rajesh Dixit!

• Kindly click on the photos above or here to see more pictures.

2nd February 2023 on the plane from Cairo to Indore
How interesting to be surrounded by Dawoodi Bohras from Nigeria in the plane from Cairo to Mumbai!

• Kindly click on the photo above that is taken from Wikipedia to see it larger.

2nd February 2023 in Cairo, Egypy
Mary Bakhoum is one of the most important supporters of my global dignity work. We met in 1985 when Mary began to be my Arabic teacher. I lived and worked in Cairo until 1991. Later, our relationship developed into profound mutual admiration and a loving mother-daughter relationship.
On 2nd February 2023, we met for two hours at the airport of Cairo, after not having seen each other for four years.

• In this little video, I asked Mary how she would like to celebrate her 100th birthday!

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

1st February 2023 in Cairo, Egypt
In 2018, I was able to reconnect with a dear friend from more than thirty years back, Moustafa Hedayah. On 10th August 2018, we had a wonderful meeting in Four Seasons (First Mall) Giza, and later, on 26th August 2018, also at his home with his colleague Mohammed Bayoumi and their families. Moustafa participated in our 2018 Dignity Conference at Sekem Ecovillage.
Thank you, dear Moustafa, for seeing me at Cairo airport on 1st February 2023!

• Kindly click on the photo above to see it larger.

30th January 2023 in Tel Aviv
Thank you so much, dearest Nira and Avi, for taking me to such wonderful events! This was 'Three by the Bat Sheva Dance Company at the Suzanne Dellal Centre for Dance and Theatre! Simply breathtaking!

• Kindly click on the pictures above to see the sources of the photos.

30th January 2023 in Tel Aviv
Dignity and Humiliation – Stories from Israeli Schools
(Video recorded in Avi Shahaf's home in Tel Aviv)
Avi Shahaf is an organisational consultant who works with dignity in schools, hospitals, and other organizations. In this video, he presents his book titled "Dignity and Humiliation – Stories from Israeli Schools" (published in 2022 in Hebrew, to be translated into English).

• Kindly click on the photo above to see the video.

28th January 2023 in Tel Aviv
What a privilege to be introduced to Nimrod Aloni by my dear friend Nimrod Sheinman!
Professor Aloni teaches Philosophy of Education at Kibbutzim College of Education, Tel Aviv. He is the head of "The Institute for Progressive Education" and holds "The UNESCO Chair in Humanistic Education". In the Jerusalem Center for Ethics he is the director of the division of Ethics and Education. Prof. Aloni has published books and article mainly on humanistic education, ethics in the education profession, and on activist pedagogy for democratic citizenship. His latest book is Beyond Bystanders: Educational Leadership for a Humane Culture in a Globalizing Reality. He is engaged in social activism in the areas of human rights and democratic culture as well as of Jewish-Arab shared life and equal educational opportunity to the children of the refugees and migrant workers.
His mother was famous Shulamit Aloni, an Israeli politician. She founded the Ratz party, was leader of the Meretz party, leader of the Opposition from 1988 to 1990, and served as Minister of Education from 1992 to 1993.

• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger.

28th January 2023 in Tel Aviv
Thank you so much, dear Nira and Avi, for inviting me to this marvellous concert by one of the best philharmonic orchestras of the world!
Andrea Battistoni was the conductor and Leonora Armellini the pianist,
and we heard Chopin: Piano Concerto no. 1, and Rachmaninov: Symphony no. 2!
When we came out of the concert, the streets were still full of demonstrators!

• Kindly click on the pictures above or here to see more photos. The picture at the top is taken from Wikipedia.

28th January 2023 in Tel Aviv
Half of Tel Aviv seemed to be in the streets, hotly discussing the political situation. The demonstrators' intention is to save the country from looming dictatorship, yet, they face supporters of the current government who think that the demonstrators do the precise opposite, namely, that they destroy the country. In response, most protestors carried an Israeli flag, to show that they are not against the country but for it.
Among the demonstrators, one of the big question was the following: If we intend to save the country, will demonstrations be the right tool?
I contributed by saying: 'Demonstrations can be a first step to deeper and constructive change. Yet, there is a certain danger that needs to be heeded. Sociologist Pierre Bourdieu spoke of 'deferred elimination' when authorities let critics exhaust themselves for hopes that ultimately turn out to be empty (see Bourdieu, Pierre, and Jean-Claude Passeron (1970/1990). Reproduction in education, society and culture. Translated by Richard Nice. 2nd edition. London: Sage. French original La reproduction: Éléments pour une théorie du système d’enseignement, Paris: Édition de Minuit, 1970)'.
Another hot question related to the unity of the protesters. Should the occupation be thematised? Is dignity within the country possible as long as there is occupation? Some say, 'The occupation must end!', others say, 'But then they wlll kill us!'
See also 'Protest Camp Splinters Ahead of First Major Rally Against Netanyahu’s Far-right Gov't'.
See also an article from 2013, 'Marching for dignity: Thousands take action against the occupation of Palestine'.

• Kindly click on the pictures above to see them larger. They are taken from this article:
'Tens of Thousands Protest in Israel's Largest Cities Against Netanyahu Government'.
See for a background view, for instance:
'Here's what is driving the latest spiral of Israeli-Palestinian violence'.

27th January 2023 in Tel Aviv
What an incredible meeting of dignity families! The DignityNowHameln group says hello to Nira & Avi Shahaf and Frumit & Yoav Peck! Dignity and love in abundance!
Happy birthday to you, dearest Frumit, happy birthday!

• Kindly click on the pictures above or here to see more.

27th January 2023 in Jerusalem
This was another deeply touching Buberian meeting, this time with Mariana (Miri) Strauss Tlalim! After two hours (or more) of deep conversation, we concluded that Martin Buber would have been very happy with us!

Miri and I met in the Agripas 12 art gallery near Agripas Street in Jerusalem, in an area that reminded me of the Hutong alleys commonly associated with northern Chinese cities, especially Beijing.
The contrast between tall buildings surrounding old houses could not have been starker. One one side mass produced modernity without soul and with ecologically questionable designs, surrounded by an abundance of soul and still ecologically modest because of the lack of 'modern' amenities...

• Kindly click on the pictures above or here to see them larger.

26th January 2023 in Jerusalem
What a gift to be welcomed in the home of Danny Brom and his wife! How strange that we did not meet earlier, given that we have so many cross-connections! Thank you so much, dear Danny, for welcoming me so kindly!
Professor Danny Brom is a clinical psychologist and founding director of the Israel Center for the Treatment of Psychotrauma of Herzog Hospitalin Jerusalem, Israel. Brom is originally from the Netherlands, where he founded a psychotrauma center. He is the initiator and former chairman of the Israel Trauma Coalition. In his position of Director at ICTP, he has brought his expertise to the fields of education, community resilience, health and mental health care to increase the capacity of Israeli society to cope with the ongoing existential threat... (more on Wikipedia)

• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger.

26th January 2023 in Jerusalem
Thank you so much, dear Kurt-Christian, for explaining to me how to be a volunteer in the Cafe of the German Church in the Old City of Jerusalem!
• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger.

26th January 2023 in Jerusalem
It was such a happy excursion through Jerusalem's Old City with Martina Weisz! Martin Buber would have applauded us for the way we connected in deep dialogue. Than you so much, dear Martina!
• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger.

26th January 2023 in Jerusalem
Video: From Humiliation to Dignity: Protecting Diversity
The Armenian Orthodox church in Jerusalem — and only in Jerusalem — celebrated Christmas on 18th January 2023. The Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem, also known as the Armenian Patriarchate of Saint James, is located in the Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem. On the 26th January 2023, Evelin followed the procession to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and captured some of the Armenian chanting in the Church with her cell phone.
The procession was accompanied by Israelis from the left side of the political spectrum to document possible occurrences of harassment against the procession by extremist Jews. See, for example:
- 'Jewish extremists write hate slogans calling for death to Christians at Armenian Patriarchate in Jerusalem', Wafa, January 12, 2023: 'The slogans said: "revenge", "Death to Christians", "Death to the Armenians", and "Death to Arabs and Gentiles"'
- 'Christians in Jerusalem's Old City "under threat' from settlers",' by Harriet Sherwood in Jerusalem, The Guardian, 1st May 2018.
• Kindly click on the picture above to listen to some of the Armenian chanting in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre captured by Evelin with her cell phone.

25th January 2023 in Jerusalem
It was deeply moving to reconnect with Michael Dahan after more than 20 years! Sitting in Kalo Cafe in Jerusalem for many hours and sharing thoughts was an immense gift! Thank you so much, dear Michael!
Michael is part of the faculty of the Sapir Academic College and has his education from Hebrew University in Jerusalem. His main research interests include civil society organizations and ICTs; transnational civil society; new media, politics, and society; cultural aspects of ICTs; intercultural dialogue; coexistence issues and comparative politics.
• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger.

24th January 2023 in Jerusalem
What a privilege to spend a Buberian evening with Sara and Avner Haramati near the Van Leer Institute!
Avner brought Harrison Owen's work with Open Space to Jerusalem.
• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger.

24th January 2023 in Jerusalem
What a gift to be able to walk on my footsteps of 1975, 2003, and 2004, and see the huge changes that have taken place since then.
I walk to the Jaffa Gate of Jerusalem's Old City through Mamilla.
Walking into the King David Hotel is another rmust.
• Kindly click on the pictures above, that are all taken from Wikipedia, to see them larger.

24th January 2023 in Jerusalem
What a privilege to meet Doron Shultziner for the first time in person, after so many years of e-mail contact! Professor Shultziner is the head of the Politics & Communication Department at Hadassah Academic College Jerusalem since 2018. He is also one of the founders of Mali-Center for Enterprising Citizens, a nonprofit that advances social entrepreneurship.
Thank you, dear Doron, for your wonderful visit!
• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger.

23rd – 27th January 2023 in Jerusalem
An incredible privilege to be hosted by Sharon and David Rosen!
• Kindly click on the pictures above to see them larger.

I took the picture at the bottom from generationword.com, because I accidently erased the photos I had taken of the view from the terrace of the Rosen residence...

• Kindly see this video: Rabbi David Rosen's Extraordinary Life Mission (Video, 26th January 2023)

Evelin Lindner invited Rabbi David Rosen to share some of his insights from a long life of important inter-faith work, in his home in Jerusalem on 26th January 2023. The extraordinary life path of Sharon and David Rosen began with search for justice in opposing apartheid in South Africa, from there it proceeded to playing an important role in Ireland, and later their inter-faith work included also the Dharmic faiths and Islam.
In this video, David Rosen explains the two aspects that make inter-faith work important for him, first, its role for justice, and, second, it being a path to divinity. David Rosen's focus is on 'pushing the envelope from inside' rather than opposing it 'from outside'. On 31st January, he added in an e-mail, 'I think that doing good is literally a summum bonum. As important as compassion and love are, they can often be passive virtues. And love is invariably used in such a vague way it is often without definition. Even though I usually avoid "new age" language, I think that love is best defined as "positive energy", and I would also say that anything that gives and sustains life is goodness, so that doing good is life and love'.

In 2023 Rabbi David Rosen took a year’s leave of absence from the American Jewish Committee (AJC) to serve as the Special Advisor to the Abrahamic Family House in Abu Dhabi.

It was a great honour for Evelin to be welcomed in the home of the Rosen family in January 2023, and learn about their extraordinary life path.

22nd January 2023 online
What a wonderful meeting with dear Linda Hartling, Janet Gerson, and Michael Britton!
Without YOU, our HumanDHS community would not be there!
Thank you so much for being the pillars of our global dignity work!
• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger.

22nd January 2023in Haifa
What a gift to be welcomed by Professor Manar Makhoul from Tel Aviv University to Haifa! I learned about his work through the marvellous book by brilliant Norwegian correspondent Sidsel Wold 'Landet som lovet alt - min israelske reise'.
Thank you so much, dear Manar, for sharing your most valuable and important thoughts with me and for so graciously showing me around!
I was in Haifa in 1975, how the city has changed!
You showed me the view from Haifa towards the north (you can see Lebanon!), and to the west, where one can reach Cyprus by boat! Thank you!

• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger.

21st January 2023 onine
Thank you so much, dearest Rajesh and Amita, for making it possible that we will be in Varanasi in February!
You are such wonderful dignifiers! Thank you!
• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger.

21st January 2023 in Tel Aviv
Thank you so much, dearest Nira and Avi Shahaf for gathering your friends for a wonderful evening of music and dialogue in your lovely January 2023 Dignity Dialogue Home!
Here is Evelin's contribution titled 'From Humiliation to Dignity: Sharing Thoughts' (Video in two parts, first from Evelin's camera and then from Netta Shahav's cell phone | PowerPoint)
Here is the wonderful flute and piano concert given by Hanna and Rami as a prelude to Evelin's talk! (Video by Netta Shahav from her cell phone)
• Kindly click on the pictures above to see them larger.

19th January 2023 in Tel Aviv
What a joy to meet with Linda Hartling on Skype! She thanks Nira and Avi Shahaf for being such a wonderful Dignity Dialogue Home for Evelin throughout January 2023!
• Kindly click on the pictures above to see them larger.

17th January 2023 in Be'er Sheva / Biʾr as-Sab, Negev
What a privilege to meet Professor Alean Al-Krenawi, The Charlotte B. and Jack J. Spitzer Department of Social Work, Be'er Sheva University
• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger.

17th January 2023 in Be'er Sheva / Biʾr as-Sab, Negev
What a privilege to be invited by Ya'ir Ronen to share our dignity work with his students of the Department of Social Work, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Be'er Sheva!
• The first course was titled 'Human Rights and Nonviolence: A Cinematic Journey in the Footsteps of Two Freedom Fighters, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.'. Open to students from all faculties, altogether circa 130 students. (PowerPoint)
• The second course was titled 'Ethics for Social Work', with circa 80 students (PowerPoint)
• The third course for master students was titled 'Responsiveness to the Other: Cinematic Journey Inspired by the Thought of Emanuel Lévinas', with circa 20 students (PowerPoint)
• Kindly click on the pictures above or here to see them larger.

16th January 2023 in Jerusalem
It was great to re-connect with my Christian Palestinian inhabitants of the Old City of Jerusalem, with whom I spoke in 2004. Here with young Hussam Abu Omar, whose wife Laila is studying genetics and will become a medical doctor.
• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger.

Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, we sat in front of the windows

16th January 2023 in Jerusalem
What an honor to meet with Avishai Margalit again, this time in the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, twenty years after our first meeting! We first met in his office in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem on Mount Scopus on November 16, 2003.
It was such a wonderful surprise to learn that my bevoved doctoral supervisor Lee Ross was a close and dear friend of Avishai Margalit!
• Kindly click on the pictures above to see them larger.

15th January 2023 in Tel Aviv
What a privilege to re-connect with Nimrod Sheinman! In 2003, I was spending many days with his father-in-law, Holocaust survivor Jo Linser, learning from him, listening to his harrowing experiences, deeply thankful that Nimrod's family welcomed me with utmost kindness.
• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger.

14th January 2023 online
Linda and I meet with our beloved Sharon Steinborn to prepare for our upcoming WISR seminar!
Thank you for being such a loving and mindful dignifier, dearest Sharon!
• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger.

What a joy to walk in my own footsteps of 1975, 2003, and 2004!

From left to right: From the Jaffa Gate to the Western Wall to the Lutheran Church and to Dom Polski!
See more here

Sister Halina from Poznan is so kind to show me the panorame from the roof of Dom Polski! See the video!

Panorama view from the roof of Dom Polski!
See more here

It was lovely to meet Maltese singer Anne Fanniello and her friends!
She sang a traditional Maltese song for us (left) and then filmed while we walked towards the Church of the Holy Sepulchre (two left)

12th January 2023 in Jerusalem
What a joy to walk in my own footsteps of 1975, 2003, and 2004!
1975: I was working at Alyn hospital as a psychology student for many months, visiting the Old City every day, learning ever corner by heart. In 1975, Kurt was visiting the Lutheran Church, and he was there again in 2023, unbelievable! He kindly showing me around in the wonderfully renovated place!
2003: I was spending many days with Holocaust survivor Jo Linser, learning from him, listening to his harrowing experiences, deeply thankful that his family welcomed me with utmost kindness. I visited the Old City only very briefly.
2004: I was teaching at  the School of Social Work at Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mount Scopus, invited by David Bargal. Afterwards, I was spending time in Stary Dom Polski (Sisters of Saint Elizabeth), where sister Fabiola took wonderful care of me, always greeting my mother, who hailed from Breslau before it became Wrocław. Now, in 2023, sister Halina from Poznan showed me around (see the pictures on the roof!) and I think it was sister Fabiola who greeted me from the kitchen! In 2004, I went from Dom Polski to meet Ellen Marie Hansteensen in Hebron, who later invited me into her lighthouse in Norway!
• Kindly click on the pictures above to see them larger and see more photos here. Please be aware that I 'stole' some pictures from other people from Google Maps, particularly Dom Polski! However, the pictures selected above are all mine.
• See also four videos: Video of the panorama from the roof of Dom Polski, video of Anna Faniello singing, first video and second video of Anna Fanielle and Evelin walking towards the Holy Sepulchre.

11th January 2023 in Tel Aviv
What a privilege to re-connect with psychology professor Arie Nadler! Jeffrey Fisher introduced us by email in 1998, and Arie later honored us with his participation in our December workshops at Columbia University in New York.
Arie's fields of interest:
- Helping relations and power relations between individuals and groups.
- Reactions to and willingness to seek assistance
- Social Psychology of reconciliation processes
- History of Psychology.
• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger.

8th January 2023 online
Connecting with our dearest Chipamong Chowdhury in the Ambedkar International Center near Washington DC, on WhatsApp!
• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger.

January 2023 in Tel Aviv
I am most thankful to Ya'ir Ronen for allowing me to learn about his focus on human rights and how he connects the work of Martin Luther King Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi with philosophers such as Emmanuel Lévinas.

January 2023 in Tel Aviv
What a privilege to re-connect also with Avi's dear friend and colleague Yoav Peck and meet his wife Frumit! Yoav was introduced to our work by David Bargal, and Yoav later brought Avi and Nira to us!
Kindly see some of his work here:
"Sorrow and Rage," by Yoav Peck, Director of Community Relations, Parents Circle – Families Forum, March 7, 2022.
• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger.

January 2023 in Tel Aviv
I have no words to thank wonderful Nira and Avi Shahaf for welcoming me in their home and their life!
• Kindly click on the pictures above to see them larger.

5th January 2023
What a privilege to have our work mentioned in the following article:
'Can Human Rights Law Protect Against Humiliation? Human rights laws aim to protect the vulnerable from humiliation. Do they work?', by Deepa Kansra Ph.D., Psychology Today, 5th January 2023.
• Kindly click on the picture above to see the article.

1st January 2023 in Amman
What a joy to meet Rafael Leal-Arcas at the airport in Amman, Professor of Law from Spain teaching in Riyad!
• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger.

Evelin's pictures