Evelin's picture documentation until the end of 2007

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This picture-blog is meant to document Evelin's efforts and whereabouts and share them with the HumanDHS network [read more].
See a brief legal note with regard to the permission to upload pictures with people other than Evelin.

The year starts at the bottom of this page and the most recent pictures are at the top.

2004-2007: I was always amazed at the "cable-salad" in the streets of Japan!
Please click on the pictures above or here to see them more photos.

December 2007, Hameln in Germany (Hamelin in English), working on the next book.
Please click on the pictures above to see them larger.

December 16, 2007, with my dear Egyptian sister Suzy and her friends in Queens and Manhattan!
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

10th Annual Meeting of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies in NY in 2007, December 13-15, 2007. Please click on the group picture above to see it larger, and on the main entrance of Teachers College to see last year's pictures of the venue of our workshop, Columbia University, Teachers College, and Milbank Chapel.
The pictures above were taken by Brian Lynch in 2006 and 2007.
Day One! The pictures above come from Brian Lynch's camera.
Please click in the middle of the pictures above or here to see more of Brian's photos of Day One.
Day One! The pictures above come from Evelin's camera. Please click in the middle of the pictures above or here to see more photos of Day One. The image from Google Analytics shows that this website had ca. 40,000 visits since December 2006, with 80,000 pageviews of an average of 2 minutes, from 183 countries. The picture on the right side is one of the "images of hope" that Florina Benoit and Ashok Gladston Xavier brought from India!
Please note that the jacket Evelin is wearing is part of the HumanDHS World Clothes of Equal Dignity project!
The Public Event on Day One! The pictures above come from Brian Lynch's camera. Please click in the middle of the pictures above to see more of his photos of the Public Event.

The Public Event on Day One! The pictures above come from John John Bruseth's and Evelin's camera. Please click in the middle of the pictures above to see more photos of the Public Event.
Day Two! The picture above come from Brian Lynch's camera. Please click in the middle of the pictures above or here to see more of Brian's photos of Day Two.
Day Two! The pictures above come from Evelin's camera. Please click in the middle of the pictures above or here to see more photos of Day Two. Unfortunately, the camera's battery went flat during Round Table 2. Therefore there are unfortunately no pictures on Evelin's camera from the rest of the day.
The Day After! The pictures above come from Brian Lynch's camera. He first documented the discussion with Olympia Dukakis following the play "Masked," then the post-play get-together of some of us. Please click in the middle of the pictures above or here to see more of Brian's photos of the Day After.
The Day After! The pictures above come from Evelin's camera. Please click in the middle of the pictures above or here to see more photos of the Day After.
Three days after! With Lydia and Morton Deutsch! Please click in the middle of the picture above or here to see more photos.

December 9, 2007, Ikhlaq's wonderful House Concert!
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

December 7, 2007, discussing our World Clothes for Equal Dignity idea with Zuzka!
Zuzka confirmed that we need to educate people to respect the richness of knowledge and skill that flows into many handmade products, particularly those that honor long artistic traditions.
Please click on the picture above to see it larger.

Discussing the Peace Star idea!
Omar Amanat, Evelin and Sabrina, December 3, 2007.
Please click on the picture to see it larger.

December 3, 2007, Japan ICU Foundation, New York, with David W. Vikner, Clifford and Kathleen Hill.
Please click on the pictures above to see them larger.

On December 28, 2007, preparing for our 2007 Workshop on Humiliation and Violent Conflict! The International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution (ICCCR), Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY. From left: Ines, Kathrin, Mekayla, Kathryn, Evelin, Michael!
Please click on the pictures above to see it larger!

Kiku Matsuri, New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, November 17, 2007.
Performance by Mariko Watabe and Company, employing the shamisen (three-stringed instrument), hand drums, vocals, and dance for a classical music performance evocative of traditional Japanese culture (please see also http://english.ntdtv.com/?c=149&a=727). Please see also Talisman Brolin's wonderful photographs!
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

Center for Judaic, Holocaust and Peace Studies, Appalachian University, Boone, North Carolina, USA, November 10-14, 2007.
Guest lecturer: Evelin Lindner, invited by Amy Hudnall, Adjunct Instructor, Coordinator of Peace Studies, supported by Jennifer Kirby (see pictures at the top).
Please click on either of the pictures above or here to see more photos.
From top left to bottom right:
1. "The Role of Humiliation in Ethnic Conflicts," Ethnic Conflict Class (junior level seminar class) of Anatoly V. Isaenko, Ph.D. Associate Professor at the Department of History, November 12, 2007.
2. Dinner with Peter Petschauer, Department of History, Appalachian State University.
3. "The Role of Humiliation in the Holocaust, Germany and Rwanda," Holocaust Class of Rennie Brantz, Professor of History, Co-Director of the Center for Judaic, Holocaust, and Peace Studies, November 13, 2007.
4. "On a Personal Level, Genocide, Its Relationship to Humiliation, and How to Prevent It in the Future," Genocide Class (freshman) of Amy Hudnall, Adjunct Instructor, Coordinator of Peace Studies, November 13, 2007.
5. Dinner with Zohara Boyd, Co-Director of the Center for Judaic, Holocaust, and Peace Studies.
6. "Genocide, Humiliation, and Conflict," Carol Grotnes Belk Library and Information Commons at Appalachian State University, Tuesday, November 13, at 7 p.m. in Room 114.
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

25th and 26th October 2007, journey from Oslo to Kiel, over night, with Color Line, MS Color Magic, departure at 14.00 (left), arrival next morning at 10.00 (right).
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

This welcome video was created by Lasse Moer on 18th October 2007, on the Blindern campus of the University of Oslo in sunny but very cold autumn weather. The blue jacket is part of the World Clothes for Equal Dignity project.
The text for this video has been written by Brian Ward.
Here is the full text:
"Hello! My name is Evelin Lindner and I have committed my life to engaging with people and communities around the world to end the cycles of violence resulting from people humiliating or putting other people down. To protect our planet for future generations we all need to hold hands in equal dignity and lead each other towards a peaceful, sustainable and a richly diverse global community. Your knowledge, experiences, creativity and inspiration is needed wherever it might be as without your help the journey to peace and sustainability will take so much longer. If you are able to join our network of friends on this wonderful journey please have a look at the opportunities in this website and let us know! Thank you very much!"

Please click here or on the picture at the top to see the "Welcome" film, and click on the pictrues further down to see them larger.

Frogner Seter, Holmenkollen, Oslo, Norway, 19th October 2007, with John Marks.
Please click here or on the picture above to see more photos.

Fashion-Show by Fanny Duckert!
From left to right: Nora, Jan, and Fanny!
17th October 2007, Blindern, Oslo, Norway.
Please click on the pictures above to see them larger.

"The Theory of Humiliation and Its Application"
PSYC32 03, Anvendt sosialpsykologi, Universitet i Oslo, Psykologisk institutt, Harald Schjelderups hus, Forskningsveien 3, Aud 3, 16. oktober 2007.
Please click on the picture above to see it larger.

With the pictures you see further down, I tried to document not only the wonderful Norwegian landscape, but also how traditional Norwegian farm buildings are organically placed within their surroundings (Hroar Klempe refers to Goethe's notion of "organisch"). In contrast, cabins for tourists are often built in a kind of chess board fashion (I associate this design with "military camp" design). I suggest that also the cabins for tourists follow the organic approach. This would honour and dignify both Norwegian tradition, Norwegian landscape, and its guests (humanising the way humans use their environment). See also the pictures further down ("Driving from Oslo to Trondheim and back in October 2007").
Driving from Oslo to Porsgrunn/Skien and back on 20th October 2007.
These pictures are taken in Telemark fylke.
Please click on the pictures above to see them larger.
See also the pictures further down ("Driving from Oslo to Trondheim and back in October 2007").

Driving from Oslo to Trondheim and back in October 2007 (7th October, and 14th October 2007).
This is a ca. 550 km, or eight to nine hours' drive over the Dovre mountains.
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

Gjørv Gård
Korsavegen 123, N-7670 Inderøy, Trøndelag, Norway, a farm with a history of 3000 years.
Please click on the pictures above to see them larger.

Inaugural meeting for the Office Cockpit project on 13th October 2007, in Britannia Hotel in Trondheim!
Sigurd Støren, Evelin Lindner, and Sofia Hussain!

Trondheim, 7th-14th October 2007
The most recent HumanDHS office helper!
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos!

Trondheim, 7th-14th October 2007
Please click on the picture above or here to see more photos!

Course PSYPRO 4030, kull 24, autumn 2007, at the Department of Psychology, NTNU, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 8th-11th October 2007.
Please click on this picture above or here to see more photos.

Several meetings in Oslo in preparation for our 2008 conference in Norway!
Left: 4th October 2007, we met at Kjell Skyllstad's place in Oslo.
Right: 5th October 2007, we met at the Holocaust Centre with Maria Rosvoll.
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

1st and 2nd October 2007, journey from Kiel to Oslo, over night, with Color Line, MS Color Fantasy, departure at 14.00 (left), arrival next morning at 10.00 (right).
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

Silesia and Thuringia, 13th-20th September 2007, together with my parents.
Both of my parents were displaced from Silesia after WWII (see an overview over the history of Silesia and over the expulsion), and, even though they are still mourning the loss of their homeland, they were full of admiration for the Polish achievements, such as the restorations of what had been destroyed during WWII.
1. My father: See the picture on the top left (my father, ca. 15 years old, on his horse Rex). We visited former Bertelsdorf, where his farm was located that he was to inherit (Bertelsdorf is now Uniegoszcz, with his former farm now in Lauban/Lubañ). Please click on his picture or here to see more photos, among others, with young Edyta Krawczyk, who later studied in Wroclaw.
2. My mother: My mother was 15 years old when WWII ended. We visited her hometown, Breslau, now Wroclaw. Dietrich Bonhoeffer was born in Breslau in 1906. Please click on her picture or here to see more photos.
3. Thuringia: See the picture at the bottom. We visited the family business Wagner & Apel, which is being run in the 4th and 5th generation. See also our World Business for Equal Dignity page. Please click on the picture or here to see more photos.
See here two texts describing how adopting our entire planet as our shared home has had a healing effect on me:
How Multicultural Discourses Can Help Construct New Meaning
Paper prepared for the Second International Conference on Multicultural Discourses, 13-15th April 2007, Institute of Discourse and Cultural Studies, & Department of Applied Psychology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.
How Becoming a Global Citizen Can Have a Healing Effect
Paper presented at the 2006 ICU-COE Northeast Asian Dialogue: Sharing Narratives, Weaving/Mapping History, February 3-5, 2006, International Christian University (ICU), Tokyo, Japan.

Valerie and Kevin Clements were so very kind as to invite Jennifer Allen Simons, Hilary Summy, and me into their wonderful home in Brisbane, Australia, on 29th August 2007! (Kevin is the Director of the Australian Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies (ACPACS), at the University of Queensland, Australia, where I spent August 2007 as a visiting scholar upon the invitation of Ralph Summy, editor of Social Altrnatives, see "Humiliation and History in Global Perspectives," A Special Issue of Social Alternatives, Vol. 25, No. 1, First Quarter, 2006)
Please click on the picture above to see it larger.

New Developments in Psychology: Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies
School of Psychology, Centre for Research on Group Processes, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, convened by Matthew Hornsey and Winnifred Louis, Professors of Psychology, 29th August 2007, 4-5pm in Room 306 of the McElwain (psychology) building.
Please click on the picture above to see it larger.

Anne Brown and Richard were so very kind as to invite Anna Nolan and me to her breathtaking home! 25th August 2007.
Please click on the picture above or here to see more photos.

Toh Swee-Hin (S.H.Toh), Professor, Director, and Dr. Virginia F. Cawagas, Adjunct Associate Professor, Multi-Faith Centre, Griffith University, Nathan Campus, Queensland, Australia, together with Hilary and Ralph Summy, 20th August 2007.
Please click on the picture above or here to see more photos.

The Role of Dignity and Humiliation for Peace & Conflict Studies
Australian Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies (ACPACS), The University of Queensland, Don Carruthers Room, Level 5, Dorothy Hill PSE Library, Hawken Building (50), at K5 co-ordinates, 14th of August 2007, 12-2pm.
Please click on the pictures above to see them larger.

Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

Diane Summer kindly invited me into her home in Montville, at the Sunshine Coast north of Brisbane, for the weekend 11th/12th August 2007. The picture on the left is taken in the Mary Cairncross Scenic Reserve. Their brochure says: "The natural jewel of the Sunshine Coast," is situated in the Sunshine Coast hinterland. It comprises 52 hectares of National Estate listed subtropical rainforest overlooking the Glass House Mountains. A remnant of the rainforests that once covered the Blackall Range, formed from volcanic activity 29 million years ago, the Reserve is a living museum of diverse plant and animal life... The first application for land on the Maleny Plateau was made by Isaac Burgess on 12th November, 1878. A parcel of this land was bought by the Hon. Andrew Joseph Thynne in 1902. In 1941 three of Thynne's daughters, Mabel, Mary and Elizabeth, gifted 40 hectares of rainforest from this land parcel to the public, in trust Elizabeth Thynne gave a further two heactures in 1966. This was to honour the memory of their mother Mary Thynne (nee Cairncross) an early conservation campaigner who died in 1918. The deeds required the land to be kept as a nature reserve."
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

The pictures above were taken in connection with the World Design for Equal Dignity project, where, among others, the role of chairs for status and health is discussed. The pictures show the State Library of Queensland, slq, in August 2007. It opened in 2006. Please click here or on the pictures to see more photos.
This library offers great spaces to visitors. See here the 1st floor, where visitors can sit and use their own laptops or the library's computers as they wish. Wireless access to the Internet is available everywhere. All is free of charge. The range of opportunities as to how to work is formidable. One can sit either on the floor, or on banks, or on chairs, or even work while standing. The versatility that is made possible is outstanding.

Korean restaurant, Tamatsukuri, Osaka, with Donna Fujimoto, 4th July, 2007.
Please click on the picture above to see it larger.

Ganko Takasegawa Nijoen restaurant, with Lisa Rogers and Tina Ottman, 30th June, 2007.
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

Okonomiyaki restaurant, Shinsaibashi, Osaka, with Tohru Tada, 21st June, 2007.
Please click on the pictures above to see them larger.

How Intercultural Communicators Can Contribute to Realizing Humiliation-Free Global Peace
SIETAR Japan Kansai Chapter, June Meeting, 2007, Takatsuki Shiritsu Sogo Shimin Koryu Center, 17th June, 2007.
Please click on the picture above or here to see more photos.

Reimon Bachika joined me for a belated birthday celebration, in the famous Pontocho district of Kyoto, Japan, in a restaurant overlooking the Kamogawa river, 6th June 2007. In the background you see the famous Minami-za Kabuki Theater.
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

Osaka, Japan, June 2007
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

"Getting Acquainted with Humiliation Studies"
Graduate School of Intercultural Communication, Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Guest Lecture in Professor Adair Linn Nagata's Course of Intercultural Communication Theory, April 26, 2007.
Please click in the middle of each picture above to see it larger.

"Intercultural Communication and Humiliation"
School of International Politics and Economics, Aoyama Gakuin University, Guest Lecture in the Seminar for Communication Studies, invited by Professor Kiyoko Sueda, Tokyo, Japan, April 24, 2007.
Please click in the middle of the picture above or here to see more pictures.

The HumanDHS network participated in The Second International Conference on Multicultural Discourses at the Institute of Discourse and Cultural Studies on the New Campus of Zhejiang University (13-15th April 2007), with the panel "Giving Voice to the Humiliated" (on 14th April).
These pictures come from Evelin's camera.
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.
These pictures of our panel "Giving Voice to the Humiliated" (on 14th April) come from Brian Lynch's camera.
Please click on the picture above or here to see more photos. Please see these pictures also on Brian's site at http://share.shutterfly.com/.
Please see here the videos of the talks by Evelin Lindner, Reimon Bachika, and Jacqueline Wasilewski.
Please see here the videos of the entire meeting by Brian Lynch.

Yue Opera at the Shengli Theatre on 14th April.
Please click on the picture on the top or here to see more photos of the opera itself.
Please click on the pictures beneath or here to see more photos of us posing with the artists at the end!
These picture come from Brian Lynch's camera. Please see these pictures also on his site at http://share.shutterfly.com/.

Keitaro, Neil, and Brian enjoyed Hangzhou's Westlake.
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.
These pictures come from Brian Lynch's camera.
Please see these pictures also on his site at http://share.shutterfly.com/.

Picture on the left side: Visit to the Silkmuseum of Hangzhou on Sunday, 15th April 2007.
Please click on the picture or here to see more photos.
Picture on the right side: Visit to the Teamuseum of Hangzhou the same afternoon. Passers-by asked for photos while we waited for the bus...
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.
These pictures come from Brian Lynch's camera. Please see these pictures also on his site at http://share.shutterfly.com/.
The Second International Conference on Multicultural Discourses ended with a grand banquet followed by dance!
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.
These pictures come from Brian Lynch's camera. Please see these pictures also on his site at http://share.shutterfly.com/.

Together with Professors Jianhong Ma and Hora Tjitra, at the Department of Applied Psychology on the Xixi Campus of Zheijiang University, we had The Interactive Workshop on "Collaborative Learning Environment Characterised by Mutual Respect" (on 16th April 2007).
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.
These pictures come from Evelin's camera.
Please see the videos of the entire meeting by Brian Lynch.

Please click on the pictures or here to see more photos.
Interactive Workshop on "Collaborative Learning Environment Characterised by Mutual Respect"
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.
These pictures come from Brian Lynch's camera. Please see these pictures also on his site at http://share.shutterfly.com/.
Please see here the videos of the talks by Evelin Lindner, Jacqueline Wasilewski, Steve Kulick, Reimon Bachika, Brian Lynch, Neil Ryan Walsh, and Keitaro Morita.
Please see the videos of the entire meeting by Brian.

On 17th April 2007, together with Zhang Xuan (Aggie) and her boy-friend Maji, I visited the hotel where I had stayed when I was in Hangzhou for the first time, in 1983. At that time there was only one hotel of significance in Hangzhou, and it was called Hangzhou Hotel. I stayed in the inexpensive dormitory that was part of Hangzhou Hotel at that time, alongside single and double rooms. Today, former Hangzhou Hotel has transformed into luxurious Shangri-la Hotel!
Please click on the picture on the left side or here to see more photos.

On 18th April 2007, Aggie, Ma Ji, and I visited wonderful Lingyin Temple, the famous Buddhist caves and rock carvings near it, and the mountain behind.
Lingyin temple is one of the largest and wealthiest temples in China, originally founded in 326 AD. Despite some damage inflicted, the temple and grounds escaped destruction during the Cultural Revolution because of the protection of Premier Zhou Enlai. Today the temple is a thriving tourist attraction.
Please click on the second picture from the left or here to see more photos.

From Lingyin Temple, we wandered off to neighbouring temples.
Please click on the third picture from the left or here to see more photos.

At the end, we walked up the mountain behind Lingyin Temple, overlooking Hangzhou!
Please click on the fourth picture from the left or here to see more photos.

These pictures come from Aggie's camera.
Please see Evelin's pictures further down.
These are Evelin's pictures of the visit to Shangri-La Hotel on 17th April.
Please click on the picture above or here to see more photos.
These are Evelin's pictures of the visit to wonderful Lingyin Temple and its vicinity on 18th April.
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

11th Annual Conference of the International Mental Health Professionals of Japan (IMHPJ, 17-18th March 2007) in Kawaguchiko at Mount Fuji.
"The Transition of the Link Between Humiliation and Mental Health: From Due Lowliness to Undue Humiliation," talk on Saturday, 17th March, 2007, 1:00 - 2:30 pm.
The two pictures of Mount Fuji were taken by Charles Stanislaw. Please click on them to see them larger.
Please click on the other two pictures or here to see more photos.
Please see also International Mental Health Professionals in Japan: Challenges and Opportunities, by Carolyn Zerbe Enns, PhD & Jim McRae, PhD, International Mental Health Professionals Japan (IMHPJ), in Psychology International (May-June 2007).

Please click on the pictures or here to see more photos.

Sumo Tournament in Osaka, 11th-25th March 2007. See me with Hakuho (left) and Kaio (right)! Please read more about Sumo here. Watch the tournament live online. The Sumo tradition, to me, demonstrates starkly many of the benign and malign aspects that hierarchical societal structures introduced into human society everywhere on the planet during the past 10,000 years of human history (benign: exercise of considerate restraint/malign: status undermining quality of life, see also my SIETAR lecture). The event itself showed to me most touchingly how much of deeply humane passion is hidden behind the faces of my Japanese friends who are rather restrained most of the time - at the end, the audience threw their cushions into the ring, so captivated were they by the final bout ("number one," Asashoryu, losing...)! I have never before seen so much publicly displayed passion in Japan! Watch this, in case it occurs, online just before 6 pm local time during one of the six tournaments per year!
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

International Symposium:
Kobe University's Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies (GSICS) invited the Education Minister's Advisor from the Republic of Yemen and held an International Symposium on March 6, 2007. Prof. Keiichi Ogawa, Kobe University, is the Deputy Team Leader/Education Administration, of the Broadening Regional Initiative for Developing Girls' Education (BRIDGE) Project in Taiz Governorate, Yemen.
Please click on the picture above to see it larger.

Course PSYPRO 4030, kull 23, autumn 2006, at the Department of Psychology, NTNU, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 2nd-6th October 2006.
Please click on this picture above or here to see more photos.

I worked in Egypt for 7 years (1984-1991) and was back there for 10 days in January 2007.
There are several initiatives in Egypt that are very interesting for our work.
Whenever you visit Egypt, please consider seeing (among others):

1. the Sekem Initiative ca. one hour from Cairo (see pictures further down)
2. the Wissa Wassef Art School near the pyramids of Giza (see pictures further down)
3. the Al-Fustat Ceramics Center in Old Cairo (see pictures further down)
4. the Townhouse Gallery in the centre of Cairo
5. the new Institute for Peace Studies at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, founded 6 months ago, see more here:

Alexandria, Egypt, in January 2007:
Picture to the left: Fredsargenterna from Sweden were introduced to the newly founded Institute for Peace Studies at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina by its Director, Ambassador Aly Maher ElSayed.
Pictures in the middle and to the left: Hans Blix gave his talk as part of the pilot course "Young Swedish Muslim Peace Agents," 19th-27th January 2007, at the Swedish Institute in Alexandria, Egypt, 57, 26 July Avenue Mancheya Corniche, with Director Jan Henningsson.
My talk was entitled "Psychological factors in Euro-Arab Relations."
These pictures were taken on Monday, 22th January 2007.
Please click here or on the pictures to see more photos.

Views of Cairo in January 2007: From Western glitter to traditional authenticity.
Please click here or on the pictures to see more photos.

"How Human Rights Abuses Humiliate, and the Consequences for Development and Peace,"
presentation as part of the Course "Refugees and Migrants, and a Rights-based Approach to Development," 8th-18th January 2007, organised by Professor Barbara Harrell-Bond, Distinguished Visiting Professor in Forced Migration and Refugee Studies at the American University in Cairo, Egypt, at the Jameel Centre Auditorium, Greek Campus, AUC, Wednesday, 17th January 2007, 16.00-17.30.
Please click on the picture to see it larger.

Since 1952 two generations of weavers have developed in the Art School Ramses Wissa Wassef established with his wife Sophie at Harrania, near Giza. A second generation of weavers guided by the Wissa Wassef's daughters Suzanne and Yoanna, continue to produce wool and cotton tapestries that are remarkable and unique works of art.
These pictures were taken on Saturday, 20th January 2007. Please click here or on the pictures to see more photos.

Gamal Amer is a disciple of famed Egyptian architect Hassan Fathi. Gamal Amer has built the Al-Fustat Ceramics Center in Old Cairo. Domes and vaults form a spacious and airy interior, which is adorned with arabesque doors, windows and furnishings, and a mosaic fountain.
Gamal Amer and his family are dear friends since the early 1980s.
These pictures were taken on Tuesday, 16th January 2007. Please click here or on the pictures to see more photos.

The SEKEM initiative was founded 1977 in Egypt and received the RIGHT LIVELIHOOD AWARD also known as the “ALTERNATIVE NOBEL PRIZE” for “establishing a business model for the 21st century in which commercial success is integrated with and promotes the social and cultural development of society through economics of love."
Please see here Konstanze Abouleish, the manager of Conytex, producer of clothes. These pictures were taken on Thursday, 18th January 2007. Please click on the pictures to see them larger.

These pictures were taken on Tuesday, 16th January 2007, in Cairo, Egypt. The Aga Khan Cultural Services-Egypt are restaurating Aslam al-Silahdar Mosque at El Midan Azlam (colloquial Azlaan), behind Bab Zuwayla, in Islamic Cairo, after having finished Umm al-Sultan Sha-ban.
Dina Bakhoum and her family are dear friends since the early 1980s.
Please click here or on the pictures to see more photos.

Osman Andrew Osman is living in Cairo and teaching art. Please see here some of his calligraphies. Among others, they express peace, and the cry for hope and help. He is a dear friend since the early 1980s.
These pictures were taken in January 2007. Please click here or on either of the pictures to see more artwork, and to see the third picture larger!

8th Annual Meeting of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies in NY in 2006, December 14-15, 2006
These pictures were taken by Brian Lynch. Please see him in the middle in the photo further down! Please see all his pictures also on http://share.shutterfly.com/, and download your preferred pictures from there. Thanks a million for all your great work, dear Brian!

Please click in the middle of the pictures to see more photos. From the left top corner:

1. Please click on the main entrance of Teachers College to see the venue of our workshop, Columbia University, Teachers College, and Milbank Chapel.
2. We greet each other and present ourselves.
3. Evelin's talk.
4. Lunch on Day One.
5. Round Table 1.
6. Group pictures.
7. Cybele sings and plays for us.
8. Our Public Event on the afternoon of Day One.
9. Round Table 2 on Day Two.
10. Round Table 3 on Day Two.
11. Get-together after our workshop.

8th Annual Meeting of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies in NY in 2006, December 14-15, 2006.
Please click here or in the middle of the picture to see all the pictures from Evelin's camera.

Please click on the pictures to see them larger. Please read more about Making Enemies, and about the Special Issue of Social Alternatives, both being published 2006.

"On Understanding and Addressing Humiliation,"
contribution to Maria Volpe's monthly breakfast meeting (since 9/11 on the first Thursday of each month) at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York, December 7, 2006.
Please click on the pictures to see them larger.

Japan ICU Reception on December 1, 2006. Paul Hastings, Evelin, Douglas Melick, and David Vikner.
Please click on the picture to see it larger.

Thanksgiving 2006 with Sibyl Schwarzenbach in her house in the Catskill Mountains.
Please click on the pictures to see them larger.

"Humiliation and the Roots of Violence: Human Conflict in a Globalizing World,"
presentation at The New Jersey Center for Character Education, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey & The New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education, New Jersey Department of Education, Center for Applied Psychology, Rutgers, The State University, Piscataway, New Jersey, 3:30 - 5:00 p.m., November 14, 2006.
Please see Phil Brown, the host, on the left side, and Milton Schwebel on the picture on the right.
Please click on the pictures to see them larger.

Picture on the left: 8 November, 2006, Morton Deutsch and some of his ICCCR Team on 8 November, 2006! Professor Morton Deutsch, Director Emeritus & E.L. Thorndike Professor Emeritus, International Center for Cooperation & Conflict Resolution (ICCCR), Teachers College, Columbia University, 525 W. 120th St. Box 53, New York, NY 10027.
Please click on the picture to see it larger.
Picture on the right: 16 November, 2006, Alba Taveras and Andrea Bartoli, Ph.D., Director of the Center for International Conflict Resolution (CICR), and Chairman of the Columbia University Conflict Resolution Network (CU-CRN).
Please click on the picture to see it larger.

2006 SBAP Award for Applied Psychology. Please click on the pictures to see them larger.

Please see:

•  more details on the event on www.sbap.ch!
•  the invitation
•  a description of the SBAP prize
•  a short introcuctory statement
• opening speech by the SBAP President Heidi Aeschlimann
• greeting by Kantonsrätin Emy Lalli
• laudatio by Professor Ulrike Zöllner
•  Evelin's lecture Auswirkungen von Demütigung auf Menschen und Völker
•  interview with Angelika Schett on Radio DRS2 Aktuell, short version on 21st October 17.00, eventually also 12.15, and longer version on 6th November, 9.00, in DRS2 KONTEXT, repeated at 18.30. DRS2 provides the interview as CD.
•  Wir brauchen globale Ampeln, interview with Marcel Hänggi, WOZ Die Wochenzeitung, Nummer 43, 26. Oktober 2006, Seite 16

This is the day before the ceremony. Please see here Linda, Evelin, and Heidi. The left picture at the top comes from Evelin's camera, the right picture at the top from Linda's camera. Please click on each picture, to see more photos from the respective camera.
And please meet also Mariann Holti! Please click on her picture to see it larger!

The day of the ceremony! SBAP Präsidentin Heidi Aeschlimann spricht die Eröffnungsrede, Kantonsrätin Emy Lalli spricht die Grußadresse, Ulrike Zöllner hält die Laudatio (English translation by Verena Neuburger), Evelin Lindner hält den Vortrag. Please click on the pictures to see more photos from Evelin's camera.

The day of the ceremony! Peter Rotenbühler moderiert, SBAP Präsidentin Heidi Aeschlimann spricht die Eröffnungsrede, Kantonsrätin Emy Lalli spricht die Grußadresse, Ulrike Zöllner hält die Laudatio (English translation by Verena Neuburger). Please click on the pictures to see more photos from Alexandra Wey's camera.

The day of the ceremony! I speak about Auswirkungen von Demütigung auf Menschen und Völker. Please click on the pictures to see more photos from Alexandra Wey's camera.

"Alte Zöpfe" muss man nicht abschneiden, man muss sie aufmachen und die "guten Haare" für die Zukunft nutzen!"
Please click on the pictures to see them larger.

The day of the ceremony! Das Publikum! Please click on the picture to see more photos from Alexandra Wey's camera.

The prize is being awarded! Please click on the pictures to see more photos from Evelin's camera.

The prize is being awarded! Please click on the pictures to see more photos from Alexandra Wey's camera.

After the prize: Apéro! Everybody mingles and Nadja Räss sings.
Please click on the picture to see more photos from Evelin's camera. Please see also World Music for Equal Dignity!

After the prize: Apéro! Please click on the picture to see more photos from Alexandra Wey's camera.

The day after the ceremony!
Please click on the pictures to see them larger.

"Ydmykelsens betydning"
Foredrag ved direktoratet for utviklingssamarbeid (NORAD, Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, under Utanriksdepartementet (UD)), Informasjonssenteret, Ruseløkkveien 26, Oslo, 10.00-12.30, 13. oktober 2006.
Klikk på bildene for å se dem større!
See også intervju Radio P2, "Verdibørsen," 14. Oktober 2006.

"How Can We Reduce the Effects of Humiliation?"
Lecture at the Norwegian Peace Council (Norges Fredsråd), Oslo, 11th October, 2006.
Cick here or on the picture to see more photos!

Course PSYPRO 4030, kull 22, autumn 2006, at the Department of Psychology, NTNU, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 2nd-6th October 2006.
Please click here or on the picture to see it larger.
Please see here some videos explaining why we should develop a sense of global responsibility:
• Melisa Pivic
• Henrik Jacobsen
• Sverre Urnes Johnson
• Silje Cathrin Brattheim
• Lone Alice Johansen

7th Annual Meeting of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies
at the United Nations-mandated University for Peace, San Jose, Costa Rica, 6th-9th September, 2006.
Please click on the pictures to see them larger.

And please see more pictures here:

•  Pictures, Day One, Evelin's camera
•  Pictures, Day Two, Evelin's camera
•  Pictures, Day Three, Evelin's camera
Pictures, Day Four, Public Event, Victoria's talk, Evelin's camera
Pictures, Day Four, Public Event, Julia Marton-Lefèvre, and Victor Valle, Evelin's camera
Pictures, Day Four, Public Event, Evelin's talk, Evelin's camera
•  Pictures, Day Four, Five, and Six, Excursion to Cahuita, Evelin's camera
•  Pictures, Day Seven, Excursion to Volcano Poas, and Sarchi, Evelin's camera
• Pictures, Farewell for Evelin, 20th September, Evelin's camera
• Pictures, Linda's camera
• Pictures, Day Three, Statues in the Upeace Park, Linda's camera

Mit dem Rattenfänger von Hameln vor dem Hochzeitshaus, 30th August, 2006 [with the Pied Piper of Hamelin in front of the "House of Weddings"]. Please click on the pictures to see them larger.

The pictures you see further down were taken in connection with the World Design for Equal Dignity project, where, among others, the role of chairs for status and health is discussed.
The important point in this context is that Western design is rather uniform and has forgotten the use of multiple levels and various spaces. Western style presses its users into a rather narrow range of how to use the body and design relationships. This narrow range rigidifies the body and separates it from others, and this is not necessarily the optimal way of preserving one's health or one's social relationships. Introducing cultural variety and being aware that the range of possibilities is much wider than Western design allows for, would be beneficial. Please see Avoiding Humiliation - From Intercultural Communication to Global Interhuman Communication, an article by Lindner that argues that we need to "harvest" the beneficial practices from all cultures (and de-select the less beneficial).
The pictures above are taken in the State Library of Queensland, slq, in August 2007. It opened in 2006. Please click here or on the pictures to see more photos. This library offers great spaces to visitors. See here the 1st floor, where visitors can sit and use their own laptops or the library's computers as they wish. Wireless access to the Internet is available everywhere. All is free of charge. The range of opportunities as to how to work is formidable. One can sit either on the floor, or on banks, or on chairs, or even work while standing. The versatility that is made possible is outstanding.
The picture above was taken in Japan (Fushimi Inari Shrine, Kyoto, August 20, 2006). It shows four levels of potential sitting-"platforms":
1) the very floor, which in this case is not used for sitting,
2) a large platform with tatami mats, low tables, and cushions to sit on (to the left),
3) a smaller platform with two cushions and a low table in the middle for only two people to sit (to the right), and
4) in the foreground (not visible on this picture), there are two Western-type tables with four chairs each.
These are two pictures from Japan, where you see the low table and the futon bedding on tatami mats in an Onsen hotel in 2007.
The above picture shows a Moroccan chaiselounge. Any website on Moroccan furniture demonstrates the use of the floor for sitting, on floor cushions or puffs, up to having the floor platform "elevated and cut up" into all types of benches, sofas, or, as in this case, a chaiselounge. See a selection of items, for example, on Just Morocco.
The picture above shows a modern version of an elevated platform, in this case on wheels (seen at Rutgers University, US, in November 2006).

Fushimi Inari Shrine, Kyoto, August 20, 2006. Please click here or on the picture to see more pictures.

Philosopher's Walk, Kyoto, July 30, 2006. Please click here or on the picture to see more pictures.

Hisako Kobayashi-Levin and Evelin in Granvia Hotel, Osaka, July 17, 2006. Please click on the pictures to see them larger.

Visit to Tenryu-ji Temple in Kyoto, July 2006. Please click here or on the picture to see more pictures.

Avoiding Humiliation - From Intercultural Communication to Global Inter-Human Communication
Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research (SIETAR) Japan lecture, June 9, 2006, 7:00-9:00 pm,
Reitaku University Tokyo Kenkyu Center (Shinjuku i-Land Tower, 4th Floor).
Please see here a draft for the lecture for your comments.
Please click here or on the picture to see more pictures.
Program Description on SIETAR Japan Program Announcement for June 2006: Dr. Evelin Lindner inscribes the notion of pride, honor, dignity, humiliation, and humility into current historic and cultural transitions, identifying 2 current forces in world affairs. She will discuss how identity building and global inter-human communication are necessaryto avoid possible destructive effects from humiliation.
Presenter: Dr. Evelin Gerda Lindner is a well-known, committed, and multidisciplinary advocate for humanity in a global society. Her work on the effects of humiliation on individuals and communities has made a significant contribution to the study of peace. The founder of the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies global network, Dr. Lindner is affiliated, among others, with the University in Oslo. She will be publishing her latest book in June.

"Avoiding Humiliation - From Intercultural Communication to Global Inter-Human Communication"
Graduate School of Intercultural Communication, Rikkyo University, Tokyo, in Professor Adair Linn Nagata's Course of Intercultrural Communication, June 8, 2006.
Please click in the middle of the pictures to see them larger.

"Locating the Researcher in Time and Space: What Led Me to Do Research on Humiliation and International Conflict"
Interpersonal Communication class organized by Professor Jacqueline Howell Wasilewski, Intercultural Communication, Division of International Studies, International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan, June 8, 2006.
Please click here or on the picture to see more pictures.
Marie Doezema from International Herald Tribune/Asahi Shimbun, participated in this class and wrote Weekend Beat/She trots the 'global village' (International Herald Tribune/Asahi Shimbun, July 8, 2006; I apologize that some factual mistakes slipped through; please check with me before quoting).

Please see the HumanDHS World Clothes for Equal Dignity project. Toji Temple’s Kobo-ichi (also known as Kobo-san) is the most renowned market to see traditional Japanese clothes. Kobo-san is a festival day and outdoor market fair that takes place on the 21st day of every month on the grounds of Toji Temple (not far from JR Kyoto Station). The reason for this monthly date is that March 21st is the anniversary of temple founder Kobo Daishi’s death in 835 AD., so a lot of people who want to pray to his spirit for help visit the temple on that day.
Click here or on the pictures to see more.

I find it interesting that in Japanese history unfairly treated aristocrats were "rewarded" by being elevated to the level of Gods. Humiliation is "healed" by divination, so-to-speak, or, more precisely, its destructive outflows are mitigated by divination.
See here the Shimo Goryo Shrine, Teramachi-dori, Kyoto, near the Imperial Palace. Please click on the picture or here to see more. On the sign at the entrance one can read: "According to the shrine's history, the establishment was in 839 in order to calm down the spirits of the imperial prince Iyo (son of Emperor Kammu) and his mother Fujiwara Yoshiko who died in 809 suffering adverse fortune (eventually, the number of deities of this shrine was increased to eight).
Another noble, Sugawara no Michizane (born in 845 AD), who was a high-ranking imperial court minister and a brilliant calligrapher and scholar, was treated likewise. Political rivalries forced him to be exiled to distant Kyushu, where he died. After Michizane’s death, a series of disasters in the imperial capital were attributed to his angry spirit and he was appeased by being made a god known as Tenjin, and he is now revered as the god of learning. I saw "Sugawara and the Secrets of Calligraphy" on 20th April 2006 at the National Bunraku Theatre in Osaka (see pictures further down), where his story is told (please read the story here and about bunraku in general here). Please read more reflections by Lindner here: English version, Japanese translation.

Ryozen Kannon, Kyoto, dedicated to the Japanese soldiers who died in WWII.
On the same premises there is a Memorial Hall for more than forty-eight thousand foreign soldiers who perished on Japanese territory (or territory under Japanese military control). May 2006, golden week in Japan.
Click here or on the picture to see more.

Gion, Kyoto, May 2006, please click here or on the left picture to see more pictures.
If you wish to learn more about geishas, please see here a photo journal about Kimina, 23, who works in Kyoto, Japan, as a geiko - the Kyoto local term for a geisha.

Bunraku, or Japanese puppet theatre, is probably the most developed form of puppetry in the world and recognised by UNESCO.
I saw "Sugawara and the Secrets of Calligraphy" on 20th April 2006 at the National Bunraku Theatre in Osaka (please read the story here and about bunraku in general here).
Honor, loyalty, and humiliation are central themes, and redemption is sought through ritual suicide and sacrifice of one's own children. The bunraku narrators convey emotions in ways that are unparalleled and profoundly educational from the point of view of psychological inquiry: "evil laugh," deep sorrow and despair are performed in intensely touching ways. Please read more reflections by Lindner here: English version, Japanese translation.
One narrator was 81 years old, a "living cultural heritage."
The pictures here depict a "warrior," a "maiden" and how the puppeteers handle the puppets (the pictures are taken from a web site on Japanese culture).

"The Role of Dignity and Humiliation in a Globalising World: New Forms of Cooperative Approaches to Solve New Social Dilemma Situations as well as Succeed in Intercultural Encounters"
Workshop for graduate students, organised by Professor Hora Tjitra on the occasion of my visit to the Department of Applied Psychology, Zhejiang University, School of Psychology, Hangzhou, People's Republic of China, 13th April 2006.
Please click here or in the middle of this picture to see more pictures.
Please see also Reflections on Feedback from the Audience by Lindner, and the planned HumanDHS meeting in Hangzhou in April 2007.

Shanghai, April 2006. Ming Ya Tang Tea House in the Shanghai Grand Theatre building; see also our World Furniture for Equal Dignity project. Meet furthermore Liu, a potential tailor for our World Clothes for Equal Dignity project.
Please click here or in the middle of the picture to see more pictures.

"Human Dignity and Humiliation"
Course PSYPRO 4030, kull 21, spring 2006, at the Department of Psychology, NTNU, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 27th February -3rd March 2006.
Please click on the picture to see it larger.

Mahdi Elmandjra, Professeur à l'Université Mohammed-V de Rabat, ancien Président des Futuribles, Fondateur de l'Association Marocaine de Prospective, February 2006
Please click on the picture to see it larger.

The 2006 ICU-COE Northeast Asian Dialogue "Sharing Narratives, Weaving/Mapping History"
International Christian University (ICU), Tokyo, Japan
February 3-5, 2006
Convened by Professor Jacqueline Wasilewski. Please see here Jackie's invitation.
The picture shows Circle #1, one of four Circles.
Please click on the picture to see more pictures from Evelin's camera. And click on http://nead.kscmedia.net/2006p.html to see the organizers' pictures.

6th Annual Meeting of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies in NY in 2005, December 15-16, 2005
Please click here or in the middle of the picture to see all the pictures from Evelin's camera.

6th Annual Meeting of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies in NY in 2005, December 15-16, 2005
Please see two pictures from Judy Kuriansky's camera! See Neil Ryan Walsh, Judy Kuriansky, and Evelin at the public event/reception in the Columbia University Teachers College Milbank chapel, and a view of one of the roundtable sessions!

"Human Dignity and Humiliation"
Course PSYPRO 4030, kull 20, autumn 2005, at the Department of Psychology, NTNU, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 10th-14th October 2005. Please click on the picture to see it larger.

5th Annual Meeting of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies in Berlin in 2005, 15th -17th September, 2005
Please click here or in the middle of the picture to see all the pictures from Linda's camera.

5th Annual Meeting of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies in Berlin in 2005, 15th -17th September, 2005
Please click here or in the middle of the picture to see all the pictures from Evelin's camera.

Xu Yefang (Yvonne) (Programme Assistant at the Nordic Centre at Fudan University, Shanghai, left), and Evelin (middle), 24th August, 2005, in Shanghai. The Nordic Centre celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. It was initiated by Gro Harlem Brundtland (see picture in the middle). See also the entrance to Fudan University.
Please click in the middle of the pictures to see them larger.

New Pudong, viewed from the Bund, August 2005.
Please click here or in the middle of the pictures to see more pictures of Shanghai.

Exploring Chinese clothes for our World Clothes for Equal Dignity project!
Please click here or in the middle of the picture to see more pictures.

Edward Newman (UNU, left), Frank Baldwin (SSRC, right), and Evelin (middle), 27th July, 2005, at the United Nations University, Tokyo. The topic of our meeting was our Refugees & Humiliation project and our Terrorism & Humiliation project.
Please click here or in the middle of the picture to see it larger.

"Gender and Life Designs in a Global Perspective: What are 'Dignified' Life Designs, and When Do We Feel Humiliated?"
Graduate School of Intercultural Communication, Rikkyo University, Tokyo, in Professor Adair Linn Nagata's Course of Interpersonal Communication, June 28, 2005.
Please click here or in the middle of the picture to see more.
Pictures taken by Professor Adair Linn Nagata.

"Humiliation in a Globalizing World: Does Humiliation Become the Most Disruptive Force?"
Course organised by Professor Sayaka Funada-Classen, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo, Japan, 12th May, 2005.

"Gender and Life Designs in a Global Perspective: What are 'Dignified' Life Designs, and When Do We Feel Humiliated?"
Course organised by Professor Kazuko Tanaka, Founder of the Center for Gender Studies at the Division of International Studies, International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan, 10th May 2005.

Jackie Wasilewski and her students at the International Christian University in Tokyo, 10th May 2005. Please click on the pictures to see them larger.

Cherry Blossoms in Japan, 9th April 2005. Please click on the picture or here to see more.

Meeting at the Center for Gender Studies, founded by Professor Kazuko Tanaka. This picture was taken by Professor Tanaka. From left: Jacqueline Wasilewski, Reiko Kozono, Evelin , Kazuko Tanaka, Sayaka Funada-Classen, Etsuko Kato. Please click on the picture to see it larger!

February 2005, Beijing, China. Meetings at the University of Beijing, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

"On the Theme of Humiliation"
Course PSY 4030 (kull 19), spring 2005 at the Department of Psychology, NTNU, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 12th-14th January 2005.
Please see larger pictures here.

With Lydia and Morton Deutsch, NY, December 17, 2004.
Please see larger pictures here.

Shinto-Wedding in Kyoto, 28th August 2004, with Evelin as stand-in-"mother" of the groom. The pictures were taken by Robert. See more pictures here.

"NEW YORK," Photo Exhibition by Tamas Revesz,
UMU Exhibition Hall, Roppongi Hill, Tokyo, 22nd July 2004.
See Margot Carrington, American Embassy, with Evelin.
Please click on the picture or here to see more pictures.


"The Role of Humiliation in Conflict and War"
Graduate School of Intercultural Communication, Rikkyo University, Tokyo, in Professor Adair Linn Nagata's Course of Intercultural Communication, June 9, 2004. Pictures taken by Professor Adair Linn Nagata.
Please see larger pictures here or click on each picture.

26th May 2001, award of the doctoral degree in psychology at the University of Oslo, Norway (Dr. psychol., topic: The Psychology of Humiliation: Somalia, Rwanda / Burundi, and Hitler's Germany). Please see Evelin's parents, and the doctoral committee (Professors Jan Smedslund, Berit Ås, Stephen von Tetzchner, Karsten Hundeide for Lee Ross). Please click on the pictures to see them larger.

9th December 1994, award of the doctoral degree in medicine at the Universitäts-Krankenhaus Eppendorf in Hamburg, Germany (Dr. med., magna cum laude, topic: The Definition of Quality of Life in Egypt and Germany). Please see Evelin with her parents.
Please click on the pictures to see them larger.

Evelin Frerk, www.evelinfrerk.de,
went around and documented the "Ideenkette" ["Necklace of Ideas"] in Hamburg in 1993 with her pictures. Please click on the picture to see more! If you wish to know more about the history of the "Ideenkette", please click here.

In 1991, I created a seven meters long mural with paintings and installations, containing three sections:
1. on the left: The idea to cover buildings with extremely large and flexible roofs depicted on the left side (as part of the idea to actually build the "global village"), increasingly emerges in our built environment since. The 2008 BBC programme Bionic Buildings offers interesting illustrations, for example, Kingsdale Foundation School.
2. middle: the view on Dock 11 in the port of Hamburg
3. right: Amal hayati, a song first performed by famous Egyptian singer Om Kalthoum (see the lyrics)
Please click on the picture or here to see more photos.

Drawings made by Evelin during her years in Egypt, 1984-1991.
Please click on the pictures above, or here, to see more drawings.

Snapshots taken of streetsnacks in Cairo, Egypt, around 1989. See, among others, a little video found on the internet, of the wandering Licorice / Erk Sous sellers of Cairo.
Please click on the pictures above, or here, to see more pictures.

Evelin in 1991 on Flores, Açores (right), and in Norway (left)

Pictures by Evelin Frerk, www.evelinfrerk.de

School psychology internship and research on the trainingship Kariba of the German Africa Lines, DAL, during its journey from Europe along the coast of West Africa (Senegal, Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Cameroon (three months)
Captain Dieter Kreh and first officer Falldorf.
Please click on the pictures above, or here, to see more pictures.

Pictures by Evelin Frerk, www.evelinfrerk.de
These pictures were at first posted on my main page, but have elicited mixed reactions and year-long discussions. As a solution, the pictures were moved away from the main page to this page that is dedicated to pictures.
Some pointed out that these pictures distracted people from the HumandDHS's vision and mission, and furthermore diminished my academic and professional credibility. These people recommended that the pictures ought to be taken off this page immediately.
Others asked for these pictures to remain, saying that esthetics are part, or ought to be part, of the notion of dignity. These voices pointed out that I am indeed not only an academician, but also an artistical person and that my appearance expresses a novel style of esthetics, proud and autonomous , beyond average categories (see also the World Clothes for Equal Dignity project or the World Design for Equal Dignity project). They deplored that women, at least in certain social contexts, are forced into a dichotomoy of choices; either the cute and rather "dumb" "toy," defined and "decorated" by others, or the woman who is respected for her intelligence and agency, however, who has to "prove" this by some degree of "ugliness."
When asked what I thought, I had mixed reactions. I do not like to promote myself for the sake of just my own self, and thus I would have liked that these pictures never were uploaded. If I had created the website myself in the first place, I would not have placed these pictures here. Later, I learned how to maintain this website and started doing it myself. At that point, I indeed wanted to take the pictures off. Yet, as I met clear opposition, as a compromise, I took off some pictures - those that I felt were too private - and I left those you see on this page.
My personal aim is indeed to go beyond mainstream categories of esthetics, and of "maleness" and "femaleness," and transcend the notion of what is regarded as "serious" and what not. I am a highly esthetic person, who feels that both, men and women, currently underuse their potential for creating personal esthetics beyond average patterns. I would like to encourage people, with my example, to take the notion of personal dignity seriously and develop an esthetical approach to self that expresses individual personality in more creative ways than "fashion" can achieve. This is an option that is open for anybody and that can be achieved even with a minimum of resources.
In February 2006, a reader of our website wrote the following:
"the problem with the photos of evelin lindner is simply the number of them. I really think you should take all except one of them off, right now, not because it makes the site seem less 'academic' - I don't think such discussions should be limited to academics - but because it makes the site look like a celebrity showcase for one individual. I feel this strongly because your project is crucial. Humiliation is the key issue in global politics today, and there's a desperate need for a thoughtful site like this. I would hope it could be become a real forum for contributions from all over the world and particularly from the middle east. I just don't think that'll happen as long as those photos remain."
Following this message, I moved the pictures from my main page to this pictures page.
Evelin, Tokyo, 10th February 2006

Evelin's pictures