Evelin's 2009 picture documentation

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This picture-blog is meant to document Evelin's efforts and whereabouts and share them with the HumanDHS network [read more].
See a brief legal note with regard to the permission to upload pictures with people other than Evelin.

The year starts at the bottom of this page and the most recent pictures are at the top.


December 20, 2009, saying good-bye to New York for this year:
It was the first winter day in New York, and my dear flatmate Benedicte Gauthier kindly helped me with my luggage, accompanying me to Penn Station, from where I took the train to Newark. Due to the winter weather, flights were delayed or canceled, and my plane to Europe was 5 hours delayed.
Please click on the picture or here to see more photos.

Judit and Ikhlaq Judit and Ikhlaq

December 19, 2009, celebrating the first wedding anniversary of Judit Révész and Ikhlaq Hussein! Judit donates many hours each week, since the inception of our website in 2003, to receive all emails that are sent to our website's contact page! We have no words to thank you, dearest Judit! You are an amazing human being!
Please click on the pictures to see them larger.

ICCCR Morton Deutsch

December 18, 2009, saying good-bye to Morton and Lydia Deutsch, and to Juliette de Wolfe, Molly Clark, and Connie Sun at ICCCR.
Please click on the pictures or here to see more photos.

Gay Rosenblum-Kumar Maria Volpe Russell Daisey

December 17, 2009, meeting with dear friends, Gay Rosenblum-Kumar, Maria Volpe, and Russell Daisey.
Please click on the pictures or here to see more photos.

Morton Deutsch Morton Deutsch

Morton Deutsch received the HumanDHS Life Time Award on Friday, December 11, 2009, on Day Two of the 2009 Workshop of Humiliation and Violent Conflict!
• Please click on the picture on the left or here to see more photos from Evelin's camera.
• Please click on the picture on the right or here to see more photos from Camilla Hsiung's camera.
• Please see also a photo album of the award ceremony.

December 10-11 2009, Sixth Workshop on Humiliation and Violent Conflict, representing the Fourteenth Annual Conference of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS), at Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City

The pictures come in four main webgalleries:
Thursday, December 10, 2009, pictures of Day One of the workshop:
• Please click here to see more photos from Evelin's camera
• Please click here to see more photos from Camilla Hsiung's camera
Friday, December 11, 2009, pictures of Day Two of the workshop:
• Please click here to see more photos from Evelin's camera
• Please click here to see more photos from Camilla Hsiung's camera

Morton Deutsch, Linda Hartling, Evelin Lindner

Morton Deutsch honored us with his presence, and we celebrated his profoundly influential, important, and eminent life and life-work with the first life-time award of the HumanDHS network!
Please click on the picture above to see it larger.
Day One Day One
Pictures of all of Day One of the workshop, Thursday, December 10, 2009.
• Please click on the picture on the left or here to see more photos from Evelin's camera.
• Please click on the picture on the right or here to see more photos from Camilla Hsiung's camera.
Thank you dear Camilla for taking such great pictures!
Lunch on Day One of our workshop, Thursday, December 10, 2009.
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos from Camilla Hsiung's camera.
Round Table 1 Round Table 1
Round Table 1 on Day One of our workshop, Thursday, December 10, 2009.
• Please click on the picture on the left or here to see more photos from Evelin's camera.
• Please click on the picture on the right or here to see more photos from Camilla Hsiung's camera.

Public EventQueen Mother Francis Mead Adenrele Awotona Yacouba Sissoko Todd Pate

Public Event on Day One of our workshop, Thursday, December 10, 2009.
We opened the evening with music from Mali and then we welcomed Queen Mother Dr. Delois Blakely, Community Mayor of Harlem, Ambassador of Goodwill, FESMAN 2009 Ambassador of Goodwill, Goree Island.
• Please click on the picture on the top left or here to see more photos from Evelin's camera.
• Please click on the picture on the top right or here to see more photos from Benedicte Gauthier's camera.
• Please click on the pictures below or here to see more photos from Camilla Hsiung's camera.

Day Two Day Two

Pictures of all of Day Two of our workshop, Friday, December 11, 2009.
• Please click on the pictures on the left or here to see more photos from Evelin's camera.
• Please click on the picture on the right or here to see more photos from Camilla Hsiung's camera.
Michael Britton Michael Britton
Michael Britton gave the Don Klein Memorial Lecture on Day Two of our workshop, Friday, December 11, 2009.
Michael uses Don's metaphor of a scrim, a transparent stage curtain, where one believes that what one sees is reality only as long as the light shines on it in a certain way: see Don's explanation.
• Please click on the pictures on the left or here to see more photos from Evelin's camera.
• Please click on the picture on the right or here to see more photos from Camilla Hsiung's camera.
Round Table 2 Round Table 2

Round Table 2 on Day Two of our workshop, Friday, December 11, 2009.
• Please click on the pictures in the left or here to see more photos from Evelin's camera.
• Please click on the picture in the right or here to see more photos from Camilla Hsiung's camera.

Lunch on Day Two of our workshop, Friday, December 11, 2009.
We sing together:
Please click on the pictures or here to see more photos from Camilla Hsiung's camera.

Morton Deutsch
Morton Deutsch

Morton Deutsch received the HumanDHS Life Time Award on Friday, December 11, 2009, on Day Two of the 2009 Workshop of Humiliation and Violent Conflict!
• Please click on the picture on the left or here to see more photos from Evelin's camera.
• Please click on the picture on the right or here to see more photos from Camilla Hsiung's camera.
Please see also a photo album of the award ceremony.
Round Table 3 Round Table 3
Round Table 3 on Day Two of our workshop, Friday, December 11, 2009.
• Please click on the pictures on the left or here to see more photos from Evelin's camera.
• Please click on the pictures on the right or here to see more photos from Camilla Hsiung's camera.
Closing of the Workshop Closing of the Workshop
Closing our workshop on Friday, December 11, 2009:
• Please click on the pictures on the left or here to see more photos from Evelin's camera
• Please click on the picture on the right or here to see more photos from Camilla Hsiung's camera.
Miriam Marton Miriam Marton
December 8, 2009, first pre-workshop meeting with Miriam Marton and her husband.
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.
Board Meeting
December 9, 2009, second pre-workshop meeting.
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.
Aldo Civico Peter Coleman
December 9, 2009, third pre-workshop meeting.
We were kindly invited to the annual party of the International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution (ICCCR).
We thank Aldo Civico and Peter T. Coleman for making our annual Workshop on Humiliation and Violent Conflict possible.
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.
Linda Hartling Camilla Hsiung
December 12, 2009, first post-workshop meeting with Linda M. Hartling, Rick Slaven, Judit Revesz, Tony Webb, and Tony Adolf, and later the same day, the second post-workshop meeting with Camilla Hsiung.
Please click on the picture above or here to see more photos.
Kristabelle Munson
December 13, 2009, third post-workshop meeting:
Kristabelle Munson presented the Capstone Project for her Master's Thesis on the HumanDHS network to her colleagues of the Master of Science in Negotiations and Conflict Resolution program, Fall 2009.
Please click on the picture above or here to see more photos.

Alfred Nobel Alfred Nobel

American recipients of the Nobel Prize listed in front of the American Museum of Natural History, December 5, 2009. (Compare the photos in front of the Nobel Institute in Oslo in 2008.)
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

Morton Deutsch ICCCR

The International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution (ICCCR), founded by Morton Deutsch, at
Columbia University, New York, November 24, 2009, with Juliette de Wolfe, Molly Clark, Shruti Bhutada, Tali Kapadia, and Manpreet Sadhal.
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

Met Zabars

In New York in November 2009.
• Roerich Museum: November 22, 2009
• Metropolitan Opera (I always try to get tickets for $15, buying them almost a year in advance, never know ing what I will see before I go - my kind of relaxation:
(1) November 21: Turandot
(2) November 23: Figaro
(3) December 2: From the House of the Dead
(4) December 12: Il Trittico
(5) December 15: Elektra
(6) December 19: Les Comtes d'Hoffmann

• Famous Zabars
• Famous Westside Market
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

Gruyere Gruyere

Château de Gruyère, Canton Vaud/Waadt, Switzerland, 11th October 2009, on the trail of the women of Gruyère who, in 1100, drove their goats, each bearing a lighted candle, through the darkness upon invading Bernese, who, thinking they were devils, fled in affright.
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

Wattenwyl Sarraz Sarraz

Château Sarraz, Canton Vaud/Waadt, Switzerland, 4th October 2009, on the trail of Catherine von Wattenwyl (1645-1714). The painting of her on the left side is to be found in the Knights' Room or Salle des Chevaliers of this castle. See also Therese Bichsel's book on Catherine von Wattenwyl, with this painting on the book cover.
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

Katharine Dexter McCormick Prangins Katharine Dexter McCormick Katharine Dexter McCormick

Château Prangins, Canton Vaud/Waadt, Switzerland, 4th October 2009, with "greetings" from Linda and Jean on the trail of Katharine Dexter McCormick (1875–1967), who once owned this castle and who, almost single-handedly, financed the development of the birth control pill.
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

Morges Morges

Morges, on Lake Geneva, Canton Vaud/Waadt, Switzerland, 13th September 2009, combining Hawai'i (orchid brooch) and Japan (antique jacket) and Philippines (trousers).
Please click on the pictures above to see them larger!

Columbia Gorge
Oregon, West Coast USA, September 9, 2009.
Linda and Evelin explore the Oregon Trail and visit the Columbia Gorge Vista House, and the Multnomah Falls.
From Linda's and Evelin's camera, please click on the picture above or here to see more photos!

13th Annual Conference of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies in Hawai'i, 20th-22nd August 2009, including pre-conference preparations (19th August) and post-conference explorations (23rd August-9th September)! See a Photo Album of all of the Conference, in Pdf format for downloading, made by Linda Hartling. Thank you, dear Linda!
"Day Zero" of our conference, 19th August 2009, with Linda, Rick, Stephanie, and Evelin
First Day
From Evelin's camera
Please click on the picture above or here to see more photos!
Day One of our conference, 20th August 2009
Day One of our conference, 20th August 2009, from Evelin's camera
Please click on the picture above or here to see more photos!
Shidler Shidler Lincoln
Day One of our conference, 20th August 2009, from Linda's camera
The venue of our conference - Shidler College of Business (conference venue) and Abraham Lincoln Hall (where many of us stayed)
Please click on the picture above or here to see more photos!
Please see here the video of Day One taped by Stephanie Heuer.

Day Two, 21st August 2009

Day Two Day Two Day Two

Day Two, 21st August 2009, from Evelin's camera
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos!
Please see here the video of Day Two taped by Stephanie Heuer.

Please click on the picture or here to see more photos!

Day Two, 21st August 2009, from Linda's camera
Our 13th Annual HumanDHS conference was unique in that it took place in a "nation within" or in a nation that was incorporated into another nation against its will. We watched the deeply troubling film Nation Within on the eve of the 21st August.
The 21st of August 2009 (Day Two of our conference) marked the fiftieth anniversary of President Dwight D. Eisenhower signing the Proclamation for Hawai'i to become a State of the United States. This is a controversial anniversary, because the native Hawaiians consider the annexation an illegal overthrow of their monarchy. This is another example of anniversary celebrations being perceived as profoundly humiliating by those who were disenfranchised. Please see for more information, among others, Hawai'i Pono'ī -The People Who Love the Land. Through Kristabelle Munson, we had the unexpected privilege of witnessing the solemn chanting marking the date of this humiliation, and meeting with Yuklin Aluli, Attorney at Law, and Kau'i N. Burgess, both part of the Hawai'i Pono'ī Coalition. On their website we read: "Hawai'i Pono'ī is the title of the Hawai'i national anthem written by King Kalākauwa in 1874. Literally translated "Hawai'i's own," Hawai'i Pono'ī connects us to the history of the Islands and the heritage of its Indigenous people, a heritage that enriches us all. The Hawai'i Pono'ī Coalition was formed to educate those who live in and visit the Islands about Hawai'i's true history, the Native Hawaiian people, and the culture that makes Hawai'i a place like no other.
Kristabelle also made us aware of the Hawaiian renaissance and of singers such as Gabby Pahinui.
See here the lyrics of a song that expresses feelings of sadness at modern alienation, entitled Hawai'i 78 by Israel Kamakawiwo Ole'; see also http://www.youtube.com/.

• "Most people would say that the United States of America has 50 states, and that Hawai'i is one of them. But Hawaiian academic Dr. Keanu Sai says otherwise. Sai says that Hawai'i was never legally annexed to the United States, and has been illegally occupied for the past 121 years," "Dr. Sai interviewed on The Wire in Aotearoa," Hawaiian Kingdom Independence Blog, Hawaii… an independent country under prolonged illegal occupation, 30th September, 2014.
• "Hawaiian Sovereignty & International Law by David Keanu Sai Ph.D.," published on 9 Jan 2014.
• The sovereignty of Hawai'i: A quote from senior Law Professor Chang: "The power of the United States, over the Hawaiian islands, and the jurisdiction of the United States in the State of Hawai'i, by its own admissions, by its own laws, doesn't exist. And so that means that ever since the 1898 annexation of Hawai'i, by a Joint Resolution, they say, we have been living a myth." (3:01 min/sec.)."
• Sai, David Keanu (2008). American Occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom: Beginning the Transition from Occupied to Restored State. Manoa, HI: University of Hawai`i at Manoa, Political Science, doctoral dissertation.
Please click on the picture above or here to see more photos!

Day Three, 22nd August 2009
Day Three
Day Three, 22nd August 2009, from Evelin's camera.
Please click on the picture above or here to see more photos!
Day Four, 23rd August 2009, excursion into O'ahu led by Kristabelle Munson, with Linda and Rick, Safa, Victoria, Grace, Werner, and Evelin

Please click on the first picture above or here to see more photos of our excursion, and click on Aunty Dora's pictures to see them larger!

Day Four, 23rd August 2009, from Evelin's camera
Dear Kristabelle gifted leis from Aunty Dora to us! Dear Kristabelle gifted leis from Aunty Dora to us! Lei making has an immediate association with Aloha, and a bona fide importance in Hawai'i's culture. In the inflight magazine of Go! (styled as go!), a regional brand of Mesa Airlines based in Honolulu, Hawaii, Aunty Dora is featured: "Aunty Dora is one of the many lei fabricators still stringing together Aloha, and has been for past 74 year. Question to her: What is your name, what do you do and how are you preserving our culture? She replies: I'am 88 years old and make leis. I've been selling leis since I was 14 at the Aloha Tower; from there we had a lei stand at the Keehi (Lagoon) Park. Then they moved us inside the airport and now we are here. Question: How do you define Aloha, and why does it play such an important role? Answer: Aloha means a lot of things, usually Hello, Good-bye, and Love. Question: What is your favorita thing about living in Hawai'i (restaurants, shopping, bars, recreational activities)? Answer: Oh! I've been here my whole life! I just stay here at the lei stand now. I like the weather. Question: When you think of Hawaii, what song comes to mind? Answer: Beautiful Kauai. Question: Do you have any words of wisdom? Answer: Lei making will never be replaced by machines, they've tried, but it didn't work"
(Kama'aina: nvi, native born, born in a place, host.)
Please click on the first picture above or here to see more photos of our excursion, and click on Aunty Dora's pictures to see them larger!
Day Four
Day Four, 23rd August 2009, from Evelin's camera
Please click on the picture above or here to see more photos!
Day Four, 23rd August 2009, from Linda's camera
Please click on the picture above or here to see more photos!
Day Five, 24th August 2009, exploring O'ahu, Linda, Rick, and Evelin
Diamond Head
Day Five, 24th August 2009, from Linda's camera
Please click on the picture above or here to see more photos!
Day Seven, 26th August 2009, exploring O'ahu, Linda, Rick, and Evelin
Palace Kamehameha Independence
Day Seven, 26th August 2009, from Linda's and Evelin's cameras
We re-visited the Iolani Palace where we had witnessed the chanting on Day Two. See also many pictures of trees in the palace park further down. In the park, we visited the site of the first royal mausoleum and crypt built in 1825 to house the remains of King Kamehameha II and Queen Kamamalu, who died in England in July 1824. This site was used as a royal tomb until 1865. On the other side of the road is the statue of Kinng Kamehameha I. At the end of our day we visited the Bishop Museum.
Please click on the picture above or here to see more photos!
Day Eight, 27th August 2009, exploring O'ahu, Linda, Rick, and Evelin
Diamond Head
Day Eight, 27th August 2009, from Linda's camera
Linda and Rick climbed Diamond Head in the early morning
Please click on the picture above or here to see more photos!
Pearl Harbour
Day Eight, 27th August 2009, from Linda's and Evelin's cameras
Pearl Harbour: this is a place where the tragedies entailed in the Security Dilemma becomes painfully visible.
Please click on the picture above or here to see more photos!
Day Eight, 27th August 2009, from Linda's and Evelin's cameras
Linda, Rick, and Evelin "claiming commons"! Waikiki, Royal Hawaiian and Moana Surfrider Hotel, where we saw the artist Makana!
Please click on the picture above or here to see more photos!
Day Nine, 28th August 2009, exploring Maui, Linda, Rick, and Evelin
Day Nine, 28th August 2009, from Linda's and Evelin's cameras
With Napua in Keanae, Maui, after we have given up trying to reach Hana!
Please click on the picture above or here to see more photos!
Day Ten, 29th August 2009, exploring Maui, Linda, Rick, and Evelin
Princess Lehuanani
Please click on the picture above or here to see more photos of the entire day we spent in Maui.
Day Ten, 29th August 2009, from Linda's and Evelin's cameras
Among the most impressive moments of our time in Hawaii, and extremely significant for our work was our meeting withPrincess Lehu'anani. She teaches native Hawaiian values or NaHaVas: Ohana - Family, Aloha - unconditional Love, Ha - breath of Life, Kuleana - Responsibility, Ho'ihi - Respect.
Please click on the picture above or here to see more photos of the entire day we spent in Maui.
Apart from pictures with Princess Lehu'anani, her partner, and their friend and colleague Maury King, you see the following texts:
• History of Hawai'i:Ca. 500 A.D., large ocean canoes carrying perhaps 200 people from the Marquesas Islands 1,500 miles south of Hawaii settled the Big Island first. Several expeditions made the hazardous trip bringing domestic animals and food plants. They lived 53 generations in which no man was made chief over another. Circa 1200: A small group from Tahiti arrived. All Hawaiian nobility can trace their origins back 40 generations back to this arrival and Pa'ao, the first chief to build a heiau, initiate human sacrifice, and kapu laws. 1788: Captain Cook arrives. Ca. 800,000 people live on the 8 major Hawaiian islands.
1790: Kamehameha of the Big Island defeats Maui forces in the Battle of Iao Needle, using Western cannon. 1795: Battle of Maui and Oahu: Kamehameha I defeats Maui's King Kalanikupule with 6,000-canoe force, consolidating his kingdom except Kauai.
• The Brick Palace of Kamehameha: Kamehameha built the palace for his favorite wife, Queen Ka'ahumanu, but she preferred an airier grass house built nearby.
• The King's Taro Patch: In young King Kamehame III's time, it was said that he worked this field himself to demonstrate the dignity of labor.
• Here is the famous place, Moko'ula. In ancient times, Moko'ula was a small island located in the center of Mokuhinia fishpond. From the time of Pi'shani until the time of Kamehameha III, the great chiefs of Maui lived on this revered island. At one time, the Mausoleum of the sacred chiefesses Keopuolani and Nahi'ena'ena was maintained here. Because of its close association with the ancient high chiefs of Maui, one should treat this beloved area with the utmost respect. Donated by the Po'okela Council of the Ka'anapoli Beach Hotel.
Mona Harris Peter Max Wyland Veena

Day Ten, 29th August 2009, from Linda's and Evelin's cameras
Mona Harris, Veena Cahlander, Christopher at Wyland and see many renowned artists, such as Peter Max (see also our Art page!) or Dale Evers and Peter Lik.
Please click on the picture above or here to see more photos!

The amazing trees of Hawai'i!
Trees Trees Banyan
The trees of Hawaii: trees live in communities - their roots are intertwined and sometimes these roots are visible!
Please click on the picture above or here to see more photos from Linda's and Evelin's cameras!
September 5, 2009, Linda, Rick, and Evelin celebrate six amazing weeks together!
September 5, 2009, Linda, Rick, and Evelin celebrate six amazing weeks together at the Heathman Hotel in Portland!
In five weeks we lived through and experienced:
2 conferences (Hollyhock and Honolulu), 6 islands in 2 countries, 7 ferries/boats, 4 flights, 4 cars, 8 lodgings, 1,25 palaces, 1 princess...
Please click on the picture above or here to see more photos!
September 9, 2009, Linda and Evelin at the Columbia Gorge
Columbia Gorge
September 9, 2009, Linda and Evelin explore the Oregon Trail and visite Columbia Gorge Vista House, and the Multnomah Falls.
From Linda's and Evelin's camera, please click on the picture above or here to see more photos!

Marilyn Marilyn1

August 16, 2009, with Linda and Marily Downs at Powell's City of Books, Portland, OR.
Please click on the pictures above to see them larger.

Dialogue Home Dialogue Home Dialogue Home
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

August 8, 2009, at Linda's and Rick's HumanDHS Dialogue Home: We are celebrating the opening of our first Dialogue Home !
Please see Linda's and Rick's kind invitation!
Please admire also Linda's collection of messages and pictures in her house! See here a transcription of Bronson Alcott's Maxims on Education.
See, among others, the Cree prophecy:
“When all the trees have been cut down, when all the animals have been hunted, when all the waters are polluted, when all the air is unsafe to breathe, only then will you discover you cannot eat money.”
Read about the native Americans that inhabited this the area at the Grand Ronde webite. Read also about the Chinook.
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

Rick Rick

Dear Rick Slaven celebrates his birthday in August in Portland, Oregon.
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

Hollyhock Hollyhock Hollyhock

"Creating Change Together" 2009 Hollyhock Summer Gathering, July 26 - 31, 2009, Cortes Island, B.C., Canada.
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.


Gabriola Island, BC, Canada, July 25, 2009, visiting Paul Grignon, togetherwith Linda and Rick, to discuss (and try to understand) Grignon's Money As Debt concept and Digital Coin proposal. "The advantage of a universal Credit Coin over conventional local currencies is that universal Credit Coin would be able to perform all the valuable functions local currencies do, funding the local economy internally and independently while at the same time being acceptable worldwide without conversion. A universal Credit Coin could be both local and global at the same time," page 15.
Please click on the picture above to it larger.


Vancouver, BC, July 25, 2009, with Linda and Rick.
Please click on the pictures above to see them larger.

Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver

28th June 2009: It was in the Waldsiedlung or "Wandlitz" in the former East Germany, the German Democratic Republic (GDR), that the political leadership, the members of the SED Politburo, lived separated from the rest of the population of their country in relative luxury. See also the documentary "Geheimnisvolle Orte: Wandlitz - Waldsiedlung Dokumentation" by Thomas Grimm and Uta Kolano, produced in 2008 for the Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (rbb) (Berlin-Brandenburg Broadcasting). Today, this complex is a rehabilitation clinic. It was an eerie feeling to walk around in this formerly "forbidden city."
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

The Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies network received the prestigious Prisoner’s Testament Award in Norway, on 20th June 2009:
Each year, Aktive Fredsreiser – Travel for Peace awards the Fangenes Testamente (The Prisoner’s Testament) and Blanche Majors Forsoningspris (Blanche Majors Reconciliation Award) in order to shine the spotlight on individuals and organisations that have contributed to peace making processes and to conflict resolution. Evelin Lindner received this award in 2009 and the entire Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies network is deeply honored! Please see here the invitation and program. Please see more also at the 2009 "Prisoner’s Testament" Peace Award in Norway page.

Medal Medal
This is the prize diploma and silver medal! The medal can be admired in the Peace House in Risør. The diploma has been created by the artist Marianne Kristiansen Lindstrøm. The medal has been made in Poland, and is a gift by Travel Project.
Please click on the medal above or here to see more photos.
Please click on the diploma or here to see it larger.

Risør Risør Risør Risør

Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.
These are the photos from Evelin's camera. Thank you, dear Kamilla and dear sweet Syse-family children for taking all those lovely photos! Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

Risør Risør Risør
These the photos come from Gunn Heidi's camera. Please click on the pictures or here to see more photos.
Thank you, dear Kamilla and Uwe for taking all those lovely photos!

Valangins Valangins

Château et musée de Valangin, 24th May, 2009.
On the trail of Catherine von Wattenwyl (1645-1714), who lived during her last years on the castle of Valangin. See Therese Bichsel's book.
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

Wattenwyl Oron Oron

Château d'Oron, 23rd May, 2009.
On the trail of Catherine von Wattenwyl (1645-1714), who lived during her childhood on the castle of Oron. See also Therese Bichsel's book on Catherine von Wattenwyl, see the book cover above on the left side.
Please click on the picture above or here to see more photos.

Evelin Birthday

Birthday 2009.
Please click on the picture above to see it larger.


Col du Marchairuz, Canton Vaud/Waadt, Switzerland, 15th March 2009.
Col du Marchairuz (el. 1447 m.) is a high mountain pass in the Jura Mountains in the canton of Vaud in Switzerland. It connects Le Brassus and Bière. The pass road has a maximum grade of 14 percent.
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.


St. Claude, Haute-Jura, commune in Jura department in the Franche-Comté region in eastern France, 19th April, 2009.
For me, St. Claude is interesting in two ways, first, as to how old artisan skills transform over time (from selling artifacts made of wood or bones to pilgrims, the city became later known for their pipe production and diamond cutting, both in decline now), and, second, the role of religion, see La Cathédrale Saint-Pierre, Saint-Paul et Saint-André.
Please click on the picture above to see it larger.

Tata Tata
Honda Honda
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

79th International Motor Show in Geneva, Switzerland, 14th March 2009.
Since years, I am disappointed that the engineers of the world don't step up to the challenge of creating real quality. Simply catering to boys wanting to play is not enough (not with respect to the design of cars, not with respect to the design of economical instruments, and not with respect to cultural scripts in general). It is about time that engineers reach beyond old dichotomies. Top technology and beauty, for example, should not be luxury but normality - the Fisker Karma mission of connecting technolgoy, beauty, and luxury should be deconstructed and technology and beauty should become normality for everybody, including, for example, products like Tata. Technology should become more intelligent, both from the point of technological quality and aesthetic quality. I envisage a world, where neither nature nor women are exploited, degraded, insulted, and humiliated, where technologies like the hydrogen technoloy (see the pictures at the bottom) are comprehensively green, from the initial generation of energy to the end-product, and where women are not used as sex traps to sell products.
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

Morges Protze

Château et musée Morges, Canton Vaud/Waadt, Switzerland, 8th March 2009.
Since years, I try to better understand the sufferings my parents went hrough in connection with World War II. It is difficult for me to imagine what they experienced. Museums help. Chateau Morges has military collections that display military equipment I am lucky enough to be unfamiliar with.
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

Hameln Hameln
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos depicting the city of Hameln/Hamelin.

Hameln (German spelling) or Hamelin (English spelling), Niedersachsen/Lower Saxony, Germany, 29th January 2009. My parents live nearby.
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos depicting the city of Hameln/Hamelin.
The Legend of the Pied Piper is intricatelly connected with the history of my family and with my motivation to do the work I do. The core of the legend is about disappearance, the disappearance of children, around the year 1284. The most plausible interpretation is that this disappearance had to do with the colonization of East Europe that started from Low Germany. The official website for the town of Hameln explains: "The 'Children of Hameln' would have been in those days citizens willing to emigrate being recruited by landowners to settle in Moravia, East Prussia, Pomerania or in the Teutonic Land."
Today, since World War II, 30 percent of Lower Saxony’s population has a refugee or expellee background, mostly from Silesia (where my family hails from), but also from East-Prussia, Pomerania, and Sudetenland (western regions of Czechoslovakia).
In other words, 800 years later, the descendants of those who once settled in the east have been expelled again. In the course of this expulsion two mutually exclusive versions of history cristallized around the very same geographical location, one of "a homeland lost," and one of "a homeland regained" (see poster further down). The trauma connected with such dynamics is unimaginable - having experienced its ravaging effects in my family gave me the motivation for my work.
This trauma is being shared by millions of people around the globe in various forms. Not least the Middle East is painfully caught in similar dynamics: what is a joyous occasion (declaration of independence) for one side, is disaster (naqba) for the other side. Also Hutus and Tutsis in Rwanda tend to have two histories, as have other world regions afflicted with intractable conflict. Fortunately, in Europe, the cycle of hurt no longer drives politics of violence, and past trauma can heal without being continuously maintained and re-inflicted.
*This poster addressed the populations of Lower Silesia and the Southern regions of Brandenburg in 1945. It illustrates the perspective of "a homeland regained." Its English translation reads as follows:
To the population of Lower Silesia and the Southern regions of Brandenburg! The primordially Slavic territories that have been torn away from Poland by the imperialistic Germanic urge, are now won back for our homeland thanks to the victorious advance by the allied Red Army and the heroic Polish Army. On the grounds of a decision by the Ministerial Council of the Republic of Poland, I assume the administration of the state on these re-conquered purely Slavic territories. I request from the population loyal and total obedience to all decrees by the Polish administration and strict compliance and implementation of all orders. All active or passive resistance are broken by the use of violence and the guilty are punished according to military law. The Slavic population that has been Germanized with violence and insidiousness, is cared for by me and is given the opportunity to return to Polishness, for which the best daughters and sons of these primordially Slavic territories have been bleeding. Signed: Stanislaw Piaskowski, April 1945.

Color Magic Color Magic
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

27th-28th January 2009, with Color Line (MS Color Magic) from Norway (Oslo) to Continental Europe (Kiel, Germany), a journey of 20 hours. The journey begins with waiting (before driving onboard), then the ship leaves the harbour, and arrival is next morning, when everybody drives off the ship again.
Two Color Line ships (MS Color Fantasy and MS Color Magic) serve the Oslo-Kiel route since a few years. They are veritable cruise ships, in contrast to earlier years, when their predecessors had more of a ferry character. I am used to taking the predecessor ship of MS Color Fantasy, namely, MS Prinsesse Ragnhild, since about 1994, at least once a year. MS Prinsesse Ragnhild was a much more modest ship, where I always got an inexpensive cabin under the car deck and shared it (first with several people, in later years with only one person). Through sharing a cabin I met many very interesting people on these ship journeys, and I regret that this option is no longer available on MS Color Fantasy and MS Color Magic (which replaced MS Kronprins Harald).
Please see some pictures of Oscarsborg fortress, which became famous during World War II for the 9th April 1940 sinking of the German heavy cruiser (schwerer Kreuzer, krysser) Blücher (see also the picture of German cruiser Blücher sinking in Drøbakksundet 9th April 1940).
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.
I have a beer no more than once or twice a year, and it is a kind of ritual for me to do that when leaving either Kiel or Oslo with Color Line. This time I asked bypassers to take some pictures of this little ritual!

Pamela Hiley

Pamela Hiley is the founder, managing director, and head teacher of Norsk Taiji Senter in Oslo, Norway. On 26th January 2009, she organised a commemoration of Arne Næss and a celebration of the new Chinese year. Many dear friends participated.
Please click on the picture or here to see more photos.

Lasse Moer

Lasse Moer, Chief Engineer, audiovisual technology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Oslo, 26th January 2009. He is the director of the film Somalia - A Case-Study, 2000, and the Welcome video of 2008.
Please click on the picture or here to see more photos.

Arne Næss
Arne Næss

To our deep sorrow, Arne Næss passed away on 12th January 2009. These pictures were taken in Ris kirke, Oslo, 20th January 2009, Oslo, Norway, where he was lovingly remembered by family and friends, among them the Prime Minister of Norway, Jens Stoltenberg. The ceremony was broadcast live on the first Norwegian TV channel NRK1.
The last pictures with dear Pamela Hiley were taken in Kunstnernes hus, where Arne was further remembered in the afternoon of the same day.
We will never forget how he, together with his dear wife Kit-fai, participated in our 2003 conference in Paris, and how this became a very special event through his wonderful contributions!
Please click on the picture at the top or here to see more photos from Evelin's camera.
Please click on the picture at the bottom or here to see the programme of the church service (transcribed by Evelin from the original she received in the church).

Laptop Laptop Laptop Laptop Laptop

Engineers Egil Bergh-Telle and Øivind Magnus Hoff at the University of Oslo, Norway, were so kind as to invest a full week into installing the new mobile headquarters of our HumanDHS network. These pictures were taken on 19th January 2009. Twenty three dear HumanDHS members and supporters have collected the necessary funds for this new computer. The entire HumanDHS network is immensely grateful, both to the incredible IT engineers of the Department of Psychology at the University in Oslo and to the 23 generous donors!
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos:
First you see my journey to the Department of Psychology in the early morning of the 19th January (you understand why I take the tramway and no car!), then you see the old and new computer, you see also how hopelessly worn down the old laptop was after many years of fidelity, and, most importantly, you meet dear IT engineers Egil Bergh-Telle, Øivind Hoff, and Carolin Aulie of the Department of Psychology at the University in Oslo.

Opera Opera

Oslo, Norway, 19th January 2009: This is the new Opera building in Oslo.
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

Abou Bakar

Evelin's annual lecture at the Department of Psychology at the University in Oslo,
"Dignity or Humiliation: The World at a Crossroad"

Address: Psykologisk institutt, Harald Schjelderups hus, Forskningsveien 3, Telefon 22845000, Auditorium 1 (part of PSYC3203 - Anvendt sosialpsykologi), 14th January 2009, 9.15-11.00. See also the video site of the Faculty of Social Science at the University of Oslo.
Please see a background paper for this lecture in the first issue of the Journal of HumanDignity and Humiliation Studies, March 2007. For an earlier version for the introductory paper, see here or http://ssrn.com/abstract=668742 (this paper's SSRN ID is 668742).
For more recent papers see, among others, "The Need for a New World," and, since this lecture was given in Norway, "What the World’s Cultures Can Contribute to Creating a Sustainable Future for Humankind," a paper prepared for the 11th Annual Conference of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS), 23th June-1st July 2008, in Norway. The latter paper hightlights the significance of Norway and Norwegian contributions to world peace.

See the UiO Podcast edition of this lecture, or the YouTube editions part 1, part 2, part 3, and part 4.
Please click on the picture above or here to see more photos from Anne-Grete Bjørlo's camera. Dear Anne-Grete Bjørlo and Abou Bakar Johnson Bakundukize were so kind to attend this lecture.

Color Line Color Line Laboe

11th-12th January 2009, with Color Line (MS Color Fantasy) from Continental Europe (Kiel, Germany) to Norway (Oslo), a journey of 20 hours. The journey begins with waiting (before driving onboard), then the ship leaves the harbour, and arrival is next morning, when everybody drives off the ship again.
Two Color Line ships (MS Color Fantasy and MS Color Magic) serve the Oslo-Kiel route since a few years. They are veritable cruise ships, in contrast to earlier years, when their predecessors had more of a ferry character. I am used to taking the predecessor ship of MS Color Fantasy, namely, MS Prinsesse Ragnhild, since about 1994, at least once a year. MS Prinsesse Ragnhild was a much more modest ship, where I always got an inexpensive cabin under the car deck and shared it (first with several people, in later years with only one person). Through sharing a cabin I met many very interesting people on these ship journeys, and I regret that this option is no longer available on MS Color Fantasy and MS Color Magic (which replaced MS Kronprins Harald).
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos. You see how I still worked with the old laptop (I was on my way to receiving my new laptop in Oslo). These pictures were taken on the way out of Kiel. You see Laboe, the last landmark before leaving for the sea.

Evelin's pictures