Evelin's 2022 picture documentation

2022 — remembering her father | 2021 pictures | 2020 pictures | 2019 pictures | 2018 pictures | 2017 pictures | 2016 pictures | 2015 pictures | 2014 pictures | 2013 pictures | 2012 pictures | 2011 pictures | 2010 pictures | 2009 pictures | 2008 pictures | pictures until the end of 2007

This picture-blog is meant to document Evelin's efforts as 'ambassador' of the global HumanDHS community [read more].
See a brief legal note with regard to the permission to upload pictures with people other than Evelin.

The passing of Evelin's father dominated the year 2022 for her.

Evelin's year 2022 was deeply touched by two wise and deeply loving men, one coming and one leaving.
• Top pictures: What an honour and privilege it was to meet His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan for the first time in person, after so many Zoom meetings, all since 2020! This first meeting took place on 1st September 2022, in the Majlis Hassan in Amman.
• Bottom pictures: Evelin's beloved father left this Earth in May 2022. The left picture shows him when he was still working in the garden, it was in 2019, the right picture shows him on his 96th birthday on 26th February 2022. He died on 3rd May 2022 in Hameln, Germany.
• Kindly click on the pictures above to see them larger.

31st December 2022, New Year's Eve, réveillon de Nouvel an!
What a privilege and honour to be together with Laila Sawaf!
• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger.

27th December 2022 and later
One of Amina Mango's many wonderful talents is to develop extraordinary skin care products!
Visit Amina's Skin Care in Saleh Ali Zaki Street, Amman, Jordan!
Also, see Amina's lovely pictures from the nature in the north of Jordan!
• Kindly click on the pictures above to see them larger.

26th December 2022
What a privilege and honour to be together with Dr. Wafa Al Khadra in Madaba!
Congratulation to Dr. Wafa Al Khadra her promotion to the rank of Associate Professor!
• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger.

24th December 2022
What a privilege and joy to be included by Dina Halasa into her family!
• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger.

24th December 2022
What a privilege meet with Ruba Zinati!
• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger.

The First World Dignity University Initiative Workshop
"For People and the Planet: Learning for a Future of Dignity"
representing the
19th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict
and the 38th Annual HumanDHS Conference
virtual, in partnership with Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City

December 9, 2022

Thank you so much, dear Anna Strout and Chipamong Chowdhury for taking so many lovely pictures!

Linda Hartling & Morton Deutsch & Evelin Lindner

Linda Hartling and Evelin Lindner are the conveners of the annual workshops at Columbia University, together with honorary convener Morton Deutsch. He convened the first workshop in 2003, and he has been its honorary convener until his passing in 2017. We wish to honor his memory by conducting this workshop also in the future.
• The photo with Morton Deutsch was taken in 2014. Please click on the pictures above to see it them larger.

Welcome and Greetings, Introducing this Special Workshop
— Linda Hartling, Director of the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS) network
— Evelin Lindner, Founding President of HumanDHS

This is Linda Hartling's workshop "cockpit"
Without Linda, this workshop would not be there!

• Kindly click here to see Anna Strout's screenshots of the Introduction
• Kindly click here to see Linda Hartling's favorite screenshots of the entire workshop
• Kindly click here to see Evelin Lindner's screenshots of the entire workshop

This amazing Dignity Anthem was kindly created by Michael Boyer in November 2022
Please see:
• the anthem as part of the Introduction to the 2022 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict at Columbia University in New York
• the anthem alone with big subtitles
• the anthem alone with with small subtitles
• the anthem alone without subtitles
• the text of the anthem

Michael Boyer is a creative artist who has been a supporter of the dignity work since its inception. He is a member of the Dignity Now group in the city of Hamelin in Germany. Michael has also developed the Digniworld initiative (in 2019), namely, Digniworld Wordpress, Digniworld Facebook, Digniworld Twitter, Digniworld Instagram, and World Dignity Movement (on YouTube). See more on:
- https://humiliationstudies.org/whoweare/whoweare.php#socialmedia
- tinyurl.com/dignism

Building a Mutual-Learning Community: The Appreciative Enquiry Approach
Linda Hartling, Director of HumanDHS
(Video | see also the Appreciative Enquiry video from September 2022)

The Way Out Challenge
Peter Coleman, Director of the Morton Deutsch International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution (MD-ICCCR), Columbia University, Teachers College (TC)

• Kindly click here to see Anna Strout's screenshots of Peter Coleman's presentation
• Kindly click here to see Chipamong Chowdhury's screenshots of Peter Coleman's presentation
• Kindly click here to see Linda Hartling's favorite screenshots of the entire workshop
• Kindly click here to see Evelin Lindner's screenshots of the entire workshop

Thank you so much, dear Anna Strout and Chipamong Chowdhury for taking so many lovely pictures!

Bonnie Selterman Recites Ways of Learning, a Spoken Poem
(Video | spoken recording on November 18, 2022 | Pdf)

• Kindly click here to see Anna Strout's screenshots of Bonnie Selterman's reading of her poem
• Kindly click here to see Chipamong Chowdhury's screenshots of Bonnie Selterman's reading of her poem
• Kindly click here to see Linda Hartling's favorite screenshots of the entire workshop
• Kindly click here to see Evelin Lindner's screenshots of the entire workshop

Learning for a Dignified and Dignifying Future
Evelin Lindner, Founding President of HumanDHS and Global Ambassador of the WDUi,
Linda Hartling, Director of HumanDHS

• Kindly click here to see Anna Strout's screenshots of Linda and Evelin's explanation of the World Dignity University initiative
• Kindly click here to see Chipamong Chowdhury's screenshots of Linda and Evelin's explanation of the World Dignity University initiative
• Kindly click here to see Linda Hartling's favorite screenshots of the entire workshop
• Kindly click here to see Evelin Lindner's screenshots of the entire workshop

Ella Autti Sings Over the Rainbow

• Kindly click here to see Anna Strout's screenshots of Ella Autti's rendition of "Over the Rainbow"
• Kindly click here to see Chipamong Chowdhury's screenshots of Ella Autti's rendition of "Over the Rainbow"
• Kindly click here to see Linda Hartling's favorite screenshots of the entire workshop
• Kindly click here to see Evelin Lindner's screenshots of the entire workshop

Non-Degree Higher and Adult Education to Advance Human Dignity
A Workshop within a Workshop facilitated by David Yamada, Director of the WDUi
(Video | Pdf)

• Kindly click here to see Anna Strout's screenshots of David Yamada's workshop within a workshop
• Kindly click here to see Chipamong Chowdhury's screenshots of David Yamada's workshop within a workshop
• Kindly click here to see Linda Hartling's favorite screenshots of the entire workshop
• Kindly click here to see Evelin Lindner's screenshots of the entire workshop

Group Photos with Anna Strout

• Kindly click here to see Anna Strout's screenshots of David Yamada's workshop within a workshop
• Kindly click here to see Chipamong Chowdhury's screenshots of David Yamada's workshop within a workshop
• Kindly click here to see Linda Hartling's favorite screenshots of the entire workshop
• Kindly click here to see Evelin Lindner's screenshots of the entire workshop

Introducing the WDUi Electronic Learning Platform
Uli Spalthoff, Director of Operations

Rediscovering the Wonders of Learning Through Dignity
Don Klein Memorial Lecture by Michael Britton, HumanDHS Board Member
(Video | Video recorded on November 21, 2022)

• Kindly click here to see Anna Strout's screenshots of Michael Britton's lecture
• Kindly click here to see Chipamong Chowdhury's screenshots of Michael Britton's lecture
• Kindly click here to see Linda Hartling's favorite screenshots of the entire workshop
• Kindly click here to see Evelin Lindner's screenshots of the entire workshop

Michael is a HumanDHS Board Director, who has been part of the community since 2007. He has been our Don Klein Memorial lecturer since it was created, and is the recipient of our 2017 Lifetime Commitment Award! He is a co-founder of Dignity Now NYC which, thanks to Zoom, is now also global. He is Vice President of the International Psychohistory Association, and has lectured locally and internationally.


Michael uses Don's metaphor of a scrim, a transparent stage curtain, where one believes that what one sees is reality only as long as the light shines on it in a certain way: see Don's explanation.

Howard Richards
Congratulations, dear Howard, with your new book
Economic Theory and Community Development: Why Putting Community First Is Essential to Our Survival
(Lake Oswego, OR: Dignity Press, 2022)

• Kindly click here to see Anna Strout's screenshots with Howard Richards
• Kindly click here to see Chipamong Chowdhury's screenshots with Howard Richards
• Kindly click here to see Linda Hartling's favorite screenshots of the entire workshop
• Kindly click here to see Evelin Lindner's screenshots of the entire workshop

BYOP: Bring Your Own Pizza Party!

• Kindly click here to see Anna Strout's screenshots of the party
• Kindly click here to see Chipamong Chowdhury's screenshots of the party
• Kindly click here to see Linda Hartling's favorite screenshots of the entire workshop
• Kindly click here to see Evelin Lindner's screenshots of the entire workshop

9th and 18th November 2022 in Amman
Thank you so much, dear Dr. Walid Sarhan, for creating this wonderful Human Dignity Group for Jordan on Facebook!
9th November 2022
Interview with renowned psychiatrist Dr. Walid Sarhan about HumaDHS for the emergent Human Dignity Group for Jordan.
(kindly see Pdf and the interview also on Dr. Sarhan's YouTube channel)
18th November 2022
• Interview with Dr. Walid Sarhan about his extraordinary life path, on 18th November 2022 (see the interview also on Dr. Sarhan's YouTube channel). Thirteen questions formed the structure of this interview.

See also April 2023: Walid Sarhan announces the 1st Jordanian Conference on Mental Health in May 2023
See the brochure for the conference on the Facebook group for the conference

26th October 2022
What a privilage! Dr. Walid Sarhan invited me to a conference about mental health at the University of Jordan, convened by Dr. Ahmad Al-Shekh Ali, the head of the Psychology Department. Dr. Sarhan was being honoured for having been proclaimed as 'the best Arab Psychiatrist in the world' in 2022.
The conference was supported by the International Medical Corps: Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) in Humanitarian Settings, the Syrian American Medical Society, and several others.
It was great to meet the advisor to the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Christina Maria Kraus, who does psychosocial support and trauma work in Jordan.
• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger

21st October 2022
16th September and 21st October 2022
What a great honour to meet the 'godfather' of Arab Psychiatry and Psychology, Dr. Walid Sarhan, who has been honoured as 'the best Arab Psychiatrist in the world' in 2022!

12th December 2022
Le regard des autres : faut-il s'en libérer ?
Murmures, regards hautains, sourires en coin, mépris déguisé ou moqueries publiques, il existe toute une déclinaison de comportements désagréables liés au jugement que les autres peuvent porter sur nous. Pourquoi ces épisodes d’humiliation – souvent minimisés par notre entourage – nous affectent-ils autant ? Et pourquoi la honte qui en découle est-elle si puissante ? Dans cet épisode, la journaliste Lola Bertet analyse l'humiliation comme un mécanisme de régulation sociale. Qui humilie qui ? Devant qui ? Et pourquoi ? Elle donne la parole à Roxane, qui a subi la crise de colère de sa supérieure pendant un service et à Marie-Claire, qui a vécu une série d’humiliations depuis son adolescence. Accompagnée par la médecin et psychologue Evelin Lindner, la philosophe Gloria Origgi, et le statisticien et économiste Thomas Coutrot, elle analyse les notions de mépris de classe et de reconnaissance, et elle explore des solutions pour aller de l’avant.

Evelin Gerda Lindner sur l'humiliation - Podcast Emotions enregistrée avec Lola Bertet 28 octobre 2022, Amman, Jordanie / Paris, France : Louie Media. Créé en janvier 2019, le podcast Émotions compte aujourd’hui deux saisons et plus de 30 épisodes. Cette émission a pour but de comprendre ce que l’on ressent et d'où viennent les émotions que l’on éprouve.
See more here.

His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal was in Rome, Italy

2nd December 2022
Deputising for His Majesty King Abdullah, His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal on Friday attended the eighth session of the Rome Conference on Mediterranean Dialogues in Rome, Italy. During a panel discussion at the conference, which was opened by Italian President Sergio Mattarella with the participation of 200 speakers from 60 countries, His Highness stressed the need to enhance regional cooperation and integration, rely on policies that make the region more effective and influential in dealing with various issues, and build a culture that emphasizes the universality of values, diversity, dialogue and acceptance of others. His Highness said that the Mediterranean region, through its historical location, is a gateway to convergence and an important gateway between Africa and Eurasia, and a key to establishing transcontinental contacts in what geographer Hallford Mackinder calls the "island of the world" (Afro-Eurasia). His Highness called for the development of the "Great Rift Valley", which extends from the eastern Mediterranean through the southeast of the Dead Sea and the Red Sea, and then south through East Africa, where many countries of this valley suffer from political, cultural and religious conflicts and challenges and the management of natural resources. His Highness renewed the call for the establishment of an economic and social council in the region and the involvement of youth in it to discuss their ideas and vision for the region in order to activate their role and empower them. He also stressed the need to rely on the Multiple Deprivation Index, in order to identify different deprivations in the field of poverty, food, education and basic needs, which helps in determining priorities. His Highness noted the importance of placing the city of Jerusalem in the conscience and serving the Arab civilized presence in the holy city through a geopolitical database that includes religious holy sites. His Highness pointed to the importance of investing in the real wealth of human capital in order to empower and activate, pointing to the need to use technology as a tool to develop evidence-based policies and exchange information to address crises. The Rome Conference on Mediterranean Dialogues is an annual initiative that began in 2015 under the auspices of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the Italian Institute for International Political Studies.
• Kindly click on the picture above to see Renée Hattar's posting on Linkedin.

30th November 2022
It was a great honour to hear the life story of Ali Al Amaireh at Grand Hyatt Amman!
How he teaches his children compassion, how he gives back the support that he received from his mentors!
• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger.

28th–30th November 2022
At a Crossroads: A Multireligious Intergenerational Response to the Social and Environmental Crises
invited by Religions for Peace, in partnership with Manresa City Council and Religions for Peace-Spain-GTER.
• Kindly click on the picture above to see the programme.

Dom Pedro II (1825–1891) was the second and last monarch of the Empire of Brazil, reigning for over 58 years

Roberto Khatlab

Her Royal Highness Princess Wijdan F. Al-Hashemi Ph.D., supported this conference

27th November 2022
The Trip of Emperor Pedro II of Brazil to the Holy Land in 1876: A collection of Nineteenth Century Photos
Conference 5:30 pm EEST
Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts – Amman
The exhibition contains pictures of Pedro II’s trip to the Holy Land. He visited the Arab countries Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, and Egypt in the late 19th century.

Linkedin: Within the activities of the Arab-Ibero-Latin Diwan of Thought and Cultural Exchange, and to complement the activities of the exhibition "The Journey of the Brazilian Emperor Pedro II to the Holy Land in 1876: A Collection of Nineteenth-Century Photographs", the Brazilian Embassy in Amman and the Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies organized an interactive lecture on this trip, at the Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts, in the presence of Her Royal Highness Princess Wijdan Al Hashemi, Brazilian Ambassador Rui Amaral, Spanish Ambassador Miguel de Lucas, Mexican Ambassador Roberto Hernandez, Venezuelan Ambassador Omar Velma Osuna, and a number of embassy representatives and officials. To read the full story, please follow the Facebook page of the https://lnkd.in/dSBqRuey Institute No alternative text description for this image No alternative text description for this image

ANBA: Brazil-Arab News Agency, São Paulo – A conference in Amman, the capital city of Jordan, on November 27 will discuss the journey of Brazilian Emperor Pedro II to the Holy Land in the 19th century. The lectures will pivot around the exhibition’s theme, 'The Trip of Emperor Pedro II of Brazil to the Holy Land in 1876: A collection of Nineteenth Century Photos', taking place at the National Gallery of Fine Arts of Jordan from November 2 to December 1, 2022.
The conference will also take place at the Jordanian gallery, at 5:30 pm EEST, with lectures in English.
Speaking at the meeting will be Brazilian researcher Roberto Khatlab, director of the Center for Latin American Studies and Cultures (Cecal) of the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK) in Lebanon, and author of a book on the travels of the Brazilian emperor to the Arab countries;
and the director of the El Hassan Center for Jerusalem Studies, Mohammad Hashem Ghosheh. Khatlab’s book was one of the foundations of the exhibition.
The photo exhibition and the conference are part of celebrations of the bicentennial of Brazil’s Independence this year. Lectures on the exhibition theme will be held by the Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies (RIIFS), the National Gallery of Fine Arts of Jordan, the Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce (ABCC), and the Embassy of Brazil to Amman.
• See more pictures here.

24th November 2022
Finally, I made my way to the Citadel of Amman (see pictures on google maps) and the Jordan Archaeological Museum (see pictures on google maps)!
At the bottom see a double-headed statue from ʿAin Ghazal.
Wikipedia: The ʿAin Ghazal Statues are a number of large-scale lime plaster and reed statues discovered at the archeological site of ʿAin Ghazal in Jordan, dating back to approximately 9000 years ago (made between 7200 BC and 6250 BCE), from the Pre-Pottery Neolithic C period. A total of 15 statues and 15 busts were discovered in 1983 and 1985 in two underground caches, created about 200 years apart. The statues are among the earliest large-scale representations of the human form, and are regarded to be among the most remarkable specimens of prehistoric art from the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B or C period. Their purpose remains uncertain, with archaeologists believing they may have been buried just after production, having possibly been made with that intent. The ʿAin Ghazal Statues are today part of the collections of The Jordan Museum in Amman, with some also on display at the Citadel's Jordan Archaeological Museum, while a few have been loaned to foreign museums: one statue is in the Louvre Museum in Paris; parts of three other statues can be seen at the British Museum in London; and one of the figures with two heads is on show in the Louvre Abu Dhabi.
• Kindly click on the pictures above to see them larger.

24th November 2022
It was great to stumble over Almorjana المرجانة, and the wonderful creations of fashion designer Ezedeen in the streets of Amman, in Al-Kabartay Street!
• Kindly click on the pictures above or here to see all photos.

24th November 2022
Thank you so much, dear Ronald Stade, for that wonderful meeting in books@café in Amman!
Ronald is Professor emeritus of Peace and Conflict Studies with specialisation in Anthropology, at Malmö University, Sweden. He is the Founding editor of Conflict and Society at Berghahn.
• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger.

24th November 2022
I so much admire Barbara Rowell for her wonderful Jaracanda Images!
Her old images remind me of my beloved Lehnert and Landrock bookshop in Cairo, which was a wonderful large bookshop open to the street when I lived in Cairo from 1984 until 1991! I am sad that it is hidden in the second floor now...
And the water pipe I saw reminded me of my wish to return to art. See my drawings from around 1987 in Cairo here.
• Kindly click on the pictures above or here to see all Jacaranda photos.

23rd November 2022
Table-ronde organisée par l’Association des Amis de la FMSH, en partenariat avec la Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme et la Villa Vigoni, Centro italo-tedesco per il dialogo europeo, invité par Hinnerk Bruhns.
Liste des Ateliers trilatéraux (2004 - 2021)
• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger.

We thank Hinnerk Bruhns for his support for our two first dignity conferences at the MSH in Paris in 2003 and 2004!

23rd November 2022
APSS International Scholar Talk
Social Change, Cultural Evolution, and Human Development: United States and China

Department of Applied Social Sciences (APSS), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Speaker: Prof. Patricia Marks Greenfield (Harvard University)
Moderator: Prof. Sylvia Chen (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Respondent: Prof. Michael Harris Bond (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Evelin met Michael for the first time at the 'Sommerakademie Friedens- und Konfliktforschung', 11th – 16th July 1999, in Clemenswerth, Germany)
See also:
Greenfield, Patricia M. (2015). "Special Section: Social change, cultural evolution and human development." In International Journal of Psychology, 50 (1), 4–5, doi: 10.1002/ijop.12121.
See a Video Cast to accompany this article.

The Department of Applied Social Sciences is the largest social sciences academic department in Hong Kong. It began as the Institute of Social Work Training in 1973. The Institute was placed under the management of the Hong Kong Polytechnic in 1977 and became the School of Social Work. In 1986, it was renamed as the Department of Applied Social Studies, which became the Department of Applied Social Sciences (APSS) in 2000. APSS will celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2023.
• Kindly click on the pictures above to see them larger.

22nd Novembre 2022
De l’humiliation à la dignité : Pour un avenir de solidarité mondiale
Discours préparé en août pour la conférence
Congrès à Paris
convoquée par L'Association Parole d’Enfants
avec 1300 participants

• Vidéo sur Vimeo présenté à Paris 22 novembre 2022
Vidéo enregistré en Zoom 26 juli 2022
• Texte en anglais et français, Pdf

Abstraite: Alors que le phénomène de l’humiliation est omniprésent dans les relations humaines et qu’il a les effets les plus dévastateurs qui soient, il s’agit d’un thème encore trop peu étudié aujourd’hui dans les sciences humaines et sociales. En psychologie, il est trop souvent confondu avec la honte alors qu’il ne recouvre pas forcément la même expérience. En s’appuyant sur plusieurs décennies de recherches, sur son expérience de psychologue clinicienne et sur les leçons de l’histoire, Evelin Lindner illustrera les différences entre humiliation d’honneur et humiliation de dignité. Elle montrera pourquoi la dignité est un concept spécifique qui ne peut se résumer ni à l’autonomie, ni au respect, ni à la fierté. De nos jours, la promesse contenue dans les idéaux des droits humains offre à chacun le droit inconditionnel d’être considéré comme égal en dignité du seul fait d’être né en tant qu’être humain. Cette promesse est pourtant très souvent trahie, et lorsque cela se produit, cela peut provoquer une douleur extrême, que l’on peut appeler « la bombe nucléaire des émotions. ». Cette douleur peut déclencher la haine et la violence et aller jusqu’à la terreur, la guerre ou le génocide. À l’inverse, les sentiments d’humiliation liés à la dignité peuvent également conduire à des formes extrêmes de dépression endurées dans le silence. Puisant ses exemples autant dans la géopolitique mondiale que dans l’intimité des relations, cette spécialiste mondiale de l’humiliation illustrera comment il importe aujourd’hui de s’engager dans des pratiques de rétablissement de la paix et de construction de ponts inclusives et porteuses de dignité pour tous. Elle s’adressera aux travailleurs de terrain que nous sommes, confrontés à l’humiliation au cœur de nos pratiques, mais aussi à chacun de nous en tant qu’êtres humains concernés par l’avenir gravement menacé de notre planète. Cette conférence est pré-enregistrée et sera projetée en vidéo. Evelin Gerda Lindner, née le 13 mai 1954 à Hamelin en Allemagne, est une chercheuse transdisciplinaire en sciences humaines et sociales. Elle est titulaire de deux doctorats, un en médecine, et l'autre en psychologie. Elle est née dans une famille qui a été profondément touchée par la guerre et les déplacements. Par conséquent, « plus jamais ça » n’est devenu la devise de sa vie. Au cours des vingt dernières années, elle a réuni dans les « Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies » une communauté mondiale d'universitaires et de praticiens qui se consacrent à la promotion de la dignité dans le monde.

L'Association Parole d’Enfants
Association fondée en 1996, Parole d'Enfants développe différents pôles d'activités en faveur de l'enfance en danger : recherches-actions, formations des professionnels de la relation d'aide, sensibilisation du grand public et publications d'ouvrages spécialisés.
• Kindly click on the picture above to it larger.

22nd November 2022
Die Analyse zur 27. Klimakonferenz in Ägypten: Können wir das Pariser Klimaabkommen noch einhalten?
Analysis of the 27th Climate Conference in Egypt – Are we still within reach of the Paris Climate Agreement?

- Ricarda Lang, Bundesvorsitzende Bündnis 90/Die Grünen
- Prof. Dr Niklas Höhne, New Climate Insitute, Professor für Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases an der Uni Wageningen
- Mitzi Jonelle Tan, Klimaktivistin, Youth Advocates for Climate Action Philippines
Dear friends, The 27th World Climate Conference has ended. Now it is time for a conclusion and a close look at the final declaration of the COP27 in Egypt. What does the agreement mean for the goal of limiting global warming to below 2°C? Were the countries able to agree on a fair compensation formula for climate damage, especially in the Global South? Will climate-damaging subsidies be phased out? And what do the decisions mean for future climate policy in the European Union and in Germany? These are the questions we want to answer in our analysis of the 27th Climate Conference in Egypt. We invite you to this analysis webinar together with Michael Bloss MEP, who was present at the climate conference as a representative of the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament.
• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger.

21st November 2022
HRH Prince El Hassan bin Talal on The InnerView with Imran Garda / TRT World, 21st November 2022.
• Kindly click on the pictures above to see them larger.

17th November 2022
Charlotta Sparre, wonderful Director of the Swedish Dialogue Institute for the Middle East and North Africa, invited to an amazing Regional Round Table Conference on Inclusivity in Peace and Development in the MENA region at the Fairmont Hotel in Amman.
See the Advisory Board of the Swedish Dialogue Institute.
• Kindly click on the pictures above to see them larger.

It was a great joy to be invited, because in 2007, I had the honour of giving a talk at the same institute when it still was based in Alexandria, Egypt, headed by Jan Henningsson. My talk was titled Psychological factors in Euro-Arab Relations.
• Kindly click here to see more photos from 2007.

12th November 2022
Kate Raworth gave this year’s 42nd Annual E. F. Schumacher Lecture.
• Kindly click on the picture above to see the recording of the lecture.

Petra by night on 10th November

Petra by day on 11th November

The Museum of Petra on 12th November

10th–12th November 2022
Visit Petra, the extraordinary treasure of world heritage.
Read on the site of UNESCO:
Inhabited since prehistoric times, this Nabataean caravan-city, situated between the Red Sea and the Dead Sea, was an important crossroads between Arabia, Egypt and Syria-Phoenicia. Petra is half-built, half-carved into the rock, and is surrounded by mountains riddled with passages and gorges. It is one of the world's most famous archaeological sites, where ancient Eastern traditions blend with Hellenistic architecture.

• See a short film by Evelin. What you see there are extremely amateurish video takes, without explanations, simply to catch the mood and to capture the following scenes: First, there is the breathtaking landscape with its lone trees growing out of narrow rocks, then there are the fascinating remnants of Raqmu, finally, there is the tourist business and the litter problem. It is obvious that the authorities would need to pay more attention to the extreme amount of plastic packaging used in the country and the plastic waste lying around — as everywhere else in the world, of course. Furthermore, many installations in Petra await repair or sounder design.
Due to the water shortage in Jordan, there is a limit to how many hotels can be built, but still, the number of tourists seems overwhelming. The Nabataeans who founded Raqmu were traders, so, perhaps they would approve of the experience of visiting their city being a rather commercial one in the twenty-first century. The situation is reminiscent of other places of interest — Venice comes to mind, Barcelona, Dubrovnik, or the islands of Thailand, and so forth — places that are being destroyed by the interlink between people's willingness to pay for seeing them, international investors' unlimited eagerness to make ever more profit, and the locals' need to make a living, which makes them send their children out to sell postcards for a few pennies.

• Visit the Museum of Petra and read Evelin's transcriptions of its panels of information. Petra lies at a crucial crossing point where Homo erectus, Homo neanderthalensis, and Homo sapiens all walked trough. In her work, Evelin pays a lot of attention to what is being called the Neolithic Revolution, because in its aftermath, competition for domination began to define the human condition, with the security dilemma introducing the slogan of 'If you want peace, prepare for war'. Since then, war is the norm, with peace being nothing more then a short-lived truce. In the twenty-first century, if humanity wishes for lasting peace, it is necessary to look back in time to understand, how 'If you want peace, prepare for peace' could be enacted. Petra offers a unique opportunity to study the transition from mobile foraging to sedentary life styles, to understand how overpopulation and environmental degradation interacted with climatic and geopolitical changes.

• Kindly click on the pictures above to see them larger.
• See a short film by Evelin.
• See many pictures on Google maps or a short BBC film.

Wonderful Amina Mango on Linkedin

With wonderful Dorthy and Amina Mango on 3rd November 2022

Amina Mango presented her extraordinary art in the Dar Al-Anda Gallery on 5th November 2022

3rd and 5th November 2022
Please meet amazing Amina Mango, an extraordinary artist with a deep insight into the wisdom of plants and herbs. She also produces highest quality organic skin care products!
Amina is the daughter of beloved Dorthy and Dr. Ahmad Mango. Her father passed away much too early and we all are still in mourning. On 31st May 2020, 20th July 2020, and 2nd November 2020, he still was with us in GoTomeetings, invited by His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal.
• Kindly click on the pictures above to see them larger.

1st November 2022
His Excellency, the Ambassador of Brazil to Jordan, Ruy Amaral, opened an exhibition at the Jordanian National Gallery of Fine Arts that documented 'The trip of Emperor Pedro II of Brazil to the Holy Land in 1876: A Collection of Nineteenth Century Photos'.
See also:
When the last emperor of Brazil went to Egypt
Middle East Eye, Cairo, 10th December 2021
An exhibition held in Cairo last month marking the 150th anniversary of Dom Pedro II’s inaugural trip to Egypt showcased his diaries and photographic archive. Dom Pedro II (C), was not only the first Brazilian head of state to travel to the Ottoman Empire and the Middle East, he was also the first from the Americas to visit Egypt.
• Kindly click on the pictures above to see them larger.

24th October 2022
What a privilege to be invited to Irbid by the most respected Muslim leader in Norway, Basim Ghozlan and his wonderful family!
• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger.

22nd October 2022
What a joy to be with my dear friend Laila in Abdali!
For a critical appraisal, you may wish to see also:
William M. Cotter, 2020. The Most Prestigious Address in Amman, Jordan. Anthropology News website, 2nd July 2020.
Doi: 10.14506/AN.1454
(Cotter is a joint PhD candidate in anthropology and linguistics at the University of Arizona. His dissertation research focuses on language, political economy, and urban development in Amman, Jordan. This work was funded by the National Science Foundation and US Student Fulbright Program.)
• Kindly click on the pictures above to see them larger.

10th October 2022
The Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies invited to the art exhibition “Narratives of Displacement” and “Ships of the Desert” performance at the Al-Hussein Cultural Center, in Amman, Jordan
Millions of people feeling war and persecution from civil unrest and war in Iraq and Syria have found refuge in neighbouring countries in the Middle East and in Europe. This artwork exhibition presented art produced by Iraqi and Syrian refugees in Jordan, Germany, and the United Kingdom. The art was produced by the refugees themselves in collaboration with the renowned artist Rachel Gadsden. They used the body-mapping technique which is an artistic technique for creating life-sized images that trace the contours of one’s own body on canvas. Refugees have used body-mapping to share their experiences of escaping war and settling into new countries. They have also used the augmented-reality platform, Artivive, to allow viewers to gain deeper insights into lived experiences of refugees. The exhibition was part of the ongoing project Negotiating Relationships and Redefining Traditions led by Prof Yafa Shanneik and hosted at the University of Birmingham.

In the evening, Rachel Gadsden showed her live perframance produced by her and the composer Freddie Meyers. The perforamance was based on Gadsden’s artistic collaborations with refugees in Yafa’s project. It focuses on both historical and contemporary desert migration: The desert trade journeys of the past are juxtaposed with contemporary migrations, expressed through the voices of the refugee women, sounds, music and live dramatic expressionist art performance, to stimulate powerful evocative responses. The performance portrays both the beauty and the challenges of present-day diaspora, to consider how individuals throughout history have undertaken demanding desert journeys and how these journeys influence our understanding of the rich heritage of Jordan. The project was funded by the British Academy’s Sustainable Development Programme, supported under the UK Government’s Global Challenges Research Fund; British Academy Grant (Tackling the UK’s International Challenges 2017); Council for the British Research in the LEVANT (Amman, Jordan).
• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger.
Kindly see also the postings by Renée Hattar on Linkedin

2nd October 2022
What an honour to be invited by the wonderful physics teacher Imad Jaber to visit famous Jubilee Institute (the Jubilee School and Jubilee Center for Excellence in Education)!
What a great honour to be received by its general director Suha Jouaneh Shahin!
• Kindly click on the pictures above to see them larger.

27th September 2022
What an honour! To be invited by the wonderful family of my beloved brilliant dentist Lina!
How wonderful that Linda Hartling and Uli Spalthoff were able to join us on Zoom!
• Kindly click on the pictures above to see them larger.

The name of Evelin written in Aramaic

The name of Evelin written in Nabataean

The name of Evelin written in Greek

The name of Evelin written in Arabic

8th September 2022
Visiting the Jordan Museum, with one of the oldest human statues ever made by human civilization from 'Ain Ghazal on display at The Jordan Museum. Dating back to 7250 BC.[
• Kindly click on the pictures above to see them larger.

37th Annual Conference of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies, in Amman, Jordan
'From United Nations to United People: From the Brink of Disaster to a Future of Dignity'
organised by the Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies with the World Dignity University Initiative under the patronage of His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal
5th – 7th September 2022

Public Opening Event:
Inspirational Key Talk by His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan
5th September 2022
Venue: Landmark Amman Hotel & Conference Center, Al Hussein Bin Ali Street, Amman

The Jordan Times article (Pdf)

Kindly click on the pictures or here to see more pictures
Kindly see the postings by Renée Hattar on Linkedin here and here

Kindly click on the pictures above or here to see 9 photos kindly taken by Georg Geckler together with a small cell phone video

On the left is the HumanDHS group with Gary, Fatma, Mara, Evelin and Georg (Ella, Dorothee and Zsuzsa are missing on the photo)
On the right side is a screenshot of Zoom — it was a hybrid conference, with 125 participants registered from all around the world in addition to the local participants
Kindly click on the pictures above to see them larger.

Workshop Part with Dignilogues: Day One
5th September 2022
Venue: Landmark Amman Hotel & Conference Center, Al Hussein Bin Ali Street, Amman

Kindly click on the pictures above or here to see all 18 photos sent to us by Renée Hattar that she posted also on her Linkedin account

Kindly click on the pictures above or here to see all 149 photos kindly taken by Fatma Tufan

Afternoon of Day Two: Excursion to Al-Salt (Al-Salt was added to the UNESCO World Heritage list in 2021)

Kindly click on the pictures above or here to see all 160 photos kindly taken by Fatma Tufan

Kindly click on the pictures above or here to see all 11 photos kindly taken by Dorothee Densow

Kindly click on the picture on the left side above or here to see all 37 photos kindly taken by Georg Geckler, and see also one cell phone video from the street market and another video in the restaurant

Kindly click on the pictures above or here to see all 46 photos taken by Evelin

Workshop Part with Dignilogues: Day Two
6th September 2022
Venue: The Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies (RIIFS)

Kindly click on the pictures above or here to see all 22 photos sent to us by Renée Hattar that she posted also on her Linkedin account

Kindly click on the pictures above or here to see all 28 photos kindly taken by Fatma Tufan
Please note the Evelin's 'Circle of Love Gifts'. She explains: As many know, I live globally, and whenever I receive a gift in one part of the world, I take it to another part of the world and look for a worthy recipient for that gift. I call this the "circle of love gifts." When I have found a worthy recipient, I try to take a picture of him or her and send it to the giver of the gift. In that way, not only is my global life a bridge-building endeavour, also the gifts that I carry help build more bridges. It is also a "footprint" of my path through the world.

Kindly click on the pictures above or here to see all 6 photos kindly taken by Georg Geckler, portraying Gary Page Jones

Kindly click on the pictures above or here to see all 16 photos taken by Evelin, portraying Fatma Tufan and Iyad Abu Haltam

Kindly click on the pictures above or here to see all 15 screenshots of the Zoom platform taken by Evelin — it was a hybrid conference, with 125 participants registered from all around the world in addition to the local participants

Kindly click on the pictures above or here to see all 4 screenshots taken by Evelin of the Skype meeting with Ella Autti in Amman and Linda Hartling in Portland Oregon

Workshop Part with Dignilogues: Day Three
6th September 2022
Venue: The Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies (RIIFS)

Kindly click on the pictures above or here to see all 27 photos sent to us by Renée Hattar that she posted also on her Linkedin account

Kindly click on the pictures above or here to see all 35 screenshots of the Zoom platform taken by Evelin — it was a hybrid conference, with 125 participants registered from all around the world in addition to the local participants
Pamela Charbieh and May Nasr contributed online

Afternoon of Day Three: Excursion to o Mount Nebo and Madaba

Kindly click on the pictures above or here to see all 49 photos kindly taken by Georg Geckler, Dorothee Densow, Mara Alagic, and Evelin Lindner

1st September 2022,
What an honour and privilege to meet His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan for the first time in person, in his Majlis in Amman, accompanied by Laila Sawaf, after so many Zoom meetings since 2020!
• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger.

1st September 2022
Thank you so much, dearest Helen, for this lovely dress! And thank you, dearest wonderful new friends at the Royal Institute for Interfaith Studies (RIIFS) for your loving care!
• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger.

31st August 2022
Visiting the Gallery Guest House of Thair Khasawneh in Omar Al Khayyam street 28, Amman, Jordan, in preparation for our 37th Annual Conference of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies 'From United Nations to United People: From the Brink of Disaster to a Future of Dignity' in Amman and online 5th – 7th September 2022

• Kindly click on the pictures above or here to see more pictures

31st August 2022
My dear near friends, the brilliant interns at the Royal Institute for Interfaith Studies (RIIFS), Lydia and Lukas!
• Kindly click on the picture above to it larger.

30th August 2022
What a privilege for me to meet for the first time the team at the Royal Institute for Interfaith Studies (RIIFS)!
Sandy, Zain, Adnan, Majdi, and Motie!
• Kindly click on the picture above to it larger.

August - December 2022
I have the great honour of being invited by His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal to be a visiting scholar at The Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies (RIIFS) that he has founded (Imran bin Hattan Street, building #1, Near Al-Manhal Schools, Jubaiha, Amman, Jordan). See here the view out of one of the windows of the RIIFS offices.
The logo of RIIFS is taken from the Armenian Pottery at Marie Balian's Workshop, copy of the 'Tree of Life" mosaic from Hisham's Palace

In front of the RIIFS building, Queensland bottle trees are growing:

• Kindly click on the pictures above to see them larger.

7th July 2022
Linda Hartling and Evelin Lindner on Metta Spencer's Talk Show, Episode 473 (see also Evelin's YouTube)
Metta Spencer (born August 29, 1931) is a Canadian sociologist, writer, peace researcher, and activist. Professor Spencer is a semi-retired sociology professor and runs Peace Magazine and Project Save the World. Peace Magazine is a magazine (published quarterly) which focuses on global affairs and peace-related work. Project Save the World examines the interconnected nature of mass casualties, disasters, threats, etc.
• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger.

28th June 2022
Winning the Human Race Against Time: A Conversation with HRH Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan
Wilson Center, Tuesday, June 28, 2022, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM ET

West Asia-North Africa is in a race against time. Within the next thirty years, increasing air pollution and climate change-induced heatwaves and droughts will push the region closer to uninhabitability, triggering unprecedented levels of human insecurity and large-scale displacement. In the face of rapid environmental degradation and intractable conflicts, the pursuit of a dignity-based approach to security becomes vital. Wilson Center President & CEO Ambassador Mark Green spoke with HRH Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan about pressing climate change concerns in the region and need to implement a 'human dignity' approach to solutions.
• Kindly click on the picture above to it larger.

22nd June 2022, the Department of Psychology at the University of Oslo, Norway
Colloquium: From Humiliation to Dignity: Research Since 1997 at the Department of Psychology
Time and place: June 22, 2022 13:30–15:00, room S328 (south wing, third floor, room 28), Department of Psychology at the University of Oslo, Norway, Harald Schjelderups hus, Forskningsveien 3A, 0373 Oslo (UiO announcement | CC invitation | Zoom recording)
• Kindly click on the pictures above to them larger.

20th–22nd June 2022
NORA (Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research) Conference 2022
Centre for Gender Research and Department of Psychology, University of Oslo, Norway
'Nordic feminist and gender research has gone through significant developments in its relatively short life. From Nordic Summer Schools and interdisciplinary research and teaching networks in the 1970s and 1980s, across the institutionalisation of women and gender studies in the 1990s, to the expansion into a wide range of subfields in the 2000s. These subfields are committed to diverging epistemic-ontological orientations, themes and political projects/visions, and express increasing perceptions of gender studies as trans- or post disciplinary. Nordic feminist and gender research develop in and through dialogues between different subfields and orientations'... [read more]

Read also:
NORA Conference illustrates the breadth of Nordic gender research
The NORA Conference 2022 was held from the 20th to the 22nd of June in Oslo. With over 200 participants, the conference was an excellent chance to gain an overview of what is happening within Nordic feminist and gender research.

21st June 2002
17.00-20.00 Conference reception in the Town Hall of Oslo

I participated in:
A Gendered Nordic Model of Security Work? part II
Chair/organizer: Alma Persson and Sanna Strand
x Alma Persson: One of the boys? Gender relations and the spatial organizing of military work
x Brita Bjørkelo, Johanna Hjertquist, Tatanya Ducran Valland, Tanja Nordberg, Pål Winnæss & Marie-Louise Damen: The need to belong: at work
x Jennie Brandén: In the name of safety: unpacking the governmentalities of local safety practices in Sweden
• Kindly click on the pictures above to see them larger.

16th June 2022
Standing up to autocracy
An international seminar on Europe's alternative futures.
Time and place: June 16, 2022 10:00 AM–12:15 PM, Kjerka, 2nd floor of Domus Media, Karl Johans gate 47, Oslo, Norway
Convended by Nina Witoszek from the Arne Naess Programme on Global Justice and the Environment, SUM, UiO, with a keynote lecture by Roger Griffin, international expert of fascist and terrorist movements, Oxford Brookes University, titled 'The Fog of Peace: How Revisioning the Threats to European Democracy Can Lead to its Renewal'.
• Kindly click on the pictures above to see them larger.

9th June 2022
Konferanse om skeiv og rasistisk diskriminering av helsepersonell
Event by PUG - Psykologistudenter Uten Grenser - Oslo

Dear Leoul Mekonen, thank you so much for our wonderful meeting on 17th June in Nydalen, at RBUP - Regionsenter for barn og unges psykiske helse - øst og sør !
• Kindly click on the pictures above to see them larger.

2nd June 2022
Colloquium with Alan Page Fiske, psychological anthropologist from UCLA, presenting his work in progress on moral attributions for misfortune,
Department of Psychology, University of Oslo, Norway, 15-16:30, HSH, V317,
convened by Thomas Schubert, professor at the Department of Psychology, heading the project 'Being moved: A social-relational emotion'.
Thomas Schubert explains that Alan Page Fiske 'has developed Relational Models Theory and written numerous books and articles on social relations, violence, and recently kama muta'.
• Kindly click on the pictures above to see them larger.

2nd June 2022
Nora Sveaass
'Psychological Reactions to War and Trauma: A webinar for psychologists, psychology students and other helpers'
Psykologisk institutts samarbeidsprosjekt med et ukrainsk og polsk universitet skal gi hjelpearbeidere verktøy for hvordan å støtte en krigsrammet befolkning, forteller førsteamanuensis Sigrun Marie Moss ved PSI.

Se også:
Webinar om ukrainske krigstraumer utsatt for trolling:
– De ropte «Putin er nummer én»
Norske, ukrainske og polske psykologer samarbeider for å hjelpe dem som er utsatt for krigstraumer.
I slutten av mai ble webinaret deres sabotert av russisk-vennlige troll.
Mer om denne saken
Kilde: Uniforum
Intervjuet: Førsteamanuensis Sigrun Marie Moss
• Kindly click on the pictures above to see them larger.

29th May 2022
Unity in Humanity? Where Two Hands Meet
The Beshara 50th Anniversary Lecture of the Beshara Trust
Given by His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan
Introduced and chaired by Hugh Tollemache
Delivered online from London on 29th May 2022

'Love can only consist in failure on the fallacious assumption that it is a relationship. It is not. It is a realisation of truth'. (Alain Badiou)
Truth should be adhered to in presenting historical facts, while at the same time concentrating on the values of love, peace and respect, so that we can raise a generation that believes in coexistence with others and respect of their values. This is a project that requires our concerted efforts in order to contribute to the making of our history based on dialogue, cooperation and integration, rather than on conflict and clashes.
• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger.

16th May 2022
The Human Climate: Carol Smaldino with Guest Evelin Lindner and Linda Hartling
Premiere May 16, 2022 (recorded on October 26, 2021)
Watch Carol Smaldino’s The Human Climate on Youtube
Listen to Carol Smaldino's The Human Climate on Apple Podcasts
Listen to Carol Smaldino’s The Human Climate on Google Podcasts
Listen to Carol Smaldino’s The Human Climate on Spotify
Carol Smaldino's The Human Climate: "The human climate as I see it is the human atmosphere in which we live: the ways we solve or don’t solve, the host of problems in our midst. Emotions, I saw (as I wrote my own book The Human Climate: Facing the Divisions Inside Us and Between Us, 2018) were driving our actions and decisions. They were pushing us to extremes, and they were also often obliterating the capacity to think or care. Carl Jung’s theory of the shadow: Emotions we hide, out of our own dread and shame, become the stuff of projection onto others, either demonizing and degrading them or putting them on pedestals. Or instead those hidden feelings could push us to explode or implode, sinking us into psychological dirt. Yet still they could render us numb and detached. The situation might well stay wretched if we can’t get a handle on the deep feelings that might just keep us divided and paralyzed to the point that we remain unable to heal the divides, or to manage the resolution to fight for social and economic justice and against climate change."
• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger.

21th April 2022
15th Annual Psychology Day at the United Nations
Building Hope: Psychological Contributions to a Roadmap for Climate Action

Climate change is the biggest collective action challenge facing our generation. Its impacts are already being observed : temperatures are rising, drought and wildfires occur more frequently, rainfall patterns are shifting, glaciers and snow are melting, and the global mean sea level is rising [read more]
• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger.

12th April 2022
'How Female is Diplomacy?': 22nd Network Consolidation Programme on Female Diplomacy
Foreign Service Academy, Training for International Diplomats
Hybrid event at the Federal Foreign Office 11013
Berlin Germany
Commitment of the SPD, Greens and FDP in the German coalition agreement of 2021: “Together with our partners, we want to strengthen the rights, resources and representation of women and girls worldwide and promote social diversity in the spirit of a feminist foreign policy. We want to appoint more women to international leadership positions and ambitiously implement and further develop the National Action Plan of UN Resolution 1325”

Session 5, 12/04/2022 – Change on the Grassroot Level
• Sanam Naraghi Anderlini, MBE, Founder & CEO of International Civil Society Action Network (ICAN)
• Evelin Lindner, Founding President of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies and Co-founder of the World Dignity University initiative (WDU)
•  Juliana Hernández de la Torre, Feminista. Directora Ejecutiva de Artemisas, coordinadora de la campaña PARIDAD YA, de la Red Nacional de Incidencia Política Nosotras Ahora, y co-coordinadora de la Red de Innovación Política de América Latina

Questions formulated by Marleen Ziegs:
How do you view the representation of women in the field you are closest to you? If the representation is not satisfactory, what can be done to enhance it?
How can we promote and encourage women?
What has to be done on the grassroot level?
How can civil society actors contribute?
What are your visions for the advancement of women?
How are you contributing to advancing gender equality?
What were some of the stereotypes you faced as a woman in your career and how did you challenge them?
A Feminist Foreign Policy does not only mean a quantitative increase of women in (foreign) policy, but also has a qualitative dimension. Can you say something about that?
And why is it called a “feminist” foreign policy and not a “humanist” instead. What is your take on that?
How do you think patriarchal structures influence your work? What can be done to identify and dismantle them?
How does the implementation of a FFP in certain countries impact your work?
What normative and structural conditions need to be in place to accelerate the promotion of gender equality and women's empowerment worldwide?
What is your self-care routine?

Since 1992 the Federal Foreign Office has been offering young diplomats from all over the world the chance to improve their professional skills under the motto 'Diplomacy by Networking'. While initially providing support for the rebuilding of young democracies in Central and Eastern Europe, the international programmes of the Federal Foreign Office have since then continued to expand with growing success. By now, the Federal Foreign Office's Foreign Service Academy brings together young diplomats from around the world in Berlin. The aim of this training initiative is to perceive foreign policy as an opportunity for cooperation and as a basis upon which to build the foundation for a working partnership on global matters. This investment not only helps secure future dialogue, peace and human rights, but also lays the foundation for a worldwide network.

The War on Ukraine: Time for a Feminist Foreign Policy? by Eirliani ('Lin') Abdul Rahman, A Harvard Kennedy School Student Publication, 8th March 2022: ...suppose we could reimagine a world where we stop looking at security from a militarized lens. Instead, women, children and the most vulnerable in society are central to decision-making and their needs accounted for in every aspect of policy-making. This approach, called feminist foreign policy (FFP), may hold the key to getting to the roots of conflicts and challenging the current neoliberal underpinnings of international political discourse. The stark difference between realpolitik and the FFP as frameworks is that the latter brings the welfare of the vulnerable to the fore.
See also Feminist Foreign Policy, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung.
• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger.

4th April 2022
Zoom meeting in front of the work of Yoshida Kenji
Thank you so much, dear Uli Spalthoff, for making us aware of Kenji's art!
• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger.

28th March 2022
Syrian Refugee Women Navigating Work in Protracted Crisis
hosted by Columbia Global Centers Amman
For many Syrian refugee women and female heads of households, life is a daily struggle. They are impacted by unemployment and their participation in the labor market is low. For those who have managed to secure non-formal employment, many are struggling to maintain a source of income, particularly since the pandemic.
• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger.

7th March 2022
Hva nå, Ukraina? Psykologiske perspektiver på krigen og krisen i øst
Åpent seminar ved Psykologisk institutt
• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger.

26th February 2022
Human Dignity and Humiliation Dialogue: An Interdisciplinary Seminar
Evelin Lindner, PhDs, MD, and Linda Hartling, PhD, WISR Faculty
10 am to 12 pm Pacific Time
through the Western Institute for Social Research
in cooperation with the World Dignity University initiative

***Course Description***
We are in an era where more and more people live in “echo chambers,” in “bubbles,” and the “walls” of these bubbles get ever thicker, harder, and less permeable. As these walls harden, as the confrontation between “us” and “the” becomes less forgiving, cycles of tit-for-tat humiliation are set in motion that become ever more intense and dangerous. Moreover, “Hitlers” of this world grasp this situation as an opportunity to sow even more hatred and instigate even more conflict.
This seminar will examine the cycles of humiliation and systemic humiliation that have risen to new levels today. Clashes of civilisations are harmless compared with clashes of humiliation, because humiliation closes doors for cooperation that otherwise would stay open. In the absence of visionary leadership of the calibre of a Nelson Mandela, cycles of humiliation have the power to turn our relationships, our communities, and the global village into war zones.
Humanity faces enormous global threats — from the destruction of our ecospheres to the degradation of our sociospheres — and we must learn to cooperate locally and globally if we want to address these challenges. For meaningful cooperation to emerge and succeed, there is nothing more important than halting and preventing cycles of humiliation and systemic humiliation.
Join us in this seminar to deepen and broaden your understanding of one the greatest obstacles to cultivating mutually dignifying collaboration in the world today. Dr. Evelin Lindner will introduce her research on the roots of humiliation through a video presentation that will be followed by an opportunity to share experiences and engage in dialogue. We invite participants to join us in curiosity and reflective conversation to build ideas to strengthen constructive action in our work and in the world.
• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger.

22nd February 2022
A Year at the Helm of the United Nations in Mediation and Peacebuilding
Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser is a Qatari diplomat and the former permanent representative of Qatar
The Center for Conflict and Humanitarian Studies (Doha Institute, with director Sultan Barakat) in the main auditorium in the Cultural Foundation Building, Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, and online.
• Kindly click on the picture above to see the streaming

17th February 2022
Humiliation and Dignity, Focusing on Rwanda
Closed lecture and seminar at the University of Oslo, Department of Psychology, followed by students' presentation of group work on Rwanda and discussion. It is a privilege to be part of PSY4506 – Human Rights, Democracy and Reconstruction after Conflict: A community based approach, by Sigrun Moss, 17th February 2022, 10.15 – 14.00 (Pdf)

In June 2015, the 25th Annual Dignity Conference took place in Kigali, Rwanda.
It is a great privilege for me to be part of PSY4506 – Human Rights, Democracy and Reconstruction after Conflict; A community based approach, founded by Nora Sveaass and Inger Skjelsbæk, and now led by Sigrun Moss.
What an honour to meet wonderful students!
• Kindly click on the picture above to see it larger.

Celebrating Everyone's Contribution to Our December Workshop!
Post-workshop gratitude letter sent out on February 7, 2022
• Kindly click on the picture above to see the entire letter!

Evelin's pictures