Global Advisory Board
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 Global Advisory Board (A-F)



Berit Ås (born April 10, 1928) is a noted Norwegian politician, professor of social psychology, and feminist. Born in 1928 in Fredrikstad in Østfold, Ås's parents were teachers. Her mother and maternal grandmother were both politically active, and her father was an avid reader and inventor. She completed her university degree in 1953 and worked on issues related to smoking hazards, consumer protection, children's safety, and housing. She taught and conducted research on women's issues at the University of Oslo and was also a visiting professor at the University of Missouri.
In 2011, on the initiative of Berit Ås and others, the Nordic Women's University (NWU, Norwegian: Stiftelsen Kvinneuniversitetet i Norden) was established. It is a Nordic research organisation, hosted by Nesna University College and incorporated as a foundation in Norway, and involved in "research, teaching and information on and for women, grounded in feminist values and feminist pedagogics and with particular emphasis on Nordic and international perspectives."
Ås was long a member of the Norwegian Labour Party. Her first political office was the municipal council in Asker in 1967. Four years later, together with Karla Skaare, she led what was later known as the non-partisan "women's coup" in 1971, when women achieved majority representation in three of Norway's largest municipal assemblies. In Asker, this initiative was spearheaded by Berit Ås, Tove Billington Bye, Marie Borge Refsum and Kari Bjerke Andreassen.
She was effectively expelled from the Labour Party during the 1972 EU debate, after which she became the first leader of the Socialist Left Party. She served in the Norwegian parliament from 1973 to 1977, and led several political campaigns, including Women's International Strike for Peace in 1962, the women's movement against membership in the European Union, and others. She was among the first to call for a formal risk assessment of offshore drilling operations in the North Sea. She also made important contributions to the feminist cause in Norway. She led efforts to establish the Women's University Foundation in Norway, and formulated five Master suppression techniques she claims are used against women in particular, though these may be used against other disadvantaged groups as well.
On 27th April 2013, Berit wrote a short summary of her life for this Global Advisory Board site:
"I was born in Fredrikstad, Norway in 1928 on the 10th of April. I moved to Oslo in the middle of my gymnasium period to a special school, where the president had as his motto: Freedom under responsibility. My choice to study psychology came because it was a brand-new curriculum, I would otherwise have studied either literature or physics. (Since I was brought up with a father who was an inventor, this activity gave me a life-long interest in new technological invention.)
My post-grade education took place in Ann Arbor, Michigan, where I also took "advanced statistics", "consumer economy," and "political science" as it was approached by Professor Dan Katz, a social psychologist.
In conclusion: As I developed my cross-disciplinary interest, I became strongly influenced both by anthropological research (Margaret Mead and Ruth Benedict) and decided that I would stay in the field of action research, and in studies of sex-roles and the power of discrimination.
This orientation brought me into both "accident research" (including interest for behaviour of people under catastrophes) and further into peace research and participating in peace organisation. I organized the Norwegian branch of the American Women's Strike for Peace, WISP, in 1961, when I was already a member of Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, WILPF.
In 1966, I was asked to launch research on consumers, which became a book titled: The Weak Consumer: A review on psychological and sociological consumer research. From that time, I became especially interested in the problem of the suppression of women and I worked for about 20 years observing (especially behaviour language) and I theorized about the Master Suppression Techniques, a theory which has been translated (either in toto or as a pamphlet ) into about 25 languages.
In the middle of the 60ies, I started to work on the theory of the existence of a (suppressed) female culture, a theory which has been written up in many languages.
I entered local politics in my community as a member of the Labour Party, but was suspended after I had led a big group of women to voting against the EU-membership in 1972.
The Steel Union asked me to lead a new Labour Party (Democratic Socialists, a election-alliance) from 1973 to 1975, and the alliance entered the Norwegian Parliament with 16 elected persons. In 1975, I became the first leader of The Socialist Left Party in Norway and entered the parliament as a member of the Committee of Foreign Affairs. I was the excused from my job as the vice major in my community Asker.
During my period as a teacher (as assistant professor and professor), I was evaluated to have written advanced research reports in three areas: Accident Research, Consumer Research, and Women´s Studies. I had during my period as teacher in social psychology and methodology at the Institute for psychology at Oslo University also worked as a visiting professor at the University of Uppsala, Sweden, the University of Missouri, Columbia, USA, at the University of Saint Mount Vincent in Halifax, Canada, and at the St. Scholastica College in Manila, The Philippines.
I have honorary doctorates from Uppsala, Sweden, Mont St. Vincent, Canada, Copenhagen, Denmark, and received the Royal Medal (St. Olav's medal 1. class) for my work on preventive health and women's studies in Norway.
I have organized the first Women's University in Norway 1983, and later a Women's University in the North (serving 12 Nordic regions) in 2011. At present, I am a retired actionist."
Evelin Lindner would like to express her profound gratitude to her doctoral advisers Lee D. Ross (Stanford University), Reidar Ommundsen, and Jan Smedslund, as well as to Hilde Nafstad, Berit Ås, Karsten Hundeide, and Stephen on Tetzchner as members of the defense committee for May 25, 2001, and Astri Heen Wold for opening the initial door in 1996 as head of the Department of Psychology of the University of Oslo, Norway. Evelin also sends her deep-felt thanks to the esteemed advisers you see the Acknowledgments.

See some of Berit Ås's publications:
- Berit Ås (1974). On female culture: An attempt to formulate a theory of women's solidarity and action. Oslo, Norway: Department of Psychology, University of Oslo. This article follows the main lines of a lecture given at the Katholieke Universiteit, Nijmegen in May 1974. A summary is available in Feministische Cultuur - Een Wetenschapskritiek (No. 51).
- Berit Ås (1979). De 5 herskerteknikker. København, Denmark: Juristforbundets Forlag. See the English translation: Master Suppression Techniques.
- Berit Ås (1979). 'Den manliga teknologin', Maria Bergom-Larsson (red.), Rusta for fred, rädda livet: Kvinnor och fredskamp, Stockholm: Gidlunds, sider 41-65.
- Berit Ås (1981). 'A five-dimensional model for change: Contradictions and feminist consciousness', Women's Studies International Quarterly 4 (1), sider 101-14.
- Berit Ås (1981). Kvinner i alle land ...: Håndbok i frigjøring. Oslo: Aschehoug.
- Berit Ås (1982). 'A materialistic view of men's and women's attitudes towards war'. Women's Studies International Forum 5 (3-4, Special Issue Women and Men's Wars), sider 355-64.
- Berit Ås (1985). 'The feminist university'. Women's Studies International Forum 8 (4), pages 391-94, summary of a paper presented at a Canadian Conference: The Need for an International Feminist University, June 1984, at Mount Saint Vincent University (Halifax, Canada), a women's university going co-educational, later 'regiven' in Groningen, by 'popular request'.

See videos created in May/June 2014 with Evelin Lindner:
• 01 Tidsånd - Zeitgeist: Personlighetens politiske konstruksjon i 'kohorter' (Norsk/Norwegian)
I denne presentasjonen tar hun opp spørsmålet om den skiftende tidsånd (Zeitgeist) og hvordan de ulike tidsperioder former vår politiske bevissthet. Hun illustrerer hvordan individets politiske bevissthet endrer seg i overenstemmelse med politiske kjennetegn i den tidsperioden da individet er mest påvirkelig, stortsett i tiden mellom 16 og 24 år. Hun mener at den som ikke kjenner sin sosiale gruppes historie, står hjelpeløs overfor trussler mot sin identitet i fremtiden. Hvis en ikke forstår hvordan en som medlem i en sosial gruppe blir påvirket av den større politiske situasjon, er det små muligheter for at en kan endre sine politiske grunnholdninger.
Denne videoen ble tatt opp den 27. mai 2014 i Berits hjem i Asker i Norge. Opptaket ble gjort av Evelin Lindner. Vær oppmerksom på at denne videoen er uredigert. Dette er den norske versjonen, den engelske versjonen finner du her: del 1 og del 2.
- Trygve Lie og Dag Hammarskjöld var generalsekretærer i FN.
- Sovjetunion mistet anslagsvis 20 millioner borgere under annen verdenskrig og dermed fryktet fascisme.
- 116 definisjoner av kultur.
• 02 Zeitgeist: Political Personality Construction in 'Cohorts' (English version Part 1 and Part 2)
In this presentation, she takes up the issue of the changing spirit of a time period (Zeitgeist), and how the various periods shape our political consciousness. She illustrates how individual political consciousness is changing in accordance with the political characteristics of the time period in which the individual is most susceptible, mostly in the period between 16 and 24 years. She believes that those who do not know their social group's history, stand helpless in the face of threats to their identity in the future. If one does not understand how a member of a social group is affected by the larger political situation, there is little prospect of being able to change their basic political attitudes.
The video was recorded on 28th May 2014 at Berit Ås's home in Asker, Norway. The recording was made ​​by Evelin Lindner. Please note that this presentation is unedited. This is the English version, the Norwegian version can be found here.
• 03 Humor som en kraft for endring
I denne presentasjonen snakker hun om humor og dens endringskraft. Hun forteller flere morsomme historier, blant annet historien om 'gullgutten', om hvordan hun dro til New York med en cello i bagasjen, hvordan hun ble forvekslet med Oslos ordfører i Mexico City i 1974, hvordan hun fikk 17 millioner lyttere i New York, og, ikke minst, sangen hun skrev og fremførte ved valgkampen i Asker i 1971 "Sov dukke Lise'. Se også hennes 'Six Lectures' med til dels morsomme titler.
Sov Dukke Lise, sov og bli stor,
og mens du sover, styrer din bror,
planlegger veier, bygger bedrift.
Sov Dukke Lise, sov og bli gift.
Sov Dukke Lise, sov og bli stor,
før du vet av det, er du blitt mor.
Kanskje du fikk ditt barn på klinikk.
Vær da takknemlig for alt du fikk.
Sov Dukke Lise, der står et tre,
som du i blant kan glede deg ved.
De andre gikk dukken i kullos og bly.
Sov Dukke Lise, slumre på ny.
Sov Dukke Lise, sov og bli stor,
og mens du sover, ødes din jord.
Fisken i havet, fuglen på gren,
sakte forgiftes en etter en.
Derfor min Lise må du stå opp,
rope et varsko, kreve en stopp,
ruste deg til i handling og ord
både for din og alle barns jord.
Denne videoen ble tatt opp den 29. mai 2014 i Berits hjem i Asker i Norge. Opptaket ble gjort av Evelin Lindner. Vær oppmerksom på at denne videoen er uredigert.
• 04 Patriarkatets maktmidler i politikken
I denne presentasjonen tar Berit Ås eksempler fra ulike nivåer i det politiske system hvor det alle steder synes å være legitimt å overse, glemme og nedvurdere krav om kvinners rettferdige behandling. Eksemplene er to fra et formannskapsmøte i en kommune og to fra det norske Storting fra 1977 og 1980. Eksemplene strekker seg fra streik, til barnehageutbygging, til kvinners kjennskap til statistikk, det vil si kvinners intellektuell troverdighet, og på slutten til grunnlovsforslag fra kvinner.
Denne videoen ble tatt opp den 29. mai 2014 i Berits hjem i Asker i Norge. Opptaket ble gjort av Evelin Lindner. Vær oppmerksom på at denne videoen er uredigert.
• 05 Technology and Rationality in the Male World
In this presentation, she takes up the issue of rationality and technology. She refers to a chapter she contributed to a book in 1979: 'Den manliga teknologin', in Maria Bergom-Larsson (red.), Rusta for fred, rädda livet: Kvinnor och fredskamp, Stockholm: Gidlunds (sider 41-65). Technology is embedded in a more linear way of thinking, a mindset that emerges from contexts in which men often find themselves. A more complex kind of thinking, in contrast, emerges from experiences many women share in their daily lives. Berit refers to Ruth Benedict's work (see Ruth Benedict, 1946, Patterns of culture: An analysis of our social structure as related to primitive civilizations, New York: Penguin Books) and offers examples from her own experience, for instance, the difference between indigenous Sami culture in the north of Scandinavia and the culture in Kerala in the south-west of India, and how those differences made the members of these cultures understand the world differently. Her concluding point is that one cannot speed up the process of growth of, for example, a baby in the womb of a mother, the same way one can speed up the production of artifacts on an assembly line.
The video was recorded on 31st May 2014 at Berit Ås's home in Asker, Norway. The recording was made ​​by Evelin Lindner. Please note that this presentation is unedited.
• 06 Searching for the Female Culture: A Five-Dimensional Model
This presentation follows a text Berit Ås wrote in 1974: On female culture: An attempt to formulate a theory of women's solidarity and action. Oslo, Norway: Department of Psychology, University of Oslo.
The video was recorded on 31st May 2014 at Berit Ås's home in Asker, Norway. The recording was made ​​by Evelin Lindner. Please note that this presentation is unedited.
• 07 Male Master Suppression Techniques
Berit Ås is best known for her theory of five male master suppression techniques. Of these, she has lectured in more than forty countries on four continents. Among others, she refers to Robert Merton (damned if you do and damned if you don't), Ingjald Nissen, and her mentor Harriet Holter.
The video was recorded on 31st May 2014 at Berit Ås's home in Asker, Norway. The recording was made ​​by Evelin Lindner. Please note that this presentation is unedited.
• 08 Hensiktens sakte vridning ('The Covert Shift of Good Intention into its Opposite' på engelsk)
I denne presentasjonen baserer Berit Ås seg på hennes bok fra 1981, Kvinner i alle land ...: Håndbok i frigjøring (Oslo: Aschehoug), og henviser blant annet til doktoravhandlingen til Anu Pylkkänen i 2009, Trapped in Equality: Women as Legal Persons in the Modernisation of Finnish Law (Helsinki, Finland: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura / Finnish Literature Society). Berit refererer også til Evelin Lindners tanker om rollen av vantro, skepsis eller incredulity. I den uken hvor Evelin bodde hos Berit, husket Eveln det Marshall McLuhan skal ha sagt: 'Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big ones are kept secret by public incredulity'. Her har du funnet den 8. hersketeknikken, sier Berit til Evelin.
Denne videoen ble tatt opp den 1. juni 2014 i Berits hjem i Asker i Norge. Opptaket ble gjort av Evelin Lindner. Vær oppmerksom på at denne videoen er uredigert.


Mohammed Abu-Nimer, of the International Peace and Conflict Resolution program of the American University, Washington, DC, serves as Director of the Peacebuilding and Development Institute. He has conducted interreligious conflict resolution training and interfaith dialogue workshops in conflict areas around the world, including Palestine, Israel, Egypt, Northern Ireland, the Philippines (Mindanao), and Sri Lanka. In addition to his articles and publications, Dr. Abu-Nimer is the co-founder and co-editor of the Journal of Peacebuilding and Development. Degrees: PhD, Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University; MA, Hebrew University in Jerusalem; BA, Hebrew University in Jerusalem.


Edna Adan Ismail is the former Foreign Minister of the (unrecognized) Republic of Somaliland (North-Western Somalia) in the Horn of Africa. She held this office from 2003 until 2006. She had previously served as Somaliland's Minister of Family Welfare and Social Development.
She is the director and founder of the Edna Adan Maternity Hospital in Hargeisa, Somaliland. She is an activist and pioneer in the struggle for the abolition of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and is President of the Organization for Victims of Torture, Somaliland.
Edna started building a hospital in Mogadishu in the mid 1980s, however, before it was completed, the Somali Civil War began, and she was forced to leave the country. She was World Health Organization Regional Nursing Adviser during 1986. From 1987 to 1991, she was Regional Technical Officer for Mother and Child Health, with responsibility for issues relating to Harmful Traditional Practices which affect the health of women and children (FGM), and for training of Midwives and Traditional Birth Attendants in the 22 countries of the Eastern Mediterranean Region of W.H.O. She was the Representative of W.H.O. in Djibouti between 1991 and 1997.
Prior to serving in the Somaliland government she built from scratch a maternity hospital, which she continues to run. The Edna Adan Maternity Hospital opened on March 9, 2002 on land donated to her by the Somaliland government - at a site formerly used as a garbage dump and then as a killing field during the civil war. The region lacked trained nurses to staff the hospital - as most had either fled the country or been killed during the civil war - and so Edna recruited more than 30 candidates and began training them in 2000 while the hospital was still under construction. The hospital now has two operating theatres, laboratory, library, computer centre and a complete wing dedicated to training nurses and midwives. The mission of the Edna Adan Hospital is to help to improve the health of Somalilanders which is among the worst in Africa, with a very high rate of maternal and infant mortality. The facility is a non-profit making charity and a midwifery teaching hospital that is also undertaking the training of student nurses and Assistant Laboratory Technicians.
Edna Adan Ismail was the only woman minister in the Somaliland government until July 2006 when she was replaced as Foreign Minister by former Minister of Information and National Guidance Abdillahi Mohamed Dualeh.
In recognition of her lifelong contribution to Humanitarian work, the name of Edna Adan Ismail was added to the Medical Mission Hall of Fame, University of Toledo, Ohio, in March 2007, making her the first African whose name is added to this prestigious list. She has an Honorary Doctoral Degree from Clark University in Massachusetts and was made Honorary Fellow of Cardiff University School of Nursing in Wales on July 8, 2008.
Please see:
•  Somaliland: Edna Adan Ismail in Hargeisa on 3rd December 1998. This video was created in Hargeisa, Somaliland. Evelin Lindner did the filming. As part of her doctoral field work, Evelin Lindner conducted two interviews with Edna Adan, on 2nd and 3rd December 1998. Please see her doctoral dissertation online on Evelin's publications page. The title is The Psychology of Humiliation: Somalia, Rwanda / Burundi, and Hitler's Germany (Oslo: University of Oslo, Department of Psychology, submitted on 31st October 2000). During the interviews, we sat under a tree on a plot of land that had been used for executions during the genocidal onslaught on the Isaaq clan between 1987 and 1989. It was on this land that Edna Adan built a hospital, which was under construction when we spoke.
Edna Adan, the former first lady of Somalia defines humiliation as follows in this video: "I think humiliation is a very difficult thing to describe. But I think humiliation is when someone tries to bring someone down to their level. They think that you are above them and they want to hurt you, humiliate you, bring you down to their level, so that you have no more self-respect, so that you lose the respect you have for yourself and others lose the respect they have for you."
She recounts: "Once they said I was planning to escape from the country, and I spent six days in jail for that. For the first, why didn't they wait until I tried to escape, why arrest me from my house! They put me in a cell of my own, but I didn't have a toilet. And right in front of the place where they put me, there was a toilet, and it had no doors. And there was the cell next to me, it was full of men, of criminals, of thieves, I don't know, just men, men all behind the bars. And, so I called out, and I said, - you know, - 'I, - I, - I need to go and use the bathroom!' And that is after I had been the first lady of the country! And they said: 'Well, you want to use the bathroom? There is the bathroom! You use everybody's bathroom! There! You are not better than the others! There is the bathroom they use!' And I thought - how can I use the bathroom with no doors facing a cell full of men! Full of criminals and people who, - you know, - and I just came out of my cell and I just looked at those men, and I said: 'Listen. I am going to use this bathroom. And, would you be watching your mother or your sister if she was using a toilet and she had no door, - is this the kind of men you are that you would watch a woman using a bathroom?' And they said, 'No.' And the first one said 'turn around,' and they made everyone turn the other way, until I finished using the bathroom. And that was one of the most emotional moments of my time. And the police was so shocked, because they couldn't get their objective, they couldn't get me to be humiliated and using a bathroom with all these men watching and shouting at me. So, this is another form of resistance, and resisting humiliation! Does humiliation lead to war? I would answer that question by saying, 'Yes, it does!' You can push human beings too far, just far enough until they turn back and say 'Hei, wait a minute, enough is enough.' And then they begin to resist with violence, with strength, with force, with whatever way they know. And, I think a good example of resisting humiliation through war is what has happened to our country, the people of Somaliland."
The former first lady of Somalia, Edna Adan, also says: "I hope you have strong cupboards to put your conscience into! Where are all the weapons produced which kill innocent people?"
•  Dignity Through Courage, presentation at the Public Event of the 13th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, at Columbia University, Teachers College, New York City, on December 8, 2016 (Video | Powerpoint).


Howard Adelman was a Professor of Philosophy at York University in Toronto from 1966 to 2003, where he was the founding Director of the Centre for Refugee Studies and Editor of Refuge until the end of 1993. Currently (2003-2004) he is a Visiting Fellow at the Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies.
Among his 21 authored or co-edited books, and well over 100 chapters in books and articles in refereed journals are a number on or related to genocide, with a special focus on Rwanda, theories of explanation and the role of bystanders regarding prevention and intervention. He has furthermore written extensively on the Middle East, humanitarian intervention, membership rights, ethics, refugee policy and refugee resettlement.
Major publications include: The Path of a Genocide: The Rwanda Crisis from Uganda to Zaire and Early Warning, and Conflict Management: The Genocide in Rwanda (with Astri Suhrke, Transaction Books, 1999). Professor Adelman’s most recent co-edited books are: Immigration and Refugee Policy: Australia and Canada Compared (University of Melbourne Press and University of Toronto Press, 1994) and African Refugees (Westview Press, 1994).
Please find here Rule-Based Reconciliation by Howard Adelman (Chapter 14 in Elin Skaar, Siri Gloppen and Astri Suhrke (Eds.), Roads to Reconciliation. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group - Lexington Books, pp. 287-307, 2005).
Furthermore, see here Theories of Genocide: The Case of Rwanda by Howard Adelman (forthcoming in a proposed volume for the McGill-Queen's University Press series, Studies in Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict, 2005).


Prof. Dr. Frank Adloff is a prominent German sociologist serving as Professor of Sociology at the University of Hamburg, with a focus on the dynamics and regulation of economy and society. Adloff's academic background includes studies in Sociology, Philosophy, and Economics at the Free University. His research interests are diverse, covering areas such as sustainability, ecological crisis, and social cooperation.
At the University of Hamburg, Prof. Adloff leads and serves as the deputy spokesperson for the DFG Research Group ‘Futures of Sustainability’. This position highlights his expertise and involvement in sustainability-related research.
Prof. Adloff has made significant contributions to sociological literature. His publications cover a wide range of topics, including:
- The sociology of sustainability and ecological crisis
- Experimental conviviality
- Tacit knowledge and embodiment
- Philanthropy and foundations in Germany and the United States
- Social cooperation and pragmatism
- Sociological explanations and methodologies
Prof. Adloff's work has been published in various academic journals, such as Voluntas, Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, and the Austrian Journal of Sociology. His research often takes an interdisciplinary approach, combining insights from sociology, philosophy, and economics to address contemporary social issues.
He has authored and edited several books, including The Convivial Manifesto: For a New Art of Living Together and Revealing Tacit Knowledge: Embodiment and Explication.
The Convivialist Manifesto presents a vision for a new way of living together that emphasizes cooperation, mutual respect, and harmony with nature. This philosophy, known as convivialism, seeks to address current global challenges and create a more sustainable and equitable society. Key aspects of the Convivialist Manifesto include:
1. Interdependence: The manifesto recognises the interconnectedness of humanity and nature, calling for a declaration of interdependence.
2. Creativity and opportunity: Rather than viewing societal changes as burdens, convivialism encourages seeing them as opportunities to discover new sources of creativity and invent novel ways of living.
3. Conflict resolution: The philosophy acknowledges that conflict is a natural part of human interaction but emphasizes resolving disputes without resorting to violence.
4. Ecological consciousness: Convivialism promotes consideration for nature and the environment, aligning with movements that affirm the rights of nature.
5. Democratic values: The manifesto supports radical democracy and challenges corruption and unrestraint in pursuit of truly democratic societies.
6. Diverse initiatives: Convivialism seeks to unite various social movements, including those focused on human rights, social and solidarity economy, de-growth, and alternative indicators of wealth.
7. Improving living conditions: The philosophy emphasizes the need to enhance the quality of life for the most disadvantaged members of society.
The Convivialist Manifesto aims to provide a common framework for these diverse initiatives, highlighting their shared goals and values. By doing so, it hopes to create a more powerful collective movement capable of addressing global challenges and fostering a new art of living together. Ultimately, convivialism envisions a world where people can cooperate and challenge one another constructively while maintaining respect for both humanity and nature. This philosophy represents an attempt to redefine social relationships and create a more harmonious and sustainable global society.



Heidi Aeschlimann is a federally recognised psychotherapist in Switzerland and an emergency psychologist, active in psychotherapy from 1985–2016. She served as President of the Swiss Association of Applied Psychology (SBAP) from 2000–2014. See, among others, the PSY & PSY-Kongress 2013 "Übergänge – eine Herausforderung / Les défits de la transition in 2013. Evelin Lindner received the 2006 Swiss Association of Applied Psychology (SBAP) Award for Applied Psychology.


Dr. Ada Aharoni, writer, poet, playwright and lecturer, was born in Cairo, Egypt, and now lives in Haifa, Israel. She has published 25 books to date, that have won her international acclaim. She writes in English and Hebrew, and her works have been translated into several languages. Believing in the power of the word, she is confident that literature and culture can help to heal the urgent ailments of Israel and our global village, such as war, terror and conflict. The themes of love, reconciliation, coexistence and peace, as well as equality of women, are major ones throughout her various works. She has also extensively researched and written books on the Jews of Egypt in the 20th Century, and their forced exile from Egypt (1948-1967).
Ada Aharoni received her Bachelor Degree (B.A) in Literature and Sociology, at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem (1965), her Master of Philosophy Degree (M.Phil.), at London University (1967), on the "Father of the Novel" Henry Fielding, and she was awarded her Doctorate Degree in Literature (Ph.D), on the Nobel Prize Laureate in Literature - Saul Bellow, at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem (1975). She lectured in the Department of English Literature at Haifa University, and taught Sociology (Conflict Resolution), in the department of Humanities, at the Technion (Israel Institute of Technology), in Haifa.
She has been widely invited as Keynote Presenter and Visiting Professor at many universities and other forums around the world, where she lectures on her research and on her various books, and about the possibilities of "Conflict Resolution Through Literature and Culture." Her latest presentation on this subject was at the 36 th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology (July 7-11, 2004, Beijing, China). She has widely researched this subject, and has been interviewed on it as well as on her books, in the media and on major Television and Radio Programs, in several countries, including: Israel, America, England, France, Australia, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, China, Finland, Japan, Korea, India, Mexico and South Africa.
Among her major works are: the historical novel, The Second Exodus (1983), that describes in literary form the forced exile of the Jews from Egypt in the twentieth century, which she and her family were part of. Her second book: Memoirs from Alexandria, (1985), relates the story of the Jewish Hospital in Alexandria, and the heroic deeds of its Head Nurse, Thea Wolf, who saved hundreds of Jews from the Nazi Holocaust, through the Hospital, together with the help of Egyptian officials. Aharoni's acclaimed historical novel From the Nile to the Jordan, was first published in 1994; it was translated into several languages, and was awarded the " Haifa and Bremen Award" and the "Merit Prize" in New York. In 1996 she published The Peace Flower, a moving quest for hope and world peace, for young and old. Her latest books: Not In Vain: An Extraordinary Life (Ladybug Press, CA.. 1999), a larger edition of Memoirs from Alexandria, and her important and timely Women Creating A World Beyond War and Violence (2002), contain both prose and poetry. Four of her books have been recently published as E-Books as well as CD's (Rowe Publishing, England). Her poetry collection: "A Green Week" has been put to music, and is sung by major Israeli and American singers, it has been released as a CD, which together with Aharoni's books, can be ordered through the following website: in conjunction with
Her latest project is the founding and organizing of the FIRST WORLD CONGRESS OF JEWS FROM EGYPT, together with a group of researchers and writers on the Jews from Egypt in the twentieth century. The Congress will take place in Haifa, from May 9 to 12, 2006.
Aharoni has been awarded several international prizes and awards, among them are: The British Council Award, the Keren Amos President Award, the Haifa and Bremen Prize, The World Academy of Arts and Culture Award, the Korean Gold Crown of World Poets Award, the Rachel Prize, and the Merit Award of the HSJE : The Historical Society of the Jews from Egypt, for her "devoted and unmatched efforts in researching the history and culture of the Jews from Egypt, and to promote visionary literature and poetry proclaiming peace in the world." In 1998, she was elected one of the hundred "World Heroines," in Rochester, New York, for her "outstanding literary works for the promotion of women and peace."
Ada Aharoni lives on beautiful Mount Carmel in Haifa, where she has dedicated her life to the creation of a peaceful Israel and Middle East and a better world beyond war, through her writings and her wide activities, and the promotion of bridges of multi-culture, peace and understanding.
Please see links to Ada's work, and some of her touching poems, on World Literature for Equal Dignity. Her poems are also posted here.
Ada has published Rare Flower – Life, Love and Peace Poems in Dignity Press in 2012.
Please see:
• "Message to the World" (Video recorded on October 5, 2021), contribution to the 2021 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Virtual at Columbia University, New York City, December 9 – 10, 2021.


Ali Jimale Ahmed is Associate Professor of Comparative Literature at Queens College and the CUNY Graduate Center in New York. His poetry and short stories have been translated into several languages, including Japanese and the languages spoken in the former Yugoslavia. A former chair of Comparative Literature at Queens College, Professor Ahmed is a widely published poet and literary critic who is recognized worldwide for his contributions to Somali literature. His publications include Daybreak Is Near: Literature, Clans, and the Nation-State in Somalia (1996) and Fear Is a Cow (2002). In his edited book The Invention of Somalia, he has tried to bring to the open the constant humiliation certain groups - the Jareer Bantu, for example - in Somalia faced and still face.
Creative teaching is, for Professor Ahmed, one of the corner stones of academic learning. It incorporates Socratic methods of questioning, while at the same time emphasizing the importance of education as a two-way traffic. Through college education, students endeavor to form their own "internally persuasive discourse" (Bakhtin). In relation to this, Professor Ahmed is a firm believer in the de-compartamentalization of disciplines, for no discipline is by itself capable of capturing the inner pulse of a nation. The suggestion implied here is best described by the African parable of the elephant and the three blind men. Neither the tusk, nor the rough skin, nor the soft ears of an elephant would individually give a holistic picture of what an elephant really is.



Dean Ajdukovic is a Professor of Psychology and Director of the Postgraduate Psychology Program at the University of Zagreb in Croatia. He is also President of the Society for Psychological Assistance (SPA), a regional mental health non-governmental organization based in Zagreb, Croatia. He has extensive experience in working with refugees and victims of organized violence, as well as social reconstruction and mental health interventions in communities affected by violence and social transition. His books and papers were published in Croatian, English, Macedonian, Russian and Albanian and he has lectured in a number of Centers of Excellence in the US and Europe. He serves as consultant and trainer in a number of countries on psychosocial program development and evaluation, refugee issues, children and youth violence, NGO strengthening, and crisis interventions in the region of former Yugoslavia.
He has often been invited to work in countries affected by upheaval, such as Albania, Russia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, or Ingushetia. He is a member of the Council of the International Society for Health and Human Rights (ISHHR) and President of the European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ESTSS, 2003-2005).


Dr. Mara Alagic Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of Belgrade, is a Professor in the School of Education and serves as the Graduate Coordinator for the Master of Education in Learning and Instructional Design (LID) program at Wichita State University, USA, where she is also involved in the transdisciplinary Disaster Resilience Analytics Center. She is Editor in Chief of the Journal of Mathematics and the Arts, Taylor & Francis, UK. Her interest in developing intercultural communication and global learning competence has arisen from having taught internationally and in culturally diverse environments which led to co-authoring the book Third Place Learning: Reflective Inquiry Into Intercultural & Global Cage Painting. Dr. Alagic’s most recent work is focused on Adaptive Scaffolding toward Transdisciplinary Collaboration, presented at the Learning Ideas conference, NYC, USA.
As co-leader of an early global learning project on mathematics and science education, Mara was a recipient of the Global Learning Course Redevelopment Team Excellence Award in 2002. In addition to integrating global learning into her own classes, she mentors other faculty and K-12 teachers to infuse Cage Painting and global learning into the curriculum. Dr. Alagic has led efforts to incorporate cage painting simulations and scenario authoring into graduate classes at Wichita State University. She has given invited and keynote presentations on these topics at international conferences. Dr. Alagic has published extensively in this area as well as in mathematics and mathematics education. Her research activities have attracted numerous external grants.
Dr. Alagic studied and/or thought in the Mathematics Departments at the University of Belgrade, the University of Sarajevo, University of Massachusetts in Amherst and Wichita State University. She received the College of Education Research Award in 2004-2005.
The book Third Place Learning: Reflective Inquiry Into Intercultural & Global Cage Painting was co-authored with Dr. Glyn Rimington andpublished in the book series Teaching <~> Learning Indigenous, Intercultural Worldviews International Perspectives on Social Justice and Human Rights (Editor: Tonya Huber-Warring) by Information Age Publishing Inc.
Mara continues to facilitate collaborative development of the Third Place Learning phenomenon and related development of knowledge bases at the professional network. Please browse, join if interested, and/or email to mara.alagic[@]”
Please see here some of Mara Alagic's publications:
Improving Intercultural Communication Competence: Fostering Bodymindful Cage Painting, co-authored by Mara Alagic, Adair Linn Nagata, and Glyn M. Rimmington, in Journal of Intercultural Communication, SIETAR Japan, 12, pp. 39-55, 2009.
Locating Intercultures. Educating for Global Collaboration, co-edited by Mara Alagic, Glyn M. Rimmington, Funchang C. Liu, and Kai L. Gibson, Learn International Series, New Delhi: MacMillan Publishers Ltd. 292 pp, 2010.
Science and Art of ThirdPlaceLearning, contribution shared at the 2011 Workshop on Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 8-9, 2011.
• Mara Alagic and Glyn Rimmington, Bridging Urban Divides and Breaking the Cycle of Humiliation: Adaptive Leadership Approach, abstract prepared as a proposal for a dignilogue/discussion and a presentation at the 27th Annual Conference of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies 'Cities at Risk - From Humiliation to Dignity', in Dubrovnik, Croatia, 19th - 23rd September 2016.
• Mara Alagic and Glyn Rimmington, Bridging Urban Divides and Breaking the Cycle of Humiliation: Adaptive Leadership Approach (Pdf of Abstract | Video | Powerpoint), presentation shared on 23rd September 2016 at the 27th Annual Conference of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies 'Cities at Risk - From Humiliation to Dignity', in Dubrovnik, Croatia, 19th - 23rd September 2016.
• Contribution to Dignilogue 1: Dignity Studies: Reimagining Learning in of World of Crises (Video) on Day One of the 2020 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Virtual at Columbia University, New York City, December 10 – 12, 2020.
A Pivotal Moment for the Future of World Dignity University (Video | Text), contribution to Dignilogue 4 of the 2021 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Virtual at Columbia University, New York City, December 9 – 11, 2021.


Rosita Albert is an Associate Professor in the pioneering program in Intercultural Communication at the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Minnesota, and has recently been a Visiting Scholar in the Social Psychology area of the Psychology Department at Harvard. Her research focuses on Intercultural Relations and Intercultural Conflicts. She is a Founding Fellow and a member of the Governing Board of the International Academy for Intercultural Research. She is originally from Brazil, and her mother and grandparents left Germany to escape from Hitler. It is because of this background that she works to create respectful relations among groups from different backgrounds.
As to her educational background and her positions, Rosita Albert earned her Ph.D. in Social Psychology from the University of Michigan. She has taught in Psychology, Education and Communication at a number of Universities.
Rosita Albert has conducted research in a variety of topics, including research on a) the development and evaluation of the Intercultural Sensitizer, an instrument designed to foster intercultural sensitization; b) interactions between Latin Americans/Latinos and North or Anglo-Americans; c) the experiences and difficulties of Asian employees in American companies; d) conflicts and mutual misperceptions between African-Americans and Koreans in the U.S.; e) cultural differences in perceptions of negotiation; f) the effect of intercultural courses on intercultural development; and f) the effect of online interactions on perceptions of the other.
With respect to teaching, training and consulting, Rosita Albert has taught courses in social psychology, intercultural communication, negotiation, and diversity. These courses have included students from many fields, countries all over the world, and a very wide range of cultures. She has conducted intercultural and diversity training, given presentations, and consulted for a number of organizations, including the World Bank, the 3-M company, Booz Allen Hamilton, the National Association of Transplant Coordinators, the University of São Paulo, the University of Minnesota and a number of other institutions.
As to languages and international/intercultural experience, Rosita Albert speaks Portuguese, French, Spanish and English, and has had extensive experience with cultures from many parts of the world.
Please see Violent Interethnic Conflict and Human Dignity: Major Issues in Intercultural Research and Knowledge Utilization, the abstract she presented at the 2006 Workshop on Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 14-15, 2006. .


Greg Anderson teaches at Ohio State University, U.S.A., where he specializes in the histories of non-modern peoples and contemporary critical thought. In talks and writings, like The Realness of Things Past (Oxford University Press, 2018), he questions the way we think about the nature of reality itself, showing how humans have always lived in a “pluriverse” of many different worlds, not in a universe of just one. This alternative perspective fundamentally changes the way we think about human and non-human life on our planet across time and space. In particular, it helps us to see how conventional modern western ways of knowing and being consistently suppress and erase the lived realities, and hence the dignities, of all non-modern peoples, past and present.
Please see:
• "Message to the World: Dignity Must Be Plural" (Video recorded on December 1, 2021) and paper Humans Have Always Lived in a World of Many Worlds, November 15, 2020, contribution to the 2021 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Virtual at Columbia University, New York City, December 9 – 11, 2021.


Hizkias Assefa is an active international peacebuilding practitioner involved in mediation and facilitation of reconciliation processes in a number of countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. He is Professor of Conflict Studies at the Conflict Transformation Graduate Program at Eastern Mennonite University in Harrisonburg, Virginia, and was formerly Distinguished Fellow at the Institute of Conflict Analysis and Resolution at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. He is the founder and co-ordinator of the Africa Peacebuilding and Reconciliation Resources in Nairobi, Kenya, which is the base for his peacebuilding practice. He is also currently a Senior Special Fellow at the United Nations Institute of Training and Research.
Dr. Assefa has been involved in second-track diplomacy work in Sudan, Rwanda, Burundi, Ethiopia, Uganda and Mozambique. He has also been involved as facilitator in grass-roots peacebuilding and reconciliation initiatives in the above countries as well as in Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Kenya, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Colombia and Guatemala. He has served as consultant to the United Nations, European Union, and many international and national NGOs and conducted conflict resolution and peacebuilding training seminars and workshops in many parts of the world.
He has written numerous journal articles as well as books including Mediation of Civil Wars, Approaches and Strategies: The Sudan Conflict (Boulder, Colorado: Westview, 1987), Extremist Groups and Conflict Resolution (New York: Praeger, 1990), Peace and Reconciliation as a Paradigm: A Philosophy of Peace and Its Implications on Conflict, Governance and Economic Growth in Africa (Nairobi: Majestic Press, 1993); Peacemaking and Democratization in Africa: Church Initiatives and Experiences, editor (Nairobi: East Africa Publishers, 1996); and Process of Expanding and Deepening Engagement: Methodology for Reconciliation Work in Large Scale Social Conflicts (forthcoming).
Prior to his career as a mediator, Professor Assefa worked as an attorney in government and private practice both in Ethiopia and the United States, and has taught in a number of universities in Africa, Europe, North America, and Latin America..



John Scales Avery (born in 1933 in Lebanon to American parents) is a theoretical chemist noted for his research publications in quantum chemistry, thermodynamics, evolution, and history of science. Since the early 1990s, Avery has been an active world peace activist. During these years, he was part of a group associated with the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs. In 1995, this group received the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts. Presently, he is an Associate Professor in quantum chemistry at the University of Copenhagen. Read more about John Scales Avery's life path, and see also or
See many freely downloadable books on and
Avery, John Scales (1995). The Danish Peace Academy. Copenhagen: Det Danske Fredsakademi / The Danish Peace Academy / Die Dänische Friedensakademie.
__ (2007). Energy, resources, and the long-term future. Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific.
__ (2008a). Crisis 21: Civilization’s_crisis in the 21st century. Learning Development Institute.
__ (2008b). Videnskab og samfund. Copenhagen: H.C. Ørsted Institute, University of Copenhagen / Københavns Universitet.
__ (2010). Memories of Beirut and Teheran. Copenhagen: Det Danske Fredsakademi / The Danish Peace Academy / Die Dänische Friedensakademie.
__ (2012). Information theory and evolution. Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific.
__ (2013). Collected essays: Part one. Copenhagen: H.C. Ørsted Institute, University of Copenhagen.
__ (2014a). 60 years in the peace movement. Copenhagen: Det Danske Fredsakademi / The Danish Peace Academy / Die Dänische Friedensakademie.
__ (2014b). Civilization’s crisis in the 21st century. Copenhagen: H.C. Ørsted Institute, University of Copenhagen.
__ (2015a). Collected essays: Part two. Copenhagen: H.C. Ørsted Institute, University of Copenhagen.
__ (2015b). The need for a new economic system Copenhagen: H.C. Ørsted Institute, University of Copenhagen.
__ (2016). Collected essays: Part three. Copenhagen: H.C. Ørsted Institute, University of Copenhagen.
__ (2017a). Climate change, population growth, and famine. Copenhagen: Det Danske Fredsakademi / The Danish Peace Academy / Die Dänische Friedensakademie.
__ (2017b). The climate emergency: Two time scales. Copenhagen: Det Danske Fredsakademi / The Danish Peace Academy / Die Dänische Friedensakademie.
__ (2017c). Collected essays: Part four. Copenhagen: H.C. Ørsted Institute, University of Copenhagen.
__ (2017d). Crisis 21: Civilization’s crisis in the 21st century. Copenhagen: H.C. Ørsted Institute, University of Copenhagen.
__ (2017e). Ethics and evolution. Copenhagen: Det Danske Fredsakademi / The Danish Peace Academy / Die Dänische Friedensakademie.
__ (2017f). Languages and classification. Copenhagen: Det Danske Fredsakademi / The Danish Peace Academy / Die Dänische Friedensakademie.
__ (2017g). Nuclear weapons: An absolute evil. Copenhagen: Det Danske Fredsakademi / The Danish Peace Academy / Die Dänische Friedensakademie. and
__ (2017h). Space age science and stone-age politics. Copenhagen: H.C. Ørsted Institute, University of Copenhagen.
__ (2017i). We need their voices today. Copenhagen: Det Danske Fredsakademi / The Danish Peace Academy / Die Dänische Friedensakademie.
__ (2018a). The devil's dynamo. Copenhagen: Det Danske Fredsakademi / The Danish Peace Academy / Die Dänische Friedensakademie.
__ (2018b). The information explosion. Copenhagen: Det Danske Fredsakademi / The Danish Peace Academy / Die Dänische Friedensakademie.
__ (2018c). Population and the environment. Copenhagen: Det Danske Fredsakademi / The Danish Peace Academy / Die Dänische Friedensakademie.
__ (2018d). Searching for truth. Copenhagen: Det Danske Fredsakademi / The Danish Peace Academy / Die Dänische Friedensakademie. and
__ (2018e). Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going? Copenhagen: Det Danske Fredsakademi / The Danish Peace Academy / Die Dänische Friedensakademie.
__ (2018f). A world federation. Copenhagen: Det Danske Fredsakademi / The Danish Peace Academy / Die Dänische Friedensakademie. and
__ (2019a). Saving the future. Copenhagen: Det Danske Fredsakademi / The Danish Peace Academy / Die Dänische Friedensakademie. and
__ (2019b). We need an ecological revolution. Copenhagen: Det Danske Fredsakademi / The Danish Peace Academy / Die Dänische Friedensakademie. and
__ (2019c). Money, media and the climate crisis. Copenhagen: Det Danske Fredsakademi / The Danish Peace Academy / Die Dänische Friedensakademie.
__ (2020). Lives in engineering. Copenhagen: Det Danske Fredsakademi / The Danish Peace Academy / Die Dänische Friedensakademie.
__ (2020). Malthus revisited. Copenhagen: Det Danske Fredsakademi / The Danish Peace Academy / Die Dänische Friedensakademie.
__ (2020). Ye are many, they are few! Copenhagen: Det Danske Fredsakademi / The Danish Peace Academy / Die Dänische Friedensakademie.
__ (2020). The road not taken. Copenhagen: Det Danske Fredsakademi / The Danish Peace Academy / Die Dänische Friedensakademie.
__ (2020). A history of the Earth. Copenhagen: Det Danske Fredsakademi / The Danish Peace Academy / Die Dänische Friedensakademie.
__ (2020). Human Society and the Biosphere. Copenhagen: Det Danske Fredsakademi / The Danish Peace Academy / Die Dänische Friedensakademie.
__ (2020). Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand Is at Our Throats. Copenhagen: Det Danske Fredsakademi / The Danish Peace Academy / Die Dänische Friedensakademie.
__ (2021). The World as It Is — And the World as It Could Be. Copenhagen: Det Danske Fredsakademi / The Danish Peace Academy / Die Dänische Friedensakademie.
__ (2021). 67 Years in the Peace Movement. Copenhagen: Det Danske Fredsakademi / The Danish Peace Academy / Die Dänische Friedensakademie. and
See also:
'67 Years in the Peace Movement', by John Scales Avery, Human Wrongs Watch, 6th May 2021.

__ (2021). Why War? Copenhagen: Det Danske Fredsakademi / The Danish Peace Academy / Die Dänische Friedensakademie.
__ (2021). Civilization’s Crisis in the 21st Century. Copenhagen: H.C. Ørsted Institute, University of Copenhagen.
__ (2021). Humanity’s Massive Footprint on the Face of Nature. Copenhagen: Det Danske Fredsakademi / The Danish Peace Academy / Die Dänische Friedensakademie.


Kevin Avruch is presently Professor of Conflict Resolution and Anthropology in the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution (ICAR), and Faculty and Senior Fellow in the Peace Operations Policy Program (School of Public Policy), at George Mason University. He received his A.B. from the University of Chicago and M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of California at San Diego. He has taught at UCSD, the University of Illinois at Chicago and, since 1980, at GMU, where he served as Coordinator of the Anthropology Program in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology from 1990-1996.
Professor Avruch is author or editor of five books, most recently Critical Essays on Israeli Society, Religion, and Government (1997), Culture and Conflict Resolution (1998) and Information Campaigns for Peace Operations (2000). His other writings include numerous articles and essays on culture theory and conflict analysis and resolution, nationalist and ethnoreligious social movements, human rights, politics and society in contemporary Israel, and international migration. Professor Avruch has been book review editor of the journal Anthropological Quarterly, and serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Political and Military Sociology, Social Justice, and the University of Pennsylvania Press monograph series The Ethnography of Political Violence. Professor Avruch has lectured widely in the United States and abroad, and his work has been recognized by the International Association of Conflict Management and the United States Institute of Peace, where he spent the 1996-1997 academic year as senior fellow in the Jennings Randolph Program for International Peace.
Professor Avruch is currently working on projects investigating sources of political violence in protracted conflicts, the role of human rights and truth and reconciliation commissions in postconflict peacebuilding, and cultural aspects of complex humanitarian and peacekeeping operations.
Please find here Kevin Avruch and Beatriz Vejarano, Truth and Reconciliation Commissions: A Review Essay and Annotated Bibliography. This article originally appeared in Social Justice: Anthropology, Peace, and Human Rights, 2 (1-2): 47-108, 2001. See also OJPCR: The Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution, 4.2: 37-76, 2002, Please see also Toward an Expanded “Canon” of Negotiation Theory: Identity, Ideological, and Values-based Conflict and the Need for a New Heuristic; a version of this essay was presented at the annual meeting of the International Association for Conflict Management, June 6–9, 2004, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.


Adenrele Awotona is the Founder and Director of the Center for Rebuilding Sustainable Communities after Disasters at the University of Massachusetts Boston. He is a former Dean of the College of Public and Community Service at the University of Massachusetts, Boston. Before then, he was at Southern University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where he served as the Dean of the School of Architecture and at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne in the United Kingdom where he was director of graduate studies in architecture and urban design as well as director of the Center for Architectural Research and Development Overseas.
He earned his Doctorate degree from the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. He also earned a certificate from Harvard University's Institute of Management and Leadership in Education; two certificates from Cornell University, one in Managing performance in higher education and another from the Administrative Management Institute; as well as two certificates from the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO), one in Financial Planning in an Institutional Setting and another from the Executive Leadership Institute. Furthermore, he is a graduate of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities' Millennium Leadership Initiative Institute.
Professor Adenrele Awotona is a Certified Federal Grants Administrator. He was a peer reviewer for the Office of University Partnerships in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development as well as a member of the National Council of University Research Administrators.
He has been a principal investigator (or co-PI/researcher) on major projects funded by various agencies. These include the Boston Foundation, the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the U.S. Department of Education, the British Government Department for International Development, the United Nations Center for Human Settlements, the United Nations Development Program, and, the European Union. A stream of publications has, therefore, emanated from his work. Similarly, through research, consultancy and teaching, he has professional experience in many countries of Europe, Africa, Asia, the Middle East, South America, and the Caribbean. Furthermore, Adenrele Awotona has been an external reviewer/examiner of over 200 master's theses and doctoral dissertations internationally.
In public and community service, Professor Awotona was a former member of the Design and Planning Selection Board of the City-Parish of East Baton Rouge. He was also an Educator/Coordinator of Seminars (on community development, etc.) at the annual American Institute of Architects National Conventions for several years. Similarly, he has been a member of the U.S. National Architectural Accrediting Board's program review team internationally. He is currently a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Academic Leader, the national newsletter for academic deans. At the global level, he is a member of the Global Advisory Board of the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies. He was a Director of Studies for British Council International Seminars (Reconstruction after disasters) in the United Kingdom, a technical consultant to the British Council Committee for International Cooperation in Higher Education, and, an Associate Adviser to the British Council on various aspects of the built environment.
Please note the course "Human Dignity, Human Rights, and Sustainable Post-Disaster Reconstruction," a course for Professor Adenrele Awotona's Center for Rebuilding Sustainable Communities after Disasters at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, as well as for the World Dignity University (WDU) initiative. An introduction to the course is given by Linda Hartling and Evelin Lindner in a video clip that was recorded on October 30, 2011, in Portland, Oregon, USA. Course Description: "Understanding the intersecting dynamics of human dignity, humiliation, and human rights in today's world is crucial for those working in post-disaster reconstruction. Greater awareness of human rights ideals brings to the forefront the risk that post-disaster strategies and responses, once accepted and considered helpful, are perceived as deeply humiliating. This course will explore how globalization dramatically alters how we engage in helping relationships at all levels. It proposes that post-disaster reconstruction can be an opportunity to implement innovative and sustainable solutions that support the healing, health, and dignity of all involved in post-disaster recovery."
Please see furthermore:
•  The Role of Dignity and Humiliation for Rebuilding Sustainable Communities after Disasters, presentation held at the 2007 Workshop on Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 13-14, 2007.
•  The Role of Dignity and Humiliation for Rebuilding Sustainable Communities after Disasters, presentation held at the 2008 Workshop on Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 11-12, 2008.
•  Rebuilding Sustainable Communities for Children and their Families after Disasters: A Global Survey, edited by Adenrele Awotona, proceedings of the International Conference on Rebuilding Sustainable Communities for Children and Their Families after Disasters, convened by Adenrele Awotona at the College of Public and Community Service University of Massachusetts at Boston, USA, November 16-19, 2008, published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing (Newcastle), and as e-book by MyILibrary (LaVergne, TN), 2010.
•  Climate change, Destructive conflicts and Humiliation: Matters Arising, presentation held at the 2009 Workshop on Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 10-11, 2009.
•  Children and Young People in Haiti’s Post-Earthquake Reconstruction Plan, contribution shared at the 2010 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 9-10, 2010.

CRSCAD’s Map of Global Engagement: 2008-2016, created by Linda Hartling in 2016


Maurice Aymard is a Historian. As Secretary-General of the International Council of Philosophy and Human Sciences (ICPHS) and Head of the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme in Paris (until recently), he is actively involved in the development of international cooperation in the social and human sciences. He is a graduate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure and has written many books on the economic history of the world in the modern era, some of which in collaboration with historian Fernand Braudel.
Among Maurice Aymard's publications are Dutch Capitalism and world capitalism [Capitalisme hollandais et capitalisme mondial] (editor, Cambridge/Paris, 1979); The capitalist world-economy: Essays (Immanuel Wallerstein.1979, Maurice Aymard and Jacques Revel, Cambridge University Press, 1979); French Studies in History, Volume.1: The Inheritance and Volume 2: New departures (edited together with Harbans Mukhia, New-Delhi, Orient Longman, 1988/89).


Reimon Bachika is a Professor of Sociology at the Department of Sociology, at Bukkyo University in Kyoto, Japan, since thirty years. His areas of interest are Symbolism and Values, and Japanese culture.
Please see:
•  Human Dignity as a Universal Value: The Future of Multicultural Discourse, contribution shared at the Second International Conference on Multicultural Discourses, 13-15th April 2007, Institute of Discourse and Cultural Studies, & Department of Applied Psychology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, as part of the 9th Annual Meeting of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies.
• Individual and Collective Misfortune: Possibilities of Transcendence, Human Dignity and Humiliation Stuides, 2016.



Bertrand Badie holds graduate degrees from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (IEP, political science), the Institut des Langues Orientales and the University of Paris I (history of the 20th century). Ph.D. in political science from the IEP (1975); Full Professor (Professeur agrégé) of political science since 1982. Director of the Presses de Sciences Po from 1994 to 2003; director of the Rotary Center for International Studies in Peace and Conflict Resolution at Sciences Po between 2001 and 2005. Currently, Bertrand is the head of the Research Master’s in International Relations and of the Doctoral Program in Political Science of International Relations at Sciences Po in Paris. See his book Le Temps des Humiliés, Paris: Odile Jacob, 2014, translated by Jeff Lewis in 2017, Humiliation in International Relations: A Pathology of Contemporary International Systems, Oxford and Portland, Oregon: Hart.



Hinnerk Bruhns, born in 1943, is director of research emeritus at CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique). He received his PhD in history from the University of Cologne in 1973. He joined the CNRS in 1985 and the EHESS (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales) in Paris in 1982. Previously he was attached to the Universities of Aix-en-Provence (1971-1975, teaching contemporaneous German history) and Bochum (1976-1979, teaching ancient history).
His main research interests during the last twenty years concerned German historiography (19th and 20th century) and history of social sciences before and after World War I. A great part of his recent publications are devoted to Max Weber and his contemporaries.
Since 1979, he has been active, furthermore, as administrator of international research cooperation programs in German and French public research organizations : DAAD, CNRS, FMSH. From 1997 to 2008 he was deputy director of the Foundation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme.
Member of the Editorial Board of the following journals:
Les Annales de la Recherche Urbaine (till 2009)
Droit et Société (till 2008)
Anabases. Traditions et Réception de l’Antiquité
Max Weber Studies
Founder and director of :
Trivium. Revue franco-allemande de sciences humaines et sociales
Member of Academic Boards:
• New Europe College, Bucharest (till 2012)
• Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZIF), University of Bielefeld (till 2014; from 2009 to 2012 chairman of the Academic Board)
Guest professor at:
• Institut Universitaire Européen (Fiesole, Italy) (1991/92)
• Istituto di Studi Umanistici (Florence, Italy) (2005)
Universidade Federal de São Carlos (Brazil) (2009)
• Budapest (ELTE) (2011)
Recent guest lectures at the Universities of:
Toulouse-le-Mirail, Berlin (Freie Universität and Humboldt-Universität), Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Universitatea din Bucuresti, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Rio de Janeiro (Universidade Federal and Fundação Getulio Vargas, Universities of Shanghai (ECNU and Fudan), Nankin, Jinan, Hangzhou, Universidade de Lisboa.
For a selection of recent publications: see

September 29, 1927 - July 29, 2006, but always with us in our hearts!
Posthumous recipient of the 2011 HumanDHS Lifetime Commitment Award

Jean Baker Miller, M.D., was a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Boston University School of Medicine and the Director of the Jean Baker Miller Training Institute at the Stone Center. She served as the Stone Center's first Director from 1998 to 1984.
A practicing Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst for over 40 years, she is the author of Toward a New Psychology of Women (Boston, Beacon Press, 1976), a book which has become a classic in its field and about which a Boston Globe review said: "This small book may do more to suggest the range and scope of female possibilities than anything since Women's Suffrage." The book has been translated into twenty languages and was reissued in a second edition in 1987. A new book, The Healing Connection (Boston, Beacon Press, 1997) co-authored with Irene Stiver, Ph.D., continues and expands this work. Jean Baker Miller also co-author of Women's Growth in Connection (Guildford Press, 1991) and editor of Psychoanalysis and Women (New York, Brunner-Mazel and Penguin Books, 1973) and of numerous papers in professional journals on the psychology of women, depression and studies of dreams. Jean Baker Miller has also been a consultant, leader, and member of several women's groups.
Jean Baker Miller received her B.A. from Sarah Lawrence College in 1948, her M.D. from Columbia University in 1952 and her certification in Psychoanalysis from New York Medical College in 1959. She also holds honorary degrees of Doctor of Human Letters from Brandeis University (1987) and Doctor Honoris Causa from Regis College (1995). She received her psychiatry training at Bellevue Hospital and Albert Einstein College of Medicine, both in New York City and at the Upstate Medical Center in Syracuse.
Jean Baker Miller is a member of numerous professional societies, including the American College Psychiatrists, the American Psychiatric Association, the American Orthopsychiatric Association and the American Academy of Psychoanalysis.
Since 1981, she has been Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the Boston University School of Medicine. She is also on the faculty at Harvard Medical School and Associate Psychiatrist at Beth Israel Hospital. Prior to these positions, she was a Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Boston University and a Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City and at the Upstate Medical Center in Syracuse. In 1972-73, she was a visiting lecturer at the London School of Economics, and at the Tavistock Institute and Clinic in London.
Please see here a summary of Jean's life and work.
Please see here a list of her publications:
• Miller, J. B. (2006). Forced choices, false choices. Research & Action Report: Wellesley Centers for Women 27(2), 16-17.
• Hartling, L. M., & Miller, J. B. (2005, June). Moving beyond humiliation: A relational reconceptualization of human rights. Paper presented at the Summer Advanced Training Institute: Encouraging an Era of Connection, Wellesley, MA.
• Eldridge, N. S., Surrey, J. L., Rosen, W., & Miller, J. B. (2003). What changes in therapy? Who changes? Work in Progress, No. 99. Wellesley, MA: Stone Center Working Paper Series.
• Miller, J. B. (2003). Growth through relationships. In R. Ortiz & I. Rodriguez (Eds.), Perspectives in social psychology, (pp. 221-231). Boston: Pearson Custom Publishing.
• Miller, J. B. (2003). Telling the truth about power. Work in Progress, No. 100. Wellesley, MA: Stone Center Working Paper Series.
• Miller, J. B. (2002). How change happens: Controlling images, mutuality and power, Work in Progress, No. 96. Wellesley, MA: Stone Center Working Paper Series.
• Fletcher, J. K., Jordan, J. V., & Miller, J. B. (2000). Women and the workplace. The American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 60(3), 243-261.
• Miller, J. B., Jordan, J. V., Stiver, I. P., Walker, M., Surrey, J. L., & Eldridge, N. S. (1999). Therapists' authenticity. Work in Progress, No. 82. Wellesley, MA: Stone Center Working Paper Series.
• Miller, J. B., & Stiver, I. P. (1997). The healing connection: How women form relationships in therapy and in life. Boston: Beacon Press.
• Miller, J. B., & Stiver, I. (1995). Relational images and their meanings in psychotherapy. Work in Progress, No. 74. Wellesley, MA: Stone Center Working Paper Series.
• Miller, J. B. (1994). Movement in therapy: Honoring the "strategies of disconnection." Work in Progress, No. 65. Wellesley, MA: Stone Center Working Paper Series.
• Jordan, J. V., Kaplan, A. G., Miller, J. B., Stiver, I. P., & Surrey, J. L. (1991). Women's growth in connection: Writings from the Stone Center. New York: Guilford Press.
• Miller, J. B., & Surrey, J. (1990). Revisioning women's anger: The personal and the global. Work in Progress, No. 43. Wellesley, MA: Stone Center Working Paper Series.
• Miller, J. B. (1988). Connections, disconnections and violations.Work in Progress, No. 33. Wellesley, MA: Stone Center Working Paper Series.
• Miller, J. B. (1986). What do we mean by relationships? Work in Progress, No. 22. Wellesley, MA: Stone Center Working Paper Series.
• Miller, J. B. (1985). The construction of anger in women and men. Work in Progress, No. 4. Wellesley, MA: Stone Center Working Paper Series.
• Miller, J. B. (1984). The development of women's sense of self. Work in Progress, No. 12. Wellesley, MA: Stone Center Working Paper Series.
• Miller, J. B. (1983). The necessity of conflict. Women & Therapy, 2, 2, 3-9.
• Miller, J. B. (1982). Women and power. Work in Progress, No. 1. Wellesley, MA: Stone Center Working Paper Series.
• Miller, J. B. (1976/1986). Toward a new psychology of women. Boston: Beacon Press.

Please see here the Press Release of August 3, 2006, for Jean Baker Miller, noted feminist, psychoanalyst, social activist; 1927-2006
Jean Baker Miller, noted feminist, psychoanalyst, social activist; 1927-2006
BROOKLINE, MA - Jean Baker Miller, MD, noted feminist, psychoanalyst, and social activist died at her Brookline, Massachusetts home July 29, 2006 after a 13-year struggle with emphysema and post-polio effects. Her 1976 groundbreaking book, Toward a New Psychology of Women, traced the connection between women's mental health and sociopolitical forces. Dr. Miller maintained that women's desire to connect with others and their emotional accessibility were essential strengths, not weaknesses as they were traditionally regarded.
She was born September 29, 1927 in The Bronx, New York to Irene and Henry Baker. She contracted polio at l0 months of age and until the age of 10 underwent several operations that left her with an atrophied leg and limp. Her family was of very modest means and she attended New York City schools. She won a scholarship to Sarah Lawrence College where near graduation she switched from a history to a pre-med major. She then had a scholarship at the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Columbia University, one of ten women in a class of l00, graduating in 1952. She was an intern and a first-year resident in internal medicine at Montefiore Hospital in the Bronx.  Switching to psychiatry, she was a resident at Bellevue Hospital, Jacobi Hospital, and the Upstate Medical Center in Syracuse. She held faculty positions at Boston University School of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, and Albert Einstein College of Medicine. She was a fellow of the American Psychiatric Association; the American College of Psychiatrists; the American Orthopsychiatric Association; and the American Academy of Psychoanalysis.
Toward a New Psychology of Women, a bestseller and classic in the fields of psychology and women's studies, was translated in over 20 languages and distributed around the world. Dr. Miller also co-authored The Healing Connection: How Women Form Relationships in Therapy and in Life and Women's Growth in Connection; she edited Psychoanalysis and Women, and authored and contributed to numerous articles on depression, dreams, and the psychology of women.
"Toward a New Psychology of Women maps the interplay between empathy and politics masterfully and for the first time," says Christina Robb, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of the new book, This Changes Everything: The Relational Revolution in Psychology. "In it, Dr. Miller created the first democratic psychology - that is, the first psychology of people who at last can realistically hope and learn to work with and love their political equals all their lives."
Dr. Miller's writings and work led to her appointment as the first director of the Stone Center for Developmental Studies at Wellesley College in 1981 where she spearheaded collaborative work among scholars, researchers, and clinicians on the treatment and prevention of mental health problems in women.
Work at the Stone Center led to the subsequent establishment of the Jean Baker Miller Training Institute at the Wellesley Centers for Women at Wellesley College in 1995. Dr. Miller served as director of the Institute until late 2005, where Relational-Cultural Theory - a new model of psychological development - was further elaborated and taught to practitioners, lay persons, and most recently, business professionals.
While most of the Institute's seminars have been geared to training mental health professionals, the underlying message of Dr. Miller's work calls for a basic shift in the way human relationships are organized. From emphasizing separateness, accruing power over others, and social stratification, nations and individuals need to emphasize mutual respect and the building of community. Her greatest hope was to effect change that would bring about real social justice.
Judith Jordan, director of the Jean Baker Miller Training Institute, reflects, "Alongside Jean, we worked to educate people that human development is about movement toward increasing mutuality and better connection, rather than growth toward separateness and independence. Her vision has altered our core understanding of both men and women; we all need connection. Building growth-fostering relationships leads not only to personal wellbeing but to social justice."
Dr. Miller traveled the world educating people about this new paradigm. "Everywhere we went," Dr. Jordan notes, "women would come to Jean after her conference and say these identical words, 'Your book changed my life! Thank you!' Jean, with characteristic humility, was always surprised."
In addition to conducting seminars and workshops, the scholars at the Institute have continued to expand applications of Dr. Miller's work and Relational-Cultural Theory to address a broad-range of psychological, social, and organizational issues through working papers. Recent publications co-authored by Dr. Miller include: Telling the Truth about Power (2003); How Change Happens: Controlling Images, Mutuality and Power (2002); and Racial Images and Relational Possibilities (2001).
"Jean Baker Miller was a cherished friend and colleague whose brilliance, gentle determination, and wide influence brought great honor to Wellesley College," says Diana Chapman Walsh, president of Wellesley College. "It was fitting that the Jean Baker Miller Training Institute took root on the campus of a college dedicated to educating women to make a difference in the world. Jean's groundbreaking work has made an enduring difference to generations of women and men, enabling us to understand power in connection with compassion and love."
Susan McGee Bailey, executive director of the Wellesley Centers for Women, notes, "Jean's feminism was strong, compassionate, and unwavering, never militant but radical in its implications. Her work and her theory are not just for psychologists nor just for women, but for all people everywhere. The strength and clarity of her vision will continue to inspire our work here at the Centers as well as that of so many around the world who were touched by her life, her perspectives, and her practice."
In her last public presentation at the Institute in a 2004 program called "Encouraging an Era of Connection," Dr. Miller's work focused on creating communities of courage and hope. "I think that the source of hope lies in believing that one has or can move toward a sense of connection," she shared.
Throughout her life, Dr. Miller was known for her humility. Resisting the notion of individual recognition, she recognized that her work grew in collaboration with others. Dr. Miller was the reluctant recipient of numerous awards and honors including, Woman of the Year in Health and Medicine from the National Organization of Women Massachusetts Chapter, 1982, and Massachusetts Psychological Association Allied Professional Award for Outstanding Contributions of the Advances of Psychology, 1982. She received honorary degrees from Brandeis University and Regis College. She was featured in Changing the Face of Medicine: Celebrating American's Women Physicians, a traveling exhibit organized by the National Library of Medicine at the National Institutes of Health, 2003-2007.
Dr. Miller is survived by her husband of more than 50 years, S.M. (Mike) Miller of Brookline, two sons, Jonathan F. Miller of Sleepy Hollow, New York and Edward D. Miller of New York City and a grandson, Jacob (Jake) Miller.
A memorial service will be held in the fall at Wellesley College. In lieu of flowers, the family has requested that contributions be made to the Jean Baker Miller Training Institute in Dr. Miller's memory, and sent to: Jean Baker Miller Training Institute, Wellesley Centers for Women, Wellesley College, 106 Central Street, Wellesley, MA 02481. Gifts may also be made online.
Judith Jordan was interviewed about the life and work of Jean Baker Miller on August 7, 2006, which was broadcast on NPR's radio program, "Here & Now."
Please see here the invitation to the memorial service honoring Jean Baker Miller.

JeanBakerMiller Training Institute wrote (September 19, 2006):
Dear Friends,
Thank you for the cards and email messages in response to the recent death of Jean Baker Miller, M.D., founding director of the Jean Baker Miller Training Institute. Her clear, courageous thinking, which grew to influence countless fields of study and practice, will continue to inspire us all.
Please join us for a service celebrating Jean’s life and work on Saturday, October 7, 2006 at 1:00 PM at the Houghton Memorial Chapel on the Wellesley College Campus, Wellesley, MA.
Jean emphasized the importance of mutually-empathic, mutually-empowering, growth-fostering connections throughout people's lives and worked relentlessly for social justice. The Institute—with the help of people like you—will carry this revolutionary work forward.
A reception will follow at the new Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center.
Please feel free to forward this message to friends and colleagues. We hope to see you soon.
Warmest wishes to all,



Mary Bakhoum is an Egyptologist. Her expertise includes Egyptian Hieroglyphics, Hieratic, Demotic, old Greek, and Coptic, together with the ancient history, religion, art, and culture. She has also studied English, French, and German. She lives in Cairo, Egypt.
She was born in 1931 and grew up among seven brothers — she was number seven — and spent her primary studies in the first Coptic school for girls in Egypt, madrasit elbanaat elqebteyya, in 7aarit elsaqqaaeen, in 3abdin in Cairo مدرسة البنات القبطية في حارة السقايين في عابدين في القاهرة The school was in front of her house and about five minutes away from the King Farouk Palace in Abdeen.
Mary achieved such good results at school that she was accepted to take her secondary studies in the Saneyya school, which was the first secondary school for girls in Egypt, madrasit elsaneya elthanaweyya, مدرسة السنية الثانوية. The school was for princesses and people from high rank.
In 1950, Mary became a student in Ibrahim University, which took the name of Ain Shams University after the 1952 revolution. She was the only girl among 21 boys in the section of Egyptology in the Faculty of Arts. For four years they studied Egyptian Hieroglyphics, Hieratic, Demotic, old Greek, and Coptic, apart from French and German. In 1954, Mary graduated from Ain Shams University جامعة عين شمس . She received another diploma in 1955, in pedagogy, which enabled her to teach (ma3had tarbeyya 3aali, معهد التربية العالي). In 1957, she earned her Master in Egyptology. She then worked as a teacher, became the headmistress of a secondary school for one year, and then was appointed as supervisor for a number of schools in the ministry of education.
Mary shares a deep interest in dignity, karama, كرامة.
Please see:
• Mary Bakhoum and her son Sameh participated in the 2018 Dignity Conference at Sekem Ecovillage.
Mary Bakhoum's Life Philosophy (Video 2nd February 2023). Mary Bakhoum is one of the most important supporters of Evelin Lindner's global dignity work. They met in 1985 when Mary began to be Evelin's Arabic teacher. Evelin lived and worked in Cairo until 1991. Later, their relationship developed into profound mutual admiration and a loving mother-daughter relationship. On 2nd February 2023, they met for two hours at the airport of Cairo, after not having seen each other for four years. In this little video, Evelin asks Mary how she would like to celebrate her 100th birthday!



Barbro Appelqvist Bakken is the former Director General of the Department of Integration and Diversity of Norway’s Ministry of Labor and Inclusion. Prior to that, she served as Assistant Director General, Deputy Director General, and Director General in the Department of Immigration, Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development. From 1985 to 1992, she worked in the central administration in the Municipality of Oslo. Before that she worked as General Manager and Departmental Manager at the Immigrant Office for Oslo. She also worked in the social security and rehabilitation departments in the Trosterud practice center in Oslo.


Børge Bakken is a Fellow at the Research School of Asian and Pacific Studies at the Australian National University in Canberra. Among his books is The Exemplary Society: Human Improvement, Social Control, and the Dangers of Modernity in China (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2000). His edited book, Crime, Policing and Punishment in China will be published by Rowman and Littlefield in 2004.
Børge Bakken is currently working on crime, violence and punishment in China on an Australian Research Council grant. He has noted that phenomena like honour, notions of purity, and feelings of humiliation are correlated with levels of violence, and in some instances with homicide.


Susan Bandes is widely known as a scholar in the areas of federal jurisdiction, criminal procedure and civil rights, and more recently, as a pioneer in the emerging study of the role of emotion in law. Her legal career began in 1976 at the Illinois Office of the State Appellate Defender. In 1980, she became staff counsel for the Illinois A.C.L.U., where she litigated a broad spectrum of civil rights cases, and helped draft and secure passage of the Illinois Freedom of Information Act. She joined the DePaul faculty in 1984, and was named Distinguished Research Professor in 2003. She has received numerous awards from both the law school and the university for her teaching, scholarship and service. Her articles appear in, among others, the Yale, Stanford, University of Chicago, Michigan and Southern California law reviews, as well as peer-reviewed journals including Law and Social Inquiry, Constitutional Commentary, and the Journal of Law, Culture and the Humanities. Her book on the role of emotion in law, entitled The Passions of Law, was published by NYU Press in January 2000, and released in paperback in 2001. Bandes presents her work frequently at academic symposia and workshops, as well as to non-academic legal groups such as the American Constitution Society. Her recent pro bono activities include acting as co-reporter for the Constitution Projects bipartisan Death Penalty Initiative, which produced the report Mandatory Justice: Eighteen Reforms to the Death Penalty, and serving on the advisory board to the Chicago Appleseed Fund for Justices study of the criminal justice system in Cook County, IL.


David P. Barash, born in 1946, is Professor of Psychology at the University of Washington, and is notable for several books on human aggression, peace studies, and sexual behavior of animals and people. He received his bachelor's degree in biology from Harpur College, State University of New York at Binghamton, and a Ph.D. in zoology from University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1970. He taught at the State University of New York at Oneonta, and then accepted a permanent position at the University of Washington.
His most recent book is Natural Selections, based on articles in the Chronicle of Higher Education and published in 2007 by Bellevue Literary Press. He has also written over 230 scholarly articles and is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, along with many other honors.
Forthcoming, in 2008, is a 2nd edition of Peace and Conflict Studies, a textbook co-authored with Charles P. Webel (Sage Publications), and How Women Got Their Breasts and Other Just-So Stories, co-authored with Judith Eve Lipton and scheduled for publication by Columbia University Press.

(June 19, 1937 – December 18, 2021, but always with us in our hearts!)

David Bargal was Gordon Brown professor at the Paul Baerwald School of Social Work at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem. He is now retired. He holds a Ph.D. in Clinical and Social Psychology from the Hebrew University. Dr. Bargal served as a visiting professor at several leading American Universities. He published extensively (over 80 articles in books and professional journals; two authored books and seven edited books and journals).
Professor David Bargal’s areas of research include group and intergroup relations, organizational behavior in human services, and occupational social work. His recent book, Living with conflict: Encounters between Jewish and Palestinian Youth (1995) (with H. Bar) was published by the Jerusalem Institute for the Study of Israel.
In 1999 David Bargal founded the graduate program on conflict management at the Hebrew University.He designed,evaluated and accompanied conflict management workshops for Jewish and Plestinian youth in Israel.This kind of work has been transferred to to Michigan,U.S. and is being carried out in several high schools there.The project is described and evaluated in a special issue of Small Group Research, 2008,39 (1), edited by Garvin and Bargal.
Please see:
• "An Introduction to the Project: Rationale and Development," together with Charles Garvin, in Small Group Research, 39 (1), pp. 3-16, 2008.
• "Group Processes to Reduce Intergroup Conflict: An Additional Example of a Workshop for Arab and Jewish Youth," in Small Group Research, 39 (1), pp. 42-59, 2008.
• Ideological/Religious Beliefs and Humiliation, contribution shared at the 2011 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 8-9, 2011.
David Bargal and Ya'ir Ronen (2014)
• Hope Amidst Destructiveness: A Dialogue (Pdf | video), dialogue shared by David Bargal and Ya'ir Ronen at the 2014 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 4-5, 2014.

3rd October 1938 - 4th September 2008, but always with us in our hearts!

Daniel Bar-On was born in 1938 in Haifa to parents of German descent. He was a member of Kibbutz Revivim for 25 years where he served as a farmer, educator and Secretary of the Kibbutz. After completing his M.A. in psychology in 1975, he worked in the Kibbutz Clinic, specializing in therapy and research with families of Holocaust survivors. In 1981 he received his Ph.D. at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
In 1985, Dan Bar-On launched a pioneering field research in Germany, studying the psychological and moral after-effects of the Holocaust on the children of the perpetrators. His book Legacy of Silence: Encounters with Children of the Third Reich was published in 1989 by Harvard University Press and has since been translated and published in French, German, Japanese and Hebrew. Since then, Bar-On has brought together descendants of survivors and perpetrators for five intensive encounters (the TRT group, shown by the BBC on TimeWatch, October, 1993), as well as students from the third generation of both sides. His book Fear and Hope: Three Generations of Holocaust Survivors' Families was published in Hebrew, English, German and Chinese. His last book The Indescribable and the Undiscussable was published in 1999 by Central European University Press.
In 1998, Professor Bar-On held the Ida E. King Chair for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Stockton College of New Jersey, from where he also received an Honorary Doctorate in 1999. He is permanently a Professor of Psychology at the Department of Behavioral Sciences at Ben-Gurion University, where he served as Chair of the Department from 1993 to 1995 and again from 2003 to 2005. In 1996 he was awarded the David Lopatie Chair for Post-Holocaust Psychological Studies. He is the co-director of the Peace Research Institute in the Middle East (PRIME) near Beit Jala, PNA, together with Professor Sami Adwan of Bethlehem University. Together they received in June 2001 the Alexander Langer Prize in Bolzano Italy for their efforts in Peace Building between Palestinians and Israelis. In 2001 he received the Bundesverdienstkreuz First Class, given by German President Dr. Johannes Rau. In 2003 he received the Eric Maria Remarque Peace Prize in Osnabrück, Germany. He is married, has four children and four grandchildren.
Please see Dan Bar-On's book Erzähl dein Leben! Meine Wege zur Dialogarbeit und politischen Verständigung (Hamburg: Edition Körberstiftung, 2004). The English translation is being published by Central European University Press in 2006 under the following title: Tell your story! The dialogue work between Germans and Jews, Palestinians and Israelis.
Annette Engler is part of Daniel Bar-On's work at the Körber Stiftung in Hamburg, Germany.


Daniel Baron Cohen (known as Dan Baron in Brazil) is a community-based arts-educator and cultural activist, presently living and working in Marabá, in the Amazonian state of Pará, northern Brazil. He studied English Literature at Oxford University where he did doctoral research into theatre as popular education. After a decade of community theatre and mural collaborations dedicated to conflict transformation and social justice with excluded communities in Manchester (Northern England) and Derry (North of Ireland), in 1994 Dan accepted a permanent post in theatre and popular education at the University of Glamorgan, in Wales. He left Wales in 1998 to collaborate as a Visiting Professor at the State University of Santa Catarina and has been collaborating with communities within the Landless, Indigenous, Trade Union and University movements of Brazil ever since. His Pedagogy of Transformance emerged through these collaborations and dialogues with other cultural movements in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe. Two national awards in 2008 and 2010 from the Ministry of Culture and a national UNICEF award in 2011 allowed Dan to accept an invitation to live and collaborate with the Afro-Indigenous community of Cabelo Seco ("dry hair"), founding community of the city of Marabá, in the quest to develop sustainable communities through living popular culture.
Between 2004 and 2010 Dan was the President of IDEA (International Drama/Theatre and Education Association), and Coordinator of the World Alliance for Arts Education between 2006 and 2010. He is a member of the World Council of the World Social Forum.
Please see some of Dan's work on our World Art for Equal Dignity page, read also about Dan's participation in the 17th Annual Conference in Dunedin, New Zealand, via internet connection. Read about the assassinated art educator Maria Silva.
Evelin Lindner had been invited to Rio + 20 in Rio de Janeiro in 2012, but chose to go to Marabá in Pará with her video camera instead. She chose Marabá over Rio + 20 because, as she had learned, the voices of the people in the Amazon are not heard. She wanted to hear them and bring their voices to larger audiences. Her hosts were Daniel Baron Cohen, known in Brazil as Dan Baron, or Dan, and Manoela Paula Latronica de Souza, known as Mano Souza, or Mano, and their Rivers of Meeting community project (Rios de Encontro) in Cabelo Seco ("dry hair"), which is the founding community of Marabá at the confluence of two rivers, Rio Tocantins and Rio Itacaiúnas (the name "dry hair" comes from the observation that the hair of Africans is so tightly coiled that it does not get wet when bathing in the river).
See the article "Norueguesa Troca Rio+20 por temporada em Marabá" in Correo do Tocantins (translated by Google Translator and summarized in Evelin's South America 2012 "digniventure" reflections. See the video-taped "Rios + 20 Amazon Dialogues" that were produced in the second part of June 2012 in the Afro-Indigenous community of Cabelo Seco ("dry hair"), Marabá, Pará, Brazil, when Evelin Lindner visited.

Please see also:
• The Castanheiras of Eldorado dos Carajas (1999)
Watch Cry of the Future (Eldorado dos Carajás, 2006), published on 6th October 2021.

Relatorio do Primeiro Semestre 2012 do Premio Itau-Unicef 2011 (Report from the 2012 First Semester of the 2011 Itau-Unicef Prize)
Relatorio do Segundo Semestre 2012 (16 de janeiro de 2013) (Report from the 2012 Second Semester of the 2011 Itau-Unicef Prize)
Rivers of Meeting Presentation Dedicated to Laisa Santos, London 2013 - Protect the Life of Laisa Santos and the Promise of a Sustainable World!
• The Calendario Rios de Encontro 2013
Festival Beleza Amazônica (4th November 2013)
- Português: O Projeto Rios de Encontro na comunidade Cabelo Seco, Marabá, Amazônia, Brasil, cultiva jovens lideranças a partir da formação artística para se cuidar e transformar sua raiz afro-indígena em um projeto de futuro sustentável.
- English: The project Rios de Encontro based in the community of Cabelo Seco, Marabá, Amazon, Brazil, cultivates young leaders through artistic formation to care for themselves and to transform the afro-indigenous roots in to a project for a sustainable future.
Vídeo-carta à Ministra da Cultura: diálogo já! Vídeo-carta à Ministra da Cultura: Marta, a Rede ABRA e parceiros de 72 países exigem diálogo, transparência e resolução bilateral da pendência com IDEA 2010, já! Video-letter to the Minister of Culture: Marta, ABRA and partners from 72 countries demand dialogue, transparency and bilateral resolution of the debt to IDEA 2010, now! Published on Jan 14, 2014.
Dance and Returning Dignity: Raízes e Antenas (o processo) - Roots and Antennas (the process) (published on 12th February 2014)
Festival Beleza Amazônica: Youth Leadership Through the Arts (published on 27th January 2014)

• See Colheita em Tempos de Seca or Harvest In Times of Draught, a CD that provides a celebration of the Amazon as a source of human values and rich popular culture, by those who live both everyday. But it also reminds of its vulnerability. It is an inspiring resource for all educators and communities who seek a sustainable future.
01 Vozes do Campo / Voices of the Country, autoria coletiva
02 Eu canto / I sing, Raimundo Ferreira
03 A planta e o jardineiro / The plant and the gardener, Adriano Rosa
04 Criança alegre / Happy child, Margarete Ferro
05 Sonhar / To dream, Raimundo Ferreira
06 Falam com X / Speak with X, Raimundo Ferreira
07 Piratas / Pirates, José Hilton
08 Que bom seria / How good it would be, Geane Lopes
09 Vento norte / North wind, Raimundo Ferreira
10 Cheiro da terra / Smell of the land, Airton Pereira
11 Alerta Amazônia / Alert Amazon, Zequinha Souza

• Please see here the message that Dan Baron Cohen wrote to us on music for a sustainable and vital Amazon, on Monday, 22nd August, 2011, before speaking to our 17th Annual Conference in Dunedin, New Zealand, via internet connection:
Good morning from the Amazon! On this world day of action against the building of the hydro-electric plant, Belo Monte, on the Xingu River in the Brazilian Amazon (to be the third largest plant in the world), with unpredictable, irreversible sociocultural and environmental damage in the region which will impact on all of our lives, we present two songs...
- Alerta Amazonia (Zequinha de Cabelo Seco)
- Clamor popular (Zequinha de Cabelo Seco)
- See the booklet of songs from the Brazilian Amazon which includes the translation of Alerta Amazonia (from the Transformance Archive)
Both songs have emerged in Cabelo Seco, an afro-indigenous community on the periphery of Marabá, Pará, where we live and work. The riverside community is already suffering serious consequences of the large dams completed in the past two years. The songs have been developed by our friend, project collaborator and art-educator Zequinha de Cabelo Seco, inside our project Backyards of Cultural Solidarity. We hope they contribute to the broadening of the international quest for a living, sustainable Pan-Amazônia.
Even if you don't understand the poetic lyrics, we believe you'll understand their emotions. Please write to us if you would like a translation, and feel free to use the songs in your own projects and community. Here are some links if you'd like more information:
Many thanks. An amazonian hug!
Dan Baron e Mano Souza
Cabelo Seco, Marabá
Institute Transformance/ABRA

• Dan wrote on 23rd August 2011:
"The conference takes place during my final 5-day period of intensive writing (and type-setting of my new book 'Harvest in Times of Drought: a pedagogy of life for sustainable community', written with 50 rural, riverside and forest arts-educators), but I would like to make myself available for 90 minutes, if that works for you. Is there a definite open or closed space where I could share reflections on what we have learned from arts-based pedagogical work in response to the destruction of the Amazonian forests? I could speak very concretely on how a group of 50 teachers transformed a culture of collusion into an community-based ethics of co-responsibility, based on reflexive solidarity and cooperation. This could also connect to our response to the assassination of our student/grandmother/eco-pedagogue Maria Silva (on May 24). Alternatively, or within the same contribution, I could speak about our work with young people as cultural organizers and artists, transforming themselves, to transform their own afro-indigenous community, one of the poorest and allegedly most violent in Maraba, cradle of the 'industrialization of the Amazon'."

• The fragility of the Cabelo Seco community is illustrated by the case of the killing of a man in a wheel chair that Dan describes as follows:
Last night, as we were returning from the June fest on the riverfront of the Tocantins, enjoying a Tacacá stew, we learned that Alexandre had been executed in his rusty old wheelchair. We were devastated. He was one of fifteen special needs young people from our community who had received a gift of 100 Brazilian Dollars from the artists of our youth-band during the final cultural fest of 2011, after they and their mothers decided to recycle a performance fee of $1500 from the global Brazilian mining company Vale do Rio Doce into a currency of solidarity.
The next morning, the streets revealed more detail. Alexandre had been playing with his one-year old son on his lap. As a car drove at him to tip him into the street, Alexandre had thrown his child onto the sidewalk. He was shot in the head and died instantly. Alexandre had been paralyzed from the waist a year earlier in a drug-trafficking feud, but had continued to command the circulation of oxy (a lethally addictive, cheap derivative of crack-cocaine), and even executions, from his wheelchair. Alexandre simply met our 'Rivers of Meeting' project a little too late, our emerging artist-leaders said, at the crossroads between two worlds: a midnight project of death and a dawn project of life. Was he crossing their threshold? He knew he would end up on the front-page of the local newspapers, but was not yet aware his death would be used to promote the industrialization of the Amazon, to fuel 'electricity for all'.
His days were numbered, the street whispered, and it's good that he died. Now we will all sleep easier. If Alexandre had known how his death would be used to justify the accelerated development of the riverside and dispersal of its Afro-Indigenous community to make way for a luxurious international resort – financed and powered by Vale do Rio Doce, would he have made other choices? What was he singing to his son as they played at midnight? Will he grow up gasping for refuge from putrid river highways in evergreen shopping-centres, consuming his own ancestral memory as 'Amazon cool'?
Alexandre's rusty wheelchair offers insight into all that we face in the Amazonian State of Pará today. Dan Baron
25 June 2012
Transformance Institute
Tocantins and Itacaiunas Rivers

• On 26th April 2013, Dan wrote: 'Dear friends: We invite you to participate in the launch of the CD 'Amazon Our Land' by the young artists from the band 'Backyard Drums', from the project Rivers of Meeting, this Saturday from 7pm onwards, in the Afro-Indigenous community of Cabelo Seco, between the Amazonian Rivers Tocantins and Itacaiúnas.
Anyone can participate from a distance, downloading and sharing the 12 songs from the CD which will be posted on YouTube the same night. The complete CD (with a booklet in Portuguese, Spanish and English), will also be available on our site from Saturday, the 27th.
Messages of solidarity for these young musicians who refuse to step onto any stage funded by the multinational mining company Vale, presently devastating the Amazon, are welcome and will strengthen the movement for a living and sustainable Amazon. 
Thanks in anticipation for your participation!
Dan Baron
Project 'Rivers of Meeting'
National awards from Funarte and the Ministry of Cultura Brasil, in 2008, 2010, 2012
Award from Itau-Unicef, 2011'

• Dan wrote on 12th April 2013, on the occasion of his live-participation (via Skype) in the 2013 conference "In Search for Dignity", held from 24th to 27th April in Stellenbosch, South Africa: 'If we have more time, I will also do what I can to include live music and could also turn this contribution into a world (pre-) launch of the Latinhas' first CD (which occurs two days later) 'Amazonia Nossa Terra' (The Amazon Our Land), and send you one of its songs in advance'.
Dan also sent us the community action poster for the centenary celebration of Marabá in the Amazon of Brazil:
Dan explained: 'I thought you'd like to see this poster (3m x 4.5m) which is on the main wall of the village square, at the back of our home and Cottage of Culture, now our main outdoor theatre and cinema space, run by the young people. It is the third huge portrait in our 'People's Gallery'.
This poster was created for the centenary celebrations of Maraba (April 5th), and apart from a small corner of publicity for the community-world launch of the Latinhas' CD, contains a brief poem to stimulate the city, region and country to question the indstrialization of the Amazon which is now accelerating into the most disturbing pace, creating undescribeable political opportunism and the scramble for vast profit.
The poems reads:
I adore to immerse myself
in your stories
I can imagine the childhood of Maraba
but grandma
I hear so often
that everything is changing
and I ask myself
when my river
becomes a highway
how will I play?  

This was the background to the young peoples' refusal to play on any stage funded by the mining giant, Vale, which is the driving private economic force behind the construction of a huge iron ore smelting plant, a complex of dams, and the transformation of the Tocantins and Itacaiunas Rivers into river-highways. No scientist or politician is prepared to predict the socio-ecological implications of this epic interference in the Amazonian eco-systems.
Feel free to share it with your networks!
All our love

• Please see the CD Amazonia Nossa Terra Rios de Encontro 2013 (CD cover, CD booklet) by the Latinhas de Quintal of the Afro-Indigenous community of Cabelo Seco ("dry hair"), Marabá, Pará, Brazil.
See three songs uploaded here: Amazonia Nosa Terra, Cabelo Seco, and Beaba da coruja
See also:
- Invitation to the launch of the CD Amazonia Nossa Terra Rios de Encontro 2013 (English) and Outdoor lancamento
- Release para o lancamento (27 abril 2013)
- Outdoor Centenario de Marabá
- Os Sopros de Quintal criando sua propria musica na Casinha de Cultura, Cabelo Seco
- Os Sopros de Quintal celebram a conclusao do mini-curso de improvisacao coletiva na baira do Rios Tocantins
- 30 jovens do Rios de Encontro (Cabelo Seco) pedalaram para o bairro Liberdade para afirmar uma Amazonia Viva Sustentavel
- Tres geracoes da familia de Elizangela, lavadeira e gestora do Rios de Encontro, apreciam a foto dela no Dia da Mulher, na 'Galeria do Povo'
- As Latinhas de Quintal e o nucleo adulto comunitario do Rios de Encontro recebem aplausos na entrega do CD no final de cinco anos de formacao artistica (2)
Media attention:
- Resenha latinhas negam tocar no palco da Vale
- Jornal sobre residencia
- Resenha residencia artistica

• On the 27th April 2013, Evelin wrote to Dan:
Dear Dan,
We still are deeply touched by your account of the dramatic events in Cabelo Seco, including the violence experienced by a young artist-leader from the Latinhas de Quintal (Backyard Drums). "We" includes the participants of the 2013 conference "In Search for Dignity", held from 24th to 27th April in Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Please receive our message of solidarity with the young Afro-Indigenous musicians of the band "Backward Drums". Their decision not to participate in the centenary celebrations funded by the multinational mining company Vale, presently threatening the Amazon, is a bold protest and gives us hope that more and more people will resist against further destruction of our world's most rich and vulnerable ecosystems.
At our conference we acknowledge and applaud the brave fight of these young people. We like to confirm our solidarity to them.
Participants of the 2013 Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies conference "In Search for Dignity":
Hélène Lewis, South Africa
Evelin Lindner, living a life as a global citizen
Uli Spalthoff, Germany
Aine Hughes, Ireland and South Africa
Ann McCollum, Ireland and South Africa
Gavin Andersson, Botswana and South Africa
Gary Pages Jones, Kenya and Australia
Douglas Racionzer, South Africa
Howard Richards, Chile
Justine Richards, United States
Akinlolu Makinwe, Nigeria
Joy Ndwandwe, Swaziland
Emmanuel Ndahimana, Rwanda
Zehlia Babaci-Wilhite, Norway

See furthermore:
Kite festival 2014
Jovens do 'Rios de Encontro' celebram o Rio Tocantins, escrevendo com pipas no céu de sua comunidade Afro-Indígena, Cabelo Seco, Pará, seu compromisso para proteger a Amazônia,
Youth from 'Rivers of Meeting' celebrate the River Tocantins, writing with kites on the sky of their Afro-Indigenous community of Cabelo Seco, Pará, their commitment to protect the Amazon.
Performance: Let Our River Pass, 2015
Performance by the young Amazonian artists of Rivers of Meeting project in defence of their Cabelo Seco community and the River Tocantins, threatened by the planned construction of a hydroelectric dam in 2016.
Performance pelos jovens artistas amazônicos do projeto Rios de Encontro em defesa de sua comunidade Cabelo Seco e do Rio Tocantins, ameaços pela construção agendada de uma hidrelétrica em 2016.
Dance piece: Lágrimas Secas/Dry Tears, 2015
Cia AfroMundi partilha sua nova dança amazônico-contemporânea 'Lágrimas Secas'. A hidreléctrica de Marabá vai matar o Rio Tocantins. A comunidade Cabelo Seco prefere energia solar. Vamos proteger nossa Amazônia!
AfroMundi shares its new Amazonian-Contemporary dance piece 'Dry Tears'. The Marabá hydro-electric dam will kill the River Tocantins. The Cabelo Seco community prefers solar energy. Let's protect our Amazon!
Rios de Encontro: Dry Tears (Lágrimas Secas), 2015
Rios de Encontro Rios de Encontro, published on 12 September 2015
AfroMundi Dance Company from Cabelo Seco community in Marabá presents its poetic alert about the threatened murder of the River Tocantins' spring during the present industrialization of the Amazon. Cia AfroMundi da comunidade Cabelo Seco em Marabá apresenta na pracinha sua alerta poética sobre o assassinato ameaçado do nascente do Rio Tocantins, na atual industrialização da Amazônia.

Call for solidarity sent by Dan Baron on 17th May 2017:
The Afro-Indigenous eco-cultural organization, Rivers of Meeting in Cabelo Seco community, based in the Amazonian city of Marabá, the Brazilian Network of Arteducators (ABRA) and Federal University of South-East Pará, call on the world to offer immediate solidarity with the River Tocantins. Our mighty river will be destroyed in 2018 by a new hydroelectric dam, further devastating the Amazon.
This past year, our region has suffered extreme drought, repression, increasing poverty and illness, all of which pressure popular support for accelerated industrial exploitation of the region. There has been no independent scientific consultation or debate about alternatives. Deforestation and drought in the Amazonian biome affect the equilibrium between all ecosystems in the world.
The situation is graver today that when the Paris Treaty on capping global warming was signed in late 2015. Brazil is on the brink of civil war. The law passed this week in Congress, voted by a corrupt Senate protected by a corrupt Judiciary and Brazilian army that fired on a huge crowd, removed all regulatory laws which protect the Amazon. Ten more rural leaders were shot dead here this week.
We invite you to post a clip, photo, poem, song, music or letter on Facebook #RiosDeCriatividade, from your own project or personal life, in solidarity with the Tocantins River, the night before World Environment Day (June 5). In your own words, based on your home or project life, just describe the kind of future you desire. If you can relate this to a river or sea near you, even better!
We need as many people to act as possible, to create a worldwide-wave of creative solidarity, which goes viral! You'll find more information in this newspaper article below. Be your own community organizer, and make sure it's voice is heard or seen this week!

Message from Dan Baron on 3rd June 2017:
Evelin, Linda, Michael, Uli, Annette, Gabriela, Zuzana and Alan! I write to invite you to help create a 'pororoca', a worldwide wave of solidarity with the devastated Amazon, the biome which regulates all the ecosystems of the world. The pororoca will be launched on June 5, World Environment Day, by youth and children who live by the Tocantins River, where another hydroelectric dam is planned. Post your contribution on facebook, and let's generate waves of hope and proposals for the future. Send videos, video-clips, photos, songs, poemas, lyrics or letters about projects and actions which show that a sustainable world is already being created. Together, let's try to avoid the construction of another hydroelectric dam on the River Tocantins and on any river in the world. All the best! Dan

See furthermore:
• The Calendario Rios de Encontro 2017
Call-invitation from the Brazilian Amazon 2017

Message from Dan Baron on 18th June 2017:
Evelin and all! ... our new House of Rivers is now open and thriving, and we are imagining you here in 2019! I attach a photo of our June 5 World Environment Day bikeride for life 'I am the Amazon' (by 48 children and youth), our new front-door and window (a sculpture in iron), and a photo of our last children's film in our cinema (100+ people!), from last Friday. Soon, I will find a space to reply to your questions, Evelin, but at least you know all is 'thriving'! We should also talk about how you can also become 'formal' partners of this 'Community University of the Rivers'. All our best! Dan

On 29th December 2017, Dan kindly shared three poems: Good Living, Let Our River Pass, Letter from Mariana. And please enjoy some articles that introduce Cabelo Seco: Festival Beleza Amazônica 9th December 2017, 16th December 2017, and 21st December 2017.

10th January 2018: Good Living Amazon is an alternative paradigm project. It is seeded in the small Afro- Indigenous community of Cabelo Seco, first settlement of Marabá City, between the threatened Itacaiúnas and Tocantins Rivers, Pará State. This region of the Brazilian Amazon has the greatest biodiversity and concentration of iron ore and drinking water in the world. But it also has the world’s highest statistic for murdered activists and contains the most violent cities (genocide of black youth and extreme abuse of women), with the worst high school education in Brazil.

September 2018:
Letter from Marabá 1: Toxic promises
Letter from Marabá 2: Storms and fury
Letter from Marabá 3: Democracy in prison
Letter from Marabá 4: Our time will return
Letter from Marabá 5: University of good living
Letter from Marabá 6: Touched by the future

Open Diary 'Everything that no-one wants (in the shadows of dictatorship)', 7th September 2018
Atlas of the Future: Brazil’s rivers of creativity: Future League Rios de Encontro, 2019
Rios de Encontro: Towards a Good Living Amazon (Flying River Tour), August 2019

3rd October 2020:
•  Coordenação do Fórum Bem Viver 2020 (Good Living Forum)


Steven James Bartlett was born in Mexico City and educated in Mexico, the United States, and France. He did his undergraduate work at the University of Santa Clara and at Ray­mond College, an Oxford-style honors college of the University of the Pacific. He received his master's degree from the University of California, Santa Barbara; his doctorate from the Université de Paris, where his research was directed by Paul Ricoeur; and has done post-doctoral study in psychology and psychotherapy. He has been the recipient of many honors, awards, grants, scholarships, and fellowships. His research has been supported under contract or grant by the Alliance Française, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, the Lilly Endowment, the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, the National Science Foundation, the Rand Corporation, and others. See his work on
Bartlett's research combines an unusual background consisting of training in pathology, psychology, and epistemology. He is the author of nine books and monographs, and many papers and research studies in the fields of psychology, epistemology, and philosophy of science. He has taught at Saint Louis University and the University of Florida, and has held research positions at the Max-Planck-Institute in Starnberg, Germany and at the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions in Santa Barbara. He is currently Visiting Scholar in Psychology and Philosophy at Willamette University and Senior Research Professor of Philosophy at Oregon State University.
Bartlett is the author of the first major comprehensive study of the psychology of human evil, just published by behavioral science publisher Charles C. Thomas. The Pathology of Man: A Study of Human Evil is the result of ten years of research into the psychology of genocide and the Holocaust, the psychology of war, of terrorism, obedience, and the many other ways in which human beings behave aggressively and often cruelly toward other people, toward other species, and often even toward themselves. The Pathology of Man is the first work to apply the science of pathology to the human species and to identify and describe the many pathologies that afflict our species, often without our awareness. Its aim is to provide a solid foundation of scholarship encompassing the work of twentieth century psychologists, psychiatrists, ethologists, psychologically focused historians, and others who have studied human aggression and destructiveness.
In addition to providing scholars with an important research tool, the book is well-suited to serve as a main text or as collateral reading for courses relating to the psychology of evil, the psychology of the Holocaust and of genocide generally, the psychology of war, obedience, and terrorism, and any courses that seek to bring students to a realistic understanding of the psychology of human aggression and destructiveness, without appealing to mythology, symbolism, or religion. The Pathology of Man: A Study of Human Evil is a dispassionate, objective, scientific assessment of our species' follies and destructiveness.
Please see also:
Roots of Human Resistance to Animal Rights: Psychological and Conceptual Blocks, which first appeared in the Lewis and Clark law journal, Animal Rights, 2002. The paper was electronically re-published by the Michigan State University 's Detroit College of Law, Animal Law Web Center. It is also available in German: Wurzeln menschlichen Widerstands gegen Tierrechte: Psychologische und konceptuelle Blockaden at: and


Andrea Bartoli holds the Drucie French Cumbie Chair at the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution (ICAR) at George Mason University in Washington, USA. He is also a Senior Research Scholar at the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), at Columbia University in New York, the former Director of the Center for International Conflict Resolution (CICR), as well as the former Chairman of the Columbia University Conflict Resolution Network (CU-CRN), which was superseded, in 2009, by the Advanced Consortium on Cooperation, Conflict, and Complexity (AC4). He works on regional conflict resolution in Southern Africa, the role of religions in conflict resolution, and learning organization in the field of conflict resolution.
His recent publications include Somalia, Rwanda and Beyond: The Role of the International Media in Wars and Humanitarian Crises (co-edited with Edward Girardet and Jeffrey Carmel).
Andrea Bartoli has a B.A. from the University of Rome, Italy and a Ph.D. from the University of Milan, Italy. Trained as an anthropologist, Bartoli has been actively involved in conflict resolution since the early 1980s, particularly in Mozambique, the Sudan, Burundi, and Angola. [read more]



Ramazan Baş is President of the Spinal Cord Paralytics Society of Turkey (SCPST), an NGO whose work is related to the wellness and empowerment of the disabled.
Ramazan Baş was born in Istanbul, Turkey. He received his education at the Economics Faculty of Public Administration of the University of Anadolu. He became paralyzed at the level of C6 of the spinal cord when he dived into the sea in 1983. He began giving seminars on “First Aid and Direct Interference at Accidents” in 1999, and has so far educated 150,000 people. Among them are participants from schools of the Ministry of National Education, universities, non-profit organizations, government and private sector workers, members of the police forces, gendarmes, and traffic teams. These seminars are ongoing. The seminar was elected as "The Best Presentation" at the International Medical Congress in Brazil (International Medical Society of Paraplegia, IMSOP).
Ramazan Baş has been a column writer in various national newspapers since 1991. He is currently the principal writer of the “Identification Magazine,” which is publicized at national level (Actuality-Culture and News Magazine). He is also currently a columnist at “Güneş” newspapers.
Ramazan Baş wrote a play titled “Foot Print” and organized the performing team in 1999. Real stories of handicapped people are presented in the play. It was performed 160 times in 6 years in Istanbul, Canakkale, Bursa, İzmir, and Ankara. He himself participated in three plays (Foot Print, Sergeant Balalı Burak, Azizname). He also wrote a play titled “I wonder if you are the handicapped?” in 2009. He is the writer of “Rusty Rainbow.” On 21st February 2010, he began organizing a weekly TV program titled “Empathy TV,” which is being broadcast on SKY TV channel. The aim is to increase sensibility in society and diminish prejudice against handicapped people. He is the producer and director of the program.
• Founder and President of the Turkish Spinal Cord Injury Association (TOFD) (1998).
• Founder and President of the Spinal Cord Injury Youth and Sport Team Club (2003).
• Member and Founder of the Team of Paralympics Association of Turkey (Olympics of Handicapped People-2002).
• Member of the Artist Association of Bakirkoy (BASAD).
• Member of the Advisory Board of Handicapped People Research and Application Center.
• Founding President of the Barrier-Free Living Federations (EYAF) (2007).
1. The Istanbul Handicapped People Career Education and Rehabilitation Center (Founder of Project): This center serves the cooperation with the Social Services Children Association, the Turkish Spinal Cord Injury Association, and the Governor of Bakirkoy.
2. Eightieth Year of the Handicapped People Care, Rehabilitation and Family Advising Center (Founder of Project): This center serves the cooperation with the Social Services Children Association, the Municipality of Bakirkoy, Lions 118 T Administration, and the Turkish Spinal Cord Injury Association. Forty two handicapped people reside at the center.
3. The Barrier-Free Education Project (Administrator of Project): Necessary architectural arrangements for handicapped people at all schools under the control of the Ministry of National Education are organized, such as ramps, WCs, elevators, etc. The project was awarded a prize by Ord. Prof. Dr. Osman Cevdet Cubukcu.
4. The International Smiling Child Festival Project (Administrator of Project): From 2006 to 2010, the festival was organized with the participation of domestic and foreign handicapped and unhandicapped children.
5. The Wheel Chair with Battery Project (Administrator of Project): Almost 2700 handicapped people who have spinal cord injury, muscle disease, multiple sclerosis, ALS, spina-bifida, and polio were given battery-powered wheel chairs. The project is ongoing.
6. The Accessibility and Reach-ability Project (Administrator of Project): Works on Urban Architect for handicapped people. The project was awarded the “2001 Istanbul City Prize.”
7. International Barrier-Free Media Meeting, 11-12 October, 2009 (Administrator of Project): Addressing problems of domestic and international handicapped media workers, news, and their quality in the media, related to handicapped people, their visibility and the reflection of handicapped people in the media, awareness, employment in media, participation in information, and proposals for solutions. The first International Barrier-Free Media Conference was organized with the participation of eight countries at the University of Bilgi, 11-12 October 2008 (Administrator of Project).
Professional projects:
• Founding of the Textile Unit in Association (Administrator of Project): Twenty five handicapped people were trained and employed. The project was awarded the Prime Ministry Honor Prize.
• The Accounting with Computer Training Project (Administrator of Project): With the cooperation of the National Employment Agency (Is-Kur), and the European Community, twenty six handicapped people were trained for ten months. The project is still ongoing.
• The Graphic Design with Computer Training Project (Administrator of Project): The project has completed its third year and still continues.
• The Husnu Ayik Care and Rehabilitation Center with twenty four beds was founded by the Turkish Spinal Cord Injury Association (TOFD) in Gurpinar, Beylikduzu, Istanbul, for the handicapped and the poor without family (Administrator of Project).
Ramazan Baş was awarded the “Orhan Karul Community Services Honor Prize” by the Istanbul Topkapi Rotary Club. He was elected as a parliament member of the Bakirkoy Municipality in the 29 March 2009 local elections. He is currently the chairman of the Handicapped People Commission in the local parliament.



Samir Sanad Basta is also a Member of the HumanDHS Research Team.
Samir Sanad Basta was born in Cairo, Egypt in 1943. After graduating from Victoria College, he obtained a B.Sc Hon. Degree from the University of Surrey in the United Kingdom and in 1974 a Doctor of Science degree in Nutritional Biochemistry and Physiology from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the United States of America.
After joining the Institute of Nutrition in Mexico where he specialised in Growth, Development and Mental Status of malnourished children, he became team leader and chief researcher in Indonesia of a large World Bank study looking into the connections between Human Productivity, Nutrition and Health Status. He was then accepted into the Young Professional Program of the World Bank and in 1973 appointed Nutrition Expert where he had large supervisory responsibilities for multi-sectorial Food, Nutrition and Public Health programs of the World Bank.
In 1982, he joined UNICEF and was appointed Representative to the Sudan, where he supervised multi-disciplinary staff engaged in Health, Water, Education, Women's Development, Child Rights, and War and Famine Relief work. He was also the co-inventor of a a children's food supplement, (UNIMIX) now in world wide use. In 1986 he became Director of UNICEF's Evaluation Office where he perfected Rapid Assessment Techniques and became a visiting and occasional lecturer at various US Universities and Public Health Schools.
In 1989 he helped create the World Summit for Children at UN headquarters in New York and in 1990 became Director of UNICEF's European Office in Geneva, where he was active in Fund Raising, Management of various Advocacy Programs and in trying to create Peace and Tolerance programs in Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia during the war in these countries. He also created, with the help of others, an emergency sea evacuation of children from the bombed city of Dubrovnik Later he was invited to visit the newly independent Baltic States to examine the situation of children there and was asked to join various research and lecture programs at the University of Geneva. During his tenure in Geneva he helped initiate the process for a world wide ban on the manufacture of land-mines and met with various Heads of State and Governments to ask them to help the cause of children in difficult situations.
In 1996, he accepted a Visiting Scholarship at the Dept. of Experimental Psychology at Oxford University where he carried out research for a book he wrote, entitled "Culture, Conflict and Children". In 1998, he took early retirement from the United Nations to settle in Southern France where he now lives carrying out occasional consultancies and lectures.
Dr. Basta has worked in over thirty countries in Latin America, Asia, Africa and Europe and is fluent in Spanish, French, English and Arabic. He has been the author or co-author of around two dozen scientific and development orientated papers.
Please see:
• Assistance, Dignity and Humiliation, Paper presented at "Beyond Humiliation: Encouraging Human Dignity in the Lives and Work of All People," 5th Annual Meeting of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies in Berlin, 15th -17th September, 2005.
• Cycles of Humiliation in Immigrant Families, contribution shared at the 2010 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 9-10, 2010..



John Bilorusky (PhD, University of California, Berkeley) is co-founder and President of the Western Institute for Social Research (WISR) in Berkeley, California, U.S.A. For 45 years, as a faculty member there, he has guided hundreds of student action research theses, dissertations, and projects, and consulted with dozens of community agencies and colleges on participatory action research—including the Los Angeles Community Redevelopment Agency and three of the Bay Area Black United Fund’s African American Health Summits. John’s two forthcoming books to be published by Routledge Press in April 2021 are Principles and Methods of Transformative Action Research, and Cases and Illustrations of Transformative Action Research. His academic background includes: BA cum laude, General Studies and Physics, University of Colorado, 1967. MA, Sociology of Education, University of California at Berkeley, 1968. PhD, Higher Education, UC Berkeley, 1972. In 1970-71, John taught senior thesis seminars in the Social Sciences Integrated Courses and Field Major, as a Teaching Associate at the University of California, Berkeley. From 1971-73, he was Assistant Professor of Urban Affairs and Senior Research Associate in the Institute for Research and Training in Higher Education, at the University of Cincinnati.
Please see:
• Contribution to Dignilogue 1: Dignity Studies: Reimagining Learning in of World of Crises (Pdf | Video) on Day One of the 2020 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Virtual at Columbia University, New York City, December 10 – 12, 2020.
• The Role of Transformative Action-and-Inquiry in Dignity Studies: Beyond Personalized Education with Curiosity and Commitment, contribution to the 2020 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Virtual at Columbia University, New York City, December 10 – 12, 2020.


Harold W. Becker has dedicated his life to living and sharing the practical application of unconditional love. Since 1990, his consulting company, Internal Insights, has had its focus to "empower people through self awareness and unconditional love." In 2000 he founded The Love Foundation, Inc., a globally recognized non-religious and non-political non-profit organization with the mission to "inspire people to love unconditionally." He blends insight and intuition with humor, compassion and kindness for a strong motivational vision in all of his endeavors which include business, writing, speaking and personal guidance.
Harold's success and powerful understanding about life is evident in his collective published work including, Internal Power: Seven Doorways To Self Discovery, (New World Library 1993), Unconditional Love - An Unlimited Way of Being (White Fire 2007), Unconditional Love Is... (White Fire 2007) and a national PBS special entitled Unconditional Love -A Guide to Personal Freedom (1997) along with other articles and short stories.
In his desire to touch the world with a message of unconditional love, he founded Global Love Day, an annual international celebration of humanity held each May 1st. This yearly event has brought the recognition of universal understandings and the transcendent power of unconditional love to a global audience including individuals, groups, organizations and political leaders.
Harold has devoted much of his spare time to assisting others work through their emotional traumas in search of understanding and release. This focus on the power of thoughts and feelings began in 1985 when his mother was diagnosed with cancer. His work with cancer patients and their families ignited a desire to know more about the meanings and understandings of life. (Harold's mother continues to be a cancer survivor, having combined his techniques and traditional treatment.)
Harold held management positions including banking, finance and retail and earned his MBA by age 25. He left a management position in the banking industry to pursue a life of service, personal growth, and unconditional love. From his inspirational and educational workshops, TV and radio interviews, numerous public appearances, post prison/ addiction outreach program, and community leadership roles, Harold's forthright approach conveys his message directly with the confidence and power of one who knows love.
See, among others:
We Are Love, Orlando, Florida, September 30, 2020.
• The Love Foundation — Celebrating 20 Years (Video)
• "Message to the World" (Video) shared on Day Three of the 2020 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Virtual at Columbia University, New York City, December 10 – 12, 2020.
• "Message to the World" (Video recorded on November 11, 2021), contribution to the 2021 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Virtual at Columbia University, New York City, December 9 – 10, 2021.



Joanna "Jo" Cynthia Berry is the daughter of Anthony Berry who was killed by the IRA in the Brighton hotel bombing on 12 October 1984. The bomb was planted by Patrick Magee whom Berry publicly met in November 2000, in an effort at achieving reconciliation as envisioned in the wake of the Good Friday Agreement.
After her father died, she committed her life to peaceful resolution and mediation of conflict. After the release of Patrick Magee in 1999 she went on to meet him several times. These meetings over ten months formed the basis of a BBC documentary first broadcast on 13 December 2001.
In July 2003 Berry spoke at the St Ethelberga's center for reconciliation and peace, itself rebuilt after being destroyed by the IRA in the 1993 Bishopsgate bombing.
Please see her Building Bridges website.


Jessica Benjamin practices psychoanalysis in New York City and is on the faculty of the New York University Postdoctoral Psychology Program where she is a Clinical Professor. Earlier, she was on the faculty of the New School for Social Research's Program in Psychoanalytic Studies. She is the author of The Bonds of Love: Psychoanalysis, Feminism and the Problem of Domination (1988), Like Subjects and Love Objects: Essays on Recognition, Identification and Sexual Difference (1995), and Shadow of the Other: Intersubjectivity and Gender in Psychoanalysis (1998, Routledge). Jessica is a founder of International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy and currently organizing The Acknowledgment Project, a projected series of workshops for mutual recognition between Israelis and Palestinians.


Dr. Dharm P. S. Bhawuk is also a Member in the HumanDHS Global Core Team, and Advisor of HumanDHS's World Films for Equal Dignity Project.
Dr. Dharm P. S. Bhawuk (Ph. D. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) is a Professor of Management and Culture and Community Psychology at the University of Hawai'i, Manoa, Honolulu. He has research interests in indigenous psychology and management, cross-cultural training, intercultural sensitivity, diversity in the workplace, individualism and collectivism, culture and creativity, and spirituality. He is originally from Nepal, and has published more than 60 papers and book chapters and made more than 150 presentations at internationally at conferences universities. He has edited special issues of journals on Globalization and Diversity (IJIR, 2008, volume 32, no. 4) and Indian Psychology (PDS, 2010, volume 22, no. 1).  He is the author of the book Spirituality and Indian Psychology: Models from the Bhagavad-Gita (Springer, 2011) and co-editor of the book Asian Contributions to Cross-Cultural Psychology (Sage, 1996). He has received many awards including Best Paper Award from the Academy of Management (2009 and 1996), the Distinguished Service Award from the East West Center (1989), and the Lum Yup Key Outstanding MBA Student Award from the University of Hawai‘i  (1990). He is a Founding Fellow of the International Academy for Intercultural Research and was H Smith Richardson, Jr. Visiting Fellow, Center for Creative Leadership for 2009-10. (bhawuk[@]
Please see here:
“From Social Engineering to Community Transformation: Amul, Grameen Bank, and Mondragon as Exemplar Cooperatives” by Bhawuk, Mrazek, & Munusamy, 2009, which received the Rupe Chilsom Practical Theory Paper Award from the Organization Development and Change Division of the Academy of Management, 2009.
Humiliation and Human Rights in Diverse Societies: Forgiveness & Other Solutions from Cross-Cultural Research, paper first presented at the Third Annual Meeting on Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies, September 16-18, 2004, Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Paris, France, developed in 2009.



Carlos Guillermo Bigliani, MD, is a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst. He is a former member of the Research Department at the Policlínico “G.A. Alfaro” Buenos Aires, Argentina, a researcher and Professor at the Department of Occupational Medicine (University of Buenos Aires Medical School), at the Seminar of Clinic of Neuroses (University of Buenos Aires School of Psychology), at the Course of Psychoanalysis at the Post-graduate Institute Sedes Sapientiae (Sāo Paulo, Brazil), and of the post-graduate programs in Psychoanalytic Psychopathology and Family Therapy at the Pontificia Universidade Catolica (Sāo Paulo, Brazil). He published articles in numerous professional journals and contributed chapters in books, among them Humiliation and Shame: A Systemic and Psychoanalytical Approach and Freud: Jewish Culture and Modernity that was awarded the Jabuti Prize in Brazil. He is a member of the Buenos Aires Psychoanalytic Association (in its turn, a member of the International Psychoanalytic Association), member of many psychiatric societies and coordinator of the Centro “Berggasse 19” in Sāo Paulo, Brazil.
Please see:
• Shame and Humiliation: On Golfing, Finances and Drug Dealing, presentation given by C. Guillermo Bigliani at the IPA Panel titled "Shame and Humiliation" with panel members Drs. C. Guillermo Bigliani, Heidrun Jarass, Melvin Lansky, and Leon Wurmser, in Prague, Czech Republic in July/August 2013.


Brynjar Bjerkem is a cultural anthropologist (hovedfag, University of Oslo 1991) based in Oslo. Since 1992 he has been involved in different initiatives in the presentation and exchange of international art and culture. He is the Head of Programming at Du store verden! (DSV), a cultural exchange network. Brynjar Bjerkem is furthermore Member in the Programme Committee of the Oslo Films from the South festival featuring a special on Asian cinema. He is also Co-founder and Member of the Board of the Films from the South festival and Member of the Board of the Cosmopolite Concert Hall in Oslo.


Michael Harris Bond is also a Member of the HumanDHS Research Team.
Michael Harris Bond is Professor of Psychology and teaches at the Department of Psychology of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research interests are social perception, the social psychology of language use, impression management, values, cross- cultural social psychology, and cross-cultural interaction.
Professor Bond has written numerous articles, book chapters and books on these topics, see, for example,
• Social Psychology Across Cultures: Analysis and Perspectives
(1993, 1994, 1998, 1999, together with Peter B. Smith).
• The Handbook of Chinese Psychology
that Bond edited in 1996, or "Individual perceptions of organizational cultures: A Methodological Treatise on Levels of Analysis" co-authored with Geert H. Hofstede in Organization Studies (1993).
Please see information about The Handbook of Chinese Psychology, about Understanding Social Psychology Across Cultures, and about the Social Axioms Project.
Please find furthermore:
• Unity in Diversity: Orientations and Strategies for Building a Harmonious Multicultural Society by Michael Harris Bond, prepared as a keynote address for the conference, "Multiculturalism: Diversity in Action" held at the University of Tartu in Tartu, Estonia, May 6, 1998.
Linking Societal and Psychological Factors to Homicide Rates across Nations, co-authored with Flora Lim and Mieko Kuchar Bond, in Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 36, pp. 515-536, available at, 2005.
• Extreme Mass Homicide: From Military Massacre to Genocide, co-authored with Donald G. Dutton, and Ehor O. Boyanowsky, in Aggression and Violent Behavior, 10, pp. 437-473, 2005.
• Culture and Collective Violence: Mobilizing Savagery Against the Other, Abstract of Keynote at the Seventh European Regional Congress of Cross-Cultural Psychology by the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP), San Sebastian, Spain, July 11-15, 2005.
•  Understanding Social Psychology Across Cultures: Living and Working With Others in a Changing World (Contents List), co-authored with Peter Bevington Smith, and Ciðdem Kaðitçibasi, London: Sage, forthcoming, 2005.
•  The Role of Emotions and Behavioral Responses in Mediating the Impact of Face Loss on Relationship Deterioration: Are Chinese more Face-Sensitive than Americans?, co-authored by Chester Chun-Seng Kam, submitted for publication, 2006. See the abstract here. Please contact the authors for more information.
•  The Dynamics of Face Loss Following Harm in Two Cultural Groups, Chinese University of Hong Kong, May 27, 2006, co-authored with Yuan Liao.



Mai-Bente Bonnevie is an artist, feminist and peace worker living in Oslo. She has worked for over three decades as a professional artist, a colorist expressionist with numerous exhibitions in Norway and abroad. Her intention is to mirror the vividness, the light and the energy in the range of colors. By showing the beauty and the variety of the colored pigments borrowed from earth itself.
Her work is inspired by a rebellion against 3000 years of oppression of women, against the dichotomy in our culture between body and spirit, and the physical and the abstract.
By studying sculptures from the oldest cultures in prehistoric times, she found that female characters from these cultures are at home in their bodies full of strength, fertility and life.  In them is highlighted what was later more or less blocked and associated with sin. A fact that has had terrible consequenses around the world since, until today.  As one example among many otheres, let us take Congo: only in the summer of 2011, more than 200 000 women were raped and violated and thrown our of their families, supposedly having humiliated the honor of their husbands. Thus political aspects, as well as existential themes, are the core of her work.
Mai-Bente Bonnevie is active in Grandmothers for Peace (GFP) in Oslo, a grassroot group that hands out leaflets on current war and peace issues every Wednesday in front of the Norwegian parliament (see video in English and in Norwegian/English). GFP also organize seminars and campaigns to promote peace culture. Mai-Bente Bonnevie is also a member of WILPF (Womens International League for Peace and Freedom) and the Norwegian Association for the Rights of Women.
• Please see some of her work here and here.
• Please note also Mai-Bente's wonderful contribution to Evelin's birthday in 2014!
• Please watch also Mai-Bente Bonnevie speaking on vulnerability, tenderness, and love, Oslo, 12th June 2024 (Video)


Inga Bostad is also a Founding Member of the World Dignity University initiative and hosted the launch of this initiative on 23rd June 2011.
Inga Bostad is Professor of Philosophy at the Department of Education of the University of Oslo in Norway. She is head of the research group HumStud, Humanities Studies in Pedagogy and project leader of the comparative research group NordEd (The Nordic Education Model). She is also Professor 2 at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design. She was appointed director for the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights at the Faculty of Law at at the University of Oslo from 2014–2017. She was elected Pro-Rector for the University of Oslo from 2009–2013 and the first appointed Vice-Rector for the University of Oslo from 2006–2009.
In November 2009, she was elected Member of the Steering Committee of UNICA (2009–2011), the network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe (her election speech was on sustainable universities, women in science and gender policies, as well as peace and conflict studies).
Inga Bostad has also been Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas, at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Oslo, Norway.
Earlier, Inga Bostad was the Academic Coordinator for the Examen Philosophicum (Ex. Phil., 2005–2006), and had the academic responsibility for Continuing and Distance Education in Philosophy (2005–2006). She was furthermore head of the evaluation of the new syllabus and teaching methods for the Examen Philosophicum and co-editor for new Ex. Phil. textbooks (2004). She was Teaching Director in 2005, and Lecturer from 1990 to 2005.
Inga was member of the Faculty for General Teacher Education for the 10-year Compulsory School at the Oslo University College, and Lecturer in Philosophy (2000–2004). She furthermore served as Editor for Norwegian, and translated fiction in the J.W. Cappelens Forlag, AS (1992–1995). She was Editor of Kritikkjournalen (1987–1992), as well as Director of the Aventura Forlag (1995).
Inga Bostad is the Director of NORLA (academic council for non-fiction), and a Board Member of the Oslo Poesifestival.
Inga Bostad earned her Dr. philos. at the University of Oslo in 2005 with her thesis Belief or Doubt — A Reconstruction of Philosophical Skepticism. Her thesis for the Magister artium in Philosophy, also at the University of Oslo, was entitled Language, Knowledge, and Doubt —An Analysis of Wittgenstein's Über Gewissheit, 1989.
We are very thankful that Inga Bostad nominated the global dignity and peace work of Evelin Lindner as a representative of HumanDHS for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2017. This nomination has protected many of our network members around the world who put themselves in harm's way by speaking up for dignity.
Please see also:
•  Greeting Address, given at the 11th Annual Conference of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies in Norway, 23rd June –1st July 2008.
•  What Are the Values that Will Guide the Development of Children and Young People in Our Schools? Lecture held for the Conference of European Ministers of Education at Grand Hotel, Oslo, Norway, 5th June 2008.
•  Inga Bostad greeted the conference participants of the 17th Annual Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies Conference in Dunedin, New Zealand. Lasse Moer video-taped Inga Bostad's personal message to the conference participants on 26th August 2011. In the light of the 2011 attacks on 22nd July 2011 in Oslo and Utøya, Inga Bostad encouraged and urged everyone to engage in dialogue, particularly with people of different opinion. She urged the conference participants to work on the World Dignity University Initiative during the conference.
•  Å vagabondere: Fri som en fugl, sier du. Men hvor hører fuglen egentlig hjemme? I Morgenbladet, 25. oktober 2013.
•  The Paradox of Freedom and the Quest for a Moral Disturbance (manuscript | video), lecture given on December 5, 2013, at the Public Event of the 10th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, at Columbia University, New York City, December 5-6, 2013.



Stein Leif Bråten, Dr. psychol., is Professor Emeritus at the Department of Sociology and Human Geography, University of Oslo, and Founder and Chair of The Theory Forum Network on the Foundations of Intersubjectivity, with some of the world’s leading infancy, primate and brain researchers who have contributed to his two edited volumes: Intersubjective Communication and Emotion in Early Ontogeny, Cambridge University Press 1998, and On Being Moved: From Mirror Neurons to Empathy, John Benjamins Publishing Company 2007, which is also the publisher of his major work, The Intersubjective Mirror in Infant Learning and Evolution of Speech (2009). In 1968 he pioneered object-oriented computer simulations of human communication networks. In 1973 he anticipated the simulation version of Theory-of-Mind approaches in psychology. In the 1990’s he carried out comparative studies of infant-adult interaction in humans and chimpanzees, leading to his identification of altercentric mirroring  and care-giving by human infants.


Dan Braha received the Ph.D. degree from Tel-Aviv University, Israel. He is an Affiliate of the New England Complex Systems Institute (NECSI), and a Senior Engineering Faculty Member at Ben-Gurion University, Israel. He has been a Visiting Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Center for Innovation in Product Development (CIPD), and a Research Associate in the Department of Manufacturing Engineering, at Boston University, MA. One of his primary areas of research is understanding and improving the design, implementation, and dynamics of Complex Socio-Engineered Systems (CES) as well as exploring the interplay between natural and large-scale human-made systems. He has developed a mathematical theory-the Formal Design Theory (FDT). He has published extensively, including a book on the foundations of engineering design with Kluwer Academic Publishers and an edited book on data mining in design and manufacturing, also with Kluwer. He serves on the editorial board of AI EDAM (Cambridge University Press) and was the editor of several special journal issues. Dr. Braha has also served on executive committees and as chair in several international conferences.


John Braithwaite is Professor in the Law Program of the Research School of Social Sciences at the Australian National University (ANU), and a member of ANU's Centre for Restorative Justice. John Braithwaite's special interest is business regulation and white-collar crime. His focus for twenty years has been on restorative and responsive regulatory ideas. As an author, coauthor or editor of numerous books and articles, he has contributed significant research to the application of restorative justice principles to business crime as well as to more traditional forms of juvenile and adult crime.  John's 1989 book, Crime, Shame and Reintegration, has been highly influential in demonstrating that current criminal justice practice creates shame that is stigmatizing. Restorative justice, on the other hand, seeks to reintegrate the offender by acknowledging the shame of wrongdoing but then offering ways to expiate that shame.
In the 1980's and early 1990's, John Braithwaite worked on formulating restorative approaches to coal mine safety regulation. Then, in conjunction with Toni Makkai, Valerie Braithwaite, Diane Gibson and others, he helped develop restorative strategies in nursing home regulation, including the institution of exit conferences after regulatory inspections.
In addition, John has been an active member in a wide variety of NGOs. He served as a part-time commissioner in Australia 's Trade Practices Commission from 1985 to 1995 and on the Economic Planning Advisory Council, Chaired by the Prime Minister, from 1983-87. In 2000, he participated in an important conference in Northern Ireland that examined the possibilities for using restorative justice ideas and practices to further the peace process there.
For his extensive work on crime issues, John Braithwaite has won numerous international prizes from the American Society of Criminology, the British Socio-Legal Studies Association, the Society for the Study of Social Problems, and the Institute for Financial Crime Prevention.
Leading Edge. John is currently working on the jurisprudence of restorative justice. He asks two questions:
(1) what are restorative justice values? and,
(2) how should they inform its procedural ideas?
Restorative justice is informed by values such as mercy and forgiveness that may be limited by the retributive (just deserts) quest for proportional punishment. At the same time, mercy and forgiveness cannot be forced. Maximizing the restorative values of empowerment and respectful communication provide an open space to deal with the harm of the crime, build respect, and allow for healing. This process allows victims to make forgiveness or mercy their gift.
Please see:
The Key Theories and Applications of Restorative Justice, a short lecture (18 min.), where John Braithwaite examines some of the key theories and applications of Restorative Justice.


Born in 1945, Ingeborg Breines holds an M.A. degree in Philosophy from the University of Nantes (France) and a degree in French Literature from the University of Sorbonne (France), as well as a M. A. degree in French Literature, History of Ideas and Arts, and a postgraduate certificate in Education from the University of Oslo (Norway). She joined UNESCO Headquarters in 1993 as Special Adviser to the Director General, heading the Consultative Committee on Women (D-1). She was appointed to the post of Director of the Women and the Culture of Peace programme in July 1996.
Ingeborg Breines has been Director (D-1) of the UNESCO Office in Islamabad and also served as the UNESCO focal point for UN system activities relating to Afghanistan until the opening of UNESCO’s Office in Kabul. For more information see the UNESCO page. She was later based at the UNESCO Liaison Office in Geneva.
Until recently, Ingeborg was Co-President of the International Peace Bureau (IPB) in Geneva, Switzerland, and since 2009 also head of the Nordland Akademi for Kunst og Vitenskap in Melbu, Vesterålen, North Norway.
Please see Kurs i konfliktløsning, fredskultur og flerkulturell forståelse, 5.- 8. juli 2010, Nordland Akademi for Kunst og Vitenskap.
Please see:
Sommer-Melbu, 2. - 11. juli 2010
Kurs i konfliktløsning, fredskultur og flerkulturell forståelse, Melbu 5. - 8. juli 2010, Nordland Akademi for Kunst og Vitenskap
Obama, Ask Afghan Women, speech given at The Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), Norway, 27th December 2008.
NATO 70 ÅR FOR MYE! Hvordan reise motstanden i Norge? Oslo, 9. april 2019.
Fredskultur. Utopi eller sikkerhetspolitisk alternativ?, Orkana, 2023.


Andrea Brenker-Pegesa is the president of an organisation which protects the environment and nature called BUND in the Hamelin region, working with many issues related to wood, plastic, biodiversity, water, renewable energy, and so forth. The Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND) is a German non-governmental organisation (NGO) dedicated to preserving nature and protecting the environment. The name means 'German Federation for the Environment and Nature Conservation'. Its subtitle Friends of the Earth Germany indicates that BUND is a member organisation of the international network Friends of the Earth (FoE).


Birgit Brock-Utne is a Professor in International Education at the Institute for Educational Research, University of Oslo, Norway, where she is Director of the Master of Philosophy in Comparative and International Education programme. She received her doctorate in the field of peace studies. She has been a Researcher at the Peace Research Institute of Oslo (PRIO) and was for four years (1987 -1992) a Professor of Education at the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. She was a Visiting Professor, teaching peace studies and African studies at the University of Antioch, Ohio, in spring 1992. She has served as a member of the Board of the International Peace Research Association (IPRA), and the Board of the Nordic Association for the Study of Education in Developing Countries (NASEDEC), and the Board of the UNESCO Institute of Education in Hamburg, Germany.
Since Birgit Brock-Utne came back from Africa, she has continued working extensively in Africa, from her home-base at the University of Oslo, for NORAD and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well as for DSE (the German Development agency) at the historically black universities in South Africa. She heads four research projects, three of them in Africa. In 2002, during her sabbatical year, she spent two months at the Nordic Institute of African Studies in Uppsala, a month on her research project in Tanzania and South Africa, two months at the Université Nanterre, Paris, and in the fall 2002 she was a Visiting Professor at the University of Hiroshima, Japan. During the last six years, she has taught a course on Peace Education and the Media at the European University of Peace in Stadschlaining in Austria every year. She has also taught a course on Peace and Gender in the Master of Peace Studies program at the University of Tromsø, Norway.
Professor Brock-Utne has done research and written extensively within the areas of peace education, gender socialization, multicultural and development education. Among her last books are: Educating for Peace (New York: Pergamon, 1985, translated into Korean, Norwegian and Italian), Feminist Perspectives on Peace and Peace Education (New York: Pergamon, 1989). Whose Education for All? Recolonizing the African Mind? (New York: Falmer Press, 2000), as well the co-edited book (with Zubeida Desai and Martha Qorro) Language of Instruction in Tanzania and South Africa (Dar es Salaam: E & D Publishers, 2003). Her list of publications includes eleven books of which she is the sole author (seven), coauthor (one), editor (one) and co-editor (two). She has written chapters in seventy-one books, written eighty three stencils, monographs and institute publications and hundred and twenty six articles in professional journals. She frequently serves as keynote lecturer at international research conferences. Professor Brock-Utne has done consultancy work for the UN, for UNESCO, UNICEF, OECD, Council of Europe, DSE, the Namibia Association of Norway, Ministry of Education, Namibia the Norwegian Foreign Ministry, NORAD, DANIDA, SIDA, and the Swedish Ambassador for Disarmament.
Please see Whose Education for All? published by the Namibian Institute for Educational Development, Reform Forum Number 12, and Language, Democracy and Education in Africa, published by The Nordic Africa Institute, Discussion Papers Number 15, July 2002.

Recipient of the 2016 HumanDHS Lifetime Commitment Award

Dr. Philip M. Brown is also a Member in our HumanDHS Education Team.
Dr. Philip Brown is a Coach for the National School Climate Center and President of the newly reorganized International Center for Assault Prevention.
Dr. Philip M. Brown has established and directed the Center for Social and Character Development at Rutgers University, located within the Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology, where he served as principal investigator on research grants from the U.S. Department of Education. Phil has served for more than 25 years in various policy and program management positions in the Pennsylvania State Department of Health and the New Jersey Department of Education, where he created the first professional educational credential in the U.S. in the substance abuse prevention field. Early in his career he served in the Peace Corps in India and conducted training for the Peace Corps following his service. He was President of the New Jersey Alliance for Social, Emotional and Character Development. Recent publications include being guest editor for a special issue of the Indian journal, Experiments in Education on Humiliation in the Educational Setting which grew directly out of the HDHS Network, at the invitation from Evelin Lindner. He co-edited The Handbook of Prosocial Education, published by Rowman & Littlefield in the fall of 2012.
Please see here:
Humiliation, Bullying and Caring in School Communities, paper presented at the Workshop on Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, November 18-19, 2004.
Reflections on Policy and Humiliation: Addressing the Needs of Poor Minority Children in New Jersey’s Public Schools, draft paper presented at Round Table 3 of the 2005 Workshop on Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 15-16, 2005.
•  Philip M. Brown kindly guest-edited "Humiliation in the Academic Setting," A Special Symposium Issue of Experiments in Education, published by the S.I.T.U. Council of Educational Research in 2008.
• Prosocial Education, prepared by Ann Higgins D'Alessandro, Fordham University, and edited by Philip Brown, Rutgers University, for the 2010 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 9-10, 2010.
• Prosocial Development: Defining the Basis for Prosocial Education, discussant background notes presented at the 2011 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 8-9, 2011. See also a slide of the Prosocial Double Helix.
• Prosocial Education: Developing Caring, Capable Citizens, contribution shared at the 2012 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 6-7, 2012.
• Philip M. Brown received the Human Dignity (Half!) Lifetime Commitment Award! (Video by Mariana Ferraz | Video Snapshots by Hua-Chu Yen), December 9, 2016, during the 2016 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 8-9, 2016.
• Developing a Dignifying Culture in K-12 Schools (Video), contribution to the 2017 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 7-8, 2017. See also the book edited by Phil Brown, Student Discipline: A Prosocial Perspective (2016).
• Developing a Dignifying Culture in K-12 Schools (Video), contribution to the 2017 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 7-8, 2017. See also the book edited by Phil Brown, Student Discipline: A Prosocial Perspective (2016).
• "School Discipline: A Prosocial Perspective." In Human Dignity: Practices, Discourses, and Transformations: Essays on Dignity Studies in Honor of Evelin G. Lindner. Edited by Chipamong Chowdhury, Michael F. Britton, and Linda M. Hartling. Chapter 8. Lake Oswego, OR: Dignity Press, 2019.
• Dignifying the Individual Has Both an Interpersonal and Institutional Context and Dimension: Solidarity can happen for good or evil purposes; without prosocial core anchors, it can lead in the wrong direction (Video | PowerPoint), contribution to the 2021 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Virtual at Columbia University, New York City, December 9 – 11, 2021.
Host of the Dignilogue titled Reimagining Education together with Stephanie Knox Steiner (Video). The 20th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, titled "The Urgency of Seeding Dignity: Honoring 20 Years of Global Collaboration for Transforming Suffering Through Courageous and Compassionate Action," hybrid, co-hosted online and in person by the Morton Deutsch International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution at Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City, December 8, 2023.


Matt Bryden is an analyst and writer on Somali affairs and the Horn of Africa. He is a Senior Adviser with WSP-International, Senior Analyst with the International Crisis Group (ICG) and consultant to the United Nations Monitoring Group on the Somalia Arms Embargo. Matt is Co-Founder of the Academy for Peace and Development, an organization based in Hargeysa, Somaliland, dedicated to the promotion of peace, good governance and human rights, and has assisted in the foundation of the Puntland Development Research Centre in northeast Somalia, and the Centre for Research and Dialogue in Mogadishu. He has written extensively on the dynamics of conflict in the Horn, including the politics of statelessness and state reconstruction in Somalia, and the marginalisation of the Somali and Afar communities in Ethiopia.
Please see:
•  Somalia: Matt Bryden in Nairobi, Kenya, on 15th January 1999. This video was created on 15th January 1999 in Nairoby, Kenya. Matt Bryden, in his capacity of being the regional coordinator of War-torn Societies Project, Somalia Country Project, UNRISD / PSIS, explains the intricate and multi-layered situation of Somalia. The interview took place in the Kenya coordinating office of the War-torn Societies Project, Somalia Country Project, in Rhapta Road 99, Westlands, Nairobi (regional offices in Boosaaso, Gaalkacyo, and Garoowe).
The video was recorded as part of the doctoral field work conducted by Evelin Lindner. Please see her doctoral dissertation online on Evelin's publications page. The title is The Psychology of Humiliation: Somalia, Rwanda / Burundi, and Hitler's Germany (Oslo: University of Oslo, Department of Psychology, submitted on 31st October 2000). Evelin did the filming.


Sharon Burde, a mediator for over two decades, believes that a multi-cultural society with equal access to power and equal assumption of responsibility is the only way to achieve true democracy.
Sharon Burde teaches graduate students at NYU and is a member of the Steering Committee of the CUNY Dispute Resolution Consortium. In former Yugoslavia she has worked with women of all ethnic origins to create new multiethnic programs and models.
She furthermore worked with Neve Shalom/ Wahat al-Salam for ten years - with Palestinians and Israelis in support of models that promote peace and justice. Neve Shalom/ Wahat al-Salam means "Oasis of Peace" in Hebrew and Arabic. It is a village, where an equal number of Jewish and Palestinian families live, work and educate their children in a community of peaceful co-existence and equality. Sharon is particularly interested in the Wahat al-Salam dimensions of deeply rooted conflict.
Please find here The Enigma of the Middle East - A Measure of Success by Sharon Burde, in Newsletter of the Conflict Resolution Center International, January 1998 pp. 27-28.



Dr. Guy Burgess is a Founder and Co-Director (with Heidi Burgess) of the University of Colorado Conflict Research Consortium. He holds a Ph.D. in Sociology and has been working in the conflict resolution field, as a scholar and a practitioner, since 1979. His primary interests involve the study and management of intractable conflicts, conflict framing, environmental conflict resolution, and the dissemination of conflict resolution knowledge over the Internet. He is one of the developers of the Online Training Program on Intractable Conflicts, and is the Co-Director of the CRInfo Project – the Conflict Resolution Information Source. Dr. Burgess has edited and authored a number of books and articles, the most recent being The Encyclopedia of Conflict Resolution (with Heidi Burgess, ABC-Clio 1999).
Please see:
Introduction to Our Work, note presented at the 2004 Workshop on Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, November 18-19, 2004.
A Project Overview: Advancing the Peace and Conflict Resolution Fields: A Next-generation Brainstorming Project Developing 20-year Strategies for Addressing the Hard Questions, as well as Conflict Information Systems, and Taking the Peace and Conflict Resolution Fields Outside the "Box", Intractable Conflict Knowledge Base Project and CRInfo – The Conflict Resolution Information Source.



Dr. Heidi Burgess is a Founder and Co-Director (with Guy Burgess) of the University of Colorado Conflict Research Consortium. Her primary interests involve the study and management of intractable conflicts, conflict framing, environmental conflict resolution, and the dissemination of conflict resolution knowledge over the Internet. She is one of the developers of the Online Training Program on Intractable Conflicts, and is the Co-Director of the CRInfo Project – the Conflict Resolution Information Source. Dr. Burgess has edited and authored a number of books and articles, the most recent being The Encyclopedia of Conflict Resolution (with Guy Burgess, ABC-Clio 1999).
Please see:
Introduction to Our Work, note presented at the 2004 Workshop on Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, November 18-19, 2004.
A Project Overview: Advancing the Peace and Conflict Resolution Fields: A Next-generation Brainstorming Project Developing 20-year Strategies for Addressing the Hard Questions, as well as Conflict Information Systems, and Taking the Peace and Conflict Resolution Fields Outside the "Box", Intractable Conflict Knowledge Base Project and CRInfo – The Conflict Resolution Information Source.
• Heidi Burgess kindly shared in November 2023: "I have been co-directing Beyond Intractability, with my husband, Guy Burgess for about 20 years, and was privileged to come to one of the first human dignity meetings, namely, the one in 2004. Since that time we have been trying to assemble information on what makes conflicts intractable, how to prevent that from happening, and how to transform intractable conflicts from destructive situations into constructive ones from researchers and practitioners from around the world, and make that information available for free on We are currently primarily focusing our work on hyper-polarization and the way that destroys dignity and leads to escalating conflict and violence — and how to reverse those trends.
I am deeply concerned about how the political conflict playing out in the United States (and, no doubt, in many other places around the words), relies deeply on the humiliation of the other side. This is true for both conservatives and progressives, but since I hang out mostly with progressives and listen to/read their materials, I am most aware of the ways that these materials humiliate the right. This just drives the polarization and escalation spiral and makes the political crisis in the U.S. worse all the time. We desperately need an understanding of the importance of dignity to take root among our social justice activists, as well as among the MAGA activists on the right."


Nils A. Butenschøn is Associate Professor of International Relations at the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo. At this university, he has been Deputy Director of the Department of Political Science (1994-1998) and Director of the Norwegian Institute of Human Rights (renamed the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights), 1998-2004. He was Visiting Professor at the Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (CMEIS) at the University of Durham UK, 1993-1994. Professor Butenschøn’s research interests focus on conflicts in deeply divided societies, applying different theoretical approaches, and with a particular empirical orientation towards the Middle East.
At the Department of Political Science, Professor Butenschøn initiated and directed the projects "The Gulf Crisis and the Restructuring of the Middle East" (1990-1993) and "Citizenship and the State in the Middle East"(1994-1997). At the Norwegian Institute of Human Rights, he initiated two major cross-disciplinary research programmes, "Human Rights in Norway" and "Accommodating Difference. Human Rights, Citizenship and Identity in Diverse Societies." Butenschøn is a founding member of the executive committee of the Association of Human Rights Institutes, a member of the Middle East editorial committee, the Journal of Citizenship Studies, and member of the editorial board of the Nordic Journal of Human Rights.
Please find here Politics of Ethnocracies - Strategies and Dilemmas of Ethnic Domination by Nils Butenschøn, an extended version of a paper presented at the National Conference of Political Science, Geilo, Norway, 11-12 January 1993.


Alicia Cabezudo is also a Member of the HumanDHS Research Team.
Alicia Cabezudo is a Professor and Peace / Human Rights Educator and Consultant. Until recently, she was the Director of Educating Cities Latin America (International Relations Bureau, Municipality of Rosario, Argentina). The issue of humiliation is of deep concern to her because of the sufferings in the Latin-American region through dictatorship and torture. Her goal is to work on humiliation by trying to build a strong democratic consciousness – after the traumatic experiences of the region – from the individual and social point of view, and how to strengthen both individuals and societies in this direction. Her work as Director of Educating Cities – a strong international association developing educative programmes in cities – has given her the chance to work in Latin American Town Halls in order to approach this goal.
Please see:
The Role of Education in a Multicultural Cyprus (2017), document shared at the 2021 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Virtual at Columbia University, New York City, December 9 – 11, 2021.



David Calderoni, psychologist and psychoanalyst, has conducted his postdoctoral studies in Psychology at the University of São Paulo – USP. He is a member of the Psychoanalysis Department of the Sedes Sapientiae Institute, and of the Spinozian Study Group of FFLCH-USP, as well as a researcher and co-founder of NUPSI - Center for Psychopathology, Public Policies on Mental Health and Communicative Actions in Public Health. He is, furthermore, a teacher and co-founder of the Course on Psychopathology and Public Health (FSP-USP), where he has designed and is currently lecturing the theme Spinoza versus Aristotle - Science of the Singular and Science of the Universal in the Psychopathology of Childhood Psychosis and Autism.
He is the author of The Hermes Case: The Political Dimension of a Psychological Intervention in a Daycare Center – A Study on Institutional Psychology (O Caso Hermes: a dimensão política de uma intervenção psicológica em creche - um estudo em psicologia institucional) (Casa do Psicólogo/Fapesp, 2004) and The Silence in Light – Essays for a Science of the Singular. Psychopatology and Aesthetic-Critical Writings on the Works of Caetano Veloso, Chico Buarque, Eugène Minkowski, Guilherme Messas, Jean Bergeret, Oliver Sacks, Roberto Benigni, Sigmund Freud (O silêncio à luz - ensaios para uma ciência do singular. Escritos psicopatológicos e estético-críticos sobre obras de Caetano Veloso, Chico Buarque, Eugène Minkowski, Guilherme Messas, Jean Bergeret, Oliver Sacks, Roberto Benigni, Sigmund Freud) (Via Lettera, 2006).
The Hermes Case was part of a master dissertation presented in 1994 at the Institute of Psychology of USP, whose evaluators were the political philosopher Sérgio Cardoso, the psychologists Marlene Guirado, and Mary Louise Schmidt. It was approved summa cum laude "for the innovation in the constitution of a research field, the psychological intervention within the institutional framework and the virtuosity in the interpretation of the elements configured in the case analyzed."
The silence in light, whose central essay caused the author an emotive personal encounter with Caetano Veloso, was evaluated by the philosopher Cristiano Novaes de Rezende with these words: "the scientific work undertaken shares with the artistic creation the ability to provide a peculiar way of union and enjoyment with the objects considered, providing the reader with both the clarity of well ordered concepts and the affective experience of a pleasant understanding.”
Edited and prefaced books are: Psychopathology: Ideas, Dialogues - Psychopharmacology, Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis (Psicopatologia: vertentes, diálogos - psicofarmacologia, psiquiatria, psicanálise) (Via Lettera, 2002, several authors), Psychopathology: Today’s Clinics (Psicopatologia: Clínicas de Hoje) (Via Lettera, 2006, several authors) and Spinoza and the Social Psychology (Espinosa e a Psicologia Social), by Laurent Bove (Autêntica, 2009).
Based on the psychoanalytic treatment of an adolescent, and research/studies made at the Laboratory of Fundamental Psychopathology at PUC-SP (1995-2000) and in the Optics Laboratory of the Physics Institute of USP (2001), Calderoni formulated the proposal of Psicologrammar (Psicologramática), a scientific field formed by the confluence of the physics of light and deep psychology, as explained in his doctoral thesis Memorial of Nair: Hypotheses about the Genesis of Symbolization in the Light of an Alleged Case of Psychosis or Autism (Memorial de Nair: hipóteses sobre a gênese da simbolização à luz de um suposto caso de psicose ou autismo) (IP-USP, 2001).
David Calderoni as political and cultural activist:
Through action research in the Quilombo da Fazenda (Ubatuba-SP) Calderoni performed in his postdoctoral studies The problem of Guilt in Freud's Work, from the Perspective of a Metapsychology of Culture (O problema da culpa na obra de Freud na perspectiva de uma metapsicologia da cultura) (IP-USP/Fapesp), and he organized and participated in the CD Quilombo Songs (Quilombo Canta), as well as producing the documentary Democratic Inventions in the Quilombo (Invenções Democráticas no Quilombo) (both with the support of FAPESP). This investigative intervention is still in progress at NUPSI, as part of the Free Quilombo Project (Projeto Quilombo Livre), which aims to study, record, and support the community struggles for land rights, work, and cultural development.
In 2009 he advocated the right to enchantment as a psychic right to be constitutionally guaranteed. He did this in the symposium The Law and the Psychopathology for Public Health, based on the analysis of the Brazilian Constitution as the foundation of what the Brazilian Statute of Children and Adolescents establishes in regard of the rights of developing human beings. The Constitutional Law professor Gisela Maria Bester agreed.
Aiming at the democratization of happiness and the promotion of psychic freedom - conceived as spontaneous and singular exercise of fundamental psychic rights (dreaming, thinking, feeling and communicating), he formulated the proposal on psychopathology for public health. It is a proposal for a movement conceived as the continuing effort of research and cure of what is opposed to the psychosocial weaving of self-care and care for the peers, as expounded in his contributions to the collection Democratic Inventions: The Social Dimension of Health (Invenções Democráticas: a dimensão social da saúde) (Autêntica, 2009), edited by his friend Marcelo Gomes Justo. In three articles of this publication, he justified the articulation of the Democratic Inventions (which he defined as “solidary and creative ways to develop autonomy and cooperation”), catalyzing the convergence between Solidarity Economy, Restorative Justice, Democratic Education, Spinozian philosophy and the Psychopathology for Public Health itself.
Along this way, he became an activist and co-founder of the movement of Democratic Inventions and creator of the eponymous collection published by Autêntica Editora (BH). He co-organized the I International Colloquium Democratic Inventions in Interaction in April 2011 in the FSP-USP, which enabled in-person dialogues on self-managing enterprises from between about 400 citizens of the world from Germany, Argentina, and the Xingu indigenous people, among other parts of Brazil.
David Calderoni is also a poet. He is the author of Enviajando (Via Lettera, 2004), Vagalumzzz (Livraria, 2005), and Zórtex (Sinergia, 2012).
In 1976, at the age of 18, due to the strophes headed by the verse Today I met my father (Hoje encontrei com meu pai), he was declared poet by the writer, dramatist, and psychotherapist Roberto Freire in an article entitled You must know how to die the father for not to commit suicide (É preciso saber morrer o pai para não cometer suicídio), that Freire published in the journal Aqui São Paulo and republished in 1977 at the opening of his book Viva Eu, Viva Tu, Viva o Rabo do Tatu!
In 1993, among the 900 competitors, his poem To João Guimarães Rosa (A João Guimarães Rosa) was one of the 31 poems selected and published by the Brazilian Union of Writers in the Gilberto Mendonça Teles National Poetry Contest Anthology.
The poems Sex and Praying for Haroldo (Sexo e Oração para Haroldo) were published in July 11, 2004 in the Culture section of the newspaper Folha de São Paulo, accompanied by illustrations of the artist Felipe Cohen created ​​especially for the poems.
David Calderoni, as documentarist, conceived the argument and co-wrote the screenplay and interviews for Tours in Sylvan Retreat (Passeios no Recanto Silvestre) (2006), a short-film directed by Miriam Chnaiderman on the life & work of the multi-artist José Agrippino de Paula.
He directed Fine Weave (Trama Justa) (2007), an inaugural documentary of the project Travel to Mondragón (Viagem a Mondragón), which intends to record the preparations, the travel and the meeting of different international solidarity economy initiatives in the region of the Basque Country. This proposal was echoed in Italy through the video by Regiana Queiroz entitled Interview Paul Singer / Travel to Mondragón - Documentary Project by David Calderoni on the Solidary Economy Movement (Intervista Paul Singer / Viaggio a Mondragón – progetto di documentario a cura di DavidCalderoni su i movimenti dell’ economia solidale).
He directed Democratic Inventions in the Quilombo (Invenções Democráticas no Quilombo) (2010), a documentary on the history of political and cultural struggles of the community of the Quilombo da Fazenda (Ubatuba-SP) and its encounter with the movement of Democratic Inventions – a movie selected, exhibited, and debated in June 2011 in Paris during the event Brésil en Mouvements, the main European film festival dedicated to Brazilian social documentaries.
David Calderoni, as songwriter, registered 28 songs, voice and guitar in the CDs Bus (Viação) (1998) and Regeneration (Regeneração) (2004).
He wrote songs which were performed by Mônica Salmaso, Ná Ozzetti, Luiz Tatit, and by the portuguese singer Eugénia Melo e Castro.
He made partnerships (several still undisclosed) with Rafael Lobo, Ricardo Breim, Arnaldo Antunes, Fabio Tagliaferri, Eduardo Santhana, Roberto Freire, Ciro Pessoa, Ricardo Azevedo, Jeffrey Levine, Yves de La Taylle, Francis Brasilis, Jaborandy Tupinambá, Dominique Di Bisceglie, Euclides Marques, Marilena Chauí, André Singer - and, among the Calderonis, with his brother Sabetai and his nephews Ricardo and Vinícius.
In the crossing of his initiatives as songwriter and cultural and political activist, in 2011, he launched the song Mim (already translated to French and Tupi) in France, as spearhead of the Transcreating Project - Music as a Transculturing Democratic Invention (Projeto Transcriando – a música como invenção democrática transculturante), directed to the dialogical intercultural recontextualization of songs conducive to the growth of ethnic democratic rights. See project available at
For 2012, the release of the CD Where the Soul Skin is Thin (Onde a pele da alma é fina) is foreseen, containing arrangements of Maestro Luis E. Corbani, performed by the Camerata Studio, integrated by musicians of OSESP, of the CD Fair & Cool (Justo & Solto), in partnership with the singer and guitarist Rafael Lobo, and of his own songbook with 50 songs transcribed by performer and composer Diogo Carvalho.
At the time of pre-production of the CD Bus (Viação), Luiz Tatit wrote: "Besides the talent to establish unexpected - while appropriate - relationships between melodies and lyrics, David plays his guitar in order to incorporate it at the heart of the composition, combining technical ability and originality in the harmonic and rhythmic solutions. Author of vast repertoire of very well designed songs (I can highlight Pelicano, Nadia and the wonderful Romance), this songwriter is part of the hidden sound of São Paulo that, sooner or later, will come to the public simply because it may no longer be stifled."
These and other productions of the author may be found at
Please see:
• About Hope and Democracy (English/Portuguese). This video is bilingual (English/Portuguese). It was created in São Paulo on 2nd June 2012. Gaby Saab did the recording. David Calderoni is in dialogue with Evelin Lindner about his work at the Núcleo de Psicopatologia, Políticas Públicas de Saúde Mental e Ações Comunicativas em Saúde Pública (NUPSI). Gaby Saab did the recording.
Português: Este vídeo é bilíngüe (Inglês/Português). Foi criado na São Paulo no dia 2 de junho de 2012. David Calderoni está em diálogo com Evelin Lindner sobre seu trabalho na Núcleo de Psicopatologia, Políticas Públicas de Saúde Mental e Ações Comunicativas em Saúde Pública (NUPSI). Gaby Saab fez a gravação. See also some still pictures.


William A. Callahan is Professor of International Relations at the Centre for International Studies at the London School of Economics & Political Science. Professor Callahan's research and teaching focus on the international politics of East Asia, including Chinese foreign policy. He is interested in the interplay between ideas and policy, and the dynamic relationship of security and identity. Other research interests include International Relations and International Relations Theory. He is author of China Dreams: 20 Views of the Future (Oxford University Press, 2013), China: The Pessoptimist Nation (Oxford University Press, 2010), Cultural Governance and Resistance in Pacific Asia (Routledge, 2006) and Contingent States: Great China and Transnational Relations (Minnesota, 2004). Contingent States uses the example of Greater China - a powerful community which does not exist as a formal legal body - to question IR theory's norms of sovereignty, democracy, and the nation-state. Using an ethnographic approach to transnational politics, it traces out how Greater China emerges via networks of relations in local, national, regional, global and transnational space. William Callahan's book project National Insecurities: Ethics, Identity and Chinese Politics considered how "national humiliation" is key to understanding the links between East Asian revolutionary struggles in the early 20th century, and Chinese politics and foreign policy in the early 21st century.
Other publications are the following: "Beyond Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism: Diasporic Chinese and Neo-Nationalism in China and Thailand" in International Organization, 57:3 (Summer 2003), pp. 481-517; "Humiliation, Salvation and Chinese Nationalism," Alternatives, 29:1 (Jan-March 2004); Editor of the Special Issue "The Limits of Chinese Nationalism," in The Journal of Contemporary China (2004); Imagining Democracy: Reading the Events of May in Thailand (Singapore/London: Institute for Southeast Asian Studies, 1998). Callahan has published articles in numerous journals, including International Organization, Public Culture, Asian Survey, International Studies Quarterly and the Journal of Strategic Studies.
William A. Callahan has earlier been the director of the "Asian Studies in Europe and China" project, Director of the Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies, and Senior Lecturer in International Politics at the Department of Politics at the University of Durham in the United Kingdom. William Callahan was also Director of a EUR 300,000 European Union-funded three year cooperative research project "Asian Studies in Europe and China" which linked the University of Durham with Renmin University in Beijing and the Free University of Brussels. In 2002-2003, Callahan conducted this research as a British Academy fellow at Harvard University.
Please see the websites, and, as well as
Please find here:
• National Insecurities: Humiliation, Salvation, and Chinese Nationalism by William A. Callahan, in Alternatives 29, 2004, 199–218.
• War, Shame, and Time: Pastoral Governance and National Identity in England and America, in International Studies Quarterly, 50 (2), 2006, pp. 395-419.


Jörg Calließ is a Historian. Subsequent to his studies of History, Sociology and Political Science at the Free University of Berlin and at the University of Munich, he has lectured History at different German universities. Between 1977 and 1979, he has been responsible for the international work in the field of youth and adult education at Haus Sonnenberg (St. Andreasberg).
Since 1979, Jörg Calließ is Director of Studies at the Evangelische Akademie Loccum in the field of International Relations, Peace Studies and Peace Making program and, since 1999, also honorary professor at the Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany.
During all these years, he has been active in several Conflict Resolutions and Peace Research initiatives. His research interests include international relations, world-politics, global governance, role of NGOs; peaceful conflict-management, crisis-prevention and conflict-resolution, role of NGOs and civil society in conflict-management and peacebuilding-processes, subjects of international security and security policy, relations between military and civilian contributions to peacemaking, European-American relations, and transatlantic cooperation.


June 4, 1927 - June 24, 2020, but always with us in our hearts!

Born in New York City in 1927, Robert Leonard Carneiro earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Anthropology in 1949 from the University of Michigan and his Master’s degree in 1952. He earned his Ph.D. in Anthropology in 1957 from the University of Michigan. At the University of Wisconsin, Carneiro served as a Professor from 1956 to 1957. From 1957 to 1969 he was the Assistant to the Associate Curator for South American Ethnology. He also served as Assistant Curator (1957-1963), Associate Curator (1963-1969) and Full Curator (1969-present) for the American Museum of Natural History. During this time, Carneiro held concurrent positions as Visiting Professor at Hunter College from 1963 to 1964, at the University of California, Los Angeles in 1968, at the University of Victoria, and at Pennsylvania State University in 1973. Carneiro was an Adjunct Professor at Columbia University.
Carneiro was a member of the American Anthropological Association, the American Ethnological Society, and the Society for American Archaeology. He has also been elected to the National Academy of Sciences. His research consisted of cultural evolution, including the reconstruction of sequences and the history of evolutionism. Carneiro often conducted research on the origin and development of the state.
Carneiro's theory of the state of formation - "Carneiro's Circumscription Theory", earned him the recognition of being called one of the most important evolutionists. He suggested that states might emerge because of population growth in an area that is physically or socially limited. Carneiro illustrates his theory by describing how states may have emerged on the northern coast of Peru. He also researched the cultural ecology of Amazonia, especially the effects of subsistence. Carneiro greatly influenced the theory of cultural evolution. He helped edit several volumes of Leslie A. White's, Ethnological Essays. Some of his published works are:
The Transition from Quantity to Quality: A Neglected Causal Mechanism in Accounting for Social Evolution (2000)
A Theory of the Origin on the State (1970)
On the Relationship Between Size of Population and Complexity of Social Organization (1986)
The Evolution of the Human Mind: From Supernaturalism to Naturalism - An Anthropological Perspective (2010)
Correspondence with Robert Carneiro
American Men and Women of Science. (1976). (13th ed.). In Jaques Cattel Press (Ed.). New York, NY: R.R. Bowker Co.
Ember, Carol R. & Melvin. (1996). Anthropology. (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Publishing.


Virginia Cawagas is a resident Associate Professor in the Department of Gender and Peace Education of University for Peace, UPEACE, in Costa Rica. Previous to this appointment, she was Visiting Professor of UPEACE and a Senior Fellow since 2004.
Prior to that, she was Project Coordinator at the Multi-Faith Centre and Adjunct Associate Professor at the School of Education & Professional Studies, Griffith University, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia (2004-2009), and the Faculty of Education, University of Alberta (1995-2010). From 2003-2005, she was a visiting professor and academic consultant of the Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU), a centre established by the Agreement of UNESCO and the Government of the Republic of Korea, to promote education for international understanding (EIU) towards a culture of peace in the Asia-Pacific region. She has written and edited various books, journals, and manuals such as the International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, Teachers' Resource Book for Asian and Pacific Countries for integrating EIU in Social Studies, and Peace Education for Civil society Organizations. Prof. Cawagas has an Ed.D. in Peace and Development Education (meritissimus) and a Master of Science in Educational Administration. She has extensive teaching experience in the field of peace education, human rights education, multicultural education and education for international understanding in both formal and nonformal modes. She has taught, lectured, and conducted workshops in these fields for students, teachers, academics, school administrators, community leaders, soldiers, and civil servants in both North and South contexts, including the Philippines, Australia, Canada, China, Jamaica, Japan, South Pacific, South Korea, Thailand, Uganda and the US.
Please see:
•  Toh, Swee-Hin and Cawagas, Virginia F. (Eds.) (2007). Proceedings of the International Symposium: Cultivating Wisdom, Harvesting Peace Education for a Culture of Peace Through Values, Virtues, and Spirituality of Diverse Cultures, Faiths, and Civilizations, 10-13 August 2005. Brisbane, Australia: The Multi-Faith Centre, Griffith University, Queensland, Australia.


Stephen Chan is Professor of International Relations in the University of London, and foundation Dean of Law and Social Sciences at the School of Oriental and African Studies. He previously held senior positions at the Universities of Kent and Nottingham Trent, and was on the faculty of the University of Zambia. He has held visiting positions in many universities, lecturing on five continents, and has twice been Visiting Fellow at Queen Elizabeth House in Oxford. He delivered the 2003 Maurice Webb Memorial Lectures in Natal, South Africa. His major research interests are in African politics (Robert Mugabe: A Life of Power and Violence, I.B. Tauris and University of Michigan Press, 2003), and in the composition of an ethics for international discourse that recognises the philosophical methodologies of different cultures (The Zen of International Relations, Palgrave Macmillan, 2001; Out of Evil, London: I.B. Tauris, 2004).
Professor Chan has always sought a praxis in his life. As an international civil servant, he was stationed in both London and Lusaka, and was seconded to the Commonwealth Observer Group that oversaw the independence of Zimbabwe. He has since advised and trained ministries in Zimbabwe, Zambia, Lesotho, Mauritius, Kenya, Uganda, Eritrea and Ethiopia. He has also played a professional role, having served on the Executive Committee of the David Davies Memorial Institute of International Studies, and as Adviser in International Relations to the Commonwealth Scholarships Commission. He has also advised the Academy of Finland.
Born in 1949 to refugee parents in New Zealand, he took MA degrees from the University of Auckland and London University King's College, and later took the Ph.D. of the University of Kent. Before leaving New Zealand in 1976, he became well-known for his literary and political commitments and, in 1973, was elected President of the New Zealand University Students' Association. He has lived five years in Zambia and continues to visit Africa at least annually. He is involved in several programmes that bring the oriental martial arts to poor African urban areas. He has founded the Kwok Meil Wah Foundation as one means to support these programmes. For more on his literary and martial arts activities, please see:
Stephen Chan Literary
Stephen Chan Martial Arts
See through for a summary curriculum vitae, and for a complete bibliography of Stephen Chan's published works from 1969 to the present day.


Professor Chiba has been Professor of International Education at the International Christian University (ICU) in Tokyo since 1991 and, even though now retired, he continues as a visiting professor to carry out research on education for conviviality in ICU's 21st Century Center of Excellence Program, Research and Education for Peace, Security and Conviviality. Before joining ICU, Akihiro Chiba has served UNESCO for 31 years. His most recent book is Why Literacy: The Reality of Developing Countries (second edition).
Akihiro Chiba is furthermore a Senior Advisor of the Kumon Institute of Education Co., Ltd. This institute applies a tailor-made system of self-learning, where students start with what they know, and build on it (at present 3.5 million children attend Kumon classes in 44 countries). Professor Chiba's fields of expertise are planning and training in literacy and project preparation, evaluation and monitoring in literacy. He speaks English, French, and Japanese and works internationally.

July 19, 1946 - July 2015, but always with us in our hearts!

Zahur Ahmed Choudhri is also a Member of the Global Core Team, and HumanDHS Global Staff.
Zahur Ahmed Choudhri, provided his services to the government of Pakistan for more than three decades. And he recently retired from his position as a Director (Research), National Centre for Rural Development & Municipal Administration, Government of Pakistan. While being working for the government of Pakistan, he acted as a team-leader for several research projects with international organizations, i.e. UNICEF, UNCRD, UNDP, LOGOTRI-UNESCAP, FAO, ILO, SAARC, IFAD, CIRDAP, APO, AARDO and IUCN.
Mr. Choudhri is also in the visiting faculty of couple of national universities in Pakistan, and sharing his life-long development sector experiences with the students of rural sociology, forestry and rural development. He has also been writing on ranges of issues and also has co-authored two books. Both books are looking at the notion of development through the lens of Islam, mainly answering the very crucial question, how various concepts and approaches of Islam teaches for development and peace from individual to a state and global level.



Daniel J. Christie is Professor Emeritus of Psychology at Ohio State University. Dan works with colleagues on course development, field experiences, and programs on peace psychology in higher education particularly in developing parts of the world.  He conducts applied research in peace psychology for a number of civil society organizations, and serves as Series Editor of the Peace Psychology Book Series (Springer) and Editor-in-Chief for the Encyclopedia of Peace Psychology (Wiley-Blackwell).  He co-edited Peace, Conflict, and Violence: Peace Psychology for the 21st Century (Prentice-Hall), which is available for downloading at no cost. His most recent publications on peace psychology appear in the Journal of Social Issues and American Psychologist. 


Kevin Paul Clements holds the Chair in Peace and Conflict Studies, and is the Director of the newly-founded National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies (see also its podcasts) at the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand, since January 2009. Prior to that, since September 2003, he was the Director of the Australian Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies (ACPACS), after being Secretary General of International Alert, in London, England. International Alert is one of the world's biggest NGO's working on Conflict Transformation in Africa, the Caucasus, Asia and Latin America. Before that, he was the Vernon and Minnie Lynch Professor of Conflict Resolution and Director of the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution at George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia USA, and Head of the Peace Research Centre at the Australian National University, Canberra Australia, as well as Senior Lecturer in Sociology and Coordinator of Peace Studies at Canterbury University, Christchurch, New Zealand. In the mid 1980s he was Director of the Quaker United Nations Office in Geneva, and a member of the New Zealand Delegation to the Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference. He has been a Visiting Professor /Researcher at the University of Colorado at Boulder, USA, the Institute of South East Asian Studies in Singapore, and the School of Development Studies, University of East Anglia. He was a lecturer in Sociology at Hong Kong University in the early 1970s, and a Post Doctoral Fellow at the Institute of Commonwealth Studies, Oxford University. Kevin is a Past President of the International Peace Research Association, President of the IPRA Foundation and Secretary General of the Asia Pacific Peace Research Association. He was a member of the NZ Government Defence Committee of Enquiry in 1985 which explored how New Zealand could defend itself without nuclear weapons. Kevin was the inaugural President of the European Peace Building Liaison Organisation in Brussels and a Board Member of the European Centre for Conflict Prevention. He edited the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology in the late 1970s and is currently on the Editorial Boards of Peace Review, Global Change, Peace and Security, and Peace and Policy. He has been an advisor on defence, security and conflict issues to a range of governmental and non-governmental organisations in Australasia, the United States and Europe and Chairman, Facilitator and keynote speaker at many international Peace and Conflict Resolution conferences over the past 20 years. He is on the International Advisory Board of the Karuna Center for Peacebuilding Amherst Mass USA, Global Action to Abolish War, the International Peace Research Association Foundation and (Ex Officio) on the Executive of the International Peace Research Association Council.
See also his work with the Global Peace Index (GPI).


Sara Cobb, Ph.D., University of Massachusetts, Amherst, is the Director of the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution (ICAR) at George Mason University. As ICAR provides graduate degrees in conflict resolution, Dr. Cobb works to support both the production of original research and the integration between theory and practice. As faculty, she teaches theory, research and practice-based courses on negotiation and the transformation of disputes. In her role as Director, she provides liaison between ICAR and other private sector agencies/corporations, at national and international levels.
Through her research, she has specialized in the analysis of conflict narratives and has contributed to the critique of "neutrality" in conflict resolution processes. Dr. Cobb as published widely in communication studies and legal studies, supported by grants from the Ford Foundation and the UN High Commission on Refugees. She has held both administrative and academic positions at a variety of research institutions including Harvard Law School, University of California, Santa Barbara, and the University of Connecticut. She has consulted to a host of family-owned businesses in North and South America, as well as to public and private organizations, including UN High Commission on Refugees, La Caxia Bank, and Exxon. She has conducted training for the American Bar Association, Fox Learning Academy and a number of universities in Europe and Latin America. The blend of academic research, program development, and practice enables Dr. Cobb to offer both systematic critique of traditional methods for conflict intervention, as well as new methods for intervention that focus on the transformation of narratives in conflict processes.
Please see here "Humiliation" as Positions in Narratives: Implications for Policy Development, paper presented at the 2004 Workshop on Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, November 18-19, 2004.

Recipient of the 2019 HumanDHS Lifetime Commitment Award

Dr. Cohen’s career – as an educator, conflict resolution practitioner and organizational consultant – has spanned several domains: academia, Fortune 50 companies and the nonprofit world. Currently, she is engaged as a community educator, directing community-based anti-racism educational programming and interracial dialogues in New Jersey. She continues to write and to speak about practicing “Everyday Dignity”, i.e., small acts of validation and inclusion as antidotes to microaggressions and other acts of humiliation. She believes that it as a necessary component of functioning democracy.
Dr. Cohen is Founder and President of The Third Alternative, LLC, a consulting group with expertise in dialogue and facilitation, organizational justice, mediation, and conflict management. Dr. Cohen has consulted to non-profit and Fortune 100 organizations and to universities. An Ombudsman at AT&T, she coached executives and employees, facilitated high-conflict meetings and reported trends about employee well-being. Until recently she was on faculty in the Social-Organizational Psychology Program at Teachers College, where she had been the Associate Director of the Morton Deutsch International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution until 2015.
Before joining TC, Dr. Cohen had been on faculty at Rutgers University and taught at Stevens Institute of Technology. Her research interests have included the cognitive basis of stereotyping and Participatory Action Research (PAR.) While at TC, she led a 5+ year PAR project with the Fortune Society exploring the organizational philosophy and practices that support successful reentry after prison in both housing and wrap-around services.
Current interests include the power of dialogue to promote individual and societal change. How do dialogic practices reinforce the enactment of interpersonal dignity? When dialogues span racial or ethnic divisions, can they be a tool in promoting anti-racist understanding? Dr. Cohen serves on several Racial Justice committees and boards in Union County, N.J. She co-directs Dialogue Circles on Race, which bring Black and White citizens into conversations about race. Dialogue Circles combine an unflinching curriculum re: the history of racial oppression with listening across racial differences to others’ stories with empathy and respect. She works with others toward the goal of creating a statewide network of community-based anti-racism organizations.
Please see:
• Emotional Awareness: Can It Mitigate Against the Experience of Humiliation and Promote Constructive Conflict Resolution?, contribution shared at the 2009 Workshop on Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York, December 10-11, 2009.
• Welcome to the 2014 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, 2014 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 4-5, 2014.
Everyday Dignity - Blog Entry: An Illuminating Act of Justice, 2016.
• Is Dignity Possible During War Time? A Small Act of Humanity..., contribution shared at the 2016 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 8-9, 2016.
• Dignity As a Practice: The Nonhuman Rights Project (Video), contribution shared at the 2017 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 7-8, 2017.
• Confronting Narratives of Hate with Stories of Dignity (Video | Powerpoint), contribution shared at the 2018 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 6-7, 2018.
• 'This is Civity' Radio Show podcast (2018)
• Humiliation, Honoring Dignity and Destructive Conflict: You’ve Got to be Carefully Taught, contribution shared at the 2019 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 5-6, 2019.
• "Everyday Dignity: The Surprising Power of 'Small' Acts." In Human Dignity: Practices, Discourses, and Transformations: Essays on Dignity Studies in Honor of Evelin G. Lindner. Edited by Chipamong Chowdhury, Michael Britton, and Linda Hartling. Chapter 3. Lake Oswego, OR: Dignity Press, 2019.


Dov Cohen graduated with a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan and has taught at the University of Illinois and at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada. His general research interests have to do with cultural continuity and change and the impact of social norms. Specific areas of research have examined violence, honor, relationship issues, and perspectives on the self, individualism and collectivism, and cultural influences on memory.
Professor Cohen has published on topics such as honor and violence, see for example, Culture of Honor: The Psychology of Violence in the South (Westview Press, 1996, co-authored with Richard E. Nisbett). See furthermore, "Field Experiments Examining the Culture of Honor: The Role of Institutions in Perpetuating Norms About Violence" in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 1997, together with Richard E. Nisbett, "Meanings of Violence" in Journal of Legal Studies, 1997, together with Joseph A. Vandello, as well as "The sacred and the social: Honor and violence in cultural context" in Shame: Interpersonal Behavior, Psychopathology, and Culture, edited by Paul Gilbert and Bernice Andrews, Oxford University Press, 1998, co-authored with Joseph A. Vandello and Adrian Bantilla.


Peter T. Coleman is also a Member of the HumanDHS Research Team.
Peter T. Coleman is the Director of ICCCR and Assistant Professor of Psychology and Education. He holds a Ph.D. and M.Phil. in Social / Organizational Psychology from Teachers College, Columbia University and a B.A. in Communications from the University of Iowa. He has conducted research on social entitivity processes (ingroup/outgroup formation), gender discrimination in organizations, the mediation of inter-ethnic conflict, ripeness in intractable conflict, conflict resolution & difference, and on the conditions which foster the constructive use of social power. [read more]


Beverly Crawford is the Associate Director and Associate Research Political Scientist at the Center for German and European Studies, University of California, Berkeley.


Denis Cunningham has been involved in (languages) education in a wide variety of contexts over the last twenty-five years. This has included teaching in Victoria and France, consultancy, and management within the Victorian School of Languages, where he is currently Assistant Principal.
Denis has been an active member of associations, including the MLTAV and the AFMLTA, of which he was Secretary from 1982 to 1997 and was awarded the AFMLTA Medal for Outstanding Service to Language Teaching in Australia in 1999. After being Secretary-General (1993-1997), he is now President of the world federation, FIPLV. He has been a member of numerous steering and reference committees for national projects in Australia and has presented papers and workshops in every Australian state/territory and twenty-two other countries. He was awarded the honour of Fellow of the Australian College of Educators in 2001.
He has edited monographs, published (in Australia and overseas) a number of articles on a variety of educational and other topics, especially CALL and technology in open learning, continuity, language policy, language rights, profiling, Linguapax and other UNESCO activities. He has also published reviews and reports - bringing the number of publications to around 230 - and has contributed to several other monographs and reports over the last twenty years.
He was a member of the UNESCO International Linguapax Committee, organised the UNESCO International Conference on the Pacific: A Language Treasure (2001), and has represented FIPLV on the Scientific Committees of the UNESCO World Congress on Language Policies (2002), the Linguapax X World Congress (Dialogue on Language Diversity, Sustainability and Peace) (2004), and the Project on Languages of the World. He was also a member of the UNESCO Expert Group, which produced UNESCO's policy on languages Education in a Multilingual World, which appeared in 2003.



Maria Dahle is the Executive Director of the Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF), a non-governmental organisation established in 1989 and located at the Human Rights House in Oslo, Norway, and in Geneva, Switzerland, is the Secretariat of the HRH Network. The Secretariat works to protect, strengthen and support human rights organisations and unite them in an international network of Human Rights Houses by:
•  Facilitating the establishment of human rights houses;
•  Providing human rights organisations with information about the process of establishing a human rights house and the process of joining the Network;
•  Advising organisations in the HRH Network on the development of projects and programs;
•  Providing human rights organisations with information about the resources available within the HRH Network;
•  Maintaining close relationships with the organisations of the HRH Network;
•  Facilitating the sharing of knowledge and expertise;
•  Lobbying and fundraising on behalf of the human rights houses;
•  Maintaining the HRH Network's website;
•  Publishing the Annual Report and other promotional material.
Please see:
•  Human Rights Defenders – Do They Make a Difference?, presentation given at the Seminar "60th Anniversary of the Human Rights," at the Oslo Center for Peace and Human Rights, Oslo, Norway, 24th November 2008
•  Introduction to Working Session 3, given on 27th September 2011 at the Human Dimension Implementation Meeting 2011, organised by the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), 26th September - 7th October 2011. The Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) organises an annual meeting in Warsaw, Poland, to review the implementation of a broad range of OSCE human dimension commitments, including in the areas of human rights and fundamental freedoms, elections, the promotion of tolerance, use of the death penalty, and the rights of national minorities. The Human Dimension Implementation Meeting (HDIM) lasts 10 working days and is attended by representatives of OSCE participating States, NGOs, and international organizations and institutions.



Erin Daly is Professor of Law at Delaware Law School and a co-founder of the Dignity Rights Project. She served as Interim Dean and Vice Dean of the Law School in 2013-2015.
She is the Director of the Global Network for Human Rights and the Environment and also serves as the US National Correspondent for the Centre international de droit comparé de l'environnement (CIDCE) at Limoges, and as the Vice President for Institutional Development at the Université de la Fondation Aristide in Haiti. She works with UN Environment on judicial workshops to promote implementation of constitutional environmental rights.
Erin is the author of Dignity Rights: Courts, Constitutions, and the Worth of the Human Person (U. Penn 2013), with a Foreword by former President of the Israeli Supreme Court, Aharon Barak; the co-author of Global Environmental Constitutionalism (Cambridge 2015) and co-editor of Implementing Environmental Constitutionalism (Cambridge 2018). She has also co-edited the Judicial Handbook on Environmental Constitutionalism (United Nations Environment); Environmental Constitutionalism in Context (Edward Elgar), and New Frontiers in Environmental Constitutionalism (United National Environment), as well as the forthcoming Encyclopedia of Human Rights and the Environment: Indivisibility, Dignity and Legality (Edward Elgar, 2019). Her first book, examining transitional justice theory, was co-authored with South African scholar Jeremy Sarkin and with a foreword by Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Reconciliation in Divided Societies: Finding Common Ground, (U. Penn 2006, 2010).


Dr. Jean Delisle, C.Tr., C. Term., is Director of the School of Translation and Interpretation of the University of Ottawa, where he has been a member of the faculty since 1974. He has been co-founder and President of Sopar-Limbour, a non-profit organization helping poor people in India. He has authored several books on translation teaching and the history of translation, namely L'Analyse du discours comme méthode de traduction (1980), Bridging the Language Solitudes (1984), Translation in Canada, 1534-1984 (1987), The Language Alchemists (1990), La Traduction raisonnée (1993; 2 nd ed. 2003) and L'Enseignement pratique de la traduction (2005). He edited Portraits de traducteurs (1999), Portraits de traductrices (2003) and was co-editor of Translators through History (1995), Enseignement de la traduction et traduction dans l'enseigne­ment (1998), Translation Terminology (1999) and Traduction : La formation, les spécialisations et la profession (2004). He founded three series at the University of Ottawa Press: Cahiers de traductologie (1979), Perspectives on Translation (1993) and Didactics of Translation (1993). He also co-produced a non-commercial CD-ROM on The History of Translation. His work has been translated into Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, English, Finnish, Galician, German, Korean, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Persian, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish.


Emanuela Claudia Del Re (1963) is also a Member of the HumanDHS Research Team.
Emanuela C. Del Re is an Italian scholar, expert in conflict studies, migrations, minorities, religious phenomena, security issues, visual sociology, and specialist in the Balkans, Caucasus and Middle East (in particular Iraq, Syria, Jordan).
She was appointed as the European Union Special Representative for the Sahel on 21 June 2021 and her mandate was renewed until 31st August 2024 (see her on EuroNews in January 2024). She has been She is a tenured researcher at the university Niccolò Cusano of Rome, where she has been professor of Political Sociology and Sociology of Political Phenomena of the Middle East, she has obtained the title of Associated Professor (SPS/07) in 2014. She has been Jean Monnet Professor and course co-coordinator on European Culture(s), Citizenship(s) and Governance in the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the University La Sapienza of Rome, where she has also been lecturing on American Politics and Culture, Cross Cultural Communication and other topics  (2001–2010). She lectures on the themes of her expertise in various Italian and international master and PhD courses organized by prestigious academic institutions as well as governmental institutions and NGOs.
She is the elected national coordinator of the section Sociology of Religion of the Italian Sociological Association (AIS).
Professor Del Re is the Chair and founder of the EPOS International Mediating and Negotiating Operational Agency that is active in conflict areas with projects aimed at rebuilding civil society, an implementing partner of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs  (funds: European Commission, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs). She has created the MY FUTURE project for Syrian Refugees funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, implemented in Iraq and Jordan.
She is the creator of MONDORELIGIONI – WORLD OF RELIGIONS, an initiative that promotes the knowledge on religions within societies, interreligious dialogue and citizenship awareness on religions, organizing events, congresses, and other initiatives.
Professor Del Re earned her degree at the University of Rome La Sapienza (with full marks and honours). She has been a researcher at the Department of  Social and Political Science at the European University Institute (Fiesole, Florence, 1997–2000), and a research fellow at the University of Rome La Sapienza (2001–2003).
Professor Del Re has carried out extensive field research in conflict areas and areas in transition, since 1990. She has followed and continues to closely follow the field of social-political-economic transformation of countries and regions such as Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Albania, Serbia, F.Y.R. Macedonia and Kosovo, and the Balkans in general since 1991, and in other areas in Europe, Caucasus, and North Africa. Her research, professional activities and publications have been and are focused on themes such as:
1) social and political crises, transformations, and conflicts (Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Albania; Serbia; Kosovo; F.Y.R. Macedonia; Azerbaijan);
2) refugee issues and migration flows in the Mediterranean and in the Middle East;
3) security issues such as illicit trafficking, terrorism;
4) religious phenomena;
5) minorities;
6) big connection axes in Europe and beyond (Pan-European Corridors, in particular V and VIII);
7) geo-strategic and geopolitical implications of oil and oil pipelines, focusing in particular on Caspian Oil (field work in Azerbaijan); 
9) negotiation and mediation in international conflicts.
As a sociologist, Professor Del Re is also an expert in and supporter of Visual Sociology, promoting innovative research methods that include the use of audio-visuals.
As a scholar, she combines field research in conflict areas with active humanitarian interventions. In her opinion, the integration of the two reflects the true interpretation of the role and responsibilities of academics.
She is member of numerous think tanks, institutes and organizations, and a member in the editing boards of various leading scientific magazines, including Limes, Italian Geopolitical Review and Security Dialogues. She is the director of the book series Globolitical in the ARACNE publishing house, Rome. She has been a member of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies since 2006.
She is the author of numerous scientific essays and volumes, and director of documentaries.
Latest publications:
E. C. Del Re & R.R. Larémont (eds.) Pursuing Stability and a Shared Development in Euro-Mediterranean Migrations, Roma: Aracne, 2017;
S. Shekawat & E. C. Del Re (eds.), Women and Borders: Refugees, Migrants and Communities , London: Tauris, 2017.
Films: We, the last Christians of Iraq (2015); The Denied Festival. Voice and Future of the Yazidi (2015); My Future Syria. With the Refugees to rebuild the Syrian civil society (2015).
Please see:
• Emanuela Del Re's contribution to the 2007 Workshop on Humiliation and Violent Conflict: The Role of Dignity and Humiliation for Security
The Subtle Connection Between Counter-terrorism Strategies and Humiliation, presentation held at the 2009 Workshop on Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 10-11, 2009.
• The Denied Yazidi Festival: The voice and future of the Yazidis, directed by Emanuela C. Del Re, EPOSchannel, published on 5th October 2014: Due to serious threats following terrorist attacks that had taken place in Iraqi Kurdistan in previous days, the Jazhna Jamaye, the most signficant religious festival of the Yazidi, ancient, peaceful and consistent minority in Iraqi Kurdistan, has been canceled by the authorities for security reasons. Out of the thousands of Yazidi from all over the world expected to gather in Lalish every October, in 2013 only a few hundreds have participated in the festival. Although the Rituals have been celebrated, and the spirituality of the event has pervaded the place, the Yazidi have suffered for the cancellation of the event. In this unique and exclusive documentary the Yazidi share their thoughts about their life and values, providing a deep insight in the world of a little known community. They also talk about their fears for the future: a prelude of the tragedy that is taking place today in August 2014, with the Yazidi risking a new genocide.


Morton Deutsch is one of the world's most respected scholars and the founder of the International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution (ICCCR). Professor Deutsch has been widely honored for his scientific contributions involving research on cooperation and competition, social justice, group dynamics, and conflict resolution. He has published extensively and is well known for his pioneering studies in intergroup relations, social conformity, and the social psychology of justice. His books include: Interracial Housing (1951); Theories in Social Psychology (1965); The Resolution of Conflict (1973); Distributive Justice (1985); and The Handbook of Conflict Resolution: Theory and Practice (2000).
Please see here the Morton Deutsch Library. [read more]


Brigid Donelan has served as Chief and Focal Point on Conflict Resolution and Peace-building in the UN's Division for Social Policy and Development, DESA (New York) until 2005. The Division is developing a people-centred approach to peace-building that revolves on the concept of social integration agreed at the 1995 World Summit for Social Development. The approach is participatory, knowledge-seeking and values-based. Brigid recently co-edited (with experts) the book Trauma Interventions in War and Peace: Prevention, Practice and Policy (Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2003). She has served on UN peacekeeping missions in Cyprus, Lebanon, Namibia, and in South Africa during its transition to democracy. Originally, from Ireland, Brigid has studied and worked in the areas of journalism, sociology and peacebuilding.
Please see here Humiliation and Resiliency in the Social Integration Process: Towards a model framework and policy dialogue at the United Nations, note prepared by Patricia O'Hagan and Brigid Donelan for the 2004 Workshop on Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Day 2, Roundtable: "Can the notion of humiliation be useful for public policy planning?", Columbia University, New York City, November 18-19, 2004.


Fanny Duckert is Professor Emeritus of Psychology and former Head of the Faculty of Social Sciences, and Head of the Department of Psychology at the University of Oslo in Norway. Since 1997, Fanny Duckert has been a Visiting Professor at the University of the North in the Limpopo Province in South Africa where she was running a Linkage Programme between Norway and South Africa. This programme aimed at academic capacity building at historical disadvantaged universities in South Africa.
Professor Duckert is a Clinical Specialist and a Specialist in Industrial and Organisational Psychology. Her theoretical approach can be described as cognitive behavioural. Her main research activities are focusing on the treatment of substance abuse problems. Her doctoral thesis addressed the evaluation of treatments of alcohol abuse problems. She has been writing a series of scientific articles and several books in the field of substance abuse treatment.
Since 2018, Fanny has her own clinic in Oslo.



Akhil Ranjan Dutta is Associate Professor in Political Science at Gauhati University, Assam, India. He is well known as a political commentator, author and columnist. His areas of interest are political theory, political economy, human security and cultural politics. A bi-lingual author, Dutta has published a number of articles in different research journals and regularly contributes in local dailies - both English and Assamese. Important among his publications are Human Security in North-East India: Issues and Policies (edited), 2009; Society and Civilisation at the Crossroads of Globalisation (in Assamese), 2010; Political Theory: Issues, Concepts and Debates (edited), 2011 and Culture, Ideology Politics: Jyotiprasad Agarwala and his Vision for Social Transformation (edited), 2012. He is closely associated with Lokniti, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS), Delhi. Dutta is also Executive Editor of Natun Padatik – a bi-monthly socio-cultural magazine published from Guwahati. .



Annie Dymetman is a Law School Professor at the Universidade São Judas Tadeu, São Paulo, Brazil, since 2003. She earned her Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of São Paulo – USP, with a thesis on “The state of exception  at Weimar’s constitution.” She received her Master in Sociology from the University of Haifa, Israel (where she lived from 1970 to 1982) with a dissertation on “Sociological Theory.”
Annie has created the alternative “Transmediation” way, an interdisciplinary practice with a particular methodology for the understanding and the management of conflicts. She is currently working on making this approach widely known. She has published the introductory piece “From the mediation to the Transmediation of conflicts – dissolving for solving” in 2011.
Annie is a founding member and coordinator of the first Brazilian academic Mediation House that offers pro bono mediation services for the general population and disseminates a culture of Peace at the Law School, which is still strongly imbued with a contentious tradition.  She carries out study groups and mentors research and studies in this area, besides providing mediators formation courses and conducting group Transmediation  workshops. She integrates clinical theory and practice, based on a critical view of Law and of processes of conflict resolution, with a plural approach, involving resources and practices from Gestalt Psychology, Relational Constellations, Psychodrama and Body Work.
According to the Transmediation approach:
1. There is no objective definition of conflict. The one who defines it is the one who seeks for the mediation, the one that considers him- or herself to be aggrieved, humiliated, and wounded, in short, the victim. Her “narrative” is crystalized, coherent and, most important, truthful; it is the best “speech” a victim could ever build, since it is through this speech that she will try to make an alliance with the world – with the lawyer, with the mediator, in short, with whoever may offer support through the validation and legitimation of her rights. Therefore, from the point of view of Transmediation, the conflict is a subjective construction. It is the choice of a particular perception, of a particular point of view.
2.  Since the conflict is a chosen and constructed perception, it is non-negotiable, because negotiating would mean that “the parties” would gradually give up at least part of their wills and interests in order to reach a common denominator for both. In this sense, to accept a possible agreement by making the parties reducible to each other does not mean to solve the conflict, but merely to adjust it, to delay its resolution and eventually to deepen it.
3. If conflict is a perception, if it is irreducible, and if it is communicated through a coherent “speech of truth,” the only way one can possibly work it out is serving as a facilitator for a new and different perception of the conflict. This does not mean to change the victim’s perception, but to support her to get in touch with a different perception. Because when doing so, she realizes that her perception is the product of choice and not of the coercion of facts. The moment of this realization, in Transmediation, is called “the moment of parallax.”
4. The parallax moment is magical. The victim who first came to the mediator full of pain, humiliated – seeking for Justice! Revenge! Vengeance! – armed with resentment and rights to the teeth, is now disarmed. Literally disarmed, in a sense that she is now open and ready for a dialogue. Now relaxed, generally with a reinvigorated muscular tone, a less tense posture, a more illuminated look and even smiling, she is ready to perceive the real cause of her pain, resentment, and humiliation. Now she can be heard, because she is now in the condition to listen to her own narrative. Her speech that first was an instrument of truth is now reduced to an innocuous mechanism.
5. In fact, our first goal is the deconstruction of the truth mechanism that the victim had used to give meaning to her pain. In this sense we can say that Transmediation is a sort of therapy, not for the victim, but for the conflict. Therefore the deconstruction and the parallax can only happen within a “safe territory,” where the demarcation is made safe from the first meeting on, through acknowledgement. This does not mean to acknowledge the victim as a victim, nor does it mean the acceptance of the alliances she tries to make, but the recognition of her humanity and of the singularity of her humanity.
6. Recognition requires certain conditions: one of them is that the first meeting – with any of the participants of the conflict – is always a private one. It is a necessary privacy and intimacy, necessary to build connections of trust, and this is precisely the kind of connection that starts being built through acknowledgement.
7. Frequently after one or more meetings – as many as necessary – the conflict is transformed. As we say, it is not solved, but dissolved. Through parallax, the participant in the conflict replaces her perception of the conflict, and often notices that her former perception was based on repetitive and mechanical standards. So, in a way, by practicing Transmediation, the conflict reveals a new and positive dimension, one that is useful to make us aware of our own subjectiveness.


Asbjørn Eide is Chairman of the FAO Panel of Eminent Experts on Ethics in Food and Agriculture, and Member of the UN Subcommission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights. He is Senior Fellow and former Director of the Norwegian Institute of Human Rights at the University of Oslo, Norway.
Asbjørn Eide has published widely, see, among others, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: A Textbook (edited in 2001 in Nijhoff, together with Catarina Krause and Allan Rosas), Prevention of Impunity: Special Issue (edited in 2000, in Kluwer Law International), Human Rights and Corporate Response - Country Study Design: Exploratory Study of Azerbaijan (1999 in the Norwegian Institute of Human Rights, together with Pia Rudolfsson Goyer), Human Rights Education: Achievements and Challenges (edited in 1998, together with Athanasia Spiliopoulou Åkermark), and Conditions for Civilized Politics: Political Regimes and Compliance With Human Rights (1996, together with Bernt Hagtvet in Scandinavian University Press).treatment.



Riane Eisler is an eminent social scientist, attorney, and social activist best known as author of the international bestseller The Chalice and The Blade: Our History, Our Future, hailed by Princeton anthropologist Ashley Montagu as "the most important book since Darwin's Origin of Species and by novelist Isabel Allende as "one of those magnificent key books that can transform us." This was the first book reporting the results of Eisler's study of human cultures spanning 30,000 years, and is in 22 languages, including most European languages and Chinese, Russian, Korean, Hebrew, and Japanese.
Riane Eisler was born in Vienna, fled from the Nazis with her parents to Cuba, and later emigrated to the United States. She obtained degrees in sociology and law from the University of California, taught pioneering classes on women and the law at UCLA, and is a founding member of the General Evolution Research Group (GERG) and the Alliance for a Caring Economy (ACE), and a fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science and World Business Academy. She is also co-founder of the Spiritual Alliance to Stop Intimate Violence (SAIV). She is president of the Center for Partnership Studies, dedicated to research and education.
Dr. Eisler has received many honors, including selection as the only woman among twenty great thinkers including Hegel, Adam Smith, Marx, and Toynbee for inclusion in Macrohistory and Macrohistorians in recognition of the lasting importance of her work.
Her books include the award-winning The Power of Partnership and Tomorrow's Children, as well as Sacred Pleasure, a daring reexamination of sexuality and spirituality, and Women, Men, and the Global Quality of Life, which statistically documents the key role of the status of women in a nation's general quality of life. She is the author of over 200 essays and articles in publications ranging from Behavioral Science, Futures, Political Psychology, and The UNESCO Courier to Brain and Mind, Yes!, the Human Rights Quarterly, The International Journal of Women's Studies, and the World Encyclopedia of Peace.
Dr. Eisler is sought after to keynote conferences worldwide, and is a consultant to business and government on applications of the partnership model introduced in her work. International venues have included Germany at the invitation of Prof. Rita Suessmuth, President of the Bundestag (the German Parliament) and Daniel Goeudevert (Chair of Volkswagen International); Greece at the invitation of Margarita Papandreou (the First Lady); Colombia, invited by the Mayor of Bogota; and the Czech Republic, invited by Vaclav Havel (President of the Czech Republic).
Based on her work as a cultural historian and evolutionary theorist over the last twenty years, Riane Eisler introduced the partnership system and the domination system as two underlying possibilities for structuring beliefs, institutions, and relations that transcend categories such as religious vs. secular, right vs. left, and technologically developed or undeveloped. Her pioneering work in human rights expanded the focus of international organizations to include the rights of women and children, and her work in economics introduces a new holistic model for government and business. Her research has impacted many fields, including history, sociology, and education; for example, it inspired the Montessori Foundation to start a Center for Partnership Education.
She is widely recognized as a visionary pragmatist, whose books, speeches, and leadership have inspired people worldwide. Her newest book, The Real Wealth of Nations: Creating a Caring Economics, proposes a new economics that gives visibility and value to the most essential human work: the work of caring for people and planet.
Please see:
Celebrating the Diversity of Our Unity: Democracy, Gender, and Dignity in a Global Perspective, statement presented at the 2010 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 9-10, 2010.
• "Message to the World" (Video | Video recorded on September 3, 2021), contribution to the 2021 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Virtual at Columbia University, New York City, December 9 – 10, 2021.


7th February 1935 – 9th July 2019, yet always with us in our hearts!

Trine Eklund was born in Oslo, Norway, in 1935. After studies in England, Italy, and Sweden, she was the head of the physical ward at a rehabilitation center in Oslo. From 1978 – 1998, she worked as a physiotherapist with the Occupational Health Services (Bedriftshelsetjenesten) at Norsk Hydro in Oslo. Since 1980, Trine has been active in the Norwegian peace movement, among others in the “Nordic Women’s Peace Marches” against nuclear weapons in Europe (1981), in the USSR (1982), and the USA (1983); see Else Skjønsberg's book Kvinnenes fredsbevegelsen på åttitallet (Oslo: PROSUS, 1998). From 1986 –1989, Trine headed the Norwegian Peace Council, an umbrella organization for about 20 peace organizations. Since then, until the last moment, she has been active in Norwegian and international peace work, and, since 1989, increasingly also in gender policy.
In 1998, Trine chose to engage full time in her peace work and visited East European countries for conferences about peace issues, democratization processes, human rights, gender issues, and empowerment of women. She is now active in different Norwegian peace organizations, such as Seniors for Palestina, and Grandmothers for Peace (GFP) in Oslo, a grassroot group that hands out leaflets on current war and peace issues every Wednesday in front of the Norwegian parliament (see video in English and in Norwegian/English).
The most important peace organization she has been a member of for more than 30 years is The Norwegian Peace Assosiation/Norges Fredslag, the oldest peace organization in Norway, founded in 1884. Since 2007, she is part of a group working with the national and international Peace Tax - "Not for my money" (converting the military tax paid by everyone into peace-related projects - as an average, in Norway everybody pays approximately 4000 to 5000 Norwegian Crowns or 750 American Dollars per person per year for military purposes).
The predecessor for the peace movement in Norway and its peace organizations was the Fredskontoret (The Office for Peace) that was created more than fifty years ago in 1962. Trine was a member in the committee for a book honoring it, titled I strid for fred: Fredskontoret 1962-1972, edited by Sverre Roed-Larsen and Anne Hjort-Larsen (Oslo: Kolofon, 2012).
Please consider an open letter written in 1999 to the United Nations, suggesting that not only women and feminine culture ought to be focused on, but also men and masculine culture: "UN Conference on the Roles of Men and Male Values." Unfortunately, as Trine reported, the suggestions of this letter were not taken up.
Please see also:
•  Trine Eklund: What Are the Most Important Lessons that Future Peace Movements Can Learn from the Past?
This video was recorded on 2nd February 2013 in Oslo, Norway. Evelin Lindner asked Trine about her experiences and insights when looking back on 33 years of peace work.
•  Trine Eklund: The Norwegian Peace Movement - A Personal Account, video recorded on 31st January 2013 in Oslo, Norway, by Evelin Lindner. (Please note that several video clips have been cut together for this video, all recorded on the same day. You will see that Trine speaks about certain topics twice, each time from a slightly different angle.)
•  Trine Eklund: Nordic Women's Peace Marches - A Personal Account, video recorded on 31st January 2013 in Oslo, Norway, by Evelin Lindner
•  From Humiliation to Dignity: Designs for a Just Peace, talk at the 12th Urban Culture Forum, 'Arts and Social Outreach - Designs for Urban Dignity' by The Urban Research Plaza, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, room 105 of the Maha-Chulalongkorn Building, 3rd - 4th March 2014, convened by Kjell Skyllstad. Deeyah Khan kindly did the recording. Please note that this video is unedited.
• Trine Eklund received the Beacon of Dignity Award for her untiring work for dignity! Gerdelin Bodvin and Evelin Lindner presented the award to Trine on behalf of the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies network and the World Dignity University initiative on Brøtsøy, Tjøme, Norway, on 9th Juni 2014, together with Linda Hartling on Skype from Oregon, USA, Michael Britton from New Jersey, USA, and Ulrich Spalthoff from Germany.
• Equality Patterns Between Gender: How to Empower Women and Embolden Men to Embrace Care and Empathy, Oslo, 2016.
• The Grandmothers for Peace in Oslo distribute flyers in front of the Norwegian Parliament every Wednesday. They prepared a flyer on Evelin Lindner's work and distributed it on 5th April 2017.


July 16, 1932 – April 13, 2018, yet always with us in our hearts!

J. Harold Ellens was born 16th July 1932 on a farm near McBain, Michigan and attended a one room religious elementary school in the country a mile from his home, and high school in McBain. He took his undergraduate work and first Master's Degree in Philosophy and Psychology at Calvin College and Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan. In his second year, 1952, in seminary he received a commission as a 2nd Lieutenant US Army Chaplain.
Harold received a Master's Degree in Second Temple Judaism and Christian Origins at Princeton in 1965, a PhD from Wayne State University in Psychology of Human Communications in 1970, a Master's Degree in Classical Languages from the University of Michigan in 2002, and a PhD in Second Temple Judaism and Christian Origins from the University of Michigan in 2009.
Dr. Ellens has held 15 pastorates, military and civilian, and taught at Oakland University full time, and as adjunct at Calvin Theological Seminary, Princeton Theological Seminary, Oakland Community College, Wayne County Community College, Wayne State University, and the Ecumenical Theological Seminary. For fifteen years he was the Executive Director of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies and Founding Editor and Editor in Chief of the esteemed Journal of Psychology and Christianity.
He has lectured widely internationally and regularly lectures at the Congresses of the Learned Societies in the USA and abroad. He has published 226 volumes and has 8 currently in process with three publishers. He presents regular in the seminars of the International Society of Biblical Literature in the Psychology and Biblical Studies section which he cofounded 25 years ago; in the Biblical Characters in Three Traditions sponsored by John T. Greene and Michael Caspi, and occasionally in the Johannine Studies section.
During his 37 years of military service Harold graduated from the Army Staff College, the Command and General Staff College, Industrial College of the Armed Forces, US Army Special Warfare and Civil Affairs School, US Army War College, and the National Defense University, and taught at each of them in turn. He was promoted to 1st Lieutenant in 1956, Captain in 1960, Major in 1967, Lieutenant Colonel in 1972, and Colonel (06) in 1975. He served ten years on active duty and another 27 years very active in the Reserve Forces. He served 8 years as the National Chaplain of the Reserve Officer's Association. He retired from the US Army in 1992.


Geir Thomas Hylland Eriksen is Professor of Anthropology at the University of Oslo. From 2015 to 2016, he was president of the European Association of Social Anthropologists. He is a member of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. He has worked for years with the politics of identity, ethnicity, nationalism and globalisation from a comparative perspective, often with an ethnographic focus on Mauritius and Trinidad. He has also published popular scientific works and essays on cultural complexity in Norway, either with a focus on Norwegians or the multi-ethnic character of contemporary Norway. In recent years, he has published, inter alia, a book about Charles Darwin (in Norwegian), a co-written book about selfishness (in Norwegian), a co-written history of anthropology (English and Norwegian), a study of time and information technology (E/N), a book about the West and Islam after 11 September (N), an edited volume about globalisation and methodology (E), and a very short introduction to social anthropology (N).
Please see him explaining his research project on the Corona crisis in 2020 in the Norwegian talkshow Lindmo here.
We are very thankful that Thomas Hylland Eriksen nominated the global dignity and peace work of Evelin Lindner as a representative of HumanDHS for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2015 and 2016. This nomination has protected many of our network members around the world who put themselves in harm's way by speaking up for dignity.
Please see:
•  "Message to the World" (Video | Video recorded on November 20, 2021), contribution to the 2021 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Virtual at Columbia University, New York City, December 9 – 11, 2021.



Arturo Escobar Professor of Anthropology Emeritus at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. He is currently affiliated with the PhD Program in Design and Creation, Universidad de Caldas, Manizales, Colombia, and the PhD Program in Environmental Sciences, Universidad del Valle, Cali.  His main interests are: political ecology, ontological design, and the anthropology of development, social movements, and technoscience.  Over the past twenty years, he has worked closely with several Afro-Colombian organizations resisting the devastation of their territories and lives by extractive operations.  His most well-known book is Encountering Development: The Making and Unmaking of the Third World (1995, 2nd Ed. 2011).  His most recent books are: Sentipensar con la Tierra. Nuevas lecturas sobre desarrollo, territorio y diferencia (2014), and Designs for the Pluriverse: Radical Interdependence, Autonomy, and the Making of Worlds (2018).



James H. Fallon, Ph.D. is Professor Emeritus of Anatomy & Neurobiology and Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior at the University of California, Irvine. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Illinois (1975) in Neuroanatomy and Physiology and Master's in psychology and psychophysics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He holds a Honorary Doctorate from St Michael's College, a Sloan Fellowship, Senior Fulbright Fellowship (Africa) and NIH Research Career Award. He was Chair of the UCI Faculty and Academic Senate and Chair of the UCI College of Medicine Faculty. 
His research program is focuses on four areas, including adult stem cells, chemical neuroanatomy and circuitry, higher brain functions, and brain imaging. Human Brain Imaging: Extensive collaborations with clinical and basic researchers on imaging genetics studies of depression, schizophrenia, tobacco use, language disorders, personality, intelligence, male-female differences in cognition, consciousness and anesthesia, human cortical development, sleep, emotional memory, imaging genetic studies of psychiatric disorders, modeling of neural circuits, and law, culture, psychopathy, murder, dictatorships, and the brain. Fallon's lab was the first to find how to mobilize massive numbers of adult stem cells to reverse the deficits in models of chronic stroke and Parkinson's disease, which was recently heralded as one of the top seven breakthrough findings of the decade. His lab is also creating new neural interfaces for advanced prosthetic limbs and neural chips.
Fallon and his colleagues are interested in the neural circuitry and genetics of creativity, artistic talent, extraordinary abilities, psychopathology, criminal behavior, and levels of consciousness.
See Jean Decety, Kalina J. Michalska, Yuko Akitsuki, and Benjamin B. Lahey (2009, via James Fallon)
A Typical Empathic Responses in Adolescents with Aggressive Conduct Disorder: A Functional MRI Investigation, In Biological Psychology, 80(2, February), 2009: 203. doi:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2008.09.004.


Charles R. Figley is a psychologist, family therapist, and Professor in the School of Social Work at the Florida State University since June 1989. He is founder and director of the FSU Traumatology Institute (formerly the Psychosocial Stress Research and Development Program). Among other achievements, the Institute initiated the Green Cross Projects, following the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 and played an important role in humanitarian efforts in New York City immediately following the 9/11/01 terrorist attacks. He established Green Cross Foundation and the Academy of Traumatology to support the emerging field of traumatology.
Professor Figley has written more than 186 scholarly works including 16 books. His work has focused on stress, in the area of family stress, as well as on individual stress reactions, especially traumatic stress, starting with his research on Vietnam combat veterans and their families and has helped established the field of Traumatology, the study and treatment of human reactions to highly stressful situations. His most recent two books focus on the traumatic effects of the death of a loved one: Death and Trauma (Philadelphia: Brunner/Mazel) with Brian Bride and Nicholas Mazza, released in 1997, and the Traumatology of Grieving (Brunner/Mazel) released in 1999. His latest books (2002) are Treating Compassion Fatigue (Brunner-Routledge) and Brief Treatments for the Traumatized (Greenwood Press).
In 2000 Dr. Figley won four significant awards recognizing his achievements and was elected to the highest level, Fellow, in six professional organizations. They include the American Psychological Association, the American Psychological Society, the American Association for the Advancement of Psychology, the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, the American Orthopsychiatric Association, and the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues. He has presented keynote addresses nationally and internationally.
Dr. Figley was elected President of the prestigious Groves Conference on Marriage and the Family, and formerly Director of the Interdivisional Ph.D. Program in Marriage and Family is Founding President of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies that includes the Journal of Traumatic Stress. In He is also Founder and current Editor of the refereed journal TRAUMATOLOGY. He is founding editor of both the Journal of Family Psychotherapy and the Journal of Traumatic Stress, and Editor of the Brunner/Mazel Publishing Company's Psychosocial Stress Book Series (1978-2001). In 1995 he was named editor of the St. Lucie Press Book Series, Innovations in Psychology. In 1996 he founded the Trauma & Loss Book Series with Taylor & Francis with Therese Rando as co-editor. In 2001 he was named Editor of the American Psychological Association Books' Series in Stress and Trauma.
Dr. Figley was awarded a senior Fulbright Research Fellowship to conduct research in Kuwait in 2004 and follow-up on his work that was started in 1992, shortly after the liberation from and end of the occupation by Iraq. For more information read his CV and credentials.


Beth Fisher-Yoshida is also a Member of the HumanDHS Research Team.
Beth Fisher-Yoshida is the Associate Director of ICCCR and engaged in the participatory action research (PAR) activities of the ICCCR. She received her Ph.D. in Human and Organizational Systems and M.A. in Organizational Development from Fielding Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara, California. She graduated with honors when she received her M.A. from Teachers College, Columbia University. She also received both a B.A. and a B.S. from Buffalo State College. [read more]


Bjørn Aksel Flatås is is also a Member of the HumanDHS Research Team.
Bjørn Aksel Flatås is the Director of Buskerud University College, Department of Teacher Education, in Norway. Prior to that, he was Director of Research of the Falstad Center, near Levanger in Trøndelag, the middle of Norway. Falstad is a building complex that was erected in 1921 as a special school for delinquent boys. In 1941, the building was confiscated and transformed into a prison camp by the German SS Nazi-occupiers. About 5000 people from thirteen nations were imprisoned here in the period of 1941 to 1945. Most were Norwegian political prisoners. Approximately 220 prisoners were executed in the forest nearby in the period of 1942 to 1943. After the liberation of Norway, Falstad prison camp was transformed into a forced labor camp. Over three thousand members of the Norwegian Nazi Party served their sentence here. Falstad Museum opened in 1995, celebrating the 50th anniversary of liberation. Falstad Memorial and Human Rights Center was established in 2000. Education, documentation and communication concerning the history of imprisonment during World War II and Human Rights constitute the core activities of the Center. The Falstad Archive consists of objects and documents originating from the prison camp.


Carol Lee Flinders, Ph.D., is a graduate of Stanford University (1965) and earned her Ph.D. (1973) in Comparative Literature from the University of California at Berkeley, with a concentration in medieval literature. Carol Lee Flinders has taught at U.C. Berkeley at the Dominion School of Philosophy and Graduate Theological Union as well as in the departments of Religious Studies, Women's Studies, and Comparative Literature. She presently gives lectures and workshops throughout the United States and Canada.
Flinders has written several books, among others The Values of Belonging: Rediscovering Balance, Mutuality, Wholeness and Intuition in a Competitive World (2002), At the Root of this Longing: Reconciling a Spiritual Hunger and a Feminist Thirst (1998), and Enduring Grace: Living Portraits of Seven Women Mystics (1993).
Her book Rebalancing the World: Why Women Belong and Men Compete and How to Restore the Ancient Equilibrium, (see is a post-feminist book that appeals to both men and women. Similar to Lindner, Flinders develops a grand vision of history and what we can learn from humankind's faring. Flinders divides value systems into those of the pre-agricultural "Belonging" world (including balance, mutuality, inwardness, self-restraint, tolerance, deliberateness, and intuitive and unitive ways of knowing), and the values of the industrial world of "Enterprise" (including individualism, competitiveness, hierarchy, materialism, exploitativeness, linearity, and either/or thinking). Flinders argues that the Belonging values have been subsumed by those of Enterprise, leaving us feeling incomplete. By arguing that our values are not determined by our genders she breaks down that simplistic male/female paradigm and, in a nuanced discussion, provides the reader with a path toward incorporating the values we are missing in our lives for the sense of wholeness we all seek



Michael Wilson Fox was born and educated in the UK, earning his veterinary degree from the Royal Veterinary College, London, from where he graduated in 1962. His subsequent research into animal behavior and development in the U.S. at the Jackson Memorial Research Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME, and the Thudichum Psychiatric Research Institute, Galesburg IL, resulted in a dissertation entitled Integrative Development of the Brain and Behavior in the Dog (published in 1971 by the University of Chicago Press), that earned a Ph.D. in Medicine from London University in 1967.
As Associate Professor of Psychology at Washington University, St Lois, MO, he continued behavioral and developmental studies in dogs, wolves and other related canids, for which he earned a D.Sc. in animal behavior/ethology from London University in 1976. Between 1976 and 2002 he served in various positions with the Humane Society of the United States, including Scientific Director and Vice President for Bioethics and Sustainable Agriculture.
He has authored over 40 books, writes the nationally syndicated (for over 30 years) newspaper column Animal Doctor, and is a widely recognized expert, consultant, and  lecturer on animal awareness, emotions, rights, and well-being; on  human- animal relationships and rights philosophy; on bioethics, biotechnology, humane, sustainable agriculture, and holistic health.
He is a member of the British  Veterinary Association, the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association, Founding Member of the International Society for Applied Animal Ethology, an Honor Roll member of the American Veterinary Medical Association.  For more details visit his website drfoxonehealth  His e-mail address is
Please see here:
• Michael Fox's Personal Manifesto
I have laboured on many fronts over the past several decades addressing some of the harmful consequences of unbridled anthropocentrism. This is a condition where self-interest precludes consideration and concern for the interests of others, human and non-human. At a talk by H.H. the Dalai Lama, he advised that if we must be selfish, then at least let us be altruistic. Altruism is the highest form of human selfishness. It is an enlightened selfishness when that altruism encompasses all living beings, even those whom we may fear and which could cause harm. This is the antidote to pathological anthropocentrism of culture and civilization, as it is the remedy for narcissism and a host of harmful consequences.
All things causing disease, disharmony, imbalance, (what the Hopis call koyaanasqatsi) are connected, the co-factors of disease being now primarily anthropogenic. Americans, for example, actually underwrite with their tax dollars the production costs and market support prices of commodity crops and animal products that are part of the industrialized food system which costs them their health and their lives. This system is a major co-factor of climate change, and cases irreparable environmental destruction and pollution, as well as animal cruelty and suffering, and species and habitat extinction.
A medicine based on the humility and respectfulness of enlightened selfishness first seeks to understand the nature of disease and the often reflective, concurrent disease in nature before deciding how best to heal and prevent dis-ease. When we harm the environment, we harm ourselves, and when we abuse animals we do no less to our own humanity. Earth-care, animal care, and human care are coins of the same ethical currency as are earth-health, animal health and human health.
Civil-ization is a biological, evolutionary process, and we hairless apes are learning that is founded and sustained not by power, control, law and order, but by mutual respect, humility and fairness, qualities and principles of being civil that we extend to all living beings because we feel for them. Animals are as much Earth-citizens as are we. So, by extension, regardless of any claim we may have over them, they all have a life of their own. Our duty to care for animals under our dominion is to insure that their basic needs are met, just as we seek for ourselves and which are the basic rights of all members of the life community.
There are many who feel no kinship with other living beings and who are uncivil toward them, showing varying degrees of biopathic behavior, much like the sociopath towards other humans. Regrettably, biopathic behavior has become the cultural norm for industrial civilizations and imperialistic corporations for which the natural world is simply a material resource, animals are mere commodities, a means to an end rather than being ends in themselves. Harvard biologist E. O. Wilson’s appeal for biophilia and ‘conciliation’ with Nature not withstanding, those core values and perceptions underlying biopathic activities and policies call for the application of bioethics to evaluate and guide all human institutions, both religious and secular. Bioethical principles such as equalitarianism, respect for all life and ahimsa (avoiding harm) can make our altruism enlightened and our economies sustainable. But they are just as easily ignored behind a corporate façade of biophilia.
Those who speak the universal language of compassion act from the heart of an empathy-based ethics and a justice-based morality infused with understanding and concern. Ascent toward a more enlightened humanism out of the spreading mire of barbarism in every form, secular and otherwise, with its moral inversions, nihilism, denial and corruption of spirit and purpose, requires more than choice and chance, science and faith. It calls for courage, conviction, absolute commitment and dedication to those bioethical principles that frame our humanity and which, like reverence and loyalty, truth and honesty, are absolutes, or they are not at all.
The power of will allied with the Golden rule is greater than the will to power and rule of gold. Then the evolution of the possible human may begin. Website
See also:
The Greening of Animal and Human Health Care: Revisioning Disease: Nature - Nurture Co-factors,, 2010.
• Michael Fox's Personal Manifesto, 2010
Stopping the Human Juggernaut, essay written on the author's 76th birthday, August 13, 2013. It will later be posted on his website and submitted to newspapers in the U.S. that carry his syndicated column dealing with animal and environmental concerns.
Beware the Cybersphere: Engagement in the Empathosphere for Survival and Human Evolution, Human Dignity and Humiliation Stuides, 2016.
The Animal Insensitivity Syndrome (An Empathy Deficit Disorder) Recognition & Prevention, Human Dignity and Humiliation Stuides, 2017.



Dr. Stephen Freedman is provost of Fordham University and professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. He leads the University’s ten colleges, graduate, and professional schools, which serve 15,000 students in New York and at Fordham’s London Centre at Heythrop College.
An experienced educator, researcher, and university administrator, Dr. Freedman earned his  B.Sc. from Loyola of Montreal, his M.E.S. from York University in Toronto, and his Ph.D. in evolutionary biology from the University of California at Irvine.  He also completed the United Nations Graduate Study Program in Geneva, Switzerland. Dr. Freedman’s research focuses on the interaction between humans and their environments from an ecological perspective. An active scholar, he has authored or co-authored more than 20 articles, and has received numerous grants to support his research in biology, curricular development and educational leadership.
Dr. Freedman joined Loyola University of Chicago in 1978 and served for twenty-four years as  professor in the Department of Natural Science, member of the graduate faculty in the Department of Biology, and Dean of Mundelein College.  He served as academic vice president at Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington from 2002 to 2007 when he joined Fordham as Senior Vice President and Chief Academic Officer.  In October, 2010, his position was elevated to Provost. 
A committed leader in higher education, Dr. Freedman was recently appointed a full member of the Administrative Board of the International Association of Universities (IAU)


Gregory Fried’s work in philosophy focuses on issues relating to the universality of ethical principals and the question of whether human history has a progressive, global trajectory. His publications address some of the most serious challenges to the development of human freedom and dignity in the modern era, such as: the relationship of the philosophy of Martin Heidegger to National Socialism; the meaning of racism in American history; and the eruption of torture during the so-called War on Terror.
Greg is Professor and Department Chair of the Philosophy Department at Suffolk University in Boston, USA.


Robert Fuller earned his Ph.D. in physics at Princeton University and taught at Columbia, where he co-authored the text Mathematics of Classical and Quantum Physics. He then served as president of Oberlin College, his alma mater. For a dozen years, beginning in 1978, he worked in what came to be known as "citizen diplomacy" to improve the Cold War relationship. During the 1990s, he served as board chair of the non-profit global corporation Internews, which promotes democracy via free and independent media. With the end of the Cold war and the collapse of the USSR, Fuller looked back reflectively on his career and understood that he had been, at different junctures in his life, a somebody and a nobody. His periodic sojourns into "Nobodyland" led him to identify and probe rankism - abuse of the power inherent in rank - and ultimately to write Somebodies and Nobodies: Overcoming the Abuse of Rank (New Society Publishers, 2003). Three years later, he has published a sequel that focuses on building a "dignitarian" society titled All Rise: Somebodies, Nobodies, and the Politics of Dignity (Berrett-Koehler, 2006).
Please see here Democracy’s Next Step: Overcoming Rankism. Please see also Dignity - A Unifying Value for American Politics, 2006. Bob explains rankism on YouTube (2007).
In response to Fuller's work, Ann and Mary Lou Richardson founded the Dignitarian Foundation. Francisco Gomes de Matos wrote a poem in honor of Bob Fuller's work, entitled EQUALism.
Robert Fuller has four children, and lives in Berkeley, California with his wife, Claire Sheridan.


Odd-Bjørn Fure is the Director of the The Centre for Studies ofHolocaust and Religious Minorities in Oslo in Norway, since 1998. He received his Dr. Philos in history in 1984. He took lower exams in comparative politics and sociology. His fields of research are the history of the labour movement, Norwegian foreign politics, international relations and international government, World War II, Holocaust and Nazism, the history of civilization and mentality, and the history of science. Fure has vibrant network within the science-milieu especially in France, Germany and Switzerland. He lectures at all university levels, in contemporary history and modern history, with his specialities being the European catastrophes during the first years of the 20th century, with mass murders during the First World War, Holocaust and the extermination war at the eastern front. Has also lectured on the fall of communism, the breakdown of the bipolar world order, the new world order after 1990, supranational regionalization, the development of the European Union, and the breakdown of civilization on Balkan in the 1990s. He has guest-lectured at the University of Tromsø, Trondheim, Oslo, Copenhagen, Berlin, Bonn and Strasbourg, in Norwegien, French, German and English. 
His recent research publications and manuscripts (during the years of 1998-2000 Fure has not worked with scientific research because he was engaged in organising the ISSEI Congess in Bergen, Norway in 2000; the same applies for the period after 2002, when Fure was appointed Director at the Holocaust-Center in Norway):
•  Inter-war period 1920-1940. Norwegian foreign policy’s history. Volume 3. 1997.
•  Regions and regionalism in Europe. Towards a new political architecture in Europe? In Ersland, Hovland, Dyrvik, red.: Festschrift to Institute of History’s 40th anniversary in 1997. Publication 2, 1998.
•  The history of Norwegian occupation. Konsens, contact-anxiety and taboo, in Stein Ugelvik Larsen, red. I krigens kjølevann. 1999.
•  Nationale Habitusentwicklung in Deutschland und Norwegen im Verleich, in Heiko Uecker, re. Kontraste. Deutsch-norwegische Unterschiede im Vergleich. Bonn 2001.
•  Boarders, suverenity and civilisation. Arrangement for book.
•  The Irving prosess: History, law and rememberance. Samtiden, 2, 2002.
•  Extermination of the European jews. Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift, 2, 2002.
•  From september 2000 Fure is engaged in a production of  Europes history in the 20th century in a global perspective. .

gandhi2 gandhi


Born 1934 in Durban South Africa, Arun Gandhi spent much of his adult life in India working as a journalist and promoting social and economic changes for the poor and the oppressed classes. Along with his wife Sunanda rescued about 128 orphan children from the streets and placed them in loving homes around the world. Began a Center for Social Change, which transformed the lives of millions in villages in the western state of Maharashtra. In 1987 Sunanda and Arun came to the US and in 1991 started the M. K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence at the Christian Brothers University in Memphis Tennessee. In 2008 the Institute was moved to the University of Rochester, New York. In the 17 years of the Institute’s life the Gandhi’s took the message of nonviolence and peace to hundreds of thousands of high school and University youth around the US and much of the Western World.
Arun is the fifth grandson of India’s legendary leader, Mohandas K. “Mahatma” Gandhi. Growing up under the discriminatory apartheid laws of South Africa, he was beaten by “white” South Africans for being too black and “black” South Africans for being too white; so, Arun sought eye-for-an-eye justice. However, he learned from his parents and grandparents that justice does not mean revenge, it means transforming the opponent through love and suffering.
His Grandfather taught Arun to understand nonviolence through understanding violence. “If we know how much passive violence we perpetrate against one another we will understand why there is so much physical violence plaguing societies and the world,” Gandhi said. Through daily lessons, Arun says, he learned about violence and about anger.
Arun shares these lessons all around the world. For the past five years, he has participated in the Renaissance Weekend deliberations with President Clinton and other well-respected Rhodes Scholars. This year, some of his engagements included speaking at the Chicago Children’s Museum and the Women’s Justice Center in Ann Arbor, Michigan. He also delivered talks at the Young President’s Organization in Mexico, the Trade Union Leaders’ Meeting in Milan, Italy, as well as the Peace and Justice Center in St. Louis, Missouri. Sometimes, his journeys take him even further. Arun has spoken in Croatia, France, Ireland, Holland, Lithuania, Nicaragua, China, Scotland and Japan. Also, he is a very popular speaker on college campuses. In the past year, he spoke at, North Dakota State University, Concordia College, Baker University, Morehouse College, Marquette University, and the University of San Diego.
Arun is very involved in social programs and writing, as well. Shortly after Arun married his wife Sunanda, they were informed the South African government would not allow her to accompany him there. Sunanda and Arun decided to live in India, and Arun worked for 30 years as a journalist for The Times of India. Together, Arun and Sunanda started projects for the social and economic uplifting of the oppressed using constructive programs, the backbone of Gandhi’s philosophy of nonviolence. The programs changed the lives of more than half a million people in over 300 villages and they still continue to grow. Sunanda died in February of 2007 and the family is working to establish a school in poorest rural India in her name.
Arun is the President of the Gandhi Worldwide Education Institute that has embarked on an ambitious multi-pronged program to help eradicate the scourge of poverty and human degradation. Gandhi said: “Poverty is the worse form of violence,” and must be tackled on all fronts to ensure human rights and human dignity to those who are victims of societal exploitation. The priority of the Institute is to rescue children from the poorest sections of Indian society who are the first to become victims of criminal gangs; the second priority is to build an institution that serves as a shelter as well as a learning institution where the rescued children will receive basic education.
Arun is the author of several books. The first, A Patch of White (1949), is about life in prejudiced South Africa; then, he wrote two books on poverty and politics in India; followed by a compilation of M.K. Gandhi's Wit & Wisdom. He also edited a book of essays on World Without Violence: Can Gandhi’s Vision Become Reality? And, more recently, wrote The Forgotten Woman: The Untold Story of Kastur, the Wife of Mahatma Gandhi, jointly with his late wife Sunanda.
Please see:
Arun Gandhi: Gandhi's Peace Prayers
Very early in his life, Mohandas K. Gandhi began to appreciate the universality of religion. He described religions as highways leading to the same destination. As a mark of his respect for all religions and for all human beings, he incorporated the prayers and hymns of different faiths into his daily prayers. Not only did he observe this respect for all religions, but he influenced millions in India to do the same. All of the following passages have the underlying theme of Peace.
Bahai Peace Prayer:
Be generous in prosperity and thankful in adversity. Be fair in thy judgment and guarded in thy speech. Be a lamp unto those who walk in darkness and a home to the stranger. Be eyes to the blind and a guiding light unto the feet of the erring. Be a breath of life to the body of humankind, a dew to the soil of the human heart and a fruit upon the tree of humility.
Buddhist Peace Prayer:
May all beings everywhere plagued with sufferings of the body and mind quickly be freed from their illnesses. May those frightened cease to be afraid and may those bound be free. May the powerless find power and may people think of befriending one another. May those who find themselves in a trackless, fearful wilderness -the children, the aged, the unprotected - be guarded by beneficent celestials and may they swiftly attain Buddhahood.
Christian Peace Prayer:
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be known as the Children of God. But I say to you, love your enemy, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. To those who strike you on the cheek, offer the other also; and from those who take away your cloak, do not withhold your coat, as well. Give to everyone who begs from you, and to those who take away your goods, do not ask them again. And as you wish that others would do unto you, do so unto them as well.
Hindu Peace Prayer:
I desire neither earthly kingdom, nor paradise; not even freedom from birth and death. I desire only the deliverance from grief of those afflicted by misery. Oh Lord, lead us from the unreal to the real; from darkness to light; from death to immortality. May there be peace in celestial regions. May there be peace on earth. May the waters be appeasing. May herbs be wholesome and may trees and plants bring peace to all. May all beneficent beings bring peace to us. May thy wisdom spread peace all through the world. May all things be a source of peace to all and to me. Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti. (Peace, Peace, Peace).
Islamic Peace Prayer:
We think of Thee, worship Thee, bow to Thee as the Creator of this Universe; we seek refuge in Thee, the Truth, our only support. Thou art the Ruler, the barge in this ocean of endless births and deaths. In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful. Praise be to the Lord of the Universe who has created us and made us into tribes and nations. Give us wisdom that we may know each other and not despise each other. We trust in Thee, oh Allah, the One who heareth and knoweth all things. We shall abide by thy Peace. And, we shall remember the servants of God are those who walk on this earth in humility and, when we address them, we shall say Peace Unto Us All.
Jewish Peace Prayer:
Come let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, that we may walk the paths of the Most High. And we shall beat our swords into plowshares and our spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation - neither shall they learn war anymore. And none shall be afraid, for the mouth of the Lord of Hosts has spoken.
Native American Peace Prayer:
0, Great Spirit of our Ancestors, I raise my pipe to you. To your messengers the four winds, and to the Mother Earth who provides for your children. Give us the wisdom to teach our children to love, to respect and to be kind to each other so that they may grow with peace in mind. Let us learn to share all the good things that you provide for us on this earth.
Shinto Peace Prayer:
Although the people living across the ocean surrounding us are all our brothers and sisters, why, Oh Lord, is there trouble in this world? Why do the winds and the waves rise in the ocean surrounding us? I earnestly wish that the wind will soon blow away all the clouds hanging over the tops of the mountains.
Zoroastrian Peace Prayer:
Oh, Ahura Mazda! We pray to Thee to eradicate ail the misery in the world; let understanding triumph over ignorance, let generosity triumph over indifference, trust triumph over contempt and Truth triumph over falsehood.
- We thank Linda Hartling for bringing us these prayers from Arun Gandhi on 13th March 2013, after having joined him for his talk "Be the Change You Want to See in the World" at Marylhurst University, West Linn, OR, on February 25, 2013.

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