Evelin's 2011 picture documentation

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This picture-blog is meant to document Evelin's efforts and whereabouts and share them with the HumanDHS network [read more].
See a brief legal note with regard to the permission to upload pictures with people other than Evelin.

The year starts at the bottom of this page and the most recent pictures are at the top.

20th December 2011, Flegessen, Weserbergland, Niedersachsen, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Please click on the picture above or here to see another picture with my parents.

Camilla Hsiung

December 14, 2011, together with Camilla Hsiung in New York City.
Please click on the picture to see the picture larger.

Judy Kuriansky

December 13, 2011, a very special celebrative evening, generously created by Judy Kuriansky.
Please click on the picture above to see it larger.

December 8-9, 2011, Eighth Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, representing the Eighteenth Annual Conference of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS), at Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City

The pictures come in four main web galleries:
Thursday, December 8, 2011, pictures of Day One of the workshop:
•  Please click here to see more photos from Evelin's camera.
•  Please click here to see more photos from Dee Sloan's camera.
Friday, December 9, 2011, pictures of Day Two of the workshop:
•  Please click here to see more photos from Evelin's camera.
•  Please click here to see more photos from Dee Sloan's camera.

Morton Deutsch

Morton Deutsch is the honorary convener of our workshops. He is the founder of the International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution (ICCCR), our host at Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City. In 2009, we celebrated his influential, important, and eminent life and life-work with the first life-time award of the HumanDHS network.
Please click on the picture above to see it larger.


Pictures of all of Day One of the workshop, Thursday, December 8, 2011.
•  Please click on the picture or here to see more photos from Evelin's camera.
•  Please click here to see more photos from Dee Sloan's camera
Thank you, dear Dee Sloan, for taking such great pictures!

Round Table 1 Round Table 1
Round Table 1 on Day One of our workshop, Thursday, December 8, 2011.
•  Please click on the pictures on the left or here to see more photos from Evelin's camera.
•  Please click on the picture on the right or here to see more photos from Dee Sloan's camera.

Ikhlaq Fred Ellis

Public Event on Day One of our workshop, Thursday, December 8, 2011.
In the spirit of our motto of Unity in Diversity, the evening began with Fred Ellis and his children, singing songs from many cultural backgrounds.
•  Please click on the picture on the left or here to see more photos from Evelin's camera.
•  Please click on the picture on the right here to see more photos from Dee Sloan's camera.


Pictures of all of Day Two of our workshop, Friday, December 9, 2011.
• Please click on the picture or here to see more photos from Evelin's camera.
• Please click here to see more photos from Dee Sloan's camera.
Michael Britton Michael Britton
Michael Britton gave the Don Klein Memorial Lecture on Day Two of our workshop, Friday, December 9, 2011.
Michael uses Don's metaphor of a scrim, a transparent stage curtain, where one believes that what one sees is reality only as long as the light shines on it in a certain way: see Don's explanation.
•  Please click on the picture on the left or here to see more photos from Evelin's camera.
•  Please click on the picture on the right or here to see more photos from Dee Sloan's camera.
Round Table 2 Round Table 2

Round Table 2 on Day Two of our workshop, Friday, December 9, 2011.
•  Please click on the picture on the left or here to see more photos from Evelin's camera.
•  Please click on the picture on the right or here to see more photos from Dee Sloan's camera.

Round Table 2 Tonya Hammer

Grace Feuerverger, Philip Brown, Michael Britton, Michael Perlin, David Yamada, Reinaldo Rivera, Adriano Sverko, and Tonya Hammer were honored by the Beacon of Dignity Award.
S. Mike Miller and Jean Baker Miller received the HumanDHS Life Time Award on Friday, December 9, 2011, on Day Two of the 2011 Workshop of Humiliation and Violent Conflict!
•  Please click on the picture on the left or here to see more photos from Evelin's camera.
•  Please click on the picture on the right or here to see more photos from Dee Sloan's camera.

Round Table 3 Round Table 3
Round Table 3 on Day Two of our workshop, Friday, December 9, 2011.
•  Please click on the picture on the left or here to see more photos from Evelin's camera.
•  Please click on the picture on the right or here to see more photos from Dee Sloan's camera.
Closing our workshop on Friday, December 9, 2011:
•  Please click on the picture on the left or here to see more photos from Evelin's camera.
•  Please click on the picture on the right or here to see more photos from Dee Sloan's camera.
Peter Coleman
December 7, 2011, Board of Directors meeting, and pre-workshop meeting.
We were kindly invited to the End-of-Year Conflict Resolution Holiday Party, hosted by the Master of Science in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution at The School of Continuing Education at Columbia University.
We thank Peter T. Coleman and his colleagues for making our annual "Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict" possible.
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.
December 10, 2011, post-workshop gathering.
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

Robert Carneiro Robert Carneiro

December 6, 2011, with Robert Carneiro, "father" of circumscription theory, at the American Museum of Natural History, where also Margaret Mead had her office.
Please click on the pictures above or here to see them larger.

Victoria Pynchon

December 1, 2011, invited by Victoria Pynchon, author of Women Bring Peace to Zuccotti Park, to Tina & Gina's party, with many other extraordinary women.
Please click on the picture above to see it larger.

Wall Street

December 1, 2011, Wall Street.
Please click on the picture above or here to see more photos.

All Maria Volpe

December 1, 2011, Maria Volpe's December NYC-DR Roundtable Breakfast - OCCUPY WALL STREET and the DISPUTE RESOLUTION COMMUNITY, sponsored by the Association for Conflict Resolution of Greater New York and the City University of New York Dispute Resolution Consortium at John Jay College, featuring Bathabile Mthombeni, Suzanne Sutton, Angela Martenez, and Tashy Endres, facilitated by Glen Parker, at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, 899 Tenth Avenue (at West 59th Street), NYC.
See Victoria Pynchon's pieces in Forbes she prepared on dispute resolution related efforts at Occupy Wall Street, some of which focused on the presentations at the December NYC-DR Roundtable Breakfast:
Live Blogging from OWS Mediation Forum
Mediating the Sound of Drums for Occupy Wall Street
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

Jean-Marie Guéhenno

November 30, 2011, the Ambassador Series Event "The International Criminal Court: The First Ten Years," Columbia University, Morningside Campus, International Affairs Building, with Jean-Marie Guéhenno, Arnold A. Saltzman Professor of Professional Practice in International and Public Affairs, Bruno Stagno Ugarte, Executive Director of the Security Council Report, and Christian Wenaweser, Permanent Mission of the Principality of Liechtenstein to the United Nations, New York.
Please click on the picture above or here to see more photos.

Betty Reardon

November 26, 2011, with Betty Reardon.
Please click on the picture above or here to see it larger.

Ariel Lublin Ikhlaq and Judit

November 24, 2011, a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration (this is why we wear crowns!) at the home of Ariel Lublin and Francis Mead, also with Judit Révész and her husband Ikhlaq Hussain Khan (see also ragasitar).
Please click on the pictures above or here to see both photos larger.

Please click on the pictures or here to see more photos.

November 16, 2011, together with Janet Gerson at Zuccotti Park and The Atrium where many of the Occupy Wall Street activities take place. Janet's dissertation topic is "Generating a Transnational Public Sphere: The World Tribunal on Iraq" using Jürgen Habermas's theory of communicative action, in particular, "ideal speech situation."
Subsequent to our visit, she wrote: "Occupy Wall Street (OWS) is a social movement that demands economic dignity. The 99% are challenging Wall Street financiers’ control of what many of us previously understood to be our democracy. Thousands of participants are coordinating sustained resistance to the current humiliating and excluding economic-political crisis, to contest what Amartya Sen calls “outrageous arrangements of injustice” (Sen, 2009, p. 26).  OWS is challenging our government to respond instead to the plurality of the population’s concerns.  But OWS’s challenge to the 1%’s dominance also presents a challenge to collective norms by its democratic ethic of deliberation.
The OWS “Principles of Solidarity” document declares “We are daring to imagine a new socio-political and economic alternative that offers greater possibility of equality”,[to] “reclaim our mortgaged future,” and, thus strives to restore our eroded our collective dignity."

A flyer with the following text was being distributed at Zuccotti Park:

Occupy Wall Street is a leaderless movement with people of many colors, genders, and political persuasions. The one thing we all have in common is that we are the 99% that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1%. We are using the revolutionary Arab Spring occupation tactics to achieve our ends and we encourage the use of nonviolence to maximize the safety of all participants.
OWS is an experiment in direct democracy, with the General Assembly (GA) being our current model of decision making. The GA is a gathering of people committed to making decisions based upon a collective agreement of "consensus." There is no single leader or governing body of the GA - we struggle to ensure that everyone's voice is equal. Anyone is free to propose an idea or express an opinion as part of the GA. The GA meets at 7 pm at Liberty Park.
How to Get Involved:
Most of the activities of OWS are organized by working groups, which report to the General Assembly. Working groups allow for as much or as little involvement as you have time for. Below are a list of working groups you can get involved in. You can also propose your own working groups at any General Assembly (Media, Outreach, Child Care, Safe Spaces, People of Color, Library, Labor, Arts and Culture, Comfort, Food, Facilitation Training, Direct Action, Security, Student, and more. See nycga.net.)
Things You Can Do Right Now:
1. Occupy: Brings instruments, food, blankets, bedding, rain gear, and a sense of justice. If you aren't camping, there are still many ways to participate - find a working group you are interested in and get engaged!
2. Spread the word
Download, print, display, and share flyers: nycga.net/resources/media, Twitter: #occupywallstreet #occupytogether, Facebook: OccypyWallSt.
3. Follow the occupation
nycga.net | occypywallstreet.org | takethesquare.net | occupytogether.org | wearethe99percent.tumblr.com
Twitter: @occupywallstreetnyc | @nycsep17 | @occupywallst
4. Donate

Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

Samantha Lu

November 9, 2011, at the International Student Services with its Director Samantha Lu.
Please click on the picture above or here to see more photos.

Morton Deutsch

November 9, 2011, at the International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution at Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City, with Morton Deutsch.
Please click on the picture above or here to see more photos.

November 9, 2011, at the International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution at Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City, with Molly Clark and Joe Dillard.
Please click on the picture above or here to see more photos.

Juliet Schor Susan Witt

November 5, 2011, Thirtienth Annual E. F. Schumacher Lectures in New York City, "Voices of a New Economics," together with Michael Britton.
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

October 28, 2011, Annette Engler, Linda Hartling, Evelin Lindner, together in Portland, Oregon!
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

October 25, 2011, from left to right: Lynn King, Christine, Carol, Annette Engler, Linda Hartling, Evelin Lindner, Portland, Oregon, before we attended Steven Pinker's lecture together.
Please click on the pictures above to see them larger.
Earlier, some of us came together for an "Occupy Equal Dignity Dialogue Party at Linda's house," on Sunday, October 16, 2011.

Ed Edmo

October 22, 2011, listening to Ed Edmo in Portland, Oregon.
Please click on the picture above to see it larger. This picture is taken from ededmo.tripod.com.

Linda and Evelin Muddy Valley

October 18, 2011, Linda and Evelin in Muddy Valley, Oregon, where her grandparents had their homestead.
Please click on the pictures above to see them larger.

September 18, 2011, Linda and Evelin in front of the first HumanDHS Dialogue Home that was opened by Linda and her husband Rick Slaven in Portland, Oregon, in 2009. You see the new plate made by Brian Ward, who opened the second HumanDHS Home in Timaru, New Zealand, together with his family in 2011!
Please click on the pictures above to see them larger.

13th September 2011, Michelle Brenner very kindly showed me Sydney Harbour, as there is, for instance Watsons Bay, or The Gap (sadly known for people using it to commit suicide...).
Please click on the pictures above to see them larger.

Michelle Brenner

12th September 2011, weekly gathering of the "Holistic Practices Beyond Borders" group at Michelle Brenner's home, with Michelle, David, and Mary.
Please click on the pictures above or here to see them larger.

11th September 2011, The Sydney Opera.
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

11th September 2011, The Blue Mountains - Leura and Katoomba, together with Michelle Brenner and her family.
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

10th September 2011, Sydney, from Tamarama Beach to Bondi Beach. I hope that one day, buildings will have a more organic shape, organic as the rocks on the pictures above.
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

Please click on the pictures or here to see more photos.

2nd September 2011, from Dunedin to Timaru in New Zealand. May I express my deep gratitude for the extremely kind hospitality that Brian Ward and his family extended to me. See the street sign for safe passage of school children, innovatively designed by Brian and now adopted in all of New Zealand!
We were stopped on the way by a car accident. Later we learned that it was not just a simple accident, but perhaps a tragedy in the context of capitalism gone too far.
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

29th August - 1st September 2011
17th Annual Conference of the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies network in Dunedin, New Zealand

Dr. Huata Holmes All

On 29th August 2011, on Day One of the conference, Dr. Huata Holmes, as a representative of the local Maori Ngai Tahu Tribe, gave the Mihi Whakatau welcoming to the conference.
• Please click on the pictures or here to see all the photos of Day One from Evelin's camera.
Video clip 01 from Brian Ward's camera: Getting started(this is an "unlisted" video until we had time to edit it)
Video clip 02 from Brian Ward's camera: Dr. Huata Holmes (this is an "unlisted" video until we had time to edit it)
Video clip 03 from Brian Ward's camera: Kevin Clements (this is an "unlisted" video until we had time to edit it)
Video clip 04 from Brian Ward's camera: Linda Hartling (this is an "unlisted" video until we had time to edit it)
Video clip 05 from Brian Ward's camera: Michelle Brenner introducing Carmen Hetaraka (this is an "unlisted" video until we had time to edit it)
Video clip 06 from Brian Ward's camera: Carmen Hetaraka (this is an "unlisted" video until we had time to edit it)
Video clip 07 from Brian Ward's camera: Carmen Hetaraka & all participants introducing themselves (this is an "unlisted" video until we had time to edit it)
Video clip 08 from Brian Ward's camera: All participants introducing themselves (this is an "unlisted" video until we had time to edit it)

Dan Baron Cohen Monument Michael Britton
30th August 2011, Day Two of the conference, with two talks via video connection:
•  Arts-based Pedagogical Work in the Amazonian North of Brazil by Daniel Baron Cohen, known as Dan Baron in Brazil, via video connection from Brazil (6.15 pm - 7.30 pm the previous day Brazil/East time, 15 hours time difference)
•  Compassion, a Voice from the Past to Voices of the Future Presentation and discussion with Michael Britton via video connection from New Jersey, USA (6.45 pm - 7.45 pm the previous day US/Eastern time, 16 hours time difference)
Please click on the pictures to see them larger.
Video clip from Adobe Connect: Dan Baron's Presentation and Carmen Hetaraka's Haka (this is an "unlisted" video until we had time to edit it; please note that the comments to Dan from the audience were sounded out, we did not know that Dan's microphone would have had to be switched off; please note also that Carmen Hetaraka's Haka is at the very end of this video)
• Please see also the conversation video-taped for the World Dignity University initiative with Michelle Brenner and Carmen Hetaraka on 31st August 2011, in Dunedin.

All Carmen Michelle Brenner

30th August 2011, Day Two of the conference.
• Please click on the pictures or here to see all the photos of Day Two from Evelin's camera.

Brian Ward Brian Ward

30th August 2011, on Day Two of the conference, Brian Ward received the Beacon of Dignity Award from the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies network.
• Please click on the pictures or here to see all the photos of Day Two from Evelin's camera.
• Please see the video-taped conversation with Brian Ward for the World Dignity University initiative that took place on 5th September 2011, in Timaru, New Zealand. The interviewer is Evelin Lindner. The discussion touches on systems thinking, sustainable business principles, and equal dignity. Brian is the sole director of a startup business in the renewable energy field (in New Zealand).
Uli Spalthoff Uli Spalthoff
30th August 2011, on Day Two of the conference, Uli Spalthoff received the Beacon of Dignity Award from the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies network.
• Please click on the pictures or here to see all the photos of Day Two from Evelin's camera.


31st August 2011, Day Three of the conference. The conference is "on the move": A visit to the local Marae (Maori community house) and a meeting with local Maori.
• Please click on the pictures or here to see all the photos of Day Three from Evelin's camer.
Monarch Monarch
31st August 2011, on Day Three, the conference was "on the move": A trip on the Monarch up the Otago Harbour to witness Albatrosses and other wildlife.
• Please click on the pictures or here to see all the photos of Day Three from Evelin's camera.
Kevin Clements All
1st September 2011, the Public Event on Day Four of the conference, where Kevin Clements received the Beacon of Dignity Award from the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies network.
• Please click on the pictures or here to see all the photos of Day Four from Evelin's camera.
1st September 2011, after the Public Event on Day Four of the conference, celebrating together.
• Please click on the pictures at the top or here to see all the photos of Day Four from Evelin's camera.
Rick Slaven
These are pictures from Linda's camera. You see Otago Harbour. You see also Rick Slaven with a Moa bird in the Otago Museum.
• Please click on the pictures at the top or here to see all the photos from Linda's camera.

Marvin Hubbard OAR

25th August 2011, 10.00 am, one hour with Marvin Hubbard in the studio of Toroa Radio. Marvin Hubbard presents an hour of interesting and eclectic but often topical radio. Marvin interviews a wide range of people from religious leaders and teachers through to ecological activists and touring musicians.
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

25th August 2011, nostalgic visit to Dunedin Medical School, where I received part of my medical education, during the last year of my medical studies, in 1983.
Please click on the picture above or here to see more photos.

Wakari John Penno

21st August 2011, nostalgic visit to Wakari Hospital, where I received part of my medical education in 1983, and Taieri Airfield, where I learned flying. John Penno, one of my flying instructors back in 1983 was there! The Otago Aero Club had its open days. Thank you so much, dear Brian for taking me around!
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.

Dialogue Home plate

20th August 2011: How wonderful! We have a new Dialogue Home, in Timaru, New Zealand! Thanks a million to Brian Ward and his family!
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos. See also a pdf file with the pictures.


10th August 2011,Traditional Korean Cultural Experience Zone at Incheol Airport, Korea, see also a YouTube video.
Please click on the picture above or here to see more photos.

Anne-Grete, Abou, Evelin Anne-Grete og Geir

2nd July 2011, Anne-Grete Bjørlo and Geir got married. Many wonderful guests, among them Abou Bakar Johnson Bakundukize, honored and celebrated them.
Please click on the pictures above or here to see more photos.


2nd July 2011, Friisvegen, from Fåberg in Gudbrandsdalen to Koppang in Østerdalen (the highest point is at 1,158 meters).
Please click on the picture or here to see more photos.

29th June 2011, visiting Lasse Moer in his office, together with Mariana Vergara and Ulrich Spalthoff.
Please click on the picture or here to see more photos.

"Reimagining Democratic Societies: A New Era of Personal and Social Responsibilities," international conference at the University of Oslo, Norway, 27-29th June 2011.

Rektor Inga Bostad Inga Bostad and Evelin LindnerSjur Bergan

1. Day One: Please click on the picture on the left or here to see more photos from Evelin's camera.
2. Day Two: Please click on the picture in the middle or here to see more photos from Evelin's camera.
3. Day Three: Please click on the picture on the right or here to see more photos from Evelin's camera.

Evelin Lindner
Please click on the picture above or here to see more photos from Helene Lewis's camera.
Inga Bostad and Evelin Lindner
Please click on the picture above or here to see more photos from Rachel Aspögård's camera.

On 26th June 2011, we drove from Risør to visit breathtaking International Landeskogen Peace Center.

• Please click on the picture at the top or here to see more photos. See first lovely Risør kirke.

• Please click on the picture at the bottom or here to read about Evelin's stay at Landeskogen: "I fire dager bodde forsker Evelin Lindner på Landeskogen. Evelin arbeider globalt for å fremme verdighet, dermed var menneskeverd et sentralt tema under besøket. Hun holdt også et flott innlegg da 18 personer fra kommunestyret i Bygland besøkte Landeskogen."

Beacon of Dignity Award
Please click on the picture or here to see more photos.

On 25th June 2011, the Beacon of Dignity Award was given to Andrzej (Andreas) Jozef Marciniak and Helga Brigitte Arntzen in deep recognition of their extraoordinary work for dignity in this world! This was the first Beacon of Dignity Award given by the World Dignity University initiative, signed by Linda Hartling and Evelin Lindner.
Congratulations, dear Andrzej and Helga!
This ceremony took place in Risør, Southern Norway.
Philosopher Tore Lindholm received the "Fangenes Testamente pris" earlier in the afternoon the same day. We convey our warmest congratulations to you, dear Tore!
Tore was so very very kind to assist in the award ceremony for Andrzej (Andreas) Jozef Marciniak and Helga Brigitte Arntzen later in the evening, during the dinner in his honour. Thank you, dear Tore!
(Evelin is extremely grateful for having received the same price in 2009.)
Please click on the picture or here to see more photos.

WDU launch in Istanbul
WDU launch in Greece WDU launch in Greece

On 24th June 2011, the launch of our World Dignity University initiative took place at the University of Oslo in Norway! (10.00-12.00, University Library Georg Sverdrups House, Blindern).
We were able, through the help of the University of Oslo's Lasse Moer, to invite everybody to be with us via video and streaming (10 am in Oslo was 4 am US/Eastern and 1 am US/Pacific, or 2 pm Bangladesh Time, 6 pm in Australia/Brisbane, 5 am Recife, Brazil, just to give some examples)!

• Please click on here for a recording of this event.

• Norwegian Minister of the Environment and Minister of Development Cooperation, Erik Solheim, prepared a video greeting for this launch. He would have liked to join the launch of the idea of the World Dignity University on 24th June 2011, however, since he was not in Norway on that day, he formulated his greetings via video message on 14th February 2011. Christian Grotnes Halvorsen was the director of this video-take.
• And see Federico Mayor Zaragoza's greetings prepared for the launch of the World Dignity University Initiative on 24th June 2011! As you know, he headed UNESCO for 12 years.
• And see Francisco Gomes de Matos' Dignity Checklist!
• Please have a quick look also at my video invitation to the World Dignity University initiative!
• Thank you, dear Hayal Köksal for taking this lovely picture of our WWDU launch in your office in Istanbul! To see the picture from Hayal Köksal larger, please click on it or here.
• Please see the picture at the bottom! Lasse Moer received the Beacon of Dignity Award for his untiring support!

1. To see more pictures from Evelin's camera, please click on the picture at the top or here. Thank you, dear Helene Lewis, for putting my camera at such good use!

2. To see more pictures from Rachel Aspögård's camera, please click on the rest of the pictures or here. Thank you, dear Rachel Aspögård for taking these lovely pictures!

3. To see the screen shot from Hayal Köksal larger, please click on the picture or here. Thank you, dear Hayal Köksal for taking this lovely picture at your computer in Istanbul!

4. To see the two screen shots from Takis Ioannides, please click on the pictures or here. Thank you, dear Takis Ioannides for taking this lovely picture at your computer in New Smyrna–Athens in Greece!

Perhaps YOU ALL could create a similar video dialogue as I did? It would wonderful to have your reflections on why you think dignity is important and what you could perhaps contribute to a World Dignity University!


23rd June 2011, 11.30-1230, "Gender, Humiliation, and Global Security," lunch presentation at the Senter for tverrfaglig kjønnsforskning (STK) / Centre for Gender Research, at the University of Oslo, Norway.
Please click on the pictures to see short movies.

Birgit Brock-Utne Gunnar Garbo

18th June 2011, sommerfest hos Birgit og Gunnar! Each year, Birgit Brock-Utne and her husband Gunnar Garbo invite to a wonderful summer celebration at the Oslo fjord!
Please click on the pictures or here to see more photos.

Landeskogen Helga Arntzen Knut A. Austad Andrzej  (Andreas) Jozef Marciniak

5th-9th June 2011, International Landeskogen Peace Center, Southern Norway.
Imagine Windsor Castle as a Peace Center.
Landeskogen is a huge complex of buildings and land, like a huge castle, in the middle of a landscape of utter beauty and purity, ca. five hours drive south-west of Oslo in Southern Norway. It was built in 1902 as a Tuberculosis Sanatorium, and is now turning into the International Landeskogen Peace Center, waiting for YOUR support!
Helga Arntzen is the woman leading this project. Helga is a woman who gives her life selflessly to peace work, after having lived through an extraordinary life of hardship. She is the initiator of "hvite busser" or "white busses" with which many Norwegian youth have visited Auschwitz. She leads Aktive Fredsreiser (Travel for Peace). I met her when PRIO selected me as candidate for the 2009 Peace Award "Fangenes Testamente" ("Prisoner's Testament"), awarded by her organization. She profoundly appreciates the support from Ordfører Knut A. Austad. And she cannot imagine being without Andrzej (Andreas) Jozef Marciniak and his colleagues. Andrzej is an epitome of dignity, of treating fellow humans as equal in dignity, of foregrounding solidarity and mutuality. He originally came from Poland, first to Germany, and now he is in Norway, leading a group of several Polish workers. When you look at http://landeskogen.blogg.no/, then you see how he restores the huge Landeskogene buildings in almost miraculous ways.
Please click on the pictures or here to see more photos.

Inga Bostad Inga Bostad Krageroe; Marit Laland

1st-5th June 2011, Den norske filosofifestivalen "På kanten" i Kragerø, Southern Norway.
I thank Helge Svare and Arne-Fred Solbekk for taking these nice pictures.
Please click on the pictures or here to see more photos.

Nayef Al-Rodhan

30th May- 1st June 2011, 9th International Security Forum, 30 May – 1 June 2011 in Zurich, Switzerland.
I had the privilege to be invited by Nayef Al-Rodhan into the panel "Dignity and Global Security" (31st May 2011, 14.00 – 15.30), together with Joseph Prabhu and Gregory Fried (with my contribution titled "Dignity and Trans-National Security").
Please click on the pictures or here to see more photos.

Rikard Nordraak 17. mai i Berlin
Dagfinn Foellesdal
Please click on the pictures or here to see more photos.

17th May 2011, in Berlin!
1. The Norwegian Constitution Day is the National Day of Norway and is an official national holiday observed on May 17 each year. See the celebrations in Berlin on the picture in the middle. Tale for dagen ved Ellen Horn, teatersjef ved Riksteatret. Please click on the pictures or here to see more photos.
2. On the picture on the left side, you see the monument of Rikard Nordraak, the Norwegian composer, best known as the composer of the Norwegian national anthem "Ja vi elsker dette landet...". He died at the age of 23 of tuberculosis in Berlin 1866.
3. It was a great honor to meet Dagfinn Kåre Føllesdal (see picture at the bottom). He is "considered as the most renowned Norwegian philosopher...".
In 1996, he kindly formulated the foundational questions that guided my work on humiliation:
"What is experienced as humiliation? What happens when people feel humiliated? When is humiliation established as a feeling? What does humiliation lead to? Which experiences of justice, honor, dignity, respect and self-respect are connected with the feeling of being humiliated? What role do globalization and human rights play for humiliation? How is humiliation perceived and responded to in different cultures? What role does humiliation play for aggression? What can be done to overcome violent effects of humiliation?"
Please click on the pictures or here to see more photos.

Grete og Arild

17th May 2011, it was an honor to meet with Grete and Arild!
Please click on the picture to see it larger.

H.E. Shahid Kamal
Britta Jenkins and Nadine Stammel Wolfgang Kaleck

14th-17th May 2011, in Berlin, conversations with H.E. Mr. Shahid Kamal, Pakistan's Ambassador to Germany, with Britta Jenkins and Nadine Stammel, Berlin Center for the Treament of Torture Victims (bzfo), and civil rights attorney Wolfgang Kaleck.
Please click on the pictures to see them larger.

Evelin Frerk Evelin Frerk

14th May 2011, Evelin Lindner's birthday celebration with Evelin Frerk in Berlin!
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Der Hohenstein Der Hohenstein

20th April 2011, The Hohenstein is an old Germanic cult site dedicated to the god Thos/Donar. See also the description given by the Pappmühle. The picture on the right is to be found on the Pappmühle web site. See more pictures here.
Please click on the pictures to see them larger.

Cafe Rausch Beate Ziegler

12th April 2011, with Beate Ziegler and Julia Zoephel, first, the "Plenum Forum Menschenrechte," then the "Feier zum 10. Jahrestag des Deutschen Instituts für Menschenrechte," in between to Cafe Rausch.
Please click on the picture to see it larger.

Rathaus Spandau

6th-13th April 2011, in Spandau (Berlin).
Please click on the pictures to see them larger.

Frans de Waal Beatrix Austin

11th April 2011, from Frans de Waal's lecture at at Freie Universität Berlin, to meeting with Beatrix Austin.
Please click on the pictures to see them larger.

Norbert Ropers

10th April 2011, meeting with Norbert Ropers.
Please click on the picture to see it larger.

Ehemaliger Sportpalast Ehemaliger Volksgerichtshof

10th April 2011, from the former Sportpalast (what is left is a tower, see the picture on the left), where Joseph Göbbels held his infamous Sportpalast speech of of 18th February 1943, when he called for a total war , to the Volksgerichtshof (People's Court, the building in the background), where Roland Freisler (30 October 1893–3 February 1945) held Hitler's show trials.
Please click on the pictures or here to see more photos.

Bundestag Reichstag Fuehrerbunker

6th April 2011, in one single afternoon, I passed through a breathtaking array of historical markers, all of them only a few meters apart:
1. I attended a 3-hour meeting of the human rights commission of the German parliament in the Marie-Elisabeth-Lüders Haus (öffentliche Anhörung des Ausschuss für Menschenrechte und humanitäre Hilfe über menschenrechtliche Verantwortung internationaler Unternehmen). Erika Steinbach is a member of this commission (from the CDU party), a person whose path shows how the wounds from the humiliation that Germany's neighbors suffered at the hands of Nazi Germany can suddenly become very fresh.
2. I passed in front of the Reichstag, for Hitler a symbol of the "useless talking-shop nature" of democracy.
3. I went to the ugly concrete apartment blocks where Hitler's former Führerbunker was located (German, literally meaning "shelter/bunker [for the] leader" or "[the] Führer's shelter"), which was located beneath Hitler's New Reich Chancellery in Berlin. It was in this subterranean bunker where Adolf Hitler and his wife Eva Braun spent the last few weeks of the war and where their lives came to an end on April 30, 1945. Hitler's body was burnt about where the orange-colored gate to the parking place is located now.
4. The place where Hitler killed himself is just 200 meters away from the Holocaust Memorial in central Berlin that unveiled in 2005.
Please click on the pictures or here to see more photos.

Berlin Wall

30th March, 2011, I walked from Leipziger Strasse, through Stallschreiber Strasse, along the former Berlin Wall.
Please click on the picture or here to see it larger.

Marion Graefin Doenhoff Marion Graefin Doenhoff

March - April 2011, I lived in Leipziger Strasse, just between the Gendarmenmarkt and Bebelplatz in the north, the former Berlin wall in the south, the Marion-Gräfin-Dönhoff-Platz slightly sout-eastwards, and Potsdamer Platz westwards. The Nazi book burnings were a campaign conducted by the authorities of Nazi Germany to ceremonially burn all books in Germany which did not correspond with Nazi ideology. See the book burning memorial at the Bebelplatz in Berlin. Click on the pictures to see them larger.


14th February 2011, in front of the Royal Palace (Norwegian: Slottet or formally Det kongelige slott) in Oslo. It was built in the first half of the 19th century as the Norwegian residence of Norwegian and Swedish king Charles III (Carl Johan, Charles XIV of Sweden) and is the official residence of the present Norwegian Monarch.
Please click on the picture above to see it larger.

Theary Seng

3rd February 2011, having the privilege of meeting Theary Seng at the "Facing Genocide" screening at the Human Rights Human Wrongs Film Festival in Oslo, Norway (February 2011)
See more photos on her web site.
Please click on the picture above to see it larger.

Birame Diouf

14th January 2011, meeting with Birame Diouf.
Please click on the picture above or here to see more photos.

Demokrati konferanse

13-14th January 2011, 2nd International Conference on Democracy as Idea and Practice, Oslo, with Workshop 5. Democracy, Gender and Dignity in a Global Perspective (directors: Øystein Gullvåg Holter and Evelin Lindner). See also the STK Bulletin-01-2011 (Pdf).
Please click on the picture above or here to see more photos.


12th January 2011, Dignity or Humiliation: The World at a Crossroad, lecture at the Department of Psychology/Psykologisk institutt at the University of Oslo, Norway (Harald Schjelderups hus, Forskningsveien 3, Auditorium 1, as part of PSYC3203 - Anvendt sosialpsykologi).
See the UiO Podcast edition of this lecture, or the YouTube editions part 1 and part 2.
Please click on the picture above or here to see more photos.

Evelin's pictures