Global Advisory Board

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 Global Advisory Board (G-M)



Dakshinamoorthi Raja Ganesan is also a Member of the HumanDHS Education Team.
He is the former Head of the Department of Education at the University of Madras, India. Professor Ganesan is currently writing a book on Problem Finding for Research with further books in planning, such as Psychopedagogy of Scientific Discoveries.
Dr. Ganesan has been elected twice to the Executive Board of the International Sociological Association Research Committee on Alienation (ISA RC 36) in Mexico (1982) and New Delhi (1986), and has retained this position for a third term, Madrid (1990). Dr. Ganesan has organised and chaired a session on Asian Religious Worldviews and Alienation in the XI World Congress of Sociology. Furthermore, he has organised a session on Alienation, Meditation and Mysticism - From a Purely Secular and Scientific Perspective, in cooperation with Dr. Frank A. Johnson M.D., Professor of Psychiatry, University of California at San Francisco, as the Session Discussant, in the XII Congress in Madrid, Spain. Dr. Ganesan was also entrusted with the responsibility for organising and chairing a session on Alienation and Dreams in the XIII Congress of Sociology, Bielefeld, Germany.
Professor Ganesan was invited to present his paper "Dreaming our Way to Peace: An Experimental Replication of the Senoi Tribal Custom of Daily Dream Interpretation," in the IPRA Conference at Malta in 1994. He participated in the Salzburg International Seminar on Educating Youth: Challenges for the Future in 1997. He was invited twice to the Annual Conference of the International Association for the Study of Dreams at Boston and Berkeley (2001 and 2002) to present his paper on "Dreams and Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo" (a savant scholar of the Indian Renaissance).
Dr. Ganesan earned his doctorate on Psychoanalysis and Buddhism at the Dr. Radhakrishnan Institute for Advanced Study in Philosophy, University of Madras. At present, he is a Nominee of the Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development, on the Indian Council of Philosophical Research as well as a Member of its Research and Projects Committee. He is a Satellite Faculty of the National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration, a Member of the Peace Education Commission of the International Peace Research Association, an Honorary Secretary of the SITU Council of Educational Research, an Honorary Editor of Experiments in Education (a monthly professional journal dedicated to the cause of educational research and development), Vice-President of the English Language Teachers' Association of India, and Founder-President of the Dream Study Circle in Madras.
Professor Ganesan has been practising meditation himself and has gone through five stages of progress. He also trains students of meditation. He has dream interpretation workshops and designed and offered Know Thyself - an experiential learning program, based on depth psychology.
• Professor Ganesan kindly edited a Special Symposium Issue of Experiments in Education, "Humiliation in the Academic Setting", published by the S.I.T.U. Council of Educational Research in 2008.
D. Raja Ganesan kindly writes on 25th April 2016: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the UN encompasses the concepts of dignity and prevention of humiliation. But many countries, I understand, have not yet signed the covenant. If I remember right India is not yet a signatory to this Delaration. The countries which have not yet become signatories may nevertheless have enshrined in their constitutions articles and sections in their statute books, as also institutional mechanisms for their implementation: they may not want to forfeit their sovereignty by signing this covenant. After making this status survey this group can draw upon the voluntary services of lawyers to draft a model legislation for adoption by countries which are in principle willing to adopt such a legislation but are not doing so because this is a relatively low priority item in their agenda. In the meantime it can be a subtheme for its annual conferences.
See also:
• "Message to the World" (Video edited by Linda Hartling from PowerPoint prepared on November 10, 2021), contribution to the 2021 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Virtual at Columbia University, New York City, December 9 – 11, 2021.



Professor Hall Gardner is the author/editor/contributor of at least 13 books, most recently, IR Theory, Historical Analogy, and Major Power War (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018) and World War Trump: The Risks of America's New Nationalism (Prometheus Books, 2018). As Professor and Chair of the International and Comparative Politics Department at the American University of Paris, his research blends a historical and theoretical approach with contemporary international affairs, concentrating on questions involving NATO and European Union enlargement, the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the rise of China, as well as the global ramifications of the “war on terrorism.” An internationally published poet whose work has appeared in numerous small press and online magazines, Gardner's first book of poetry is The Wake-Up Blast. His books are available on amazon; see his Poetry and Prose. His wWebsite is



Howard Giles (PhD [1971], D.Sc. [1996], University of Bristol) became Chair of Social Psychology and thereafter Head of Psychology at that same institution. He emigrated to California 23+ years ago and is Professor (past-Chair) of Communication at the University of California, Santa Barbara (with affiliated positions in Linguistics and Psychology). He is Founding (and current) Editor of the Journal of Language and Social Psychology and Co-founding Editor of the Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, elected Editor of Human Communication Research, and Editor of many Book Series. Giles has researched many different areas of intergroup communication (and is editor of the 2012 Handbook of Intergroup Communication for the International Communication Association (ICA)/Routledge), been on the editorial boards of dozens of journals, is an elected Fellow in 7 gerontology, psychology, intercultural relations, and communication Associations and, in addition to 30 competitive Top Paper awards from Communication Associations, has received many distinguished honors (e.g., the ICA Inaugural Career Productivity [Chaffee] Award in 2000 and the National Communication Association’s Mark Knapp Career Award for interpersonal communication in 2010). He has been Past President of ICA and the International Association of Language & Social Psychology (IALSP) and is currently Adviser to the Executive Committee of the latter. Co-founder in 1979 (with Peter Robinson) of the International Conferences on Language (ICLASP) - with ICLASP14 planned for 2014 - he was one of the key initiators of the IALSP movement established in 1996. In late 2011, he retired as a 15-year Reserve Detective Lieutenant with the Santa Barbara Police Department working with the major crimes unit and on 24/7 call for the Crisis Negotiation Response Team as well as on 24/7 call as a Police Chaplain. Giles has been the recipient of 13 California State, local, and departmental Outstanding Law Enforcement Service Awards.
Furthering one of his intergroup research interests, Giles is a Reserve Lieutenant (with 11 outstanding service awards) in the Santa Barbara Police Department and on-call 24-7 for both their Crisis Negotiation Response and Police Chaplain Teams. 
The list of his guest edited journal special issues, his papers in refereed journals, refereed conference proceedings, invited journal/annual papers, invited chapters, book reviews, co-editorships, edited journal special issues, academic journal papers, contributions to edited works, since 1995, is too long to include here. Please see more at UCSB site.

June 23, 1946 – November 18, 2018, yet always with us in our hearts!

Judith E. Glaser was one of the most innovative and pioneering change agents and executive coaches in the consulting industry. She considerred herself an Organizational Anthropologist, working with clients at the intersection of culture, leadership and brand. She created Creating WE Institute, and founded Benchmark Communications, Inc., a firm that works with CEOs and their teams helping them focus on competitive challenges in a world of moving targets with a direct line of site to the customer.
Her two books Creating WE: Change I-Thinking to We-Thinking & Build a Healthy Thriving Organization and The DNA of Leadership (Platinum Press, an imprint of Adams Media), made Amazon Business Book Best Seller Lists in 2005 and 2006, and were also selected by both Forbes and Business Book Review as two of the top business books of 2005 and 2006. Creating WE has been translated into Chinese, Korean, Spanish and Russian. Her book 42 Rules for Creating WE was written along with 18 authors and published in 2009.
She has appeared on the NBC Today Show, ABC World News, Fox News Channel, News 12 Connecticut, NY 1, Martha Stewart Show and the Family Network talking about We-Centric Leadership, Bully Bosses and Culture Transformation. She has been quoted many times in the NY Times, WSJ, Crain's, Newsday, Star Ledger, Harvard Management Review, AMA World and other print media talking about her Revolutionary Workplace Approaches. She is contributing Editor of Executive Excellence Magazine and is listed in the Excellence 100 Consultants.
Working with her team, leaders learn to partner with each other and with customers to set and achieve new benchmarks for success. Through a wide range of services and innovative technologies including enterprise and executive coaching, strategic consulting, and interactive workshops leaders also learn to reshape their company's genetic code, by "grafting" new practices into their patterns of engagement - resulting in higher levels of profitability, expanded market share, engaged leadership and a renewed vision for the future. Our innovative processes lead to breakthroughs, enabling leaders to redefine challenges, rethink strategies, reinvent new products and services, leverage mergers and acquisitions and create new business models that drive profitability and growth.
Benchmark's clients span a wide variety of industries including pharmaceuticals, fashion, retail, consumer goods, finance, technology, communication, consulting, entertainment and manufacturing. These include clients such as: Clairol, Inc., Reed Elsevier, Merrill Lynch, Siemens, Pfizer, Coach, Inc., Liz Claiborne, Lipton, VeriSign, Thomson, Novartis, Verizon, Citibank, Donna Karan International, Champion International and Exide Technologies.
She earned a B.A. from Temple University in Interdisciplinary Studies, and an M.S. in Human Behavior & Development from Drexel University, where she was a Research Fellow. She has earned credits from Harvard University 's Bales School of Social Relations, with a focus on Organizational Studies. She later received a Master's Certificate in Corporate and Political Communications from Fairfield University.
Judith is a principle Faculty Member and Board Member of The Liminal Group. She served as an Adjunct Professor at Wharton, visiting guest speaker at Kellogg, Loyola, University of Chicago, NYU, IIT and others. She was awarded the Benno Curtis Entrepreneur of the Year and Quality Consultant Award. She is currently on the boards of The We Are Family Foundation, WITH (Woman in Transition Helping and Healing), and was a founding member of The Executive Woman's Business Forum. She was awarded Business Woman of the Year in New York City in 2004, and in 2006 she was inducted into the Temple University Gallery of Success.
Other Books: Random House Book of Business Terms; Ultimate Power; Discovering the Power of We.
Please see full texts of her publications here.
See, particularly, The Gauge & Arc of Engagement Tool (Judith looks for like-minded consultants, who would wish to immerse themselves in this work: please read her letter to interested consultants).


Jack A. Goldstone recently joined the George Mason University School of Public Policy as the Virginia E. and John T. Hazel Professor and Eminent Scholar and is a Mercatus Center Fellow. Professor Goldstone's interests include revolutions and social movements, demography and international security and social theory.
Professor Goldstone has conducted over twenty years of prize-winning research on social conflict and social change, focusing on global patterns of comparative development. He has held various visiting and permanent appointments at Northwestern University, The University of California, the California Institute of Technology, and the University of Cambridge. He has acted as a consultant to the World Bank, the White House and the Central Intelligence Agency.  His research success has led to many opportunities to work with various organizations such as the Woodrow Wilson Center, Social Sciences Research Council, American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the National Science Foundation. He most recently worked at the University of California, Davis where he directed the Center for History, Society, and Culture as well as teaching Sociology (1989-present) and International Relations (1992-2003).
Professor Goldstone holds a PhD in Sociology from Harvard University.
Please see:
• Jack's op-ed, Understanding the Iraqi Insurgency (December 2004)
• Jack's piece (together with Jay Ulfelder), How to Construct Stable Democracies (The Center for Strategic and International Studies and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, The Washington Quarterly, 28:1 pp. 9–20, 2004)
• The Global Report on Conflict, Governance, and State Fragility 2007: Gauging System Performance and Fragility in the Globalization Era, by Monty Marshall and Jack Goldstone.


Professor Francisco Cardoso Gomes de Matos is Recipient of the 2023 HumanDHS Lifetime Commitment Award. He is a Founding Member of the World Dignity University initiative and also a Member of our HumanDHS Global Core Team. He kindly coordinates two of our projects: he is the Director and Coordinator of HumanDHS's World Language for Equal Dignity Project and of HumanDHS's Creativity Through Equal Dignity Project.
Professor Francisco Gomes de Matos is Professor Emeritus of Linguistics at the Federal University of Pernambuco (UPFE) in Recife, northeastern Brazil, and President of the Board of Associação Brasil America. Dr. Francisco Cardoso Gomes holds degrees in languages and law from UFPE and in linguistics from the University of Michigan and the Catholic University of São Paulo. He has taught linguistics and languages at the UFPE until his retirement in 2003, teaching Linguistic Rights at that university's Specialization Course in Human Rights and Applied Linguistics.
Professor Gomes de Matos has presented more than 80 papers in national, regional, international conferences in Brazil, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States. A world pioneer in Peace Linguistics since 1993, he has published four books thereon, two of which in Portuguese and two in English. He was a Visiting Professor of Applied Linguistics at the Anthropology Museum (Mexico City), the University of Ottawa, the Catholic University of São Paulo, and a Fulbright Visiting Professor of Portuguese at the University of Georgia, Athens, USA. He was visiting coordinator of CENFI-Centro de Informação Intercultural — in Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro.
Gomes de Matos is also internationally known for his work in Linguistic Rights. Gomes de Matos is the author of two pioneering pleas: For a Universal Declaration of Linguistic Rights (1984) and for Communicative Peace (1993). As the author of the pioneering (1984) Plea for a Language Rights Declaration, he chaired the UNESCO-sponsored International Seminar in Human Rights and Cultural Rights at the Law School, Federal University of Pernambuco (1987), the outcome of which is the Declaration of Recife (on Linguistic Rights).
Active in Human Rights, Dr. Gomes de Matos is a co-founder of the Dom Helder Camara Human Rights Commission, Federal University of Pernambuco. He is also co-founder of Associação Brasil America (ABA) Global Education, an organization established in Recife, Brazil, 25 years ago, and co-founder of the World Dignity University initiative.
His book Dignity. A Multidimensional View was published by Dignity Press in 2013. Another sustained commitment of his is centered on applications of the Nonkilling Approach, as can be seen in his book Nurturing Nonkilling. His book Nurturing Nonkilling: A Poetic Plantation was published June 2009 by the Center for Global Nonkilling, Honolulu.
He likes to characterize his current mission as that of helping contribute to the global education of DIGNIFIERS.
Francisco Gomes de Matos is the first person to connect the communicative dimension directly with the notion of peace, as attested by Dell Hymes in his letter to Francisco Gomes de Matos dated 30th August 1993, printed as an Epigraph to Gomes de Matos' article "Harmonizing and Humanizing Political Discourse: The Contribution of Peace Linguists," in Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 6 (4) in 2000. Dell Hymes' letter (page 339) reads: "So far as I know, you are the first person to connect the communicative dimension directly with the notion of peace. Of course the peaceful solution of human problems is of central concern to Habermas and his use of the notion of communcative competence, and many people would regard communicative problems as barriers to peace. But the sharp conjunction of the phrase COMMUNICATIVE PEACE seems to go farther, and even suggest, not only mediation, but meditation, the achievement of a peace within persons that is more than absence of conflict, but a state of being.... If we are not able to share the world,we will surely live in unending violence. Perhaps attention to the conditionsof communicative peace may help achieve the social and personal requisites for such sharing."
Please see Francisco's posters on the site of the Associacao Brasil America, ABA.
See also a selection of Francisco's other publications:
•  Applying the Pedagogy of Positiveness to Diplomatic Communication by Francisco Gomes de Matos, In Jovan Kurblija and Hannah Slavik (Eds.) Language and Diplomacy. Msida, Malta: DiploProjects, 2001.
• See also a review by Robert Craig, University of Colorado, The Fundamental Communicative Right: A Brazilian Scholar’s Plea, a review of Gomes de Matos, Francisco. Comunicar para o bem: rumo à paz comunicativa, São Paulo: Editora Ave-Maria, 2002, 117 pages, ISBN: 85-276-0563- (first published in ICA Newsletter, International Communication Association, Volume 31, Number 6, August 2003, page 2 and 5.), and a review by Monica Rector, Review of Gomes de Matos, Francisco. Comunicar para o bem: rumo à paz comunicativa, São Paulo: Editora Ave-Maria, 2002. 117pages, ISBN: 85-276-0563-5, as well as by Manfred Prinz, Rezension von Francisco Gomes de Matos. Comunicar para o Bem Rumo a Paz Comunicativa, São Paulo (Ave Maria) 2002.
• Interview with Francisco Gomes de Matos in the APIRS Newsletter (May 2005).
• In 2004, Francisco published Criatividade no Ensino de Ingls (Creativity in the Teaching of English), São Paulo, Disal Editora.
• In 2005 he wrote the chapter "Using Peaceful Language: From Principles to Practices," available on EOLSS-UNESCO, Encyclopedia of Life-Support Systems.
• Chapter on Language, Peace, and Conflict Resolution, in the second, expanded edition of The Handbook of Conflict Resolution, edited by Morton Deutsch, Fall of 2006, Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco.
• Please see here also Francisco's poem on Peace Patriotism.
• Francisco Gomes de Matos has also developed a sociolinguistic checklist with the aim to identify how humiliation is communicated in daily life, so as to create a database that can be used by policy planners who attempt to diminish and end humiliating practices. Please see Communicative Humiliation: A Sociolinguistic Checklist (2005).
• Please see furthermore "Humiliation and Its Brazilian History as a Domain of Sociolinguistic Study," in Social Alternatives(Special Issue "Humiliation and History in Global Perspectives"), Vol. 25, No. 1, First Quarter, pp. 40-43, 2006.
• Please see also the poem EQUALism, that Francisco wrote in honor of Bob Fuller's work.
• See, furthermore, Francisco's Review of Stephen Post and Jill Neimark, Why Good Things Happen to Good People. The Exciting New Research That Proves the Link Between Doing Good and Living a Longer, Healthier, Happier Life (New York: Broadway Books, 2007, xv + 302 pp,
•  See also Francisco's 2007 Review of Working for Peace: A Handbook of Practical Psychology And Other Tools by Psychologists for Social Responsibility (Author), Arun Gandhi (Foreword), Rachel M. Macnair (Editor) (Atascadero, California: Impact Publishers, 2006).
•  See also his Two Typologies of Linguistic Rights (2007/1984).
• Nurturing Nonkilling: A Poetic Plantation, in Joám Evans Pim (Ed.), Toward a Nonkilling Paradigm, Honolulu: Center for Global Nonkilling (June 2009). Please see the praise by Morton Deutsch of Francisco Gomes de Matos' chapter.
• Interview with Francisco Gomes de Matos in Dialogia, São Paulo, 8 (2), 2009, pp. 173-182.
• ABA Poster Series, "Being Educated for Nonkilling," "TESOLers as Appliers of Nonkilling," "The Day Weapons Refused to Kill," "Educating All Children for Nonkilling," ABC Peace Poem, "The Boundaries of COMPASSION as seen by DIGNITY" (version 1 and version 2), Associacao Brasil America, Recife, Brazil, design by Ane Cleide.
• "Poem 'The Right to Peace, a World of Responsibilities for Humankind' by Prof. Francisco Gomes de Matos, Professor Emeritus of the Universidad Federal de Pernambuco (Brazil)," in Commemoration of the International Day of Peace, p. 32.
Nurturing Nonkilling: A Poetic Plantation, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi: Center for Global Nonkilling, Third (Revised) Edition: November 2010
• Francisco Gomes De Matos prepared a "Communicative Dignity: A Checklist" in Recife, Brazil, concluding that "dignity is more than a quality; It is the essence of our humanity." Uli Spalthoff printed this checklist 40 times in Germany, and brought to Oslo to distribute on the tables of the launch event. Francisco Gomes de Matos coined the term digniversity, and Bhante the term dignicommunity.
Francisco Gomes de Matos: Interview with Evelin Lindner, video in Português/Inglês, Portuguese/English
English: Professor Francisco Gomes de Matos, President of the Associação Brasil-América (ABA), converses with Evelin Lindner, medical doctor and psychologist, and Founding President of the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studes network. This video was created on 14th June 2012 in Recife, Brazil.
Portuguese: O Professor Francisco Gomes de Matos, Presidente do Conselho da ABA, conversa com Evelin Lindner, médica e psicóloga fundadora e presidente da Rede de Estudos sobre Humilhação e Dignidade. Este vídeo foi criado em Recife, Brasil, em 14 de Junho de 2012.

DIGNITY AS A HUMANIZING MIGHT, Poem dedicated to the HDHS family by Francisco Gomes de Matos, a peace linguist Member of the Dom Helder Camara Human Rights Commission, Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil, 26th March 2010
Can DIGNITY deeply humanize?
Yes, when the rights of all beings on Earth it underlies
Can DIGNITY deeply humanize?
Yes,when a LIFE-supporting- force it signifies
Can DIGNITY deeply humanize?
Yes, when all forms of human violence it decries
Can DIGNITY deeply humanize?
Yes, when with environmental justice Humankind complies

• Please find poems received from 2010 onwards at Francisco Gomes de Matos's Peace Linguistics pages.
• ABA Poster 2012, "Global Women: A Man's View" in English, and in Portugese, designed by Karina Gomes.
Entretien entre Francisco GOMES DE MATOS et DiversCité: Interview on Linguistic Rights, given to sociolinguist Angéline Martel, DiversCité Langues, Télé-université, TÉLUQ (a component of the Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada), September 1998
• ABA Poster 2012, "What Will There Be: A Nonkilling Plea Dedicated to President Barack Obama," designed by Ane Cleide.
Francisco Gomes de Matos: Interview with Evelin Lindner, video in Português/Inglês, Portuguese/English
English: Professor Francisco Gomes de Matos, President of the Associação Brasil-América (ABA), converses with Evelin Lindner, medical doctor and psychologist, and Founding President of the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studes network. This video was created on 14th June 2012 in Recife, Brazil.
Portuguese: O Professor Francisco Gomes de Matos, Presidente do Conselho da ABA, conversa com Evelin Lindner, médica e psicóloga fundadora e presidente da Rede de Estudos sobre Humilhação e Dignidade. Este vídeo foi criado em Recife, Brasil, em 14 de Junho de 2012.
• ABA Poster 2013, "Chilren's Rights" in English, and in Portugese.
• Book launch of Francisco Cardoso Gomes de Matos' book Dignity - A Multidimensional View, published in Dignity Press in 2013. This book has been simultaneously launched in Recife, Brasil, and at the Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, at Columbia University in New York City, December 5 - 6, 2013.
• Michael H. Prosser, Ph.D., Public Professional Conversation with Dr. Francisco Cardoso Gomes de Matos, Dignity and Peace Linguist, Recife, Brazil, November 28, 2013 (Post 2018)
• Dignity: A Multidimensional View Book Launch is a video created by Francisco Cardosos Gomes de Matos' for the occasion of the global launch of his book Dignity - A Multidimensional View published in Dignity Press in 2013. Francisco Gomes de Matos is the President of the Associacao Brasil America (ABA) Board, and in this video he addresses the 10th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict at Teachers College at Columbia University in New York City, 5-6th December 2013. This workshop is one of the contexts for the global launch of his book on dignity. The video was created at the Associacao Brasil America (ABA) in Recife, Brazil, and published on 29th November 2013.
• A Review of Pope Francis Lexicon, edited by Joshua J. McElwee and Cindy Wooden. Collegeville, Minnesota: Liturgical Press, 2018, by Francisco Gomes de Matos, 19th July 2018.
• Dignity Studies Here!, co-authored with Redjane Andrade, Recife, Brazil, 17th October 2019.
• 'Peace Linguistics: Contributions of Peacelinguactivist Francisco Gomes de Matos', by Jocelyn Wright, Humanising Language Teaching, Volume 21, Issue 6, December 2019.
• 'Peace Linguistics: Contributions of Peacelinguactivist Francisco Gomes de Matos', by Jocelyn Wright, Global Campain for Peace Education, News & Highlights, January 4, 2020.
Linda Hartling read the poem Hello, PEACE by Francisco Gomes de Matos that he composed on November 11, 2021 (Video)
Marcelle Feigol Guil kindly wrote on 29th July2024: Dear Dignifriends, Our esteemed Professor Francisco Gomes de Matos will be the honoured scholar/guest at this year’s edition of Conecta Leitores - “Cultural Mediation, Otherness, and Intercultural Encounters”, which will be held from the 5th to the 8th of August, 2024 at Eduardo Mondlane University in Maputo, Mozambique.
Supported by the Brazilian Ministry of External Affairs, the Conecta Leitores conference is an opportunity to foster dialogues between Guimarães Rosa Visiting Lecturers at various universities overseas and related social segments, such as teachers of Portuguese as an Additional Language, cultural diplomacy actors, and researchers dedicated to investigating policies for the promotion of linguistic, literary and cultural diversity of Brazil.
Our dearest Evelin Lindner and Gaby Saab kindly introduced me to Professor Francisco’s works and I had the pleasure of meeting him in São Paulo about 15 years ago. As part of the organisation committee of this year’s edition, I am very grateful that Professor Francisco accepted our invitation to participate virtually and looking forward to the event! The event will be broadcast on our YouTube and all are invited to register and participate (the certificates will be issued by the State University of Amazonas - our partner institution this year).
Warmest regards,
Marcelle Feigol Guil


Michael B. Greene received his academic training in developmental psychology at Columbia University. He has had a long career focusing on youth and school violence and has written numerous papers and book chapters on this topic. He previously established two centers for the study and prevention of violence: the Center for the Prevention of Violence at Youth Consultation Service and the Violence Institute of New Jersey at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (now Rutgers University). He has and continues to serve as an expert witness in litigation brought on behalf of students who have been chronically bullied and harassed at school. At present, Michael has shifted his focus to the emerging field of donor conception, largely based on his experience as a sperm donor in the 1970s and his recent burgeoning relationships with his biological children as well as  his ongoing study of the literature in this field. Please see:
• School Violence, Human Rights, Dignity and Humiliation, in Ganesan, Dakshinamoorthi Raja, and Brown, Philip M. (Eds.), Humiliation in the Academic Setting: A Special Symposium Issue of ‘Experiments in Education’, New Delhi: S.I.T.U. Council of Educational Research, XXXVI (3, March 2008), pp. 51-60.
Walking the Talk, abstract presented at the 2008 Workshop on Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 11-12, 2008.
Youth as Active Agents of Social Change, contribution shared at the 2009 Workshop on Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 10-11, 2009.
Code of the Street, Retaliation, and Saving Face, contribution shared at the 2010 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 9-10, 2010.
A Human Rights Perspective on Preventing Violence, contribution shared at the 2019 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 5-6, 2019.


Roger Griffin, Emeritus Professor at Oxford Brookes University, is best known for The Nature of Fascism (1991), Modernism and Fascism (2007); Terrorist’s Creed: Fanatical Violence and the Human Need for Meaning (2012); Fascism: An Introduction to Comparative Fascist Studies (2018), and for co-founding the journal Fascism and COMFAS, the Association for the Comparative Fascism Studies. His main achievement is to have formulated a non-Marxist definition of fascism which is now widely used in academia all over the world. Despite retirement, he continues to pursue (but never quite catches up with) his research interests are fascism, populism, terrorism, and more generally the way modern society generates a permanent crisis of identity for many, leading to a constant flow of minority movements of extremism and fanaticism. He is particularly interested in the socio-cultural and psychological drivers of “othering”, conspiracy theories against outgroups, and the formation of “Manichean” world-views that divide the world into “us” and “them”, “good” and “evil” and so license dehumanization, persecution, and extermination.


Jan M. Haakonsen earned his Master of Arts in Anthropology in 1981 from McGill University, Montreal in Quebec, Canada. Since 2002, he holds the position of a Special Adviser for Development Research at The Research Council of Norway. Previously, he worked as Advisor with the International Department of the Red Cross of Norway. Prior to that, he worked as a socio-economist and anthropologist with FAO (Programme for Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries - IDAF) in Cotonou, Benin, and in Somalia with UNICEF and the Somali Academy of Sciences & Arts/ Swedish Agency for Research Cooperation (SAREC). Jan speaks numerous languages (Norwegian, English, Italian, French, German and some Somali). The situation in Somalia and Somalis in the diaspora remain one of his principal interests. Jan has published, among others, Somalia after UNOSOM (Oslo: Norwegian Red Cross, together with Hassan A. Keynan, Eds.). The situation in Somalia and Somalis in the diaspora remain one of his principal interests.


Magnus Haavelsrud is also a Member of the HumanDHS Research Team.
Magnus Haavelsrud is Professor Emeritus of Education at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway. His work deals with the critique of the reproductive role of education and the possibilities for transcendence of this reproduction in light of the traditions of educational sociology and peace research. He took part in the creation of the Peace Education Commission of the International Peace Research Association at the beginning of the 70’s and served as the Commissions 2nd Executive Secretary 1975-79. He was the Chairperson for the World Conference on Education in 1974 and edited the proceeding from this conference entitled Education for Peace: Reflection and Action. He served as the Carl-von-Ossietzky Guest Professor of the German Council for Peace and Conflict Research.
Publications include: Education in Developments (1996), Perspektiv i utdanningssosiologi (Perspectives in the Sociology of Education (1997, 2nd edition), Education Within the Archipelago of Peace Research 1945 - 1964 (co-authored with Mario Borrelli, 1993) and Disarming: Discourse on Violence and Peace (editor, 1993).
See, among others:


Anne-Katrine Hagelund connects corporate activities with global responsibility and ethics. Basecamp Explorer and Born Global are two of her initiatives. Basecamp Explorer Kenya, for example, operates eco-lodges within secluded locations north of the Masai Mara Reserve, one camp is in the Talek Area and two camps in the wildlife haven that is Mara Naboisho. The Born Global team believes in a more conscious and responsible world through empowering women leaders. Born Global therefore strengthens established role models worldwide, with particular emphasis on women. The Born Global team cooperates with local leaders and NGOs helping them to face challenges with respect to leadership and organizational development. Born Global creates and facilitates playful workshops and events with a process-oriented approach aiming to achieve defined goals. The Born Global team believes that the exchange of knowledge between women in different cultures will strengthen and inspire them.
Anne-Katrine Hagelund received the Beacon of Dignity Award on 30th August 2012. See a video-taping of the award ceremony and still pictures of the ceremony as pdf file.


Bernt Hagtvet holds an M.A. in International Relations from Yale University, 1972, and an M.Phil. in Political Science from Yale University, 1974. He has been the Research Director of the Programme for Human Rights Studies at the Christian Michelsen Institute, Bergen between 1983 and 1994.
Professor Hagtvet is currently Professor of Political Science at the University of Oslo. His fields of interest include European politics, the history of extremist movements, political sociology and political theory. Within political theory, he has, in particular, been focusing on democracy and human rights studies.
His current projects include mass society theory and the fall of democracy, civil society and the fall of the Weimar Republic, human rights in the new international order, democracy and the intellectuals, right wing radicals and European fascism.

October 1, 1925 – April 21, 2019, but always with us in our hearts!

David Allen Hamburg was President Emeritus of Carnegie Corporation of New York, after having been President from 1983 to 1997. He received his A.B. (1944) and his M.D. (1947) degrees from Indiana University. He was Professor and Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences from 1961 to 1972, and Reed-Hodgson Professor of Human Biology at Stanford University from 1972 to 76. He was furthermore President of the Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences, 1975 to 1980 and Director of the Division of Health Policy Research and Education and John D. MacArthur Professor of Health Policy at Harvard University, 1980 to 83. He served as President then Chairman of the Board of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (1984-86).
Dr. Hamburg is the author of Today's Children: Creating a Future for a Generation in Crisis (1992). He was chairman of the Carnegie Council on Adolescent Development, which completed its decade long study with a report entitled Great Transitions: Preparing Adolescents for a New Century.
Under Dr. Hamburg's leadership, Carnegie Corporation played an active role in reducing nuclear danger, moved toward the resolution of the Cold War, and worked toward democracy in South Africa. In 1994, he established the Carnegie Commission on Preventing Conflict, which he co-chaired with Cyrus Vance. The Commission and the Carnegie Corporation published seventy-five reports and books on subjects related to prevention and sponsored international meetings drawing together independent experts and policy makers from around the world. The commission published a synthesis of these activities under the title, Preventing Deadly Conflict.
In addition to his new book, No More Killing Fields: Preventing Deadly Conflict, Dr. Hamburg and his wife, Betty, have completed a book for Oxford University Press that has been published in 2004, Learning to Live Together: Preventing Hatred and Violence in Child and Adolescent Development.
Dr. Hamburg has served on various boards, including Stanford University, Rockefeller University, Mount Sinai-New York University Medical Center, the American Museum of Natural History, the Carter Center, the Leakey Foundation, the Jacobs Foundation of Zurich, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the International Peace Academy, the Project on Ethnic Relations, and the New York Academy of Medicine.
He has served on many policy advisory boards, including the Defense Policy Board. In science policy, he has served as chairman of several national and international groups. From 1994 to 2001, he served on the President's Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology, the White House. He is a Distinguished Presidential Fellow for International Activities of The National Academies of Sciences.
Dr. Hamburg is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Medicine, the American Philosophical Society, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He is the past president of the Academy for Research in Behavioral Medicine, the International Society for Research on Aggression, and the Association for Research on Nervous and Mental Disorders.
Dr. Hamburg received the American Psychiatric Association's Distinguished Service Award, the International Peace Academy's 25th Anniversary Special Award, the Achievement in Children and Public Policy Award from the Society for Research in Child Development, the National Academy of Sciences Public Welfare Medal (its highest award), the Presidential Medal of Freedom (the highest civilian award of the United States), and the Cranbrook Peace Foundation's Peace Award.


Dr. Cees J. Hamelink studied philosophy and psychology in Amsterdam. He is Professor of International Communication at the University of Amsterdam, and Professor of Media, Religion and Culture at the Free University in Amsterdam. Professor Hamelink has also worked as a journalist as well as a consultant on media and communication policy for several international organizations and national governments. He is currently the editor-in-chief of the International Journal for Communication Studies: Gazette, past president of the International Association for Media and Communication Research, president of the Dutch Federation for Human Rights, founder of the People's Communication Charter, and board member of the International Communication Association and the international news agency Inter Press Service. Professor Hamelink has guest-lectured in over 40 countries and is currently special adviser to the United Nations for the World Summit on the Information Society. Among the sixteen books he has authored are Cultural Autonomy in Global Communications (1983), Finance and Information (1983), The Technology Gamble (1988), The Politics of World Communication (1994), World Communication (1995), The Ethics of Cyberspace (2000), and Human Rights for Communicators (2003). Professor Hamelink is also a regular commentator on radio and television in the Netherlands.
Please see The Digital Advance: More Than Half the World's People Have Never Made a Phone Call. Will ICTs Assure Us Change? (UNRISD Viewpoint, 1 June 1998).



Kristian Berg Harpviken is the former Director of the International Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO). Harpviken has initiated and led several major projects, including ‘Assistance to Mine-Affected Communities’ (Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1999-2006) and ‘State Failure and Regional Insecurity’ (The Research Council of Norway, 2006-2008). His research interests include the dynamics of civil war (mobilization, conflict resolution, post-war reconstruction and peacebuilding), migration and transnational communities, and methodology in difficult contexts. He has a particular interest in Afghanistan and its neighbourhood. He was evaluated as having doctoral competence (Norwegian Forsker II or Førsteamanuensis) in March 2000 and completed his PhD in Sociology in May 2006. In his dissertation he examines the micro-foundations of forced migration, applying a network perspective on the study of decision-making, impacts on the home community, and repatriation. Harpviken has published 18 academic articles and a number of reports and press commentaries, in addition to being widely used as a media commentator and lecturer. His first monograph, Social Networks and Migration in Wartime Afghanistan, was published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2009. Harpviken is a member of the Norwegian National Committee for Research Ethics in the Social Sciences and the Humanities, an associate fellow at the University of York, and has extensive experience in managing research from project to institutional level.


William D. Hartung is the President's Fellow at the World Policy Institute at the New School. He is an expert on the arms trade and military spending, and the author of How Much Are You Making on the War, Daddy? A Quick and Dirty Guide to War Profiteering in the Bush Administration (Nation Books/Avalon, 2004). Mr. Hartung directs the Institute's Arms Trade Resource Center, which provides the media, policymakers, and the public with timely research and information on the issue of global weapons proliferation.
Prior to his tenure at the World Policy Institute, Mr. Hartung served as a speechwriter and policy analyst for New York State Attorney General Robert Abrams, and as a project director at the New York-based Council on Economic Priorities. He is the author or co-author of numerous books and studies, including The Changing Dynamics of U.S. Defense Spending (Praeger, 1999), Welfare for Weapons Dealers 1998: The Hidden Costs of NATO Expansion (World Policy Institute, 1998); Peddling Arms, Peddling Influence (World Policy Institute, 1997); U.S. Weapons at War (World Policy Institute, 1995); Star Wars: The Economic Fallout (Ballinger Press, 1987); and The Economic Consequences of a Nuclear Freeze (Council on Economic Priorities, 1983). His articles on the arms trade and the economics of military spending have appeared in the New York Times, the Washington Post, Newsday, USA Today, the Christian Science Monitor, The Nation, Harper's, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, and the World Policy Journal. Mr. Hartung's earlier book And Weapons for All (HarperCollins, 1995) is a critique of U.S. arms sales policies from the Nixon through Clinton administrations. Please see Mr. Hartung's current project at the Arms Trade Resource Center.
Mr. Hartung graduated Magna Cum Laude from Columbia University with a BA in Philosophy (1978). He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and of the International Studies Association. He was born in Buffalo, New York, in June 7, 1955. He lives in New York City with his wife Audrey Waysse and his daughter Emma Waysse Hartung.


21 janvier 1933 – 26 mai 2018, but always with us in our hearts!

Pierre Hassner was Research Director, Emeritus, at CERI, Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, Paris. He was born in Rumania in 1933 and has taught in Paris (Institut d'Etudes Politiques), Bologna (Johns Hopkins University), and many other universities in Europe and the US. Among his recent publications are the following: Violence and Peace (English translation 1996); "United States: the Empire of Force or Force of Empire?" (in Chaillot Papers 54, 2002); La Terreur et l'Empire (Paris, 2003); Washington et le Monde (with Julien Vaisse, Paris, 2003).
Pierre Hassner has written extensively on political philosophy and international relations, particularly on war and peace and is currently working on the role of passions in international relations.

11th November 1938 – 21st December 2023, yet always with us in our hearts!

Fredrik S. Heffermehl was born in 1938 in Norway. He is the President of the Norwegian Peace Alliance, the Vice President of the International Peace Bureau, as well as the Vice President of the International Association of Lawyers against Nuclear Arms.
Fredrik Heffermehl has law degrees from the University of Oslo (1964), from New York University (1970), as well as from the College of Public Administration in Oslo (1976). He has worked as a Deputy Judge, as an Attorney at Law, as Deputy Consumer Ombudsman, and as the Secretary General of the Norwegian Humanist Association (1980 to 1982). Since 1982, Heffermehl is a writer, lecturer, and peace organizer. He runs the associations of Journalists for Peace, and the Norwegian chapter of IALANA, the International Association of Lawyers against Nuclear Arms. Since 1990, he also runs the Oslo secretariat for the International Peace Bureau. Since 1988, he is furthermore the President of the Norwegian Peace Alliance and Member Executive Committee of the International Peace Bureau, and its and its Vice President from 1994 to 2000 and again from 2003. He is a board member of International Association of Lawyers against Nuclear Arms, and, since 1998, their Vice President.
Heffermehl edited the path breaking book Peace is Possible, where 31 prominent peacemakers explain in a concrete and non-academic way what they did and why it worked. This book has been translated from English into Bangla, Finnish, French, Hindi, Marathi, Norwegian, Russian, Serb, and Spanish, with Chinese and Urdu forthcoming. A special website offers online browsing, reading and ordering the book.
Please see furthermore:
The Nobel Peace Prize: What Nobel Really Wanted, Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, ABC-CLIO, 2010. Heffermehl explains the message of this book, among others, in an interview in Sweden with Anita Kratz in "En bok, en författare Fredrik S. Heffermehl": "Har Nobels fredspris blivit ett pris som gagnar politiska och kommersiella intressen? I "Nobels fredspris" granskar advokaten och fredsaktivisten Fredrik S. Heffermehl motiven bakom fredsprisen som delats ut mellan 1901 och 2010."

September 7, 1931 – April 21, 2016, yet always with us in our hearts!

Priest of the New England Jesuit Province, Raymond Helmick has worked with conflict in since 1972, in Northern Ireland, Lebanon, Israelis and Palestinians, countries of Former Yugoslavia, with Kurds of Iraq and Turkey, in East Timor, and Southern Africa. He was the Associate Director, 1973-81, of the Centre for Human Rights and Responsibilities in London, co-founder of the Centre of Concern for Human Dignity (a joint project of the English and Irish Jesuit Provinces), 1979-81, co-founder and Senior Associate in the Conflict Analysis Center, Washington, D.C., from 1983, Professor of Conflict Resolution in the Department of Theology, Boston College, since 1984. He is educated at Weston College (Jesuit Province of New England), Hochschule St. Georgen (Frankfurt/M.) and Union Theological Seminary (New York). He is the co-editor (with Rodney Petersen) of Forgiveness and Reconciliation: Religion, Public Policy and Conflict Transformation (Templeton Foundation Press, 1999), author (with Richard Hauser) of A Social Option: A Social Planning Approach to the Conflict in Northern Ireland (London, 1975), La question libanaise selon Raymond Eddé: Correspondance et mémoires (Paris, Cariscript, 1990), Negotiating Outside the Law: Why Camp David Failed (London, Pluto Press, 2004).
Please see:
• What Ails Us, Draft Op-Ed for The New York Times, October 9, 2011


Thore Hem is a master of economics (cand.oecon) from the University of Oslo, where he has also studied law, sociology, political science and cultural history. He has spent his professional life in the field of development co-operation. Working mainly for the Norwegian governmental development administration (Norad), but also for UNDP and for a Norwegian NGO. He has spent 11 years in Africa – living in Kenya, Mozambique, Ethiopia and Angola.
For 10 years, he was the head of the Division for cultural co-operation in Norad, and is currently a senior adviser in the Information Department of Norad, where he specializes in knowledge sharing and communication. He has a particular interest in storytelling in this context. Thore has published articles in various publications, and is a frequent lecturer for various audiences.


Jan Henningsson was the Director of the Swedish Institute in Alexandria, Egypt. The Swedish Institute Alexandria was established following an agreement between the governments of Sweden and Egypt in 1999. It was inaugurated, on the 3rd of October 2000 by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Sweden and Egypt, Ms Anna Lindh, and Mr Amre Moussa. It is housed in a building on the Corniche in the Eastern Port, which since 1925 has served as the Swedish Consulate and later also as a Seamen's institute. As part of the establishment of the Institute the building has undergone a comprehensive renovation. The Swedish Institute Alexandria is an autonomous part of Sweden's Foreign Service, with a Board and an Advisory Committee appointed by the Swedish government. The members of the Board have a background in Foreign Service, development co-operation, cultural exchange and research, and are representing Swedish government as well as non-governmental organizations. The Advisory Committee, with members from the Middle East, North Africa and Europe assists the Board, and the Director. Funding for the Institute is provided from Sweden's allocations to international development co-operation.
See here some of his publications:
•  Kristna och muslimer i samtal, med Lindberg,Erik, Ørebro, Libris, 1986.
•  Tro möter tro: Ett kristet perspektiv på andra religioner, Stockholm: Verbum, 1997.
•  "Idag muslimen, imorgon den kristne!": Två utsatta minoriteter i dagens Indien, in Stenmark,Mikael; Westerlund,David (Eds.), Polemik eller dialog?: Nutida religionsteologiska perspektiv bland kristna och muslimer, Nora: Nya Doxa, 2002.


Dr. Noeleen Heyzer (Singapore) is the ninth Executive Secretary of the Economicand Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP). Appointed by the United Nations Secretary-General in August 2007. Dr. Heyzer is the first woman to occupy this position since its founding in 1947. She leads the organization at the level of Under-Secretary-General. Since taking office, Dr. Heyzer has positioned ESCAP, the regional arm of the United Nations, as a powerful comprehensive platform for promoting regional co-operation among member states to achieve inclusive and sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific. She has strengthened ESCAP's capacity and effectiveness to support member states, using its convening and standard setting authority, sound strategic analysis, policy options and technical assistance, to build the economic and social foundations for shared prosperity, social progress and ecological sustainability in the region. She has improved the engagement of countries with special needs (least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing states), redirecting policies, institutions and resources to reduce poverty and to address existing inequalities. With her leadership, ESCAP is building the capacity of Member States through technical support to implement international agreements, norms and standards. She has focused ESCAP to achieve stronger regional co-operation for transport and ICT connectivity, green growth, fair trade and ethical investment, financial stability, food and energy security, and social development. The Executive Secretary has championed increased regional co-ordination, enhancing a co-ordinated Asian Pacific voice and leadership in shaping effective and strategic responses to the critical transnational and global challenges of the 21st Century. She has worked with key decision-makers to establish a number of regional co-operation mechanisms and institutional frameworks to address the food-fuel-finance crises and climate change, and to harness development opportunities in the region. These include her five-point agenda for regional connectivity presented to 16 Head of States during the 4th East Asian Summit; the Bangkok Declaration for intermodal transport development; the initiation of an Asia Pacific Energy Security Co-operation Framework; the Dhaka outcome for accelerated growth and poverty reduction in LDCs; and a regional approach towards achieving inclusive low carbon, green growth. At the request of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Foreign Ministers, she is now working with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to support ASEAN's development of a Master Plan for regional connectivity. She is also strengthening SPECA, the United Nations Special Programme for Economies of Central Asia, in collaboration with the Economic Commission for Europe (ECE). She strongly advocates for the adoption of a holistic approach to development based on socio-economic equity and ecological sustainability, and the strengthening and integration of the Asia Pacific region through intra-regional trade, financial stability, responsible investment, environmental sustainability, social justice and gender equality. The Executive Secretary has worked to revitalize the United Nations' Asia Pacific Regional Co-ordination Mechanism, improving the policy coherence of its 30 UN organizations to "deliver as one" in supporting the region to implement international conventions, declarations and development goals. She has promoted stronger strategic engagement with development partners including the ADB, UNDP, ASEAN, the Pacific Islands Forum and with civil society, business and regional think tanks. The tripartite partnership with UNDP and ADB has led to the development of a widely recognized statistical tracking system for MDG progress in the region. She has also established three new sub-regional offices for ESCAP to provide better support and outreach to all member states to realize the MDGs and other internationally agreed development goals. Dr. Heyzer has led an unprecedented dialogue with Myanmar's leaders, resulting in the Government of Myanmar requesting the formation of a development partnership that has allowed eminent international scholars, such as the Nobel Prize economist Professor Joseph Stiglitz, and local researchers to exchange experiences and ideas with government agencies and civil society. She has also worked closely with ASEAN, the Government of Myanmar and the UN for the ongoing recovery efforts assisting cyclone affected people in the Ayeyarwady Delta.
Career Highlights: (October 1994 – September 2007) Prior to her appointment to ESCAP, Dr. Heyzer was the first Executive Director from the South to head the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM). Through her leadership, UNIFEM assisted over 100 countries in the formulation and implementation of legislation and policies that promote women's security and rights. This resulted in the removal of discriminatory practices, changes in inheritance laws for women, better working conditions for migrant workers, women's full participation in several peace negotiations and electoral processes including in Liberia, Rwanda and Timor Leste, and the inclusion of women as full citizens in the constitution of Afghanistan. Dr. Heyzer played a critical role in the Security Council's adoption and implementation of the landmark Resolution 1325 (2000) on Women, Peace and Security undertaking extensive missions to conflict-affected countries worldwide. She was responsible for the establishment of the United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women and for appointing Actress Nicole Kidman as UNIFEM's Goodwill Ambassador to campaign against this violence. She led UNIFEM's restructuring to maximize organizational performance. Consequently, UNIFEM has increased its resources tenfold, strengthened its programmes, ground presence and team leadership, and successfully advocated to put issues affecting women high on the agenda of the whole United Nations system. Dr. Heyzer has served on numerous boards and advisory committees of international organizations, including the UNDP Human Development Report as well as the UNDP Eminent Persons Group on Trade and Sustainable Development. She convened and chaired the International Women's Commission for a Just and Sustainable Palestinian-Israeli Peace and was on the High-Level Commonwealth Commission on Respect and Understanding chaired by Nobel Laureate Prof. Amartya Sen. Dr. Heyzer successfully mobilized private sector partners such as Macy's, CISCO, and the Calvert Investment Fund to provide high value employment and market access to women and youth in conflict and tsunami-affected areas as well as in the Arab States, setting new standards for ethical investment.
Education: Dr. Heyzer has a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Science from the University of Singapore. She obtained a Doctorate in social sciences from Cambridge University in the United Kingdom.
Prizes & Awards: Dr. Heyzer has received several awards for leadership, including
•  Women of the Year Award (2008), Singapore Press Holdings.
•  Women's Equality Award (2007), American National Council of Women's Organization, Washington, USA.
•  Global Leadership Award (2005), Global Summit on Women, Mexico.
•  Women Who Make a Difference Award (2005), American National Council for Research on Women, New York City, USA.
•  UNA-Harvard Leadership Award (2004), Boston, USA.
•  The Dag Hammarskjöld Medal (2004) given to "a person who has promoted, in action and spirit, the values that inspired Dag Hammarskjöld as Secretary-General of the United Nations and generally in his life: compassion, humanism and commitment to international solidarity and cooperation". Upsala, Sweden.
•  The Woman of Distinction Award (2003) from the UN-NGO Committee on the Status of Women, New York, USA.
•  Spirit of Excellence and Lifetime Achievement Award (2000) by the Institute for Leadership Development, York University, Canada.
•  Global Tolerance Award for Humanitarian Service (2000), Friends of the United Nations, New York, USA.
•  She was listed by the Earth Times in 2000 as one of the most influential voices in the UN system. In recognition of her contribution to women, peace and justice, Dr. Heyzer was among the nominees for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2005.


Dr. Donna Hicks is an Associate at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University where she chairs the Herbert C. Kelman Seminar on International Conflict. Dr. Hicks was the Deputy Director of the Program on International Conflict Analysis and Resolution (PICAR) at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard University for nine years. She worked extensively on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a member of the third party in numerous unofficial diplomatic efforts. In addition to her work in the Middle East, Dr. Hicks founded and co-directed a ten-year project in Sri Lanka, which brought the Tamil, Sinhalese and Muslim communities together for dialogue. She has also worked in Colombia and was involved in a project designed to improve relations between the US and Cuba. Dr. Hicks was a consultant to the British Broadcasting Company where she co-facilitated encounters between victims and perpetrators of the Northern Ireland conflict with Archbishop Desmond Tutu. The encounters were made into 3 television programs, Facing the Truth, that were aired throughout the United Kingdom and on BBC World.
Dr. Hicks has taught courses in conflict resolution at Harvard and Clark Universities and conducts trainings and educational seminars in conflict resolution and reconciliation in the US and abroad. She was a founding board member of the Alliance for Peacebuilding. Dr. Hicks is currently focusing her efforts on the role dignity plays in resolving conflict. Her book, Lessons in Dignity: The Heart of What Matters is forthcoming. She conducts dignity workshops in the US and abroad aimed to improve relationships in the workplace, schools, as well as with communities in conflict.
Please see:
•  Victims of 9/11 Embrace Dignity, by Donna Hicks and Monica Meehan McNamara.

After reading in Donna Hick's book Dignity, peace linguist Francisco Gomes de Matos created these rhymed reflections:

What do we do for Dignity?
Rhymed reflections by Francisco Gomes de Matos, a peace linguist and co-founder of The World Dignity University initiative

What do we do for Dignity?
Is it a deeper way of living an Earth-sharing quality?

Does it include individual CHARACTER elevating?
CONDUCT for the good of humankind educating?
COMMUNCATION for daily interaction animating?

What do we do for dignity?
Does it help improve global life quality?

Dignity depends on you and me
Dignity helps us cross a deeply humanizing sea
Let's be DIGNIFIERS, Let's be!

Does Dignity inspire us the world to TRANSform?
Yes. Dignity educates us for life on Earth to DIGNIform!


Clifford Alden Hill holds an endowed chair at Columbia University, the Arthur I. Gates Professor of Language and Education at Teachers College. He also directs the Program in African Languages at the Institute of African Studies in the School of International and Public Affairs. He has been a Research Fellow at a number of institutions abroad such as the Max Planck Institut für Psycholinguistik in Nijmegen and the Institut Nationale de Recherches Pédagogiques in Paris. In the USA, his research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities and Arts, the National Institute of Education, the Fulbright-Hays Commission, the National Institute on Student Achievement, Curriculum, and Assessment, the Social Science Research Council, and the American Council of Learned Societies as well as by private foundations such as the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Spencer Foundation.
Clifford Hill has been invited to make presentations at major universities and research institutions all over the world. This broad range of research experience is reflected in his publication record. His sociolinguistic research on African languages and cultures has led to publications in fields such as oral culture, literacy studies, multilingualism, and bilingual education. In particular, he has published widely on ways in which the resources of oral culture can be used in language and literacy development. His psycholinguistic research on language, space, and time has been published in academic journals and books in this country, Europe, Africa, and Asia (and has been translated into various languages). In addition, he has published poetry and literary stylistics. Professor Hill has authored a number of books and articles that deal with language and literacy assessment, most notably Children and Reading Tests and From Testing to Assessment: English as an International Language.
Professor Hill is currently directing a government-funded research project to develop a digital assessment model for the Pacesetter Program of the College Board. Professor Hill has served widely as a consultant to language and literacy programs in many parts of the world, especially in Africa and Asia. In recent years, he has worked in the People's Republic of China to develop English language teaching in higher education. A major project has been to develop English language curriculum and assessment that supports Chinese students using the Internet to conduct research within their major fields of study. See also his personal homepage.


Professor David Yau-fai Ho received his doctoral training in psychology and logic in the United States. He was responsible for introduction of clinical psychology into Hong Kong, and served as Director of the Clinical Psychology Programme at the University of Hong Kong from 1971 to 1996. Prof. Ho has authored more than 100 contributions in psychology, psychiatry, sociology, and education. He has held professorial appointments in Hong Kong, North America, Hawai'i, Singapore, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Mainland China, and was the first Asian to serve as President of the International Council of Psychologists (1988 - 1989).
David is responsible for introducing clinical psychology into Hong Kong. He is the first Asian to have served as President of the International Council of Psychologists. His recent publications on spirituality include the following:
•  Ho, D. Y. F., & Ho, R. T. H. (2007). Measuring spirituality and spiritual Emptiness: Toward ecumenicity and transcultural applicability. Review of General Psychology, 11, 62-74.
•  Ho, D. Y. F. (in press). A self-study of mood disorder: Fifteen episodes of exuberance, none of depression. Spirituality in Clinical Practice.
David Ho has published Enlightened or Mad? in Dignity Press in 2014.
Please see also:
•  Relational Orientation and Methodological Individualism, in Bulletin of the Hong Kong Psychological Society, Nos. 26/27, 1991, pp. 81-95.
•  Face Dynamics: From Conceptualization to Measurement, In Ting-Toomey, Stella (Ed.), The Challenge of Facework, 1994, pp. 269-286. New York, NY: SUNY Press.
•  Selfhood and Identity in Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism: Contrasts With the West, in Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 25 (2), 1995, pp. 115-139.
•  Internalized Culture, Culturocentrism, and Transcendence, in Counseling Psychologist, 23, No. 1, 1995, pp. 4-24.
•  Interpersonal Relationships and Relationship Dominance: An Analysis Based on Methodological Relationalism, in Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 1 (1), 1998, 1-16.
•  David Yau-Fai Ho, Shui-fun Fiona Chan, &, Z. X. Zhang (2001), Metarelational Analysis: An Answer to “What’s Asian about Asian Social Psychology?”, in Journal of Psychology in Chinese Societies, 2 (1), 7-26.
•  David Yau-Fai Ho, Si-qing Peng, Alice Cheng Lai, Shui-fun Fiona Chan (2001), Indigenization and Beyond: Methodological Relationalism in the Study of Personality Across Cultural Traditions, in Journal of Personality, 69 (6, December), pp. 925-953, 2001.
•  David Yau-Fai Ho, Shui-fun Fiona Chan, Si-qing Peng, and Aik Kwang Ng (2001), The Dialogical Self: Converging East-West Constructions, in Culture & Psychology, 7 (3), pp. 393-408.
•  David Yau-Fai Ho, Wai Fu, and S. M. Ng (2004), Guilt, Shame and Embarrassment: Revelations of Face and Self, in Culture & Psychology, 10 (1), pp. 64-84.
•  David Yau-Fai Ho, and Rainbow Tin Hung Ho (2007), Measuring Spirituality and Spiritual Emptiness: Toward Ecumenicity and Transcultural Applicability, Hong Kong: Preliminary draft.
•  David Yau-Fai Ho, and Rainbow Tin Hung Ho (2007), Measuring Spirituality and Spiritual Emptiness: Toward Ecumenicity and Transcultural Applicability, in Review of General Psychology, 11 (1), pp. 62-74.
•  David Yau-Fai Ho is the passionate author of Enlightened or Mad?, published by Dignity Press in 2014. In separation, being a professor of clinical psychology steeped in a bilingual-bicultural background, experiencing glimpses of enlightenment, or having episodes of "madness" may not be that uncommon. But the confluence of all these is rare, if not unique."
•  Madness, Violence, and Human Dignity: Transforming Madness for Dignified Existence, paper shared at the 2015 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 3-4, 2015 (Pdf | video).


Arlie Russell Hochschild is an American professor emerita of sociology at the University of California, Berkeley and writer. Hochschild has long focused on the human emotions which underlie moral beliefs, practices, and social life generally. She is the author of nine books including, most recently Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right, a finalist for the National Book Award. In The Second Shift, The Managed Heart, The Time Bind and others of her books, she continues the tradition of C. Wright Mills drawing links between private troubles and public issues. Hochschild seeks to make visible the underlying role of emotion and the work of managing emotion, the paid form of which she calls "emotional labor." For her, "the expression and management of emotion are social processes. What people feel and express depend on societal norms, one's social category and position, and cultural factors." Her agenda is one that is committed "to understanding how the personal realm is continually altered by powerful institutions, economic and cultural trends."


Professor Bernard Hoffert is also a Member of the HumanDHS Research Team.
Professor Bernard Hoffert is the Head of Department of Fine Arts, and the Associate Dean of the External Affairs Faculty of Art and Design, at Monash University, Victoria, Australia. He has a Diploma of Art in Painting Preston Institute of Technology, and an Honours degree of Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy from La Trobe University. His paintings, installations and presentations have been in major international art events, including the Second Asian Art Symposium, New Delhi, India; the Fourth Asia and Pacific Art Exhibition, Fukuoka, Japan; Seoul 600, Korea; international surveys in the Museums of Modern Art in Korea and Mexico; and adjunct exhibitions to the Venice and Sao Paolo Biennales.
Bernard Hoffert is the author of four books, more than sixty catalogue essays and articles on art and art education, and more than 400 art reviews. He served as World President of the International Association of Art, UNESCO from 1992 to 1995 (the Association is the non-government organization of UNESCO which represents art and artists). He is also the Honorary President of the International Association of Art, UNESCO, and Honorary President of the Asia-Pacific Regional Council of the International Association of Art, UNESCO.
Please see Combating Terror: Security through Art Education, a paper presented at the 2006 UNESCO World Conference on Arts Education. Please see, furthermore, Innovation and Conflict: Finding Creative Solutions to Social Problems, a paper presented at HumanHDS, Monash University, 2006, and Creativity in the Service of Humanity: Design for an Equitable World, another paper presented at HumanHDS, Monash University, 2006.


Malcolm Hollick and Christine Connelly are independent researchers and writers. They are concerned with understanding the major challenges facing humanity and our planet, and developing strategies to resolve them. They have published three books for general readers on the role of ecovillages in sustainable development, the integration of science and spirituality into a new worldview, and the impact of trauma on individuals and societies. Malcolm had a long academic career in which his research included water harvesting, the impact of technology on society, environmental law and policy, the integration of land and water management, public involvement in planning and decision making, peace studies, and science and spirituality. Christine worked for many years as an occupational therapist on vocational rehabilitation. She has also trained in several alternative therapies, particularly to do with emotional release. In 1998, they left Australia to join the Findhorn spiritual community and ecovillage in the north of Scotland. They returned to Australia 12 years later to be closer to their children and grandchildren.
For further information on their careers and work, see their website Human Solutions Now.


Øystein Gullvåg Holter received his Ph.D. in Sociology in 1997. He is a Senior Researcher at the Work Research Institute in Oslo, Norway. Since 1998, he is evaluating "new work and new family forms" for the Telenor FOU "Future Technology Users" pilot project. Øystein Gullvåg Holter has been Member of the Board of the Secretariat for Women's Studies in the Norwegian Research Council (1992-1994), Member of the Norwegian Gender Equality Council (1993-1997), Member of the Research Council (Vetenskapligt råd) of the Swedish Business Academy (Næringslivets Ledarskaps Akademi) (from 1995), Suppliant Member of the Board of the Centre for Women's Studies, University of Oslo (from 1996), and Program Leader for Equality at the Work Research Institute (1996-1998). Since in 1999, he is Coordinator of the Nordic Region Men’s Studies at NIKK, The Nordic Institute of Women’s Studies and Gender Research, University of Oslo (a position created by the Nordic Council of Ministers).
In 2003, Holter published Can men do it? Men and gender equality - The Nordic experience. This book is an extended English version of a document that was published in 2000, presenting the results of a work group that had been created by the Nordic Council of Ministers and the Nordic Trade Union Council in 1999. Nordic social changes are discussed in an international perspective with focus on new research, theories and methods. The issue of men and gender equality has often been treated more as a question of morals than of practices and not in a comprehensive manner in terms of what is probably men's most important arena - working life. The book makes the point that in order for men to be able to change their situations more comprehensive understanding is demanded - among men themselves, not just by women.


Amy C. Hudnall is also a Member of the HumanDHS Research Team, and Member of the Editor of the Journal of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (JHDHS). She is also HumanDHS's representative to the International Association of Genocide Scholars (IAGS).
Amy is a Lecturer in the History and Women's Studies Departments at Appalachian State University and a Research Assistant Professor at the Institute of Rural Health, Idaho State University. Her work focuses on cross-cultural trauma and genocide from an historical perspective, and she teaches courses on peace and conflict. She has presented and published on captivity trauma, human rights, secondary trauma, cultural relativism, and cross-cultural conflict. She received her M.A. in history at Appalachian State University and also studied at the Bayerische Julius-Maximilian-Universität in Germany.
Amy Hudnall is teaching an interdisciplinary course on the development of warfare and peacemaking and preparing an interdisciplinary course on genocide that will have a heavy focus on psychology.
Please see "Humiliation and Domination under American Eyes: German POWs in the continental United States, 1942-1945," in Social Alternatives(Special Issue "Humiliation and History in Global Perspectives"), Vol. 25, No. 1, First Quarter, pp. 33-39, 2006.



Dr. Sandra Hurlong is President of the Intercultural Open University Foundation where she also serves as Professor of Cultural Anthropology. She is a renowned educator and scholar in learner centered adult education who is at the forefront of innovation in e-learning in higher education. Dr. Hurlong has devoted her academic career to implementing non-traditional approaches to learning; she is passionate about the Foundation’s unique self-directed mentored education experience geared to social change. Her expertise and reputation at the helm of the Foundation led to its membership in EDEN (European Distance and E-Learning) and OBHE (Observatory of Borderless Higher Education).
Dr. Hurlong was a speaker at the Round Table Discussion, European Foundation for Quality in eLearning (EFQUEL) Innovation Forum in 2009 that took place in Finland. She is also working with HEXTLEARN, an organization that contributes to the deployment of lifelong learning strategies through information and communications technologies within higher education institutions by means of peer review methodologies and promoting sharing and understanding among members. Dr. Hurlong is working with HEXTLEARN’s Peer Review Methodology Project, a program that aims at enhancing the reform process of European higher education institutions by creating, testing, and launching  e-learning assessment methods.
Dr. Hurlong has served as a consultant for organizational analysis and employee development for the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. She has taught at Wilmington College, the School for International Training in Vermont and the Union Institute & University (a pioneering organization in innovation in higher education) in Cincinnati, Ohio where she also served as the Assistant Dean.
Dr. Hurlong has served on many boards including the Delaware Humanities Forum and Partners for the Americas. She is a member of the American Anthropological Association, the University Museum of the University of Pennsylvania, the Association of International Educators and the Association for Transpersonal Psychology.
Her additional expertise includes postgraduate studies, Latin American and Hispanic Studies (Mexico/Spain), Shamanism and Spiritual Journeying, Ritual Art and Performance, Dance Ethnology, South Asia Studies, Women’s Studies and Sustainable Agriculture.
Dr. Hurlong has received numerous awards including recognition by the Department of Agriculture of the State of Mexico for her work with Campesinos and agricultural development; and a grant from the Ford Foundation for Anthropological Field Training. She earned her Ph.D. in Anthropology from Union Institute and her M.A. in Cultural Anthropology from the University of Pennsylvania where she also received her B.A. in Anthropology. Dr. Hurlong has also studied at various universities abroad. She currently divides her time between Oaxaca, Mexico and Arden, Delaware.


Dr. Ashfaq Ishaq founded the International Child Art Foundation (ICAF) in 1997 and serves as its Executive Chairman. To date, more than 5 million children worldwide have participated in the Arts Olympiad and benefitted from the program. Dr. Ishaq hosted the first-ever national children’s art festival in U.S. history, and every four years since 1999 he hosts the World Children’s Festival on the National Mall in Washington, DC – the world’s largest international children’s celebration. Dr. Ishaq’s pioneering work on the development of creativity to foster peace was published in the U.K.’s leading medical journal The Lancet in 2006. The UNESCO Laboratory at University of Melbourne in 2007 published his analysis on building prosperity and peace. His writings have appeared in the International Monetary Fund’s Finance & Development, the National Association of State Boards of Education’s State Education Standard, and the Journal of Conflict Resolution.  Since 1998 he has served as editor and publisher of ChildArt magazine.  In 1996 Dr. Ishaq chaired a business conference on Pakistan held in Washington, DC. In 2003, he organized the very first educational symposium of the Qatar Foundation in Doha. He has chaired sessions at the American Power Conference, the World Summit on Media for Children, and the World Cultural Economic Forum. He was keynote speaker at the 2006 annual conference of the International Society for Education through Art (InSEA) held in Portugal. He has organized children’s panels at the World Cultural Economy Forum in New Orleans and the Global Competiveness Forum in Riyadh. Dr. Ishaq holds a Ph.D. in economics from the George Washington University. He is a Francis Hesselbein Community Innovation Fellow of Leader-to-Leader Institute (formerly, the Peter F. Drucker Foundation). In 2004 he received the prestigious American Muslim Award in Los Angeles, California, and the World Culture Open Award for Humanitarian Service in Seoul, Korea. In June 2011, the United States Society of Education through Art (USSEA) honored Dr. Ishaq with The Ziegfeld Award for outstanding international leadership in art education. In June 2011, he received the Distinguished Service Award from the United States Sports Academy.


November 15, 1924 - September 5, 2013, but always with us in our hearts!

Ruth Harriet Jacobs joined the Center for Research on Women at the Wellesley Centers for Women in 1979. She was a professor of sociology at Boston University, chair of the sociology department at Clark University, and a distinguished visiting professor at the College of William and Mary.
Dr. Jacobs speaks in low-income elder housing throughout the state of Massachusetts under sponsorship of the Tenants Assistance Program of the Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency. The majority of her audiences are women, as women have longer lives and older women are among the poorest Americans. She gives them advice on self care and getting the help they need in her talks on Aging Outrageously and Courageously, the ABCs of Aging, and Women After Eighty: Reflecting, Advocating, Living Fully.
Dr. Jacobs also speaks throughout the New England and the country at senior centers, continuing care communities, assisted living facilities, Red Hat Society meetings, and to professionals in the field of aging as requested. In addition to her presentations on aging, she also teaches memoir writing as a creative way to put our lives in perspective. She is the author of nine books including Be an Outrageous Older Woman, published by HarperCollins, and ABCs for Seniors: Successful Aging Wisdom from an Outrageous Gerontologist, published in 2006 by Hatala Geroproducts.
She teaches in the Lifetime Learning programs at Brandeis University and Regis College, and Continuing Education Unit classes for psychologists, nurses, physicians, social workers, and others who care for elders. In addition to her nine books, she has contributed many chapters and articles to anthologies and professional and literary journals. Her play, Happy Birthday, read from scripts and cast from audiences, is distributed by Wellesley Centers for Women. She has been awarded grants and contracts from the National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Mental Health, the U.S. Department of Education, and many non-government foundations and agencies. Dr. Jacobs has received numerous awards, including one for mentoring, and has been given residence at artists' colonies. Dr. Jacobs received a B.S. from Boston University, and an M.A. and Ph.D. from Brandeis University.
See an interview in 2006 with Ruth Harriet Jacobs for the Oral History Project.

Amazing Ruth
(to the tune of Amazing Grace, words by Linda Hartling in honor of Ruth Harriet Jacob’s 85 birthday! - 2009)

Amazing Ruth, how sweet the sound
Of words you’ve helped us see!
Our words were lost,
But now we’ve found,
The words to set us free!

‘Twas Ruth that taught our hearts to sing,
And Ruth our fears relieved,
Though writing’s not an easy thing,
Ruth taught us to believe!

Through many dangerous verbs and terms,
We have already come,
‘Tis Ruth that brought us safe thus far,
And Ruth will cheer us home!

When we’ve been here ten thousand years,
Ruth’s words will still be part,
Of everything we hold dear,
And written in our hearts!

Amazing Ruth, how sweet the sound,
Of words you’ve helped us see!
Our words were lost,
But now we’ve found,
The words to set us free!

Humiliation of the Old
By Ruth Harriet Jacobs, age 83

Do you want to be told
how Americans humiliate the old?
They see the old timer
and assume Alzheimer
thinking memory is gone
and that we are forlorn.
They make a fuss
And patronize us.
This is not kind
as we use our mind.

Many doctors appear
not to hear
assuming all ills are age
which makes us rage.
Doctors act divine
and don’t give us enough time.

Hospitals and nursing homes
for us are danger zones
since we are treated as dumb
and they don’t like Medicare sum.

Bank tellers and check out clerks
give us smirks
call us honey
and cheat us on money.
They think we are slow
and really don’t know.

Having looked up our old ages
in municipal listings pages
scammers phone us with schemes
offering ridiculous dreams
figuring we don’t know cost
because our marbles are lost.

People give impatient signs
if behind us in lines
and honk when we drive
slowly, carefully to survive.

If we have grey hair
it is quite unfair
that we are humiliated
in ways I have stated
and in many other ways
in our older days.
…with thanks to Linda Hartling for her humiliation theory


Hanne-Sofie Johnsen Dahl PhD is a specialist in clinical psychology, a psychotherapist researcher, psychoanalyst, and group analyst working in Oslo, Norway. For the time being (2023) she is teaching clinical psychology at the psychological department at the University of Oslo. She is also the director and a teacher at the Institute of Group analysis, as well as running a private practice where she sees individual patients and groups, as well as supervises colleagues and other professionals in relational work and group processes. Her research concerns process and outcome in psychodynamic therapy for both adults and adolescents with a specific focus on the therapeutic relationship.


Gary Jones has worked in both the public and private sectors and in academia over a period of 40 years. Involved with development planning in long term stable environments as well as humanitarian emergencies including conflict and post conflict, Gary has experience in promoting a resilience agenda through participatory social development in rural and urban settings. Gary has been a volunteer, country director for an international nongovernmental organization, corporate responsibility manager for a multinational private company and programme manager for UNICEF and UNDP before joining UNAIDS as the senior humanitarian and security advisor.
Gary was born of British parents in North America in 1959, and schooled in England and Wales, obtaining a first degree in Applied Social Studies at Lanchester Polytechnic in 1981, and in 1991 a Master of Arts in Rural Social Development from the University of Reading. With the University of Witwatersrand, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and MSF-South Africa he has been involved with the Diploma and Certificate of Humanitarian Action jointly leading the course on HIV and AIDS and Gender Based Violence. He has been a guest speaker for the University of the Third Age (U3A), Cairns, Queensland on intercultural communication and tackling HIV and AIDS in Kenya and sub-Saharan Africa.
Gary Page Jones's professional life while primarily concentrated on Eastern and Southern Africa, Northeast Africa and the Horn of Africa also includes the Gulf, South East Asia and most recently Australasia. After two years as a volunteer teacher (lastly, Ugandan refugees) he worked briefly in the private sector, before moving over to the aid world in the mid-eighties. Since then his employment and interests have taken him to numerous countries on the African continent, and in particular, Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Djibouti, Somalia, Ethiopia, Malawi, Mozambique, and South Africa. Before joining the United Nations first as an intern, he was employed with civil society and faith based organizations. He has a multi sectoral background inclusive of health, water and education and with refugees and internally displaced persons, agriculturalists, agro-pastoralists and nomadic-pastoralists. For more than ten years now the focus of his work has been HIV, Human Rights and gender. Gary Page Jones was a Country Director for the Norwegian People's Aid with responsibilities in Kenya, Somalia and Djibouti. He was furthermore the co-chairperson for the Somalia Aid Co-coordinating Body's Steering Committee, the NGO Focal Point for all activities working towards the total abandonment of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Somalia and the elected chairperson for the NGO Consortium of Somalia. In the capacity of Principal Recipient, Gary was team leader for both UNICEF's and UNDP’s Global Fund HIV grants respectively in Somalia and Yemen. Following this, he moved to the UNAIDS Regional Support Team for Eastern and Southern Africa as the Senior AIDS Security and Humanitarian Advisor, based first in South Africa and then Kenya. Having a global portfolio his responsibilities have included grant management, research and the promotion of HIV prevention, treatment and care services in conflict, post conflict and humanitarian settings, fragile states and developing countries. This has involved working with uniformed services, notably, Peace Keeping Operations, Regional Economic Commissions, civil society and importantly, networks of People Living With HIV.
As an academic, Gary has authored work on HIV risk and resilience as well as decentralized systems of health care among ethnic minorities. Gary has a PhD from James Cook University, in HIV risk and perception of dignity among young people, where he is also a guest lecturer for the Master’s course in Public Health. Gary acts as a resource person including guest lecturing at Deakin University on community resilience in humanitarian and fragile settings and cross-cultural communication at the University of the 3rd Age, Australia. Other commitments of Gary include a board member for Slum Child Foundation, Kenya, co-chair of the South Sudan Women’s Peace Institute, Strategic Advisor the African Association, Australia, and Global Advisor at the World Dignity University.
Based in Geneva, Switzerland, Gary’s adopted home is north Queensland, Australia, where is two children currently reside.
See his doctoral dissertation:
Jones, Gary Page (2019). Hiv and Young People: Perceptions of Risk, Resilience and Dignity in an Urban Slum. Cairns, Queensland, Australia: James Cook University, doctoral dissertation.


James (Jimmy) Edward Jones is Associate Professor of World Religions and African Studies at Manhattanville College, Purchase, NY. Over the last three decades, much of his personal and professional work has been focused on conflict resolution within families, communities and across national and cultural boundaries. He and his wife, Matiniah Yahya are active residents of an intentional Muslim community which is an integral part of a multi-cultural inner-city neighborhood near Masjid Al-Islam in New Haven, CT. A former member of the New Haven Board of Education, Jimmy Jones was a founding board member and officer (1999-2004) of the Development Education and Economics Network (DEEN Inc.), a community development corporation. He has also served as a prison chaplain since 1980.
Professor Jones is a member of the Islamic Society of North America's Islamic Horizons editorial advisory board and active in a number of interfaith efforts in the United States. These efforts include: the New Haven-based Religious Coalition; President's University Council-Religious and Spiritual Life at Yale University; Advisory Board of Hartford Seminary's Duncan Macdonald Center for the study of Islam and Christian Muslim Relations; a project for creating models of interfaith community conflict resolution co sponsored by Fuller Theological Seminary and the Salam Peace and Justice Institute and; a founder and co-coordinator of the Manhattanville College Middle East Forum, an effort that convenes action-oriented private conversations between national Jewish and Muslim leaders.
Internationally, Dr. Jones has lectured at, taught in or consulted to institutions in Bahrain, Bermuda, Egypt, Jerusalem, Trinidad-Tobago, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. His most recent publication is "Somebody's Going to Pay" a chapter in the book First Impressions: American Muslim Perspectives on the 9/11 Commission Report (2004), a volume for which he served as a consulting editor. Dr. Jones earned his Doctorate of Ministry in Christian-Muslim Relations from Hartford Seminary, a Masters in Religion from Yale University Divinity School and a Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education (History) from Hampton University. He is also a visiting Professor at the Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences (Ashburn VA.).
Please see furthermore:
The Third Force: A Practical, Community-Building: Approach to Settling Destructive Conflicts, note presented at the 2004 Workshop on Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, November 18-19, 2004.
Muslim Peacebuilding after 9/11, paper presented at The Islamic Society of North America Fourth Annual Islamic Conflict Resolution Symposium. "Muslim Peacebuilding after 9/11." Westin O'Hare, Chicago IL, April 18 – 20, 2003.
The Post Victim Ethical Exemption Syndrome: An Outgrowth of Humiliation, note presented at the 2006 Workshop on Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 14-15, 2006.
Overcoming the Valence of Victimhood; Reconstructing an Authentic African Diaspora Identity in the 21st Century, abstract for the 3rd Edition of the World Festival of Black Arts and Culture (WFBA), 10 December 2010 - 31, 2010 in Dakar, Senegal for its third structuring Conference on African Diasporas: Geography- Settlement-History-Political Situation, presented initially at the 2010 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, Teachers College (New York City- USA) on December 9, 2010, by Adrian Kirk, Arabic Instructor, Yale University (New Haven CT- USA).
The Valency of Victimhood: Why It Matters in the Workplace, paper contributed to the 2014 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 4-5, 2014.


James William Jones, PSY.D, PH.D, TH.D, has earned doctorates in both Religious Studies and Clinical Psychology, as well as an honorary doctorate from the University of Uppsala in Sweden. He is a distinguished professor of Religion and adjunct professor of Clinical Psychology at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, a lecturer in Psychiatry and Religion at Union Theological Seminary in New York, and a visiting professor at the University of Uppsala in Sweden. He is also a senior research fellow at the Center on Terrorism at John Jay College in New York. His most recent book, Blood That Cries From the Earth: The Psychological Roots of Religious Terrorism, was published in 2008, by Oxford University Press. In addition he is the author of eleven other books, including Terror and Transformation: The Ambiguity of Religion (Routledge Press, 2002), Contemporary Psychoanalysis and Religion (Yale University Press,1991), Religion and Psychology in Transition (Yale University Press, 1996), and over twenty professional papers and book chapters. His books have been published both in the United States and Europe and translated in Japanese, Korean, Chinese, and Portuguese. He serves on the editorial boards of several publications both here and abroad. He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association and in 1993 at their annual convention, he received an award for his contributions to the psychology of religion. He currently serves on the governing board and as the vice-president of the International Association for the Psychology of Religion. For six years he was co-chair of the Religion and Social Sciences Section of the American Academy of Religion. He also maintains a private practice as a clinical psychologist. Dr. Jones has been invited to lecture in Europe and the United States on the psychological roots of religious terrorism.
Please see the blog that Dr. Jones writes at least once a month on
Please see furthermore:
• Why Does Religion Turn Violent? A Psychoanalytic Exploration of Religious Terrorism, in The Psychoanalytic Review, 93 (2, April) 2006.
•  Blog on Humiliation as a Precursor to Religious Violence, Ocober 1, 2008, Dr. Jones's other blogs on terrorism and counter-terrorism are at


Ernesto Kahan (Israeli-Argentine) was born in 1940, and educated in Argentina (University of Buenos Aires) and USA (University of Washington). He is a medical doctor, university professor, and poet. He is the Vice President of the World Academy of Arts and Culture, as well as professor at universities in Argentina, Israel, Peru, Dominican Rep., Mexico, USA, and Spain. He is furthermore the founder of the Association of Physicians for Peace in Israel, Uruguay, Chile and Bolivia, and the Vice-President of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War- IPPNW (1985 Nobel Peace Laureate organization), and the President of Literary "BRASEGO." He is also the Vice President of the International Forum for the Literature and Culture of Peace (IFLAC).
In 1991 was awarded with the Schweitzer Peace Award "for his courageous work for peace in the Middle East," and in 1996 appointed "Peace Ambassador of the Youth of Uruguay." He was declared "Illustrious Visitant or Citizen" in many city-capitals.
As President of the Spanish branch of the Israel Association of Writers AIELC, he is the author of more than 200 books and articles. He served as Director General of the Ministry of Health in Argentina before migrating to Israel during the military coup in Argentina in 1976. In Israel, he was the Deputy Director of the Rabin Medical Center, and Head of the Department of Epidemiology at the Institute for Occupational Health of Tel Aviv University.
His book Genocide, written with Taki Yuriko (in three languages), was awarded the prize "Golden Key of Literature Hanchon Culture," and was acclaimed world wide. In 2002, he was honored with the "Rector's Medal" of the University of Chile "for Dr Kahan's distinguished merits and relevant human conditions." In 2002, he received the Honorary Degree of Doctor in Literature, and was awarded the "Excellency in Health Person of the Year 2004" by the Global Organization for Excellency in Health. He is also the Vice President Elect of four World Congresses of Poets. He has been awarded with the World Congress of Poets Gold Medallion for "poetic excellence and great contribution to the Brotherhood and Peace through Poetry 2005," and the "Golden Key of Literature Hanchon Culture," in Korea 2006. He was furthermore awarded the honor of "Best Poet 2006" by the International Writers Association, and "Best Internet Culture and Poetry 2007."


Dr. Ani Kalayjian is an educator, American Board Certified Expert in Traumatic Stress, logotherapeutic psychotherapist, researcher, and consultant. She is the recipient of the Honorary Doctor of Science Degree from her Alma Mate, Long Island University in NYC. She has over fifteen years of experience in disaster management and mass-trauma interventions & conflict resolution; twenty years of university teaching experience (both graduate and undergrad levels) and she has been in clinical independent practice in both NY & NJ for 20 yrs.
Dr. Kalayjian holds Master's and Doctoral degrees from Teachers College, Columbia University and has completed several post-graduate courses at the William Alanson White Institute. She holds a certification from the American Red Cross in Disaster Management, an advanced Certification in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Board Certified Expert in Traumatic Stress & Board Certified Expert in Crisis Management. Furthermore, she is a Dutch Diplomate in Logotherapy.
In the area of man-made disasters, she has worked extensively with survivors of the Gulf War veterans, Vietnam veterans, Holocaust survivors, the Armenian survivors of the Ottoman Turkish Genocide, and the WTC terrorism. In the area of natural disasters, she has worked extensively with the survivors of the 1988 earthquake in Armenia, the 1994 earthquake of Southern California, hurricane Andrew in Southern Florida, the 1995 earthquake of Kobe, Japan, the 1999 earthquake in Turkey, and the tsunami of 2004 in Sri Lanka. She has also assisted mental health professionals in Kuwait and the former Yugoslavia as a consultant, and has volunteered with the Red Cross with the refugees of Kosovo.
For the past twenty years Dr. Kalayjian has taught in a variety of universities and colleges including: Columbia University, Fordham University, Hunter College, Pace University, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, Seton Hall University, College of New Rochelle, Bloomfield College, College of Mt. St. Vincent & St. Joseph College. She has been involved in conflict transformation and peace education in many countries as: Pakistan, Armenia, the Middle East, & US.
For the past fifteen years, Dr. Kalayjian has been actively involved at the United Nations, pursuing the human right of children, trauma survivors, women, and refugees. She is a World Federation for Mental health Representative for the United Nations; the Treasurer of the United Nations NGO Committee for Human Rights; member of the UNICEF Working Group on the Rights of The Child; Member of the NGO Committee on the Status of Women; member of the Fourth World Conference on Women, member of the NGO Committee on Mental Health, a delegate to the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, China, in 1995, past Vice Chair of the NGO/DPI Executive Committee, the Chair of the UN, Annual DPI/NGO Conference in 2001, member of the Conference Planning Committees (1994 - 2004), and Chair of the Annual Conference 2003 Midday Workshops.
Dr. Kalayjian is founder and President of the Armenian American Society for Studies on Stress and Genocide; President of the Int. Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, NY Chapter (1993-2003); Chair of the World Federation for Mental Health Human Rights Committee(1995-2004), Co-Founder, Past President & Board member of the Global Society for Nursing and Health, President of Association for Disaster & Mass Trauma Studies, Treasurer, APA International Division, Program Chair APA 2004 International. Division, Hawai'i. She is the Founder of the Mental Health Outreach Program to the Republic of Armenia, providing psychological emergency care, managing the program, as well as conducting research. Dr. Kalayjian implemented the outreach program later in Japan, Kuwait, the former Yugoslavia, Turkey, & most recently in Sri Lanka after the tsunami. She conducts workshops around the world healing the wounds of generationally transmitted trauma post wars, Genocides & Holocaust.
Dr. Kalayjian has presented her research papers, conducted workshops, and chaired panel discussion nationwide. Internationally, her research papers have been presented in the Republic of Armenia, Argentina, Canada, Cyprus, Dominican Republic, Egypt, England, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Korea, Mexico, the Netherlands, Pakistan, Palestine, Russia, Spain, Syria, Taiwan, and Turkey. She has ongoing collaborative research projects with the Republic of Armenia, Japan, the Netherlands, Pakistan, and Turkey.
Dr. Kalayjian has granted interviews to newspapers, as well as on the radio and television stations in Armenia, Japan, Pakistan, Turkey, and the US, including CNN, CNN Turkey, Fox 5, ABC, NY1, MSNBC & TV Tokyo. Prints include: LA Times, Boston Globe, Washington Post, Daily News, Women's Word, WebMD,, CBS, Reuters, etc.
She has published nationally and internationally in scholarly journals, and has several chapters in a variety of books on gender perspectives, Soviet issues, Logotherapy, disaster & trauma, teen-parent relationships, coping with mass traumas-Genocide, wars, chronic illnesses, rape, substance abuse and dependence, human rights and violations of these rights, love & forgiveness. She is the author of the renowned book: Disaster and Mass Trauma: Global perspectives in Post Disaster Mental Health Management, Vista Publishing.
Please see furthermore:
•  Generational Impact of Mass Trauma: The Post-Ottoman Turkish Genocide of the Armenians
In: Piven, Jerry S., Boyd, Chris, and Lawton, Henry (Eds.), Jihad and Sacred Vengeance, pp. 254-279, New York, NY: Writers Club Press, co-authored with Marian Weisberg, 2002.
•  Turkish Denial of the Genocide of Armenians, Greeks, Assyrians: Transforming Humiliation into Understanding and Forgiveness, abstract written for the 2004 Workshop on Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, November 15-16, 2004.
•  Israeli & Hezbollah Conflict: International Perspectives on the Future of Peace in the Middle East, a paper that Anie Kalayjian co-authored with Luke Anable in August 2006: During a layover in Frankfurt, Germany, Anie Kalayjian interviewed randomly selected individuals in an attempt to gauge the public’s emotional and psychological response to the Israeli & Hezbollah war.
•  Mass Trauma and Emotional Healing Around the World: Rituals and Practices for Resilience, 2 vols, edited by Anie Kalayjian and Dominique Eugene, Westport, CT: Greenwood/Praeger Security International, 2009.
•  Forgiveness and Reconciliation: Psychological Pathways to Conflict Transformation and Peace Building, edited by Anie Kalayjian and Raymond F. Paloutzian, New York, Springer, 2009.
•  ATOP Meaningfulworld Humanitarian Outreach Project to Romania: Ancestral Healing, Forgiveness, and Meaning-Making, contribution shared at the 2011 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 8-9, 2011, supported by Georgiana Sofletea.
• Transforming Trauma into Healing: An integrative healing approach for Palestinians and Israelis, contribution shared at the 2012 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 6-7, 2012, together with Nira Shah and Leysa Cerswell.
• Transforming Horizontal Violence in the Middle East in Israel, Palestine, Jordan, and Lebanon through Forgiveness and Peace Gardens, contribution shared at the 2013 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 5-6, 2013, together with Blanka Angyal. See also Press Release 1 and Press Release 2.
• Transforming Horizontal Violence in Haiti through 7-step Integrative Healing Model, and Forgiveness and Peace Gardens, abstract shared at the 2015 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 3-4, 2015
• I am a Syrian Refugee, deep reflections shared at the 2015 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 3-4, 2015 (Pdf | video).
Align with Mother Earth, deep reflections shared at the 2016 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 8-9, 2016.
• "Message to the World — Transforming Humiliation Through Meaningful World Mindful Actions" (Video Day Three | HumanDHS channel | Meaningful World channel, video recorded on December 8, 2020) contributed to the 2020 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Virtual at Columbia University, New York City, December 10 – 12, 2020.

27th January 1943 - 28th November 2016, but always with us in our hearts!

Ragnvald Kalleberg was Professor of Sociology in the Department of Sociology and Human Geography at the University of Oslo, Norway. He has published in sociology of science (history of science, academics as public intellectuals, research ethics, research policy), sociology of organizations (knowledge organizations, work environment improvements, workplace democracy), and general social theory (theories of modernity, philosophy of science, discourse ethics, Habermas). As a sociologist he insisted that ethics has both to do with the morals of individuals and institutions, and their interplay. In the analysis of the ethos of science, he mainly focused on science as an open society and the norm of universalism, but also analyzed the rationality of the individual and institutional norm of scientific humility. He has chaired the Norwegian National Committee for Research Ethics in the Social and Cultural Sciences for two periods. In this work he has tried to translate sociological insights into intersubjectively binding guidelines and institutional arrangements in order to prevent scientific misconduct and stimulate sound scientific practices. For some of his work, see:
•  "Universities: Complex Bundle Institutions and the Projects of Enlightenment", in Comparative Social Research, 2000, Vol. 19, pp. 219-255.
•  "'The Most Important Task of Sociology Is to Strengthen and Defend Rationality in Public Discourse': On the Sociology of Vilhelm Aubert", in Acta Sociologica, 2000, 43, pp. 399 - 411.
•  Om vitenskapelig ydmykhet, utvidet versjon av foredrag på NESH-konferanse i Tromsø 23. og 24. mai 2001, offentliggjort i rapport fra NESH (Den nasjonale forskningsetiske komité for samfunnsfag og humaniora): Samisk forskning og forskningsetikk, Oslo 2002, s. 151-185.
•  Teologi, allmenn vitenskapsmoral, kultur- og samfunnsfagenes normativitet, i Kirke og Kultur, 2005, nr. 3, s. 407 - 419.
•  "What Is 'Public Sociology'? Why and How Should It Be Made Stronger?", in The British Journal of Sociology, 2005, Volume 56, Issue 3, pp. 387-393.
•  "A Reconstruction of the Ethos of Science", in Journal of Classical Sociology, 2007, vol. 7, no 2, pp. 137 - 160.
•  "Sociologists as Public Intellectuals in the Norwegian Project of Enlightenment," forthcoming in Eliaeson & Kalleberg, eds., Academics as Public Intellectuals (Cambridge Scholars Press, London).



Dr. Vineeta Kamran is the School Prinicipal of the City Montessori School, Kanpur Road Branch, in Lucknow, India. The school is a private school that offers education up to the level of graduation. It is a co- educational, English medium institution affiliated to the ICSE Board of New Delhi. The streams offered are science, commerce and arts. The school has been ranked 6th in the "most respected secondary schools in India" list compiled by the IMRB in 2007. The CMS Kanpur Road focuses on a Total Personality Development of students. The School Prinicipal Dr. Vineeta Kamran has brought the concept of Quality Control Circles from Japan, basically a management tool for industry, redefined by her for education as Students Quality Control Circles. A Quality Circle Academy trains students according to Quality Circle Tools.
Please see:
•  Education as a Vehicle for Social Transformation: How to Promote Dignity, Unity and Transcend Humiliation, presentation given at the 15th Annual Conference of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies "Peace at Home, Peace in the World," in Istanbul, Turkey, 28th - 30th April 2010.

Shahid Kamal


Ambassador Kamal is also a Founding Member of the World Dignity University initiative.
Ambassador Kamal is a career diplomat who has worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Prime Minister’s Office, the United Nations, the Organization of Islamic Conference and diplomatic Missions in Paris, New York, Washington and Stockholm.
Before coming to Berlin in 2007, Ambassador Kamal was Additional Foreign Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
He served as Ambassador to Sweden from 2001 to 2005. During this period he was accredited as Ambassador to Finland, Estonia and Latvia.
From1998 to 2000 he served as Minister/Deputy Chief of Mission at the Embassy of Pakistan, Washington D.C where he participated in negotiations on political and security issues. He was appointed Consul at the Consulate General of Pakistan, in New York from 1984-1986.
At the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia he headed the Political Department from 1995 to 1998. He served as Coordinator of OIC Assistance Mobilization Group for Bosnia and Herzegovina after the Dayton peace accord. He was involved in OIC’s peace and reconciliation efforts in Afghanistan, Somalia and Tajikistan.
At the Prime Minister's Office he worked as a senior aide on foreign affairs and for the social sector from 1991 to 1994. In this capacity, he served in the administration of three Prime Ministers.
He served as Director responsible for India in the South Asia division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 1988 to 1991. As Director Organization & Management he was engaged in overseeing organizational management of the Foreign Office from 1987 to 1988.
At the United Nations in 1983 and from 1986 to 1987 he handled economic, administrative and budgetary matters. He represented Pakistan in the Economic and Budgetary Committees during the UN General Assembly sessions in 1983 and 1987.
After joining the Foreign Service his first assignment was as Desk Officer for India from 1978 to 1979. He was subsequently appointed Second Secretary in the Embassy of Pakistan, Paris from 1980-1983.
He was educated at the University of London, Institut d’Adminstation Publique, Paris and Government College, Lahore.
Ambassador Kamal is Honorary Advisor to the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan as well as to the Global Change Impact Studies Centre in Islamabad. He is a member of the Advisory Group at the Centre for Advanced Studies in Telecommunications at COMSATS Institute of Information Technology. He is also Advisor to the Entrepreneurial Excellence Centre at Institute of Business Administration at Karachi.
He is married with two daughters.
Please see:
"Message to the World" (Video recorded on November 15, 2021), contribution to the 2021 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Virtual at Columbia University, New York City, December 9 – 10, 2021.


Professor Yahya R. Kamalipour is head of the Department of Communication and Creative Arts and Director of the Center for Global Studies at Purdue University Calumet, Hammond, Indiana, USA. He has 11 published books, including Global Communication (2nd Ed., 2007) and The Media Globe (2007) and is the founder and managing editor of Global Media Journal and co-editor of Journal Globalization for the Common Good. A recipient of numerous awards, Prof. Kamalipour has given presentations in Egypt, Canada, China, India, Iran, Kenya, Mexico, Slovenia, Turkey, United States, and has been interviewed by hundreds of print and broadcast media, including BBC, Reuters, ABC, VOA, RFL/RL, WBEZ-NPR, NileTV, Turkish TV, Iranian TV, Metro Networks, Detroit Free Press, Indianapolis Star, Quill Magazine, Philadelphia Inquire, The Pittsburgh Tribune, The Times, and Post-Tribune. He has taught courses at universities in Ohio, Illinois, Missouri, Indiana, Iran, and Oxford (England). His articles have appeared in professional and mainstream publications in the U.S. and abroad, including the Chicago Tribune and The Times. Prof. Kamalipour earned his Ph.D. degree in Communication (Radio-TV-Film) from the University of Missouri-Columbia, M.A. degree in Mass Media from the University of Wisconsin-Superior, and B.A. degree in Mass Communication (Public Relations) from the Minnesota State University. He has been at Purdue University Calumet since 1986. For additional information, visit his web site at


Cyrien Kanamugire was born in 1955 in Butare in the south of Rwanda. He studied law at the University of Kigali, where he obtained his "Licence en Droit." A long time journalist, he in the beginning of the nineties worked with the Tribun du Peuple, then with the Catholic journal Kinyamateka, where, since 1999, he is one of the organizers of the Tribune Libre. During the years of war, he joined the Front Patriotique, where he was a journalist with the Radio des Rebelles. In April 1994, at the beginning of the genocide, he discontinued journalism in order to attend to the wounded in the war, always at the side of the Front Patriotique. Later, he created the Rebero Editions to publish his works on the genocide.
Later, Cyrien Kanamugire worked with the Kinyamateka journal and the Inkiko-Gacaca journal, he was furthermore an observer-adviser for the Gacaca jurisdiction in the Province of Kibuye on the edges of the Lake Kivu. Cyrien is currently based in Canada.
Please see here Rwanda-Justice: La phase décisive des Juridictions Gacaca, written by Cyrien Kanamugire in 2005 upon the invitation by HumanDHS to write on his experiences with gacaca. Please see also Lutter contre l’humiliation fait partie intégrante de la bonne gouvernance, du respect et protection des droits de l’homme, Exemple: Le cas du Rwanda avant et après le génocide.


Dr. Azza Karam was chosen to lead Religions for Peace in Lindau, Germany, in August 2019. secretary general of Religions for Peace International and professor of religion and development at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. She served also at the United Nations Populations Fund (UNFPA) in New York. Prior to that, she worked as the Senior Policy Research Advisor at the United Nations Development Program, in the Regional Bureau for Arab States, and before that she was the Special Advisor on Middle East and Islamic Affairs to the Secretary General of and the Director of Women's Programs at the World Conference of Religions for Peace International. Dr. Karam joins this Board in her personal capacity and is not representing the institutions she belongs to.
Her experience spans the fields of multi-religious collaboration, international gender issues, democratization, human rights, conflict, and political Islam. Dr. Karam also worked as a Senior Program Officer at the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA), working in the Middle East (Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Yemen), Europe (The Netherlands, Sweden and Northern Ireland), where she managed training projects and programs, as well as lecturing on issues of conflict, peace building, transitional justice and humanitarian intervention. As a Programme Manager at the Centre for the Study of Ethnic Conflict, at the Queens University of Belfast, Dr Karam was a consultant and trainer to various international organizations in Yemen, Uzbekistan and Northern Ireland.
She has edited, authored and published several books and articles. Her books include Transnational Political Islam (Pluto, 2004); Islamisms, Women and the State (Macmillan, 1998); Women in Parliament: Beyond Numbers (IIDEA, 1998); Islam in a non-pillarized Society (TNI: 1996); and a Woman's Place: Religious Women as Public Actors (WCRP: 2001).
See also:
•  Women's History Month 2020 | Ft. Professor Dr. Azza Karam, Secretary General of Religions for Peace, March 26, 2020: The Parliament of the World’s Religions celebrates Women’s History Month by presenting a special interview with Professor Dr. Azza Karam, conducted by Parliament Chair, Audrey Kitagawa. Professor Dr. Karam is the first woman Secretary-General of Religions for Peace, which was founded in 1970. Religions for Peace is an international coalition of representatives from the world's religions dedicated to the promotion and cultivation of peace.
• COVID-19 and the Role of Religion in the Pandemic, Deutsche Welle, 13th October 2021
• Katherine Marshall on Dr. Azza Karam, 30th September 2021



Kari H. Karamé is a Research Fellow at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) in Oslo and works also in Beirut. She works on topics such as gender, conflict, and peacebuilding, and watches the political and security situation in Lebanon and Syria. She works on the project "Reintegration of Lebanese Combatants – About Patterns for Possible Reintegration of Hezbollah Militias into the Lebanese Society." She earned her Magister Artium in ethnology from the University of Oslo and has worked as a lecturer at St. Joseph University in Beirut (1973-75), and is a part time lecturer at the American University of Beirut and the Lebanese University in Beirut.


Sigmund Karterud, MD, PhD, is a Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry at the University of Oslo and Medical Director of the Department for Personality Psychiatry, Ullevål University Hospital. He is a Training Group Analyst at the Institute of Group Analysis, Oslo, Founding President of the Norwegian Group Psychotherapy Association, Head of the Norwegian Network of Psychotherapeutic Day Hospitals, Head of the Norwegian Forum for Self Psychology, and a Board Member of the International Council for Self Psychology.
His doctoral thesis, Group Processes in Therapeutic Communities (1989), was an empirical test of the group dynamic theories of W.R. Bion, with special reference to fight/flight phenomena in groups and individual valences for fight/flight behaviour. He has published around 100 articles and 7 books on the topics of the therapeutic community, small and large group dynamics, group analysis and group psychotherapy, self psychology, personality disorders, and literature.
Professor Karterud is currently doing research on long-term combined group and individual psychotherapy for patients with personality disorders, testing, among others, the efficacy of strategies for transforming hate and narcissistic rage, working within a theoretical paradigm of attachment theory and self psychology. The paradigm also includes an evolutionary perspective on primary emotions among mammals, the neurobiology of consciousness and emotions, and the mentalization of affective experiences among humans through attachment and selfobject relations.
The depth psychology of the vicious circle of humiliation, narcissistic rage, craving for revenge and thus inflicting new humiliations, is well described by self psychology theory (Heinz Kohut). However, the unconscious group dynamics of this vicious circle is less clearly articulated. In order to overcome the limitations in the dyadic perspective of psychoanalytic self psychology, Karterud has developed Kohut’s theoretical draft of a group-self. This concept seems to be a precondition for a deeper understanding of collective needs, aspirations and traumatizations, as well as primitive large group phenomena. Collective phenomena might be better explained if one takes into consideration the complex interactions between the individual self, the family self, the small workgroup self, the organizational self, the national self, the regional self, and a future sense of a global self. Networking with the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies might be one way of developing a sense of a global self which, through several generations, might become internalized as part of the self at lower levels.


Dr. Kaufman works professionally as a writer, public speaker, consultant, and workshop leader on gender relations for governments, corporations, trade unions, universities, schools, and non-governmental organizations, in particular, the United Nations. He is a founder of the White Ribbon Campaign, the largest effort in the world of men working to end violence against women.
His six books include ones on gender issues (Cracking the Armor: Power, Pain and the Lives of Men; Beyond Patriarchy: Essays By Men on Pleasure Power and Change; Theorizing Masculinities), books on democracy and development studies (Community Power and Grassroots Democracy; Jamaica Under Manley), and an award winning novel, (The Possibility of Dreaming on a Night Without Stars).
His articles have appeared in newspapers, magazines, and journals around the world and have been translated into languages including French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Chinese, Korean, and Japanese.
In addition to his work across the United States and Canada, he has spoken to audiences in Europe (Russia, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Germany, Holland, England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Switzerland, Italy, and Spain); in Africa (Namibia), Latin America and the Caribbean (Mexico, Jamaica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Trinidad, Colombia), Australia, and Asia (China, Singapore, Japan, the Philippines, Malaysia, South Korea, and Nepal.)
Dr. Kaufman previously taught at York University in Toronto where he was Deputy Director of the Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean. He lives in Toronto, Canada with his wife, son and daughter.

March 18, 1927 – March 1, 2022, yet always with us in our hearts!

Herbert C. Kelman is the Richard Clarke Cabot Research Professor of Social Ethics at Harvard University and was (from 1993 to 2003) Director of the Program on International Conflict Analysis and Resolution at Harvard's Weatherhead Center for International Affairs. He received his Ph.D. in Social Psychology from Yale University in 1951. He is past President of the International Studies Association, the International Society of Political Psychology, the Interamerican Society of Psychology, and several other professional associations. He is recipient of many awards, including the Socio-Psychological Prize of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (1956), the Kurt Lewin Memorial award (1973), the American Psychological Association’s Award for Distinguished Contributions to Psychology in the Public Interest (1981), the Grawemeyer Award for Ideas Improving World Order (1997), and the Austrian Medal of Honor for Science and Art First Class (1998). His major publications include International Behavior: A Social-Psychological Analysis (editor, 1965), A Time to Speak: On Human Values and Social Research (1968), and Crimes of Obedience: Toward a Social Psychology of Authority and Responsibility (with V. Lee Hamilton; 1989). He has been engaged for many years in the development of interactive problem solving, an unofficial third party approach to the resolution of international and intercommunal conflicts, and in its application to the Arab-Israeli conflict, with special emphasis on its Israeli-Palestinian component.
Please see:
A life for peace: An Obituary for Herbert C. Kelman, written by Professor Werner Wintersteiner:

A great Austrian passed away on March 1, 2022, just short of his 95th birthday. A great Austrian? More precisely, a great person who was expelled from Austria. Herbert Chanoch Kelman, born in Vienna on March 18, 1927, was forced to flee with his family as a child from the Nazis’ anti-Semitic persecution. His Jewish parents had immigrated after the First World War from Galicia, which was then under Habsburg rule. His father, a textile merchant, was a Social Democrat, and Kelman’s youth was marked by increasing anti-Semitism and finally by the persecution that began in 1938: Flight from Vienna (1939), Belgium as an uncertain stopover (1939-1940), before finally arriving in the United States in 1940, an unfamiliar country with a foreign language. Kelman, however, never wanted his Jewishness to be reduced to the experience of the Holocaust. Rather, he emphasized the influence of Jewish culture, the Hebrew and Yiddish languages, and the Zionist and socialist ideas with which he grew up. He earned a bachelor’s degree in Jewish studies in New York in addition to a degree in psychology. But the Holocaust had a lasting impact on his choice of career and his political as well as scholarly engagement. Kelman had experienced exclusion and persecution firsthand, became involved in the American anti-war and Civil Rights movement at an early age. He is now considered a pioneer and one of the great founders of modern peace studies. Kelman eventually received the highly prestigious Richard Clarke Cabot Professorship of Social Psychology and Ethics at Harvard University in Cambridge, which he held until his retirement.... [read more]

declan kennedy


Prof. Dipl.Ing. Declan Kennedy is an Irish Architect, Urban Planner, Mediator, Spiritual Healer and Permaculture Designer. He has been teaching and practicing urban design and permaculture, landscape and agricultural planning, coupled with holistic strategies, in Germany since 1972, and recently in special intensive seminars - organized in many countries. From 1972 to 1990, he was Professor of Urban Design and Infrastructure at the Architectural Department of the Technical University of Berlin, Germany. He was assistant editor of the Journal EKISTICS from 1968 to 1973. Since then he is on its advisory board and is a member of the World Society of Ekistics since 1972. He is founding member of the Permaculture Insitute of Europe, which he chaired until 1988.
As a young architect, he has designed and implemented Technical Secondary Schools in Nigeria. In the field of urban planning, he has worked on the regeneration of Ratisbone (Regensburg) in Bavaria, Germany; of the Hill District in Pittsburgh, Pa., USA; on urban renewal in Kreuzberg, Berlin, Germany. Since 1985, his work has included the conversion of a former Nazi and then British Army barracks into an ecological settlement in Lower Saxony, Germany. His contribution in recent years has been the ecological expansion of small German historic towns, in the form of designs for fully ecological settlements, integrated with agricultural activities and landscape and environmental improvement.
In the early 1980‘s, he worked on the integration of ecological design into horticulture and agriculture in many countries, based on permaculture principles, a concept he learned in Australia in 1981 and which he introduced to Europe immediately following. Concrete projects were designed and implemented, especially Australia, Brazil and Germany. He became Country Co-ordinator for Germany of the Global Action Plan for the Earth (GAP) - Household Ecoteam Programme from 1989-92.
Since its foundation (in Findhorn, Scotland in October 1995) until 1999, he was on the board of the Global Eco-Village Network (GEN) and ran their European secretariat and its association GEN-Europe from the ecological community LEBENSGARTEN - STEYERBERG, Lower Saxony, Germany in which he lives. Lebensgarten was chosen as one of the world-wide decentralized projects of EXPO 2000 to be held in Hannover, Germany in the year 2000. Prof. Kennedy was chairman of the working group within this eco-village in preparation for this event.
At Habitat II in Istanbul in June 1996, he was elected Chairman of the Board of GEN. Since then, he functioned also as "ambassador" to the different UN commissions, following up the GEN proposal to the UN: "the Earth is our Habitat". 1998 - 2000, he was acting as GEN representative on the Steering Committee of the “Best Practices and Leadership Programme” (BLP) of UNCHS, especially in regards to the Dubai Award of Excellence for Best Practices. With his wife, Prof. Dr. Margrit Kennedy (Prof. emer. of Ecological Building Techniques, Department of Architecture, University of Hanover), he has had an architectural and planning office in Hanover and Steyerberg until 2001. Their research work was on "New and Renewed Ecological Settlements" that have been planned and implemented by Housing Authorities in 5 countries of Europe until 1996. These case studies have culminating in a book on 'Designing Ecological Settlements' which has been published in English in 1997 (2. Printing 2001) and in German in 1998 (both in Dietrich Reimers Verlag, Berlin). This work was supported by the EA.UE - the European Academy of the Urban Environment, Berlin.
Prof. Kennedy's preoccupation with permaculture and eco-village design has led to his engagement in the Gaia University, a young university without walls, based on action-learning, which is building regional co-ordinating centres in Germany, and on the west and east coast of the USA, followed by Brazil, Chile, Nepal, and Scotland.
The project at hand PaLS is the food-security extension of the community Lebensgarten according to permaculture principles.
Main interests in Prof. Kennedy's life nowadays are Eco-Social Regeneration and supporting the Gaia University by forming its international Advisory Board and helping to run its German coordinating centre, Gaia ActionLearning Academy for Sustainability with two very competent graduates. Accordingly, his dairy and his daily routine is pretty turbulent. But everyone that knows him knows that: "making possible the impossible", is Declan Kennedy's speciality. Both he and his wife, Prof. Dr. Margrit Kennedy still find time to participate fully in community life at Lebensgarten Steyerberg as also in the local politics of Steyerberg. He works too as a mediator, advisor for for ecological building problems, as a spiritual healer - and supports Margrit in her work with the network and groups that are introducing complementary currencies in German and English speaking countries.
Five decades of books, articles, lectures and more are to be found in PDF-format on Margrit and Declan Kennedy wrote (20th July 2011): "We cordially invite you to visit this library and wish you joy in searching and reading. We would be really pleased to get your feedback and any suggestions to make it better – so that the library is easy to handle."
See also:
Permaculture Park at Lebensgarten, Steyerberg, Lebensgarten - Garden of Life - is a community located in Lower Saxony, Germany. Built on the site of a former Nazi arms factory, the community has 62 houses. Lebensgarten has a large permaculture park, in which agriculture and human settlements are modeled after nature. Interviews with Declan Kennedy, Roland Wolf and others. Video by Dimitri Devyatkin. Uploaded on Nov 8, 2011.
• „Polykulturen statt Monokulturen" TAZ, 3. Oktober 2023.


21st November 1939 – 28th December 2013, yet always with us in our hearts!

Prof. Dr. Margrit Kennedy, was an architect with a Masters Degree in Urban and Regional Planning and a Ph.D. in Public and International Affairs. She has published books, articles and reports on community school planning and building, women and architecture, urban ecology, permaculture, money, land and tax systems. She has also practised architecture and urban planning in Brazil, Nigeria, Scotland, the USA and Germany and has worked as a professor for Ecological Building Technologies at the Department of Architecture, University of Hanover. At present she lives in the eco-village of Lebensgarten in Steyerberg, Lower Saxony.
Her work in ecological architecture in 1982, led her to the discovery, that it is virtually impossible to carry out sound ecological concepts on the scale required today, without fundamentally altering the present money system or creating new complementary currencies. Her book Interest and Inflation-Free Money, Creating an Exchange Medium that Works for Everybody and Protects the Earth was published first in 1987 and updated and revised in 1995, email to Seva International, Mumbai, India & Okemos, Michigan, USA. It has since been published in 22 languages.
As a consultant in complementary currencies, I helped in the preparation for creating a sustainable money system with demurrage for the planned international city of Aurovillle, India, for Cali, Columbia, for different Regions in Argentina, Germany und New Zealand. Together with my husband, Prof. Declan Kennedy, I have been running international workshops on different aspects of monetary reform, in English and German, since 1988 in Steyerberg.
Five decades of books, articles, lectures and more are to be found in PDF-format on Margrit and Declan Kennedy wrote (20th July 2011): "We cordially invite you to visit this library and wish you joy in searching and reading. We would be really pleased to get your feedback and any suggestions to make it better – so that the library is easy to handle."
Please see:
•  Interest and Inflation Free Money, Okemos, MI: Seva International, 1995.
•  Kennedy, Margrit, and Declan Kennedy (1987/1995). Interest and inflation free money: Creating an exchange medium that works for everybody and protects the Earth. Expanded edition. Philadelphia, PA, and Gabriola Island, BC: New Society Publishers. German original Geld ohne Zinsen und Inflation. Ein Tauschmittel, das jedem dient, 1987.
•  MYSTICA TV: Charles Eisenstein and Prof. Margrit Kennedy - changes in the money system, video.
•  Wer regiert das Geld? Margrit Kennedys Kampf für alternative Geldsysteme, SW2, Radio Interview, 5th July 2012
•  People Money: The Promise of Regional Currencies, by Margrit Kennedy, Bernard Lietaer, and John Rogers, 2012.


George Kent is a professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Hawai’i. His approach centers on finding remedies for social problems, especially finding ways to strengthen the weak in the face of the strong. He works on human rights, international relations, peace, development, and environmental issues, with a special focus on nutrition and children.  His books include:
•  The Political Economy of Hunger: The Silent Holocaust (New York: Praeger, 1984)
•  Fish, Food, and Hunger: The Potential of Fisheries for Alleviating Malnutrition (Boulder, Colorado: Westview, 1987)
•  The Politics of Children’s Survival (New York: Praeger, 1991)
•  Children in the International Political Economy (New York: Macmillan/St. Martin’s, 1995)
•  Freedom from Want: The Human Right to Adequate Food (Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2005)
•  Global Obligations for the Right to Food (Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, 2008).
Professor Kent is Co-Convener of the Commission on International Human Rights of the International Peace Research Association, and he has worked as a consultant with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the United Nations Children’s Fund, and several civil society organizations. He is part of the Working Group on Nutrition, Ethics, and Human Rights of the United Nations System Standing Committee on Nutrition.
•  The Humiliation of Hunger, paper presented at the 13th Annual Conference of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies "World Peace through Humiliation-Free Global Human Interactions," in Honolulu, Hawai'i, August 20 to 23, 2009.
•  Swaraj Against Hunger, Basis for talks in India, in Kota, Jaipur, and New Delhi in 2009 (draft of August 9, 2009) .


Hassan Abdi Keynan retired from UNESCO after working for more than 20 years on three continents. He served as Senior Programme Specialist in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Kenya, and Germany. Prior to his joining UNESCO, Mr. Keynan held the following positions: Senior consultant at the Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research, Oslo, Special Adviser at theNorwegian National Commission for UNESCO, Associate Professor at the Somali National University, and Secretary General of the Somali national Commission for UNESCO. In addition to being an educator, Mr. Keynan is an author and a poet. He lectured and published on a wide range of topics, including education and development in Africa, politics in the Horn of Africa, gender issues in war-torn societies, male roles and masculinity, and the African condition. Mr. Keynan studied at the University of California Los Angeles and the University of Sydney. Currently, he lives with his family in the US and devotes most of his time to writing on issues close to his heart, including freedom, equality and human dignity, especially for the cradle of humanity and its teeming masses.
Please see:
•  Somalia: Hassan Abdi Keynan in Oslo, Norway, on 25th November 1999. This video was created on 25th November 1999 in Oslo, Norway. Hassan Abdi Keynan was the Secretary General of the Somali National Commission for UNESCO from 1985 - 1988, before he left Somalia. He later became a member in this Global Advisory Board of the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies network. The video was recorded as part of the doctoral field work conducted by Evelin Lindner. Please see her doctoral dissertation online on Evelin's publications page. The title is The Psychology of Humiliation: Somalia, Rwanda / Burundi, and Hitler's Germany (Oslo: University of Oslo, Department of Psychology, submitted on 31st October 2000). Evelin did the filming.
•  Humiliation in the Context of Recent Events in the Horn of Africa, contribution shared at the 2007 Workshop on Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 13-14, 2007.
•  Selected Poems: The Second Season Of Rape, 1986, Sword of Pain, 1989, Fate, 1992, A Beautiful Tyranny Misnamed Partnership, 1995.
•  Ali Juju and the 54 thieves: A Poem, written in Nairobi in January 2018, as a ‘manifestation of a raw and rumbling African cry for dignity and freedom’, in the aftermath of the 2018 Heads of State of the African Union meeting in Addis Ababa for their 30th summit on the theme of fighting/ending corruption and promoting sustainable transformation. Ali Juju and the 54 Thieves is an African fairy tale modeled on Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves that featured in the magical one thousand and one nights Arabian fable: in Africa, there are 54 countries and there always comes one guy who pretends that he is the good guy" who will deal with the evil 54 thieves – unfortunately this fantastic illusion exits only in the realm of imagination...


Uichol Kim is a Distinguished Professor at the College of Business Administration, Inha University, Korea. He has published 15 books and over 150 articles. He has taught at University of Hawai'i, University of Tokyo and Chung-Ang University, Korea.
His publications include Indigenous and Cultural Psychology (with K. S. Yang & K. K Hwang, Springer, 2006), Democracy, Human Right and Islam in Modern Iran(with H. S. Aasen & Shirin Ebadi, 2003, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Fagbokforlaget, 2003), Democracy, Human Rights and Peace in Korea(with H. S. Aasen & G. Helgesen, 2001), Progress in Asian Social Psychology (with K. Leung, Y. Kashima & S. Yamaguchi, John Wiley & Sons, 1997), Individualism and C ollectivism (with H. C. Triandis, C. Kagitcibasi, S. C. Choi & G. Yoon, Sage, 1994), Indigenous P sychologies (with J. Berry, Sage, 1993).
He is the founding editor of Asian Journal of Social Psychology. He has taught as a visiting professor at University of Bergen, Norway, University of Konstanz, Germany, Nordic Institute for Asian Studies, Denmark, University of Stockholm, Sweden and Warsaw School of Advanced Social Psychology, Poland. He has provided invited lectures at University of Tokyo, University of Rome "La Sapienza," University of Osnabruck, Harvard University and Georgetown University. He has provided consulting services for governmental agencies and multi-national companies in Canada, Denmark, Hong Kong, India, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and USA. He is currently the president of Division of Psychology and National Development, International Association of Applied Psychology and Korean Association of Psychological and Social Issues. As a cultural psychologist, he conducts research on family and parent child relationship, school and educational attainment, organizational culture and change, political culture and democracy, and health and quality of life.
Please see here his last publication, Indigenous and Cultural Psychology: Understanding People in Context (Springer Science+Business Media, 2006, please see Reviews) and a short description of indigenous psychology:
Indigenous psychology is defined as the scientific study of human behavior or mind that is native, that is not transported from other regions, and that is designed for its people. It advocates examining knowledge, skills and beliefs people have about themselves and studying them in their natural contexts. Theories, concepts and methods are developed to correspond with psychological phenomena. It advocates explicitly incorporating the content and context of research. The goal is to create a more rigorous, systematic and universal science that can be theoretically and empirically verified.
Ten characteristics of indigenous psychology can be identified. First, it emphasizes examining psychological phenomena in cultural context. Second, it is necessary for all cultural, native and ethnic groups. Third, it advocates use of multiple methods. Fourth, it advocates the integration of "insiders," "outsiders" and multiple perspectives to obtain comprehensive and integrated understanding. Fifth, it acknowledges that people have a complex and sophisticated understanding of themselves and it is necessary to translate their practical and episodic understanding into analytical and knowledge. Sixth, although descriptive analysis is the starting point of research, its final goal is to discover psychological universals that can be theoretically and empirically verified. Eighth, it is a part of the cultural sciences tradition in which human agency, meaning and context are incorporated into the research design. Ninth, it advocates a linkage of humanities (which focus on human experience and creativity) with social sciences (which focus empirical analysis and verification). Tenth, two starting points of research in indigenous psychology can be identified: indigenization from without and indigenization from within.
Please see also:
• The Role of Human Dignity in Promoting Creativity, Innovation and Knowledge -
Humiliation as a Basis for Dehumanization, Conflict and Destruction
, paper presented at the 2008 Workshop on Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 11-12, 2008.
• The Role of Human Dignity in Promoting Creativity, Knowledge and Peace: Humiliation as a Basis for Dehumanization, Conflict and Destruction, paper presented at the 13th Annual Conference of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies "World Peace through Humiliation-Free Global Human Interactions" in Honolulu, Hawai'i, August 20 to 23, 2009.


Michael Kimmel is a Professor of Sociology at State University of New York, Stony Brook, and founder and director of the Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities founded in 2013 at Stony Brook University. He has received international recognition for his work on men and masculinity. His books on masculinity include Changing Men: New Directions in Research on Men and Masculinity (Sage, 1987) and Men Confront Pornography (Crown, 1990). His book, Against the Tide: Pro-Feminist Men in the United States, 1776-1990 (Beacon, 1992), is a documentary history of men who supported women’s equality since the founding of the country. His 1996 book, Manhood in America: A Cultural History (Free Press) was published to significant acclaim. In 1996, he furthermore published, The Politics of Manhood (Temple University Press, 1996) which featured a debate between pro-feminist men and the mythopoetic men’s movement, best known through the work of Robert Bly. Bly and Kimmel have engaged in a series of public debates and dialogues.
Kimmel is also a well-known educator concerning gender issues. His innovative course, Sociology of Masculinity, is one of the few courses in the nation that examines men’s lives from a pro-feminist perspective, and has been featured in newspaper and magazine articles (The Wall Street Journal, The Boston Globe, Newsweek, People) and television shows, such as Donahue, Sonia Live, The Today Show, CNN, Smithsonian World, Bertice Berry, and Crossfire. His co-edited college textbook, Men’s Lives (5th edition, forthcoming) has been adopted in virtually every course on men and masculinity in the country.
Professor Kimmel’s written work has appeared in dozens of magazines, newspapers and scholarly journals, including The New York Times Book Review, The Harvard Business Review, The Nation, The Village Voice, The Washington Post, and Psychology Today, where he was a Contributing Editor and columnist on male-female relationships. He also is the current editor of the international, interdisciplinary journal Men and Masculinities. On the basis of his expertise, Kimmel served as an expert witness for the U.S. Department of Justice in the VMI and Citadel cases.
Kimmel is National Spokesperson for the National Organization for Men Against Sexism (NOMAS), and has lectured at over 200 colleges and universities, and run workshops for organizations and public sector organizations on preventing sexual harassment and implementing gender equity, and for campus groups on date and acquaintance rape, sexual assault, pornography, and the changing relations between women and men. See his personal webpages 1 and 2.

She passed away on April 22, 2019, yet, she will always be with us in our hearts!

Lynn King was founder of SageVISION, dedicated to "growing green leaders who support innovation for the greater good." She is a Chinese American Global Leadership Coach, Trainer, and Consultant specializing in cross-cultural interventions and organizational effectiveness. Since 1989, her broad range of professional experience includes change management, cross-cultural/diversity training, team building, conflict management, leadership development and organization development research in the People’s Republic of China. She is conversationally fluent in Mandarin Chinese and has been living in Shanghai since 2003.
She has coached and/or trained managers and executives at multinationals such as Philips, Roche, Bosch, Gemplus, Amersham/General Electric, Mitsubishi Chemical, Proctor & Gamble, Ubisoft, United Auto, and others. Training topics include: Diversity, Creativity, and Innovation; Effective Management Skills; Change Management; Performance Appraisal & Interviewing Skills; Meeting Management; and Presentation Skills as well as Train-the-Trainer and Living and Working in China programs. She has presented at national conferences, including the Global Leadership Conference in Shanghai (2007) on “Leading Global Virtual Teams.”
In Silicon Valley, Lynn reported directly to the CEO and worked with the executive team as Director of Human Resources and Organization Development for RAE Systems, Inc. and as Manager of Organizational Learning and Development for Rapid5 Networks, Inc. In a USAID project, she was Director of Training for a summer “Peace Camp” which successfully brought together youth from Georgia and Abkhazia to learn conflict management skills. Furthermore, she was a staff developer for educators and administrators for innovative conflict management programs in New York City for Educators for Social Responsibility and Creative Response to Conflict.
Her volunteer work has included serving as Co-Chair of the Annual Forum and Board Member of the Women of Color Action Network (WCAN – an organization dedicated to the professional and personal development of women of color) in the San Francisco Bay Area in 2001-02. She also organized a unique, year-long community “Rites of Passage” youth development program (1998-99).

August 10, 1923 - June 8, 2007, yet always with us in our hearts!

June 2007: Our beloved Don Klein has passed away.
Please see here our condolences, or, more precisely, our love letters to Don.
We are shattered and, for the moment, speechless.
Dear Becca and Alan! We are holding your hands in this difficult moment of losing your father and grandfather.
Don was and will always be, one of the central pillars of our work and our group. He is on the Board of our Directors and will always be there.
He spoke to us about Awe and Wonderment. About our human ability to live in awe and wonderment, not just when we see a beautiful sun set or the majesty of the ocean, but always. That we can live in a state of awe and wonderment. And we do that, says Don, by leaving behind the psychology of projection. The psychology of projection is like a scrim, a transparent stage curtain, where you believe that what you see is reality only as long as the light shines on it in a certain way. However, it is not reality. It is a projection. And in order to live in awe and wonderment, we have to look through this scrim and let go of all the details that appear on it, in which we are so caught up in. When we do that, we can see the beautiful sun set, the majestic ocean, always, in everything.
We are all inconsolable!
We are with you, dear Don, wherever you may be now!
And we promise to always remember that we can live in Awe and Wonderment, always!
Evelin, on behalf on our entire HumanDHS network!
Sunday, June 10, 2007

Donald C. Klein, Ph.D., was also a Member of the HumanDHS Board of Directors, the HumanDHS Global Core Team, the HumanDHS Global Coordinating Team, and the HumanDHS Research Team.
Don is a Psychologist and Behavioral Scientist. After earning a Clinical Psychology Ph.D. in 1952 at the University of California, Berkeley, he was CEO of an experimental community mental health center, directed a multi-disciplinary graduate center at Boston University, served as NTL Program Director for Community Affairs, and helped to develop and became coordinator of the Applied Behavioral Science graduate program at The Johns Hopkins University. Subsequently, he was Professor Emeritus of the Graduate College of The Union Institute & University, which offers an innovative non-residential doctoral program for working adults.
Don Klein has been one of the first to explicitly examine and write on the humiliation phenomena. His first publication on humiliation goes back to 1991 (Journal of Primary Prevention on the Humiliation Dynamic, Vol 12, No. 2, Winter, 1991; Vol 12, No. 3, Spring 1992). He has written numerous books and has conducted extensive research on how families and organizations use humiliation as a tool of control and socialization. In addition to the Humiliation Dynamic, as an Applied Behavioral Scientist, he has studied and written about community change dynamics, differences and diversity, power, and large group methods for change in organizations and communities. In his training and consulting work he has used sociodrama and other performatory approaches. He is especially interested in methods that can be used to create meaningful, integrative non-humiliating connections (i.e., "social glue") between diverse groups in community settings. In recent years Don Klein has become deeply engaged with what he calls Appreciative Psychology, which has to do with the inherent level of appreciative being that connects each one of us with universal life energy.
Please find here:
•  The humiliation dynamic: An overview by Donald C. Klein, in Klein, Donald C. (Ed.), The Humiliation Dynamic: Viewing the Task of Prevention From a New Perspective, Special Issue, Journal of Primary Prevention, Part I, 12, No. 2, 1991. New York, NY: Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers.
•  Creating Social Glue in the Community: A Psychologist's View by Donald C. Klein, a revised version of paper presented at 'Rising Tide: Community Development for a Changing World', 32 nd annual conference of the Community Development Society, Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada, July 26, 2000.
•  Community MetaFunctions and the Humiliation Dynamic, paper presented at the 2nd Annual Meeting on Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies, Paris, France, September 16-18, 2004 (not to be cited without author's authorization).
•  The Humiliation Dynamic: Looking to the Past and Future, paper presented at the 2005 Workshop on Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 15-16, 2005.
•  Looking to the Past, Looking to the Future, New Years Greetings: 2006!

•  written by Alan Klein, Don's son, Past Master: Don Klein, first published in Practising Social Change, Issue 05, May 2012, pp. 48-49.


Sven Hroar Klempe is a former Professor in Musicology and Associate Professor in Social Psychology at the Department of Psychology at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim. He was the Dean of Department of Psychology for several periods.
His fields of interest within psychology are communication, media, music, education, and epistemology. His current research projects address music and mass media, as well as education and resistance to learning. Furthermore, Hroar is interested in the theme of civil obedience. He has worked on national and international campaigns on conscious objection to military services. His publications entail, among others, Musicalisation of Metaphor and Metaphoricalness in Music (in Danish Yearbook of Philosophy, Volume 31, 1996, Museum Tusculanum Press, København).
Professor Klempe’s special interest is to work on the role of music in the early history of experimental psychology. He believes that psychology today may benefit from re-discovering the early marriage between music and psychology. Today's psychology is based on linguistic models; musical models could enrich it and broaden its scope (see also Fred Lerdahl's work, now at Columbia University, New York City).
In 2012, Sven Hroar Klempe spoke to The Human Right to Peace, conscientious objection and civil disobedience. He has worked on national and international campaigns as a conscientious objector to military services... His fields of interest within psychology are communication, media, music, education, and epistemology. His current research projects address music and mass media, as well as education and resistance to learning.
Please see:
•  Reflections on ‘Humiliation’ in a Cultural Perspective, paper presented at the Annual Meeting of Humiliation Studies, Maison des Hommes, Paris, 15th-18th of September, 2004
•  Reflections on ‘Conflict’ in Cultural Perspective, abstract written for the 2004 Workshop on Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, November 18-19, 2004.
•  with Torbjørn Rundmo (Department of Psychology, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway), The Reliability and Validity of a Measurement Instrument of Culture Defined As Symbol Exchange, contribution presented at the 2007 Workshop on Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 13-14, 2007, as Power Point presentation and as Pdf file.
•  Imagine Worcester and the World #58, an interview with Virginia Swain, June 24, 2011.
•  Kierkegaard and the Rise of Modern Psychology: History and Theory of Psychology. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 2014.
•  Psykologi som grunnlag for den moderne vitenskapen / Psychology as Basis for Modern Science (28. juni 2024, Video)


Hisako Kobayashi-Levin was an Associate Professor of Kyushu University in Japan until 2013, where she taught Conflict Management and Mediation in the Faculty of Law and the Graduate School of Law. Before she joined the Kyushu University she had lived in New York City where she received her mediator training and practiced mediation. As a leading expert of the American style mediation toward the Japanese society, she speaks at seminars/conferences and conducts mediator trainings in Japan.
As a mediator, Hisako Kobayashi-Levin is interested in how we relate to each other and she is discussing with her students the issues related to "recognition," "power," "the right to resist" as well as "humiliation."


Associate Professor Dr. Hayal Köksal graduated from English Language Teaching Department at İzmir Teachers’ Training College in 1976. After working as a teacher of English at various districts of Turkey for ten years, she obtained her BA FLE from Marmara University and started working for Higher Education Institutions. In 1986, she completed a six-week Fulbright Course at the Robert College in Istanbul. She completed her master's degree (MA ELT) in 1992 and her Ph.D. in Educational Sciences in Gaziantep University. After serving as an English and Pedagogic Formation instructor in public universities (İstanbul, Marmara, and Gaziantep) for 23 years, she retired and moved to free-lance working and counselling on teacher education, Total Quality Management, Project-Based Teaching, Peace and Conflict Studies, Empowerment of the disabled and also civil society.
In addition to her courses at various universities such as Istanbul Kültür, Yeditepe, Yıldız Technical, Bahçeşehir, London Kingston, Cyprus Science Universities, her main working place was the Faculty of Education at Boğaziçi University, and her work for the Boğaziçi University Peace Education Application and Research Center (BUPERC) as a free-lance instructor.
Hayal worked for Microsoft Turkey for 5 years as the advisor for the Innovative Teachers Program. Iin 2005, the World bank honored her problem-solving methodology (İmece Circles) as the best tool to teach young people how to form teams and how to solve problems with quality tools. She conducted more then five thousand project not only in Turkey but also in the United States of America, United Kingdom, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Mauritius, Thailand, and South Africa.
Her International ICT Seagulls project has been going on for 21 years. She has been the Director General of Turkey within the World Council for Total Quality & Education (WCTQEE) since 2003 and she has been the founding president of the Association for Innovative Collaboration (YİMEDER) on providing peace, quality and dignity to young NGO leaders. In 2019, she became an Associate Professor in Higher Education Studies and she still goes on working as Education Facilitator in Sarıyer and İstanbul City Councils.
More than a hundred studies have been published in refereed journals and presented at international conferences. She wrote 18 books and is still writing her 19. book, about peace. One of her books (Çekirdekten Yetiştirme/Catch Kids Young) was printed by Dignity Press in 2014.  She also feels honored due to some peace awards given her such as:
• Books for Peace international award: Culture, Peace, Human Rights Award (Italy) awarded her as “Turkey Ambassador for Peace and Culture” Award (28th January 2022).
• The Federation of International Gender and Human Rights (FIGHR) honord her with the "Gender and Human Rights Global Ambassador" Award on 7th January 2023.
Please see furthermore:
• “Hugging All the Nations through Total Quality in Education (TQE) and İmece Circles”. 11th International Convention on Students’ İmece Circles (ICSQCC), Hayal Köksal & Ali Baykal (Eds.) Yeditepe University, Istanbul, 28-30 August 2008.
• Human Dignity Through “Peace at Home, Peace in the World”, presentation given at the 15th Annual Conference of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies "Peace at Home, Peace in the World," in Istanbul, Turkey, 28th - 30th April 2010.
•  "Training Dignified Young Leaders For The Future," International Conference on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, iconte, 11-13 November, 2010 Antalya-Turkey, pp. 429-434.
•  “Non-Violence in Education: Sharing the Outcomes of a Course at Boğaziçi University”. 14th International Convention on Students’ Quality Control Circles (ICSQCC), CMS, Lucknow, India, 30 Nov.-3 Dec. 2011.
•  Conflict Resolution, course at the Educational Sciences Department, Faculty of Education, Boğaziçi University, fall 2012, with a contribution by Evelin Lindner via Skype on 2nd October 2012.
•  “Outcomes of a ‘nonviolence course’ at an Educational Faculty of Turkey”. International Journal of Education and Management, 2012, 2 (1), 69-72.
•  “Training Peace-Focused and More Qualified New Generations: Turkish Case.” The 7th Annual Women’s Conference for Peace in the Middle East, Women’s Federation for World Peace, International UN DPI/ECOSOC/NGO/General Consultative Status, WFWP Japan, Paris, France, 15-18 Mayıs 2013.
•  Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict through Effective Teacher Training Programs (Pdf | video), paper contributed to the 2014 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 4-5, 2014.
•  Combining ‘Innovative Teaching Program’ with ‘SQCs (İmece Circles)’ in Turkey, by Hayal Köksal, Keynote presented at Kingston University London, UK, during the 17. International Convention on Students Quality Control Circles (ICSQCC), on 16th June 2014.
• "Message to the World" (Video recorded on November 28, 2020) delivered at the 2020 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Virtual at Columbia University, New York City, December 10 – 12, 2020.
• "Message to the World" (Video | Video recorded on November 4, 2021), contribution to the 2021 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Virtual at Columbia University, New York City, December 9 – 10, 2021.

Kindly click on the images above to see them larger



David Konstan is Professor of Classics at New York University and Professor Emeritus of Classics and Comparative Literature at Brown University (Rhode Island, USA). He is the author of many books and articles, among them Friendship in the Classical World (Cambridge University Press, 1997); Pity Transformed (Duckworth, 2001); The Emotions of the Ancient Greeks: Studies in Aristotle and Classical Literature (University of Toronto Press, 2006); "A Life Worthy of the Gods": The Materialist Pyschology of Epicurus (Parmenides Publishing, 2008); Terms for Eternity: Aiônios and aïdios in Classical and Christian Texts (with Ilaria Ramelli; Gorgias Press, 2007); and Before Forgiveness: The Origins of a Moral Idea (Cambridge University Press, 2010).

(17th May 1950 – 29th August 2021, yet always with us in our hearts!)

Mauro Guilherme Pinheiro Koury was an Brazilian Anthropologist, Director of the GREM – Research Group of Anthropology and Sociololy of Emotions (Grupo de Pesquisa em Antrpologia e Sociologia das Emoções) and Professor at Federal University of Paraíba (Universidade Federal da Paraíba), Brazil. He has written books and papers on the anthropology and sociology of emotions, on violence and fears in the urban contemporary, and on memory and narratives on fears and shame. Is the Editor of the Brazilan Journal of Sociology of Emotion (Revista Brasileira de Sociologia da Emoção).
Please see:
Emoções, Sociedade e Cultura. Curitiba, Brazil: Editora CRV, 2009.
• Koury, Mauro Guilherme Pinheiro, and Raoni Borges Barbosa (2018). "Violent Action among Friends: An Ethnographic Reflection on Processes of Moral and Emotional Perceptions and Justifications of Conduct." In Vibrant: Virtual Brazilian Anthropology, 14 (3). doi: 10.1590/1809-43412017v14n3p171 (Pdf)


Ronald S. Kraybill is Associate Professor of Conflict Studies at the Eastern Mennonite University Conflict Transformation Program. He formerly served as training director at the Center for Conflict Resolution in South Africa and as director of Mennonite Conciliation Service in the U.S. Dr. Kraybill has developed training programs at conflict resolution centers throughout Africa and North America and has led training seminars in Europe and Asia. He joined the EMU faculty in 1996. Kraybill is the author of Peace Skills: A Manual for Community Mediators (Wiley US, 2001).
Please see here his article Humiliation, Helplessness Propel Outbreak of Suicide Bomber Attacks, published in Vital Theology, 2004.


Arie W. Kruglanski is a Distinguished University Professor at the Department of Psychology of the University of Maryland. Throughout his career as a social psychologist his interests have centered on how people form judgments, beliefs, impressions and attitudes and what consequences this has for their interpersonal relations, their interaction in groups and their feelings about various "out groups." In connection with these interests he has formulated a theory of lay epistemics (Kruglanski, 1989) that specified how thought and motivation interface in the formation of subjective knowledge.
The work on lay epistemics has branched in several directions the major which were (1) research on epistemic motivations, need for cognitive closure in particular (2) a unified conception of the parameters of human judgment that offers an integrative alternative (known as the "unimodel") to previous theorizing in a variety of social judgment domains (having to do with persuasion, stereotyping, attribution, and statistical reasoning among others), (3) a "motivation as cognition" research program that resulted in our recent theory of goal systems.
Arie Kruglanski’s interest in motivation has also led to a fruitful collaboration with Tory Higgins on (4) the regulatory mode theory in which we distinguish between two fundamental aspects of self-regulation having to do with "locomotion" (encapsulated in the "just do it" dictum) and "assessment" (representing a concern with "doing the right thing").
Professor Kruglanski’s interest in goals, belief formation, and group processes has led to his involvement in the social psychology of terrorism. He has been writing and teaching a yearly seminar on this topic, looking at issues such as individual and organizational aspects of terrorism, terrorism as a tool of minority influence, suicidal terrorism and other related topics. He has also been member of various panels of the National Academy of Science devoted to the social/psychological aspects of terrorism. As of January 10, 2004 he has been appointed as a co-director of a Center of Excellence for Research on the Behavioral and Social Aspects of Terrorism and Counterterrorism, established at the University of Maryland, College Park.
Please read here Says who?: Epistemic Authority Effects in Social Judgment, in Mark P. Zanna (Ed.), Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Vol. 37, New York, NY: Academic Press, in press, 2005, co-authored with Amiram Raviv, Daniel Bar-Tal, Alona Raviv, Keren Sharvit, Shmuel Ellis (Tel-Aviv University), Ruth Bar (Bar Research Inc.), Antonio Pierro and Lucia Mannetti (University of Rome, "La Sapienza").
Please read furthermore The Social Cognition of Immigrants' Acculturation: Effects of the Need for Closure and the Reference Group at Entry, in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 86, 796-813, 2004, co-authored with Ankica Kosic (European University Institute in Florence), Antonio Pierro, and Lucia Mannetti (University of Rome, "La Sapienza").
See also Searching for Commonalities in Human Judgment: The Parametric Unimodel and Its Dual Mode Alternatives, in Wolfgang Stroebe, and Miles Hewstone (Eds.), European Review of Social Psychology, 14, pp. 1-49, 2003, Chichester, UK: Wiley, co-authored by Hans-Peter Erb (Universität Halle-Wittenberg), Woo Young Chun (University of Maryland), Antonio Pierro & Lucia Mannetti (University of Rome "La Sapienza"), and Scott Spiegel (Columbia University).
See as well Individual Motivations, the Group Process and Organizational Strategies in Suicide Terrorism, in Eva M. Meyersson Milgrom (Ed.), Suicide Missions and the Market for Martyrs: A Multidisciplinary Approach, Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, forthcoming, co-authored with Agnieszka Golec.



Thomas Kühne is Professor of History and the Strassler Family Chair in the Study of Holocaust History at the Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Clark University. Affiliated also with Women’s Studies Program and Race and Ethnic Relations Program at Clark, he teaches Modern European and German History, with a focus on the Holocaust and Nazi Germany. 
Thomas Kühne earned his Ph.D. from the University of Tübingen in 1994 and taught at the Universities of Konstanz, Tübingen and Weingarten in Germany thereafter. His initial scholarly work focused on cultural patterns of domestic political conflicts and consensus strategies in 19th and 20th century Germany. His dissertation on electoral politics in Imperial Germany (1994) won the German Bundestag Research Prize. Since then, Kühne has been especially interested in synthesizing new approaches to the history of mass violence. His essay collection on the history of masculinities in modern Germany, Männergeschichte-Geschlechtergeschichte (1996) established this field in Central Europe and stimulated a broad range of innovative gender studies. From 1998 to 2001, he served as chair of the German Historical Peace Research Association. Awarded major grants from the German Research Foundation, he completed his habilitation thesis at the University of Bielefeld in 2003. Accepting an invitation from the Institute of Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, he came to the United States in 2003. He has been at Clark since 2004.
Kühne’s most recent studies explore the emotional and moral frameworks of collective violence. His 2006 book Kameradschaft suggests, the myth of comradeship, born in WWI, shaped the experiences and actions of German WWII soldiers as well as war memory after 1945. Comradeship combined male bonding through criminal means with in-group “humanity.” It thus established a moral reference system that abandoned the idea of individual responsibility and enabled soldiers to support and to carry out the Holocaust. His forthcoming book Belonging and Genocide. Hitler’s Community, 1918-1945 (fall  2010, Yale University Press) explores how the Germans switched to community-based violent ethics even before the Nazis came to power, and how the Nazis used the human desire for community to build a genocidal society. It argues that the German nation eventually found itself through committing the Holocaust. Taking up these interests in cultural and psychological aspects of mass violence, Kühne’s current research project inquires into the fluid meanings, practices and perceptions of humiliation and shame during and after the Holocaust.



Dr. Judy Kuriansky, is a clinical psychologist with a Ph.D. from N.Y.U., and currently teaching in the Department of Clinical Psychology at Columbia University Teachers College, and at Columbia Medical School, where she coordinates international training programs. A Fellow of the American Psychological Association, Dr. Judy is an NGO representative to the United Nations for two international organizations – the International Association of Applied Psychology and the World Council for Psychotherapy. She works extensively throughout the world giving workshops on healthy relationship as well as on peace, tolerance and trauma recovery, including after 9’11 in America. Honored for her work after 9’11, she was featured in the Red Cross campaign, and as a spokesperson for the American consulate abroad. She has provided mental health support after disasters worldwide, like SARS in China, an earthquake in Australia, tensions in Serbia, bombings in Jerusalem, and most recently with Dr. Anie Kalayjian and the Mental Health Outreach Program in Sri Lanka after the tsunami. They co-moderated a workshop, "Achieving Collective Security: Partnerships to prevent fear, violence, genocide and terrorism through targeting the MDG goals" at the 58th Annual Conference for Non-Governmental Organizations at the United Nations this past September.
In her extensive international work, Dr. Judy is also a visiting professor at Peking University Health Sciences Center in Beijing China and the Department of Psychiatry at Hong Kong University. In China many times a year, she consults for the China Center for Reproductive Health Instruction in Shanghai, and trains doctors all over China, and appears often on China’s CCTV. She gives workshops on AIDS prevention for teens, couples counseling, and plenary addresses on peace and trauma recovery, around the world from India to Dubai and recently in Tehran, Iran, and at meetings on the State of the World Forum, and has been awarded the first "International Outreach award" from the American Women in Radio and TV. Trained in Buddhist shamanism, she has developed unique therapeutic interventions integrating eastern and western traditions. Author of innumerable articles in professional journals and over 10 books on dating and relationships translated in many languages, like the Complete Idiots Guide to A Healthy Relationships, Dr. Judy has contributed psychological chapters to Access: Emergency Survival Handbook, and is currently working on a book about Healing between Palestinians and Israelis from a psychosocial point of view, to be published by Praeger Press.
Also a journalist, and well-known as "Dr. Judy" to millions of fans from her nightly radio advice shows for over 22 years, she has also been a TV reporter on CBS-TV, hosted a show "Money and Emotions" on CNBC TV, and been a guest on innumerable news and talk shows from Oprah to Larry King, Court TV, and CNN. In print she has been a columnist for the Chicago Trubune Womens News, the Los Angeles Times syndicate, Advertising Age and Boardroom Reports, and currently writes advice columns for the New York Daily News, the Singapore Straits Times and China’s Trends Health Magazine. She has been featured in publications from People Magazine to Cosmopolitan and the New York Times.
In 2007, Judy joined the board of the Peace Division of American Psychological Association APA.
Please see, furthermore, by Judy Kuriansky:
• Psychosocial Aspects of the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict, note presented at Round Table 2 of the 2005 Workshop on Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 15-16, 2005,
• Judy Kuriansky (Ed.), Terror in the Holy Land, Inside the Anguish of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Westport, CT, London: Greenwood Press and Praeger Publishers, 2006.
Chapter 14, Humiliation or Dignity in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, is co-authored by Evelin G. Lindner, Neil Ryan Walsh & Judy Kuriansky,
• Transforming Conflict and Humiliation to Heal Hearts in the Holy Land: People-to-People Projects to Build Peace, Coexistence and Cooperation between Palestinians and Israelis
contribution shared at Round Table 2 of the 2006 Workshop on Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 14-15, 2006.
•  Models of Developing Field Projects and Engaging Multi-Stakeholders in Mental Health and Psychosocial Support to Solve Global Health Problems and Achieve the UN Millennium Development Goals, contribution shared at the 2010 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 9-10, 2010.



Zuzka Kurtz is a producer/Director, a Czech born multi-media artist and filmmaker residing in New York City and Upstate New York. Zuzka and Geoffrey Hug kindly offer their feature length documentary film titled Hudson, America, where they follow a group of Bangladeshi students in Upstate NY from 2016 – 2022 (free link for the dignity community upon request from
Earlier, she wrote and directed the Off Broadway dance and puppetry performance "My Inner Sole" in 2010. She wrote and directed a collection of nine short films "7 Ways 2 Skin A Cat" in 2013, and screened at Anthology Film Archives in NYC. Her first short documentary “Blade #1”, shot in Brooklyn NY & produced in collaboration with Geoffrey Hug, was awarded Best Short Documentary at The Art of Brooklyn Film Festival, the NYLA International Film Festival, the Spotlight Film Awards, & the Atlanta DocuFest, and screened internationally at a variety of film festivals and on PBS. She has produced and directed the mini shorts "Eat Something" and "The Seamstress" in 2015, both films winner of Best shorts in the Milan and Rome Int’l Film Festivals and "Multi Species Family”. Currently, she is producing with Geoff Hug a four year documentary “The Hudson Project Documentary,” 2016-2020.



Professor Kum'a Ndumbe III is a "cultural bridge-builder." His entire life has been devoted to the fostering of peaceful and more equal and respectful relations between Africa and Europe. It has thus also been a life devoted to the uplifting and rehabilitation of Africa and African culture and history.
Born in Douala, Cameroon, into a royal family, he was sent to Germany at the age of 15, where he made his "Abitur." He then moved to France for his studies. He holds a Ph.D. in History, Politics, and German Studies from the University of Lyon, France. In his thesis, he wrote on the plans for Africa developed by the Nazi-Regime, a topic hardly written about (its publication was refused in Germany). After his studies, he lectured at the University of Lyon II and the Catholic University of Lyon for several years, before moving back to Cameroon in 1979, where he held the German Studies Chair at the University of Yaoundé (1980-1987). In 1989, he habilitated at the Political Science Department of the Free University of Berlin on Post World-War II German Africa Policy and has since been lecturing regularly in Berlin, especially due to his forced exile between 1992-2000.
Kum'a Ndumbe has covered a wide range of research topics over the years, including race ideology, colonial policies, German Africa policy, African resistance struggles, Euro-African relations, democratization, development cooperation, conflict prevention and resolution, and African Renaissance and has written extensively on each topic.
Between 1993-1999, Kum'a Ndumbe has worked as a consultant for various German institutions on democratization and conflict prevention. Most notable was his 1997 evaluation and recommendation for conflict prevention in Rwanda (for GTZ)
Besides being an internationally experienced scholar and professor, Kum'a Ndumbe is also a poet and writer and has published over 30 non-scientific works, mostly theatre plays and short stories in Duala, German and French (see Letters & Prose).
Between 1981 and1991, Kum'a Ndumbe was President of the Cameroonian Writers' Association (APEC), Vice-President of the Central African Writers' Association (1985-1991) and since 2002 Board Member of the Association of Authors' Rights in Yaoundé. Recently, one of his poems - a hommage to the late Pan-African scholar Cheikh Anta Diop was put into music by the internationally successful Afropean band Les Nubians.
Since 2002, Professor Kum'a Ndumbe is again living and working permanently in Cameroon and devotes most of his time and energy to furthering what can be called his life-project - a non-governmental and non-profit organization called AfricAvenir.
Please see here The spiritual dimension of conflict prevention and conflict resolution mechanisms in African societies by Prince Kum'a Ndumbe III, a paper Presented at the University of Oslo, Unit for comparative and international education, Institute for Educational Research, 23.02.2001, first published by AfricAvenir, as well as Human Rights and Democratisation Learning from Europe? by Prince Kum'a Ndumbe III, DANIDA, 2001.

1936 – July 14, 2015, but always with us in our hearts!

Dr. Aaron Lazare, was Chancellor, Dean and Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. He received his AB in 1957 from Oberlin College and his MD in 1961 from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. He spent 14 years of service at the Massachusetts General Hospital, rising to the rank of professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.
While at MGH, he conducted pioneering research on the importance of understanding the patient's perspective on clinical outcome and applying a negotiating paradigm to the doctor-patient relationship. He is the author of the first textbook on outpatient psychiatry, Outpatient Psychiatry: Diagnosis and Treatment, now in its second printing. The textbook was selected in January 1990 by the American Journal of Nursing as "book of the year."
In 1982, Dr. Lazare accepted the position of professor and chair of Psychiatry at the UMass Worcester. In 1990 he became Dean of the medical school and in 1991 Chancellor & Dean.
While Chair of the Department of Psychiatry, Dr. Lazare initiated an entirely new sphere of scholarly activity on the subject of shame and humiliation in medical encounters, an area in which Dr. Lazare is perhaps the national leader. His thesis focuses on the medical interview as a tinderbox for shame experiences for both patient and physician. Physicians can be taught to enhance the dignity of patients while minimizing the patient's humiliation.
His other areas of academic expertise are the medical interview and the psychology of apology and forgiveness.
In 1998 Dr. Lazare was named principal investigator for the four-year multi-million dollar Macy Initiative in Health Communication by the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation in conjunction with investigators from New York University and Case Western Reserve schools of medicine. In 1992 the American Psychiatric Association asked him to give the Benjamin Rush Award Lecture. Also in 1992, together with his wife, Louise, he received the humanitarianism award from the National Conference of Christians and Jews. He received the 1993 Anti-Defamation League of New England Maimonides Award for outstanding commitment as a physician and educator to providing quality health services and the training of health care providers in an atmosphere of sensitivity and respect to all people."
In 1996 he founded the UMass five-campus Center for Adoption Research, the first academically based adoption research center in the country. He was given the Children's Friend Award from the Worcester Children's Friend Society for his "commitment to strengthening families through adoption. Dr. and Mrs. Lazare have adopted eight children of three races. In September 2001, Dr. and Mrs. Lazare received the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Angels in Adoption Award.
Also in 1996, he was awarded the Genesis Club Humanitarian Award for "dedicated commitment to mental health, education, and family." He received the 1997 Aaron T. Beck Institute Award from Assumption College for his outstanding work in the field of human relations and was named the 1997 "Citizen of the Year" by the Worcester Telegram & Gazette. In May 2000 he received an honorary degree from the College of the Holy Cross.
Dr. Lazare is active on the national and international speaking circuit, most recently appearing on Good Morning America, Oprah Winfrey and as guest speaker at the City Club of Cleveland.
Dr. Lazare's most recent book is entitled On Apology (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2004). Please see a book review of On Apology in American Journal of Psychiatry by Joel Yager, M.D., Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Dr. Lazare contributed with his presentation Humiliation and Apology to the Public Event of the 5th Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, at Columbia University, Teachers College, Milbank Chapel, New York City, on December 13, 2007.



Merle Lefkoff holds an M.A. and Ph.D. in Political Science from Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. She is President of the Center for Emergent Diplomacy, a non-governmental social-profit organization based in Santa Fe, New Mexico, applying the science of Complex Adaptive Systems to the transformation of diplomatic negotiations and peacebuilding. The Center will be convening and facilitating a gathering of global grass-roots activists and thought leaders in Santa Fe in April, 2017. Delegates will meet to scale up direct action campaigns to confront growing inequality and the global economic paradigm that is pushing climate change.
Lefkoff stepped down after three years as Guest Scientist and Affiliate at the Center for Nonlinear Studies, Los Alamos National Laboratory, where she worked with physicists, mathematicians and computer scientists to explore the dynamics of coexistence among human groups. Within a Complex Adaptive Systems framework, her team worked on a computerized policy simulator to assist communities facing difficult system-wide decisions as the result of accelerated change. She continues to pioneer curriculum development and training for public and non-profit organizations, most recently as a member of the team at Saint Paul University in Ottawa, Canada designing a graduate level e-learning course for Canadian government officials. The training teaches skills for collaboration across agency silos to realize a “whole of government” approach to the deployment of Canadian assistance in humanitarian conflicts.
Additional prior experience includes:
•  Special Staff, The White House, Office of Public Liaison – Study for President Carter on public participation initiatives in executive branch agencies.
•  Faculty – Salzburg Seminar, Austria, International NGO leadership training in conflict resolution.
•  Co-founder – Program in International Conflict Resolution, United World Colleges (institutionalized at the U.S. campus as the Bartos Institute for the Constructive Engagement of Conflict).
•  Mediator – Track Two Diplomacy (back-channel negotiations), Nicaragua; Middle East Peace Process (water track); Northern Ireland, Balkans.
•  Mediator – Bulgarian Human Rights, Ethnic peace building in Romania, Ethnic peace building in former Yugoslavia.
•  Co-convener and Facilitator – Conference on Forgiveness and Reconciliation among Christians, Muslim, and Druse, University College, Beirut, Lebanon.
•  Developer, Conflict Resolution Badge - Girl Guides of Great Britain and Girl Scouts of America, London.
•  Organizational Development Consultant and Facilitator – Institute for Conflict Resolution, West Bank, Palestine.
•  Mediator – Israeli-Palestinian Dialogue, Neve Shalom/Wahat-al-Salam, Israel.
•  Founder and Co-Facilitator – “Zive Vode” (Living Waters), Multi-ethnic mediation teams for peace support in the Balkans.
•  Trainer – American Leadership Forum
•  Facilitator and Trainer - Leadership education program development for Thailand, IMET, Bangkok, Thailand
•  Member, “Spirituality, Emergent Creativity, and Reconciliation” Group, Saint Paul University, Ottawa, Canada
Lefkoff is former Chair of the Board, The Quivira Coalition, developing collaborative partnerships in the Southwest through landscape-scale environmental restoration projects that integrate science, progressive land management, and new economic strategies to insure healthy and sustainable rural communities. She has served three Governors as a member of the New Mexico Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee. Lefkoff is a Lindesfarne Fellow and a member of the Global Advisory Board of the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies network. She is Visiting Faculty at the Upaya Zen Center, where she is occasionally asked to give Dharma talks on the theme of Engaged Buddhism.
See also:
•  "Transforming the Conflict Resolution Process with Merle Lefkoff of the Center for Emergent Diplomacy," interviewed by Kate Ebner, in her programm "Visionary Leader, Extraordinary Life" at VoiceAmerica.™
•  The Ecos Gathering, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, April 21-28, 2017.
•  Indigenous Knowledge and the New Science of Complex Adaptive Systems (see Video), dignilogue conducted at the 27th Annual Conference of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies 'Cities at Risk - From Humiliation to Dignity', in Dubrovnik, Croatia, 19th - 23rd September 2016.



Professor David Leverenz joined the University of Florida faculty in 1985, after teaching at Rutgers University for sixteen years and chairing the Livingston College English Department from 1975 to 1980. He became professor emeritus in 2010. He is the author of The Language of Puritan Feeling (Rutgers UP, 1980), Manhood and the American Renaissance (Cornell UP, 1989), and Paternalism Incorporated: Fables of American Fatherhood, 1865–1940 (Cornell UP, 2003). He has also co-edited Mindful Pleasures, a collection of essays on Thomas Pynchon (Little, Brown, 1976). He has published over thirty essays and articles, primarily on 19th century American literature, in such journals as American Literary History, Signs, College English, PMLA, Southwest Review, and Criticism. At the University of Florida he has also received four teaching awards. His most recent book is Honor Bound: Race and Shame in America (Rutgers University Press, 2012).
Please see also:
• The Gates Arrest: How Obama Moved the Participants -- Including Himself -- Beyond Anger and Humiliation, paper presented at the 2009 Workshop on Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 10-11, 2009.
• The Civil Rights Movement: How National Shaming Trumped Local Shamings, paper presented at the 2009 Workshop on Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 10-11, 2009.
• Introduction (without notes), in Honor Bound: Race and Shame in America, New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2012, paper presented at the 2012 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 6-7, 2012.

August 21, 1939 – February 14, 2022, yet always with us in our hearts!

Elliott Leyton was born in Leader, Saskatchewan, in 1939. He was the Past President of the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association; the author/editor of eleven books and many essays in the scholarly journals; Research Fellow at The Queen's University of Belfast in Ireland, sometime lecturer on homicide at the Royal Canadian Mounted Police College in Ottawa, visitor at the FBI Academy; and he has held faculty appointments at The Queen's University of Belfast in N. Ireland, the University of Toronto, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the University of Warsaw in Poland, and the Memorial University of Newfoundland where he was Professor Emeritus of anthropology.
Elliott Leyton has devoted most of his career to the anthropological study of 'social problems' in modern complex societies.  During this time, he has completed fieldwork among business people in Vancouver; with Protestant and Catholic communities in Northern Ireland; among dying miners and widows in Newfoundland; with juvenile delinquents in an Atlantic 'reform school'; with Scotland Yard and South Yorkshire police in Britain; and among Medecins sans Frontieres/Doctors Without Borders emergency medical personnel in Rwanda and Kenya. In 2004, the National Film Board film about my life's work, The Man Who Studies Murder, was premiered at the Montreal Film Festival, and then aired on national CBC Television's THE NATURE OF THINGS as a two-part "mini-series."


Ruth Lister CBE is Professor of Social Policy at Loughborough University. She is a former Director of the Child Poverty Action Group and served on the Commission on Social Justice, the Opsahl Commission into the Future of Northern Ireland and the Commission on Poverty, Participation and Power. She is a founding Academician of the Academy for Learned Societies for the Social Sciences and a Trustee of the Community Development Foundation. Professor Lister has published widely around poverty, income maintenance and women’s citizenship.
She was appointed Commander of the British Empire (CBE) in the 1999 Birthday Honours, and in 2009 she became a Fellow of the British Academy. She was appointed to the House of Lords as a Life Peer on 31 January 2011 as Baroness Lister of Burtersett, of Nottingham in the County of Nottinghamshire (Burtersett being the village her mother originated from).
Among the books she wrote is Citizenship: Feminist Perspectives (2nd ed. Palgrave/New York University Press, 2003), and a book on the concept of poverty for Polity (2004). She writes "For people who live in poverty, the stigma they face and the shame it creates can be as devastating as the economic consequences." Please see a review of the book in The Guardian.
Please see also Conceptualising Poverty, a presentation at a Smith Institute Seminar on 13 October 2004, to mark the publication of Poverty. A full record of the seminar will be published by the Smith Institute. Please see also A politics of recognition and respect: Involving people with experience of poverty in decision-making that affects their lives (in Andersen, J. & Siim, B., Eds., The politics of inclusion and empowerment, New York, NY: Palgrave, 2004).


Amina Mango is an artist living in Jordan. She has studied in Jordan, the UK and Italy, and graduated from the Accademia di Belle Arti Florence in Italy in Fine Arts and Painting. Through her art, she explores life, emotions, and nature, and has participated in many group and solo exhibitions. She is firmly rooted in the nature that surrounds her and uses it as an inspiration not only for her art but also to nurture her family, loved ones, and community. She lives in the north of Jordan, where she tends to the olive trees that were planted by her grandfather and father, while she also protects and safeguards all the other native trees of her region. She uses several mediums to express her creativity and is mostly drawn to oil paints and canvas. She loves repurposing disused items and find new creative ways to give them a new life that is artistic and full of beauty and purpose.

Kindly click on the picture to see it larger.

Amina speaks Arabic, English, Italian and Swedish as her family heritage is Swedish from her mother's side and Jordanian from her father's side. She is a mother of two and has also been working in business and manufacturing for over 15 years. Her children inspired and motivated her to create a natural skin care line, initially to provide them with safe and effective skin care solutions. Now, she is the owner of a natural skin care manufacturing brand, the first organic certified manufacturing and brand in Jordan and the MENA region. The manufacturing facility is in a rural area in Jordan and the offices are in Amman, the capital of Jordan. The range of skin care products is safe, effective, and based on local heritage ingredients (EVOO, Dead Sea salts and Aloe Vera), safeguarding nature by setting sustainable environmentally friendly goals across the business and manufacturing. Amina employs predominantly women, meaning that the factory is both being woman powered and woman empowering. Amina supports women from vulnerable backgrounds in her local community as well as charities that offer support to persons with disabilities. Amina has also served as a board member at the International Community School in Jordan for 12 years.
Through her art, work and life, Amina strives to foster nurturing connections, dialogue and mutual development.

When dialogue is lost
(poem written in October 2023 under the impression of increasing bloodshed in the region)
When anger overwhelms communication, dialogue is lost
When dialogue is lost, we see no longer, we only feel hate
When we feel hate we can’t see
When we feel hate we can’t feel the other
When we feel hate we can’t see our common humanity and our right equal rights: to be, to live and to be safe.
When dialogue is lost, humanity is lost
When dialogue is lost solutions are lost
When dialogue is lost the way forward is blocked
The most important to safeguard in times of injustice and cruelty is dialogue.
Dialogue is a table where voices are allowed to be heard.
Dialogue is a painting with colours seen for their differences, uniqueness
Dialogue allows colours to merge to create new ones, unique ones.
When it is the hardest possible, that is when dialogue must be maintained and safeguarded.
For dialogue is the door that can be opened
Dialogue is the canvas on which colours may merge
Dialogue is the only possibility for a way forward.
Dialogue between old friends
Dialogue between acquaintances
Dialogue between family
Dialogue between people
Dialogue between nations
Dialogue: to discuss areas of disagreement frankly in order to resolve them.


José Francisco Morales Domínguez is a distinguished Professor Emeritus of Social Psychology at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) in Madrid, Spain. He has been in this position since 1987, showcasing a long and successful academic career. He holds a doctorate in Philosophy from the Complutense University of Madrid and has received several prestigious awards early in his career, including the Extraordinary Award for Degree in Psychology in 1973, the National End of Degree Award in Psychology in 1975, and the National Vocation Award from the National Vocation Foundation in the same year.
Professor of Social Psychology, has also been a professor at the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology of the Complutense University and the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Granada. He has been a Fulbright scholar at UCLA and a visiting professor at Macquarie University (Sydney), Oxford University (Ohio), Tel-Aviv, British Columbia University (Vancouver) and Queensland University (Brisbane). He has published widely, among others many textbooks that are being used also all over South America.
Throughout his career, Professor Morales has made significant contributions to the field of social psychology, having published numerous articles in national and international journals, with over 100 publications to his name. His research interests are diverse and encompass a variety of topics, including emotional self-depletion, workplace harassment, emigration, social exclusion, gender differences and stereotypes, road safety, leadership, individualism, prejudices, and the role of psychology in international conflicts and peace.
In addition to his academic achievements, Professor Morales is a founding member of the Spanish Academy of Psychology and serves as its Vice President. He is also a member of various professional organizations, including the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology, the International Society of Political Psychology, the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, and the Spanish Society of Social Psychology.
Overall, José Francisco Morales Domínguez is regarded as one of the most influential figures in social psychology in Spain, having made substantial contributions to both the theoretical and applied aspects of the field.
Kindly see an English translation of his retirement ceremony in 2018 (original | English translation)
Kindly learn more:


1929 – 2022, yet always with us in our hearts!

José María Lopera is a Spanish poet of peace and harmony. He was born in La Bobadilla (Alcaudete-Jaén), Spain, and is a poet, writer, archaeologist and historian, journalist and translator. He is the director and founder of the Magazine “Álora, la bien cercada,” an international polyglot publication of Poetry and Drawing, not venal, which is edited from 1991 to the present day and publishes unpublished poems written in any language of the world, translated into the Castilian in confronted pages. He was director (in the year 1994) of The First International Meeting of European Poets, celebrated in Álora (Malaga). He is General Director-Coordinator General of the 1st International Biennial of Poetry County council of Malaga (Spaín), celebrated from May 26 to May 29, 2004.

For Evelin Lindner and Leo Semashko
Who humiliates deserves
the shame of the world,
the deep darknesses
of the extinguished light,
the silent scorn
of the voice without larynx
and the plague in his spirit
of the divine rejection.
And that the world will see him
and that all will judge him.
And that he will feel infuriated
and that nobody will humiliate him.
© Copyright - José María LOPERA.
Translated into English by Ernesto Kahan

Quien humilla merece
la vergüenza del mundo,
las tinieblas profundas
de la luz extinguida,
el silente desprecio
de la voz sin laringe
y la plaga en su espíritu
del rechazo divino.
Y que el mundo lo vea
y que todos lo juzguen.
Y que se sienta indigno
y que nadie lo humille.
© Copyright José María LOPERA

Light of Utøya
The foundations of Utøya softened
in life pleas,
shouted the echoes of the time to their destiny
of inertia without braking,
the trees cried sap hurt
in each of their sad leafs,
the gulls grew in their wings
mourning pens
and the pulse of the waves injured
in abyssal shades.
Everything became terror and cruel death*
for that innocent and happy lives.
But some light had left,
a brilliance celestial glory
that the grace of God makes eternal.

© Copyright – José María LOPERA
Translated into English by Ernesto Kahan
*Referred to the tragic events of July 22 in Norway’s capital Oslo and on the island of Utøya

Los cimientos de Utøya se ablandaron
en súplicas de vida,
gritó el eco del tiempo a su destino
de inercia sin frenada,
los árboles lloraron savia herida
por cada hoja triste,
las gaviotas crecieron en sus alas
plumas de luto
y el pulso de las olas se dolió
en sombras abisales.
Todo se hizo terror y muerte cruel
en vidas inocentes y felices.
Pero quedó la luz
Un resplandor de gloria celestial
que en la gracia de Dios se hace eterno
© Copyright – José María LOPERA


Jakob Lothe is Professor at the Department of Literature, Area Studies and European Languages at the University of Oslo. He leads the research group in Narrative Theory and Analysis at the Centre for Advanced Study, 2005/2006. He is particularly interested in narrative theory and analysis, and has written a number of books on Holocaust-related subjects.
Please see here Narrative, History, Fiction: The Example of the Holocaust, Lecture at the Opening of the 14th Year of the Centre for Advanced Study at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Oslo, 6 September 2005.
See also Jakob Lothe and Susan Rubin Suleiman (2006), To tell, lest we forget, 2 CAS Newsletter, No. 2 October, 13th year, pp. 2-3: "The last 60 years have provided many reminders of the greatest crime in world history, namely the Nazis’ exterminations of Jews during the Second World War. But now the eyewitnesses are gradually disappearing, so that new means are required to ensure that this crime is never to be forgotten."


Malvern Lumsden was educated at Edinburgh University and gained his Ph.D. in Psychology in 1969, and at New York University, where he received a M.A. in dance movement therapy in 1987.
Malvern Lumsden is a former researcher at the International Peace Research Institute in Oslo (PRIO) and the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), where he produced the books Incendiary Weapons and Anti-Personnel Weapons. From 1994 to 1997 he was co-editor of the Journal of Peace Research. He has carried out field research on conflict in Cyprus and Northern Ireland, as well as experimental studies of strategic thinking.
Malvern Lumsden has for many years been concerned with the long-term individual and cultural impact of traumatization in war and how to break the cycle of violence. He works with the creative arts therapies (dance, drama, music, art) at an individual and community level, a topic on which he has held workshops in Israel and the West Bank, in Serbia and Macedonia, in Russia and Thailand, as well as in Scandinavia.
From 1998-2002 Malvern Lumsden was head of a 3-year training programme in dance movement therapy at the Norwegian College of Dance where the students, amongst others, worked with children and young people from war zones. He currently teaches psychology part-time at the University of Oslo and has a small private therapy practice.
Please see here his chapter Three Zones of Social Reconstruction in War-traumatized Societies, in Ho-Won Jeong's 1999 book Conflict Resolution: Dynamics, Process and Structure.


1st March 1939 - 13th February 2016, yet always with us in our hearts!

Kevin J. Lyonette has more than 35 years experience of varied aspects of development work. He supervised the UK development cooperation programme in Brazil; with UNHCR, he had extensive operational experience of humanitarian assistance; in WWF-International, he gained knowledge of the NSA/NGO world and directed policy and field programmes in sustainable development and environment. Since 1996 he has worked as an independent consultant with emphasis on Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E), Community Development, Decentralization, Country Programme and Strategy Reviews and Capacity-building. He has worked in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean and Latin America and works easily in English (mother tongue), Spanish and French. He is the author of a considerable number of professional publications (see him on LinkedIn). In M&E, he has carried out more than 40 missions for the EC/EU. In most cases, he was Team Leader. Regarding Decentralization and institutional reform, he has led major assessments in the Dominican Republic, WHO, Colombia, Namibia, Ghana and South Africa.
Please see:
Practical Examples of Sustainable Development, video recorded in St. Sulpice, Switzerland, on 15th September 2013. The recording was done by Evelin Lindner.
The Place of Economics in Real Development, video recorded in St. Sulpice, Switzerland, on 15th September 2013. The recording was done by Evelin Lindner. Among others, Kevin recommends the work of the New Economics Foundation in London.
Togetherness in Development, video recorded in St. Sulpice, Switzerland, on 17th September 2013. The recording was done by Evelin Lindner.



Elenor Richter Lyonette is an independent Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) specialist and has completed many monitoring, mid-term and final evaluations. Prior to setting up her own firm, she worked for 7 years in programme management positions and in agency coordination in UNHCR, UNICEF, WHO, and UNOCA, and for 26 years with bilateral agencies and in the private sector. She is specialized in M&E and as team leader, among others for UN (where she has evaluated projects, programmes and strategies of UNHCR, UNRWA, UNITAR, UNWOMEN, UNDP, UNICEF, and FAO), the EU (19 projects, programmes, policies and strategies) and bilateral clients such as the Federal Foreign Office of Germany. She has extensive knowledge of international cooperation and development policy, instruments and implementation modalities at sector / strategy / policy and procedural levels. The focus of her work includes Democracy and the Rule of law, Fundamental rights (including gender equality), Public administration reform, Education / Capacity building, Health, Employment and social protection, Migration, Conflict prevention and security, Civil society, Social cohesion as well as Emergency preparedness and response. For the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), she led war crimes investigation and witness protection teams and was seconded to the UN.
Elenor Richter Lyonette’s M&E work includes 18 evaluations and two meta-evaluations and she has worked in 14 ACP countries and in 28 countries outside Europe with a primary focus on Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Caribbean, EU Centrally Managed Thematic Interventions, the European Neighbourhood region and IPA II region. 82 publications and reports have resulted from this work. Her M&E interventions have allowed for a meaningful comparison of performance and results and for improved programme quality and accountability.


Youssef Mahmoud is a distinguished former United Nations Under-Secretary-General with a notable career in international diplomacy and peacekeeping. He is a Senior Advisor at the International Peace Institute (IPI) and a Visiting Professor at the African Leadership Centre at King’s College, London. Throughout his career, he has been deeply involved in various aspects of international peace and security, making significant contributions to UN peacekeeping efforts and diplomatic initiatives.
A Tunisian national, Mahmoud has held several high-ranking positions within the United Nations. He has led peace operations in various countries, including Burundi, the Central African Republic, and Chad. Before his role as Under-Secretary-General, Mahmoud served as the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Guyana and as a Director in the UN Department of Political Affairs.
In 2015, Mahmoud was a member of the UN Secretary-General's High-Level Independent Panel on Peace Operations (HIPPO) and the High-Level Advisory Group for the Global Study on Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace, and Security. His academic background includes serving as an Assistant Professor of Linguistics at the University of Tunis and as Chairman of the English Department at the Bourguiba Institute of Modern Languages in Tunis before he joined the UN in 1981.
Kindly see his article titled The 2024 Summit of the Future: An opportunity for U.N. regeneration in an era of radical disruptions.



Dr. Lasanthi Manaranjanie Kalinga Dona was lecturer at the University of Colombo and certified artist in Indian classical music at the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC), while currently she serves as a visiting professor in ethnomusicology at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. She earned her B.A degree in Fine Arts from the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, M.Mus (Master of Music), her degree in North Indian classical music (violin) from the Banaras Hindu University, India, and her Ph.D. in musicology (with focus on medical ethnomusicology and music therapy) from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. As a performer (singer, violinist) and scholar, she gave presentations in more than twenty countries in Asia, Europe, and North America. She represents Sri Lanka in the International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM) and performs Indian classical music, Sri Lankan musics (with her Slovene ensemble LASANTHI) and Slavic songs in Slovenia and abroad. She is the author of several schoalrly publications, including the book Music and Healing Rituals of Sri Lanka: Their Relevance for Community Music Therapy and Medical Ethnomusicology.


Tatomir Ion Marius is a Romanian journalist, and a member of the Association of Romanian Journalists without Border (AJRP).
Tatomir has interest in international politics, conflict prevention and peacebuilding solutions, and has completed studies with Amnesty International (on Human Rights). He is a supporter of the International Day of Peace Celebration, and has been nominated as Love Ambassador by The Love Foundation in Tampa, Florida, and as Universal Peace Ambassador in the framework of the Universal Circle of Peace Ambassadors (Geneva, Switzerland). He is fluent in French, English, Italian and Spanish.



Stephan Marks is a Social Scientist, who graduated from Justus Liebig University in Giessen, Germany, with a Ph.D. dissertation on Carl Jung and images of the enemy in political propaganda. He is the author of several book and essays on topics such as peacemaking and spirituality, noise and silence, as well as learning from history. He is involved in peace-issues and satyagraha ("nonviolence") since the 1980s and has extensively taught on nuclear weapons and peacemaking in the US. He teaches at the University of Education in Freiburg, Germany, since 1991 and, from 1993 to 1998, was Managing Director of its Institut für Weiterbildung, offering continuing education for teachers.
Stephan Marks is the Founder and Director of the research project Geschichte und Erinnerung (History and Memory) in Freiburg, Germany. In the first phase of the project (1998 to 2004) the psychological and social origins of national socialism were explored, based on interviews with men and women who had agreed to and actively committed themselves to Hitler and national socialism ("perpetrators" and "bystanders"). In the second phase of the project (since 2004), the findings are applied to relevant fields of practice, especially education, through developing curricula and media material as well as offering continuing education and support for teachers who are teaching the topic of national socialism and Holocaust.
Stephan Marks also chairs the organisation Erinnern und Lernen e.V. (Remembering and Learning), founded in 2004 by Geschichte und Erinnerung, together with the University of Education in Freiburg, the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, the Catholic University of Applied Sciences Freiburg, the Lutheran University of Applied Sciences Freiburg, the City of Freiburg and several other organisations and citizens. Erinnern und Lernen aims to further teaching on the subjects of national socialism, Holocaust and human rights.
Please see:
Scham und Anerkennung (Shame and Recognition), a project initiated by Stephan Marks and his colleagues.
Warum folgten sie Hitler? Die Psychologie des Nationalsozialismus (Düsseldorf: Patmos, 2007).
Die Würde des Menschen oder Der blinde Fleck in unserer Gesellschaft (Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2010).


Marlin Mattson, MD, is professor emeritus of clinical psychiatry at Weill Cornell Medical College of Cornell University. Born in the State of Washington, he received his BA (1961) and MD (1965) degrees from the University of Washington in Seattle. In 1965 he came to New York City for Cornell Medical College’s internship and first year of residency in straight medicine prior to leaving for his two-year Army service in Korea and subsequently to Maryland, the former in general medicine and the latter in obstetrics. On return to New York, he transferred into psychiatry to complete his residency and chief residency at The New York Hospital. On his completion, he continued on the full-time Cornell faculty at the Payne Whitney Clinic and the New York-Presbyterian Hospital until 2014 when he retired to emeritus status.The major focus of his career was developing and supporting programs and activities in the areas of quality management, peer review, safety, patient rights, risk management, standards of care, accreditation, and psychiatry and the law. His leadership in these areas extended nationally, statewide, and locally. A highlight of his teaching career was his involvement with first and/or second year medical students from 1973 to 2022, He has served on various boards for many years, including, among others, URAC, where he represented  the American Psychiatric Association; New York County’s Medical Society; the Board of Visitors at Manhattan Psychiatric Center; and Save Life Foundation USA (supporting the Foundation’s work to reduce accidents and deaths on highways in India). An ongoing involvement has been with the Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry (GAP) where he serves as a senior fellow on the LGBTQ Committee. He remains active at Weill Cornell with the Rogers Colloquium (on health care policy) and in his Department with the Patient and Family Advisory Council.



Anthony J. Marsella received his B.A. degree with Honors in Psychology from Baldwin-Wallace College, Berea, Ohio, in 1962, and a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, in 1968. After completing an internship at Worcester State Hospital, Worcester, Massachusetts, he was appointed as a Fulbright Research Scholar to Ateneo De Manila University in the Philippines where he taught and conducted research on social stress and psychopathology in urban Manila.  He subsequently served as field research director for a large-scale psychiatric epidemiological survey in the jungles of Sarawak (Borneo) designed to determine rates of mental illness among Chinese, Malay, and Iban (an indigenous population of former headhunters) populations. In 1970, he joined the faculty of the Department of Psychology at the University of Hawai'i, a position he held until 2003 when he retired. Dr. Marsella is currently Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Past Director of the World Health Organization Psychiatric Research Center in Honolulu, Past Director of the Clinical Studies Program, and Past Director of the Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance Program at the University of Hawai'i. Dr. Marsella is a consultant to numerous national and international agencies and organizations. Between 1985-1989, he served as Vice President for Academic Affairs at the University of Hawai'i. He has been a Visiting Professor in Australia (Melbourne University & Monash University), Korea (Korea University), India (King George Medical College), China (Shanghai Psychiatric Institute), and the Philippines (Ateneo de Manila University).  In addition he has been a visiting professor at the Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, Maryland), Clemson University (Clemson, SC), and a Visiting Lecturer at numerous national and international universities and research centers. He is Past-President of the Psychologists for Social Responsibility.
Dr. Marsella has published fourteen edited books and more than 200 book chapters, journal articles, technical reports, book reviews and popular press articles. He has been awarded numerous research and training grants and contracts in the areas of cross-cultural psychopathology and psychotherapy, PTSD, social stress and coping, schizophrenia, and the global challenges of our times (e.g., terrorism, refugees, globalization). He serves on nine journal editorial boards and scientific and professional advisory committees. He was an Associate Editor for the Encyclopedia of Psychology (John Wiley & Sons) and was one of twelve Senior Editors for the Encyclopedia of Psychology (Oxford University Press/American Psychological Association). He is currently the senior editor for the cultural and international psychology book series of 25 volumes for Springer SBM Publications, New York. Dr. Marsella is widely known nationally and internationally as a pioneer figure in the study of culture, psychology and psychopathology who challenged the ethnocentric and racial biases of many assumptions, theories, and practices in psychology and psychiatry. One of his frequently cited papers on “global-community psychology” published in the American Psychologist, December, 1998, calls for the development of a new psychology that is relevant and responsive to our changing global community. In more recent publications, he has called for the “internationalization” of the psychology curriculum and is currently completing a book on this topic. Dr. Marsella has traveled to 35 countires for research, teaching, and consultation.
Dr. Marsella has directed 96 doctoral dissertations and masters theses and served as a committee member on scores of others. He received the College of Social Sciences Award for Teaching Excellence, and was selected by the American Psychological Association as a Master Lecturer Award for 1994 for his contributions in cross-cultural psychology and psychopathology. In 1994, he was selected as the Best Teacher in the "Best of Manoa Student Poll" at the University of Hawai'i. The Hawai'i Psychological Association (HPA) selected Dr. Marsella for its Significant Professional Contribution Award for his scholarly and professional achievements in 1996, and in 2004, HPA presented him with its Lifetime Achievement Award. He received the Alumni Merit Award from his alma mater, Baldwin-Wallace College, and was subsequently selected as the first recipient of the Kathryn Grover Harrington Scholar Award from Baldwin-Wallace College. He received the Medal of Highest Honor from Soka University in Tokyo, Japan, for his contributions to the academy and to the promotion of international peace and understanding. In 1996, the American Psychological Association selected Dr. Marsella for the Distinguished Contributions to the International Advancement of Psychology Award. He has been listed in Who's Who in America since 1996.  In November, 1999, he was awarded an honorary doctorate degree – Doctoris Honoris Causa by the University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark at a ceremony presided over by Queen Margritte. He was awarded the International Psychologist of the Year Award by Division 52 of the American Psychological Association in 2004. In addition, in 2004, the Asian-American Psychological Association awarded him The Presidential Award for contributions to Asian-Americans. In 2004.  IN 2007, he received the “Outstanding Retired Faculty Award from the College of Social Sciences at the University of Hawai'i. In 2003, Psychologists for Social Responsibility (PsySR) created the annual Anthony J. Marsella Prize for Peace and Social Justice in honor of his work. In August, 2009, he was presented with the International Academy of Intercultural Research Lifetime Achievement Award.
Some Recent Books (since 2004):
• Mogahaddam, F., & Marsella, A.J. (Eds.) (2004) Understanding terrorism: Psychosocial roots, issues, and directions. Washington, D.C: American Psychological Association Press. (Selected as a 2004 “Outstanding Academic Title,” CHOICE (Current Reviews for Academic Libraries), American Library Association (Now translated into Japanese).
• Marsella, A.J., Austin, A., & Grant, B. (Eds.) (2005). Social change and psychosocial adaptation in the Pacific Islands: Cultures in transition. New York: Springer Publications (formerly Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers) 
• White, J., & Marsella, A.J. (Eds.) (2007).  Fear of persecution: Global human rights, international law, & human well being. Boston, MA: Lexington Press.
• Marsella, A.J., Johnson, J., Watson, P., & Gryzycnski (Eds.). (2008). Ethnocultural perspectives on  disasters and trauma. NY: Springer SBM
Please a selection of papers that Tony Marsella kindly makes available to the HumanDHS network for downloading:
Guidelines for Living a Spiritual Life, first published in Marsella, A.J. (1994) "Making important new year resolutions," Honolulu Star Bulletin, December 30, p. 10; Marsella, A.J. (1999) "In search of meaning: Some thoughts on belief, doubt, and wellbeing," The International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 18, 41-52.
"Culture and Conflict: Understanding, Negotiating, and Reconciling Conflicting Constructions of Reality," International Journal of Intercultural Relations, Vol. 29, 2005, pp. 651-673,
"'Hegemonic' Globalization and Cultural Diversity: The Risks of Global Monoculturalism," Australian Mosaic, Issue 11, Number 13, Fall 2005, 15-19.
"Justice in a Global Age: Becoming Counselors to the World," Counselling Psychology Quarterly, Vol. 19, No. 2, June, 2006, 121–132.
"Diversity in a Global Era: The Context and Consequences of Differences," Counselling Psychology Quarterly, Vol. 22, No. 1, March, 2009, 119–135.
Culture of War Chart, 2012.
The Costs and Consequences of War Chart, 2012.
Culture of Peace Chart, 2012.


Monty G. Marshall, Ph.D., produces global societal-systems data and analyses through a for-profit corporation, Societal-Systems Research Inc., and a not-for-profit corporation, the Center for Systemic Peace, which continues to provide the Web vehicle to disseminate data resources and reports as in the past. Until 2010, he was a Research Professor at the School of Public Policy George Mason University and a Senior Research Associate, Center for International Development and Conflict Management (CIDCM) at the University of Maryland, College Park. He has established and until recently directed the Center for Systemic Peace (CSP), a not-for-profit social science research enterprise focusing on global systems analysis and, especially, the problem of political violence within the context of complex societal-system development processes. Since August 1998, he has served as a Core Member of the State Failure Task Force, a data-driven global research project mandated by the Office of the Vice President of the United States, and a Senior Research Associate with CIDCM.
Monty G. Marshall’s work has gained attention within the Executive Office of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and in January 2000 he has joined a small, high-level expert workshop, titled "From Reaction to Prevention: Opportunities for the UN System in the New Millennium," for a discussion on the state of knowledge regarding the causes of armed conflict in order to identify opportunities for effective prevention.
Monty G. Marshall first became associated with quantitative, macro-systems research as the first Project Coordinator for the Minorities at Risk (MAR) project in 1988. He organized and constructed the original MAR data base in 1990 and, eight years after leaving the project to complete his doctoral studies, he returned to CIDCM to work once again with the MAR project. In 1999, after finishing his book, Third World War (Boulder, CO: Rowman & Littlefield, 1999), he completely overhauled the still vibrant and greatly expanded MAR project data base and made important contributions to the preparation of MAR Project Director Ted Robert Gurr's second book on the project, Peoples Versus States (Washington, DC: USIP Press, 2000–including chapter 7, "Assessing the Risks of Future Ethnic Wars," co-authored with Ted Gurr). Recent research also includes a 1998 monograph commissioned by the National Science Foundation, titled The Scientific Study of International Conflict Processes, and the production and enhancement of several global data bases as the Project Director for the Armed Conflict and Intervention (ACI) project (funded mainly by the State Failure Task Force). Individual ACI projects recently completed include data compilations on armed conflict in neighboring countries, direct military interventions, international status and connectedness, political interaction events, bilateral trade flows, and refugee movements.
Monty G. Marshall is often consulted by policymakers, journalists, and fellow academics in their preparation of reports on contemporary conflict issues; for example, he worked closely with National Geographic editors on the production of an insert map locating armed conflicts and refugees that will appear in the March 2000 issue.
Monty G. Marshall's pioneering work in "conceptual visualization" methodologies have greatly enhanced the presentation and impact of quantitative research and its accessibility by policy makers and the general public. His research and graphical work have provided a major contribution to the production of a report on conflict trends funded by the Carnegie Commission on Preventing Deadly Conflict (co-authored with Ted Gurr and Deepa Khosla). Other currently funded research projects included substantial upgrades of the Polity IV global data project (regarding regime governance characteristics) and the State Failure Problem Set (semi-annual reporting of Ethnic and Revolutionary Wars, Genocides and Politicides, and Abrupt and Disruptive Regime Transitions).
Future plans include a book, titled New World Order, detailing the global conflict management system and examining external factors influencing social conflict processes and dynamics.
Please see here:
• The 2005 Report on Peace and Conflict that is part of the Peace and Conflict Series: Marshall, Monty G. and Gurr, Ted Robert (2005)
Peace and Conflict 2005: A Global Survey of Armed Conflicts, Self-Determination Movements, and Democracy. College Park, MD: Center for International Development and Conflict Management, University of Maryland
• The Global Report on Conflict, Governance, and State Fragility 2007: Gauging System Performance and Fragility in the Globalization Era, by Monty Marshall and Jack Goldstone.
Global Report on Conflict, Governance, and State Fragility 2008, by Monty G. Marshall,
and Benjamin R. Cole.
Global Report 2009: Conflict, Governance, and State Fragility, by Monty G. Marshall and Benjamin R. Cole.
Global Report 2011: Conflict, Governance, and State Fragility, by Monty G. Marshall,
and Benjamin R. Cole.
Conflict and Governance in the Light of Dignity and Humiliation (Video), contribution shared at the 2019 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 5–6, 2019.



Glen T. Martin is an author, lecturer, and professor emeritus of philosophy and religious studies at Radford University in Virginia, where he was the chairperson of the program in Peace Studies. Dr. Martin has given lectures, seminars, and workshops in many countries of the world directed toward transforming our world order to one of peace, prosperity and sustainability under a democratic world parliament.
He is Director of the Earth Constitution Institute (ECI) and President of the World Constitution and Parliament Association (WCPA). His latest book is The Earth Constitution Solution: Design for a Living Planet (2021).
He was President of the Institute On World Problems (IOWP), and President of International Philosophers for Peace (IPPNO).
Other books include Millennium Dawn – The Philosophy of Planetary Crisis and Human Liberation (2005), World Revolution Through World Law – Basic Documents of the Emerging Earth Federation (2005), Ascent to Freedom – The Practical and Philosophical Foundations of Democratic World Law (2008), and Triumph of Civilization – Democracy, Nonviolence, and the Piloting of Spaceship Earth (2010).
Please see:
Chapter 10 - Conclusion: Triumph of Civilization: Democracy, Nonviolence, and the Piloting of Spaceship Earth in Triumph of Civilization: Democracy, Nonviolence and the Piloting of Spaceship Earth, Sun City, AZ: Institute for Economic Democracy Press (IED Press). 2009.
From Chapter IV in A Constitution for the Federation of Earth – With Introduction, History, and Commentary, Sun City, AZ: The Institute for Economic Democracy Press (IED Press), 2010.
A Decent World Order Cannot Come from Disorder: The Elements of Global Order and Disorder, 2011.
• "Message to the World" (Video recorded on November 21, 2021), contribution to the 2021 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Virtual at Columbia University, New York City, December 9 – 10, 2021.



Dorothy J. Maver, Ph.D., is Co-Director of the National Peace Academy. She is an educator and peacebuilder whose keynote is inspiring cooperation on behalf of the common good. Her work in education, politics, and grassroots community organizing is focused on applied peacebuilding and the global call for ministries and departments of peace. Previously, Dot served as President/CEO of Peace Partnership International and, before that, as Executive Director of The Peace Alliance and Campaign for a US Department of Peace. She was the National Campaign Manager for Kucinich for President 2004. She is a co-founding member of the Vermont Peace Academy and a founding board member of the Center for Cooperative Principles. An innovative educator with a teaching background in Health, Physical Education, Psychology and Philosophy at both the high school and university levels, she is on faculty with Polaris College, Denmark, was part of the 2008 lecture series at the Graduate Institute in Connecticut, USA, and the 2009 Bridging the Gap speaker series at Regis University in Denver, USA. Dot is active in community coalition building with her process model based on shared responsibility and shared leadership. In the world of fast-pitch softball Dr. Dot is known for her revolutionary fast-pitch hitting technique, The Maver Method: Secrets of Hitting Success, and is co-author of the book Conscious Education: The Bridge to Freedom.



Nicholas Maxwell has devoted much of his working life to arguing that we need to bring about a revolution in academia so that it comes to seek and promote wisdom and does not just acquire knowledge. He has published six books on this theme: What’s Wrong With Science? (Bran's Head Books, 1976), From Knowledge to Wisdom (Blackwell, 1984; 2nd edition, Pentire Press, 2007), The Comprehensibility of the Universe (Oxford University Press, 1998), The Human World in the Physical Universe (Rowman and Littlefield, 2001), Is Science Neurotic? (Imperial College Press, 2004), and Cutting God in Half – And Putting the Pieces Together Again: A New Approach to Philosophy (Pentire Press, 2010). With Ronald Barnett he has edited Wisdom in the University (Routledge, 2008), a collection of essays on the same theme. He has also contributed to a number of other books, and has published numerous papers in science and philosophy journals on problems that range from consciousness to quantum theory. 
His work has been subjected to critical scrutiny in L. McHenry, ed., Science and the Pursuit of Wisdom: Studies in the Philosophy of Nicholas Maxwell (Ontos Verlag, 2009). For nearly thirty years he taught philosophy of science at University College London, where he is now Emeritus Reader. He has given lectures at Universities and Conferences all over Britain, Europe and north America, and has taken part in the BBC Programme “Start the Week” on Radio 4, and an “Ideas” programme on CBC. In 2003 he founded Friends of Wisdom, an international group of people sympathetic to the idea that academic inquiry should help humanity acquire more wisdom by rational means. More information about his life and work can be found on his website: see
See also:
Is Science Neurotic?: A Discussion with Nicholas Maxwell.
• A radio interview with Nicholas Maxwell about his work which was broadcast on the Ideas programme on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.
Does Science Provide Us with the Methodological Key to Wisdom?, published in Philosophia, 40 (4), pp. 663-704, 2012, or see a simplified version, titled The Key to Wisdom



Federico Mayor Zaragoza is also a Founding Member of the World Dignity University initiative.
He was born in Barcelona in 1934. He holds a Ph.D. in Pharmacy from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (1958). In 1963, he became a Professor of Biochemistry at the Facultad de Farmacia of the Universidad de Granada. In 1968, he became Rector of that institution, a job he held until 1972. The following year, he was named Professor in his specialty at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. In these years it started up the National Plan of Prevention of Mental Handicap, to avoid, by means of precocious diagnosis, diseases that attend with serious mental deterioration.
In 1974, he was co-founder of the Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (High Council for Scientific Research, or CSIC). Among his other political responsibilities, Professor Mayor has been Undersecretary of Education and Science for the Spanish Government (1974-75), Member of the Spanish Parliament (1977-78), Adviser to the Prime Minister (1977-78), Minister of Education and Science (1981-82) and Member of the European Parliament (1987). In 1978, he became Assistant Director-General of the UNESCO. In 1987, he was elected Director-General of that Organization, and was reelected for a second term in 1993. In 1999, he decided not to run for a third term and, upon returning to Spain, created the Fundación Cultura de Paz, of which he is Chairman.
During the twelve years he spent as head of UNESCO (1987-1999), Professor Mayor Zaragoza gave new momentum to the organization's mission, "to build the bastions of peace in the minds of men." It became an institution at the service of peace, tolerance, human rights and peaceful coexistence, by working within its areas of authority and remaining faithful to its original mission. Following Professor Mayor's guidelines, UNESCO created the Culture of Peace Program, whose work falls into four main categories: education for peace, human rights and democracy, the fight against exclusion and poverty, the defense of cultural pluralism and cross-cultural dialogue, and conflict prevention and the consolidation of peace.
Within the framework of this strategy, many international meetings and conferences were held on education for non-violence, eradicating discrimination and promoting pluralism and international cooperation. These meetings resulted in a considerable number of Declarations (thirty), expressing a will to promote education, science, culture, research and teaching, as well as justice and "intellectual and moral solidarity", referred to the Constitution of the UNESCO. On September 13, 1999, the United Nations General Assembly approved the Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace, which constitutes, from a conceptual and practical standpoint, the greatest aspirations of Professor Mayor Zaragoza.
With the Fundación Cultura de Paz, founded in Madrid in March, 2000, under the auspices of the Community of Madrid's regional Department of Education, Professor Mayor continues with the work he started as Director-General of UNESCO: to promote, in every area of human life, the transition from a culture of violence and imposition to one of peace and tolerance.  In December, 2000, he organized an International Meeting, which was attended by well-known personalities who have fought for justice, freedom and peace. At the end of that meeting, the Madrid Declaration was unanimously approved and it was published, with the interventions, the book "El Contrato Global".
In December of 2002, the Danish Presidency of the European Union named him Chaiman of ERCEG (European Research Council Expert Group) for the "knowledge-based economy" that Europe would reach the leadership in 2010.
Among other activities of national and international cooperation, it emphasizes the creation, in the Univesidad Politécnica de Cataluña, of the World-wide Forum of the Civil Society, "UBUNTU", intended as a network of networks, an organisation of organisations to combine official notices, positionings and proposals, since 2001 concentrates its dedication to the Reform of  International Institutions.
In addition to his numerous scientific publications, Professor Federico Mayor has published four books of poetry, A contraviento (1985), Aguafuertes (1991), El fuego y la esperanza (1996) and Terral (1997), and several books of essays: Un mundo nuevo (in English, The World Ahead: Our Future in the Making) (1999), Los nudos gordianos (1999) Mañana siempre es tarde (1987), La nueva página (1994), Memoria del futuro (1994), La paix demain? (1995), Science and Power (1995) and UNESCO: un idéal en action (1996) and "La palabra y la espada" (2002), "La fuerza de la palabra" (2005) and "Diálogo ibérico en el marco europeo y mundial" with the former President of Portugal Mr. Mario Soares (2006).
Speech to the 65th anniversary of the foundation of UNESCO, 2010.
Keynote address: 'A Climate of Peace,' at the Nobel – Centenary Conference International Peace Bureau, Oslo 23 – 24 September, 2010, Nobel Peace Center, Oslo, Norway.
CEIPAZ 2009-2010 Yearbook International Trends, 2010.

Federico Mayor Zaragoza's Greetings for the Launch of the World Dignity University Initiative on 24th June 2011

This video has been produced on 18th June 2011, at the Fundación Cultura de PazActualizado.




Déo Mbonyinkebe Sebahire is a professor and a highly respected researcher and consultant in the great Lakes region. He is a Visiting Lecturer at The Kigali Independent University / Université Libre de Kigali (ULK). He resides in Kigali - Rwanda.



Clark McCauley is Research Professor of Psychology at Bryn Mawr College. He received his Ph.D. in social psychology from the University of Pennsylvania in 1970. His research interests include stereotypes, group identification, group dynamics, and intergroup conflict, and in recent years he has focused on the psychological foundations of ethnic conflict, genocide, and terrorism. He is a principal investigator with the National Consortium for Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (NC-START). With Dan Chirot he is author of Why not kill them all? The Logic and Prevention of Mass Political Murder (Princeton University Press, 2006); with Sophia Moskalenko he is author of Friction: How conflict radicalizes them and us (Oxford University Press, 2d edition 2017). He is a consultant and reviewer for the Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation for research on dominance, aggression and violence, and founding editor emeritus of the journal, Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict: Pathways toward Terrorism and Genocide. Together with Sophia Moskalenko, he published the book Radicalization to Terrorism: What Everyone Needs to Know (OUP 2020).
Please see:
Understanding Humiliation As Suppressed Anger, contribution shared at the 2006 Workshop on Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 14–15, 2006.
Humiliation in Asymmetric Conflict, contribution shared at the 2008 Workshop on Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 11–12, 2008.
Toward a Psychology of Humiliation in Asymmetric Conflict. In American Psychologist, 72 (3, Special Issue: Psychology of Terrorism), 255–65. doi: 10.1037/amp0000063. See also Hartling, Linda, and Evelin Lindner (2017). Toward a Globally Informed Psychology of Humiliation: Comment on McCauley. In American Psychologist, 72 (7), 705–06. doi: 10.1037/amp0000188.


David R. Matsumoto is Professor of Psychology and Director of the Culture and Emotion Research Laboratory at San Francisco State University. He earned his B.A. from the University of Michigan, and his M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley. He has studied emotion, human interaction, and culture for over 15 years, and is a recognized expert in this field. He is the author of approximately 250 works on culture and emotion, including original research articles, paper presentations, books, book chapters, videos, and assessment instruments. He has made invited addresses to professional and scientific groups in the U.S. and internationally. He also serves as an intercultural consultant to various domestic and international businesses.
Dr. Matsumoto is also very active in the world of Olympic sport Judo, and brings his expertise in intercultural relations to this arena as well. In addition to being the Head Instructor of the East Bay Judo Institute in El Cerrito, CA, he also currently serves as the Development Chairman for the United States Judo Federation, and as an Official Researcher of the International Judo Federation. He has coached and managed senior and junior Judo teams representing the United States in international competition and training. Among these, he has been the Team Leader for the Judo team representing the United States at the 1995 World Championships in Chiba, Japan, the 1997 World Championships in Paris, France, the 1996 Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta, Georgia, and the 1999 World Championships in Birmingham, England. He was also a Technical Official at the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney, Australia.
Please see in the following full text access to some of David Matsumoto's most recent publications. First book chapters:
Matsumoto, D. (in press, 2005). Culture and Nonverbal Behavior. In Manusov, V., & Patterson, M. (eds.). Handbook of Nonverbal Communication. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Matsumoto, D., Yoo, S. H., & LeRoux, J. A. (in press, 2005). Emotion and Intercultural Communication. In Helga Kotthoff and Helen Spencer-Oatley (eds.), Handbook of Applied Linguistics, Volume 7: Intercultural Communication. Berlin: Mouton – de Gruyter Publishers.
Matsumoto, D., Hirayama, S., & LeRoux, J. A. (in press, 2005). Psychological Skills Related to Intercultural Adjustment. In Wong, P. T. P., & Wong, L. C. J. (eds.), Handbook of Multicultural Perspectives on Stress and Coping. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishing.
See here a selection of recent articles:
Matsumoto, D., Yoo, S. H., Hirayama, S., & Petrova, G. (2005). Development and Initial Validation of a Measure of Display Rules: The Display Rule Assessment Inventory (DRAI). In Emotion, 5(1), pp. 23-40.
McCrae, R. R., Terracciano, A., et al. (2005). Universal Features of Personality Traits from the Observer’s Perspective: Data from 50 Cultures. In Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 88(3), pp. 547-561.
Matsumoto, D., Yoo, S. H., Hirayama, S., Petrova, G., and Chae, J. Y. (2004). Gender Differences in Principles of Expression Regulation. In Emotion, 4(2), pp. 201-206.
Matsumoto, D. (in press, 2005). Scalar Ratings of Contempt Expressions. In Journal of Nonverbal Behavior.


Olivier du Merle is the founder of the Human Resources Improvements Company (HRI), and has developed an inventory of personality that is based on up-to-date knowledge of cognitive sciences. With this inventory, and with related seminars, Olivier du Merle assists people in progressing in their professional environment. Olivier du Merle focuses on the sharing point between academic research and its application in the corporate sector and has included the notion of humiliation in his work.
Olivier du Merle started his career in large computer manufacturers, such as IBM and Control Data, before assuming the responsibility as Sales Vice President for Automatic Data Processing. In 1986, he set up the head hunting office OM Executive Search, which preceded his HRI project, while concurrently creating the Convergences Economic association.

October 15, 1914 – April 22, 2012, yet always with us in our hearts!

Howard N. Meyer, an independent scholar, was a retired attorney and arbitrator, and former Special Assistant to U.S. Attorneys General Francis Biddle and Tom Clark (1942-48). He began writing on civil rights and peace history and related subjects about 1960, part time while still in law practice as an appellate specialist and labor lawyer, full time after retirement as an attorney in 1984.
His writing career was initially motivated by a truth realized, during the post-1960 intensification of the long-continuing civil rights movement: that omissions and distortions in the body of U.S. history pertaining to race relations were both cause and consequence of the racial prejudice that helped to make possible the nullification of the "Freedom Amendments" to the United States Constitution: the 13th, 14th and 15th.
This aspect of his work began with his discovery of the nearly suppressed truth that the success of the Union Army was made possible by the Black (both escaped slaves and freed men) troops whose belated acceptance into the military, and initial performance thereafter were described in the "lost" masterpiece, Higginson's Army Life in a Black Regiment.
The Fourteenth (equality and justice) Amendment, he found, came into being to fulfill the promises made during the enlistment and after the service of the Black soldiers. Its history, and judicial distortion depriving its beneficiaries from their rights were told in his book The Amendment That Refused to Die: Equality and Justice Deferred: The History of the Fourteenth Amendment (New York, NY: Madison Books, 2000); its first (1973) edition was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize at the invitation of one of that year's judges. Howard Meyers wrote to Lindner (November 22, 2004), "My book on the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution seems quite germane to aspects of Humiliation Studies."
Please see here a segment of the Afterword to the third, 2001 edition, downloaded from the History News Network, entitled, Does the 14th Amendment Mandate Affirmative Action?
Meyer's book, The World Court in Action: Judging Among the Nations (New York, Oxford: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 2002), can be credited similarly to a commitment to remedy the lack of knowledge or interest in the Court, whose performance in the cause of applying International Law and adjudication in the service of peace was not known to otherwise well-educated Americans, even most attorneys. Despite the history, likewise little is known of American peace movement's role in the very creation of the Court for the purpose of applying the Law of Nations, International Law, for the cause of peace by peaceful resolution of disputes that might otherwise lead to war. This work has been kept from being more widely known, by what we may well call the military-industrial-media complex. (This book, too, was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize.) Please see a 2002 review of his book on the World Court by Jennifer R. Johnson and Ami Mudd in Book Review Word, another 2002 review by Johannes van Aggelen in International and Comparative Law Quarterly, pp. 1045-46, and also Andrew Johnstone's review in H-Peace, H-Net Reviews of May 2004.

(November 21, 1922 – October 27, 2021, but always with us in our hearts!)
Recipient of the 2011 HumanDHS Lifetime Commitment Award together with his late wife Jean Baker Miller

Seymour M. (Mike) Miller, Ph.D., is an economic-political sociologist and activist. He is the co-author of Respect and Rights, author of The Fourth Way, and co-founder and board member of United for a Fair Economy. He is also the Director of the Project on Inequality and Poverty at the Commonwealth Institute, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Throughout his distinguished career, Dr. Miller has held appointments at many universities, including Chair, Sociology Department, Boston University; Professor of Sociology and Education, and Director of the Urban Center, New York University; Professor of Sociology and Research Associate, Youth Development Center, Syracuse University; Research Associate, Project on Advanced Training in Social Research, Columbia University; and Associate Professor of Sociology, Lecturer in Economics, and Chair of the Social Science Group, Brooklyn College.
Dr. Miller has been a visiting professor at the University of California-Santa Cruz; Boston College; London School of Economics, and Punjab University-India. He has also taught labor programs at the University of Michigan, Rutgers University, and Cornell University. He was an Associate at the Center for European Studies at Harvard University, Harvard University School of Public Health; Program Advisor for the Ford Foundation; on the Board of Directors for the Field Fund; and the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship.
In addition, Dr. Miller has been a consultant or advisor to numerous international organizations, including CROP, the Comparative Research Program on Poverty, an extensive international and multi-disciplinary research network open to all poverty researchers, initiated by the International Social Science Council (ISSC) in Bergen, Norway; European Union; OECD, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development; Home Office (UK); the Ford Foundation; the Commonwealth Foundation; Transitional Employment Enterprises; ATD-Le Quart Monde; and other national and local poverty organizations.
Dr. Miller is the Co-founder of United for a Fair Economy and the Co-founder and first President of the Research Group on Poverty, Social Welfare, and Social Policy, International Sociological Association; he was President of the Society for the Study of Social Problems; and President of the Eastern Sociological Society.
Dr. Miller's books include: Respect and Rights (co-author); Comparative Social Mobility; Participation, Culture, and Personality (co-editor); Applied Sociology (co-editor); The Future of Inequality (co-author). In addition, he has published numerous articles on poverty, policy, economics, and organizational issues.
See here a selection of recent articles:
• Miller, S. M. (Spring, 1999). "Change," Social Policy, p. 52, sent to Linda Hartling in a personal communication, January 4, 2013.
How to Dialogue and Why: S. M. Miller (January 25, 2013)
One of the most important skills we can develop as educators, organizers, leaders, and peace workers is the ability to initiate and facilitate mutually-dignifying dialogue! S. M. Miller dedicated his life to advancing this crucial skill as a community organizer and consultant to programs around the globe. Mike Miller coined the phrase verdict thinking, and Linda Hartling the phrase let-it-flow thinking.
Verdict Thinking vs. Let-It-Flow Thinking, 2015, Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies.



Richard Mochelle (born April 2, 1948) looks back on a multidisciplinary career that segued from architecture to environmental design education, to futures education, to studies in moral, environmental, economic and political philosophy. Over three decades he has engaged multiple groups in primary, secondary and tertiary schools and communities in deliberative experiments focused on designing the future.  He has also ventured into urban & rural planning to develop what he calls ‘rurban systems’ design, entailing a whole systems planning approach based on regional carrying capacity assessment, walkability, industrial ecology, and water and nutrient recycling.
His doctoral thesis on global responsibility and world constitutionalism (RMIT 2001, accessible online) theoretically grounds an interconnected array of system design projects under the umbrella of the Civiva Project.  At the beginning of 2020, these were unfolding as follows:
• Cosmopol project: a multi-strategy project to orchestrate a disarming cosmopolitan ‘coming out’ movement – encouraging and enabling cosmopolites to publicly, simultaneously and ceremoniously declare commitment to cosmopolitan rights and responsibilities as a qualifying condition for engagement with a world constitutional deliberation community, to constitute, legitimate and participate in cosmopolitan civil service formations offering cosmopolitan passporting and embassy protection. 
• Librecom Project: development of an online, one-stop-shop governance platform - (registered name) – facilitating the Cosmopol project and enabling democratic participation in political, economic and educational decision-making at all levels, from world constitution-building level to global, regional and municipal levels of legislative, policy, strategy and operational planning levels;
• HURMLIS Project: development of a hierarchical framework for constitutional/political decision-making, ethical justification and ordering of world civic information and education curricula – a framework to cohere the Librecom platform (HURMLIS is an acronym for the decision hierarchy – Harms, Universal Interests, Responsibility, Metaconstitution (see below), Language, Integrity, System); 
• Metacon Project: development of a draft metaconstitution - a charter of discourse-ethical principles and procedures for participation in online world constitution building; 
• Categold Project: A procedural learning experiment in democratic world constitutional deliberation, attempting an easy-to-organise, home-based, pairwise chain of engagement process facilitated by above-mentioned online platform – participants commit to building agreement on world constitutional norms & arrangements in accord with the Golden Rule and Categorical Imperative; 
• Priocracy Project:  Development of a global responsibility-based system design called Priocracy – a cosmopolitan, prioritarian, honorary trusteeship system – to be experimentally developed and modelled within an exemplar world service trusteeship organization called Civiva.
Richard lives in Crystal Waters – a wildlife sanctuary and permaculture settlement in rural Conondale, near Maleny, Queensland, Australia.
Please see:
Priocracy: Designing a System of Political Economy Based on the Love Paradigm, Crystal Waters, Australia, 2020.


Kathleen A. Modrowski is a social anthropologist. She is Professor and Dean at the Jindal School of Liberal Arts and Humanities, Capital Region of Delhi, India. She has been Professor and Director of the Friends World Program at Long Island University, Southampton Campus, New York. She is also an Advisor to the People's Movement for Human Rights Education.
Kathleen Modrowski earned her B.A. from the University of Toledo, her Diploma of High Studies and M.A. from the University of Paris V, and her ABD from the Ecole de Haute Etudes en Sciences Sociales.
The administrative unit of Friends World Program is known as World Headquarters. This unit provides the administrative leadership, support and coordination to the wider world-wide Program, under the leadership and direct supervision of the Program Dean. World Headquarters is guided in matters of policy-making and Program decisions by campus and university-wide policies, by decisions of the Program's World Conferences (held every two years), and by the advisory role of the Program’s World Council. The efforts of the World Headquarters staff are supported by the administrative structure of Long Island University, including senior academic and administrative officers of both the Southampton College campus and University Center, located in Brookville, New York.



Lasse Moer is a deep thinker and innovator. He is also the Chief Engineer for audiovisual technology at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University in Oslo, Norway. Please see his personal website.
This is Lasse Moer's motto:

English: We can see the road, if we walk it. Or, The road becomes visible, if we walk it.
Norsk: Vi kan se veien, hvis vi går den.
Deutsch: Wir können den Weg sehen, wenn wir ihn gehen.
Français: Nous pouvons voir la route, si nous la parcourons.
Español: Podemos ver el camino, si lo caminamos.

Lasse Moer kindly offers these meditations from Norway:
Fra Damtjørn 1 + Fra Damtjørn 2, September 13, 2021
Humler og lavendel (bumblebees and lavender), September 7, 2021
Lasse Moer kindly offers more of his meditations:
Kveldstur-Blefjell (music Van Morrison)
Cornfields (music Enya)
Some of his meditative YouTubes: Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4
Some of his favorite meditaive music on YouTube:
Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 5 i- Adagio
Beethoven Sonata no.5 op.24 "Spring" - 2nd Movement
Radka Toneff - Moon's a Harsh Mistress
Hans Zimmer - A Way of Life
Hoshwalon ko khabar kya .. Jagjit Singh Live.. Gazal-1


Dr. Kamran Mofid is also a Founding Member of the World Dignity University initiative.
He is the Founder of the Globalisation for the Common Good Initiative (Oxford, 2002), Co-founder/Editor of the Journal of Globalisation for the Common Good, and member of the International Coordinating Committee of the WPF Dialogue of Civilisation, holds dual British and Canadian nationality. He was born in Tehran, Iran, in 1952, and received his BA and MA in economics from the University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada, in 1980 and 1982 respectively. In 1986 he was awarded his doctorate in economics from the University of Birmingham, UK. In 2001 he received a Certificate in Education in Pastoral Studies at Plater College, Oxford. From 1980 onwards he has been teaching and supervising undergraduate and graduate students in development economics, business studies, international business and the political economy of the Middle East. He has also acted as external examiner for undergraduate and Ph.D. research thesis at different universities. In recent years Dr. Mofid has developed short courses, seminars and workshops on economics and theology, the economics of the common good, religions & globalisation, altruism & service: Islam and Christianity in dialogue, business ethics & corporate social responsibility, spiritual economics and non-violent conflict resolution and an inter-faith perspective on globalisation.
Dr. Mofid's work is highly interdisciplinary, drawing on Economics, Politics, International Relations, Theology, Culture, Ecology, Ethics and Spirituality. Dr. Mofid's writings have appeared in leading scholarly journals, popular magazines and newspapers. His books include Development Planning in Iran: From Monarchy to Islamic Republic (1987), The Economic Consequences of the Gulf war (1990), Globalisation for the Common Good (2002) which has been translated into Japanese and was published in May 2003 by Don Bosco-sha, Tokyo, Business Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility and Globalisation for the Common Good (March, 2003), Promoting the Common Good (with Rev. Marcus Braybrooke, 2005), and A non-Violent Path to Conflict Resolution and Peace Building (Co-authored) (2008).
Dr. Mofid has been a frequent speaker at major international conferences in Europe, United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Africa and the Middle East, and has been invited to speak on his research and publications at major international universities, amongst them: Oxford; School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS); Manchester; Glasgow; Sussex (First and Second US/European School on Global Security and Arms Control); Durham; Exeter; Columbia (New York); University of California at Berkeley; Michigan (Ann Arbor); George Mason (Fairfax, Virginia); Loyola University, Chicago Sophia (Tokyo); Hosei (Tokyo and London); Kyoto Sangyo; Reitaku (Japan); The Australian National University, the University of Queensland (Brisbane), University of Melbourne and the Australian Catholic University.
Dr. Mofid has been a frequent speaker on the BBC World Service, BBC Coventry and BBC Radio Oxford and on occasions he has been interviewed for Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and The Voice of America.
Please see:
How it All Began: : My Story and Journey
Globalisation and Education for the Common Good: A Path to Sustainability, Well-being and Happiness. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Public lecture presented at the School of Business Administration at Dalhousie University, Wednesday, 3 November 2010.
“Education of My Dream,” "Dr. Kamran Mofid, founder of the Globalisation for the Common Good Initiative, spoke at the invitation of the Youth Time and the World Public Forum Dialogue of Civilisations (WPFDC) which took place April 16-20, 2011. Mofid delivered a series of plenary speeches as well as a student-led seminar on “Education of My Dream” at Moscow State University and Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the MFA of Russia."
“The Correlation Between Ethics and Economics: My Story and Journey”



Valentin Y. Mudimbe is a polymathic philosopher, professor, and author of non-fiction books and articles about African culture, poems, and novels. He was born in the Belgian Congo, which became Zaire and is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo. After teaching at Haverford College and Stanford University, he now teaches at Duke University.
Newman Ivey White Professor of Literature at Duke University, V.Y. Mudimbe received his Doctorat en Philosophie et Lettres from the University of Louvain in 1970. In 1997, he became Doctor Honoris Causa at the University of Paris VII. Before coming to Duke, he taught at the Universities of Louvain, Paris-Nanterre, Zaire, Stanford University, and at Haverford College. He has published some seventy articles, three collections of poetry, four novels, and several books in applied linguistics, philosophy, and social science. His recent publications include: L'Odeur Du Père (1982), The Invention of Africa (1988), Parables and Fables (1991), The Idea of Africa (1994), and Tales of Faith (1997). He is editor of The Surreptitious Speech (1992), Nations, Identities, Cultures (1997), Diaspora and Immigration (1999), and editor of a forthcoming encyclopedia of African religions and philosophy. He is also former General Secretary of SAPINA (the Society for African Philosophy in North America) and co-editor with Robert Bates and Jean O'Barr of Africa and the Disciplines (1993).
V.Y. Mudimbe is also Membre Correspondant de l’Académie Royale des Sciences d’Outre Mer, Brussels; a life Member of la Société Américaine de Philosophie de Langue Française; as well as a member of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, and of the World Institute for Advanced Phenomenological Research and Learning. His interests are in phenomenology and structuralism, with a focus on the logic of mythical narratives and the practice of language. He served also as Chairman of the Board of African Philosophy, and he is the Chairman of the International African Institute, SOAS, University of London. He regularly teaches on ancient Greek geography, French phenomenology, and African themes.


Varda Muhlbauer, Ph.D., is a Graduate of the Clinical Psychology program at San Francisco State University. She wrote her Ph.D. dissertation on Gender Related Concepts of Mental Health Among Israeli Clinicians. The research was carried out in collaboration between the International University in San Diego and Tel-Aviv University.
Together with colleagues, Muhlbauer initiated one of the first centers in Israel which conducted programs to advance the status of women in the work place, as well as aid women in distress. The modus operandi of the center emphasized principles of feminist social psychology together with cognitive and behavioral interventions. Muhlbauer was furthermore involved with special training programs for social workers aiding women in distress.
Muhlbauer is an Academic Consultant and Lecturer of special training programs for the advancement of women into managerial positions. She is teaching and researching in the fields of psychology of women and gender studies and is a Member of the Faculty of the M.B.A Studies in the Academic College of Netanya, Israel.
Please see, among others:
• Women over 50: Psychological Perspectives, co-authored with Joan C. Chrisler, Berlin: Springer, 2007.


Mohamed H. Mukhtar is Professor of African & Middle Eastern History at Savannah State University, Savannah Georgia, USA. Mohamed H. Mukhtar received his Ph.D. from Al-Azhar University, Cairo. From 1975-1983, Dr. Mukhtar was a Professor of History at the Jama’adda Ummadda Somaliyeed (Somali National University). From 1986-1990 he taught at the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia UKM (National University of Malaysia). Dr. Mukhtar is a two-time Fulbright-Hays Scholar, first in 1983-1984 at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia and then in 1984-1985 at the University of South Carolina, Columbia. Dr. Mukhtar also held fellowships from National Endowment for Humanities NEH in 2002, and from the Istituto Italiano per l’Africa and the Arab League’s Education, Culture and Science Organization ALECSO, in 1980 and 1981-1982 respectively.
Long producer and correspondent of the BBC African Service, Dr. Mukhtar is presently the Chairperson of the Somalia Committee for Peace and Reconciliation known as Ergada, and the Inter-Riverine Studies Association ISA. Professor Mukhtar has written scholarly works on a number of topics among which: "On history and historiography" in Historical Dictionary of Somalia (new edition, 2003), and "Arabic Sources on Somalia," in History in Africa, 14 (1987); on the spread of Islam in "Islam in Somali History: Fact and Fiction," in The Invention of Somalia, edited by Ali Jimale Ahmed (1995); on politics in "The Plight of the Agro-Pastoral Society of Somalia," in Review of African Political Economy, 70 (1996), and "The Emergence and Role of Political Parties in the Inter-River Region of Somalia From 1947-1960," in Ufahamu, 17, no. 2 (1989); as well as on reconciliation in "Somalia: Searching for the Foundation of Social and Civil Morality," in The Proceedings of the 6th Somali Studies International Association, edited by Jorg Janzen (2001), and "Somalia: Between Self Determination and Chaos," in Mending Rips in the Sky, edited by Hussein Adam and Richard Ford (1997).


Karen Murphy is also a Member of the HumanDHS Research Team.
Karen Murphy gained her Ph.D. in the Program in American Studies at the University of Minnesota in 1996. Since 1997, Karen has worked for Facing History and Ourselves, an international educational NGO. She is the Director of International Programs for Facing History.
Major projects include the coordination of international fellows project and program related work for England, Northern Ireland, Rwanda, Colombia, the Czech Republic and South Africa, in addition to outreach for future projects, project development, research and writing, all particularly focused on transitional justice issues (Rwanda, South Africa, Northern Ireland, US, Germany are the major case studies).
Karen Murphy has also been a consultant for work based in the United States, including on Without Sanctuary: Lynching Photography in America, for the New York Historical Society (2000), for the Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh (2000-2001), and the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historic Site in Atlanta (2001-2002). Karen consulted on programming, development of teaching materials, and she designed and facilitated public discussions. Karen is also a consultant, curator and writer for National Video Resources, the After 9.11 Collection (2001-2002), and the Viewing Race Collection (2001). She has furthermore been a research associate for Peter Balakian's The Burning Tigris: The Armenian Genocide and America 's Response (1999-2001). Since 1999, she has been a Board Member of the New Haven Academy, where she helped to plan the curriculum and developed special projects. She is also on the board of a South African nonprofit organization, Facing the Past, based in Cape Town.

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