Research Team


Academic Advisors
Refugees and Humiliation Project (alphabetical)
Terrorism and Humiliation Project (alphabetical)

The research branch of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS) aims at encouraging research related to dignity and humiliation. We wish to contribute to the capacity of people to build peaceful societies and be mindful of how humiliation may disrupt the social fabric, and how social cohesion may be sustained by preventing humiliation from occurring. You are invited to develop ideas and projects that aim at dignifying our world, and preventing and healing humiliation. We wish to harness and nurture everybody's expertise for our HumanDHS research activities, create cross-fertilization and synergy, and hope that our efforts will grow organically from our discussions and meetings!

Linda M. Hartling, Ph.D., is the HumanDHS Director, and also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board, HumanDHS Global Core Team, HumanDHS Global Coordinating Team, and the HumanDHS Education Team. She is furthermore the Editor of the Journal of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (JHDHS).
Linda M. Hartling is the recipient of the Association for Creativity in Counseling Research Award (see the slides of her acceptance talk).
Linda is affiliated with the Jean Baker Miller Training Institute (JBMTI) at the Stone Center, which is part of the Wellesley Centers for Women at Wellesley College in Massachusetts. Until 2008, she was its the Associate Director. Dr. Hartling is a member of the JBMTI theory-building group advancing the practice of the Relational-Cultural Theory, which is a new model of psychological development. [read more]

Moira Rogers is a Member of the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board and part of the core HumanDHS Research Management Team.
Moira is Associate Professor of Spanish at Eastern Mennonite University and Intercultural Consultant for a variety of organizations in Germany, Spain, and the U.S. She has a Ph.D. in Science and Technology Studies from Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, an MA in Biblical Studies from the Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries, Elkhart, IN, and a Teaching Degree in Philosophy from the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. [read more]


Simon Koschut is currently a Visiting Professor in International Relations and European Integration at the Otto Suhr Institute at the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. Starting in 2019, he will begin a five-year Heisenberg Research Fellowship funded by the German Research Council (DFG). ... Simon has held visiting positions at Harvard University's Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, San Fransisco State University, and Freie Universität Berlin. He completed his PhD and his Habilitation in Political Science at the University of Potsdam. [read more]

Cheryl Duckworth is a professor of Conflict Resolution at Nova Southeastern University. A peace-building program leader and conflict resolution policy analyst, she has served such organizations as the Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy and the Center for International Education. She has lived in Zimbabwe and Paraguay, and published and presented globally on her two passions, peace education and peace economics, exploring ways to transform the economic, political, social and psychological root causes of war and violence. [read more]

John Xuexin Zhang is Professor of Psychology at the Department of Psychology of Fudan University in Shanghai, China. Professor Zhang has been dedicated to brain research and psychological research on language and his two recent research achievements are the result of his twenty years’ scientific exploration. His research has been funded by the National Natural Science Foundation, the National Bureau of Education and direct grants from CUHK. Professor Zhang started his college study at the age of 15, entering the famous "Class of the Gifted Youth" (Juvenile Class in the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)). [read more]

Thomas Lindemann is Professor of Political Science at Artois University (CERAPS Lille 2) and is visiting professor at Paris I-Sorbonne and Sciences Po Paris. He has recently published Penser la guerre: L’apport constructiviste (l’Harmattan, 2008), La guerre (Armand Colin, Paris 2010), Causes of War: The Struggle of Recognition (ECPR Press, 2010) and The Struggle for Recognition in INternational Politics (with E. Ringmar, Paradigm Publisher, forthcoming 2011). [read more]

Ken Parsons is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Chairperson of the Religious Studies & Philosophy department at Avila University in Kansas City, Missouri. In addition to teaching Ethics, Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Technology, and Philosophy of Religion as well as pursuing his research on structural violence, moral testimony, and theories of power, he is co-working on establishing a Center for Global Studies & Social Justice at Avila. [read more]

Reinhard Wolf is a professor of international relations at the Department of Political Science at Goethe University, Frankfurt/M.  His current research focuses on the relevance of respect and disrespect in international relations, notably on the expression of, sensitivity to and consequences of disrespect among states and nations.  He is especially interested in applying insights and findings from both philosophy and social psychology to theoretical and empirical studies in international relations. [read more]


Werner Schirmer, PhD, studied sociology, political science and psychology at the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich/Germany and earned his doctoral title in 2007. His thesis examined how threats and security problems are constructed by communication processes and how they function in social relations. At present, he is working in a research project on respect and disrespect in the relations between Swedish natives and immigrants/ethnic minorities, conducted at the Department of Sociology at Uppsala University/Sweden. [read more]


Grace Feuerverger is also a Member of the HumanDHS Board of Directors, and a Member of the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board, and of the HumanDHS Education Team.
Grace is Associate Professor in the Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning (CTL) at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto. A child of Holocaust survivors, Professor Grace Feuerverger grew up in a multicultural and multilingual home in Montreal and brings her personal and professional experiences to bear on her teaching and research work. Grace was educated at a variety of institutions - McGill University, the Università per Stranieri in Perugia, Italy, the University of California at Berkeley, the University of Alberta, the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, and the University of Toronto. [read more]

Doron Shultziner is also a Member of the HumanDHS Education Team.
Doron Shultziner is a lecturer and researcher. Professor Shultziner is the head of the Politics & Communication Department at Hadassah Academic College Jerusalem since 2018. Among his research interests is the topic of human dignity in law. He published several papers in this field. His paper with Itai Rabinovici proposes an approach to understanding this concept in relation to self-worth, through a comparative legal-psychological investigation into three legal systems (US, ECtHR, and Israel). [read more]

Patricia Rodriguez Mosquera is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Core Team and she is part of the core HumanDHS Research Management Team.
Patricia is currently Assistant Professor at the School of Social Sciences and Law, Brunel University, UK. Patricia studied psychology at the Autónoma University of Madrid (Spain) and the University of Amsterdam (UvA, The Netherlands). She obtained her Ph.D. from the University of Amsterdam in 1999. [read more]


Darcia Narvaez is Professor of Psychology at the University of Notre Dame who focuses on moral development and flourishing from an interdisciplinary perspective, integrating anthropology, neuroscience, clinical, developmental and educational sciences. Her earlier careers include professional musician, business owner, classroom music teacher, classroom Spanish teacher and seminarian, among other things. [read more]

Evelin Gerda Lindner is the Founding President of the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS) network and initiator of the World Dignity University initiative. She is a transdisciplinary social scientist and humanist and holds two Ph.D.s, one in medicine and one in psychology. In 1996, she designed a research project on the concept of humiliation and its role in genocide and war. European history served as starting point. [read more]

Alicia Cabezudo is a Member of the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board and part of the core HumanDHS Research Management Team.
She is a Professor and Peace / Human Rights Educator and Consultant. Until recently, she was the Director of Educating Cities Latin America (International Relations Bureau, Municipality of Rosario, Argentina). The issue of humiliation is of deep concern to her because of the sufferings in the Latin-American region through dictatorship and torture. [read more]

Mauro Guilherme Pinheiro Koury works with Anthropology of Emotions and is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board. He is a Professor in the Department of Social Science at the Federal University of Paraíba, Brazil and Director of GREM – Research Group of Anthropology of Sociology of Emotions. [read more]

Irene Javors, M.Phil.; M.Ed.; LMHC, is a psychotherapist in NYC. She teaches in the Mental Health Counseling Program, Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology, Yeshiva University. She is the author of Culture Notes: Essays on Sane Living (ACFEI MEDIA: 2010). She is a frequent arts reviewer for the radio program State of the Arts-NYC on WBAI radio. [read more]

Professor Bernard Hoffert is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board.
He is the Head of Department of Fine Arts, and the Associate Dean of the External Affairs Faculty of Art and Design, at Monash University, Victoria, Australia. His paintings, installations and presentations have been in major international art events around the world. Bernard Hoffert is the author of four books, more than sixty catalogue essays and articles on art and art education, and more than 400 art reviews. He served as World President of the International Association of Art, UNESCO from 1992 to 1995 (the Association is the non-government organization of UNESCO which represents art and artists). He is also the Honorary President of the International Association of Art, UNESCO, and Honorary President of the Asia-Pacific Regional Council of the International Association of Art, UNESCO. [read more]


Emanuela C. Del Re is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board.
Emanuela C. Del Re is an Italian scholar, expert in conflict studies, migrations, minorities, religious phenomena, security issues, visual sociology, and specialist in the Balkans, Caucasus and Middle East (in particular Iraq, Syria, Jordan). She was appointed as the European Union Special Representative for the Sahel on 21 June 2021 and her mandate was renewed until 31st August 2024. She has been Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation twice (Government Conte I and Conte II) and was elected to the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Parliament in March 2018. [read more]

Rosita Albert is a Visiting Scholar in the Social Psychology area of the Psychology Department at Harvard, and her research focuses on Intercultural Relations and Intercultural Conflicts. She is also an Associate Professor in the pioneering program in Intercultural Communication at the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Minnesota. She is a Founding Fellow and a member of the Governing Board of the International Academy for Intercultural Research. She is originally from Brazil, and her mother and grandparents left Germany to escape from Hitler. It is because of this background that she works to create respectful relations among groups from different backgrounds. [read more]

Prof. Kailash Tuli is a veteran psychologist from New Delhi where he had 33 years of teaching, research, counseling and mentoring with students. He has Masters and Doctorate in Psychology from Delhi University and during 1995-96 he was on Senior Post-Doctoral Fellowship at Vienna University. His intense interest in Yoga, Gestalt and Psychology brought him in contact with world renowned therapy groups like Gestalt Education Network International (GENI) of Frankfurt and Gestalt Associate Therapists Los Angles (GATLA) of USA. [read more]

Lynne Edwards is the Director and Coordinator of the Napier HumanDHS Group.
She is currently working in the field of employee well-being as the Knowledge Transfer Project Developer and Co-ordinator in the Edinburgh Human Resource Academy, Napier University Business School where her remit is to focus on employee well being. In this context she is particularly keen to further develop her earlier work on young people and bereavement and is now looking at bereavement in the workplace given the changing workplace demographic including migration and asylum issues. Lynne is also planning to develop earlier work on bullying, where she focussed on primary and secondary schools and now plans to look at bullying in the workplace, particularly in health care settings. [read more]

Myra Mendible is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Core Team.
Myra is Associate Professor in the Humanities Division at Florida Gulf Coast University in Ft. Myers, where she teaches Contemporary Literature and Ethnic Studies courses for the English Department. She was born in Havana, Cuba, and moved to the US as a child. Mendible earned a Ph.D. (with honors) in American Literature and Culture Studies from the University of Miami in 1993 and then joined Florida Gulf Coast University as founding faculty in 1994. [read more]

Jiuquan Han is Associate Professor of Linguistics in College of Foreign Languages, Hebei Agricultural University. During 1985-1989, he was educated as an English major in the Department of Foreign Languages, Hebei Teachers University. [...] During 2002-2006, he was educated as a part-time graduate in the Department of English, Beijing International Studies University, where he read cognitive linguistics, cognitive psychology, psychoanalysis and anthropology. [read more]

Brian J. Trautman is a doctoral student in the educational leadership and change program at Fielding Graduate University. His dissertation research is focused on education initiatives using ‘The Earth Charter’. Brian is an adjunct faculty member with the peace and world order studies program at Berkshire Community College. His primary research interests are peace education, social and ecological justice studies, and human rights education. Brian also holds a strong interest in Indigenous worldview studies. [read more]

Edward Newman is the Academic Programme Officer and Director of Studies on Conflict and Security at the United Nations University in Tokyo. He was educated in the United Kingdom at the University of Keele and the University of Kent, where he received a Ph.D. in International Relations. [read more]


ASHRAF SALAMA is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board, and the Director and Coordinator of the HumanDHS World Architecture for Equal Dignity project.
Dr. Ashraf Salama is Professor of Architecture in the Architectural Engineering Program of Qatar University in Doha. Prior to that, he was Associate Professor of Architecture at the Department of Architecture, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals-KFUPM. He was the Director of Research and Consulting at Adams Group Consultants in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA (2001-04). [read more]

Zehlia Babaci-Wilhite is also a Member of the HumanDHS Education Team.
Dr. Zehlia Babaci-Wilhite is a multi-lingual educator and researcher with a Doctorate in Education and Development from the University of Oslo (UiO), Norway. Her research interests include Language and Rights in Education, Development Aid and African Higher Education. Her dissertation explores the consequences of linguistic choices for quality education as a right in education. [read more]

Einar Strumse is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Core Team and the HumanDHS Architecture Team.
Einar Strumse (Cand. Psychol. and PhD in psychology) is the Head of the Department of Behavioural Science at the Faculty of Health Science at the Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences in Norway. He is also adjunct associate professor of environmental psychology at the University of Bergen. Since 1990 his research in the field of environmental psychology has focused upon landscape preference/landscape aesthetics, environmental attitudes and predictors of environmental behaviors. [read more]

Simon Souyris Strumse graduated from a music option with an exam in classical piano. After that he's spent one year at the Nansen Academy - Norwegian Humanistic Academy, where he studied politics, culture, philosophy, conflict resolution and dialogue. Since then he has been active in the refugee board of SOS Racism, working with norwegian refugee policy, and now works in the central committee of The Socialist Youth League of Norway as the head of international relations. In 2009 he hopes to finish his bachelor program at the University College of Oslo. [read more]
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Bjørn Aksel Flatås is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board. He is the Director of Research of the Falstad Center, near Levanger in Trøndelag, the middle of Norway. Falstad is a building complex that was erected in 1921 as a special school for delinquent boys. In 1941, the building was confiscated and transformed into a prison camp by the German SS Nazi-occupiers. About 5000 people from thirteen nations were imprisoned here in the period of 1941 to 1945. Most were Norwegian political prisoners. Approximately 220 prisoners were executed in the forest nearby in the period of 1942 to 1943. After the liberation of Norway, Falstad prison camp was transformed into a forced labor camp. [read more]

Katrine Fangen is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Core Team.
Katrine Fangen, Ph.D., is a Professor in Sociology at the Department of Sociology of the University of Oslo. She has published several books and journal articles within the research-field of racism, national, political and ethnic identity, stigmatisation and youth subcultures. [read more]

Walter J. Torres Ph.D. is a Nicaraguan-American clinical and forensic psychologist who practices in Denver, Colorado. He graduated from the Univeristy of Colorado in Boulder, where he studied Descriptive Psychology under Peter Ossorio. His interest in the study of humiliation developed in the context of treating injured workers after he observed that the most severely depressed workers were those who had suffered a humiliation in the context of their injury and their treatment. [read more]

Øyvind Eikrem (b. 1973), Ph.D., is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Core Team.
Øyvind is the head (instituttstyrer) of the Institute of Culture and Humanities (Institutt for kultur- og humanistiske fag, IKH) at the Telemark University College (Høgskolen i Telemark), in Bø, Telemark. Earlier, he has been Associate Professor of Social Sciences and of Mental Health at the University College of Stord/Haugesund, Norway. He studied social anthropology, clinical psychology and philosophy at The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, ending up with postgraduate degrees in all three fields. Eikrem obtained his PhD in 2005 from the same institution on a dissertation on the magic and mythic dimensions of modern economic life. [read more]

Dr. Jennifer S. Goldman-Wetzler is also a member of the HumanDHS Global Core Team.
Dr. Jennifer Goldman-Wetzler is an organizational psychologist and founder of Alignment Strategies Group, a NYC-based firm that consults to senior leaders in a wide range of industries, including global corporate, non-profit and governmental organizations, on issues of conflict, negotiation and organizational change and renewal. Jennifer is also an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Organization and Leadership at Teachers College, Columbia University and an executive coach with the Program on Social Intelligence at Columbia Business School. [read more]


Sophie Schaarschmidt is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Core Team, and the HumanDHS Education Team.
She was born nearby Dresden, Germany, 27 years ago. She has lived and studied in several countries, including Great Britain, Netherlands and Malta. She is a doctorate student of psychology working at the "FernUniversität" in Hagen, Germany (a distance learning university). [read more]

Michael Sayler is a minister in Colorado Springs, Colorado. His dissertation at the Fielding Graduate Institute is entitled Humiliation and the Poor: A Study in the Management of Meaning (Ph.D. dissertation, Fielding Graduate Institute, 2004, available through the University of Michigan dissertation service), a study of how homeless people (in an affluent society) manage the meaning of humiliating experiences. [read more]

Esta Tina Ottman is also a Member of the HumanDHS's Global Core Team , and Director and Coordinator of HumanDHS's World Films for Equal Dignity Project.
Born in Manchester, UK, and educated at Oxford University, Tina Ottman is the daughter of a German Kindertransport refugee, and has worked in teaching, journalism and publishing for over two decades. She lived for around a decade in Israel as a new immigrant, and has now been lecturing at Japanese universities for 11 years. Currently Tina Ottman is Associate Professor at the School of Government (in the School of Law ) at Kyoto University, Japan. She attempts to balance research interests in Israel/Palestine/gender with labour activism, and is a coordinator of the Japan conference series Peace as A Global Language. [read more]

Donna Fujimoto is Associate Professor at Osaka Jogakuin College in Osaka, Japan where she teaches English as a Foreign Language, Intercultural Communication and Human Rights courses. She was born in the U.S. and has lived in Japan for over 26 years, and this experience prompted her to organize a study group of other long-term Nikkei residents of Japan (Nikkei means people of Japanese heritage). [read more]

Mike Morgan has been involved with helping the Deaf to get access to university-level courses in India, Ethiopia, and elsewhere. He is proud of having been able to help in the Supreme Court case in Nepal giving the Deaf the right to obtain a drivers' license. [read more]

Katyayani Singh has completed her Ph.D. in Political Science in 2018. She is also a research member in the Nonkilling Political Science Research Committee of the Center for Global Nonkilling, Hawaii, USA. The goal of this organization is to find ways to decrease the killings globally. She works as an assistant professor at Jagran Lakecity University in Bhopal, India, where she teaches political science and history to the students of law. [read more]

Edward J. Emergy is a Member of the HumanDHS Global Core Team and HumanDHS Education Team.
He is the Chief Representative to the United Nations for World Information Transfer, an international NGO in General Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council at the United Nations. [read more]

Vivian Lun is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Core Team.
She has recently obtained the degree of M. Phil. in Psychology from the Department of Psychology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, with Michael Harris Bond as academic advisor. [read more]

Sowan Wong is also a Member of the HumanDHS Research Team, and of the Global Coordinating Team.
She has recently obtained her Ph.D in psychology from Brunel University, West London, the U.K., under the supervision of Prof. Robin Goodwin. Her thesis was a cross-cultural study on work-family conflict and marital satisfaction. She received her M.Phil and Bachelor's degree in Psychology from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, with Prof. Michael Harris Bond as her academic supervisor. She is interested in looking at culture influences on the attitudes, values, and beliefs of individuals, which then influence individuals' behaviors. [read more]

Ana Ljubas is currently working on her doctoral thesis at the Department of Psychology, University of Regensburg, Germany, examining the influence of culture on communication styles, intimacy and conflict resolution practices in intercultural couple relationships. [read more]

Miriam H. Marton is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Core Team.
Miriam Marton, attorney and social worker, is the William R. Davis Clinical Teaching Fellow at the Asylum and Human Rights Clinic, University of Connecticut School of Law. Professor Marton teaches and supervises law students representing refugees seeking asylum and other legal relief in the United States. Professor Marton also conducts research on the particular issues facing female refugees fleeing gender-based violence, both in the countries-of-origins and in the United States' legal system. [read more]

Anita Milicevic... [read more]


Ana Ljubinkovic is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Core Team.
Ana Ljubinkovic, Ph.D., received her Ph.D. in Sociology in December 2008 at the University of Essex (UK), after attaining a Laurea in Sociology from the Università degli studi di Roma (Italy) and an M.A. degree in Theory and Practice of Human Rights from Essex (UK). Her doctoral thesis entitled The Victims of Humanitarian Intervention: a study of the psycho-social impact of the UNOSOM involvement in Somalia investigates long-term psychosocial effects of violence generated by military humanitarian interventions on the recipient population. [read more]
Deepak Tripathi is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board.
Deepak Tripathi is a British historian and researcher whose interests include the Middle East and South Asia, great power rivalries and the United States in the contemporary world. He has a BA in politics, economics, sociology and English, a Post-Graduate Diploma in Business Administration and a PhD in social science. The title of his doctoral thesis was A Critical Study of the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars: Interests, Motives, Actions and the Makings of a Culture of Violence. He is the author of five books and more than a hundred and fifty articles. [read more]

Zahid Shahab Ahmed is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Core Team.
Zahid Shahab Ahmed is Assistant Professor at the National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST) in Pakistan and the pioneer of the university's Department of Peace and Conflict. He also leads the South Asia Centre for Peace (SACP) and South Asia Peace Magazine. He did his PhD in Peace Studies with a focus on regional peace and security in South Asia at the University of New England in Australia. From September 2009 he conducted fieldwork in Nepal, India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. [read more]


Zinthiya Ganeshpanchan is a doctoral research student at Loughborough's Midlands Centre for Criminology and Criminal Justice, focusing her doctoral dissertation upon "Women and Conflict a case study of Sri Lanka." Her special interest is Gender and Violence. Zinthiya is currently working for Homeless International, an International Development Agency working on Urban Poverty. Before joining Homelss Internatioanl she worked for the Newcastle City Council Regional & European Programmes Team and was a voluntary worker for the North East Refugee Services. [read more]

Joseph A. Agard is a Mediator/Arbitrator and Guardian Ad Litem in New York City. He studied EU and US Law, dispute resolution and international affairs in Europe and the United States. He holds a Masters Degree in law (UK), also advanced qualifications in international arbitration, transnational civil litigation, intercultural negotiation/ mediation law and practice and international affairs. A former Guyana Scholar, European Fellow, senior public servant also police detective Joseph was an 'A' student at New York University. [read more]

Erin Helfert has an MA in International Trade and Development from the Université Paris XI, and an MA in International Relations from the American Graduate School of International Relations. She currently resides in New York City. Erin has several years' experience in the areas of gender, human rights, economic growth, and sustainability. [read more]

José Calvo González (n. Sevilla 1956) est Licencié en Droit (spécialité Droit Privé) pour l´Université de Sevilla (1978). Docteur en Droit (1984). Professeur de Théorie du Droit et Philosophie du Droit (Faculté de Droit. Université de Málaga. Espagne) (1986). [read more]


Seema Shekhawat holds a doctoral degree from the University of Jammu, J&K on the topic “Impact of Conflict Situation, Militancy and Displacement on Women: A Study of Jammu Region.” She has written a book titled “Conflict and Displacement in Jammu and Kashmir: The Gender Dimension.” She works together with Debidatta Aurobinda Mahapatra [...] Both have been doing research on the Kashmir across the line of control. [read more]

Debidatta Aurobinda Mahapatra is the director of the Mahatma Gandhi Center at the Hindu University of America in Orlando, Florida. He has worked with the Centre for Central Eurasian Studies at the University of Mumbai in India. He holds a doctoral degree from the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi on the topic “Russia and the Kashmir Issue Since 1991: Perception, Attitude and Policy.” He has written a book titled “India-Russia Partnership: Kashmir, Chechnya and Issues of Convergence.”
He works together with Seema Shekhawat [...] Both have been doing research on the Kashmir across the line of control. [read more]

Lone Alice Johansen is currently working on her master thesis on African conflict resolution traditions (ubuntu) effect on perceived humiliation. She wants to investigate how the humiliation that is connected to being part of an ethnic/cultural group in conflict can be reduced by using ubuntu. To explore Ubuntu's effect on perceived humiliation she is going to do an empirical study at a dialogue/conflict resolution seminar in Norway. [read more]

Pamela M Creed earned a doctorate from the Institute of Conflict Analysis and Resolution at George Mason University in Arlington, Virginia. Her dissertation explored narrative connections between macro and micro levels. In particular, it examined the relationship of culture, emotion and agency in the dramatic construction, mobilization and acceptance of an American war narrative and later of individual counter narratives... She currently resides in Belgrade. [read more]

Zuzana Luckay Mihalčinová is also a member of our Global Coordinating Team, project leader of the World Literature for Equal Dignity intervention project, editor at the Dignity Press, and Global Dignity Nurturer.
Zuzana Luckay Mihalcinova is committed to studying dignity and human dignity from an interdisciplinary perspective in literature, human rights, transitional justices and contexts of identity and language. She has a degree in English (literature and linguistics) and a Ph.D. on dignity (possibilities of regaining dignity in post-apartheid South Africa).  She has taught at and worked with universities, and academic institutions in South Africa, US, UK and EU, recently in Spain and Germany. [read more]

The active acknowledgement of the experience of humiliation in China and the regularity with which it is invoked in relations to this country’s developmental process has brought Luyolo to consider his current research focus; how humiliation and the economy interact and how the dynamic relationship between the two affects outcomes, particularly economic outcomes. [read more]



Gabriela Rodrigues Saab Rivo is also a Member of the HumanDHS Board of Directors and of the HumanDHS Education Team.
Gabriela Saab has earned her PhD from the University of São Paulo. She holds two Masters in Public International Law and Human Rights (from the University of Sao Paulo and from the Université Catholique de Louvain). Her studies focus on human rights, environmental protection, and armed conflicts. She graduated from the University of São Paulo with a Bachelor's Degree in Law and has completed the Sciences Po International Program in Paris, where she studied sustainable development policies. At that university she also published her theses on "The Treatment of Child Soldiers in International Law” and on “The Right to Water as a Human Right”. [read more]

Mariana Ferraz is a PhD candidate at the Law School of the University of São Paulo and is currently researching policies and legal mechanisms to prevent child obesity. She holds a Master Degree in Human Rights with a thesis that researched the Human Right to Food and Sustainability in the Food System. Dignity is a key element for the fulfillment of the right to food once it can only be assured in a dignifying environment both for producers and consumers. Dignity in the food system means fair trade, opportunities for small producers, healthy food accessible for all, respect to local culture, and for nature. [read more]

Olga shared her biographical background on 29th January 2015: I am an activist of passion, a believer of the miraculous power of life, a searcher and researcher of silence, an ancient soul where poetry narrates our permanent and creative search and honor for love. I am an idealist humanist who defends the sacred value of human life. I hold a bachelor degree in psychology from La Sabana University (Colombia), and a Laurea Magistrale in Clinical Psychology: Health, Family relations and Community Interventions from Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Italy). [read more]


Saulo Fernández Arregui is Professor of Social Psychology at UNED University in Spain. His current research interests focus mainly on the study of humiliation as a distinct emotional experience, aiming to identify the particular situational determinants and cognitive appraisals that predict humiliation, as well as the consequences that the experience of humiliation has for the victims. He is also interested in the study of the experience of the social stigmatization and humiliation among people with dwarfism and on the moral perceptions and expectancies that majority group members develop toward minority group members. [read more]


Francisco Cardoso is a psychologist and professor at the Education and Psychology Department of the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD) in Portugal. He teaches motivation and emotion at the experimental and clinical psychology laboratory, and clinical intervention in adults. With respect to general domains, his interests are the study of the interrelation between affect, cognition, and extended cognition. In clinical fields, he develops studies in phenomenological psychology, harm behaviors effects, such as humiliation, and new developments of psychotherapy, such as ecopsychotherapy. [read more]

Mette Lebech lectures in philosophy at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth since 1998. She has lectured and published widely on the idea of Human Dignity, on bioethics and on the philosophy of Edith Stein. In 2006 she defended her thesis The Identification of Human Dignity. Hermeneutic, Eidetic and Constitutional Analyses in the Light of the Phenomenology of Edith Stein in Leuven, Belgium. She is currently the President of the Irish Philosophical Society and the General Editor of its Yearbook. [read more]

A. Rukooko Byaruhanga is currently an associate professor of philosophy specializing in human rights and applied ethics at the Department of Philosophy, School of Liberal and Performing Arts, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda. He started lecturing at Makerere University in 1989 after completion of a master’s degree in philosophy at the University of Nairobi. He is also Dean of the School of Liberal and Performing Arts, having served previously as deputy dean (from 2004 to 2009) and Dean, Faculty of Arts (from 2009 to 2011). Besides, from 2006 to 2010, I was serving as a general manager of Makerere Center for Applied Ethics, a professional ethics organization operating in East Africa. [read more]

Omar El-Nahry is graduating from University College London with a BA in European Social and Political Studies in September 2013 and plans to pursue a Master's degree in International Relations and Political Science. His research interests include armed conflict, arms control and identity formation and development in subnational groups. [read more]

Tonya R. Hammer is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Core Team, and the Global Coordinating Team.
Dr. Tonya R. Hammer is an Assistant Professor of Counseling at Oklahoma State University-Tulsa. In 2008, she received her PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision from St. Mary's University in San Antonio, Texas, with an emphasis on Relational Cultural Theory and Social Justice. Her master's degree is in Psychology and Counseling from the University of Mary-Hardin Baylor. [read more]

Salman Türken is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Core Team, and the HumanDHS Education Team.
Defining himself as a cosmopolitan, Salman is interested in studies of all levels of analysis that influence and change both individuals and societies in this globalisation era. Influenced by critical social psychology, ideology - understood as common sense, as legitimising and reproducing unequal power relations which might also lead to humiliation in intergroup relations - is now the main research topic for him. [read more]


Chander Shekhar, Ph.D., hails from a Dalit family (Jatavs) of a village in northern Indian. He is currently Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematical Demography and Statistics, International Institute for Population Sciences (Deemed University) Mumbai. He has been involved in various research projects in Population Studies and Public Health funded by the national and the international agencies. Presently, he is coordinator of a nationwide District Level Household and Facility Survey under the Reproductive and Child Health (RCH-DLHFS) funded by the World Bank. [read more]

Yashpal Jogdand is Assistant Professor in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. Yashpal’s research interest lie at the intersection of social and political psychology. He is particularly interested in studying how people experience (e.g. stigma, discrimination, stereotype threat, shame, rejection, humiliation) and manage/challenge (e.g. by engaging in false consciousness, individual mobility, social creativity, collective action) the issues arising from devalued identity. [read more]

Silje Rivelsrud (Norway) is a master student at Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Oslo. She has a BA in social science, with psychology as main subject, from the University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway. [read more]

Jennifer Kirby is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Coordinating Team, of the HumanDHS Global Core Team, and of the HumanDHS Education Team.
She graduated from Appalachian State University with a Bachelor's Degree in Biology. At the university she published her senior thesis on "The Nature of Holocaust Survivor Poetry: The Power of Poetic Expression." [read more]

Sarwar Alam, Ph.D., has been a postdoctoral fellow in the department of Middle Eastern and South Asian Studies at Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia since 2007. Sarwar Alam received his doctorate in Public Policy from the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, in 2006. [read more]

As an Associate Professor at the University of Oslo's Institute for Informatics, for the past two decades, Dino Karabeg has been developing building blocks and contours of an approach to information whose goal is not an ‘objective’ picture of reality, but to help us orient ourselves in the complex reality. [read more]

Ardian Adžanela (originally Axhanela) is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Coordinating Team.
Ardian has a M.A. in State Management and Humanitarian Affairs (University of Sarajevo, La Sapienza University of Rome, and the University of Belgrade), and a B.A. in Applied Ethics and Historical Studies (Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia). [read more]

Alberto Collazzoni, PhD, is a clinical psychologist born in Ascoli Piceno (AP), Italy, in 1985. He got his master degree (2010) and Ph.D. in clinical psychology at the University of L’ Aquila, Italy, Department of Biotechnological and Applied Clinical Sciences (DISCAB, 2015), where he also had a year of postdoc (2017). His main topic research is the association between humiliation, past familial negative events, and psychopathology. [read more]


Arndt Hassel has been working in the energy and climate field since 2016, including 2 years of experience at the Centre for European Policy Studies, a Brussels-based think tank that aims to inform EU policy through evidence-based research and consultation with stakeholders. He holds a BSc in Chemical Engineering and a MSc in Energy Technologies from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and Instituto Técnico Supérior de Lisboa. [read more]

Ralph introduces himself as follows: I am a native of the mountains of northwestern North Carolina and my family's roots in the region date back to the 1700s. Much of my academic work has been concerned with trying to discover what it means to be an "Appalachian". I am also a Christian, and more recently, I have become more interested in what it means to be a true human being - and to live in true community with other human beings. Hence my latest research has to do with exploring the connections between empire ("power") and theology ("religion") and how Christian theology can provide an alternative - another Way - for human community that is not based on an ontology of violence, but on what I like to call the "Ontology of the Word." [read more]

Annette Anderson-Engler, Ph.D., is a Member of the HumanDHS Global Core Team, the HumanDHS Education Team, our HumanDHS Research Team, and our Global Coordinating Team.
Annette earned her doctorate in 2008 at Saybrook Graduate School in San Francisco, California. Her research focused on secondary trauma and displaced identity in daughters of U.S. Vietnam War veterans. She specialized in using narrative analysis as a method of inquiry by examining how daughters of war-traumatized veterans use narratives to construct social and personal meaning to their lived experiences. [read more]


Dr. Tony Gaskew was awarded the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (DHS) Beacon of Dignity Award in 2015 for his outstanding dedication to equality and human rights.
Tony is Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Professor of Criminal Justice, Affiliate Faculty in Africana Studies, and Director of the Prison Education Program at the University of Pittsburgh, Bradford. He is a Fulbright Hays Scholar, who has conducted ethnographic field work throughout Africa. His research and publications focus on revolutionary violence within the Black Radical Tradition. His book, Stop Trying to Fix Policing: Lessons Learned from the Front Lines of Black Liberation (Rowman & Littlefield, 2021), examines the Pan-Afrikan rituals for dismantling the institution of American policing. [read more]


Caroline Anne Amollo is also a Member in our HumanDHS Global Education Team.
She is a believer in Social Justice, who obtained a Master’s degree in Conflict Resolution at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, with a goal of acquiring knowledge and skills needed to become a part of global change through globalization and egalization by influencing policies that impact developing country communities in order to eradicate poverty and enhance human development without disrupting human dignity. In her home country, Kenya, she has been directly involved with environmental issues that impact human security namely, climate change and resource scarcity, also working against human rights violations like female genital mutilation among other gender issues in the developing world. She has experienced first-hand how these correlate to impact human security locally and globally. She looks forward to commence her doctoral studies in the fall of 2013. [read more]

Veronica Fynn Bruey holds a BSc (hons) in Zoology/Biochemistry from the University of Ghana (2000), a BA in Psychology from the University of British Columbia (UBC, 2004), a Master in Public Health from the University of Nottingham (2006), a Masters in Law from Osgoode Hall Law School, York (2009), concurrently completing her LLB with the University of London and PhD with the Australian National University’s (ANU) National Centre for Indigenous Studies. At present, she is based at the University of Washington School of Law as a visiting research scholar... She is the Executive Director/Co-Founder of EV Research Inc and the Editor-in-Chief of the newly developed Journal of Internal Displacement. [read more]

Yves Musoni, both an artist and an independent researcher, is a Congolese Tutsi. He was born in 1971 in Goma, a small city situated far East in the Congo, North of Lake Kivu, at the border with Rwanda. He was about 7 years old when his father was transferred to work in Kolwezi (Katanga), another city in the south of the Congo, for 16 years. Kolwezi is important to Yves's history because its cultural diversity shaped his adolescence. His artistic mother also had a major influence on him. Some of his best childhood memories are of a popular decorative art in Rwanda called Imigongo that his mother applied to whisky and wine bottles. [read more]

David Balosa is also a Member of the HumanDHS Education Team.
David wrote (on 30th September 2013:) I am an Angolan-American Scholar whose research interests include language domination, Spanish in the US, political discourse analysis, sociolinguistics, interculturality, critical intercultural communication theories, postcolonial theories, and moral, social, and political philosophy. I am a retired High School teacher of French and Spanish from the School district of Philadelphia since 2013. [read more]

Seif Sekalala is also a Member of the HumanDHS Education Team.
Seif shared with us his background on 11th November 2014: "I was born in Uganda, East Africa, and came to the United States to pursue higher education (among other reasons) after high school in 2004; I have family spread out over 3 continents, and I love interacting with people from all over the globe. [read more]

Mohamed Haji Ingiriis is a Somali scholar specialising in Somali Studies and pursuing a doctorate in African Studies and History at the University of Oxford. Associate Editor for the Journal of Somali Studies, he is also a book reviews editor for the Journal of the Anglo-Somali Society. [read more]


Doaa Rashed is also a Member of the HumanDHS Education Team.
Doaa Rashed is a doctoral candidate in the Language, Literacy & Culture PhD program at THE University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC). Originally from Egypt, Doaa started her career as a teacher of English as a foreign language in 1996. She currently teaches English as a Second Language, Second Language Acquisition & Culturally Responsive Teaching at UMBC. [read more]



Fonkem Achankeng is also Member of the HumanDHS Education Team.
Fonkem Achankeng, PhD, a Hubert Humphrey International Fellow, is Associate Professor at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. Dr. Fonkem served as senior official in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cameroon for 12 years, and was also founder and executive director of the Association for Nonviolence, where he helped to introduce and moderate a third voice in Cameroon in the 1990s in the wake of a very polarized introduction of multiparty politics. [read more]


Please find Ramish Ramloll's background here.
Please meet also Jaishree Beedasy, the wife of Ramesh Ramloll.

Tomoko Ishii is also a member of our HumanDHS Global Core Team.
Tomoko Ishii, Ph.D., is the CEO of the Human Wellness Institute (HWI) which is Voluntary Non-profit Organization (VNPO). The institute is a new research and education center promoting human wellness, especially mindfulness for victims of violence. Earlier, Tomoko worked at the Department of Stress Disorders Resarch at the Tokyo Institute of Psychiatry. She is a member of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, where she has presented her work in domestic violence several times at the ISTSS conferences. [read more]


Subrata Ghoshroy is a Research Associate in the Science, Technology, and Society Program at the Massachu­setts Institute of Technology, USA. His current research interests are global security with particular reference to South Asia, nuclear weapons proliferation, and disarmament.... Most recently, he co-edited South Asia at a Crossroads, published by Nomos, Baden Baden, Germany in May 2010. Subrata was born in India and maintains close contact with his family and friends there although he has lived in the U.S. for the last forty years. [read more]

Carol Sander, MSW, PhD(c) is a lecturer and researcher at the University of Toronto in Toronto, Canada. She is currently involved in doctoral research and advanced training in trauma healing of genocide survivors. She is an NGO representative to the Economic and Social Council at the United Nations. [read more]

Mneesha Gellman is Assistant Professor of Comparative Politics at Emerson College, Boston, MA, USA. Her research interests include comparative democratization, post-conflict reconstruction, cultural rights movements, and memory politics in the Global South. [read more]

Kalen Young is an organizational change leader with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science who has earned her MA in Social Justice and Human Rights from Arizona State University. Kalen has extensive research and professional experience working on interdisciplinary research projects pertaining to sexual orientation, gender identity, public policy and hyper-masculine environments. [read more]


Wellington Marinho de Lira is natural of Recife, Pernambuco State, located in the Northeast of Brazil. He is an Applied Linguist and has worked as an Adjunct Professor at the Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (UFRPE), since 2009. He earned a Ph.D. in Educational Sciences with a specialty in Education in Foreign Languages from the University of Minho in Portugal (2021) and a Master's Degree in Linguistics from the Federal University of Pernambuco (2004). He is a specialist in translation and interpretation in English, a degree earned also from the Federal University of Pernambuco (2004), and a Degree in "Letras" licensed in English Vernacular teaching from the Catholic University of Pernambuco (1997). [read more]


Julia Brown is a Canadian Master’s Student in International Humanitarian Action. She studies through the Network on Humanitarian Assistance (NOHA) program. Her studies in this inter-university program take place in the University of Warsaw, University College Dublin, and Uppsala University. Her Undergraduate Degree is a Bachelor of Honors in Humanities; with specialization in Women’s Studies and Indigenous Studies. She is an active member of Toronto Canada’s Aboriginal community as well as a volunteer at Indspire, Canada’s only national Aboriginal charity. Her thesis explores the discourse of empathy. Specifically, the two-way connection between how disasters in humanitarian action are conceptualized by non-governmental organizations in order to permeate care and compassion. [read more]

List of Academic Advisors

Linda M. Hartling, Ph.D., is the HumanDHS Director, and also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board, and the HumanDHS Education Team. She is furthermore the Editor of the Journal of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (JHDHS).
Linda is the Associate Director of the Jean Baker Miller Training Institute (JBMTI) at the Stone Center, which is part of the Wellesley Centers for Women at Wellesley College, Wellesley, Massachusetts. Dr. Hartling is a member of the JBMTI theory-building group advancing the practice of the Relational-Cultural Theory, which is a new model of psychological development. [read more]

Moira Rogers is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board and part of the core HumanDHS Research Management Team.
She is Associate Professor of Spanish at Eastern Mennonite University and Intercultural Consultant for a variety of organizations in Germany, Spain, and the U.S. She has a Ph.D. in Science and Technology Studies from Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, an MA in Biblical Studies from the Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries, Elkhart, IN, and a Teaching Degree in Philosophy from the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. [read more]


Maggie O'Neill is also a Member of the HumanDHS Board of Directors, the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board, the HumanDHs Global Core Team, and part of the core HumanDHS Research Management Team. Maggie is particularly an Academic Advisor to our upcoming Refugees and Humiliation Project. She is furthermore a Member of the Academic Board of the Journal of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (JHDHS).
Maggie is based in Criminology and Social Policy at Loughborough University. [...] She co-edited Sociology (with Tony Spybey): the journal of the British Sociological Association from 1999-2002; she is a member of various professional associations including the National Network of Sex Work Projects and the British Sociological Association and British Criminology Association. [read more]

Reinhard Wolf is a professor of international relations at the Department of Political Science at Goethe University, Frankfurt/M.  His current research focuses on the relevance of respect and disrespect in international relations, notably on the expression of, sensitivity to and consequences of disrespect among states and nations.  He is especially interested in applying insights and findings from both philosophy and social psychology to theoretical and empirical studies in international relations. [read more]

Patricia Rodriguez Mosquera is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Core Team and she is part of the core HumanDHS Research Management Team.
Patricia is currently Assistant Professor at the School of Social Sciences and Law, Brunel University, UK. Patricia studied psychology at the Autónoma University of Madrid (Spain) and the University of Amsterdam (UvA, The Netherlands). She obtained her Ph.D. from the University of Amsterdam in 1999. [read more]
Evelin Gerda Lindner is the Founding Manager of HumanDHS and a cross-cultural social psychologist and physician. She is part of the HumanDHS Research Management Team.
She holds two Ph.D.s, one in medicine and one in psychology. In 1996, she designed a research project on the concept of humiliation and its role in genocide and war. German history served as starting point. [read more]

Paul A. Stokes is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board. He is part of the core HumanDHS Research Management Team.
Paul A. Stokes is a College Lecturer in the Department of Sociology at the National University of Ireland, Dublin, since 1996 and a member of the Faculty of Human Sciences in UCD. During the academic year 2000-2001 he was a Visiting Scholar. [read more]

Alicia Cabezudo is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board and part of the core HumanDHS Research Management Team.
She is a Professor and Peace / Human Rights Educator and Consultant. Until recently, she was the Director of Educating Cities Latin America (International Relations Bureau, Municipality of Rosario, Argentina). The issue of humiliation is of deep concern to her because of the sufferings in the Latin-American region through dictatorship and torture. [read more]

Arie Nadler is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board.
He was born in Munich in 1947. He is Professor of Social Psychology at the Tel-Aviv University. From 1984 to 1988 he served as the Head of the Department of Psychology and, from 1993 to 1998, as the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Tel Aviv University. [read more]

Peter T. Coleman is the recipient of the 2020 HumanDHS Lifetime Commitment Award. He is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board.
Peter T. Coleman is the Director of The Morton Deutsch International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution (MD-ICCCR) and Professor of Psychology and Education at Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City. He holds a Ph.D. and M.Phil. in Social / Organizational Psychology from Teachers College, Columbia University and a B.A. in Communications from the University of Iowa. He has conducted research on social entitivity processes (ingroup/outgroup formation), gender discrimination in organizations, the mediation of inter-ethnic conflict, ripeness in intractable conflict, conflict resolution & difference, and on the conditions which foster the constructive use of social power. [read more]
Michael Harris Bond is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board.
He is Professor of Psychology and teaches at the Department of Psychology of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research interests are social perception, the social psychology of language use, impression management, values, cross- cultural social psychology, and cross-cultural interaction. [read more]
Pierre Dasen, Professor of Anthropology of Education and Cross-Cultural Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology and Education of the University of Geneva, Switzerland. [read more]
Professor Juan Alvarez Vita (Peru) is Ambassador of Peru and Professor of Public International Law. He is a Member of the Scientific Council of the Summer University on Human Rights, Geneva. He was President of the National Commission for Refugees and of the Special Commission for Cuban Refugees. He has collaborated as expert in Human Rights issues with the United Nations and with the Inter-American Court Human Rights. [read more]

Finn Tschudi is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board.
Finn has spent most of his professional life - 37 years - at the Institute of Psychology, University of Oslo, Norway. He has broad interests in psychology and has been teaching and publishing in cognitive, social, personality and clinical psychology. While well known for his contageous enthusiasm when teaching he was eager for a change and took an early retirement from his position as professor of psychology from January 1999. [read more]

Howard Zehr is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board.
He is Professor of Sociology and Restorative Justice and an internationally-known practitioner, writer, lecturer and teacher in the field of criminal justice. He is considered one of the founders of the contemporary restorative justice movement and his ground-breaking book, Changing Lenses: A New Focus for Crime and Justice, is widely regarded as a standard in the field. The author was one of the early pioneers in victim-offender mediation and continues to be involved in this and related work. [read more]
Michael Roper, Sociology Department, University of Essex, UK. [read more]

David R. Brubaker is an Assistant Professor of Conflict Studies at the Conflict Transformation Program, Eastern Mennonite University, Harrisonburg, Virginia, USA. He earned a BS in Business Administration from Messiah College and an MBA in Global Economic Development from Eastern University. [read more]
Jayne Seminare Docherty, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Conflict Studies Conflict Transformation Program, Eastern Mennonite University, Virginia, USA. [read more]

Vernon Jantzi, Ph.D., is a Professor of Sociology at the Conflict Transformation Program at Eastern Mennonite University, Virginia, USA. [read more]


Chantal Logan, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor at the Eastern Mennonite University, Virginia, USA. [read more]
Joseph Agholor, Ph.D., London School of Management and Technology, London, UK. [read more]

Tony Jenkins is also a Member of the HumanDHS Education Team.
He is the Coordinator as well as Director of Administration and Research at the Peace Education Center of Teachers College, Columbia University and the General Coordinator of the International Institutes on Peace Education (IIPE), planning and coordinating institutes in the Manila, Seoul, and Istanbul and in 2005, Rhodes, Greece. [read more]


Michalinos Zembylas is Associate Professor of Educational Theory and Curriculum Studies at the Open University of Cyprus. His research interests are in the areas of educational philosophy and curriculum theory, and his work focuses on exploring the role of emotion and affect in curriculum and pedagogy. He is particularly interested in how affective politics intersect with issues of social justice pedagogies, intercultural and peace education, and citizenship education. Zembylas is the author of numerous articles as well as the books. [read more]


Eleni Christodoulou is a final-year Doctoral Researcher at the Department of Political Science and International Studies, University of Birmingham, UK. Throughout her doctoral studies she has been a Universitas 21 PhD Fellow at the University of New South Wales, Australia, a PhD Visiting Researcher at the University of Tübingen, Germany, and has completed an ESRC-funded placement at the Scrutiny Unit of the House of Commons, UK. [read more]

Abelardo Brenes, Ph.D., is the Director of the M.A. Programme in Peace Education at the United Nations-mandated University for Peace in San José, Costa Rica. [...] His most recent activities at the University for Peace are the design, planning, and recruitment of professors, the selection of students, and the direction of the Masters Programme in Peace Education. [read more]


Rubén A. Chababo is a Literature Professor, who graduated from the National University of Rosario (Universidad Nacional de Rosario) in 1987. He is an Assistant Professor of Nineteenth Century Argentine Literature at the Humanities and Arts School of Rosario, and a Literature Professor at Bialik Institute in Rosario. [read more]
Islam Elsanov is a Writer, Filmmaker, and Chechen/Russian-speaking North-Caucasus Specialist based in Stavanger, Norway. [read more]

Raïs Neza Boneza (Norway/ Democratic Republic of Congo [Ex-Zaire]), BA in Social Sciences, MA of Humanities, Author and Poet. He currently lives in Norway where he works as a peace researcher and practitioner. [read more]
Gladston Xavier (India) is a Fulbright Fellow who studied conflict transformation. He presently lectures in Loyola College affiliated to the University of Madras. He works among the refugees, people living with HIV/AIDS and the dalits in India. He has been trained in Street theater, Playback theater and theater of the oppressed. He also gives theater workshop for different groups. He is presently pursuing his Ph.D. I Social Work on the peace process in Sri Lanka. The title of his project is A Qualitative Study on the Sri Lankan Tamil Refugees Living in Camps in Tamil Nadu on the Humiliation that they Face. [read more]

Richard Burns, has completed a MSc in Applied Psychology at Manchester University, involving a dissertation looking into The Sources and Symptoms of Stress Reported by a Sample of International Teachers. [read more]
Ivan Leuder, Ph.D., Manchester University, UK. [read more]

Dr. Martin Farrell received his Ph.D. from the University of Strathclyde in 1993. He then held a Royal Society/SERC postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Aix-Marseille in France from 1993-1995. [...] He has been a lecturer at the Department of Psychology, University of Manchester, since 1997. [read more]

Mons Bendixen, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim. [read more]
François Audigier, Professor, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. [read more]
Williams R. O’Neill, Ph.D., Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley, USA. [read more]
Van der Linden, Professor, Department of Cognitive Psychopathology, University of Geneva, Switzerland. [read more]

Abdeljalil Akkari is a Director of Research at the Higher Pedagogical Institute HEP-BEJUNE in Bienne, Switzerland. His major publications include studies on educational planning, multicultural education, teacher training and educational inequalities. Her main research interests focuses on Europe, Africa and Latin America. He is also consultant for the International Bureau of Education (UNESCO). [read more]
Charles Magnin, Professor of History of Education, at Geneva University, Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences. [read more]
Sandra Helena Cachenot, Psychologist. [read more]
Altaf Ullah Khan is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Journalism & Mass Communication at the University of Peshawar, in Pakistan. [read more]

Floyd Webster Rudmin is Co-Director and Co-Coordinator of the HumanDHS Stop Hazing and Bullying Project and the HumanDHS World Gender Relations for Equal Dignity Project, as well as the HumanDHS Apology Project. He is also a member of the HumanDHS Global Core Team, and the HumanDHS Advisory Board.
Floyd Webster Rudmin, Ph.D., is a Professor of Social and Community Psychology at the University of Tromsø in Norway. He earned his B.A. in Philosophy in Bowdoin College, his M.A. in Audiology in SUNY, Buffalo, his M.A. in Psychology at Queen's University, Canada, and his Ph.D. in Psychology from Queen's University, Canada. His research interests include cognitive history (psychology of historical beliefs), psychology of ownership, cross-cultural psychology, statistical methods, peace research, and history of psychology. [read more]

Antony Adolf, author of Peace: A World History, was born in Montreal of Egyptian and Greek parents and currently lives in Chicago where he teaches. He received his B.A. from the University of Illinois, M.A. from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, and a post-graduate certificate from Cornell University’s School of Criticism and Theory. Visit and subsribe to his blog, "One World, Many Peaces." [read more]


Wael Mohamed is a Clinical Pharmacologist, Neuroscientist and Psychiatrist. He dedicates his career to neurological research and medical teaching. His research focuses on advancing knowledge and understanding of neurological diseases through unconventional thinking. Therefore his basic and translational research targets the investigation and development of novel treatment for resistant diseases. Therefore his basic and translational research targets the investigation and development of novel treatment for resistant diseases. [read more]


Joám is part of the leadership team of the Center for Global Nonkilling and has as primary responsibility identifying, leading and/or overseeing research initiatives, including symposia, collection of critical data related to nonkilling, research committees and related activities. Joám followed graduate and undergraduate studies in Journalism, Anthropology and Politics. He was Professor of Media Studies at the University of Santiago de Compostela and Director of the Arab and Islamic Studies Program at Menéndez Pelayo International University. He is also Founding President of the Galizan Institute for International Security and Peace Studies and Board member of the Brazilian Institute for Nonkilling. [read more]

Tony Webb holds a PhD in Humanities/Trans Disciplinary Research from the University of Western Sydney based on a study exploring the social psychology of shame as the root of a wide range of personal and social crises. The study evolved from his work as a social activist that began in the 1970s working with homeless and unemployed people in the UK and that progressed through three decades of building local national and international campaigns and alliances between diverse groups on ecological, peace, public health, and industry policy issues. [read more]

Paul A. Stokes is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board. He is part of the core HumanDHS Research Management Team.
Paul A. Stokes is a College Lecturer in the Department of Sociology at the National University of Ireland, Dublin, since 1996 and a member of the Faculty of Human Sciences in UCD. During the academic year 2000-2001 he was a Visiting Scholar. [read more]

Refugees and Humiliation Project (alphabetical)


Victor Boudjou Adangba (USA/Ivory Coast) is a Doctoral Student in Moral Theology and Ethics at the Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley, USA. The title of his project is Immigrants, Refugees in West Africa and Humiliation. [read more]


Zahid Shahab Ahmed (Pakistan) is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Core Team.
He is a Program Officer for the NGO Sahil in Pakistan. The title of his project is Refugees in South Asia and Humiliation. [read more]
Jorgelina Gabriela Almeida (Argentina) is specialising in Museum Conservation. The title of her project is Humiliation Policies Applied to Persecuted Individuals, Detainees and Refugees During the Period 1975/1983 in Rosario, Argentina [read more]
Johanna Turner Baker (UK) has graduated from Manchester University in 2004 in Psychology. She did research on the construction of identity in refugees, using a discourse analysis framework and focussing on reaction to stereotypes of refugees and also gender. The title of her project is An Existential Discourse Analysis of Humiliation as Reported by Iraqi Refugees in the UK and Denmark. [read more]

Florina Immaculate Mary Benoit (India) is completing her Ph.D. in Social Work on the quality of life of Sri Lankan Tamil refugees living in camps in Tamil Nadu. She has worked with the refugees for the last six years in various capacities. She does capacity building programs for different target groups. She uses theater to do most of her workshops. She has recently returned from United States after completing a Masters in Conflict Transformation with a Fulbright fellowship. The title of her project is A Qualitative Study on the Sri Lankan Tamil Refugees Living in Camps in Tamil Nadu on the Humiliation that they Face. [read more]

Tuva Otterlei Blikom (Norway) has a Bachelor of Arts in Media and Communications from Norwegian University of Technology and Science (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway. She spent two semesters of her BA at the University in Stockholm, Sweden, studying gender in fiction films and gender science. In 2008, she finished her MA in Media and Communications at the University of Oslo (UiO), Norway. Her main areas of interest are popular culture, how it is expressed and how this unravels structures and tendencies in society and modern times. The title of her project was Being a Man is a Full-Time Job: A study on Masculinities in “Varg Veum – Bitter Flowers”, “Gangster” and “After the Wedding.” [read more]

Mari Otterlei Blikom (Norway) has a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from University of Western Australia, Perth. She has studied one semester on Bali, Indonesia, and has just finished her Master's Degree in social psychology at the University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway. The title of her project is Understanding the Lives of Refugees Living in Exile: A Core Social Motive Approach. [read more]

Raïs Neza Boneza (Norway/ Democratic Republic of Congo [Ex-Zaire]), BA in Social Sciences, MA of Humanities, Author and Poet. He currently lives in Norway where he works as a peace researcher and practitioner. The title of his project is Afro-Hitlerism: Historic of Cultural Humiliation in the Great-Lakes. [read more]


Sadaf Rassoul Cameron (Afghanistan) is a Peace Education Master students at the United Nations-mandated University for Peace (UPEACE), Costa Rica. The title of her project is Afghan Refugees in the United States: Before and After September 11th. [read more]
Alex Dawson (UK) graduated from Manchester University with a 2.1 in Psychology. He is currently working as a community counsellor in Manchester. The title of his project is An Existential Discourse Analysis of Humiliation as Reported by Iraqi Refugees in the UK and Denmark [read more]
Andrea Enders (Germany) is a journalist and fluent in English, Spanish, Italian, French. The title of her project is Humiliation and Human Strength: Stories of African-Spanish Migrations. [read more]

Victoria Christine Fontan is a Member of the HumanDHS Board of Directors, the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board, the HumanDHS Global Core Team, the HumanDHS Research Team, and the HumanDHS Education Team. She is furthermore the former Co-Editor of the Journal of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (JHDHS).
Victoria is an analyst with a demonstrated history of working in the international affairs industry, specifically higher education. She has diverse experience in Nonprofit Organizations, Scientific Capacity Co-operation, Peace and Conflict Studies, Intercultural Communication, Politics, and Political Science. Currently working on the professionalization of the humanitarian sector. [read more]
Gakuba Théogène-Octave, Ph.D. (Rwanda, Switzerland) is an Educational Psychologist, Ecologist, Postdoctorate and Lecturer at the Institute of Psychology, University of Lausanne, Switzerland. The title of his project is Frustration, Humiliation and Psycho-Social Suffering of Rwandan Refugees in Africa and Europe. [read more]

Jean-Damascène Gasanabo (Damas) is also a Member of our HumanDHS Global Core Team and Education Team.
Jean-Damascène Gasanabo (Damas) has a Ph.D. in Education from the University of Geneva, Switzerland (2004). His thesis pertained to the analysis of history textbooks and the construction of exclusive identities in Rwanda from 1962 to 1994. After his studies, Damas worked with UNESCO in Paris as Consultant in Education Sector for the project Fostering Peaceful Co-Existence through Analysis and Revision of History Curricula and School Textbooks in South-Eastern Europe (2005–2006). He has also collaborated as Programme Specialist for The United Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violence against Children (2006). From 2012 until 2021, Damas wored in Rwanda and is now an independent consultant. [read more]


Manas M. Ghanem (Syria/USA) is a Fulbright scholar and Master's Candidate at the Conflict Transformation Program, Eastern Mennonite University, Virginia, USA. The title of her project is Iraqi Refugees in Syria and Jordan & Humiliation. [read more]

Jacqueline Hayes (UK) has graduated from Manchester University in Psychology. She conducted research on the social identities of refugees. The title of her project is An Existential Discourse Analysis of Humiliation as Reported by Iraqi Refugees in the UK and Denmark. [read more]
Federico Laggi, MA in Development Studies, is fluent in English, French, Italian, Spanish, was the Camp Manager of the UNHCR D'Jabal Refugee Camp for the Italian NGO INTERSOS (2004). He is currently Italy-Morocco Remittances Corridor Project Analyst. The title of his project is Humiliation and Human Strength: Stories of African-Spanish Migrations. [read more]

Alyi Patrick Lalur (Uganda/UK) is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Core Team, and Director and Coordinator of HumanDHS's Child Soldiers Worldwide Project.
He is currently enrolled for the Masters of Philosophy in International Peace Studies at the United Nations-mandated University for Peace with research interest in Justice and Reconciliation during period of war. The title of his project is Resilience, Humiliation and Adulthood Sexual Abuse: Understanding the Psychology of Violence Among Sudanese Refugees living in Uganda. [read more]

Ana Ljubinkovic is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Core Team.
She holds a Masters degree in the Theory and Practice of Human Rights and is currently doing her PhD in the Sociology Department at the University of Essex, UK. The research is entitled 'Collateral Effects or the New Wretched of the World: Invisible Victims of Human Rights Crusades'. [read more]

Miriam H. Marton is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Core Team.
Miriam Marton, attorney and social worker, is the William R. Davis Clinical Teaching Fellow at the Asylum and Human Rights Clinic, University of Connecticut School of Law. Professor Marton teaches and supervises law students representing refugees seeking asylum and other legal relief in the United States. Professor Marton also conducts research on the particular issues facing female refugees fleeing gender-based violence, both in the countries-of-origins and in the United States' legal system. [read more]
Ceferino Roque Moreira (Argentina) focused on Anthropology, History and Museum Conservation. The title of her project is Humiliation Policies Applied to Persecuted Individuals, Detainees and Refugees During the Period 1975/1983 in Rosario, Argentina. [read more]
Esperanza Moreno, BA, Justice Peace and Conflict Studies, is fluent in Spanish, and has experience in working with displaced women in Colombia and Venezuela. The title of her project is Humiliation and Human Strength: Stories of African-Spanish Migrations [read more]

Peter Mosely (UK) has graduated from Manchester University in 2004 in Philosophy. His key papers included Heidegger & Anxiety, and Emotions & Responsibility: An Existential Analysis of the Euthanasia Problem. The title of his project is An Existential Discourse Analysis of Humiliation as Reported by Iraqi Refugees in the UK and Denmark. [read more]

Jean Berchmans Ndayizigiye (USA/Africa) is a French Language Assistant at Eastern Mennonite University, Harrisonburg, Virginia, USA, and has a M.A. in Conflict Transformation from Eastern Mennonite University (2000). The title of his project is Refugees from the Great Lakes Region of Central Africa & Humiliation. [read more]

Alphonse Nshimiyimana (Rwanda/Costa Rica), United Nations-mandated University for Peace, Costa Rica. The title of his project is Humiliation and Refugees: The Legacy of Violence and Inaction in the Great Lake Region - The Uganda-Rwanda Scenario. [read more]

Onen Christine Harriet (Uganda/Costa Rica) is currently a Masters' student at the United Nations-mandated University for Peace in Costa Rica in the Department of International Peace and Conflict studies specialising in Peace Education. The title of her project is Humiliation and Refugees: The Legacy of Violence and Inaction in the Great Lake Region - The Uganda-Rwanda Scenario. [read more]
Veronica Pacini (Italy/Costa Rica), United Nations-mandated University for Peace, Costa Rica, doing her Master's Degree in the M.A. Programme in Peace Education. The title of her project is Humiliation and Refugees: The Legacy of Violence and Inaction in the Great Lake Region - The Uganda-Rwanda Scenario. [read more]
Tobias Pechmann is a Student in International Politics, University of Marburg, fluent in German and English. The title of his project is Humiliation and Human Strength: Stories of African-Spanish Migrations. [read more]

Moira R. Rogers, Ph.D., is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board and part of the core HumanDHS Research Management Team.
She is Associate Professor of Spanish at Eastern Mennonite University and Intercultural Consultant for a variety of organizations in Germany, Spain, and the U.S. She has a Ph.D. in Science and Technology Studies from Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, an MA in Biblical Studies from the Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries, Elkhart, IN, and a Teaching Degree in Philosophy from the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. The title of her project is Humiliation and Human Strength: Stories of African-Spanish Migrations. [read more]
Rwamatwara Egide is a Sociologist and Anthropologist and Doctoral Student in Sociology, University of Zimbabwe, Harare, Africa. The title of his project is Frustration, Humiliation and Psycho-Social Suffering of Rwandan Refugees in Africa and Europe. [read more]
María Laura Salafia, Political Science. The title of her project is Humiliation Policies Applied to Persecuted Individuals, Detainees and Refugees During the Period 1975/1983 in Rosario, Argentina. [read more]
Laura Schildt, MA, Center for Justice and Peacebuilding, Eastern Mennonite University, EMU, Virginia, USA, is fluent in Spanish and English, and has experience in community development, Mexico. The title of her project is Humiliation and Human Strength: Stories of African-Spanish Migrations. [read more]
Nancy Good Sider, Ph.D., Project Consultant, Graduate Faculty, Conflict Transformation, Eastern Mennonite University, EMU, Virginia, USA. The title of her project is Humiliation and Human Strength: Stories of African-Spanish Migrations. [read more]

Espen Sivertsen (Denmark) is currently studying project management and new business design as a "Chaos Pilot" in Århus, Denmark. He has graduated from Manchester University with an Upper Second in Psychology and has worked as a research assistant for Dr. Sirois in Manchester. The title of his project is An Existential Discourse Analysis of Humiliation as Reported by Iraqi Refugees in the UK and Denmark. [read more]

Tsempzang Simplice Miafo (Cameroon/Switzerland) is currently finishing the equivalence of the Licence of Psychology at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. The title of his project is Refugees' Psychological Functioning in Cameroon. The Case of Chadian or Central African Adults of Yaoundé. [read more]

Tzvetelina Tzoneva (Bulgaria/Switzerland), is currently a doctoral student, Candidate to Ph.D. in Education from University of Geneva, Switzerland, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences. The title of her project is Dignity-Humiliation in the Case of Internally Displaced Persons in Latin America: The Examples of Colombia, Guatemala, Peru and Mexico. [read more]
Delia Natalia Urquiza focuses on Museum Conservation and Social Work. The title of her project is Humiliation Policies Applied to Persecuted Individuals, Detainees and Refugees During the Period 1975/1983 in Rosario, Argentina. [read more]
Marcela Valdata (Argentina) is currently working on her Ph.D. at the Museo de la Memoria [Museum of Memory] in Rosario, Argentina. The title of her project is Humiliation Policies Applied to Persecuted Individuals, Detainees and Refugees During the Period 1975/1983 in Rosario, Argentina. [read more]
Juan Manuel Walmaggia, Anthropology. The title of his project is Humiliation Policies Applied to Persecuted Individuals, Detainees and Refugees During the Period 1975/1983 in Rosario, Argentina. [read more]
Gladston Xavier (India) is a Fulbright Fellow who studied conflict transformation. He presently lectures in Loyola College affiliated to the University of Madras. He works among the refugees, people living with HIV/AIDS and the dalits in India. He has been trained in Street theater, Playback theater and theater of the oppressed. He also gives theater workshop for different groups. He is presently pursuing his Ph.D. I Social Work on the peace process in Sri Lanka. The title of his project is A Qualitative Study on the Sri Lankan Tamil Refugees Living in Camps in Tamil Nadu on the Humiliation that they Face. [read more]

Terrorism and Humiliation Project (alphabetical)

Noor Akbar is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Coordinating Team, of the HumanDHS Global Core Team, and of the HumanDHS Education Team.
He is a native of Pakistan's North West Frontier Province (NWFP) and has earlier worked as a free lance journalist. He has a Master's degree in Journalism & Mass Communication from the University of Peshawar and is presently doing his Master's degree in Political Science from the same university. The title of his project is Terrorism and Humiliation: To Show Empirically that Humiliation Is one of the Root Causes of Terrorism. [read more]

Jessica Los Baños (Philippines) is an Attorney and holds a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) from the University of the Philippines and a Masters of Business (MBA) from the Monash University, Australia. The title of her project is The Effects of Humiliation on the Economic, Socio-cultural Rights and Access to Justice of Muslim Women in Mindanao. [read more]

Imelda Deinla (Philippines) is an Attorney and holds a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) from the University of the Philippines and a Masters of Law (LLM) in International Law from the University of New South Wales, Australia. The title of her project is The Effects of Humiliation on the Economic, Socio-cultural Rights and Access to Justice of Muslim Women in Mindanao. [read more]
Mitch Elliott, Ph.D., is a Psychoanalyst working in Dublin and Belfast and the Director of the Irish Institute for Psycho-Social Studies. The title of his project is Damaged Bonds: A Study in the Social Psychodynamics of Conflicted Group Identities. [read more]

Corinna Carmen Gayer is also a Member of the HumanDHS Education Team.
Corinna is a PhD-student in peace- and conflict studies at the Freie Universität in Berlin. She finished her masters thesis entitled Of Irreconcilable Nature? Biodiversity Conservation and Indigenous Peoples' Rights in Brazil at the Department for Social Sciences at the Humboldt-University in Berlin. [read more]

Hans Ola Haavelsrud (Norway/UK) is currently about to complete a master's degree in moral philosophy and public policy at the London School of Economics and Political Science where he has been a student for the past four years. The title of his project is Terrorism and Humiliation in Argentina, Chile, Brazil and Uruguay. [read more]

Syed Abrar Hussain (Pakistan/USA) is a Fulbright Scholar & MA Student at the Conflict Transformation Program, Eastern Mennonite University, EMU, Virginia, USA. The title of his project is Humiliation and Terrorism: A Case Study of How the Feelings of Humiliation and Hopelessness are Turning the Students in the Religious Madrasas (Seminaries) of Pakistan into Potential Terrorists. [read more]


Vegar Jordanger is Doctorate Student at the Department of Psychology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, and a peace researcher and practitioner. The title of his project is Humiliation, Violence, and Terror in War-Torn Chechnya and North Caucasus. [read more]

Olowoyeye Abiodun (Nigeria/UK), London School of Management and Technology, Stratford, UK; Masters in Political Science (Public Administration), 1999, University of Lagos, Nigeria. The title of his project is Africa, a Trigger in the Explosion of International Terrorism: A Critical Analysis of The "Apparatus" of Terrorism and its Causes. [read more]
Jelen Paclarin (Philippines) is a Senior Lecturer at the Miriam College, and a Feminist & Developmental Worker. The title of her project is The Effects of Humiliation on the Economic, Socio-cultural Rights and Access to Justice of Muslim Women in Mindanao. [read more]

Susmita Thukral is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Core Team and the HumanDHS Education Team.
Susmita is from New Delhi, India. She has a Masters in Psychology and Education from Teachers College, Columbia University. Susmita has extensive research experience and has worked on an interdisciplinary research project on the lives of individuals who witnessed the partition of India and the violence that it entailed.
Her scholarly interests include genocide, war trauma and terrorism. She wishes to actively work in the area of trauma studies in a way that allows her to combine her psychodynamic orientation and socio-political interests.
The title of her project is Why Do People Join Terrorist Organizations? [read more]