Global Core Team

Evelin Gerda Lindner is the Founding President of the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS) network and initiator of the World Dignity University initiative. She is a transdisciplinary social scientist and humanist and holds two Ph.D.s, one in medicine and one in psychology. In 1996, she designed a research project on the concept of humiliation and its role in genocide and war. European history served as starting point. [read more]

DONALD C. KLEIN † June 8, 2007, yet always with us in spirit!
Donald C. Klein, Ph.D., was also a Member of the HumanDHS Board of Directors, the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board, the HumanDHS Global Coordinating Team, and the HumanDHS Research Team. [...] He was Professor Emeritus of the Graduate College of The Union Institute & University, which offers an innovative non-residential doctoral program for working adults.
Don Klein has been one of the first to explicitly examine and write on the humiliation phenomena. His first publication on humiliation goes back to 1991 (Journal of Primary Prevention on the Humiliation Dynamic, Vol 12, no. 2, Winter, 1991; Vol 12, No. 3, Spring 1992). [read more]

Linda M. Hartling, Ph.D., is the HumanDHS Director, the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board, Global Coordinating Team, HumanDHS's Research Team, and HumanDHS's Education Team. She is also a Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (JHDHS).
Linda M. Hartling is the recipient of the Association for Creativity in Counseling Research Award (see the slides of her acceptance talk).
Linda is affiliated with the Jean Baker Miller Training Institute (JBMTI) at the Stone Center, which is part of the Wellesley Centers for Women at Wellesley College in Massachusetts. Until 2008, she was its the Associate Director. Dr. Hartling is a member of the JBMTI theory-building group advancing the practice of the Relational-Cultural Theory, a model of psychological growth and development. [read more]

Michael Francis Britton is a Member of the the HumanDHS Board of Directors, the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board, the HumanDHS Global Core Team, and a Member of the HumanDHS Global Coordinating Team, as well as Co-Director and Co-Coordinator of the HumanDHS Stop Hazing and Bullying Project. He is the HumanDHS Director of "Global Appreciative Culturing."
Concerned with integrative thinking across neuroscience, in-depth psychotherapies and historical/cultural living, Michael Britton's work looks at how participation in the historical life of our times and interior life are deeply intertwined. [read more]

Victoria Christine Fontan is a Member of the HumanDHS Board of Directors, the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board, the HumanDHS Global Core Team, the HumanDHS Research Team, and the HumanDHS Research Team. She is furthermore the former Co-Editor of the Journal of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (JHDHS). Victoria is the Director of Academic Development, and Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies at the United Nations-mandated University for Peace in San Jose, Costa Rica. As a Fellow to the Iraq Project at the CICR in Columbia University, Victoria is in charge of developing a permanent Conflict Resolution curriculum in northern Iraqi universities. [read more]

Judit Révész is a Member of the HumanDHS Board of Directors, the HumanDHS Global Core Coordinating Team and the HumanDHS Education Team. She generously donates her free time, since 2003, to handle all the messages sent to our website through our Contact Us page.
Judit is the Ombudsperson at the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in Geneva since 2019. From 2016 until 2019 she was at Barnard College as ombuds officer, following many years as a Consultant Case Officer at the United Nations Office of the Ombudsman for Funds & Programmes (UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF and UNOPS), providing services for those whose want to resolve their workplace related conflict within the informal conflict resolution system. [read more]


Chipamong Chowdhury is a Member of the HumanDHS Board of Directors.
He is a contemplative scholar, researcher, practitioner of Theravada Buddhism, and an engaged Buddhist activist/monk. He is a member of the HumanDHS Global Core Team and co-coordinator of the HumanDHS World Gender Relations for Equal Dignity (WGenderRED) project. [...] He studied in Burma, Sri Lanka, USA, and Canada from where he received graduate and post-graduate degrees in Buddhist and South Asian Studies. He has given many talks on Buddhism and Asian spirituality in various institutions and prese... Currently, he is teaching at the Tallinn University in Estonia on Buddhism, Politics and Modernity and Buddhism, Women, Sexuality, and Female Asceticism. [read more]


Amy C. Hudnall is a Member of HumanDHS's Education Team, and Co-Editor of the Journal of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (JHDHS). She is also HumanDHS's representative to the International Association of Genocide Scholars (IAGS).
Amy is a Lecturer in the History and Women's Studies Departments at Appalachian State University and a Research Assistant Professor at the Institute of Rural Health, Idaho State University. Amy Hudnall is teaching an interdisciplinary course on the development of warfare and peacemaking and preparing an interdisciplinary course on genocide that will have a heavy focus on psychology. [read more]

Christopher Santee is also a Member in our HumanDHS Research Team, and Project Associate of the Journal of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (JHDHS).
He is currently studying and residing in San José, Costa Rica. He obtained a Bachelor's degree in Interdisciplinary Studies with a focus on Peace Studies from Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado, USA in 2005. Christopher has been working and interning at the United Nations-mandated University for Peace in Costa Rica since February, 2005. He hopes to enroll in a masters degree program in a yet-to-be determined institution for Sustainable Development, Peace Studies or International Relations with a focus on Latin America. [read more]
BERTRAM WYATT-BROWN (March 19, 1932 - November 5, 2012, but always with us in our hearts!)
Bertram Wyatt-Brown is a Member of the HumanDHS Board of Directors and was the Guest Editor of "Humiliation and History in Global Perspectives," a Special Issue of Social Alternatives (Vol. 25, No. 1, First Quarter, 2006), edited by Ralph Summy.
Richard J. Milbauer Emeritus Professor of History, University of Florida, and Visiting Scholar, Johns Hopkins University, he has published numerous works in history relating to honor: Southern Honor: Ethics and Behavior in the Old South (1982); The House of Percy: Honor, Melancholy, and Imagination in a Southern Family (1994); The Shaping of Southern Culture: Honor, Grace, and War (2001) [...] Wyatt-Brown is currently preparing books entitled Lincoln's Assassination and the Undoing of Union Victory and Melancholy's Children: Modern Southern Writers and Depression. [read more]

Bayezid Dawla is a dignity activist.... He is currently the (honorary) Executive Director of Civic Bangladesh, a civil society organization (CSO) registered as a Trust working to advance democracy and democratic governance through civic education and engagement. He is also General Secretary of Bangladesh Dignity Forum, which is leading an Equal Dignity Campaign launched in 2006 by Civic Bangladesh. [read more]

Mohammad Abul Kalam Azad is Assistant Professor and Coordinator of the Center of General Education (GED), as well as Assistant Adviser for Student's Welfare at Manrat International University in Dhaka, Bangladesh. He has completed his M.A. degree in Peace Education at the United Nations mandated University for Peace in Costa Rica. Md. Azad has another Master’s degree in Islamic Studies from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. [read more]

Nick is a also a Member of the HumanDHS Research Team.
Nick is currently a visiting fellow at the United Nations University for Peace (UPEACE) campus in Costa Rica. He also serves as Deputy Director of UPEACE/US, a foundation created in the U.S. for charitable purposes and dedicated exclusively to the advancement of educational peace initiatives and programs established by the United Nations University for Peace. [read more]

Eric Van Grasdorff is also a Member of the HumanDHS Board of Directors, and the HumanDHS Global Core Coordinating Team.
He is a Political Scientist and has graduated from the Free University of Berlin, Germany, on the topic African Renaissance and Discourse Ownership in the Information Age (2003). Born and grown up in Dakar, Senegal and later in Germany, he has very early in his life developed an intercultural identity. [read more]


Professor Francisco Cardoso Gomes de Matos is Recipient of the 2023 HumanDHS Lifetime Commitment Award. He is a Founding Member of the World Dignity University initiative and also a Member of our HumanDHS Global Advisory Board. He kindly coordinates two of our projects: he is the Director and Coordinator of HumanDHS's World Language for Equal Dignity Project and of HumanDHS's Creativity Through Equal Dignity Project.
Professor Francisco Gomes de Matos taught linguistics and languages at the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE) in Recife, northeastern Brazil till his retirement in 2003. He holds degrees in languages and law from UFPE and in linguistics from the University of Michigan and the Catholic University of São Paulo. [read more]


Rosita Albert is a Visiting Scholar in the Social Psychology area of the Psychology Department at Harvard, and her research focuses on Intercultural Relations and Intercultural Conflicts. She is also an Associate Professor in the pioneering program in Intercultural Communication at the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Minnesota. She is a Founding Fellow and a member of the Governing Board of the International Academy for Intercultural Research. She is originally from Brazil, and her mother and grandparents left Germany to escape from Hitler. It is because of this background that she works to create respectful relations among groups from different backgrounds. [read more]

Pamela Hiley is the Director of the Norsk Taiji Senter (Norwegian Taiji Centre). Pamela is one of Europe’s most experienced Taijiquan and Qigong instructors and the first professional instructor in Norway. Originally from Wales, she founded the Norsk Taiji Senter in 1983 and has since then instructed in both the private and public sectors. Her clientele includes many Norwegian government offices, educational institutes and private companies. Pamela also holds a Bachelor’s degree in Human Movement Studies. [read more]

Mani Bruce Mitchell is also Member of our Global Education Team.
My name is Mani Bruce Mitchell, I am an Educator, a Counsellor, Mentor, Change Agent, Artist – film maker and an intersex person (a person born with atypical genitalia), an issue that has for the last 100 years been shrouded in great mystery, silence and shame. I am also a teacher, a dreamer and in my early 40's (I am now in my 60's) I 'found my voice', I found it with gentleness, the result of attending the residential workshops designed by gifted grief and loss psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross. [read more]

Safia Abdi Haase (born 05/05/59) is an ethnic Somali and Norwegian graduate nurse who has been with the Amathea Foundation in Norway since 2005. She is working with women's health, with a focus on Somali women and FGM (female genital mutilation). See Why Did You Do It Mom?, a film about Safia's history. Safia came to Norway in 1992. She graduated as a nurse at the University College in Harstad. She has gained project experience through the Oslo University College and later earned her Masters in International Welfare and Healt Policy at the University of Oslo. [read more]



Tone B. Bergflødt was raised on a traditional farm in Eastern Norway. When she was 20 years old, she moved to Oslo and worked in a bank until she was 35. She then returned to the village with her family and took over the family farmhouse with her husband. It turned out that the family history, and especially the silence surrounding the grandfather's role during the Second World War, weighed heavy on her. She wanted to know more, began to study family history, and found understanding through studying psychology. [read more]


Gerdelin is a social worker who specialised in group therapy. She was born in Bergen, Norway, and lives now on an island in the Oslofjord, called Tjøme, which is known for its beautiful landscape and cultural life. She has worked in many different contexts, among others, with designing and giving seminars and providing therapy to disabled patients and their families in various treatment institutions for disabled youths and adults. During the last fourteen years, she has worked in a hospital as a group therapist for psychiatric patients. [read more]


Lisbeth Vilkan Glad was born in Tønsberg, Norway, and lives on Nøtterøy in the Oslofjord. She has her own art gallery in Nøtterøy, Galleri Glad, where she works, arranges exhibitions, and offers painting courses. She has founded International Art for Understanding (IAU) to increase understanding and confidence between people of all races, based on her belief that this goal can be reached through the medium of art, by international paintings demonstrating how similar our basic needs are, such as for food and lodging, hope for liberty, and longing for peace. [read more]


Kim Eriksen, M.Phil., LL.M., Researcher/International Humanitarian Law (IHL)/Environmental Protection/Universal Human Dignity, Rights & Solidarity
Kim Eriksen has a B.A. in the Humanities from the University of Pittsburgh. For her honorary achievement, she was recognized by the Golden Key International Honor Society. [read more]

Bjørn Ekelund has worked with cross-cultural challenges since the mid 90ies and as a management consultant since the end of the 80ies. He has developed assessments for individuals and teams with the aim to improve cooperation. He is educated as a psychologist and in the area of management. He has published 30 articles and 5 books. He is most known for the Diversity Icebreaker concept that is used in many contexts, including for improving trust in cross-cultural and interdisciplinary contexts. [read more]
Regina Hanel is the Executive Secretary at the Heliopolis University for Sustainability in Cairo, Egypt. The 31st Dignity Conference took place at SEKEM ecovillage and Heliopolis University in September 2018.

Sameh Khouzam is an Egyptian engineer with a keen interest in architecture, including the dignity of architecture and how architecture impacts dignity. "Dignity is our life," this is his motto: "If the real meanings of dignity are among all of us there will be no more hopeless."
Sameh is the son of Mary Bakhoum. [read more]

My name is Nathalie Haavimb and I am exploring the mystery of life and love. I graduated from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway, with a Masters degree in mechanical engineering and project management, and the master thesis “Execution Model for Rural Water Projects in Developing Nations,” where I also accompanied NORAD in an excursion to Tanzania to review former water projects. [read more]

Joshua N. Weiss is the Associate Director of the Global Negotiation Project at Harvard University. He received his Ph.D. from the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution (ICAR) at George Mason University in 2002. Dr. Weiss has spoken and published on negotiation, mediation, and systemic approaches to dealing with conflict. In his current capacity he conducts research, consults with many different types of organizations, teaches courses on Negotiation, Mediation, and Conflict Management and Resolution, and practices the art and science of negotiation at the interstate, intrastate, and organizational levels. [read more]

Dr. Kenneth Suslak is a Professor of Clinical Psychology and Interdisciplinary Studies at the Union Institute and University and a Clinical Psychologist for over 35 years with a specialization on the effects of war and oppression on children. He has provided consultation, treatment, and training services for professionals and indigenous workers in many countries, including Belarus, Latvia, Russia, Israel/Palestine, and the U.S. [read more]

Hildegunn Nordtug is also a member in our HumanDHS Global Coordinating Team.
Hildegunn has just earned her Master's degree in Social and Community Psychology at the University of Trondheim. She wrote her thesis, Implicit Prejudice against Arab Immigrants, on social desirability as response bias with a survey on sexual harassment and violation among youth. She was also working as a research assistant for associate professor Ute Gabriel on an experiment about prejudice. [read more]

Maggie O'Neill is also a Member of the HumanDHS Board of Directors, the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board, the HumanDHS Education Team, and HumanDHS Research Team, as part of the core HumanDHS Research Management Team, among others, as advisor to our Refugees and Humiliation Project. She is furthermore a Member of the Academic Board of the Journal of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (JHDHS).
Maggie O'Neill is a Professor in Criminology at the Department of Sociology at Wentworth College, University of York, United Kingdom, as well as Co-Chair of the Sex Work Research Hub, and Co-Chair of the UoY Migration Network. At York University, she is the Programme Director of the BA in Criminology and BA in Sociology with Criminology. [read more]

Floyd Webster Rudmin is Co-Director and Co-Coordinator of the HumanDHS Stop Hazing and Bullying Project and the HumanDHS World Gender Relations for Equal Dignity Project, as well as the HumanDHS Apology Project. He is also a member of the HumanDHS Advisory Board and Research Team.
Floyd Webster Rudmin, Ph.D., has been a Professor of Social and Community Psychology at the University of Tromsø in Norway. He earned his B.A. in Philosophy in Bowdoin College, his M.A. in Audiology in SUNY, Buffalo, his M.A. in Psychology at Queen's University, Canada, and his Ph.D. in Psychology from Queen's University, Canada. His research interests include cognitive history (psychology of historical beliefs), psychology of ownership, cross-cultural psychology, statistical methods, peace research, and history of psychology. [read more]


Matthew Burian is working on a master's degree in Peace and Conflict Transformation at the University of Tromsø. His thesis studies policing and the criminal justice system in the United States, looking at issues relating to race, poverty, and power. Matthew is interested in the ways that attitudes, assumptions, and ways of thinking about the world influence how people interact with one another and organize society. [read more]


Daniel L. Shapiro, Ph.D., advises the HumanDHS Public Policy for Equal Dignity Project. He is the Associate Director of the Harvard Negotiation Project at Harvard Law School. He is on the faculty of Harvard Law School and Harvard Medical School's Department of Psychiatry. Trained in clinical psychology, his research and teaching focus primarily on the role of emotions in negotiation and international conflict management. [read more]

H. STEVEN (Steve, Stevie) MOFFIC, M.D.
Steve Moffic is a psychiatrist who retired from clinical practice and his Tenured Professorship at the Medical College of Wisconsin in July, 2012. His career focus had been on ethical psychiatry and cultural psychiatry. His book, The Ethical Way: Challenges & Solutions for Managed Behavioral Healthcare (Jossey-Bass, 1997) has been the first book to ever be re-reviewed in Psychiatric Services, because 25 years later it was still so relevant. [read more]

Sayaka Funada-Classen is Associate Professor at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (2008-). Sayaka holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from Tsuda Colledge. She is the author of The Origins of 'Unity' and 'Division' in Contemporary Mozambican History, published in Japanese by Ochanomizu Shobo in 2007, awarded by Japan Association of African Studies in 2008. [read more]

Elisabeth E. Scheper is a Senior Advisor for Inclusive Mediation and Gender at the United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, with special interest in Peacebuilding, Inclusive Mediation, Gender, and Civil Society. She researches and writes about innovative civil society conflict prevention approaches as a Fellow and Associate at Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, since 2000. [read more]

Born in the US and residing in Israel, Noam is an attorney and an accomplished mediator. Directing a Jerusalem-based mediation center, he has dealt with hundreds of conflicts as a third party neutral or advisor. Settling day-to-day conflicts in a conflictual locale, Noam has dealt with issues ranging from divorce mediation and business disputes to the Israeli - Palestinian conflict. [...] Noam has taught and trained in Israel's leading universities, colleges and organizations and is a faculty member of Sabanci University's Graduate Program on Conflict Analysis and Resolution in Istanbul, Turkey. [read more]

Sophie Schaarschmidt is also a Member of the HumanDHS Research Team, and the HumanDHS Research Team.
She was born nearby Dresden, Germany, 27 years ago. She has lived and studied in several countries, including Great Britain, Netherlands and Malta. She is a doctorate student of psychology working at the "FernUniversität" in Hagen, Germany (a distance learning university). [read more]

Erin Hilgart (Erin A. Hilgart, LLC) is a change consultant, facilitator & executive coach with 15 years of experience in change management, career development and leadership / team development. Erin works with leadership teams and individual leaders in businesses undergoing growth, off-shoring/outsourcing, and personal and organizational transformation. Her current clients include Associated British Foods, Barclays, Deutsche Bank, New York Life, Women's Prison Association and private coaching clients. [read more]

Beatrice Jacuch is also a Member in the HumanDHS Global Core Coordinating Team and Editor of the World Language for Equal Dignity project.
She is a clinical psychologist currently interning at the Prague Psychiatric Center in the Czech Republic where she provides psychotherapy and assessment. She received her Masters degree in clinical psychology from the Leiden University in the Netherlands. Her dissertation was on psychological resilience to terrorism and combat trauma in a sample of civilian and military personnel in Iraq. [read more]

Michael Dahan is lecturer in communication studies and political science at Ben Gurion University of the Negev. His main research interests include civil society organizations and ICTs; transnational civil society; new media, politics, and society; cultural aspects of ICTs; intercultural dialogue; coexistence issues and comparative politics. [read more]

Rebecca Ann Klein is interested in creating effective, culturally sensitive nutrition programs within the field of Public Health. She is currently a student at Tufts University, working for a Master of Science in Food Policy and Applied Nutrition, with the aim to gain skills to run international health projects, and/or work with the politics and policies that affect the global food supply. She also takes classes at Tufts' school of International Law and Diplomacy. [read more]


Professor Salama is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board, the HumanDHS Reseach Team, and the Director and Coordinator of the HumanDHS World Architecture for Equal Dignity Project.
Dr. Ashraf Salama Dr. Ashraf Salama is Professor of Architecture in the Architectural Engineering Program of Qatar University in Doha. Prior to that, he was Associate Professor of Architecture at the Department of Architecture, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals-KFUPM. He was the Director of Research and Consulting at Adams Group Consultants in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA (2001-04). [read more]

Hayal Köksal, Ph.D., is a teacher, trainer, researcher, and author. She is the
Turkish Founder of the “CMS-QOMER Initiative for Peace Education.” She is the advisor and coordinator of the Innovative Teachers Program of Microsoft Turkey, and consultant of Educational Quality, Leadership and Project Management. Dr. Köksal was born in Balıkesir, Turkey in 1956. She graduated from Izmir Teachers' Training College in 1976, and Educational Faculty of Marmara University in 1985. She received her MA in English Language Teaching from Gaziantep University in 1992, and her Ph.D. in Educational Sciences in 1997. [read more]

Duke Duchscherer is also a Member of the HumanDHS Research Team.
Duke Duchscherer is a Certified Trainer with the International Center for Nonviolent Communication and is on the Board of Directors for the MK Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence. For the past 17 years Duke has taught and facilitated peacebuilding and reconciliation processes with a depth and breadth of peoples and groups from the grassroots to the United Nations on four continents. [read more]

Dharm P. S. Bhawuk, is a Member of the HumanDHS Advisory Board, and Advisor of HumanDHS's World Films for Equal Dignity Project.
Dr. Dharm P. S. Bhawuk (Ph. D. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) is a Professor of Management and Culture and Community Psychology at the University of Hawai'i, Manoa, Honolulu. He has research interests in indigenous psychology and management, cross-cultural training, intercultural sensitivity, diversity in the workplace, individualism and collectivism, culture and creativity, and spirituality. [read more]


Edward J. Emergy is also a Member of the HumanDHS Research Team and HumanDHS Research Team.
He is the Chief Representative to the United Nations for World Information Transfer, an international NGO in Genral Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council at the UN. He is also a Senior Partner with Ethical Futures and a psychoanalyst in private practice. Dr. Emery has lectured and taught internationally. [read more]

Miriam Pina is a Brazilian, mother of seven children, a writer, translator-interpreter, and teacher of English. She spent five years in Angola (19991-1996), originally to work for the Focolare Movement, but she also worked for the U.N. The place she worked in was called United Nations Angola Verification Mission. She has written a series of articles on her experience (some with a focus on Humiliation) for the Brazilian Focolare magazine CIDADE NOVA. [read more]

Trevor L. Ballance is a lecturer and researcher at Josai International University, Japan, in the Department of International Exchange. He teaches courses on NGO issues and case studies on the NGO/business relationship. In addition to his teaching commitments, Trevor also works with local NGOs to provide students with work experience and is currently helping set up an NGO Support Center at the University. [read more]

Neil Ryan Walsh is the Director and Coordinator of the HumanDHS Japan for Equal Dignity (JED) project.
He is currently working with the Kaminokawa-machi board of education as a member of the Japan Exchange and Teaching Program (JET Program). Neil has recently completed a part time internship with the United Nations Department of Public Informations Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations (12/05 6/06). [read more]

Neil Altman is co-editor of Psychoanalytic Dialogues: A Journal of Relational Perspectives and Associate Clinical Professor in the Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis at New York University. He is author of the The Analyst in the Inner City: Race, Class, and Culture through a Psychoanlaytic Lens and co-author of Relational Child Psychotherapy. He is a member of Psychotherapists for Social Responsibility. [read more]

Einar Strumse is also a Member of the HumanDHS Research Team and the HumanDHS Architecture Team.
Einar Strumse (Cand. Psychol. and PhD in psychology) is the Head of the Department of Behavioural Science at the Faculty of Health Science at the Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences in Norway. He is also adjunct associate professor of environmental psychology at the University of Bergen. Since 1990 his research in the field of environmental psychology has focused upon landscape preference/landscape aesthetics, environmental attitudes and predictors of environmental behaviors. [read more]

Katrine Fangen is also a Member of the HumanDHS Research Team.
Katrine Fangen, Ph.D., is a Professor in Sociology at the Department of Sociology of the University of Oslo. She has published several books and journal articles within the research-field of racism, national, political and ethnic identity, stigmatisation and youth subcultures.
[...] Fangen has published research reports on forced marriages and a study of living conditions and life quality among people suffering from HIV/AIDS. She has also published several research reports on racism and integration of immigrants. [read more]

Øyvind Eikrem (b. 1973), Ph.D., is also a Member of the HumanDHS Research Team.
Øyvind is the head (instituttstyrer) of the Institute of Culture and Humanities (Institutt for kultur- og humanistiske fag, IKH) at the Telemark University College (Høgskolen i Telemark), in Bø, Telemark. Earlier, he has been Associate Professor of Social Sciences and of Mental Health at the University College of Stord/Haugesund, Norway. He studied social anthropology, clinical psychology and philosophy at The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, ending up with postgraduate degrees in all three fields. Eikrem obtained his PhD in 2005 from the same institution on a dissertation on the magic and mythic dimensions of modern economic life. [read more]

Patricia Rodriguez Mosquera, Ph.D., is also a Member of the HumanDHS Research Team.
She is currently Assistant Professor at the School of Social Sciences and Law, Brunel University, UK. Patricia studied psychology at the Autónoma University of Madrid (Spain) and the University of Amsterdam (UvA, The Netherlands). She obtained her Ph.D. from the University of Amsterdam in 1999. [read more]

Rosario Galván is an international advisor on context-driven intelligence for ethical and sustainable global development. As a senior consultant and researcher she matches technological promise with environmental, socioeconomic, ethnographic, and geopolitical realities for greater climate/infrastructure resilience, sustainable ownership, dignity, and scalable impact, worldwide. Her on-site country work experience spans 23 countries across 4 continents in the environmental, communication and international development sectors, within private, public and non-profit settings. [read more]

Arran Stibbe is the Director and Coordinator or HumanDHS's Dignity Beyond the Human World Project. Arran Stibbe has a PhD in linguistics from Lancaster University and is the founder of the Centre for Language and Ecology. He has applied discourse analysis to a variety of domains including the social construction of health, illness, disability, nonhuman animals and the environment. His current research is aimed at uniting insights from these domains within a framework of ecological linguistics. [read more]

Dr. Thomas Clough Daffern is the Director and Coordinator of HumanDHS's Cross-Cultural Linguistics for Equal Dignity. Born Montreal, Canada (dual UK Canadian European citizen), Thomas Daffern is a philosopher, historian, peace studies expert, poet and religious studies specialist. He was awarded his PhD from the University of London for a thesis which explores the history of the search for peace, and which proposes a new field of historiography, Transpersonal History. [read more]

Fatma Susan Tufan has been a member of the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies since 2019. She holds a B.A. in Sociology with a minor in Peace and Justices from Moravian University, Pennsylvania., U.S.A., and an M.A. in the Social-Psychology program at Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City. She also completed an Advanced Certificate Program in Cooperation and Conflict Resolution at the Morton-Deutsch International Cooperation and Conflict Resolution Center, Columbia University. [read more]

Dr. Jennifer S. Goldman is also a member of the HumanDHS Research Team.
Dr. Jennifer Goldman-Wetzler is an organizational psychologist and founder of Alignment Strategies Group, a NYC-based firm that consults to senior leaders in a wide range of industries, including global corporate, non-profit and governmental organizations, on issues of conflict, negotiation and organizational change and renewal. Jennifer is also an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Organization and Leadership at Teachers College, Columbia University and an executive coach with the Program on Social Intelligence at Columbia Business School. [read more]

Becca Bass was the Project Administrator at Morton Deutsch International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution (MD-ICCCR), and a MS student in Columbia University’s Negotiation and Conflict Resolution program (NeCR) until 2018. She graduated from Haverford College with a BA in Psychology and Educational Studies. [read more]

Jean Berchmans Ndayizigiye (USA/Africa) is a French Language Assistant at Eastern Mennonite University, Harrisonburg, Virginia, USA, and has a M.A. in Conflict Transformation from Eastern Mennonite University (2000). The title of his project is Refugees from the Great Lakes Region of Central Africa & Humiliation. [read more]

Annette Anderson-Engler, Ph.D., is a Member of the HumanDHS Global Core Team, the HumanDHS Research Team, our HumanDHS Research Team, and our Global Coordinating Team, generously offering to support us in nurturing the relationships in our network. We call this relationship-building work "Global Appreciative Nurturing"!
Annette earned her doctorate in 2008 at Saybrook Graduate School in San Francisco, California. Her research focused on secondary trauma and displaced identity in daughters of U.S. Vietnam War veterans. She specialized in using narrative analysis as a method of inquiry by examining how daughters of war-traumatized veterans use narratives to construct social and personal meaning to their lived experiences. [read more]

“Whether it is on a grand or modest scale, we all seek to place or replicate beauty in our corner of the world.”
Angelyn was born within the folds of a Greek family on the industrial Southeast Side of Chicago. Her life inspiration came from studying and sketching the tallest buildings, the tiniest insects, and the many colorful characters in her life.  As an artist, she works within a variety of mediums.  Her specialties are city and rural landscapes, portraiture, and children’s illustrations. [read more]

Miriam H. Marton is also a Member of the HumanDHS Research Team.
Miriam Marton, attorney and social worker, is the William R. Davis Clinical Teaching Fellow at the Asylum and Human Rights Clinic, University of Connecticut School of Law. Professor Marton teaches and supervises law students representing refugees seeking asylum and other legal relief in the United States. Professor Marton also conducts research on the particular issues facing female refugees fleeing gender-based violence, both in the countries-of-origins and in the United States' legal system. [read more]

Lene Saastad (formerly Hulbakviken Lafosse) carried out research titled "Stories of trauma, a study of space for action and possibilites." Through the telling of life stories she showed the implications of trauma in the life of young adults/adults from the Middle-East and/or North Africa presently living in Norway. [read more]

Sowan Wong is also a Member of the HumanDHS Research Team, and of the Global Coordinating Team.
She has recently obtained her Ph.D in psychology from Brunel University, West London, the U.K., under the supervision of Prof. Robin Goodwin. Her thesis was a cross-cultural study on work-family conflict and marital satisfaction. She received her M.Phil and Bachelor's degree in Psychology from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, with Prof. Michael Harris Bond as her academic supervisor. She is interested in looking at culture influences on the attitudes, values, and beliefs of individuals, which then influence individuals' behaviors. [read more]

Vivian Lun is also a Member of the HumanDHS Research Team.
She has recently obtained the degree of M. Phil. in Psychology from the Department of Psychology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, with Michael Harris Bond as academic advisor. [...] She is interested in cross-cultural research, because she believes they help understand and respect the similarities and differences among people from different cultural backgrounds. [read more]

Elena Kozoulina has just (2005) earned her Ph.D. from the International Christian University (ICU) in Tokyo. Her research interests are Intercultural Communication, Cultural Anthropology, Decision Making and Conflict Resolution. The title of her doctoral thesis is "Identity Continuity Among the Indigenous People of Eastern Siberia in Post-Soviet Space." [read more]

Tomoko Ishii is also a member of our HumanDHS Research Team.
Tomoko Ishii, Ph.D., is the CEO of the Human Wellness Institute (HWI) which is Voluntary Non-profit Organization (VNPO). The institute is a new research and education center promoting human wellness, especially mindfulness for victims of violence. Earlier, Tomoko worked at the Department of Stress Disorders Resarch at the Tokyo Institute of Psychiatry. She is a member of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, where she has presented her work in domestic violence several times at the ISTSS conferences. [read more]

Dr. Keitaro Morita is a part-time lecturer at Rikkyo University in Tokyo where he teaches the environmental humanities (FY2020-2021) and conference interpreting (FY2020). He is also a professional Japanese-English simultaneous/consecutive interpreter and translator. [read more]

Jean-Damascène Gasanabo (Damas) is also Member of our Research Team and Education Team.
Jean-Damascène Gasanabo (Damas) has a Ph.D. in Education from the University of Geneva, Switzerland (2004). His thesis pertained to the analysis of history textbooks and the construction of exclusive identities in Rwanda from 1962 to 1994. After his studies, Damas worked with UNESCO in Paris as Consultant in Education Sector for the project Fostering Peaceful Co-Existence through Analysis and Revision of History Curricula and School Textbooks in South-Eastern Europe (2005–2006). He has also collaborated as Programme Specialist for The United Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violence against Children (2006). From 2012 until 2021, Damas wored in Rwanda and is now an independent consultant. [read more]



Jean d'Amour shared the following message on 25th May 2015: I am Father Jean D’amour Dusengumuremyi, a Catholic Priest, in Byumba Diocese, Rwanda. I was born in 1986 in a loving Catholic family and raised surrounded by good and loving siblings, relatives, friends and neighbors. When the genocide against the Tutsi broke out in Rwanda in 1994, I was only a child. This most unfortunate and inhuman act of cruelty directly contradicted the faith and love that 94 percent of the Rwandese profess as Christians. The hatred gave way to genocide which claimed about one million lives, and left hundreds of thousands either injured or displaced! [read more]


Francis Nuwagabe was born in 1991 and is an undergraduate student at the University of Rwanda, currently (2015) pursuing his bachelor’s degree with honors in Pharmacy and aiming at it as soon as possible. Since 2012, Francis joined a nonprofit student organization of which he is volunteering. In his undergraduate studies he is much more concerned with the society and the problems faced. He has been involved in different student projects one of which he is working on ‘’Eradicating Malnutrition and Zero tolerance to poor hygiene’’ also volunteering in ‘’Sexual Reproductive Health project’’ to mention but a few. His interest is to use education and transform the society around him. [read more]

Sarah Bawaya's life goal is to contribute to finding solutions to governance, policy challenges and conflict that affects continents, as well promoting dignity. Sarah holds a Master's degree in Coexistence and Conflict from April 2009, and a Bachelor's degree in Administration and Planning of Education from December 1999. Her areas of interest are conflict management, peacebuilding and reconciliation processes. For her, dignity means respect for each other. She is a Specialist and Regional Coordinator of Unity and National Identity at the Rwandan National Unity and Reconciliation Commission in Kigali-Rwanda. [read more]

Théoneste Hitimana is a Communication and Community Outreach Specialist at Rwanda's National Unity and Reconciliation Commission (NURC), in Kigali-Rwanda. His areas of interest are Education, Communication, Public Procurement and how Human Dignity can be taken into consideration in Africa. He would like to invite all Africans to follow the good achievements of African Human Dignity heroes in holding up respect of others as moral value of human society. [read more]

Florence Batoni is a Peace-Building Coordinator at Never Again Rwanda: Empowering the population with opportunities to become active citizens, in Kigali, Rwanda. Her areas of interest are peacebuilding and participatory governance. Her goal is to promote respect for human life and prevent humiliation through education. [read more]



Mary Balikungeri is the Executive Director of Rwanda Women’s Network (RWN). Rwanda Women’s Network (RWN) is a national humanitarian non-governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to promotion and improvement of the socio-economic welfare of women in Rwanda through enhancing their efforts to meet their basic needs. [read more]

Mark R.M. Itallange was in 1984 born in Mwanza City, Tanzania. He is the Executive Director and Founder of Consolation For Disabled Organization (CFDO). He is also a member of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies. He holds a BBA in OFAD & HRM (Bachelor of Business Administration in Office Administration and Human Resource Management) from the University of Arusha. The Consolation For Disabled Organization (CFDO) organization focuses on improving lives of people with special needs of all gender and age groups, including orphans, who generally find themselves in difficult situations. The intention is to reduce poverty and attend to any detrimental outcomes of their physical incompleteness, through the promotion, formation and support of their values and natural talents, empowering them in education, vocational training and income generation, which in turn promotes holistic cultural welfare and human dignity in society as a whole. [read more]


Muloki Augustine Aggrey started from a very humble background. He is from a family of about thirty children; his father had more than eight wives. Due to these circumstances, he had to struggle hard to get a better education for himself. As a result, he has been a student almost all his life, and has certificates only in teaching. [read more]


Alyi Patrick Lalur (Uganda/UK) is also a Member of the HumanDHS Research Team, and Director and Coordinator of HumanDHS's Child Soldiers Worldwide Project.
He is currently enrolled for the Masters of Philosophy in International Peace Studies at the United Nations-mandated University for Peace with research interest in Justice and Reconciliation during period of war. Patrick Lalur is also a Member of the HumanDHS Research Team. He is part of HumandDHS's upcoming Refugees and Humiliation Project. The title of his project is Resilience, Humiliation and Adulthood Sexual Abuse: Understanding the Psychology of Violence Among Sudanese Refugees living in Uganda. [read more]
Mughisha Kafureeka Lawyer, Ph.D., is an Economist and Policy Analyst. He is the Dean of Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Kabale University, and Member of the University Council (2005). He is also a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Basic Research in Kololo-Kampala, Uganda. [read more]

I am Uzoegbu Stephen Chidiebere (Stephen Ugwu), born in 1982, a native of Obowo in Imo State of Nigeria. I attended college at the Sacred Heart College Eziukwu Aba, in Abia State. I had my tertiary education at Abia State Polytechnic Aba where I earned my National Diploma Certificate in Business Studies. With the help of Professor Michael J. Cohen, I was able to study further and obtained my BS in Applied Organic Psychology at the Institute of Global Education. Later on, I graduated with a Master's of Science (MSc) in Applied Eco-Psychology from Akamai University, where I also served briefly as faculty advisor. I am presently pursuing his PhD at Akamai University. [read more]

Roberta L. Kosberg (Ph.D.) is a Professor of Communication Studies at Cuny College, where she teaches courses in conflict management, gender communication, small group problem-solving and persuasive speaking. She has done extensive research and writing on the resolution of interpersonal conflict, presidential advocacy of international cooperation, and mentoring as an alternative to school-based conflict resolution programs for adolescents. [read more]

María Cristina Azcona is also a Member of the HumanDHS Research Team.
María studied at Universidad del Salvador, Argentina. She is Psicopedagoga (which means Educational Psychologist or Psycho Pedagogist). María Cristina is working as a researcher in peace education through literature. She has been working as a psychotherapist focused on the resolution of family and marriage conflicts. [...] She has authored four books and many articles and poems in English and Spanish, about family, society and Peace, published mostly in USA, India, Argentina and recently, UK. [read more]

Susmita is also a Member of the the HumanDHS Research Team and the HumanDHS Research Team.
Susmita is from New Delhi, India. She has a Masters in Psychology and Education from Teachers College, Columbia University. Susmita has extensive research experience and has worked on an interdisciplinary research project on the lives of individuals who witnessed the partition of India and the violence that it entailed.
Her scholarly interests include genocide, war trauma and terrorism. She wishes to actively work in the area of trauma studies in a way that allows her to combine her psychodynamic orientation and socio-political interests. [read more]

Naseer A. Ganai is a journalist in Kashmir (India). He covers human rights and ethnic issues besides the situation along the state's troubled border with Pakistan-administered part of the state. He covered the 2005 major earthquake which killed more than 75000 people across the divided state. He also writes columns on current political and social issues facing the state. He has done research on the impact of the prevailing uncertain conditions on Kashmiri women. [read more]

Noor Akbar is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Coordinating Team, and of the HumanDHS Research Team, and the HumanDHS Education Team.
He is a native of Pakistan's North West Frontier Province (NWFP) and has earlier worked as a free lance journalist. He has a Master's degree in Journalism & Mass Communication from the University of Peshawar and is presently doing his Master's degree in Political Science from the same university. The title of his project in the HumanDHS's Research Agenda is Terrorism and Humiliation: To Show Empirically that Humiliation Is one of the Root Causes of Terrorism. [read more]

Selina's personal goal is to work for justice, peace, and harmony on every level of human co-existence. Through her B.A. in Public Sector Administration and employment at a German city administration, she gained first-hand insight how to manage and improve urban communal life. Currently, Selina is an MSc. student in International Relations at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. She wants to gain a better understanding of interactions among nations and of their individual interests, needs and wants. Furthermore she is very interested in the underlying reasons behind decisions about war and peace. [read more]

Lior (formerly Christine) Locher is nonbinary (they, them, their) and has a background in psychology, communication, conflict resolution, systems thinking, psychotherapy, yoga, and art. They are an artist and creative arts activist, a coach and facilitator of conflict resolution. They have a portfolio career with work in learning and development as a day job, and their own coaching business and artistic practice. They have lived in 6 countries on 4 continents.
They explain, "I understand and support change and changemakers. Using the energy of entrepreneurship and the deep care to make things better for everyone, that’s what it’s about. Not the quick fixes. Stuff that goes deep enough and then gets practical. Humor. Depth, lightly held." [read more]


Craig Dorsi is is also a Member of the HumanDHS Research Team.
Craig is a teacher who has taught social studies, sociology and psychology, in New York. [...] Recently he has focused on International Educational Development with a concentration in Peace Education at Teachers College. [...] Progressive curriculum ideas differentiated instructional techniques, holistic education, and an interest in cognitive development represent some of his pedagogical philosophy. [read more]
Steven P. Flythe received his B.A. in Political Science from Rutgers College, Rutgers University. [...]
Currently, Steven is in his second year at Teachers College, Columbia University, pursuing a doctorate in International Educational Development with a focus on Family and Community Development. [read more]

Ana Ljubinkovic is also a Member of the HumanDHS Research Team.
Ana Ljubinkovic, Ph.D., received her Ph.D. in Sociology in December 2008 at the University of Essex (UK), after attaining a Laurea in Sociology from the Università degli studi di Roma (Italy) and an M.A. degree in Theory and Practice of Human Rights from Essex (UK). Her doctoral thesis entitled The Victims of Humanitarian Intervention: a study of the psycho-social impact of the UNOSOM involvement in Somalia investigates long-term psychosocial effects of violence generated by military humanitarian interventions on the recipient population. [read more]

Stephanie Tice (formerly Heuer) is also a Member in the HumanDHS Education Team, and Global Coordinating Team.
Stephanie is currently a College and Career Adviser at Gunderson High school, and a public speaker on bullying and modifying teen behavior through consequential education methodologies. She is graduate of Notre Dame de Namur University, studying Human Services and counseling. Her current position also allows her to work directly with troubled and challenged youths, by introducing them to techniques to avoid loss of dignity through positive intervention and behavioral support. She was inspired at the HumanDHS Costa Rica conference in 2006 to create the “Be the Arrow” framework for transitioning from a mindset of revenge/retaliation to a place of reconciliation and respect. [read more]


Maurice Benayoun is a transmedia artist born in 1957. His work explores the potentiality of various media from video, to virtual reality, Web and wireless art, public space large scale art installations and interactive exhibitions. Together with Evelin Lindner, Maurice has kindly donated his time to develop the HumanDHS logo, and in 2002, Maurice Benayoun developed a vision for the HumanDHS Dialogue Home idea. The Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies network envisages to create, incorporate, promote and nurture this vision together with Maurice Benayoun. [read more]


Please see his contributions to the HumanDHS World Art for Equal Dignity project.
Abdi Roble immigrated to the United States in 1989, and later moved to Columbus, Ohio, where he developed his passion for photography. He started two photography groups – the Focus Group (1998) and the African American Photographers of North America (1999). [read more]

Born in Montreal, Canada, K Kenneth Hemmerick graduated from Concordia University, earning a BFA with distinction in Interdisciplinary Studies. He also took music at Le Conservatoire de musique de Québec where he studied viola with Otto Joachim and piano with Anton Krashinski. He also studied piano with Dr. Daisy Peterson Sweeney, his foster mother. Kenneth has kindly contributed to HumanDHS's World Art for Equal Dignity Project page and has furthermore kindly agreed to be the Director of our Prevent Suicide by Extending Equal Dignity to All project. [read more]

Hilarie Roseman earned her BA (1988) from Chisholm Institute of Technology, Melbourne Australia, and her MA (2000) from RMIT Melbourne, Australia (in Communication Research).
She has a Diploma of Visual Arts (2003) from East Gippsland Institute of TAFE. Hilarie and her husband John have eight children and twelve grandchildren and live in Victoria, Australia. [read more]
Pandora Hopkins is a folklorist in the broadest sense of the term; her understanding of the word folklore (like folklife or folkeliv) is similar to the more recent Cultural Studies. Her Ph.D. dissertation from the University of Pennsylvania (major: folklore) was based on several field trips to Norway where she studied the tradition of the Hardanger violin (hardingfele) through making tape recordings of the complex, aurally-transmitted music and through personal interviews. [read more]

Zahid Shahab Ahmed is also a Member of the HumanDHS Research Team.
Zahid Shahab Ahmed is Assistant Professor at the National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST) in Pakistan and the pioneer of the university's Department of Peace and Conflict. He also leads the South Asia Centre for Peace (SACP) and South Asia Peace Magazine. He did his PhD in Peace Studies with a focus on regional peace and security in South Asia at the University of New England in Australia. From September 2009 he conducted fieldwork in Nepal, India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. [read more]

Global Shaper Alumini at World Economic Forum and Ashoka Fellow 2011, Malik Shaheryar is a young scholar, policy activist, youth leadership strategist and sustainable living advocate. Malik works on the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report with its Country Partner Institute Mishal Pakistan. [read more]

Jorun Pareli Berg is a sociologist with a Cand. sociol. from the University of Oslo in Norway. She received training in family therapy and systemic interaction at the Diakonhjemmet University Collage in Oslo and studied at the Faculty of Journalism Practice at the Oslo University College. She has worked as Chief Information Officer at the Oslo City Government Immigration Agency, as Office Manager in the Ministry of Labour (Aetat), in the Department of Working Life (Arbeidslivstjenesten), as Senior Advisor in the Ministry of Laobour and Welfare Directorate (NAV), and as a family therapist at Doctorgruppen. [read more]

Clothing designer Oda Midtlyng Klempe has co-founded the Norwegian clothing label Sølv (silver), providing timeless collections and bucking trend-based fashion cycles... [read more]

Evelin Frerk was born in Hamburg in North Germany. Initially, she worked as a journalist. From 1977-1989, she studied Ethnology and Journalism, and travelled the Northern Sahara. Subsequently, she left journalism and made photography her medium of expression. She documented, for example, the "Hamburger Ideenkette" that was orgnised by Evelin Lindner in 1993. [read more]

Georg-Wilhelm Geckler, Dipl.-Ing., joined the Global Core Team in January 2020. He is a mechanical engineer who worked in a company constructing depositories for radioactive waste. Since October 2015 he is retired, moved to Hameln in Lower Saxony, Germany, and works voluntarily for the integration of Yazidi refugees from Iraq and in a Lutheran perish council. His interests are ethics, financial economics, ecology, philosophy, and genealogy and he is eager to contribute for a future of global dignity. [read more]

Michael Boyer is the Social Media Designate of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies network. Boyer came to Germany as a young United States Army police officer who wants to use his time creatively and consciously because he knew how quickly everything can be over. Forty years ago, he came to the city of Hamelin, where he plays the role of the Pied Piper. Michael Boyer is a founding member in the DignityNowHameln group that began to form in 2019, together with Georg Geckler and many others. In 2019, Michael created the Digniworld initiative: Digniworld WordPress | Digniworld Facebook | Digniworld Twitter | Digniworld Instagram | World Dignity Movement (on YouTube) [read more]

Peter Schulte is a physician and psychotherapist. He is a professor of prevention and occupational health management at the Weserbergland University of Applied Sciences in Hamelin. He is the scientific director of the "Länger besser Leben" institute, which deals with scientific questions on the subject of prevention. The focus of his work is on climate and health as well as mental health prevention.
Peter is also head of psychosocial counseling for students at the Hannover Medical School. [read more]

Jürgen Kleinwächter was born in Germany and grew up in France, Egypt, and Germany. He studied Physics and Astrophysics at the University of Grenoble in Switzerland. He kindly wrote on 8th January 2021: Normally I am considered as a physicist and inventor, not as one, who is deeply touched by the humiliation our sisters and brothers in the Global South, in the Refugee Camps and so many other places of our Earth, have to suffer. [read more]


Claudia Lutschewitz lives in Schönau/Südsauerland, Germany, and is married to Andreas Lutschewitz. Her aim in life is dedicated to better communication and cooperation in society and among human beings. She graduated with a Master of Mediation (MM), MBA and a Bachelor of Law. She works as a mediator for corporations, schools and hospitals, also as executive coach, trainer and lecturer. [read more]



Andreas Lutschewitz (his artist name is Andreas Lucewicz) is a German pianist and music journalist. He is a a direct descendant of reformer Martin Luther. His aim in life is music and to feel and share the power and spiritual energy of music. Some words about Andreas Lucewicz were written by one of the truly great pianists, Svjatoslav Richter, who said: Andreas Lucewicz, „…whose piano playing impressed me, whom I consider a really good musician, and whom I acknowledge as a serious, mature pianist.“ [read more]


Ulrich Spalthoff (Dr. rer. nat.) is the Director of Operations of Dignity Press. He most generously offers his time and energy as a gift. He is also the HumanDHS Director of Project Development and System Administration, and a Member of the HumanDHS Board of Directors, HumanDHS Global Advisory Board, the HumanDHS Global Education Team, and the HumanDHS Global Coordinating Team. He is, furthermore, the Coordinator of the HumanDHS One Laptop Per Child project.
Uli Spalthoff has studied chemistry in Mainz and Münster, Germany. After some years in industrial research on optical communication technologies, he held various positions dealing with marketing, quality management, technology strategy, and innovation management at Alcatel-Lucent in Germany and France. As Director of Advanced Technologies, he worked with a truly global team, mentoring start-ups and consulting high-tech companies in IT, telecommunication and semiconductor industries from countries all over the world. Being interested in a broad range of professional fields and diverse social contexts, he has acquired expertise in a large range of technical, economic, and social areas. [read more]


Brigitte Volz was born in Ulm, Germany in 1955. She has more then 30 years pedagogic and therapeutic experience in Germany and France with children and teenagers having special needs. This involved leading a school for children who are mentally retarded , training of teachers, organizational development and team coaching. Focus areas included “Learning and Creating” as well as “Art and Handicap”. [read more]



José Calvo González (n. Sevilla 1956) est Licencié en Droit (spécialité Droit Privé) pour l´Université de Sevilla (1978). Docteur en Droit (1984). Professeur de Théorie du Droit et Philosophie du Droit (Faculté de Droit. Université de Málaga. Espagne) (1986). [read more]


Tonya Renee Hammer is also a Member of the Global Coordinating Team, and the HumanDHS Research Team.
Dr. Tonya R. Hammer is an Assistant Professor of Counseling at Oklahoma State University-Tulsa. In 2008, she received her PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision from St. Mary's University in San Antonio, Texas, with an emphasis on Relational Cultural Theory and Social Justice. Her master's degree is in Psychology and Counseling from the University of Mary-Hardin Baylor. [read more]

Cara Sandels currently works to eliminate health disparities for immigrants in New York City as a Public Health Advisor for the NYC Department of Health. She received her BA in Latin American and Caribbean Studies and Global Health from Emory University in 2014 and hopes to build her career in intersecting fields of global health, community development, and peace and conflict resolution studies... She has a special interest in human rights advocacy focusing specifically on Latin America and wants to bring her passion for health equity to the HDHS team. [read more]

Myra Mendible is also a Member of the HumanDHS Research Team.
Myra is Associate Professor in the Humanities Division at Florida Gulf Coast University in Ft. Myers, where she teaches Contemporary Literature and Ethnic Studies courses for the English Department. She was born in Havana, Cuba, and moved to the US as a child. Mendible earned a Ph.D. (with honors) in American Literature and Culture Studies from the University of Miami in 1993 and then joined Florida Gulf Coast University as founding faculty in 1994. [read more]

Rina Kashyap is currently a Fulbright Scholar at the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding at Eastern Mennonite University, (EMU). She is the Chair of the Department of Journalism at Lady Shri Ram College (LSR), University of Delhi. She has held this position since the inception of the department in 1995. She is also a faculty member in the Department of Political Science in the same college. While at EMU, she will be co-teaching the course, Women, Trauma, Leadership and Peacebuilding at the Summer (2006) Peacebuilding Institute at EMU. [read more]

Xuan is a PhD student at the Department of Psychology at Boston College and a visiting scholar at Stanford Physiological Lab. She got her Master degree at the Institute of Psychology of the Chinese Academy of Science in Beijing, China and Bachelor degree at the Department of Psychology in Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. [read more]

Nuno Luzio
[read more]

Born in France in 1956, from the age of fifteen Michel Danino was drawn to India and to Sri Aurobindo and Mother. In 1977, after four years of higher scientific studies, he left for India. He participated in the English translation and publication of many books related to Sri Aurobindo and Mother, in particular Mothers Agenda (13 volumes). [read more]

Brian Lynch, M.D., has been in private medical practice for 20 years in Chicago, Ill, U.S.
While educated as a Family Practitioner he has come to be an almost full time psychotherapist with a concentration in “substance” abuse. [...] He is author of “How To Get Where You Want To Go: Twelve Steps To Emotional Health: Knowing your emotions and how to use them.” This is a general primer on Affect Psychology and was first meant to be for physicians. [read more]

Kathleen Freis is also a Member of the HumanDHS Research Team.
Kathleen is the Manager of Group Offerings for Synergos, an organization that helps bring global philanthropists together to deepen their knowledge and commitment to social justice philanthropy. Kathleen is responsible for designing, facilitating and evaluating educational and reflective meetings, events, retreats, and workshops including overseas site visits that expose individuals to humanitarian fieldwork. [read more]

Shahid Kham came to United States in 2010 and has established the non-profit organization, National Youth Organization of Pakistan Inc. in 2014. [read more]

ZAHUR AHMED CHOUDHRI (July 19, 1946 – July 19, 2015, but always with us in our hearts!)
Zahur Ahmed Choudhri was also a Member of the Global Advisory Board, and HumanDHS Global Coordinating Team.
Zahur Ahmed Choudhri, provided his services to the government of Pakistan for more than three decades. And he recently retired from his position as a Director (Research), National Centre for Rural Development & Municipal Administration, Government of Pakistan. While being working for the government of Pakistan, he acted as a team-leader for several research projects with international organizations, i.e. UNICEF, UNCRD, UNDP, LOGOTRI-UNESCAP, FAO, ILO, SAARC, IFAD, CIRDAP, APO, AARDO and IUCN. [read more]

Jessica E. Cichalski is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Coordinating Team. [read more]

Olga R. Perez is a mediator in a not for profit program in New York that provides intensive therapy, social work and mediation services to adolescents and families where there is high risk of child placement (due to behavioral problems) or where the child is transitioning from placement back into the family setting. There are often issues of abuse and neglect. In addition to individual work with the families, the agency develops different support groups or workshops intended to strengthen the family relationships and the therapeutic treatment. [read more]


Harsh Agarwal is also Co-Director and Co-Coordinator of the HumanDHS Stop Hazing and Bullying Project.
He has worked with several leading National and International Organisation including the United Nations both in India and abroad. He has worked closely with young people from more than 40 different countries which has increased his understanding of different cultures, societies, human behaviour, and social issues. [read more]

Marília Borges Costa did Graduate and Undergraduate studies in Letters and Foreign Languages at the Universisty of São Paulo, Brazil. Her Master's thesis in Chinese-American literature is entitled "Diasporic Threads in the Narratives of The Woman Warrior by Maxine Hong Kingston". She taught Portuguese at Beijing University in 2004-5 and at present is teaching English and Portuguese at Beijing Union University. [read more]

Will Hall, MA, DiplPW, is a schizophrenia diagnosis survivor, therapist, rights advocate, and international trainer on altered states of consciousness labeled psychosis. A PhD candidate at Maastricht University School for Mental Health and Neuroscience, ... he has written for the Journal of Humanistic Psychology and the Journal of Best Practices in Mental Health, and appeared in Newsweek, New York Times, Forbes, and the films Crazywise and Healing Voices. [read more]

Brian is also a member of the HumanDHS Gobal Coordinating Team and host of the second HumanDHS Dialogue Home (2011).
Brian was born in New Zealand in 1952 and is from Irish and Scottish descent. His career has been mostly as a public servant as a traffic and roading engineer. He credits himself to be a systems thinker which accounts for a deep desire to innovate and look for sustainable solutions and ideas in all areas of human endeavour. [read more]



My name is Dr Keri Lawson-Te Aho. I am a Māori community activist, poet and social justice advocate from New Zealand with more than 30 years' experience in the Māori mental health field as a staunch advocate for Māori youth suicide prevention. I have extensive experience in Māori community development, having worked for a number of tribes to frame mental health responses to the issues confronting Māori communities via the medium of tribal development and self-determination. [read more]


Chellie Margaret Spiller is Indigenous Maori (from the Ngati Kahungunu tribe) and Pakeha (a New Zealander of European descent). She has a Masters in International Relations from Victoria University and a doctorate in Maori business from the University of Auckland. Currently Chellie is a Post Doctoral Fellow at Te Ara Poutama, the Faculty for Maori development at AUT University. [read more]
Sara Khan is currently a lecturer and research coordinator at Center for Media and Communication studies at International Islamic University Islamabad. She has an academic background in Media studies as well as gender and peace studies. In line with her Journalism studies, Sara Khan worked for several publications and media outlets. [read more]

Esta Tina Ottman is also a Member of the HumanDHS's Research Team, and Director and Coordinator of HumanDHS's World Films for Equal Dignity Project.
Born in Manchester, UK, and educated at Oxford University, Tina Ottman is [...] currently associate professor at the School of Government (in the School of Law) at Kyoto University, Japan. She attempts to balance research interests in Israel/Palestine/gender with labour activism, and is a coordinator of the Japan conference series Peace as A Global Language. [read more]


Anna Strout works with youth empowerment, arts education, social justice and activism. Since 2009, she serves as a program producer for Voices of a People's History, a non-profit arts, education and social justice organization, engaged in the production of live performances and educational programs that bring to life the extraordinary history of ordinary people who built the movements for social justice... Strout also advises on fundraising, events, community programs, and publicity efforts for Middle Way House, an organization that works to end domestic violence, sexual violence, and human trafficking through an empowerment model. [read more]

Christine de Michele, M.A., is a vocalist, songwriter and educator whose mission is: To communicate with her instrument(s). To share and invite through improvisation. To inspire creativity. To create space for experimentation, Flow, transformation, and joy. Her passion for music is an adventure that has lead to many collaborations with hit songwriters and performances. She lives and works in New York City. [read more]

Evelina Petrova was born in 1974. She is accordion player, singer, composer. She graduated from the Saint-Petersburg Musical College,studied at Theater Academy “The Theater of Musical Improvisation”. Later on she continued her studies and graduated from the St. Petersburg State Conservatory in 2002. [read more]

Jorge Saeta (Jorge Saez-Guinea Ruiz) is the Director and Coordinator of HumanDHS's World Photography for Equal Dignity Project.
Jorge Saeta a photographer and visual artist who was born in 1975 in Zaragoza, Spain. He studied sculpture in the Arts and Trade School of his home town of Zaragoza. Working as a graphic designer, he developed his passion for photography. For more than six years, Saeta’s lenses have focused on social reportage, travel and indigenous people, portraying the circumstances of places and their people, with their personal stories in the background. [read more]

Born in San Francisco, California in 1940, Bill has had a variety of life experiences which have contributed to his continuing lifelong learning. His formal education brought him an undergraduate degree (B.A.) in history from Amherst College and a graduate degree (M.A.) in counseling from Stanford University. Bill’s entire employment career has been in either education or in the nonprofit sector. [read more]


Inge Danaher has spent most of her working life in the IT industry and most of it working for the Shell Company of Australia in various capacities from Analyst Programmer through to Senior Project Manager. [read more]

Atle Hetland is also a member of the HumanDHS Education Team.
Atle is a Norwegian citizen. He has since 1984 mostly worked outside his home country, including as a Norwegian diplomat, international civil servant and in other functions. He has set up home in Nairobi Kenya but has during the last several years spent most of his time in Pakistan, with visits to Afghanistan.
He is a Mass Media Candidate (Volda), Fil. Kand. (Gothenburg), Cand. Mag. & Cand. Polit. (Oslo), Fil. Dr./Ph.D. studies (Stockholm/Oslo), with further research with affiliation to his old Scandinavian universities and the East-African Universities of Dar-es-Salaam and Nairobi. [read more]

Jennifer Kirby is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Coordinating Team, and of the HumanDHS Research Team, and the HumanDHS Research Team.
She graduated from Appalachian State University with a Bachelor's Degree in Biology. At the university she published her senior thesis on "The Nature of Holocaust Survivor Poetry: The Power of Poetic Expression." [read more]

Salman Türken is also a Member of the HumanDHS Research Team, and of the HumanDHS Research Team.
Defining himself as a cosmopolitan, Salman is interested in studies of all levels of analysis that influence and change both individuals and societies in this globalization era. Influenced by critical social psychology, ideology - understood as common sense, as legitimizing and reproducing unequal power relations which might also lead to humiliation in intergroup relations - is now the main research topic for him. [read more]


Ami Dayan is and Israeli/American playwright, director, performer dedicated to producing plays from diverse backgrounds and theatrical lineages, with strong sociopolitical relevance to current affairs, and unwavering artistic integrity. Ami studied, and worked professionally in the United States, Europe, and the Middle East. [read more]
Sylvester is currently working in South Sudan as an International Protection Officer for Nonviolent Peace force. He had earlier worked as a Civilian Peace Keeper in Sri Lanka for the same organisation, serving as a child protection officer in the eastern and northern provinces of the country. As a Sierra Leonean, he volunteered with local NGOs assisting in the reunification and reintegration of former child soldiers during and after the end of the bloody civil war in his country. [read more]

Jane Wambui Wanjiru, originally from Kenya, is now working with an International organization in Sri Lanka called Nonviolent Peaceforce, who works with children, women, and communities affected by conflict. Prior to that, Jane was volunteering for children and women affected by HIV/ AIDS, communities affected by conflict and with poverty eradication activities in different communities in Kenya. [read more]


Antoinette Errante is an Associate Professor in Comparative and Historical Studies of Education in the School of Educational Policy and Leadership at The Ohio State University. Her research has focused on the evolving nature of educational policy and learning contexts in colonial and post-colonial societies, with a particular emphasis on lusophone and sub-saharan Africa. [read more]


Elmaze (Eli) Gashi has more than eight years experience working with foundations, local and international non-governmental organizations, and USAID-funded projects in Kosovo. She has a proven track record of working well in a team environment as best demonstrated through her successful organization of Kosovo NGO community support, and her development of a number of national public information campaigns, e.g., "Electoral Law", "Gender Equality" and "Get Out the Vote." [read more]


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Helena Halperin teaches English at Roxbury Community College and History at the International School of Boston. She is a founder of Jitegemee, Inc., which educates at-risk children in Machakos, Kenya. She also chairs the US Board of Nonviolent Peaceforce. [read more]

Camilla Hsiung, MA, received her master’s degree in psychology from Teachers College, Columbia University in May 2007 after 2 decades of ungratifying work in the corporate world. She has since discovered a more meaningful calling in social science. General areas of interests include social psychology, personality, and neuropsychology. [read more]


Anne-Grete Bjørlo hails from Norway and lives now in Spain, together with her husband. She attended the Librarian School in Oslo, Norway (from 1978 to 1979), and has worked as a manager of small local libraries. At the end of her career, she was the manager of a local library in Koppang in the Stor-Elvdal Municipality in Norway. [read more]



Vidal Ruse has a degree in law, specializing in public law, and activist experience in the field of trans- and homosexual people's rights. While recognizing the importance of the legal side, Vidal finds it important to find and address the cornerstones of honor culture that are forming people's beliefs in order to facilitate the change coming from within. Fields of special interest: support of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people, elderly people and women, environment, spirituality, philosophy. [read more]


ABOU BAKAR JOHNSON BAKUNDUKIZE (21th September 1980 - 11th March 2013 in Tanzania, but always with us in our hearts!) Posthumous recipient of the 2013 HumanDHS Lifetime Award
Abou Bakar Johnson Bakundukize has a BA in Sociology and is closely working with refugees. He worked with Africa and Middle East Refugee Assistance (AMERA) Egypt as an interpreter and his responsibility was to provide assistance by preparing testimonies and legal arguments for asylum seekers who were interviewed for refugee status at UNHCR for the first time. [read more]


Katrina Vrebalovich is an artist with roots in Norway and connections in Egypt and all around the world. Her mother is Britt Boutros-Boutros-Ghali. She has her education from Parsons School of Design, N.Y.C. Her creative works are in painting, jewelry and wearable art, murals in mixed media, mosaic and sculpture. [read more]


Steffen Herklotz graduated with a degree in Afghanistics from Humboldt-University Berlin in 1985. At present, he is an employee at Haus Pro-social in Berlin. In his daily work as a receptionist and supporter of the social working team, he experiences and learns how the increase of human dignity affects young people, and how the young are eager and grateful learners. They deal with human dignity without mental reservations. At an early age, they can manifest the values of human dignity and mutual respect and appreciation in their communications, gatherings and shared activities. As they interpret world problems, they demand a peace education that can guide them to equal human dignity across country boundaries as well as boundaries of confessions, ages and skin colour. [read more]

Bård Aune is a Norwegian radio journalist/producer based in London, UK. He is currently with BBC World Service at Bush House in the News and Current Affairs department. Philosophically disposed and freethinking, he aims to contribute to the promotion of ideas of sustainability through the radio medium, by presenting the listeners with unexpected angles to known challenges. "A world threatening to collapse, with its peoples connected by interdependence, require a united effort to recover and sustain. The only way to unite is through education, making the big and complex issues easier to comprehend." [read more]

Kamilla holds a Masters Degree in “Multicultural and Developmental Education” from Oslo University College (2003). Her choice of thesis brought her to Freetown, Sierra Leone, to conduct her research: War Don Don – A study of the Reconciliation Process in Post-War Sierra Leone, with a particular focus on the Young Ex-Combatants. [read more]

Rachel Aspögård is an author/freelance writer, photographer, and peace activist. She has been working in the peace activist arena as a writer and photographer For the past 20 years. Rachel has experienced war first hand which is what caused her to begin practising Buddhism, as well as work in peace activism for SGI (Soka Gakkai International UN-NGO). She is also a supporter and has a big interest in the science of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies. Rachel’s current work is reporting on the Swedish Network for Nuclear Disarmament, as well as her continued studies at London University. [read more]


Elisabeth Eide is senior researcher (PhD in Journalism studies) at Culcom, Oslo University, until July 2010 on leave from her position as Associate Professor at the Journalism Dept, Oslo University College. She is also temporarily linked to the University of Bergen. She has published a number of books and articles related to journalism research in a postcolonial perspective. [read more]


Todd Pate is a writer, actor, and musician who lives in New York. His plays, As Long a Time as a Long Time is in Longtime Land, Following Annie, Behind All Lines, and Too Far Gone Out in the Middle of Nowhere (March 2010) have been produced in New York City. Todd wrote two plays, Bird's Eye View and Brazil, with The Insight Project, a creative project through CASES (Center for Alternative Sentencing and Employment Services). [read more]


Tanga Abdou Fulgence Kabore is the President of the Burkina Faso African Union Clubs/Président de la Fédération Panafricaine des Associations et Clubs de l'Union Africaine (FEPAC/UA). This fédération was established in Ouagadougou in 1993 and organizes the network collaboration of 34 national members. The mission of FEPAC/UA is to mobilize the African population for the African Union mission, vision, and ideals. [read more]


Avigail Abarbanel is a psychotherapist/counsellor, group facilitator, presenter, public speaker, writer and amateur singer, cook and baker. She has worked in private practice in Canberra Australia for the past 11 years. Avigail was born in Tel-Aviv Israel in 1964 and has lived in Australia for 18 years between 1991 and 2010. Avigail and her husband Ian Barnes moved to the Scottish Highlands in January 2010 and plan to open a private practice in Inverness. [read more]
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Murat Altintas is a chemistry student in Bogazici University. He lives in Istanbul, Turkey. He is willing to be a teacher to train young children all around the world. [read more]

Noorit Larsen is also a Member in the HumanDHS Global Core Coordinating Team and the HumanDHS Mapping and Assessment Team.
Noorit Larsen is a Communications Advisor at the Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences in Oppland County, Norway. Noorit has graduated with an LLB degree from the University of Haifa, Israel. During her bachelor degree she developed a growing interest in human rights and related disciplines, as well as took part in the ‘human rights in society’ legal clinic. After finishing her bachelor degree she moved to Norway to live with her husband who is Norwegian. [read more]

Bernedette Muthien co-founded and directs an NGO, Engender, which works in the intersectional areas of genders & sexualities, human rights, justice & peace. Her community activism is integrally related to her work with continental and international organisations, and her research necessarily reflects the values of equity, societal transformation and justice. She has published widely, written for diverse audiences, and believes in accessible research and writing. [read more]

Birame Diouf is a community activist and a social entrepreneur with a track record in establishing and managing youth and community centres, initiating international exchange projects and developing projects for and with at-risk youth. Birame Diouf came to Norway in 1986 when he was granted a scholarship. He studied business administration, development Studies and International Youth work and worked for the City of Oslo before returning back to his home country Senegal in 1998 to create Centre Fagaru. [read more]


Paresh Kathrani is currently based in London where he is a module leader for Public and Constitutional Law and a contributor to an undergraduate human rights course. Paresh has a keen interest in how globalisation affects human rights and has written articles, given talks and provided consultancy and training in fields such as human trafficking, refugee policy and human rights enforcement. He is currently the Executive Director of the Centre for Global Morality. [read more]


He is currently the Founder and CEO of the B-Gifted Foundation, an organization formed to encourage people to use their creativity, innovation and talents to target and solve current national and global problems as addressed by the MDG....
He was born and raised in Sierra Leone. Civil war in Sierra Leone resulted in the separation of 12,000 children from their families. Boys and girls as young as seven were kidnapped and forced to become child soldiers. Greene fled to neighboring Guinea where he taught English to displaced children and refugees. [read more]

Dr. Mey Eltayeb Ahmed was born in Atbara, Sudan. She has a Ph.D. in conflict transformation, gender and environmental changes, an MSc in Environmental Studies from the Uuniversity of Khartoum, Sudan, a Post Graduate Diploma in Development Planning and Management- Spring from the University of Dortmund, Germany, and a BSc in Environmental Science and Natural Resources from the University of Khartoum. [read more]


Raymond D. Tremblay born in Timmins, Ontario, Canada graduated from the University of Carleton (Ottawa) in 1969 with a Masters in Social Work. He is a Métis poet and novelist who has a strong affinity to social justice and social well-being issues. [read more]


Far, far away in an ancient land, now called India, a girl child was born in the Mohan Nagar neighbourhood of the city of Nagpur, Maharashtra State. After many experiences, some positive, some negative, but mostly mediocre if not downright boring, she arrived in the third world village of downtown eastside of Vancouver... Her name is Karenza T. Wall and she is me. [read more]

Rose-Anne Moore is an associate with Redmond, Williams & Associates LLC, in Stamford, CT. She holds master's degrees in marketing and management policy from the Kellogg School at Northwestern University, and in ethics from the Yale Divinity School. She has long been interested in people's beliefs, attitudes, and underlying values, and in understanding how each informs the others, thereby influencing their decisions and actions. [read more]

Fred Ellis is a New York City Elementary Public School Music Teacher and Music Therapist. On February 18th 2009, his debut music CD of original songs was released. He has been teaching regular and special education students for over 20 years, he holds a BA & MS in Education from Baruch College, an MA in Music Therapy from New York University, and an EdM in Music Education from Teachers College/Columbia University. [read more]

Ike Karnick is a planetary citizen, a photojournalist and filmmaker whose work uses compelling words and images designed to inspire social and environmental activism. His faith embraces the human spirit; his culture is that of the human race. Karnick's early research resulted in the first film about acid rain in North America. A fine artist, his credentials are supported by numerous Canadian Arts and international awards. His current project, entitled "WORLD ON EDGE," is done in association with two divisions of UNESCO as well as the Portuguese Water Authority, EPAL. [read more]

Mariana Ines Vergara is also a Member in the HumanDHS Education Team.
Over 15 years ago, Mariana Vergara began her search of looking for answers to the complex situations in the American public school system. Mariana Vergara works with Dr. Edmund W. Gordon on issues related to the education of economically disadvantaged and immigrant populations. They were drawn together because of their mutual interest in supplementary education and its relevance for the pursuit of academic excellence. She is an educator who specializes in educational program and family development in immigrant and low income families. [read more]

Jingyi is a researcher in Educational Sociology, affiliated to the Department of Education of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway. She focuses on equal opportunities in the process of higher education. She received her PhD degree from NTNU in 2015. Her focus was on the life and study of rural students as a disadvantaged social group on the campuses of Chinese universities. [read more]

Dr Gavin Andersson, Facilitator and MD of the Seriti Institute, holds a PhD in Development Studies from The Open University in the United Kingdom but started working life as a diamond prospector for De Beers, was a guitar teacher and quantity surveyor’s clerk while studying for a BSc, then became involved in re-starting the black South African trade union movement before being banned by the Apartheid Government in 1976. He was founder and co-ordinator of CORDE, which worked with cooperatives and community enterprises throughout Botswana and later led a management consultancy, working across southern Africa and in the Caribbean. On return to South Africa with the inception of democracy he led a development advocacy organization and then formed a leadership network across 8 countries of southern Africa. [read more]

MOROKOLO T. RAMETSE (27th June 1973 - 30th May, 2015, yet always with us in our hearts!)
When Morokolo T. Rametse entered the University of Fort Hare in the Bantustan of Ciskei to study law in 1991. As is well-known, this was one of the first universities, where many South African leaders had studied, Nelson Mandela, Oliver Tambo, Joshua Nkomo, or Julius Nyerere are only a few of the names. This university created a black African elite.... Meeting with Fanny Duckert made him study psychology, in which he excels. He is currently doing his honors in psychology at the University of South Africa (UNISA), aiming for a PhD as soon as possible. [read more]

Hélène Lewis is born in Namibia, currently living in Cape Town, South Africa. She holds a MSc in Clinical Psychology and is a psychologist in private practice. She has a keen interest in Psycho-history, particularly in generational re-enactment within and between groups in South Africa. She has contributed towards the Rhodes Review, writing on racism, and has published a seminal book on the woundedness caused by humiliation and consequent revenge in SA over the past 350 years: Apartheid: Britain's Bastard Child (Cape Town, South Africa: Reach Publishers, 2016). [read more]

Claudia Maffettone is the president of LuX, a consultancy company that provides support to NGOs in the organization and implementation of projects and programs. She has been working in the field of intercultural dialogue with NGOs in the UN System, and in several youth projects of the European Commission and the Council of Europe. [read more]

Marty has been practicing Non-Violent Communication (NVC) since 2002. He completed the year long North American Leadership program, graduate of 2010 NVC Mediation Immersion program, participated in NY Intensive retreats and has taught many NVC Foundations classes, facilitated empathy groups, brought NVC in the form of Collaborative Communication to an Investment Bank as well as facilitating weekly trainings. [read more]

Constance Dawson, Ph.D., Whidbey Island, Washington, had Don Klein as her major advisor of her Ph.D. studies. She has experience as a counselor educator and a therapist specializing in the treatment of attachment disorders, and is an author of two books for parents, one of them written for parents who, themselves, experienced shame-based parenting. This has led to her current interest in how shame/ humiliation is a primary means of control in families. She is writing a book on seven implicit rules that govern interactions in a shame-based system. [read more]

Lena Alhusseini joined the Arab-American Family Support Center as Executive Director in April 2006 after a number of years at the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC), where she served as International Outreach Project Manager on issues of child protection, abduction and child trafficking. Prior to joining NCMEC, Alhusseini worked for the Gateway Battered Women’s Shelter in Denver, Colorado where she developed the Shelter’s children’s program and worked with immigrant populations including Arab-American women and children on issues of domestic violence. [read more]

Deeyah Khan, is a critically acclaimed music producer, composer and Emmy and Peabody award-winning documentary film director, whose work highlights human rights, women’s voices and freedom of expression. Her skill as a multidisciplinary artist led her to use music and film as the language for her social activism. Born in Norway to immigrant parents of Pashtun and Punjabi ancestry. The experience of living between different cultures, both the beauty and the challenges, dominates her artistic vision. [read more]

Jeffrey Warner supports the notion that mass media is perhaps the most powerful human-made force on Planet Earth. Media likewise becomes most useful when used for creating social capital via going beyond just reporting on events, but rather delving into pertinent issues by empathetically including everyone in the communication process. [read more]

Mark Petz is a Mountain Forester that takes an interest in ecological living. He has been involved with community arts work with adults and youth projects throughout Europe. Now his focus is very much on learning, pattern languages and rural renaissance. He participated in the 23rd Annual Conference in Chiang Mai, Thailand, in 2014. [read more]

Mary was one of a 4 member leadership team that formed Eastern Palliative Care, the largest community-based palliative care service in Australia. She has had over 25 years’ involvement with palliative care in Australia in various roles, responsibilities and settings. With a background in nursing (general and midwifery Mercy hospital trained, graduating 0.5marks off top of the state in 1974), Mary has developed a diverse portfolio, now focusing on a public health/health promoting palliative care approach (as per LaTrobe University, Australia). She has completed a Masters in Public Health (MPH, LaTrobe University); two units of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) through the Austin Health and Repatriation Hospital CPE Centres; and a Grad. Cert. in Public Policy (Monash University). [read more]

Michelle is a Holistic Conflict Resolution Consultant and Registered Family Dispute Resolving Practitioner in Sydney, Australia, and author of Conscious Connectivity: Creating Dignity in Conversation (2011). Michelle has been working for over 20 years in the field of conflict resolution. She was one of the first to do post graduate work in Conflict Resolution in Australia and one of the first to have a full time job as a mediator in local government. She has since worked as a mediator and conflict analyst within the government, health area, police force, family practice and non-for-profit organisations. She draws on her work experience, multi disciplinary research, life experiences and her Chassidic community of scholars and literature. [read more]

Carmen Hetaraka is a bearer of traditional oral Maori knowledge (he has studied with five elders who have conveyed their knowledge to him). He works in New Zealand's prisons, bringing Maori culture to the disproportionally many Maori men who are incarcerated. Carmen has a lot to say about the radicalization of culture, particularly of young men.
Carmen was a pillar of the 17th Annual HumanDHS Conference in Dunedin, New Zealand, in 2011. See also the 19th Annual HumanDHS Conference in Oslo, Norway, in 2012, and the video from Adobe Connect of Carmen's presentation. We would be very happy if his valuable cultural knowledge would be given the opportunity, world-wide, to become known more widely. [read more]

Katherine Komaroff Goodman is a founding Principal at ACCORD, a collaborative of conflict management and resolution specialists serving individuals and businesses. Kathy received her M.S. in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution from Columbia University in 2013. Her undergraduate degree is from the University of California, Berkeley, in both art history and psychology. Ms. Goodman is a mediator and received her training from the New York Peace Institute. [read more]

Katherine's earlier careers in education and the performing arts contribute to her work in conflict resolution and restorative practice. She trained as a community and workplace mediator in 1998 at the International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution at Columbia University and at the Institute for Conflict Resolution and Mediation in the Bronx, NYC. She has worked as an independent mediator, trainer and executive coach in the US, the United Kingdom, West Africa and Europe. [read more]

Karen is a pillar of the HumanDHS network since 2009 and co-creates and co-facilitates zoom groups regarding antisemitism. She also volunteers with Riverside Language and Catholic Charities English Conversation programs She works for dignity through deep listening, dialogue and kindness and writes in 2023: "When people experience openhearted, kind listening, it almost always contributes to their feeling more relaxed, valued, and open." [read more]

Denyse Kapelus holds a Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Education. The field of parent education drew her to the vital aspect of support & validation for all caregivers across the spectrum. In 1986 she founded and directed Professional Nannies Institute in New York City and for 27 years she assisted nannies in gaining well paid employment and fair working conditions. [read more]

Elaine Meis, retired, formerly a consultant in the software business working with Silicon Valley startups and other clients on marketing strategy and public relations. She, with her former husband, was a conscientious objector to the Vietnam War. [read more]

Lucienne Despinosse Nicholson was born in a small nation in the Global South, Haiti. She arrived in Brooklyn, New York, in the 70’s as a young teenager where she landed in East Flatbush, the nucleus of the Caribbean diaspora. It was a time of great turmoil for the same reasons that feed the upheavals the United States continue to face as a nation. In time, Lucienne would learn a lot about her new country including how to deconstruct the superficial packaging of the “American Dream” which has, and continues to fuel the hopes and ideals of would-be immigrants near and far. [read more]

Mohammed Abed Abu Esheh is a computer engineer, working with web design and programming... He wrote (17th June 2011): "I want to work to spread peace and resist humiliation. I want to work with you on spreading the ideas of your organization. My dream is that all the world lives in peace. Thanks." [read more]


Steven Beck is fFrom the United States, but currently resides in Göteborg, Sweden. He is a Masters student in “International Museum Studies” at Göteborg University and earned his B.A in History from Mansfield University of Pennsylvania.
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Rahat Imran is currently completing her PhD at Simon Fraser University, British Columbia. Her current topic revolves around activist documentary cinema with a focus on human rights. Her research interests have included human rights issues, women's issues in Muslim countries, Sharia laws and their negative impact on women, the Islamization process in Pakistan, religious extremism/Talibanization and its impact on human rights, particularly on women, feminist/women's autobiography. [read more]


Nora Femenia (Ph.D.) is also a Member in the HumanDHS Research Team.
Nora is a Professor of Conflict Resolution and Consensus Building at the Labor Center in Florida International University, where she teaches courses in conflict management, cross-cultural communication, and organizational conflict systems design, both in English and Spanish. She has done extensive research and writing on the resolution of the Falklands-Malvinas conflict, exploring the emotional roots of war-prone governmental decision-making. [read more]
Dr. Imran Munir is currently associated with the Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Canada. He has extensive experience in media and journalism. His current research interests include religious fundamentalism and its effect on media; social movements; journalism and media in the Muslim world; democracy; resistance; political communication;human rights. Before immigrating to Canada in 1999, he worked as a journalist in Pakistan for over ten years. [read more]

Lars G. Petersson (b. 1951) is a Swedish-born British resident, activist and free-lance writer with special interest in peace, mental health, social justice and human rights. He is the author of a large number of articles and seven books (three titles in three languages): Faneflugt (2004), Deserters (2005), AbuseUK (2010), Musterung (2010), Medical Rape (2010), Hitlers Fahnenflüchtige (2012), and Hitler's Deserters, When Law Merged with Terror (2013). Trained as a nurse – specializing in mental health, social issues and addiction – Lars G Petersson has persistently used his insider knowledge to disclose matters otherwise hidden from public scrutiny. For a number of years Lars G. Petersson also was coordinator for the Danish section of Amnesty International's work against the death penalty. An insider's understanding of the military he acquired as a conscripted soldier (trained as a lowest possible grade fighter plane mechanic) in the Swedish air forces at the time of the cold war. Finally, he has gathered extensive knowledge of German politics and society ever since the early seventies when he worked as a massage therapist in the state of Hesse. Lars is married to Irish Josephine, his staunchest ally, friend and collaborator. [read more]

Hélio Hamarana Dias is an English teacher in Marabá, Pará, Brazil, the Lower Amazon, the beginning of the Amazon forest. He graduated from Centro Universitário de Brasilia - UNICEUB, in Portuguese and English in 1999. Since childhood, he was interested in becoming a bridge to connect the different parts of the world. He began studying English on his own at an early age.
He has three visions of projects. First, he plans to document the changes of the Amazon to the world, how fast these changes happened, and how the population has been displaced without having to leave. [read more]


Chandra Prasad Siwakoti has been working as a lawyer with social issues since 1992. He has been involved in various institutions as a legal consultant. Currently, he is working as a community-based lawyer. His area of specialization is "Human Rights and Gender Justice" in the context of Economic, Social and Development Rights (ESDR). [read more]


Steve Sundberg is the author of Street Logic, a novel about homelessness in the United States. He graduated from Emory University, where in his senior year, as president of the Beta Alhpa Psi international honors business fraternity, he realized that the path of business did not contain the heart and passion that he wanted. [read more]

Linda Cruse is a qualified nurse and a frontline international aid worker and disaster management specialist of 15 years. Linda is also and magician and is the author of Marmalade and Machine Guns, an inspirational speaker, creator of the Emergency Zen thought leadership series and a social entrepreneur. She is a Senior Fellow and Entrepreneur in Residence in the College of Business and Law at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand. [read more]

Ellinor Halle describes herself as follows (on 6th October 2012): During my whole life, I have been a student of life. I have always been interested in talking to people from different backgrounds and different cultures trying to understand their lives, their religion or lack of religion and their culture.
People have expressed themselves very openly to me which over many years has touched me deeply. I remember a story when I was 12 years old. [read more]