Prevent Suicide by Extending Equal Dignity to All

Kenneth Hemmerick, Director and Coordinator

HumanDHS is primarily grounded in academic work. We are independent of any religious or political agenda. However, we wish to bring academic work into "real life." Our research focuses on topics such as dignity (with humiliation as its violation), or, more precisely, on respect for equal dignity for all human beings in the world. This is not only our research topic, but also our core value, in line with Article 1 of the Human Rights Declaration that states that every human being is born with equal dignity (that ought not be humiliated). We agree with Shibley Telhami, Anwar Sadat Professor for Peace and Development, who advocates the building of bridges from academia as follows, "I have always believed that good scholarship can be relevant and consequential for public policy. It is possible to affect public policy without being an advocate; to be passionate about peace without losing analytical rigor; to be moved by what is just while conceding that no one has a monopoly on justice." We would like to add that we believe that good scholarship can be relevant and consequential not only for public policy, but for raising awareness in general.

People who think of suicide, often suffer from feeling humiliated, dehumanized, neglected, and left alone. Kenneth Hemmerick developed A Guide in Human Awareness that offers many helpful thoughts. The world can change when what Kenneth calls "proactive kindness" is applied, both by society at large and by the victim. Often victims are not aware of the power and resources they have and to what extent they indeed are in a position to contribute to changing the world.

When Kenneth put his Suicide Prevention Help site first online, in 1998, he received many letters as there were far fewer suicide prevention sites on the Web as there are today. This has changed today, please see a selection of links further down.

Please see Kenneth's Suicide Prevention Help Global Web Directory.
He launched this website in Spring 2007, coinciding with the Suicide Prevention Week in the Province of Quebec. It includes a Web directory, of thousands of helpful suicide prevention resources from around every region of the world, arranged in 118 categories such as:
• Conferences and Events
• Crisis Centers
• Education
• Feeling Suicidal?
• Government Initiatives
• Groups at Risk
• Guides and Directories
• Helping Someone
• Mental Health Issues
• News
• Organizations
• Personal Testimonies
• Publications
• Research
• Statistics
• Support Groups
• Survivor Support
• Teens and Young Adults
• Training Programs
• Treatment Programs

This resource is designed for people thinking about suicide and those who want to help them, suicide survivors, researchers, students, the helping professions and others. Users can browse by category, or use the search tool to find the information they need.

To date, visitors to the Web site and directory have come from every part of the globe. Please see the site's Blog for the latest listing.

According to the World Health Organization's Suicide Prevention (SUPRE), "more people kill themselves each year than die from wars and murders combined."


Please note that the entire HumanDHS website is maintained by volunteers, since its inception in 2003, and this is mainly done by Evelin Lindner. Until 2012, she usually pasted interesting news into this Links section. From July 2012 until 2017, she tagged interesting information on From 2017 onward, you see Evelin's personal list of interesting web links on Twitter:

"Bullying" - How to Stop It!
Read this guide published by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Blyth-Jex Anti-Bullying Policy, The
Offers a definition, guides in reporting incidents, strategies for dealing with incidents and Recording and the monitoring of bullying.
Bullies 2 Buddies
Dedicated to ending the suffering of victims of teasing and bullying throughout the world.
Bully B'ware
Find stories and articles about bullying. See tips and strategies.
Bully in Sight
Read the review of this book by Tim Field. Learn how to predict, resist, challenge and combat workplace bullying and more.
Bully OnLine - Bullying and Suicide
Browse this resource to understand the relationship between bullying and suicide.
Bully Police
Learn about this watchdog organization, advocating for bullied children.
Join this forum devoted to the issue of bullying. Get emotional support.
Bullying Awareness Network (BAN)
Notes that the purpose of this Ottawa, Ontario, organization is to provide information to help people better understand bullying behavior, the consequences, and how it might be prevented.
Cases of Adults Driven to Suicide by Bullying
Read accounts of where adults were pushed tosuicide as a result of being bullied.
Cases of Children Driven to Suicide by Bullying
View this list of children and young people who have lost their life or been driven to suicide because of bullying at school or bullying during their school years.
For Canada Anti Bullying Activists
Read this letter from Laura Chase, a Winnipeg, Manitoba, mother who son was bullied.
Indepth: Bullying - Sticks, stones and bullies
Read this backgrounder offered by Canada's CBC News.
Offers details about this young boy who was bullied to the point of suicide. Find helpful resources provided.
Keep Schools Safe
Find common questions about bullying and learn what can be done about bullies or being bullied.
Names Do Hurt
Explore this resource on relational girl-girl bullying.
Pacer Center's Kids Against Bullying
Read stories, poems, great idea and more in this resource designed for children, parents and professionals.
Power of One Foundation
Goal of this organization is to stop the aggressive or bullying behavior that can lead to the violence in schools.
Scotch College Junior School - Policies: Bullying
Read the policies implements by this Australian school against bullying.
SMHAI - Bullying and Suicide
Suicide and Mental Health Association International Offers a selection or resources relating to suicide and bullying.
Stop Bullying Now!
Offers a selection of resource devoted this topic important to both children and adults. - Bullying by SMS
Learn about how children and adults can be bullied through text messaging. Bullying and Suicide
Offers an article detailing the serious consequence of bullying. Play the video.
What Children tell us about bullying in schools
Read this article by Dr. Ken Rigby, Adjunct Associate Professor of Social Psychology and an Educational Consultant at the University of South Australia.
What Should Parents and Teachers Know About Bullying?
Discover this guide published by Focus Adolescent Services. Find out who gets bullied. – Humiliation killed our daughter

The Hindu - Death by choice

The American Journal of Psychiatry - A Physician’s Suicide

ASIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION - INDIA: Young man committed suicide after the police torture in West Bengal

NCDHR - Suicide of a Dalit boy due to Humiliation

Suicide Facts - A Chronicle Of Ordinary Suicide In The Middle Age - Ex-cop suffers ultimate humiliation

Commentary: The Tragic Outcome of Police Stress: Police Suicide


Creative Resistance - Moral harassment at work: how to end humiliation! - Debt Trap Or Suicide Trap?

Domestic violence - hidden humiliation


Post - Taunts of neighbours leads to suicide

BBC News - Rape trial suicide prompts review

TimeASIA - Suicide Nation

HIMAL - Bangladesh: Sexual Harassment and the Public Woman – Shame and Psychotherapy

Women’s e-news - Pakistan's Fiery Shame: Women Die in Stove Deaths

University of Sheffield – Centre for the Study of Conflict and Resolution – Deliberate self-harm

Suicide Among Canada's Native People

Aboriginal Youth: A Manual of Promising Suicide Prevention Strategies

La demande d’aide, le soutien social et le rôle masculin chez les hommes qui ont fait une tenative de suicide

Centre for Research and Intervention on Suicide and Euthanasia

Suicide risk in relation to level of urbanicity - a population-based linkage study

Correlating homicide and suicide

Physician Depression and Suicide Prevention Project

Reporting on Suicide – Recommendations for the Media

Prison Suicide: A Special Issue

American Association of Suicidology – About Suicide: Notable Reference in Suicidology

Ten Leading Causes of Death by Age Group - African Americans, 1995, U.S.