Grace Feuerverger, Ph.D.

Life & Work

Grace Feuerverger is also a Member of the HumanDHS Global Advisory Board, and a Member of the HumanDHS Research Team, and HumanDHS Education Team.
Grace Feuerverger was born and raised in her beloved city of Montréal surrounded by a multitude of languages and cultures inside and outside her home. She is professor emerita of education and ethnography at the University of Toronto, and taught courses on language, culture and identity as well as peace education for many years. A child of Holocaust survivors, Grace was educated at McGill University, the Università per Stranieri in Perugia, Italy, the University of California at Berkeley, the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and the University of Toronto.
Grace Feuerverger’s research interests focus on theoretical and practical issues of cultural and linguistic diversity, ethnic identity maintenance, and minority language learning within multicultural educational contexts, as well as on conflict resolution and peacemaking in international settings. Her courses at OISE/University of Toronto and her research projects explored the personal and professional texts of those who live within and between various cultural worlds. She directed a multicultural literacy project in various schools in Toronto where she developed an in-service teacher's guide and video programs. Grace was also Principal Investigator of a large-scale SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada) research study, which focused on the school experiences of immigrant and refugee students in Toronto and Montreal. Although now retired, her heart will always be in the classroom with her students.
She has also been an invited member of the Canadian Commission for UNESCO for many years.
Among her many publications are two award-winning books: Oasis of Dreams (about a cooperative Jewish-Palestinian village in Israel) and Teaching, Learning and Other Miracles (about education as a sacred life journey).
Professor Feuerverger’s award-winning book Oasis of Dreams: Teaching and Learning Peace in a Jewish-Palestinian Village in Israel (New York/London: Routledge/Falmer, 2001) is based on a nine-year study that she carried out as researcher in this extraordinary cooperative village and it is about hope in the midst of deadly conflict. It is a reflexive ethnography focusing on the two bilingual, bicultural educational institutions in this place of peaceful coexistence - an elementary school where Jewish and Arab children study together, and the "School for Peace" which is a conflict resolution outreach program for Israeli and Palestinian adolescents and their teachers.


Publications & Articles

  Feuerverger, Grace (2016)
The Fairy Tale as a Pathway Toward Dignity for Children of War and Other Oppressions, abstract for the 2016 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York City, December 8-9, 2016.
  Feuerverger, Grace (2012)
Auto-Ethnographic Reflections on the Immigrant and Refugee Experience in an Inner-city High School in Toronto
Abstract presented at the 2012 Workshop on Transforming Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York, December 6-7, 2012.
  Feuerverger, Grace (2011)
Acts of “Great Generosity of Spirit”: The Classroom as a Pathway Toward Abundance and Dignity
Abstract presented at the 2011 Workshop on Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York, December 8-9, 2011.

Feuerverger, Grace (2009)
Teaching and Writing Vulnerably: An Auto-Ethnography about Schools as Places of Hope
Presentation held at the 2009 Workshop on Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York, December 10-11, 2009.

  Feuerverger, Grace (2009)
On the Child's Right to Identity, the Best Interests of the Child and Human Dignity
An Excerpt from Chapter Three of Teaching, Learning and Other Miracles (2007, Rotterdam: Sense), “What I learned from my first day of Kindergarten” presented at the 13th Annual Conference of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies "World Peace through Humiliation-Free Global Human Interactions," in Honolulu, Hawaii, August 20 to 23, 2009.

Feuerverger, Grace (2006)
Teaching, Learning and Other Miracles (Rotterdam: SensePublishers) explores teaching and learning in schools as a sacred life journey, a quest toward liberation (see the flyer).

  Feuerverger, Grace (2006)
Building Bridges to Peace and Social Justice: An Emancipatory Discourse in a Jewish-Palestinian Village in Israel
Abstract prepared for the Second International Conference on Multicultural Discourses, 13-15th April 2007, Institute of Discourse and Cultural Studies, & Department of Applied Psychology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, as part of the 9th Annual Meeting of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies.

Feuerverger, Grace (2005)
The "School For Peace": A Conflict Resolution Program in a Jewish-Palestinian Village
Paper prepared for the 2005 Workshop on Humiliation and Violent Conflict, Columbia University, New York, December 15-16, 2005.