You Are Warmly Invited to Join Us!
2021 Workshop on

Toward a New Global Normal:
Dignity Through Solidarity!

Thursday – Saturday, December 9 – 11, 2021
11:00 AM – 3:30 PM (New York time)
Special Bonus Sessions, 3:45 – 4:30 PM, Thursday & Friday

Virtual, Join Us Online!
"As the world balances between what we've been and what we need to be, what's on your mind, in your heart, catching your attention in life: that really matters and matters among us.

Letting the sense in our spirits and hearts surface in talking together is
how paths forward come into view."

— Michael Britton, HumanDHS Board Director

Thanks to everyone who has already registered for our annual workshop!
We look forward to connecting with you soon!

For those who have not yet registered and would still like to participate, please see the following invitation.
We Welcome Your Registration!

Thank you for completing your Appreciative Introduction/Registration. There is no registration fee; however, space is limited.

Since our Zoom space is limited (60 – 100 participants), we encourage you to complete your introduction as soon as possible.
Registration closes December 1, 2021.
Our Collaborative Approach

HumanDHS workshops are co-created and organized to explore mutual concerns while strengthening our relationships as advocates, practitioners, and scholars. If you are new to our community, we warmly invite you to visit last year's workshop webpage to see an example of how we go about hosting this gathering.
World diversity or earth day and international culture as a concept of diversity and crowd cooperation symbol as diverse hands holding together the planet earth.
Many Ways to Participate

This workshop is a highly participatory gathering, and there are many ways to participate, including:

  • Supporters: Everyone is warmly invited to join us as a supporter throughout the workshop by sharing your presence and active listening. This is the most important way to participate. Your presence is a present to all of us!

  • Careholders: We welcome all who would like to be part of our Careholder Team to help with logistics, including welcoming participants, overseeing our electronic connection, photography, reading chat messages, and more. We warmly welcome returning friends to help with these vital leadership roles that make this workshop possible.

  • Pre-Planned Dignilogue Contributors: Again this year, we are organizing Pre-Planned Dignilogues that will act as portals to thoughtful conversations about crucial topics of concern.

  • Connection and Reflection Groups: We welcome everyone to participate in small groups throughout the workshop to help deepen the dialogue in response to all sessions.

Important Note: We invite everyone to think of our gatherings as opportunities to engage in lifelong conversations. We encourage participants to find ways to build enduring relationships and continue collaborating long after our workshops and conferences conclude.
Moments of Music, Movement, Poetry, and Creativity

Every year we look forward to including gifts of creativity during this event.

If you would like to share your talent, we would love to hear from you. We especially encourage contributions of prerecorded music, readings, or activities (2 – 3 minutes) that we can share on Zoom as the workshop unfolds.

Please upload your video contribution here by November 20, 2021.
Conceptual peace and cultural diversity symbol of multiracial hands making a circle together around the world the Earth globe on blue sky background. Elements of this image furnished by NASA.
Co-Creativity/Deepening the Dialogue Bonus Sessions

If you have your own Zoom account and would like to organize and lead an afternoon "Co-Creativity/Deepening the Dialogue Group" on a topic of your interest, we warmly welcome your proposal. These groups will convene immediately following the workshop schedule on Thursday and Friday at 3:45 – 4:30 PM (New York time). Please send us your proposal for a shared activity or a hosted conversation by November 20, 2021.
Welcome to Our Annual Workshop!
We are looking forward to connecting with you soon!

Evelin Lindner, MD, PhDs, Founding President
Linda Hartling, PhD, Director
Uli Spalthoff, PhD, Director of Project Development and Systems Administration 
Michael Britton, EdD, PhD, Board Member 
Richard Slaven, PhD, Director of Dignifunding
Jane Hilken, MA, Publication Advisor
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